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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, I do not have an over the bed table; never have. I am not tall and do not have a long lap for sitting on the sofa or chair with my computer, so when I use my laptop, (never want to use a table with it), I simply get on top of a bed with legs out and put the laptop computer on top of my lap/thighs; it works well and is comfortable even for long periods of time. Works for me with pillows at my back of course.

    Joan, I am truly sorry to hear of your ongoing back pain; that has to be a terrible tribulation to say the least. Bill has had excellent results from his spine surgery with no issues; but when he overdoes activity, etc. his back muscles get really achy and also his hip now causes painful episodes. Getting "mature" is physically not often a lot of fun - everything starts wearing out. Sigh. I hope you can find permanent comfort from the ongoing pain soon and that you will be able to walk without cross-country skiing with your poles.

    Cabbage - I also enjoy it too any way it comes cooked or raw. It really is a versatile veg. I also like it in soup. Of course great with sausage or bacon which I have not actually done in years.

    Heard we are getting another spate of rain next week - another storm coming in. Shucks. Seems we are either in drought or too much happening. Not really complaining; the folks in big snow country back east have it really rough.

    HB;; perhaps if you took a different stance with your mother, you could get that Advance Directive done. I did that with my mother . . . told her I was doing MY Advance Directive and was going over each and every bit with her saying what I wanted . . . we then also at each spot without saying I was making an AD for her, put her wishes down without her knowing it while we discussed "mine." After we were through, I then put all of her wishes together, later showed it to her that I did one for her "along with mine," and she signed it. It was easier for her to discuss my wishes than it was for her to discuss hers, I think. It did finally get done. I used to carry a copy of that along with her HIPPA Waiver and a detailed list of health information in a manila envelope in my car. No matter how often I gave copies to the doctor's office and the hospital when she was a patient, they always disappeared . . . . so having a copy in the car was really helpful as she was an ER run a significant number of times. Same with my step-dad.

    When I would give a copy of such papers to the doctor's office or hospital, I told them it was so they could copy it BUT I wanted the original back. That was much more efficient and did not always leave me having to make more and more copies. Don't know why the copies always disappeared from the professionals, but they did.

    Bet the daffodils are beautiful, Sayra. They are such happy looking blooms. Wish they lasted longer when picked; they brighten up gardens and brighten up rooms for just awhile. I have a tall antique tulip vase, it is lovely; I really like tulips but they do not last long after picking them; I was growing tulips in one of the garden beds but did not have much luck. First; I accidentally planted the bulbs upside down, (WHOOPS!!) and then later I did not know I had to dig them up to save them to plant for next season. I gave up. My annual happy time was planting the bright colored large pansies in a pansy bed; lovely to look at, they were happy. The bed has now been given over to other plantings more permanent. Funny how that happens when one's joints began to get; ahem, "mature."

    Lawdy, lawdy; I have very wide feet. Need a pair of new "tennis" shoes, but cannot find wide enough for comfort, EW not wide enough in such shoes in toe space and want flat soles not built up and not too high on back of ankle. Used to be easy to find them, but not so much any more. Must be the Scandinavian half of me, if I were still in the UP of Michigan, I would not need snow shoes during winter; have my own. Harrumph!

    Just noticed that Valentine's Day is only two days away. No big celebration this year we decided; that is our gift to one another - we used to do special day plans, but we now far more enjoy simply saying Happy Valentine's Day, I love you, and giving ourselves no added fuss and muss. Yep; we are older and ache more and been there, done that many, many a decade. Perhaps we may think about another chocolate cupcake . . . .???

    Good idea to take that blood pressure problem to the Cardiologist Ron; it is hard to get things nailed down and get meds just right that also do not cause additional issues. So hope all turns out well and gets in order for you.

    Hi HB: "Cuddle Down" is a brand name for various items; I see them in catalogs. The gowns I have, have never pilled nor have they had static electricity. Sure wish I had bought more long ago when they were readily available. I have seen the one in Vermont Country Catalog and it is not nearly as nice as the ones I got from Vanity Fair and Barbizon; both companies now gone. Ah well; perhaps I will find something similar when I am not looking. Soon it will be time for new summer gowns; need those too. Seems they all give out at the same time - wonder why.

