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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Valentines 💝 day to all my front porch ladies. As you come to your rocker this morning, don't forget to pick up your dozen red roses I left for each of you. Your a amazing group of ladies! Also, hang around today for the party later!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry about the loss of your calf Lorita.

    Lorita don’t know how you would feel about this but every fall i take my car for its physical to my trusted mechanic. He checks my entire car over and does what needs done. This works for me making my car more reliable.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Happy Valentines Day to each of you!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    After having my coffee this morning, it dawned on me, the front porch ladies are special and deserve more than a dozen red roses. Sooooo, I went out and got each of you a big box of chocolates! Of course my front porch bank account is now empty......but each of you are worth every penny!!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I am wondering if I am the only man on the front porch?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    "I am wondering if I am the only man on the front porch?"

    No sir, you are not alone... 😊

    HB, I LOVE your sense of humor... 🤣

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, you were talking about Reba's belt buckle in a previous post and I mentioned her rodeo days. I came across this picture and it looks like the same belt buckle.

    I went out this morning and picked up a Valentines box of chocolates and a chocolate rose for Lou, her sitter and the two ladies from church that helped me last week.

    Still no clue about what's going on with the blood pressure. This morning it was 130/73 sitting and 101/55 standing. Just a few minutes ago after gathering the garbage and taking the can to the curb it was 140/70 sitting and 93/65 standing. At least the heart rate has stabilized.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited February 14

    belt buckle...

    “I am wearing my daddy’s 1971 *\[pauses\]*, ’61 championship belt buckle and my mama’s bracelet that she was presented right before daddy died,” McEntire explains\. “So I’m wearing those two items at the Super Bowl\.”

    My grandson wears his buckle every day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.. Thank you, Ron, for the roses and chocolates. So nice of you and so delicious.

    Interesting about the belt buckle. Nice thing about this thread - ask a question and someone will give the answer.

    Pretty day. Toad and Mike fed hay, then later Toad was able to get his feed truck in to feed grain. First time in a long time.

    Just did the laundry and dishes. Still need to dry the clothes. Nothing else going on except one of the heifers has a new baby, probably three or four days old. Saw him day before yesterday. Opened the gate for Toad and when the heifers came to eat he ran at break neck speed straight toward me. Waved my arms and he stopped and ran back to mom. Toad said they have several calves with pneumonia and he had some to doctor today. They've lost two and I imagine that's what happened to the one lost yesterday.

    Sara, I do the same with our vehicles - check antifreexe, fluids, belts. Hoses, etc. This morning Toad said he has two or three friends who have Equinoxes and one who is a home health nurse has 400,000 miles on hers with only a starter replacement. Sara, what kind of car do you have? Kind of wish I had looked at the Chevy Traverse if they had one.

    Got my finger caught between two mineral tubs, empty thank goodness, and mashed it. Already turning blue. Ankle still bothers me but I have it wrapped. Will try to stay off if it today as much as possible.

    Ron, sweet picture of you and Raena. I think she has grandpa worship from the way she's looking st you.

    HB, you do have a good sense of humor.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita I drive a 2012 CRV. If it goes caput today it is the best car i have owned.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just for you Lorita! I was contacted on the porch and your cows got together and asked me to send this. They said that they didn't have web access in the pasture!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thanks Ron...

    I drive a 2013 Volvo XC60

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Happy VALENTINE'S day to all.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks so muvh, Ron. The cow valentine is beautiful. Made my day!You know Sidney gave me a big coffee mug with a picture of a cow on it for Christmas along with a beautiful throw. Guess I'm the 'cow lady'.

    Judith, I think the cars they made years ago were better than they are now. Never had a Volvo but lots of different kinds. I need to go.back to the dealer to find out what I need to do about on-star so I plan to see if they have a Traverse. If I was still commuting a heavier car would be better but for short trips guess this will sufficeth. Cars are so expensive. My first new one cost $2100. Toad said a new Traverse costs about $50,000 and a new feed truck would be $75,000.

    It's been a beautiful, wsrm, windy day. Gray Lady keeps an eye on the houses so guess she wants more feed. This morning when I went out she was trying to eat hay but had a long piece of netwrap in her mouth chewing on it (it was still attached to the rest of it)so had to pull that out of her mouth. Just like a bunch of kids.

    How did all of you like the half time show st the Super Bowl? Did you hear about the mass shooting at the celebration in KC. Think around 20+ people were shot and injured.. Not safe anywhere.

