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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Lorita,The new baby should be here in a couple months.

    Randolph had to pull the last one we had. I haven’t, but I could if he wasn’t here. But he has more experience.

    We had a bottle baby last year. I took him to the Shop with me too. The customers and vendors loved him. I keep a dog crate in my office for whatever animal goes to work with me. This was Punky: he was spoiled rotten lol

    He followed me everywhere!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Mine did not do well either and I let them know that I would not be reordering. I am sorry to hear about yours but it does make me feel like mine not doing well was not my fault.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Baby goats are so cute. I do not want one though. My cousins have goats.

    Going to have to look into those brooms and what an eye vac is.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, JeriLynn, Punky is really cute. I bet it was a !ot of fun to be around him. Bet he also got a lot of attention. About what does a kid weigh when they're born?

    The Wind is strong from the south today and it's a cold wind, to me at least. I tried the broombi this morning. It is different, isn't it Caro, but I think it will be all right.

    Toad and Mike fed this morning. I suggested they feed our girls down near the house during the bad weather so they wouldn't have to walk that quarter mile but they thought it best to not confuse them. They'll have to cut ice in the ponds.

    One really cold, snowy winter we had to cut ice. At least four 2x2 feet holes for the cows to drink. Charles did it and had a hole in one of the fingers of his g!oves. He didn't realize it and got frostbite on that of finger. It turned black. Didn't lose the finger but it really hurt. I also helped cut the ice and thought it was fun to cut the ice, then slide the cut piece underneath the rest of the ice. Would not want to do it again.Dangerous to stand on or near the edge of the pond and cut the ice with an axe.

    Three winters ago I had to cut ice on the water tanks. Really hard to do. I'd cut the ice and then get the big chunks out of the tank. Had to do it at least twice a day and the ice would be 4-6" thick. That was the winter Darwin fell through the ice with his tractor. He sold his cattle and leased his land that April. Gets hairy out here in the winter..

    Hope everyone is well today. Day, so glad you're much improved. Just be really careful walking.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Punky is adorable! Do you still have him JeriLynn?

    Lorita, that does sound dangerous, scary and painful. Good thing Charles did not lost his finger. You have had such interesting adventures on your farm - I love reading about them! I know if I lived on a farm I would be surrounded by animals too.

    Rainy here today and in low 70's - yay!

    My mom, nephew and his wife had to cancel their trip to Ecuador tomorrow due the ongoing violence and state of emergency. They were visiting my youngest brother that lives there. Scary times.

    Hope all are staying well xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Looks like everyone's been busy today getting ready for the cold weather. Right now it's in the low 60s in the eastern part of Oklahoma but in the Panhandle it's in the mid 20s. Some severe storms are predicted for the far SE part of our State tonight.

    I've done everything I can to get ready - which isn't much. Checked out the soft-heat space heater and it works. Still haven't even looked for the instructions on the other one. Covered up the frost-free water hydrants so if it freezes I can still use them. They don't freeze but the on-off handle does. I've had to pour warm water over them many times.

    Went up to our little town and got some milk. Stormy went with me - Sheena will have nothing of it. We drove down the highway a little ways. I think I'll really like it when I get used to it. I did cover the windshield with a frost-guard thing I bought years ago - put the PU into the carport to shelter the windshield.

    Guess what? When I was covering the hydrant on the north side of the house I found two big clumps of daffodils up about 4". Tried to protect them with dry grass I put over them. I bet they're up on the south side of the house, too.

    Got the statement on what my car insurance will be - couldn't make heads or tails of it so called the insurance agent. Took her a while but it looks like it'll be a bit less than we thought. Our agent is a girl I went to school with - I talked with her daughter. She told me her mother is getting dementia. So hate to hear that. I remember her having red hair and us playing basketball together. She's caring for her husband who had a very untoward reaction to some medication. He's in a wheelchair if they go outside but uses a walker inside. The reaction caused loss of use of his muscles. Reactions are so scary and you never know when they'll happen. I remember last year I took Clindamycin and had a reaction - chest pains, etc.

