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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Bluebird, I agree with Ron. A small ceremony and a reception as large as they want would keep the stress down for her Father. Planning a wedding is stressful enough without worrying that her Dad might leave.

    Lorita, Apollo is a draft horse, as large as the Budweiser horses. Chaos is a regular size horse. The rooster is Petunia!

    Ron I hope you get the answers you’re looking for from your gastroenterologist.

    Have a good night.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Bluebird, I agree with Sandy and Ron. Never planned a wedding but it must be stressful and would be for your husband to go through a big one.

    Good luck on your doctor's visit, Ron.

    Good night everyone, sleep tight and don't let the BBB.

  • Mimi50
    Mimi50 Member Posts: 139
    100 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Hello to all my porch friends. I got back this afternoon from my Nanny job. Before my husband was diagnosed I was Nanny for my baby sisters kids. Ashley is 42 years old and I am going to be 51 the 18th of this month. I also have two little brothers. Ashley is the youngest. We are getting really bad snow storm tonight in the Chicago area. My DH has doctors appointment at the VA clinic tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too bad. Tomorrow I will do my meal planning for the month. I need to have the rest of my teeth pulled. So I see the dentist Thursday. To start the process. I hope all of you are doing well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, HB and Lorita, thanks for those egg techniques. I will try these methods later, since I just had my oatmeal breakfast. Ron, Lou's breakfast looks delicious! Perhaps I should come over for breakfast with Eaglemom.


    I wrote this earlier and clicked "post comment" but it did not post. :(

    I didn't get a chance to boil any eggs because I did laundry and my back hurts. I don't have my own washer, I use the complex's laundry room.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth thinking of you and all others being affected by storm. Hope all get through it ok.

    Lorita did you get a pot of soup made? How is the arm this morning?

    Enjoyed the pictures Sandy.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou.

    Bluebird your daughter sounds kind and thoughtful. My thoughts are kind of on the line of Ron’s .

    The PicoDeGallo was good i thought. Reminded me of Goulash with potatoes instead of pasta, and Mexican spices. If anybody would like to try it will gladly share recipe.

    Take care everyone

  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 44
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    Iris I bought a DASH rapid egg cooker. It cooks eggs in about 5 minutes. The eggs are always perfectly cooked and peel easily. No more green eggs. It’s one of the few appliances I use all the time.

    Mimi glad everything went well with your Nanny Job.

    Ron my husband’s cousin was a head surgical nurse in Vietnam. She had health issues most of her life from exposure to Agent Orange. She died about 15 years ago from that exposure. Obviously it destroyed her life.

    Loretta how is your arm? As we get older things don’t heal as quickly and I’ve been thinking about you.

    Yesterday I made Ravioli lasagna for dinner. It was very good and super easy to make. Today it’s supposed to snow so going to make the Taco soup I never out around to making the other day. Since I’m stuck inside I might also make some rolls to go with it.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Let me just say this about the wedding - what a sweet and tender daughter in wanting to make certain her dad is comfortable in the situation. That just makes my heart happy - she's thinking of her dad & how he'd be most comfortable. Since you know that crowd's make him uncomfortable, I'm thinking small wedding. Great job raising a caring daughter.

    We had quite the wind storm yesterday and last night. Winds up to 60 mph. I think every leaf in TX is now on my patio or in my backyard! It's still blowing so no sense in trying to bag them up yet. Just hearing the wind blow is making me cold. Time to dress & get ready for our morning dementia Zoom meeting. More later.

    Be safe.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Sara and Bluebird for asking about my arm. It's sore this morning - maybe that means it's healing - sort of pulls when I move it. I put a thin layer of Neosporin on it this morning and bandaged it but took the bandage off so the ointment could stay on. I think of something I saw on an old western many years ago - they skinned someone and made a lampshade out of the skin. Isn't that awful?

    It's cold here this morning - noisy outside because girls are waiting for their feed. We didn't get any snow here but it's a mess in Tulsa. Lots of accidents. They had some rain, then a little bit of snow on top of the ice. It's barely freezing or just below now. I just saw the weather and it said Monday morning it's supposed to be zero. I don't remember it being that cold in several years. I do remember one year when we had lots of ice and snow on and Charles was recovering from pneumonia so he couldn't get out and feed the girls. I brought the bales of hay around - at that time we fed just south of the house and I saw him looking out of the window watching. How bad he felt that he couldn't be out doing it himself.

