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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good for Lilly! those GPS know what to do. JeriLynn, I don't think I've heard the term "laid by" for a long time. Daddy and other farmers used that term when crops were laid by or all the Plowing and tending to the crops was over and it was time to let them grow and produce. I hope you will take a picture of the new kid. Anxiously awaiting the arrival. Bet Lilly is,too.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @JeriLynn66 I love that when I open this thread, I see Spunky's cuteness. Make's my day. My DH's country-girl cousin raised goats and sold milk and cheese at her farmer's market and gave tours for local 4-H and scouts groups. A visit to her place was quite exotic for an east-coast girl like me. Watching goats, I couldn't help to think they all had ADHD-- they sure are "busy" as my dear MIL would say. She taught school for 49 years and has seen a few things.

    I'm chillin' with an IPA before bedtime. DH took a nasty fall as I put his dinner on the table. He got his feet wrapped up in the throw over his ottoman and went right down. It was a mighty thump. He knocked the crap out of himself. It was at least 15 minutes before he could get up. He can bear weight but not well and not for long. He butt-scooted up the stairs and is fast asleep now. He refuses to go to the local ER. LOL, I wasn't looking forward either-- it's respiratory season and very busy on a Friday night. We'd probably not be seen for 10 hours, and both catch something nasty. If he's not very much improved in the am, I'll have DS get him in my car and take him to the orthopedic Urgent Care I use for mom. I'm thinking I need 3 more punches on my loyalty program card to get a free joint replacement of my choice. JK. (@jfkoc that means "just kidding") He just called me from upstairs because he's shivering. It 65F in the house and he's already under a fairly robust 700 fill-power down comforter. I added a doubled over heavy fleece. I'll drop the thermostat to 62, turn on the ceiling fan in order to be able to sleep. Maybe I'll throw on another layer for him.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited January 13

    Ok IPA? Sorry your husband fell. Hope he's okay in the morning. If I remember correctly you all are in he NE, Penn.? How is your weather up there? Are you having the flooding I see on TV?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    IPA is a style of craft ale. India Pale Ale. Tonight's craft version was (for our librarian friends) a Freewill Brewing "Cloudy with a Chance of Charcuterie" NE Style hazy IPA. It's very hoppy and lovely.

    You need to wear your pendant 24/7 except when it's actively charging, DH's fall was in the house away from the eyes of neighbors. That's how d=falls typically happen. You are at least as vulnerable in your home as out in the fields. DH wasn't outside tonight when he got hurt-- he was in the living room not 30 feet away from me. DS and I heard him hit the floor but were he alone our suburban neighbors would not have. My mom used to pull this nonsense--"I'll wear my pendant when I take my walk" --in her 55+ plus community. A fall outside would have attracted a lot of attention. Indoors? Not so much. About 4 years ago she was hospitalized with what was probably COVID but was diagnosed as an URI (@jfkoc upper respiratory infection). Her roommate was a woman who had fallen through her floorboards of her pantry-porch and was trapped. This poor woman wasn't found for 3 days. Her leg was trapped and chewed up by the floorboards and contaminated by her own urine and feces. She was being treated for serious infections- she almost lost one leg. It was not a noble ending.

    DS seems to be sleeping well. I may wake him for another ibuprofen before I go to bed. Poor thing.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    All the same here, cold, windy and a little bit of snow. L

    Made a pot of chicken vegetable soup.

    A few have lost electricity but doesn't look like too many.

    Hope everyone is fairing ok.