    I'm doing a couple of loads of laundry before it gets so cold. Really wish we could miss this but no way.

    Beth, it looks like you all are really having snow in Iowa - the whole State. Sandy, I imagine you're glad you're not in Chicago now - lots of snow and bad weather up there, too. Hope you all don't have much of it.

    It's not going to be above freezing here until next Tuesday or Wednesday. I remember in 1966 or 1967 we had a whole month below freezing. I had the Mustang and the roads were icy - I remember taking a load of people to the foot of the hill to their cars. We've had to walk up the hill or started to walk when an engineer picked us up in his Jeep 4WD. That hill up to the hospital really gets bad - up hill and curvy. Glad I don't have to navigate it any more.

    Sara - soup tomorrow for sure. I imagine many people will make a lot of soups and chilis during this cold weather.

    So hope none of the heifers or our cows have babies during this cold weather - if it's so cold they could freeze before their moms could dry them. Saw someone hauling hay this afternoon - getting ready, I guess.

    Iris, are those slides close to you? Slides in the west, floods in the east, snow and cold in the central part of the US. Stay warm tonight - will see you all tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again we're just about to come out of a heavy thunderstorm with small hail. Really noisy. Did not need this. Now the cattle are all wet just before the cold front. Probably be some pneumonia.

    I did cover the car with a huge, heavy tarp - had a hard time getting it over the car but managed. TV reception went out but is back on now. Did get the radar on internet. Don't know if the girls had time to get to the bsrn. I know the heifers and babies were out in it.

    Do wish he'd move hay down closer to the barn. I know a lot of them won't even go up to the feed but may get up to.hay. Sheena is so afraid of thunder and there was lots of it along with lots of lightening, heavy rain and hail. Can't remember the last time we had hail.

    All over now but the cold weather will be here before the girls dry off. Guess it doesn't help to worry. Seems like this is going to.be another 2020/2021 winter storm.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the avalanche was very far from me, in northern CA. I haven't been on lately because I have small flies in my kitchen and I don't know where they're coming from. These are not fruit flies. I'm trying to figure this out. I have not had a chance to hard boil eggs. I have not even had time to read much.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    edited January 12

    Just heard today that my second cousin who lives in Panama City, Fl. was hit by the tornado there the other day...lived in mobile home with 2 other adults and a child. Turned the home and her car upside down. Fortunately no one was hurt, but so far they have only been able to salvage some clothes. Prayers for getting them the help they need now and in the months to come.

    My son tested positive for Covid. Was able to get on the meds to make it less severe. He is feeling ok except for tiredness and a few aches.

    Weather here has been so-so. Had lots of rain on Tuesday. Temps not too bad for winter. Am keeping watch on the weather now since I will be going to Mother's for her doc. appointment next week and the also others the following 2 weeks.

    Hope that all of you porch rockers and your four-legged friends get thru the bad weather with no issues.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I hope everyone is safe from whatever winter is throwing at them. We're supposed to have rain for several hours overnight into tomorrow-- this could be an issue with local flooding because the ground is saturated here. We had a lot of flooding a couple days back in the usual places-- my old house would have had about 6' in the first floor so tonight could be a re-play. My place was bulldozed, but my old neighbors who stayed elevated their homes with grants from FEMA so they'll be OK once they move their cars to higher ground. My concern is that two of the routes I take south to mom's house are subject to flood closures-- the most direct one floods fairly often, the other direct one less often. When both roads are closed it can take me an hour (vs 20min) to get to her place although I recently discovered a quirky backroad that I will try next time.

    Her derm changed her afternoon appointment to 10am. Her driver is kind of unreliable around morning appointments, so I guess I'm driving. We have lost of appointments this month-- DH and I will see the derm, he has his PCP and cardiologist and I see the endo. Mom's got an eye injection, psych and hair this month-- maybe I'll turf the latter two to the driver. Her insistence on a cut every 4 weeks makes me a little ragey anyway. There's a salon she could walk to, but she claims they "only do old lady haircuts".

