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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Sara, if it doesn',t come in the mail,I will next week when I go get my tag. Same town. I,'ve never tried Mrs. Dash so glad you like it. I like the dry Ranch Dressing powder that comes in a bottle. Good on anything.

    They have something on QVC now that looks good. It's a swivel cushion to put in your chair or car. It turns so you don't have to twist to get up.

    The wind is blowing up to 40 mph and it's cold. Wish I had taken down the flag early this morning. Will when I go to mailbox.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, you might try this site https://www.chevrolet.com/support/vehicle you should be able to ask about options based on VIN.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Marie, I called Todd and asked him what the holdup is on the sticker. He's going to check and call me. I'm going to check in on that website anyway. It is so windy here this afternoon. Took down the flag so it wouldn't pull down the pole- it's happened before. It's cold,too. Girls are all south of the house out of the wind but it's sunny. I like the Equinoxes but didn't do my homework, I guess. Didn't realize it only has 175 horsepower. My 1965 Mustang only had 120 so guess it's okay.

    Sara, You're probably all right. Your State is big and we don't know your town and haven't seen names but if you don't feel secure you might want to change it as long as we know what your new name is. So many of us have the sane things to deal with, and they might be on a different forum,too.

    Thought about making the vegetable soup, then thought maybe potato. Settled on the two packs of ramen with cream of mushroom soup. Not in a cooking mood today. Watching Critter Fixers, Country Vets.

    Toad used the Gator thus morning and put on the emergency brake. It is so hard for me to release it. Too cold to use it today anyway.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita im not worried about any of you or anyone in my state. My family lives in another state and guess im just wanting all of our family to have the freedom of venting and remaining anonymous. Hate to change my name so think ill continue to wait and think about this some more.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Probably a good idea, Sara. I thought your mom and sisters were closeby. How is your mom?

    It has been so windy today, 40 mph and still blowing. It was sunny earlier but it has clouded up with dark clouds. Never did get that nap I've been thinking about but I have had my gown and robe on all day!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, I think you should change your name for the reason you provided. If unable to change your name, develop a new profile, maybe.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    the move went fairly well today except they had not finished the apartment. no sink or counters or cabinet doors in the kitchenette! It didn't matter to FIL, but it matters to me.. He asked the same questions over and over within 1 minute or less, so he was M. I stayed for lunch and until he was ready for a nap. Going back tomorrow to finish hanging pictures. And to see how he did overnight. ALSO no phone! What???

    Goat babies are fine. Growing fast. Supposed to have windchill in the teens for the weekend. Ugh.

    Up at 3 am again today and another early. long day tomorrow. So goodnight to everyone and sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I still have not had time to catch up reading all the recent posts from last week. I had two doctors' appointments and went to a senior event. Then, because I enjoyed my trip to Louisiana so much, I signed up for another trip, to Oregon, in the spring. I still have not caught up on my sleep.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, glad the move went okay. You need some rest. Is the apartment furnished? When Jack and my sister moved to AL they had to furnish. Hope he makes the night okay and settles in fast.

    The babies will be inside, I'm sure but any snow predicted? Our girls went to the barn just before dark. Some were running and bucking. While I watched a dozen or ran out of the barn like something was after them - just playing, I guess. I hope the new mom and baby got in and found a safe place for the night. Supposed to be in low twenties with WC in teens. Windy tomorrow, too. Next Wednesday they predict 78 degrees.

    Iris, you're developing itchy feet! So glad you enjoyed Louisiana. I imagine Oregon is beautiful, too. Something to look forward to.

    The last two days I've worn the toeless compression sock and it really makes my ankle feel better. Getting if lion and off is not too easy.

    Jo,hope you are better. What a shock for this to happen out of the blue. We never know what will happen, do we? Sorry your husband's back is hurting. I know it's hard for him to not overdo. Every day I think I'll curtail my walking but not to happen. If I would I would heal faster. I'm enjoying Doc Martin but hate for it to end. So hope they find another British show to replace it.

    Sandy, enjoyed our visit last night - always do. I wonder if you will get snow from the storm coming through. What does Petunia do when it rains or snows? Hope you're feeling well today. Filled the bird feeders this morning and it was emptied in a short time. The wind from the north is really moving the feeders and wind chimes around tonight. Hope Petunia is in for the night. Also hoping GL is in the carport out of the wind.