    Hope your weather does not bring tornadoes, JeriLynn, and that all that hard work will be easier than it first seems, that is a lot on your plate.

    I remember a nice spiced tea with a tidge of an orange flavor; it is, "Constant Comment," and is still available in most grocery stores. I use Earl Grey from Stash Tea Company; lovely scent and comforting.

    Time to get going, lazy me putting things off. Of course then I pay for that later. Will I ever learn I wonder . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sandy, today?? Wonder where in the world it's been for two months? I'm so sorry about that. Hope you didn't think I forgot you.Better late than never, I guess.

    Have you had snow or is what came through here last night on its way to you? Are you feeling better? Really hope so. How are the horses and mules?

    Just gave Gray Lady some feed.She heard me when I went outside and came over.Saved a little for tomorrow in case he doesn't make it over. I don't think that little calf knows about eating grains maybe he'll learn.He's just been mostly staying by himself.

    Went out to the barn to close some gates and almost lost my balance in the mud. Wrapped my ankle and then couldn't get the right shoes on so wore my Dates and they are not good in the mud. Ron, I didn't remember that about Reba. I bet you're right. Did you watch her show on TV? Really liked it. It's a beautiful sunny but cool day.supposed to be in the mid 60s this week.

    Judith,did you get any snow?

    Again, sorry about the late card, Sandy.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    edited February 13

    @Jo C.

    That is disappointing that the Vermont Country Store gowns aren't as nice. Cuddleskin is a trademark of the Vanity Fair, so it's odd the VCS is using the trademark name and yet it's not the same fabric. Perhaps they offer it in different weights. It doesn't seem to be available as a yard good anymore either.

    Ebay has them if you're open to vintage.

    cuddleskin night gown for sale | eBay

    New Balance has extra wide but I can't speak to fit. I have a "C" width foot and am usually OK with "regular" width in shoes that come out of northern Europe. Ecco does a generous wide. How about a mens or boys shoe? They tend to run wider.

    Mom doesn't have dementia and if I played the "Let's do our Advanced Directives together" she would call me out for treating her as if she did. I dropped her off a copy of Being Mortal a couple hours ago and we'll go from there. I don't even need it written, I already have the AD she did before, I just want her to understand what could be ahead and make informed choices.

    Forecasts for this storm are all over the place from a coating that doesn't stick to roads to 6+ inches. I swear they're just guessing.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    FIL moves this Friday and DH will be there to assist. Facility has movers coming. Thank the Lord ❤️

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron...no way could I figure that out

    Sasue...can't figure that out either

    Jo...I can now only wear Orthofeet. They make a great sandel that I wear inside all year and outside when temp is over 50 degrees. The name is Clio...slips right on and has great support....velcro adjustment. I promise you that y our feet are no wider than mine.

    The specifically say they help Morton's Neuroma. I have shared this info with Lorita but so far she has not bought any.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I was diagnosed last November I was in the hospital for 4 days with cellulitis and the dr saw something in my actions so he sent me to neurologist I went and failed all the tests and said I had the beginning of Alzheimer's. Since then I have had several "things" happen I have seen several White Ghosts also a couple of times I have gotten up the middle of the night showered, brushed my teeth,? started getting dressed when my wife woke up and asked what are you doing ? I said that I did not know. There are now alarms on the doors so if I try to leave the alarms will wake my wife up and stop me from wandering around the house and stop me from wandering the neighborhood.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I don't remember about the shoes. Where do you buy them online? How does it say they help Morton's Neuroma? I'll Google it and see. The neuroma is bothering my toes and when I flex them it feels like I have paper stuck to the soles of my feet. Also feel a growth on my right foot. Patsy had this and it went away. In my case it just extended to the other foot, too. This may be affecting my balance along with the sprained ankle.

    JeriLynn, after my cousin passed away her husband was able to make it on his own for a few months. Then he relented and told me he would go to an ALF. I made the arrangements including the movers. He called me a few minutes after they left and was so upset that he had forgotten to send his recliner which he slept in. I called them and they came back and got it. They were nice and so accommodating to him. No way could he and I have moved his furniture. Hope things work out for your FIL.

    Our weather is showing so many beautiful snow pictures, many snowmen included. Not that much here, thank goodness. Looks like the east coast is going to get it tonight. Stay safe if you live in that area. See you all tomorrow.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Welcome from me too.

