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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning all.

    Ron I really think you need to keep posting. This is part of your 'routine' for lack of a better word. We do care about you and Lou and want to know what is going to with you both. Your tired and don't feel well, I totally get that, but equally you've given many of us such good advice & encouragement.

    Lorita have you doublechecked the glovebox for the sticker from your car? Many times dealers put them in there.

    Iris I'm so glad you had a good time in NO. And you've scheduled another trip, good for you.

    This is about all I can type. My shoulder is still really bothering me.

    Be safe everyone.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Good morning everyone! Got up early again this morning: 2:45 am... Can't figure out why I keep waking so early but maybe something will come of it. Got chicken salad and fruit trays and the kitchen island set up for a lunch with DD and grands later today.

    I've been to the Facility to see FIL this morning. The ABSOLUTELY wonderful nurse from yesterday was back this morning and informed me she stayed on shift until the medication issues were straightened out! She said " I wan't about to leave till this got fixed!" So, I will return tomorrow with a Thank You note, a box of nice chocolates, a letter to her Manager and the Executive Director for recognition of her efforts and dedication to patient safety.

    The Puppy did good overnight. He did crawl up under the pool deck when I let him outside last evening, so I had to crawl up under there after him. AnnaBelle the Jack Russell and Oliver Kitty are sniffing and getting acquainted. No spats so far.

    Well, I have to run for paper plates (GASP) for lunch. We're doing some projects so no time for real dishes today. DH is at the Shop cleaning and clearing and loading stuff to move to one of our barns.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Beautiful puppy

    As best as I can remember have only seen a fox a couple of times and was red.

    Butterfly once you pull up a rocker on the porch it is always there. You may have noticed the porch is growing. Im pretty sure we are getting close to Darwins. Lorita said he will not mind.

    Was 12 degrees this morning. Probably got about an inch of snow yesterday. Looks like temperatures are riding the roller coaster this week. Saw a few hyacinth blades poking through them ground just before the snow.

    Judith got the Orthofoots i ordered for mom yesterday. She put them on and had no complaints. Much better looking shoe than what she was wearing. Do you use the extra arch support they send? Told her to wear few days and get use to them, then i will insert the ones they sent extra and she can decide which way suits her the best. Thank you

    I am very happy with my no salt bread.

    Pressure canned 3 half pints pinto beans, 2 kidney beans and 1 black bean yesterday. They all sealed. Think my next projects will be chicken and beef. Just do a few jars when trying something new til i see if i like it. Im happy with the carrots i fixed. Are there any other canners in the porch?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Eagle, when I first called the salesman he said they usually put the sticker in the glove compartment but they didn't this time. Sorry your shoulder still bothers you. Seems to take a long time for anything to heal. Just be careful with it.

    JeriLynn, hope things went well today. Nice that the puppy did good, too. Has your husband relented about keeping him? Hope so.

    Mint, Darwin would be fine with us being there. He has a big,, wraparound porch so plenty of room for everyone. It was cold here this morning, too- 19 degrees but it's warmed up and is pretty. Next ten days are supposed to be nice.

    We canned everything when I was growing up. Mother had one of those huge, heavy pressure cookers that was scary. Had to really watch them. I think it held 12 quarts, not sure. I still have it.

    Charles and I canned a lot of mostly tomatoes and juice. Also made salsa that we canned. I made pear mincemeat for pies. Not canning anything now though. Probably people don't can as much as years ago. We always had a big garden and canned everything for winter food. Kept potatoes and onions in the cellar underground and they lasted until we had new potatoes the next year. I'm glad you're enjoying canning, almost a lost art.You seem to be a person who enjoys trying new things. I think that's great and lots of fun. Charles and I used to be like that and so enjoyed trying new recipes, too. Now I do the things that are the least effort. Trying to decide if I'll take down the trash this evening. Hard to get through the gate without GL getting out When it's dry enough Mike is going to move her to another pasture where he has older cows so he can feed her better. I hate that but...

    Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Finished up my taxes today and that's about all I did. Rough two days with Lou, but that's alright. I did not make it to church today, in fact I have not been anywhere but groceries and Dr's the past to weeks.