    Zetta, are you all right today? Also I haven't seen a post from Ron today. Hope everything is okay with both of you.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited February 17

    Good morning

    i will now go by Mint on here but will sign off for awhile as Sara so you guys will know who i am til we get use to it. It was not easy finding a name not already used.

    Jerilynn hope you are able to get some more rest soon. You seem to be kind to a lot of people. Hope you find time to take care if yourself also.

    Iris the porch has been growing lately so lot more to get caught up on.

    we git a very light snow yesterday eve. Haven’t looked out to see if we got any more overnight.

    Lorita my mom is doing ok. Thank you for asking. There are chalkenges now and then but over all its a little better i think.

    Good morning JoC and Joan


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Hi @Mint . I think you made the right decision.

    @JeriLynn66 I'm glad you got the move completed, but seriously side eye the kitchenette situation. I don't recall, did you decide on AL or MC at the end of the day? Does he need a kitchenette? Most MCFs I toured had no kitchen equipment other than maybe a small dorm-sized fridge. There are too many ways a PWD can get into trouble in a kitchen-- fires on the stove, burns, smoke, gas left on, food poisoning from spoiled food.

    I'm not surprised by the phone. Phones can be a huge issue for the families of PWD for a lot of reasons. In addition to making them prey for scammers of all kinds, the unholy combination of anxiety and zero orientation to time means families can get dozens of calls in a day while they're trying to work or sleep. It's a rare week that goes by on the General Topic or Parent boards that doesn't include a thread on disappearing the phone for this reason.

    At dad's MCF, families had the option of installing phones (and cable/internet) but very few actually did. Like any apartment, this was the responsibility of the renter. A few folks there might still have had a cell phone but I'm not sure they still had service on them or were carried as some kind of security object. Dad carried his around long after he knew how to operate a phone; of course, sometimes he tried to answer the TV remote.


    We got a very pretty snow overnight- 4" of very dry powdery fluff. Normally I would enjoy a leisurely Saturday morning and then deal with it after a pot of tea. But DS is working today. The railroad is pretty quiet here from Jan-Easter, but they do a couple excursions over Valentine's Day and Presidents' weekend. It'll make for a pretty ride today through the countryside. This means we'll need to dig out and I'll need to drive him. His Miata is terrible in the snow. It's rather fortunate the rental company gave me the Terrain after all. I'll get DS up at 6:30am but I have to decide if we use the snow blower or not. We do have a noise restriction around mowers and leaf blowers and I have had neighbors clear driveways very late at night ahead of work the next day but I still feel like a monster running that thing at 6:30 on a weekend no less. At least it's a shorter shift today; last weekend he put in a couple 13 hour stints.

    I have to figure out something for mom's birthday on Monday. I'm guessing we'll take her out for a nice dinner but I haven't bought her anything in the way of a gift. I can't think of a thing the woman wants that she doesn't already have. My niece bought her a delicate necklace that says "nanny" on it to match the ones my niece has with her and her DH's names on them. LOL, my niece texted me wondering if the lettering will be too small for mom to read. It is but I think she'll be delighted otherwise. Now I have to level up and have zero ideas.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    That paper tiger is cut.

    The snow was so light, DS was able to use the leaf blower to clean off the car and we managed to get the drive and front walk done in 20 minutes old school with shovels. He's showering now and I'm off to pack him lunch.

    Then I have to sort out a gift for mom. Any ideas?


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch rockers!

    I might need to take a break from posting, seems like lately I have nothing to say except my frustration. Had a message from my primary care saying after a electronic consult with cardiologist, it is not believed my blood pressure fluctuating is heart related. I have been told to stop my Tamsulosin for BPH since a major side affect of it is the blood pressure drop upon standing that I'm having. I did not take any Thursday or Friday night and still have a systolic drop of 20 to 30 when I stand. Of course the amount of fluid I'm drinking and not taking Tamsulosin, I'm up and down to the bathroom.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    @harshedbuzz Cologne, scented body lotion or shower gel, night gown, gift card, scarf, nice tea or coffee, "gourmet" food of some sort, book, hummingbird feeder - google gifts for older women - Amazon has some ideas. I know you'll do great!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited February 17

    Ron we are here to listen to your frustrations about . It’s ok if that is all you feel like talking about right now. It’s hard when you are miserable and worried.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    We are here to listen so if you feel that you need to vent just VENT.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    @harshedbuzz SHOES for Mom?? FIL moved to Assisted Living. No stove, no microwave, the phone was installed today but I may take it out. He doesn't use it but does get a LOT of scammer (possible) calls.