    I live less than 2 hours west of Lorita and have been with her and this thread since before our husbands died. We are from all over including Mexico and Australia.

    Somehow we ( collectively) find something to share. Health, food and weather seem to dominate the posts but all conversation is welcome.

    We are here to chat and to also help each other so I hope you will be with us often on the porch.

    Oh, additionally, we also throw great viral parties!!!

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    We haven’t had a Porch Party in a while! Who said they were cooking beans and pork chops for Ron? I just made a big pot of chili and will bring that and cornbread and rice. I can run by the Amish market for fresh milk too! But I don’t have any dessert made 😳🤔.

    Today was a productive day at the Shop. I feel better this evening.

    Took an extra hour to go see FIL and get him washed up and into clean clothes. He remembers the move so I will go again tomorrow to give him the date. I plan to park him in the Library with a cup of hot tea until I have his new apartment ready. DH will keep him company after he helps me hang pictures.

    FIL did tell me something concerning today. Said a “strange woman” showed up in his room and didn’t seem to understand anything he said and wouldn’t leave SO he went to the front desk for help to get the lady out of his apartment. No other details. And he was quite animated in telling the story. ?? I plan to follow up tomorrow-

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, I checked Orthofeet.com. Lots of shoes but didn't see any mules or slides. I can't wear a shoe that comes up against my Achilles tendon. I can wear boots that don't press on it and the tops are higher. I injured my right Achilles several winters ago because the work boot I was wearing had a tight string from one side to the other. I didn't realize it until the damage was done. I read what it said about Morton's Neuroma. Maybe an insert of some kind might help. Probably shouldn't try any kind until my ankle heals. The Vionic hurts my foot, too.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    OK front porch rockers, get off the rockers and let's plan a Valentines party. I will bring a big pot of chicken and sausage gumbo and bake some of the cookies with maraschino cherries 🍒, pecans, dates with brown sugar and maybe Lorita can get her famous front porch Rockets together for entertainment. Let's make this a party to remember!

    I have my Gastrologist visit today and really don't expect to hear anything different than I've already heard. I just can't make up my mind if I'm going to deal with high blood pressure or low blood pressure. Last night after getting Lou ready for bed I rested a few minutes and BP was 173/71 sitting and 104/69 standing. After getting up this morning it was 147/83 sitting and 104/66 standing.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    Greetings from snowy PA.

    Good thing it's always balmy on the front porch because the one here has 3" of snow on it already.

    The snow's supposed to clear out in a couple hours, but for now it's coming down at a rate of a little more than an inch/hour. I had to reschedule mom's echo and bloodwork for next week. I got a better time slot, so it's all good. I'll take her for the blood draw and then we'll do a brunch or lunch before heading back for the test. That sounds more humane than risk a fender-bender or a slip on the sidewalk.

    I think I'll make a second pot of tea and maybe read a book. One of my friends and her daughter are voracious readers who pass their books onto me. I am not as big a reader as I used to be but do like a novel once in a while.

    @BethL I have The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry, What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding, Black Cake, Lights Out in Lincolnwood, The Tennis Partner and Miss Benson's Beetle-- can you make a suggestion from that list? I think I have a few others on my nightstand. But first, the crossword.

    I'm not sure what my contribution to the party should be. LOL, maybe I should stick with paper products.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    edited February 13

    @harshedbuzz - I am not familiar with any of those books. Ones I have read recently and really enjoyed are "Northeaster," which is about the big winter storm in 1952 in the northeast and how it affected various individuals there and "Mortuary Confidential: Undertakers Spill the dirt," which is full of little stories of various things funeral directors have experienced. It has some absolutely hilarious stories! Hubby and I both enjoyed those two books. Also, "The Man from the Train: Discovering America's most elusive serial killer." Enjoy your crossword and your snow day! Do you do Wordle or Connections? I do Wordle pretty much every day but I find Connections to be difficult.

    @telinde - Joan, I am so sorry you continue to have back pain and sciatica, even after having a spinal fusion. Hope you will be able to find relief so you can live the life you want to live.

    I have a few leaves to rake and some pine cones to pick up today. I do enjoy yard work when the weather is decent.