    Good morning JoC.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's cold outside and in parts of the house too. I checked and Alexa said it was 20 here wind chill is 9. Only 6 in KC where the Chiefs will play tonight. I do hope the game is televised in our area. I sort of enjoy watching a football game played in the snow. Speaking of snow - our weatherman says we may get from 2-6" of snow. I hope we don't get any. Toad came and gave the heifers one bale of hay. Maybe they plan to feed more later today. One bale isn't enough. I imagine the edges of the pond are frozen but It looks like the water in the middle of the big pond is open and filled with ducks or geese. I heard it's been so mild up north many of the geese haven't gone south. Bet they are now. Jo, if you're reading, let us know how you are. Just say "hi"

    Sara, I made the ramen soup yesterday two pkgs. Of Ramen cooked in four cups of watrer. When it's almost done I add a small can of cream of something soup and finish cooking. Usually I add almost one or one packet of seasoning. It's nice and thick. Probably will need to add a little milk to it today.

    HB, I'm doing better about wearing my pendant but not always in the house. If I fell or something, no one would have any idea what happened. Kind of got in the habit of going out on the porch and waving at Toad but that's every other day. Darwin calls occasionally but beyond those two things I'm on my own.

    What a terrible time that woman went through. Feel so bad for her. Something similar happened to our bachelor neighbir. He fell getting ready for Church on Sunday. He called us on Tuesday or Wednesday. Said it took him that long to get to his phone in another room. We hurried over and Charles had to break the door glass to get in. Called an ambulance and got him to the hosputal. He had broken his hip and passed away two days later. Sad thing was he had ordered some kind of alert and had called to see if we would be okay to notify but he never got it set up. If only he had things might have been different. Darwin is the person who would be notified if I didn't answer. Twice when I've been in town something hit against mine and I didn't hear it. They did call him. You never know what might happen.

    I'll be back later

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    COLD, but sunny. Great grandson Ryan is here this afternoon while his Mom and sister have “girls day”.

    I made a banana bread and it turned out beautifully. Letting my pork roast sit for stew tomorrow.I’ll put it on before church. Beef pot roast and veggies are for dinner with corn on the cob. Since DH is sorta dieting probably won’t make any desserts until Monday so I have something for the Shop.

    Started moving stuff around in my home office and sorting papers. Yuk. I’m ready for Spring..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    That's two votes for Spring. Went out and fed the birds and broke ice on the south water tank. Several girls were wanting a drink. Hooked up the water to fill i t. I need to go out and start car and PU and let them run a building bit. Google says in. Zero weather this should be done daily unless they're in a heated garage.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    11 degrees and earthquakes!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Did you feel the earthquakes, Judith?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Yep! I thought someone had clopped onto my bed which meant someone had broken in. I was frightened for a moment. Checked the alarm system then went right back to sleep.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    My 92 year old neighbor has fallen in the bathtub. Her alert system has a fall sensor in the bathroom so she doesn't even have to push a button. She doesn't wear her pendant.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Judith, you know I'm sure that Oklahoma has more earthquakes than California. Several years ago I felt one and it cracked the wall above one of the windows. I think most of them are in the central part of the State where there are/were more oil wells and fracking.

    Iris, is your neighbor all right? Falls in the bathtub are a terrible thing. I try to be very cautious when I get in and out. My pendant has a fall detection. I have fallen in the snow or mud a couple of times and it went off.

    I just came in for my last trip outside. Went out earlier and cut ice on one water tank and filled it. A while ago I went out and checked the barn to see that no one was in there, in trouble. Then cut the ice on that tank and started the car and PU and went to the mailbox. Car started right off but the PU (diesel) had more trouble but it did start. I let it run at least 20 minutes and car, maybe 10. I couldn't get the door open on the PU - brought back memories of winter of 2021 when I was still feeding. The weather was very cold and I couldn't get the PU door open so had to use a crowbar. It sort of scratched the side of the PU by the door but I had to get in to feed the girls. Had to use it again this time. Somehow the moisture gets in and freezes and won't let it open.

    It is stinkin' cold out there and tonight it's going even lower and even lower tomorrow night. I think there's three more days of this before we get above freezing on Wednesday. Sometime we're supposed to get snow - Sunday or Monday, I think. Wish we'd miss that. Darwin no longer has a tractor to break out roads but they'll be coming to feed so the trucks will do it if it's not too deep.