    The girls have been in the barn last night and are coming out now looking for their feed and hay. I do hate that they will have to go a quarter mile to get to it when they come. I know there's some of them that don't get the feed - but they do get hay. When we fed we fed just south of the house - we used a tractor and it wasn't too bad that way. They use big flatbed trucks and would really tear up the ground when it's muddy. Where they feed is higher and drier. Guess it's okay. If I could I'd bring all them in the house when it's cold.

    Time for juice - I'll write more later. You all stay in and stay warm and safe. Sara, I didn't get the soup made. I'm going to steam vegetables today and make the soup, probably Friday when it gets cold.

    Something just happened. I used bold but touched some key and the bold went away. Sorry.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited January 9

    7" of snow so far in central Iowa and still coming down. Below, comparison of my garden in spring, summer, fall and winter (today). This is the eastern 1/3 of my garden. There is much more!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    We're supposed to get rain later. The ground here is pretty saturated, so with the expected winds things could get tricky with power outages. We're set with back-up for our sump pump, but every 5-10 years rain falls so quickly it can't keep up and I do get puddles. Having been through real floods-- like 3' of raging water through your second floor-- picking up cardboard boxes that have been left right on the floor seems easy enough.

    We had mom over for homemade pizza last night. I don't know if it's been a while, but it seemed exceptionally tasty. DS had a classic pepperoni. The three of us shared a gorgonzola and walnut pie and a white pie with full fat mozzarella, chunks of San Marzanos, sautéed baby portabellas and sauteed baby spinach with olive oil and plenty of garlic. I guess I am now Marked Safe ✔️ From Vampires now. DS was feeling under the weather, so I had to drive mom home which meant I didn't get to split any of the lovely Rioja she brought.

    I have one more tree to get down. It's the big one. Perhaps today's the day. DS wants to go out for Indian food tonight. It'll be a drive because our local place is closed. The owners are going to India for a couple months to adopt a couple of young sisters. They're lovely people. DS likes them for takeout as they typically slip something extra into the bag for you. Lately it's been samosas.


    Best wishes on your daughter's happy news. I imagine there are plenty of ways to have the best of both worlds here. It's lovely that she's putting dad top of mind, but she has to realize that her husband may have family that are as important to him as witnesses too. It's a balancing act and good practice for having a successful relationship.

    I've seen this done a few different ways. A big part will depend on knowing what your DH's limits are when the marriage takes place. Another piece will depend on what your DD's definition of "wedding" is and if she understands clearly that the dad she wants at the wedding may not be as capable as the man who raised her. Does she see him often? Has she seen him recently? Does he attend outings like church or meals out to give you a sense of how he'd react?

    One friend of mine's mom was too far along in her dementia to have been comfortable and reliably behaved to attend and it was important to the bride that her siblings could celebrate with her rather than try to keep mom calm. It was important to the bride and groom that his children were included and comfortable there as they were a part of the new family being created. At the end of the day, they had a lovely ceremony and reception at a hotel. The next day, they went to the MCF and had a blessing done by the chaplain associated with her hospice at the MCF with cake and cookies in the early afternoon when mom was at her best. Mom seemed to enjoy it. They kept the guest list to just her sibs (11 people btw) and family and had another cake to share. Mom had a corsage. The pictures were really nice and her mom loved to show them off.

    Another friend did a smaller at home wedding in his mom's backyard with the parents and siblings families. They did a catered meal there and mom's regular HHA took her back into the house when things overwhelmed her. She did enjoy the short ceremony and seeing family. They had a huge blowout reception in their own hometown on the 1st anniversary. That was mostly their friends and some of his local relatives.