    Believe I'll make a breakfast supper tonight. Scrambled eggs, hash browns and oven cheese toast. Thought about making the potato gravy but don't feel up to making biscuits and don't have any store bought.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited February 18

    I do not can but have two mason jars. They remain at the ready. Would someone please tell me why it is called canning and not jarring????

    The fox seems to live in the NW corner of the property. I bet with all the stores etc I have listed within 1 mile of me you are all surprised that I have a fox...

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I am surprised that you do have a fox on your property. I have heard that many wilder animals are in towns now.He must have a place where he feels safe. I thought you also had some rabbits.

    No idea why it's called canning. Around here it's also called"putting up" whatever it is you're canning. Just like it's "backing a letter" instead of sayng addressing the envelope.

    Ron, so glad you posted. We miss you when you don't. Charles and I often had breakfast for supper. How do you make oven cheese toast? Sounds good. Ron, there's a full moon in a few days, maybe that's the reason Lou is acting out. I want to get my taxes done this month so he won't have to extend it. Wondering if he'll still do the farm taxes. Shouldn't take too long after I get started.

    Decided I'd go ahead and take down the trash. With the trash also had a lot of boxes that filled the back of the Gator. Then had to put gas in it when I got home.

    I've been watching the cow with the new baby. They've been laying over on the other side of the pond all day. I did drive over to check on them and they were okay.Mom got up a while ago and started grazing, then baby got up about 15 minutes later and ambled over to mom. Guess it's close to suppertime for him, or her.

    Tomorrow I need to turn the water tank in the lot over and clean it. May have to put a new hose on the float valve. Water doesn't go through. Always something.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    @jfkoc said "Would someone please tell me why it is called canning and not jarring????"

    In the food manufacturing industry, a "can" is a unit that has been pressure sealed and heated to a specific temperature. The material of the container isn't a factor. By this definition, a can of coffee is not "canned" but stewed prunes in a jar are.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good definition, HB. I love stewed prunes. I keep them in the refrigerator and eat one when I think if it. No reason other than I like them.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Where I went to adult school in mid Los Angeles county, one day a mama skunk with six baby skunklings came on campus. There was no park or open spaces, no houses nearby, only shops and industrial buildings. I never found out where they came from. The entire school was evacuated so that Animal Control could come and retrieve them.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Canning was short for putting foodstuff up in Canisters, whether they be made of wood, clay, or tin. When glass jars came into being, food was put into glass jars, then put in a Canister to keep light from ruining the food stored in glass. The term Canning just hung around as packaging methods improved.

    What in the world did we do before Google!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    thanks Ron

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I was surprised you had a fox Judith.

    Lorita think canning is making a bit of a comeback. Think i might have mentioned that mom made me tend the canner as a teenager. I had no understanding and was scared to death of it. I now have good understanding of the process and think i could even use the nonelectric one and not be afraid of it.

    Ron thinking of you and Lou, hope things settle down a bit today. Have you ever thought about trying meals on wheels?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Mint, my husband “put up“” pickles last year. As a child I didn’t get to be in the house for the canning. I was in the shade shucking corn, breaking beans or shelling peas. Maybe this’ll be our year with DH. retiring. It feels so good to have food grown, gathered and put up by your own hand. We did freeze alot but I hope to can this year.

    DH has worked 7 days in a row trying to clear out the Shop. I did 6 days and went to the Facility 7. We are both exhausted and it begins again today. Not as young as we used to be but I still get surprised at much more tired I get, used to go and go and do so much more. Time is a funny thing.

    I’m hoping FIL is less confused today though he’s done better than expected especially with all the hullabaloo going on around him. I had to take a minute to have a good cry yesterday in the car during the 1 hour I had alone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Yes i did all those activities too lol.

    I freeze a lot too. Wanting to can to free up freezer space and when electric off . I find preserving relaxing and comforting.

    i can understand your need to cry and release some pressure. Hope things calm down for you soon.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited February 19

    @Mint You are doing a great job canning! It is a very good skill to have. (One I don't have...yet) One of the YouTubers I have watched recommended the Ball Blue Book of Canning and Preserving. My stepfather was a big canner: chicken and beef primarily. Also soups. He also made kimchi - no need to can that - it's fermented. I never could bring myself to try the kimchi.