    Tomorrow my sister and niece come to town to look at wedding gowns and I'll be tagging along. Should be fun!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    HB hope thar snow clears out soon

    JoC I'm wearing the Altra Provision6. It is pretty flat to me, has a very nice toe box to me. You might look into it and see what you think about it for yourself.

    Sunny here, but cool with a frost. My daffodils don't have buds yet. They are just starting to come up.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, not a good one. When I got up, looked out to check on GL and the calf. He was still laying where he was yesterday. Fed GL and went out to him. He can't get up, can't raise his head and I think isprobably in the process of leaving us. Called Mike but at 8 phones are transferred to the clinic..Asked Cathy to call and tell him.He called me in a few minutes.He said he got the calf up yesterday morning and he walked around. Thinks it might be an internal problem.When I got him up he was feisty, didn't want to go in. Maybe should have left him out. Tried to feed him Sunday but he wouldn't or couldn't eat. Just hate this! He'll come out but will be too late. This little guy has stayed by himself for weeks. I do think GL slept close to him Last night - no dew on the grass close to him.

    I'll bake a white layer cake with white frosting with a big, red heart on top and silver beads around it for the party.Mother used to make one and bring it to school on Valentine's Day when I was little.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,359
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    edited February 13

    @Lorita I am so sorry about your little calf. That must tear at your heart. What a lovely memory of your mom's cake.

    @BethL now I have to find a copy of Mortuary Confidential. I just checked upstairs. I have Safe Haven started; it was a little too chick-lit for me. I also have The Homewreckers and Strength in What Remains. Too many options. Maybe I'll do laundry or take a nap.

    ETA: DH and I used to do Wordle but kind of got away from it. My mom still does it daily. I have never had any success with Connections. Once in a while I will attempt Spelling Bee; I have a friend who earns "Queen Bee" status a couple times a month. I am not that person. I find Tiles relaxing but a waste of time.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Speaking of books, guess I need to throw my two cents in. Most of you know I am a western movie fan. I have a complete collection of Louis LeMour books, which was handed down to me when my father passed.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I was diagnosed last November after spending 4 days in the hospital with cellulitis my Dr saw something and sent me to a neurologist and he said that I had the beginning of Alzheimer's

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Barrsalem....please google to checck that your diagnosis followed protocol.

    I will bring some Budweiser to wash down that Louisiana gumbo. I have the cookbook from the Commanders palace and use the Gumbo YaYa recipe. I also have a cookbook written by the cook at a B&B where we spent the night in St Francisville. It was a wonderful trip. Shreveport>Natchitochus(sp)>Lafayette>New Orleans> Baton Rouge>Zachery. The roads were beautiful.

    Lorita...look at the sandals and maybe get a size that would accommodate socks. The Clio has wonderful support all round.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just checked and the sweet baby us gone. He's well now and won't have to roam the pastures alone. Gray Lady in out there with him. I wonder if he might be her calf from last year- could be. HB, losing one does hurt so much.

    Ron, I have the complete set of books by Zane Gray. Mother bought them planning to read them when she retired. Don't know how many she read because she got macular degeneration . I read one The Thundering Herd. Wish I hadn't. It was about the herds of buffalo and what happened to them.

    JeriLynn,your mention of the casket lining color got me to thinking so checked on it this morning and it's light blue with blue casket so that's okay. Also checked to be sure about the vault. I've planned four funerals and now it seems odd to be planning my own. Need to decide on clothes and whether I want to write the obituary or just have a death notice.

    It's a most beautiful day. Sunny, warm and no wind. Good day for the baby to go if it had to be. Good he was up so he wouldn't be lost and alone out in the pastures.

    Put the flag back up. Now for the tears.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Lorita, so so sorry for the loss of the calf - I shed a tear while reading this. My heart always hurts at the loss of any beloved animal. xo

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    @Lorita I am so very sorry about the loss of the calf. You and Mike take such good, loving care of them. It sure does hurt to lose one.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, once again your friends are grieving with you and as always, here for you.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, everyone. I can't count the times I've sat with a cow or calf while their life left them. Never get easier. Charles was the same way.

    It means a lot that I have you all to share these sad times with. Having someone to talk to about things helps. A lot.of you have been doing that for16 years. We've all been through a lot - getting the diagnosis, care giving and the loss not to mention dealing with all that comes later. Always someone here to lean on.