    My niece had a COVID era micro-wedding. I was upset that her plan was to have a friend marry them in their backyard with a couple neighbors acting as witnesses. I was honest that I wasn't happy to not be there; we're very close-- I was her replacement mom after her mom died. She lived with me for years, I bought her $$$ first wedding gown and even paid for her divorce which was money well spent. She changed her plans to include his mom and dad (divorced and barely cordial), her dad (who is just a horrible individual but she couldn't have me without him), her friend/officiant/professional photographer, mom, my husband and me at a local historic garden. I talked her into a short wedding dress (which I made in 4 days) with a vintage feel and flowers. The groom got a new suit. My BFF made custom decorated cookies. That night they booked a table at the best restaurant in the city. In its own way, it was nicer than her very fun and festive first wedding at the upscale historic riverfront inn. They planned to have a big reception for "when COVID is over" but after catching COVID at a friend's wedding they've never pulled the trigger.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

    Beth, the pictures are beautiful. Looks like a lot of snow to me. I think it's fun to see the same area in different seasons. We had a huge, hackberry tree down behind the barn (my favorite tree on the farm) that I took pictures of in each season. I'm sure that tree must have been at least 100 years old. I enlarged, and framed them and hung them in what used to be the front bedroom, then a sort of office - now kind of a place to put things until I find a better place. I look at them every time I go in there and am so glad I took them. As the tree got older it lost limbs to wind and/or ice. This past year the last big limb fell off - now there's only the trunk. Makes me sad every time I see it. I always told Sarah that when that tree went, I'd go, too. She hated for me to say that. Guess I made it through the year - we'll see how it goes.

    HB, sounds like you've really had your share of weddings. I've only been to two weddings in my life (one was mine). Lots of good memories there for you.

    Well, no steamed vegetables for me today. They're the ones I picked up at WM , sometime last month. They've gone bad - did save a few stalks of celery to go in the soup - carrots are okay but the beautiful head of cauliflower and two big crowns of broccoli were too far gone. I cut them up and threw them out in the back yard - may be the birds or squirrels will eat them. So, I'm cooking some tiny shell pasta and will add some cheese to that. It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow and Thursday, then the bottom falls out so it will be soup of some kind those cold days.

    I so dread that cold weather. I have an electric heater in the front bedroom that I need to get out and see if it works. I have a small one in the bathroom that sort of takes the chill off the bedroom and bathroom - cats love it and they stay in there most of the day. I bought one last year that I keep in the LR at night. Never have figured out that thing and I think I've lost the instruction booklet.

    Iris, I still have on my gown and robe but have my thermal bottoms and a pair of soft flannel-like pants on. See no reason to change. Toad saw the cattle today but if it warms up some I may go out later this afternoon and see them and go to the mailbox.

    Do you all get a lot of phone calls from numbers you don't recognize? I've already gotten three in the last hour. I don't answer calls from a number I don't now and I keep blocking numbers but more appear. How do they get cell phone numbers anyway?

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Beth, I can feel the cold in that winter picture brrrrrrrr. Beautiful garden.

    Lorita, be careful with those space heaters. I've always been afraid to use them; good thing we have central a/c and heat here in Florida. Very windy here today with temps in low 80's. Doesn't feel that hot outside since it is overcast and windy. Haven't needed winter clothes yet this year. I mostly live in tennis clothes or leggings. Prior to LO's stroke and dementia I played tennis 4-5 days a week, really miss it.

    They are almost done re-roofing my house. Old roof was leaking and it was time to get a new one $$$$ Yikes! Then yesterday my dryer stopped heating. I do some type of laundry daily and really need my dryer. Got estimate to repair for $425! If I replace with new one comparable to what I have, it costs around $1k - guess I'll get it fixed. Never ends!

    Sara, love me some pico de gallo. My grandaughter's nanny makes a yummy one. Would love your recipe.

    Ron, that's quite a nice breakfast spread. Hi to all and hope your day is going well xo

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Beth...after reading your post and see the pic, I called my friend who is driving home from Madeline Island. She is stuck in DesMoines for at least one more night.

    My grandaughter had a backyard wedding with only grandparents, parents and siblings. I was ever so wonderful. 11 people total. Then we went out for dinner. You could have a reception after instead but if you do that have someone at the ready to take your husband home when he wants to go home.

    Dick and I were married in the living room with mainly family. Then a few friends joined us for cake. It was perfect.

    Hey. Did anyone wee the Golden Wedding on the Golden Bachelor? Not a program I watched but stumbled onto it. The bride, a widow, was in her 60s and wore a white dress and vail. Too much. She looked ridiculous.

    Cold out but going to get really cold soon.

    New training starts for the O'Keefee exhibit which we will have for 5 months. Honestly, this is one fine museum. Best in the state and in Texas. I am lucky to be a part of it!