    My niece came to visit mom after an appointment she had. The plan was for niece to work and then they'd cook dinner together. Nephew-in-law called niece to let her know they lost power in the storm and suggested she camp at mom's until power is restored. They have a well and have been talking generator for 3 years but haven't done it yet. He's a plumber, btw. They're put a gorgeous slate floor in their downstairs, had the pool table re-felted and even put in a 15 x 30' fenced garden but not the generator. Kids. Niece's laptop died, so she ran out to BestBuy to get a new one-- this is a $2300 MacBook. When she got back, she unboxed it and put it on the far end of the counter next to mom's Chromebook to charge. As niece was prepping her cod, she looked over at mom who was chopping onions for a salad. Chopping onions on her brand new laptop. Mom's vision is so bad she mistook a computer for a cutting board. Ugh. The laptop is OK, but mom isn't. She feels terrible. Ugh.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited January 12

    Hope you got it or get your soup made Lorita. Will taste good on a cold winter day.

    Iris hope you get your fly issue figured out.

    Prayers for all being affected by storm and those going through tough times

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I love Lorita's front porch! Always calm and pieceful with great friends. Praying for everyone in the path of current storm going through and hard winter weather on its way. The heaviest has moved out if here with no damage. Our good Lord did see the need to prun some of the dead limbs on our oak trees. I'll have to clean the yard a little bit later.

    Stay safe everyone!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Very cold with a strong north wind. We had an awful storm last night with strong wind, heavy rain and hail. Remember I covered the car with that heavy tarp? Well,it's off this morning,not sure where it is. The sun is supposed to shine a little this afternoon so I'll try to put it on again. Wind chill is around zero or below west of here. This will be colder than it was in 2021 and won't be even 32 until Wednesday.

    I feel so sorry for cows everywhere. I just heard one of the girls bawl. At least there's the mobile home, storage building and carport that might provide some shelter from the wind up where their hay is. I've been in the barn with them when it was bone chilling cold and snowing and believe it or not it was fairly warm from their body heat.

    Be sure to keep a small stream of water running from your can etc so it won't freeze, hopefully. Stay inside if possible.

    Iris, a few years ago I had some tiny flies around the sink in the kitchen and my plumber called them sewar flies. Must just be the name of them because we don't have sewers and it was far from the septic tank. Last summer I had ants and I sprayed with Zero and it helped. If kills flying insects and ants, too. Safe to spray on counter tops and safe around animals. It comes in a spray bottle and is clear You might try that. Hope it helps.

    Sara, it is indeed a hot soup day so I'll make the vegetable soup or the Ramen with cream soup. It's cold in the kitchen. I can remember such cold winters when mother would bring canned food out of the pantry so it wouldn't freeze. Because we're sort of on higher ground the wind comes up the hill it makes it so cold.

    Looked out the window and saw a cow looking out of the barn. Guess she's wondering if it's worth walking a quarter mile to get hay.

    Ron, has the cold weather made it to you yet? If not, it's coming. Hope you don't have appointments so you can stay inside.

    I need to fill the bird feeders!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Its damp and feels so cold and so windy. Donated blood this morning and was so glad to get back home. If it’s the good Lord’s will i will stay put now. I filled gas tank Wednesday but was down about a quarter so stopped and filled it on way home as going to get even colder. Dreaded doing it but made myself.

    Lorita you be very careful please when you are outside. Dress very warm and please have your medical alert and phone with you. Keep them somewhere secure but where you can reach them. Stay in if at all possible.

    Take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Well the weather has arrived. Cold blowing rain. 70 mph winds predicted. The goats and dogs are in the barn and have good bedding food and water. I’m making a pot roast and a Brunswick stew in case we lose power. We can still cook on the grill on the covered patio. Stay safe everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, so glad you're back inside. How good of you to give blood. The news says it's in short supply. One of our social workers gave gallons of it. Good your gas tank is full and you can get you car inside. Wish the tractor was moved so I could get the car under shelter. Just saw a cow and calf cone out of the barn. The sun i s shining but it's sooo cold. I will have both things when I go out. It might warm up a few degrees by 2. Scary thing is it's going to get colder and colder. How in the world can people live in such cold weather?