    Enjoy the evening and sleep well.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita…I thought of you when I came across this today.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Well another curveball thrown at me! I saw the cardiologist note and he does not believe it's from heart issues. He stated its possible I could be experiencing autonomic disfunction. His suggestions was modified sodium intake and compression stocking and if that didn't help that a neurologist consult. I tried the compression stocking when I was young and more flexible and hada hard time, but now nearly able to bend over for my socks. I'm tired of all this!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Thanks for the link, Betty. That was funny - like a bunch of kids being let out of school. I can imagine how they must have felt. I've wondered how people way up north care for their girls in winter. That would be awful for them to be inside so long. Our girls head for the barn when it rains or snows but they can come out when they want to.

    We slept in this morning but the driveway alarm went off so Stormy had to see what it was, me, too. Probably was either Gray Lady or one of the heifers. GL is up and around and I see a couple of heifers out there. Will have to stop calling them heifers - they're cows now.

    Ron, I know what you mean about getting to your feet to put on socks. Seems like they get farther away all the time. I wrap my ankle sometimes to support it and that's hard, too. I need to see if I can glet some compression sock like things on. No toes, just the rest of the sock. Odd, we tend to get shorter as we get older and our feet get farther away. I can imagine how frustrating all of this is. Wish they would come to some conclusion for you.

    Just saw on the news that two people were killed in KC at the end of the Super Bowl celebration yesterday. What is happening with people? There was a murder- suicide a couple of days ago in Tulsa. They found a 14 year old girl strangled and 17 year old boy shot, I heard. They were brother and sister. Back later.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Happy Belated Valentines, everyone. I have been off work all week because I have the flu. I'm not going back until Saturday because today is the first day I've felt halfway decent and can sit upright for any length of time. I last ate Sunday and then yesterday I was able to handle a cup of chicken broth, so that's an improvement. I read here a lot and I just had to log on to add my condolences to Ed on the loss of his daughter, and decided to check in here on the porch.

    I knew Reba only brought out the belt buckle for very special occasions, thank you jfkoc for letting us know the origin. You just KNOW that buckle is all gold, too. Beautiful. And she did a beautiful job, but I would expect nothing less from Reba and the national anthem.

    Ron, glad to hear this may not be a heart issue, I hope the alternative treatment works!

    Lorita, I am so sorry to hear about the calf that didn't make it. I just get weepy anymore about creatures, I don't know how many tears are left in me.

    I need to go and read about the parade. I can't imagine what the motive would be - just chaos? What a terrible thing to be a fan and see your team at a parade and be shot or killed. A happy day for many ruined.

    I have stopped going to things that produce a large mass of people - there are too many unhinged people out in the world and me trying to enjoy the event and pay attention to what's happening around me is too exhausting for me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Day, so sorry to hear you have the flu. At least it sounds like you're doing some better. Don'tbrt dehydrated and drink lots of juice. I'll be glad when flu season it s over. UT guess there will be something else then. I'm still wearing my mask any time I'm around anyone inside or out. Seems to be my security blanket.

    I think you're wise to avoid crowds. We never know what will happen. Sad ending for what was a day of celebration for everyone. Take care of yourself. Don't go back to work too soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron sorry for your frustration. This type of things can happen, our bodies are very complex. My sister and i were talking this morning about when a health issue is caused by several different issues you have becomes much harder to receive help. My sister has many health issues and deals with this.

    Judith got my mom to agree to trying a pair of the shoes you recommended. It is a sandal but different style than the one you like. Hope she likes them. The pair she is wearing her one foot rotates outward a bit. Hope these will help with that. They had a pair that looks like the ones she has been wearing so that made it easier to get her to go along.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    @dayn2nite2 I hope you feel better soon. A bad case of flu can be really debilitating.

    @ronald71111 and @Sayra That sounds really frustrating. I run into this with my own mom sometimes-- she'll suddenly be extra fatigued or out-of-breath and getting to the answer means knocking back and forth between cardiology and pulmonology and sometime rheumatology. It's crazy-making.

    @Lorita I dropped off my Honda for the bodywork needed since DS hit that car a couple weeks ago. My rental is the GMC version of your Equinox. Coming from a 2014 model to a 2023 has been quite an eye-opener. It took me almost 5 minutes to figure out how to adjust the seat and mirrors and then another 3 to find the shifter. On the dash. Flashback to dad's 1962 Dodge Dart convertible. DH is going to take one look at this car and insist I drive.

    Catching up on laundry and about to make dinner. I thawed a boneless pork loin I'll roast with sauerkraut, applesauce and mashed potatoes. I even have a nice simple Reisling if DH feels like wine.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Well one BIG thing off our plate: DH signed the contract to sell the business property and building today! Yay!!! Now to get this stuff moved out and go home. He has earned this retirement reward and I am very happy for both of us.