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, you may be able to find the operating manual for the space heater on-line. Search the brand and model and it may come up.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth stay safe. Snow is pretty before it gets dirty. Your garden is always beautiful.

    Lorita I’ve found a lot of manuals for my things on line. Maybe Toad or Mike could help you figure it out.

    Caro_lynne here is Pico De Gallo recipe

    1#hamburger, 1/2C diced onions, green bell pepper diced,2C diced potatoes

    4 cloves garlic, 8 oz tomato sauce, 11/2C beef broth, 1t salt

    1/4t pepper. 1t cumin, 1t coriander, 1bay leaf

    Fry beef til mostly brown, drain and return to heat. Add onion, pepper and potatoes. Cook on medium until onion and peppers soften. Add garlic and cook 30 seconds. Pour in tomato sauce and beef broth. Add seasoning, stir to combine and add bay leaf. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook 10 minutes. Remove lid and cook 10 minutes more or til potatoes soft. Serve with tortillas and rice.

    Enjoyed this and was good second day also. Noticed in comments some like it soupier while others preferred less soupy and liked to eat it in a tortilla

    Hi JoC and Joan

    Take Care Everyone


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I may have put the manual where I keep others. If not, I'll check on line. The heaters I have are soft heat- no red wires or flames. We've used the same brand for years but they went out of business.

    Went to the mailbox and checked the heifers. Toad had moved the hayrings to a place that would be sheltered from the north wind so am glad of that. Checked the barn and took the GPs for a little walk. Sheena is really looking forward to them.

    Sara, the recipe sounds good. I thought you had made the salsa we call pico de gallo . I think it has tomatoes, onions and peppers and is hot. Also cilantro which I don't like too much.

    I've been feeding the birds and I put our big sunflower seeds and some peanuts for the squirrels. I think they're still eating black walnuts. No idea how they crack them.

    Judith, didn't see the wedding. Never watched the Golden Bachelor. Will you guide tours the whole five months?

    Guess I better start the car tomorrow. Drove the pickup to the mailbox and it was muddy. Do you all have on- star on your car? Rest well tonight. My arm feels better tonight

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I can certainly understand why travelers are "stuck" overnight in Des Moines. Lots of snow, state wide. It snowed all last night and we had persons doing snow removal at 3:00 a.m. (!!!), 6:30 a.m. (me, shoveling sidewalk, porch and area for dog), 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and a little fine tuning in late afternoon. Thankfully it has stopped snowing now. But it was wet, heavy and slushy when it melted and now it's become ice in areas...the only place we are going, is just to take the dog out...maybe tomorrow will be better...pretty sure the roads will be pretty good tomorrow however sidewalks can be quite icy. We shall be in the deep freeze next week, sub zero temps.

    Lorita, glad you got your new car! Hope Sheena can be persuaded to get in and that you will really enjoy it.

    Thanks for the comments on my garden. It's a happy place for me, although not much going on there in winter! ha!

    Stay safe in winter weather.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited January 10

    Sorry don’t know how i got so messed up in the name of the recipe. I like pico de gallo too. This is called Picadillo or picadillo con papas. I had it right on the recipe but wrong in my head. I fixed it to the right name. Sorry Caro_Lynne.

    Be careful Beth, just lots of slush and wind here so far.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Sayra whatever you call it, it sounds really good. I bet it would also be nice with some cilantro rice, black beans and a little cheese tucked into a burrito.

    @Lorita Only two weddings? Gosh, I had 2 of my own and have participated in quite a few. These days I often sew for weddings-- sometimes an encore bride (second timer), sometimes one of the mothers and I've done a few sets of bridesmaids. This usually happens when the person is having trouble threading the needle between special enough, bridal feeling and appropriate enough to be comfortable. @jfkoc I'm with you on the Golden Batchelor wedding ensemble-- Oof. As my dad used to say mutton dressed as lamb. I try to be body positive and avoid being agist but that was NMS. I don't object to the white-- I generally do my 2x brides in some kind of white. I felt like that dress was for a woman half her age. These days I think of white as a blank first page in a journal or a freshly stretched canvas-- symbolic of a new beginning. Veils? For me it's a bridge too far if you're an older model or higher mileage.