    Just filled two of the bird feeders and they hopped on them. Darwin just called. Said he hasn't been out and doesn't plan to be. This reminds both of us of that awfully cold and icy winter that made both of us sell our girls.

    JeriLynn, glad the animals are safe inside. How cold is it supposed to get there? Good that you're thinking ahead just in case so you all would have something to eat. We've been out of power for two weeks several times. Wish we had gotten the generator years ago. Weatherman just said the NW winds should diminish some by later today. Guess that's when I'll cover the car and check the water tanks.

    FedEx just delivered apricot preserves and more bird feed. Wanted to buy 40 lbs. but it was sold out so could only get 10/ Will have to reorder. Darwin said he got a bird feeder for Christmas and has filled it but no birds have found it yet. Only takes one. It looks pretty out until you go out. Stormy just came in after being out and checking things. Sheena almost stuck her head out. Stay inside everyone.

    Beth, how much snow do you have? Sandy, any snow yet?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Weatherman just said it's 32 degrees colder now than it was at this time yesterday. In February 2021 we had 11 1/2 days below freezing. Predicting 2-4" of snow here tomorrow or Sunday. Looks like there's one or two mire reinforcing cold fronts to come through.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    How do people live in the cold? Silk as a first layer. Nothing is wamer and it is not bulky.. Then you layer.

    Just talked to a friend spending 2 months in Scottsdale. I wanted to make certain her faucet/pipes were being taken care of. She said everyone was complaining about the cold there ...50 degrees!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, if you have houseplants they could be fungus gnats from the soil. I had those. Got rid of them by sprinkling diacomateous (?sp) earth (DE) on the soil which kills the larvae as they emerge and had bright yellow sticky traps stuck in the soil that the adults were attracted to (and stuck to). Also, If you have bananas on the counter, could be fruit flies - they lay eggs on the peels then hatch in the house.There are "recipes" online on how to make a trap using apple cider vinegar, a jar and saran wrap to trap them. Good luck!

    We have around 12" of snow so far with more coming down. We got 10" overnight Monday through Tuesday. Another 2" overnight last night. This time it is blowing like crazy. Brought my flag in as I was afraid it would tear in the wind. We could get another 7 or 8"!!! Good grief! Then the bone chilling cold arrives with some overnight lows below zero!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It is cold but not stay by the fire yet. No rain or snow predicted for the next week. I am off to the bank and then have docent training tomorrow morning. After that, Netflix....yea!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited January 12

    I used to keep a few bananas on the counter but I got rid of them. I have no houseplants. I looked down my drains but didn't see any flies coming from there, but I sprayed down the drains with Raid anyway. I also had to put up sticky flypaper (yuck!). But the fly papers work, because they are catching a lot of flies. I am only eating ready-to-eat food. I also prayed for these flies to disappear and never return! Today is the first day I am seeing fewer flies. I hope they are going away for good!

    The weather here in sunny Los Angeles is cold! Temperatures down to the mid 40's, and wind gusts of 45-60 mph, which is hurricane strength. We have no rain but trees have fallen and power lines have been disrupted. I have the heat on.

    I had to edit to bold my text.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Mom's derm appointment ran late and long. She was late getting to us and spent an hour with mom. Only one lesion sampled as an area of concern. Maybe a recurrence of the SCC or maybe a retained suture. Either way, we are probably looking at a procedure and at least one follow-up after that.

    We went to lunch together as I sometimes feel like I make her feel like some kind of chore to be checked off my to-do list. After, I took her to Marshall's and she bought 4 new pairs of shoes on sale because she can. A pair or rag & bone wool felt clogs, a pair of FitFlop merino lifestyle sneaks, ridiculous bright red heyDudes and a pair of Christmas-cat themed Tom's. FTR, this is her 3rd pair of cat-themed Tom's. Nothing makes that woman as happy as new shoes.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    SCC, FTR?