    Everyone, stay in and try to stay warm. My fingers were hurting by the time I got back inside and I had on warm gloves. Doesn't take long to get frostbite. I'll see you all tomorrow. Be careful.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    thinking of you all in the cold. Our temps here are between 85 and 100 each day. Think of me, and stay warm! Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Bsrbara, glad to see your post. We'll gladly share with you. Are you doing all tight?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, my neighbor is hanging in. She is frail. She became bedridden after two big falls in December 2022, but she refused medical exam and physical therapy. She can get up to eat at the table and to use the bathroom and to wash up, but mostly she is in bed. She does not have dementia. She has a woman come every morning to fix her meals, to walk the dog and to clean up a but. I have posted about her and gotten many good suggestions. The best one was to leave her decisions to between her and her friend, who is her POA. She is determined to die in her home. That may or may not happen, depending upon how things play out.

    When I lived in Alaska, I didn't lock my car doors or my house doors, because I was afraid they might freeze, and I would be stuck outdoors in the cold. There was some spray available to keep locks from freezing, but I never used that.

    Apparently there are earthquakes every day in CA. This is what I have been told. We don't feel the vast majority because they are of low magnitude. I read about the earthquakes in OK, due to fracking.

    Where I live used to be covered in oil wells. The oil wells pushed out the sheep ranches. Then the need for housing got rid of many oil wells on land. We still have off-shore oil wells. My city used to receive a sizeable portion of Municipal income from taxes on oil revenues. But now, the environmentalists want to divorce the city from oil revenues. Going all-electric is a big goal here. In fact, our governor has decreed to end the sale of new gasoline automobiles by 2030 or 2035 (I don't remember which year) for the entire state.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    TemP is 3 degrees, wind chill minus 10, cloudy snd.not much wind now. Miserable night until about 5. Some.of the girls are in the garden wanting water probably. Will go out and cut the ice and get them some water if possible. Hope everyone made the night okay. Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Hi Barbara

    3 here this morning too with -16 windchill. I pushed off my drive. We didn’t get very much snow but the wind caused some drifting. Helped the neighbor man finish his up. Then i went and checked on mom. The roads were pretty slick going. Coming back though the sun had come out and they were a bit better. The temperature was down to 1 though.

    take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again. It's warmed up to 4 degrees!!

    I need to practice what I preach. Some of the girls were in the garden and I knew the water in the tank was frozen. So got some warm water, hose and ax and went out. Didn't need to run water but the tank was frozen.

    Took the ax through the gate and started to the water tank. Ground is frozen and rough where they have walked and somehow lost my footing and fell to the left on the outside of my left ankle. Managed to get up and got the ice cut and got back in the house.

    I was able to walk pretty well so not broken and, hopefully not sprained too much because I can walk on it pretty well. Got my boot off and it's really puffed up. Put frozen peas on it for about 20 minutes. It's sore but I'll put the peas on it today.

    I was down before I knew it - just the frozen, rough ground and not paying attention. I had my phone and pendant but the fall detector didn't go off. Will check on that tomorrow. Pressed the button and got a reply so the rest does work. So, be careful. Stay inside if you can.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Lorita I was just going to check on you and read that you've had a fall. My goodness, that has to have scared you. I'm so glad you weren't hurt badly. I'd take some Tylenol now and throughout the day to help with soreness you'll feel. (That is if you can take them.) For the tanks near the house, do you not have a de-icer? Or is it too far from an electric plug? I'm glad you had you phone and pendant on - good girl.

    It's 12 here, wind chill of -13! DH looked at the thermometer, back at me then said "ridiculous, simply ridiculous." I open the door for the puppy to go out, she ran out about 7 steps, slammed on her brakes and dashed back in the house in one move!! I finally got her out, she wasn't happy about it. (She has on a tee shirt & a sweater)

    I made a big pot of Lasagna Soup yesterday, that's turned into one of our favorites. I think I'll do corned beef this afternoon. We like the leftover's of both these meals!!