    They messed up his medications today. The Nurse does not have records from yesterday, the medication record today does not match the dose available in the med cart. I told her to write down that I TOLD her not to give meds today. Someone has COVID and someone else has flu so his floor is locked down. He moved clothes to/from everywhere last night. It's a mess. I will be in the office of the Executive Director Monday morning.

    Lorita, the babies are in the barn stall safe and sound with Mama.

    I'm at the Shop now packing up my office since the closing went thru. March 1st will be here quick.

    Ron, you have to keep posting or we will all worry. So, please keep us updated.

    Gotta run. Be back later

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, Ron, I agree with Mint and David. I don't think it would be good for you to not post. This is one of your outlets and we're your friends and want to help when we can. Go ahead and post and say what you're feeling. We're here to listen. I hope Lou is doing all right. Things will settle down for you - they'll find out what's going on and things will be better. We all have our trials and everyone at one time or another needs someone to lean on. We're here and want you to stay and post so we'll know how you are.

    Mint, going to be hard to get used to but we will. You know when I first joined the forum and started this thread, 16 years ago, even then it was hard to find a handle that wasn't being used. That's how I joined as Lorita. I'm glad you made the change if you felt it was necessary - better to be comfortable in what you're doing.

    Hope things go all right today, JeriLynn. My BIL had a apartment in a big community, I guess you'd call it - there were apartments, one and two bedrooms with kitchens - and there was assisted living when a person needed it and then nursing home care. He is 93 and had a minor stroke so moved back to one of his daughter's. Had not sold his house so he'll move back there when he's fully recovered - close to his girls. He had an apartment phone and also a cell phone to keep with him. If all cell phone are like mine, you get lots of phone calls every day. I don't answer any of them unless I know the number. How they get the number I don't know.

    It is cold here this morning. When I got up it was sunny but the north wind was blowing, not as hard as yesterday though. The girls went to the barn last night and when I got up they were south of the house. I couldn't locate Gray Lady or the new baby so got on my clothes and finally got the Gator's emergency brake off. Toad put it on yesterday and my hands aren't strong enough to push in the button so used a big hammer and it worked. I saw Gray Lady - she's okay - then drove out to see the girls. Didn't see the baby so went the long-way around (it's not too muddy) to the hayrings. They weren't there so came back down and saw the baby and his mom - she had put him in the bushes next to a fence out of the wind. The other new baby was laying on the south side of a big Hackberry tree - out of the wind. Then, realized I hadn't seen Billy the Bull in a couple of days - so went back up to the hayrings and found him. The only time I was really cold was when I was traveling east or west and the north wind hit me.

    Fed and medicated the GP and they're outside. Fed the birds and cats and myself. When I go into town to pay the excise tax (hate that) I'll get a sack or two of feed for GL. I have enough for today and maybe enough to get her in the lot tomorrow when they feed. Hopefully, they'll feed grain tomorrow and leave some for her.

    HB, do you like the GMC Terrain? I checked and it is similar to the Equinox except they look a little different - I think the Equinox is a little bigger and just smidge higher horsepower. I wish the Equinox was a little more powerful but it'll be okay for an old lady. I won't worry about how it does in the mud or snow because I haved the big PU with 4WD if need be. You know I doubt we have used the 4WD more than half a dozen times since we've had it - 23 years.

    Nothing going on here today, I hope. Not too much on TV on the weekend - watching Planet Earth now. They're showing an owl with her baby and how she tears up the meat so the baby can swallow it - papa's helping, too.

    If you all haven't watched Yellowstone they're showing all the episodes again this weekend (probably the sixth time they've done this). I'm wondering if they're going to do another season.

    JeriLynn, sounds like you're going to have s busy day - wrong meds and all. It takes a while to get settled in and things sorted out. I know when daddy was in a NH - it was just down the hill from the VA Hospital where I worked. I'd stop in sometimes before work, at noon, after work and sometimes even on coffee breaks. They didn't know when I'd show up and I made friends with all the employees. Worked well - but, they did lose the footpieces on his wheelchair so I moved him - care was all right but I liked the other one better. My mother was also in that home when she passed away.