    @JeriLynn66 The puppy is so cute! Did you have him checked for a microchip, or ask around to see if someone is missing him? It sounds like you are tremendously busy. It'll be great for you two once March 1 comes around. Will the new owner plan to start a business in your husband's shop? And if I recall, he has a home, maybe a farm, to sell as well. No rest for the weary.

    I have an interesting animal story. I have a 16 year old outdoor (feral) cat. Therefore, I put out cat food. As you might imagine, that has brought other cats (and opossums and raccoons) over time. A large yellow tom cat started coming last summer. 2 reasons to send him to Animal Control/shelter: He bothered my old cat, scared her; and winters here are rough - he could hopefully be adopted and live in a home. I caught him 2 or 3 months ago and had Animal Control come get him. Well, a couple of weeks ago he showed up at my door again! I am guessing he had a microchip and belonged to one of my neighbors as an outside cat. He was returned to the neighbor, who let him be outside....and, well, he likes it better here than at his owner's place! He is here many hours every day. I give up. He can stay.

    I went wedding dress shopping with my niece, sister and cousin last week. That was fun!

    Have a good week!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    Good morning porch dwellers.

    Interesting discussion on canning. This isn't something in which many of my local contemporaries do. I feel like the cost involved, unless one had a massive garden or wholesale resource would be an impediment-- especially starting out. Supplies are $$$. I do have one friend who puts up massive amounts of tomato he processes to become various pasta sauces/gravy and applesauce. He sources them directly from farms who sell blemished fruit for this purpose. Given the prices for a can of good San Marzano tomatoes, this probably makes sense for him. Plus, it's a family activity for him. His wife has managed to be scheduled on a Saturday the last couple of years to avoid it but his mom, brother and a childhood friend all make a day of it.

    My BFF and mom occasionally make jam and marmalade. The former buys old fashioned strawberries from the Amish for jam. Mom will make lemon shred or grapefruit marmalade if I get her the materials. She got into this when she lived in Florida. She had a grapefruit and kumquat tree and would get lemon and oranges from her neighbors.

    My niece likes to ferment things. Evidently, this is more popular than it's been in years.

    I want to make rumtopf this year. I'll start in spring with the local strawberries and add to it over the summer and fall and then bottle it for friends and family at Christmas. It's got enough alcohol that I don't have to process it. DH and I have made hot sauce, but it's really hard to beat good old Tabasco.

    @Lorita your posts have given me a greater understanding of the attention to detail that goes into bringing food to the table. I only ever worked at the retail distribution and home cook endo of things. I hope the clean out goes without any expanding of the scope of what you set out to do. The new owner is fortunate to have you so engaged still.

    Also, I've been meaning to share this. I know you suffer with dry eyes and have contemplated warm compresses in the past. I just wanted to report that I finally committed to using my microwavable eye mask 10 daily as my eye doctor suggested and have noticed a real improvement in my tear quality and comfort. They're even a little less red-looking most of the time. You might want to try it if your doctor is OK with it.

    @JeriLynn66 Sometimes a good cry is what you need most. It sounds from the description of things as if you made an excellent choice around where he should live. The adjustment for both FIL and you can't be avoided so give yourself some grace. I, too, am sometimes humbled that I can no longer just power through tasks like I did even 10 years ago. I used to be able to clean the entire house and then fix dinner; now I deep clean the kitchen or the baths or dust and vacuum and call it a day. If I do more, we are absolutely grabbing a bite somewhere.

    Mom's birthday today. I hope her sister and my uncle check in. I can't always count on them to step up given that they're older and have situations of their own with which to deal. Mom doesn't always recognize that and gets her feelings bruised by it. LOL, she thinks of dad's brother as a "kid" because he was 4 years younger than her and 16 when they met-- that makes him 82 tomorrow.