    Please be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks for the suggestion,HB. It's hurting some now so will take acetaminophen. Toad just came and, I guess, cut ice for the heifers. I think I heard ours bawling. Both tanks are too from. Electricity for heaters. It's beginning to snow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, please be careful, you know none of us are spring chickens anymore.

    Cold here for our Louisiana weather. Went to Sunday School but not church service. Lou's sitter is about 20 minutes north of us and I noticed a little drizzle that could be changing to freezing rain, so I went home where she can go.

    Stay safe everyone!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what footwear do you wear? I read there are chains that can be put on boots, sort of like mini car chains, to give added traction. If I were you, I would carry a whistle or better yet, an air horn, since you are far away from everyone. Do you wear a red or orange jacket for visibility in the snow?

    Keep your ankle elevated as much as possible. Feel better soon!

    Ron, I like the forecast. I'll be in Louisiana next month, but not for Mardi Gras.

    You cold weather people, stay warm!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, so sorry you fell! Good you had your pendant and phone. Glad you were not hurt any worse than you were but sorry it happened at all.

    From what I've read of the posts, it sounds like it is cold lots of places. Brrrrrr! Stay safe, everyone. It is subzero here and we have about 18" of snow on the ground. The good news is, the wind stopped blowing it around. Many churches cancelled services today. We are fortunate we have nowhere we need to go, other than me taking the dog out a few times a day. I feel grateful that we have electricity, warmth, water, shelter and food. We shall get through this.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I read something very interesting about weather in the newspaper. The coldest month for California and the western states is December, but the coldest months for the rest of the country are January and February. This is due to Arctic air coming down from Canada. I never knew this, but it correlates with what I know from Alaska, because our coldest times were from mid-January through February.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, no spring g chicken for sure-just a tough old hen. Glad you got to go to Church today.

    It started snowing here about noon and snowed s few hours: everything is covered but just at sunset I could see the sun. It's one degree now but not much wind. I think tihe high was four. Girls are in the barn best I could tell.

    Iris, I have several pairs of things that fit over your shoes for when it's slick and they really work. This morning if was dry. I just caught mg heel on a rough cowtrack. Lucky the ax went the other way. Could have been much worse. The nearest neighbor is a quarter mile away and he couldn't hear any thing. If so,he'd think it was someone calling cattle. I had my pendant and phone but I was able to get up and cut the ice.

    I've iced the ankle and wrapped it and did keep it elevated. Walked as little as possible and most of the swelling is gone.

    Iris, January is our coldest month. Many years ago we could count on really snowy and icy weather between Christmas and first of the year. I always took leave that week. Now, it's changed and it could happen anytime. This is like the weather in February 2021 but we had 11 1/2 days below freezing that year. That winter is what caused Darwin and I to sell our cows and lease.

    I hope all of you are staying safe. Beth, weather in Iowa looks really bad. Glad you can stay in. Stormy and Sheena enjoyed staying out a while. Sound asleep now. Have a good evening. I'm going to go to bed soon and catch up on the sleep I lost. See you all tomorrow. Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, should I keep my ankle wrapped while I sleep?

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    The wind has finely stop blowing. It's 12 degrees and snowing - coming straight down. I could watch it all night.

    Be safe everyone. They have already put us on notice for using electricity for the next 2 days. It's ridiculous they lie to us saying the power grid can handle anything and the first really cold snap we are on notice to loose power. I could say so much more, but think its best I go back to watching to snow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, if you are still awake, try to keep your ankle wrapped and elevated during the night.

    I don't recall the year or the month, but there was one day when the temperature in Fairbanks was higher than the temperature in Miami. The temp was 44 degrees in Fairbanks but 43 degrees in Miami!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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