    Moving day for father in law is tomorrow, so good thoughts appreciated.

    Hope everyone feels better soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Saw a cow with a little baby this morning. Mom was standing very still while baby had breakfast Stormy and I went out to check on everyone a while ago and I saw baby and mom. She looks like a young mom, watching every move baby makes. Drove on up to the hayrings to make sure the week old baby was okay. He is- laying by mom while she munched on hay.

    Decided I better check barn because I hadn't been out there in a day or two. Another sad thing - found a big calf who had died. Two new ones and two lost. it's not going to be easy to get him out of barn because he's Inside the pen. That makes eight since last fall, .

    Went to the mailbox for the first time this week. Someone delivered bird feed yesterday so brought that in. Glad it was the 15 lbs. Of black oil sunflower seeds instead of the 40 lbs. FedEx brought to the porch.

    JeriLynn, glad the sale is over. Retirement is great! After we retired I think we worked harder than ever but enjoyed it. Hope the move tomorrow goes well.

    HB, isn't it amazing how cars have changed. I feel like the bodies are not as good and the technology is over the top. Our last new vehicle was in 2001 so you just imagine the difference. My gear shift is on the console like the Cougar was but it's hard to figure out other stuff. I want to get the window sticker but can't seem to get it. Need to know what options it has. Kind of wish I had gotten the Traverse because it's a little bigger with more horsepower. I think it's awful to have to pay all that excise tax plus sales tax and tag and title. I will get a discount on tag and sales tax but not excise. Already paid the insurance which will be about the same as the PU.

    Filled water tanks while I was out, now need to stay off my foot a while. I think I mentioned I did vet the toeless compression sock on and it has helped. Not sure how long you're supposed to wear it though.

    Judith, I forget what your grandson won the buckle for, please remind me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...cutting. What does the sticker do?

    Did you not get an owners manual????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, the sticker shows which options the specific car has. I do have a manual but it's for all Equinoxes.The different ,trims, LS, LT, RS, etc. have different options like remote starting. It's a generalized manual so I need to know what my car has or does.

    I remember our conversations about cutting horses now. Is he still helping you with your flip house?

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited February 16

    Lorita, if the dealer didn't include a copy with the paperwork (they don't seem to provide much paper anymore, all my signing was done on a tablet), then the best way to get the sticker is by calling the dealer. Chevy doesn't seem to have a good no-cost way of getting one. There are sites you can get them, but they look like they may lead to sketchy places and/or paying for a sticker that is actually free. It is also called a Monroney sticker. It definitely would be helpful in reading the manual to know which of the features are actually included in your car's version.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Day. Hope you're doing better this morning. I've talked with the dealer at least three times. The problem may be that they had to get the car from another dealer. If it doesn't come in the mail today I'll call again. It would be a big help. Looks like all they would have to do is get on the GM website and get a copy.

    It's a drizzly morning, not cold yet but will only be in the low 40s today. Toad came and fed hay and took care of the two calves. The new mom and baby are in the old garden place south of the house. I put GL in the lot so they wouldn't have to.open so many gates and fed her, then took feed out to the new mom but for some reason she would never come to the feed - maybe later. She's keeping baby away from the others.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited February 16

    Lorita i may be way of base because don’t know a lot about cars but could you not just drive your equinox to where you got it and have them to tell you.

    My Aunt in Atlanta today mentioned that the spring flowers are blooming there, nice. It will be awhile here yet.

    Got my tax return back today so got that done.

    I try to eat low sodium at urologist recommendation. I do it but so miss the flavor. Don’t know why I hadn’t thought about trying Mrs Dash. Ive only tried it in green beans so far but it helps, not salt but it helps.

    im wanting to change my profile name on here. The reason is i believe that a family member is developing dementia and i think this family is really struggling right now. Afraid if one of them finds this sight they will recognize me due to my name being close to my real name. Kind of afraid they will recognize me when I'm on here and think both of us would prefer to remain anonymous on here. Really don't say anything on here that they don’t already know. If I don’t talk about it to them , don’t talk about it on here either for most part. That could change for some reason though. Also if they don't find this sight on their own i would like to recommend it if the opportunity presented itself as i think they really need it. Even though right now i think im anonymous on here who knows. So there are things I don't talk about on here regarding mom for fear that others wont understand. Not on this thread but another one on here that happened once to me so I'm a bit gun shy. I wasn't even asking a question but answering someone else and telling them i was dealing with similar things. Think i know how to change it. Does that sound ok, or do yo think I'm too much a worrier? Know it will seem odd at first but think we will adjust and get use to it. What do you think?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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