    You know I believe the loss of our loved ones makes other losses harder, at least it does for me. Just one more in the line of losses.

    I need to get outside but wish it wasn't so muddy. Oh, did I mention, I wrote most of my obituary this morning. Need to get that done.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited February 14

    I'm back. Lorita, I'm sorry another calf was lost.

    Today is Mardi Gras. I never knew it could be so exciting! I saw three parades and got a lot of beads and other loot. Louisiana is a very interesting state!

    I had a cardiologist appt today, apparently my heart is functioning well. I have a sleep apnea appt tomorrow, and will visit a senior expo on Thursday. I'll post more when I have chance to read the past few posts.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, I’m sorry you lost another calf. Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you, Iris. Glad you're home and had a wonderful trip. Good news about your appt.

    Thanks,Joan. Hard to lose a bsby. This makes seven since the heifers began calving including Samson, the big bull with a broken leg. Hope you're feeling better today

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 798
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    Oh Lorita, I am so sorry about your calf. It’s very sad and so hard to experience. Truthfully, I don’t know if I want any more animals- not sure I can handle much more. Another busy day today.

    FIL has already begun asking if/when he will be able to move back to his current apartment. Fiblets employed.

    SIL visited the Shop for lunch before the hair appointment I got for her. Thank goodness she liked the cut and color! I love her but she needs a LOT of attention and support. I’m trying to get her to see a Therapist. She went once but didn’t go back even though she liked the therapist and admits she needs therapy. Deep sigh. She says she will call tomorrow for an appointment. We’ll see.

    I’m heading to bed shortly as I got up at 2am again. Rest well friends.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Friends.

    Lorita. Iam so sorry about the baby calf. They are so lucky to have you there for them. Iam glad you like your new car. I have had mine for 4 years and Iam still finding things I did not know it did.

    I hope your ankle is getting better, it scares me when you talk about walking in the mud. You can fall so easy.

    Jo. It's always so nice to hear from you. Iam praying that you and Iris living in the areas you both do that you're not getting all the unsafe weather I have been hearing about. Please take care of yourself get lost of rest, I miss your postings.

    Ron. You're amazing with all the care you give Lou. Please don't forget to give yourself a lot of care and rest as much as you can. Iam glad you have a loving church family there to help you.

    JeriLynn, Iam like you I am so organized that when things don't go as I want them to, I get messed up. It seems like I could do 5 things at one time, now Iam lucky if I manage 2 things at a time. As far as the room visitor, your FIL had Iam afraid there will be more. When my DH was in MC people were always going into each other rooms. Just make sure he has nothing of value there because it could wind up missing.

    Joan, it's so nice hearing from you and Iam sorry you are still have issues with your back. When I was working a few hours a day at the health center my back was killing me, so I quit my job in December and back issues are gone. I was way overdoing it. That was a good thing you had all your eye drops together, Iam still putting eye drops in, 2 drops twice a day in both eyes. Iam not complaining because it's a miracle how well I can see without glasses, and I have worn glasses for 60 years. They did my eyes 2 weeks apart, they are both healing well. I have one more visit in 2 weeks. Good Luck on you march visit.

    Sorry if I missed any one Iam having a hard time keeping up with all of you. Your all so busy.

    You're all in my prayers. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, good to hear your back is much better.I'm sure your fur babies are glad you're at home with them. Stormy watches me all the time. He can be asleep and if I move much or get up he rsises his head and watches until I sit down again.

    Someone mentioned the eagle cam, not sure who but I watched a little this evening. They said it will be two weeks unti! The eggs hatch. I enjoyed watching last year so will again.

    Thanks, Zetta. I'll miss seeing the baby out in the pastures. I always felt so bad that he was always by himself. No idea about his mother. Mike said she may have lost her milk so he had to take care of himself and their bond was broken. But Gray Lady laid close to him.last night,- for comfort maybe. I'm sure he was also the one who got out on the frozen pond and couldn't get off until Toad roped him and pulled him.off. An internal injury may have happened that caused this.

    I think I'll like my car. Doesn't have an excellent reliability rating but didn't know that until today. What kind of car do you have? I think there are some of our front porch friends who have a Chevy Equinox. I really wanted one like they had in the 70s but not to be.

    Almost time for bed so hope everyone has a good night's rest.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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