    We'll do lunch with our little family-- all 6 of us. My niece and her husband are off from work, so they'll be joining us. Mom picked the restaurant where dad's funeral luncheon was which is an interesting choice. It is lovely with great food and view of the river, so I look forward to it. I ended up getting her a Talbots gift card (thinks for those who suggested a gift card). DS is giving her a metal metallic strap for her Apple Watch. I had the lady set aside a sweater at Talbot's that was on final sale which I think she'd kill for but didn't want to chance not being able to return it. I'll run her by after we eat.


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Morning friends,

    I have only ever canned a few jars of preserves when I was a girl, from several fruit trees my mother made sure we had. Pear, apple, and grape from a tiny arbor. My aunts had big gardens and canned for the winter and I always wanted to do the same. It still is my dream goal. a modest garden that is, and canning. Agree with Mint it seems to be making a comeback (I love your new name Mint =))

    I hope to grow and can some this year. This is the time of life that DH and I thought would finally allow the time and space for such things but Alz and caregiving has changed everything . I got inspired by our porch convos and ordered some bulbs and such for a few new flowers when you all were planting last Spring, and they are still in the shipping boxes. I will do better this year. A few grow bags would be enough for me, for now. We will see!

    For now, DH has been holding my hand while I type this post with the other hand. He squeezes it tight every time I think he's dozed off, signaling don't move I think, lol. If I go into the next room and come back he thinks I left him so, not doing that right now. Sweet, but can't do much gardening or canning that way!

    I have a fun challenge for you all please: DH is on all pureed food since Thanksgiving due to stuffing his mouth, pocketing and forgetting to swallow, so he aspirated a couple of times. Yikes. So my blender is working overtime now and I need to make sure to get enough calories and nutrition in him with this change (without staying in the kitchen all day cooking and puree'ing). He still likes to eat so I want to give him the one thing he can still do, and enjoy. Any suggestions?

    For today I may just make some of the salmon patties posted about earlier in this thread. We always called them salmon croquettes. I can throw 2 in the blender with some mashed potatoes and green beans, and he will eat it up! Literally.😊 But, what to do all day every day for some variety, except the smoothies I make us every day with just about everything in them...a banana, some strawberries, blueberries, dollop of peanut butter (for extra protein), almond milk, and honey or fig preserves for extra sweetness. Looking for ideas that I can also eat with him since prepping 2 different meals takes too long. I decided that hummus, guacamole and so many other things are pureed...stews and creamed soups, so I can simplify our lives that way and pretty much eat what he does for a while.

    OK, enough for now. Wish me luck in guardianship court soon. It been a year and the inlaws still have not stopped trying to get at what little they think we have, by taking over his affairs and whereabouts from me. Even with POA the court can just overrule his wishes. And I don't seem to get a say at all. I haven't wanted to bring this to the forum much for the same reason Mint considered a new name I think. Not just privacy. A lot to lose if my words or some of our experiences are twisted.

    Anyway, lots on the plate. When I get overwhelmed, I look at all the amazing day-to-day accomplishments of you special friends and the view from Lorita's porch makes me sit up a little straighter and put a pep in my step for the cleaning, cooking, caring, and loving that makes a life...one day or hour at a time. Thanks for being here. And welcome to the new friends here! I'm glad to be back!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, It's sunny, windy and sort of cold this morning. I Fed the birds, cats and GPs. Also saw Rusty playing around a tree so set out some sunflower seeds for him. I think he's eating black walnuts and I've seen him eating out of the birdfeeder. He climbs up in the defoliated holly bushes, reaches over to the bird feeder and enjoys..Butterfly, glad you're back on the porch. you talking about pursuing food reminded me if when daddy was in the NH I stopped by on my way to work and they were having breakfast. They had pureed or . mixed all of his breakfast food together for him to eat. I told them I didn't think they should do that but he was eating and enjoying it. I decided if it was ok with him it would be easier for everyone and it was going to the same place. I never had to do that for Charles. He really didn't have problems eating.

    1 About canning -- Mother always made beet pickles so she would pressure cook them in the big pressure cooker, open it and let it cool, then it was my job to peel them. Washed my hands really well then would pick up a beet and slide off the peeling. Loved doing that. I think she used some of the cooking liquid, added sugar and spices and after she cut up the beets and jarred them would pour over the hot liquid and seal them with the hot flats and rings, then wait to hear the noise indicating they had sealed.