  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
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    Lorita, I would strongly suggest that you move your truck or gater out of your carport to allow you to protect your new car. My cautionary tale, back in the early 1980s I had a beautiful 280Z. Living in So Cal we don't pay much attention to the weather. One day mid afternoon we had a freak hailstorm with about 1 inch diameter hailstones. It damaged all the cars in the parking lot where I worked. It damaged not only the sheet metal but window trims and gaskets as well. I had divots over the entire top of the car. I can only imagine the damage to today's much thinner materials on cars. It sounds like you are expecting an usually harsh Winter and I would hate for your shiny new car to be ruined.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, SCC is Squamous cell carcinoma and FTR = for the record. (HB, correct me if I'm wrong)

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Everyone stay safe and warm in this bad weather. Here it’s in the mid 40’s and raining. The cold weather I’m hearing about will be in the 30’s with nighttime lows in the teens. Nothing like the weather we had in Illinois.

    Lorita, I hope you’re staying inside. If it gets below freezing after that rain you’ll be slipping on ice. I know you worry about all the girls, hopefully no new babies. I worry about the horses too. They don’t spend much time in the barn. The mules have coats because they are thin. They are approximately 30 years old and don’t gain enough weight. Apollo has a coat on also. His coat is finer and doesn’t get thick enough in winter. Zeus and Chaos have thick coats to keep them warm but if we get into the 20’s they will be wearing coats also. The chicken coop has a heater so they will be warm too.

    It’s been quiet here with all the grandkids gone. They won’t be back for quite a while. I don’t know if the one in New Zealand will stay after her job at the national park ends or if she’ll come home. They are scattered around, Vermont, Boston New Zealand and 4 in Illinois.

    Have a good evening, stay safe and warm.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, do you have a medical alert pendant? You need to get one. I wear mine anytime I go outside.

    GmcG, I just moved the car over by the PU where it will be protected from the wind. Didn't put the tarp back on. Last nighf's hail was a freaky thing, we seldom have hail. I think it will be okay, but thanks.

    I drove the PU to the mailbox and left the car running while I was gone. There's water standing in the meadow so we must have had quite a bit of rain. There's ice on all the puddles in the road. Checked the barn -' no one there. Some are out grazing. Walked down far enough to see the heifers. Broke the ice on the tank in the lot- other one wasn't frozen. It's sunny but windy and cold but is 33 degrees. Just saw Billy check out two ponds so guess they're frozen. They should cut ice in the morning. They'll have really cold weather to feed the next few days. I could tell there were lots of the girls in the barn last njght. Good for them.

    Getting hungry so I'll stop for niw.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Weather Sunday night through Tuesday is suppose to be in the 10s. Monday suppose to have freezing rain and sleet which makes me gla I'm retired and don't have to get out. When I was working treaded the ice, snow wasn't bad. One good thing about louisiana is when it gets bad it be nice again in couple if days.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Stay inside, Ron. I'm glad to be retired, too. Drove those 30 miles each way in all kinds of weather. I would leave town to come home and snow would be blowing across the road,- felt like I was going into oblivion. I'm ready for Spring. Poor little daffodils! Let's take a vote! I'm for early spring.

    Beth, world news was showing highways in Iowa and they looked awful. Hope you can stay inside..

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    we’ll be in single digits at night with more wind and some snow by Tuesday. That means black ice on the roads. People here don’t know how to drive in that so it’s scary. My Daddy took me to a shopping center to teach me..

    @harshedbuzz HB, I seriously think I need to go shopping with your Mom!! Our tastes sure are similar.. I laugh every time you post about her penchant for 👠 !! Lol.

    Lorita, I am so PROUD of my Lilly! Jackson the Billy Goat decided he wanted to “play house “ with Boogie even though she’s expecting. Lilly kept trying to get between them but Jackson kept trying. So Lilly nipped him lightly and he kept his distance. Lilly must know Boogie is in the family way and she’s protecting her! She stays with her all the time now, so that’s making me think the baby may be here sooner than I thought .

    Well , we finished up at the Huntland barn today so I guess we’re laid by for the weather at both farms.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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