    I'd better stop, didn't realize I'd rattled on so much. I've been using the tablet but are on the laptop this morning and it goes much faster. The last time I used the computer the screen went black and a notice said it had been locked.

    JeriLynn, glad the babies and mom are safe and warm in the barn. If I could, I'd bring all of them into the house when the weather's bad. At least what were mine can get into the barn (and they do when it rains or snows). Feel sorry for the what used to be heifers and their babies. There's a couple of high pond dams when they can get out of the north wind so that helps.

    I'll be back later. Happened again screen went back and a little notice came on saying call support team or something like that and gave a number. Take care.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Now you made me look it up. They're basically identical in terms of engine and horsepower. Equinox has almost 2" additional ground clearance and a fraction of an inch in length, but the Terrain outweighs it by a little over 100lb.

    2024 GMC Terrain vs. 2024 Chevrolet Equinox - Car Comparison (edmunds.com)

    It's a nice change of pace. I love how much more intuitive the phone is to sync; the Honda's is a PITA to re-synch after updates. It took me a while to find the radio and parking brake. It doesn't feel as sure-footed as my old Jeep Cherokee but the ride is considerably easier on the driver. One thing I love is the reminder to check the backseat for things I put back there. DS wasn't especially impressed compared to the Jeeps which were passed down to him and hold a special spot in his heart. He still hasn't forgiven me for donating the Cherokee. It had 275K miles on it and frame rust.

    @BethL That's a great list. I hate to "yes, but" your suggestions but maybe you've missed my rants about mom's acquisitive nature. Her derm prescribes a special skin cream for her and directs her to use a specific soap. She lost her sense of smell as a side effect from an antibiotic she took a few years back so cologne is not something she does. She has 3 closets full of in-season clothing and 4 totes full of out-of-season items. She has 2 drawers full of scarves (her second favorite thing is the world after leather gloves). She's set for nightgowns, robes, slippers and PJs. And don't get me started with her ridiculous shoe addiction. (@JeriLynn66 -- she'd love more shoes. Maybe heels so I can worry about another fall when we go out). DS got her the Bob Dylan book at Christmas, she has at least half a dozen magazine subscriptions and the library is one of her favorite outings. I considered a tablet, but it's all I can do to keep her out of trouble with her Apple Watch and iPhone.

    I booked lunch for late Monday afternoon. Perhaps I'll just get a Talbot's gift card and some watchbands and call it good.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited February 17

    HB, they're almost identical! We also had a 1989 Jeep Cherokee Laredo that we loved. Drove it until it was unfixable or we didn't find the right mechanic. Didn't have a load of miles. Bryon and I bartered it against some work he did for me. He's mechanically minded but hasn't had time to work on it. I miss it but didn't find another one that was that was what I wanted without paying a price way too high.

    I did drive a 2022 Dodge Charger home while they worked on my PU. Loved it but not practical on our roads and he wouldn't meet my price. Too old anyway for another muscle car.

    I need to get weather tech floor and cargo liners. WM has some but they're for a 2023 and I think configuration of the cargo area is different. I did one of those swivel cushions from QVC. Thought it might make it a bit easier to get in and out. Trying to avoid putting all my weight on my right foot.

    I think your presents sound good. Sounds like your mother has just about everything. Hate to sound dumb but what kind of store is Talbots?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Talbot's a clothing store for woman that sells clothing with a classic to preppy vibe. They sell a range of sizes from 0-24 plus accessories. Mom lives about 1/4 mile from a shopping center that has a Talbot's plus a Chico's.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have a good looking purse I bought from Talbots when my daughter worked there when she was in high school. She is now close to 60.

    Got 3 more bags of books into the car for Goodwill. Then ordered the black legal hanging folders from Amazon. I carelessly ordered letter size. Got the return label printed out and will drop off at Whole Foods Monday.

    How many cows fit in the barn?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Lorita: found him on the side of a busy road. Dew claws front. Double dew claws both back feet. DH says NO MORE DOGS… my work will be cut out for me to cajole my way to keep him ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks, HB. Don't know that there's one in the bigger town close to us. I'm sure there is one in Tulsa though.