    One thing I hated doing was to shred cabbage to make kraut. I wasn't good at it. I still have the big crock shs'd use to ferment the cabbage. I won't write about making pickles but there were all kinds. She made the best chunked sweet pickles in the world- crisp and sweet. All of this really brings back memories. People back then planted the gardens, worked them, picked the vegetables and canned them to eat in the winter.Just like ranchers working to fertilize the meadows to make hay, then bale and haul it in to have feed to give to the stock in the winter. All of this just like the ants do. Sorry, didn't mean to go into such detail.

    Heard the driveway alarm go off so will check on that. Back later. Ron, where are you?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Iris....we need to updates on you and your weather. The news shows your are having one disaster after the next.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    I do like pickles, all kinds of pickles. I am going to try and can some this year, but they will have to stay crisp. I have been making dill and sweet and sour. Some are refrigerator method and i have had really good luck with staying crisp and lasting well. Have made sweet relish refrigerator and water bathed, very good. Have also used zucchini to make relish and pickles, good also. Now and then make ice pickles. They are quite sour but tasty. My mom and dad’s mom made delicious sweet pickles. I looked up both of them and it is quite a drawn out process so I’ve never went there.

    Do make a few jars of kraut each year. Share with my nephew. Only eat maybe once a month and 1/4 C due to watching my sodium intake. I still enjoy it. Also only eat a few pickles at a time and not every day. Never tried Kimchi either.

    HB you are right canning is not cheap. I enjoy doing it and like how i can control the ingredients.

    Have never tried jams etc. My sister has raspberry bushes and she makes jam. She gave me a jar the other day. I buy homemade jams at the Amish store. Only so many hours in my day lol.

    Butterfly think almost any vegetable would work as long as not stringy. Thinking chili and spaghetti might puree up nicely. You could blend his and eat yours normal if you want to. Fry up hamburger like for chili. Toss some flour over the top.let that brown a few minutes. Then add milk, broth or water (or a combination), to make hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes. If he likes tuna maybe tuna noodle casserole. You can cook chicken and chop it up fine and make a gravy with broth.

    I really like beets pickled or just cooked with a little butter.

    Glad you enjoyed your shopping trip Beth.

    Hope that shoulder straightens out soon Eaglemom . Mine is doing better but it took awhile. Much looser now and better range of motion.

    Take care, enjoyed all your responses

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, where I live today in SoCal there is a soft rain. The media have been warning about another atmospheric river, but not as much as earlier in the month. This area is so huge, that there are various climates. Mountains get snow or landslides, and deserts have flooding. On the highways, there may be strong winds that knock over trucks and RVs. In the urban areas, sewage spills into waterways and eventually onto the beaches, making them unswimable or unsurfable. Also fish caught from the ocean becomes inedible. Messy all around! But my leaky roof was repaired last year, so I am good.

    HB, what is rumtopf?


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    I am so sorry the legal issues are still hanging over you. Dementia caregiving is difficult enough without people trying to undermine you. I hope this is resolved in your favor sooner rather than later.

    @Iris L.

    Rumtopf is a Christmas treat made from fresh fruits soaked in over-proof rum. You start it in the spring with the first berries of the season adding perfectly ripe stone fruits, apples and pear in early summer and early fall and then enjoying the fruit and liquid as a dessert at Christmas time. The result is lush and fruity. It's a fun and easy project.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Good evening Friends Thanks for your encouragement, HB I did need that crying spell.

    @BethL we did go to neighboring houses (this is not a densely populated area) to look for possible owners but to no avail. And not many folks in the country have their animals chipped. My big dogs aren’t. But I won’t let the puppy go to just anyone. If I don’t know somebody I’ll check out their credentials. And if the dog doesn’t have a safe place he won’t leave here. DH will just have to find peace. So many Great Pyrenees wind up in shelters because folks don’t appreciate what it takes to have a successful place or good experience for/with them. Re: The Shop- the new owners run a concrete cutting business and have been renting a building so this is a good spot for them. They’re currently just 2 blocks away and don’t have indoor space for their trucks. Buying our building gives them indoor space for storage. Win/Win.