    The storm is just about done here. Most of the heavy rain has moved off but it's still windy with 30mph gusts. The winds have calmed a bit and shifted from the south so temperatures will fall through the day. The lights flickered all day yesterday and we finally lost power around 10pm and just went to bed. It's back now but I forgot to re-set my tricky tea kettle and had to throw out the first pot of the day. It was undrinkable-- tepid and weak. Once I wake up, I'll reset the appliance clocks. My new range is fairly intuitive which is great because it didn't come with a owner's manual-- it's online. You can get there from a QR code on the installation sheet. I accidently locked my oven controls a few weeks ago and had to scramble to google the user manual to unlock it. It's still better than running up to my closet and shuffling through a file cabinet looking for it.

    I never did get to the big tree, Maybe today. I'm thinking breakfast-for-dinner.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I love the colors and shapes of winter. Monet painted a lot of winter scenes like the one below.

    Lorita...I tour 365. People call in to book a tour and then the docents sign up for the ones they want to lead. Today I have a group from OK DHS. They work in children's court and signed up as a team building exercise. It will be interesting. We, docents, contact a lead person before a tour in order to gear their experience. Yes, that means I must be prepared to discuss anything/everything on display. Every tour is different!

    No,I do not have onstar. It is a GM thing. Never owned a GM car.

    HB...what is NMS?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    edited January 10


    Not My Style

    That's one of my favorite artists.

    The New Hope School group painted near me. Our tiny art museum has a number of Redfields that remind me of Monet's work. It's especially enjoyable as many of the landscapes are familiar to me near scout camp and where my son works.

    I love doing a private docent tour. You get to see things in more context than touring alone.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Sunny and windy here today and this is supposed to be the best day for the next several. Highs in the teens next week. YUK

    Boogie the Nanny Goat is expecting! So those newly built barn and stalls will be put to use soon. I so hope she only has one. Twins are hard on a first time Mama. Even though the barn is open to them and the dogs, everybody just hangs out in the pasture in this weather! But in the stall she goes... whether she likes it or not. It will be interesting to see if Lilly the GP (great pyrenees or goat protector - whichever) will stay in the barn with Boogie. I hope so.

    We're have lasagna today, home-made and brought to the Shop by one of our longtime customers. Whenever I cook a big meal for work, I usually call her to come either pick up or eat with us. So, I'm looking forward to tasting her lasagna.

    Well, it's time to get lunch on the table for the menfolk and a guest from one of the Parts stores. Have a great day and stay warm!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Sunny, cool and windy here today. Tomorrow may be up to 60, then down from there. It can get really cold here. I remember the first year I worked at the VA I was standing by the window looking out and the radio was on and it said it was zero. Much younger then and didn't notice it so much. I'm already wishing it was springtime.

    Pretty pictures - but hope it doesn't look so snowy around here. Our Panhandle had awful, snowy weather yesterday with people stranded.

    Judith, years ago some of us we went to a well-known museum in Tulsa and looked at all the paintings. The one that sticks in my mind is called "Mother Earth". It was a landscape with rolling hills - the hills were the bosom of Mother Earth, I suppose. Have you ever seen that one? or the one that was a meadow of big, round bales of hay and over each one was the image of a buffalo? I'm not an artsy person to say the least but those are two that I do remember.

    The mailcarrier just brought my mail - had a pkg. from QVC that wouldn't fit in the mailbox. It was something called a "Broomie" - it's a broom that isn't made of straw but a straight edge made of silicone? not sure about that. It's supposed to pick up hair and dust and not scatter it around - I think it's sort of magnetized - we shall see.

    Since it's going to be so dratted cold the next few days I happened to wonder if they made sure there was enough antifreeze in the car. So called the salesman and was assured it was fine. Surely hope so. Wish I could get it in the carport - it has three stalls - one for the Gator, another for the Tractor and the third I can get the PU in about halfway. I think it's probably more important to have the PU inside out of the wind, if possible. It really starts better since it has two new batteries.

    JeriLynn, do goats have as much trouble having their little ones as I hear sheep do? Glad you got the barn and stalls fixed just in time for Boogie's new baby. I think kids are so cute - wish I could have one or two. There used to be a gas station in the little town north of us that we'd pass on the way to Tulsa where we'd stop occasionally. There was a pen by the station that had several baby goats in it and it was so much fun to watch them play - jumping on top of things and each other, etc. Looks like they have so much fun.