    Judith, that is a good purse for sure! Do you carry it often? Right now about 65 but st one time we had about 120 and they fit. Would be a bit crowded but there's the cowshed (\where my parents milked )and the bigger part of the barn which includes a pen almost as long as the barn. I need to measure the length of the barn. When daddy rebuilt it in 1960 after we lost the big, red one he made it a third longer.

    JeriLynn, that puppy is a Great Pyrenees! You have to keep him so work your magic. Always room for one more. Lilly will raise him. Why in the world would someone put him out? So glad you found him. He looks sad but you'll make him happy. His hair looks like Sheenas and looks like he is going to have long hair on his feet- like Sheena.

    Just went to the mailbox- found the hazard lights! One thing at a time. Motor sounds like it flutters when you're outside and hear it. Will find out about that.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    and there goes the grey fox running past my kitchen window...what a treat

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited February 18

    HB, I'm in favor of food gifts.

    Lorita, be careful about pop-ups that say call tech support and provide a number. I did that once and my computer was highjacked! I couldn't do anything on it! Fortunately, I had Norton anti-virus protection so I called the number that I had for them, and they were able to walk me through and remove the threat. Do NOT call any number except a number that you already know.

    Mint, I see your new name.

    Ron, I think you should keep posting, our front porch is like a real front porch, with neighbors passing by on their way here and there.

    I read about your autonomic dysfunction. About two years ago I had a bad dizzy spell and I thought I had autonomic dysfunction. I began drinking more watesnand using more salt. After lots of testing, my results have all come back unremarkable. I think it is important for older adults to maintain a consistent routine as much as possible. When the routine inevitably must be broken, we need to take as much time as necessary to get back to regularity. Ron, you have had quite a lot of activity since Christmastime. I think you need to relax and recuperate. Don't put so much pressure on yourself.

    I really had a great time in New Orleans and southern Louisiana. There is so much history there! And all of it interesting.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited February 18

    Thanks Iris, I won't. Today. I used it for about 30-45 minutes and it popped up again. I've belonged to a tech club in India for years but a few months ago they did something I needed done and for some reason I called them to ask something and asked for that guy by name and they said they didn't have anyone by that name. Now I'm afraid to use them. I need to find someone locally who works on computers. .I think It's a dirty shame that things like this happen. Are you rested up after your trip?

    Judith, you have a gray fox around your yard? Do you see it often and how long has it been there? No foxes here but plenty of coyotes. Planet Earth ,III is on and is very good. It showed David Attenborough when he was 31 so he's around 96 or 97 now. He is such a good narrator and nature lover.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Dear front porch friends,

    Is my rocking chair still there? I have been working some (full time for a few months, running home every 2-3 hours to check in with my LO and the caregiver), recovering from an ugly virus during the holidays, trying to adjust to a revolving door of aides, and also caring for my DH as always. He slipped into Stage 7 during this time, So, while I've been posting some on the regular forums I just could not keep up here. But I'm going to try again as I miss everyone and your news (and recipes!) SO much!

    My long term substitute teaching position is finished, so I am hoping I can get back to a few of the things that help keep me sane. Now, it says I only have 658 new posts to read here on thread #193 to get caught up! (Oh my). And I missed #192 and most of #191 completely. It is like being away on vacation for a long time and glad to get back home, but so much work waiting for you upon return. LOL -

    It will be fun work though, hearing about all that has been going on here. I hope everyone is well and that the rest of your February brings loads of peaceful and joyful moments.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, very cold here this morning but it is sunny with no wind,yet. Put the flag up agsin. The bottom is frayed but still the flag. Need to order another one. Fed Gray Lady and have her in the lot so they won't have to open and close so many gates when they feed.Do hope they feed the girls grain today and leave more for GL. When I go to town I'll get a couple sacks of creep for her. Ice was fairly thick this morning on the water so had to break that. Heard the heifers and babies bawling so someone somewhere in hearing distance is feeding and they hear the truck.

    Welcome back, Butterfly. I saw your thread yesterday and posted. It will take a while to catch up on the posts. There are several new porch rockers and so nice to have them. Glad you're feeling better.

    My ankle is feeling better. Surprising how much that compression socks help. Almost time for the Sunday morning news shows so will stop and see what the 'good' news is. Seldom hear good news anymore. Enjoy the day-to-day hope everyone is well.

    Ron, we need to see your post today!!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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