    FIL didn’t feel well today. I did a COVID test - negative result but will test again tomorrow. Spoke to the Nurse Manager and they will start a Flu protocol for prophylaxis. Tomorrow’s his 98th birthday. I hope he feels better. I have his gifts and had planned a cake. I have more dark chocolate if he’s not up for cake tomorrow.

    Well it’s 6:45 pm and DH just went to lay down so I’ll sign off and see you all tomorrow- hope you rest well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, I hope your FIL doesn't have covid. It is still out there looking for a host.

    I think you've done enough in looking for the people who had the puppy. If they aren't looking for him by going to neighbors or advertising, they most likely aren't good owners. This happened with Prince, our first Pyrenees. I knew where he belonged but the neighbors never looked for or inquired if I had seen him. Our vet knew and said they probably knew something was wrong with him and didn't want him. I had him treated but lost him at ten months. We never knew what was wrong.

    I think they are the most wonderful dogs ever. We've had so many different breeds and loved all of them but the Pyrenees are at the top of my list - so smart and loyal. I do have to say Barclee, our Shih Tzu was wonderful and I miss him so much.

    They do wander. The place where I got Stormy is two miles away as the crow flies and some of his Pyrenees have been over here. Ours are in the yard unless I have them out on a leash.

    He's your little guy now. How old do you think he is? What is his name? Is he all white?

    I was hoping Ron would post today - maybe tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, thanks for sharing your experience with the warm compresses. I haven't used mine and actually had forgotten about it. It just seems kind of heavy over the eyes. Some days I don't have to use drops more than once but other days it's many times. Today was one of those days. Tonight I'll use the Gen Teal ointment. But I will try the compresses. I think it's Mint who uses them.

    Hope all of you have a good night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn I hope your FIL has a good 98th birthday!

    I have a dog wandering story. One of my neighbors had two cocker spaniels and one day I saw a loose cocker, so I put it inside her fence. When she came home from work, I told her that her dog had gotten out but that I had put it back behind the fence. She said, so that's what happened. When she left home, she had two cockers, but when she returned hone, she had THREE cockers! The cocker that I had found was not hers. Later on we determined that it belonged to the next building over. It's good that her dogs were not territorial snd that they didn't fight.

    Rumtopf sounds like fruitcake without the cake. It sounds yummy! Are you going to share your recipe?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron thinking of you and Lou this morning.

    My early 90s Aunt is not doing well. I will probably lose my Aunt who played games with me and gave me treats when i stayed all night with her.

    My reason for going more anonymous is her sibling who is getting very close to 90 and spouse are not doing well either physically. I believe at least one has dementia also as both of them have voiced that. I’m thinking the one with dementia may be steering the ship. They have children and they are involved so feel sorry for all. It’s not easy as we all know here. The youngest sibling has been very dependent on her sibling with dementia. So this is very hard on her.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning rockers, sitting at the VA waiting for the first of two appointments this morning. They are working on I20 in Bossier and it's a slow travel to get here.

    Hope all is well!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    The thing with the eye compress is that you need to use it proactively on a daily basis rather than just on bad days. The idea is that it warms the oil secretions in your meibomian glands so they can improve your tear quality. I don't find mine feels especially heavy, but I typically kill time listening to a podcast while sitting up. It took about 3 weeks before I noticed an improvement in how my eyes look and feel.

    @Iris L.

    Last time I followed very general instructions for my niece's MIL.

    For each addition of clean, cut fruit, add half the weight in sugar which you let stand at room temperature for about an hour until the sugar dissolves than add to a clean crock or large jar and cover with high-proof rum (I started with 151 initially and switch to 100 proof as it got closer to finished). You may need to add a sauce or weight to keep the fruit submerged.

    Repeat as each new fruit ripens. I typically start with the local strawberries and other berries and then the stone fruits, grapes, figs, apples and pears. You can also add tropical fruits like mango and pineapple but not bananas. Let sit for at least 6 weeks before serving. The fruit is really boozy tasting a bit like a soaked fruitcake to be sure. DH likes a little with ice cream. I prefer the flavored liquor which I put in flip top bottles and give as Christmas gifts. It's nice when served cut with a German Reisling as a dessert drink.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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