    I worry about the heifers - I think there's two or three who haven't calved and maybe one or two of ours that haven't. Always bad to have new babies in such cold weather. I can keep water out for our girls but they'll have to cut the ice for the heifers - I'm not able to do that anymore.

    Maybe your GP will stay in with her if he's out of the weather. I know our GPs love the snow - can't stand the heat though.

    Judith, you mentioned not liking abbreviations - when I first started at the VA I was to be a medical secretary. There are so many abbreviations used in medicine. Took a while to learn them and I still remember most of them even after being retired 29 years. Goodness, doesn't seem like it was that long ago. Time flies.

    JeriLynn, enjoy the lasagna. Charles was a very good cook and he made them often. I enjoy anything with pasta.

    Guess I better stop and get that stove out and see if it still works. My arm is sore today - guess it'll take a while to heal.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited January 10

    The painting is Mother Earth Laid Bare by Alexandre Hogue

    "Perhaps the grimmest and most accusatory painting is Mother Earth Laid Bare (1938, Philbrook Museum of Art Museum, Tulsa), in which overproduction of the land and disregard for the forces of nature are clearly presented as acts of desecration."

    Hay Bales ll, the work you may be thinking of, is also owned by the Philbrook.

    The Philbrook was the home of Waite Phillips. It was built @1920 and named Villa Philbrook. The home and property are beautiful.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Sayra, when I read the ingredients to the recipe I thought to myself, never heard of pico de gallo with ground beef, that sounds like picadillo recipe LOL. My boys loved when I made picadillo and is still one of their favorites. HB, I serve with rice and black beans. Lots of cilantro and garlic too.

    Jerilynn, how exciting to have a baby goat! How long does mama gestate? Can't wait to see pictures.

    Lorita, I bought a broom like that from Amazon and love it. Had to get used to sweeping with it since the silicone feels different when sweeping wood floor. I use an EyeVac when sweeping so I don't have to use dust pan.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Caro Lynne, the Mama can kid about every 5 months. We try to NOT have them kid that often. My husband gets a little impatient with me because I worry about them out in the cold... I'm like Lorita, I'd bring them all in the house if he would let me... lol.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, my fall wasn't because I had just gotten up, but I am one of those people who have to count to 10 before I get up because I have had times when I've gotten up and lost balance (usually if I have a sinus thing or an ear thing brewing).

    I had my LAST orthopedic visit this morning and the doctor says I am healed (a month early) and I can walk without the brace and full weightbearing as tolerated. I have a cane from when I had my hysterectomy to come up the stairs with and I am using that outside - the ground is uneven and at times sleet on the ground. I will bring the cane with me when I go to the store to walk to and from the car and I can hang it on the cart while I'm inside. I'm doing my own PT from YouTube and my knee is very stiff. When I get it looser I will get back on my exercise bike and pedal with no resistance at first, then progress when I feel ready to using some resistance as my knee and muscles get stronger.

    Sorry to hear about Sarah - when I did transcription I used to type letters to patients terminating the patient's relationship with the doctor. Generally it was for non-compliance with medical care/recommendations or abuse of the office staff (rarely) and I'm guessing Sarah prior history of non-compliance is the reason. It's a shame, but they can't force her to follow doctor's orders.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks,Judith, Philbrook was where we saw Mother Earth Laid Bare. Philbrook is beautiful, building and gardens. Wonderful place to visit. Maybe I can see those online.

    Caro,good to hear you like the broom. I'll try it tomorrow. I also have one of those dust things but I have so much GP hair, it might not work. Of course I can pick up the hair and use it for the rest.

    Drove up and checked all the cattle. Saw two of ours that may calve soon -Penny and Gray Lady. I told them to wait a couple of weeks. Hope they listen. JeriLynn, when is the kid due? Do you ever have to pull them?

    We have brought new babies inside to warm them for a while. Mother kept DJ inside quite a while and bottle fed him. We lost his mom. Really worries me when the ponds freeze. Mainly the reason we kept the water tanks filled and the girls know to come to them.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    HB...I looked up Redfield. Lovely impressionist painter. I can see why you like him. Seems he too painted a lot of winter scenes.

    People love goats. Now I want one...lol.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, have you ordered your caladium yet? I got the information from Florida Boys a few days ago. Lots of pretty ones. Theu didn't do well last summer because of the drought even though I watered.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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