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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    That's good, Mint. Still will have the work of preserving things but not of caring for the plants in the hot weather.. Wish I was close to a farmer's market.

    Guess I have to get the plants in the ground today. Left them out and Rusty ate one. Brought them Inside during the bad weather and the cats ate most of the leaves on the others. Can't win for losing.

    HB, it is ridiculous that people have to wait so long to get appointments.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up. I'm taking the cats to the cat hotel this morning. I have to make two trips because I have only two carriers.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, are you okay?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, I know Winda is with you during the day but you need to let us know if all is okay. You may be out on appts. I hope so but let us know.

    Well, I finally got to wotk.putting the new fan together. Worked and worked on putting a plastic spinner on but it would not tighten. Read the instructions and lo and behold it tightens counterclockwise. Got it finished and it runs!!

    Judith, just read your post. Glad all is okay. I was about ready to call you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had my VA appointments this morning, now I can see better and hear everyone. Also, called the Behavioral Hospital and made a appointment to see the administrator and social worker at 2pm. Meeting went well; they will allow me to see Lou at 10am during their group therapy period since she really doesn't precipitate, they adjusted her medicine and I should be able to bring her home Friday or Saturday.

    Me…...after my other appointments I desided to go have my blood pressure checked. The nurse took it 4 or 5 times and had me rest between each reading. It was always in the 140s over 70s and heart rate around 107 to 110. Hopefully it's all just stress related!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, glad you can see and hear better. Also happy you'll be able to visit with Lou earlier in the day.

    Of course the stress is getting to you making your blood pressure higher. If you have a blood pressure machine you might take it soon after you get up. My BP and pulse rate is always higher at the doctor's office. I have white coat syndrome even though I've worked with doctors so long.

    More tornados tonight south of OKC. Weather said 25 have been confirmed from Sunday and that will go higher. Lots more rain to come. May have some hail tonight. Took the covers off the windshield but had to put them back on. If we have hail they might help. More storms and rain the next five days and again next week.

    Did not get plants transplanted or bulbs planted. Checked barn and did a couple of things outside and somehow twisted my neck and left side. Seems like all I do is complain-

    Sleep well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, another bumpy night.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, well another night of storms, not severe here, but loud. The weather radio didn't go off but the thunder and lightning scared Sheena. Ended up with both Pyrenees in the bathroom with door closed. It was a lot quieter in there and they couldn't see the lightning.

    I had a hard time going back to sleep because Max had gotten in the bedroom. Very early either Sammy or Lily kept rattling the door knob wanting in. Darwin called a little after eight. Their night wasn't good - storms scared Donna. He finally gave her sleeping pills and she drifted off. He was going back to bed. I didn't get up until almost 9. More rain and storms this afternoon and night, break tomorrow, then three or four more days in o storms. Sometime after it vegan raining In heard the driveway alarm go.if so guess GL was coming up to get out of the rain. Haven't been her this morning.

    Hope all of you are having a good miorning. I feel like going back to bed.

    Iris, when do you leave on your trip? I guess you all are going by bus? When do you get into Okla?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Bulbs have arrived but the soil is too wet to plant.

    Big day tomorrow. I am going to nake Ina Garten's breakfast cake. The recipe is on line. Looksreally tastey and was able to get the whold milk Ricotta at Traders. My oven will be in shock when I ask it to work…lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    II used to watch Ins Garten. Is the cake sweet or savory? They had a chocolate cola cake recipe on our local news this morphing and it looked good. I would like to make an angel food cake in loaf pans. Never done that but might try, Just made Mac and cheese so that will probably be it for today.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Was able to visit with Lou this morning! It's so sad to see her like this with bruises on her arm from all she has gone through since Friday. Lab work, iv and bad skin breaks due to her skin being so thin. She didn't know me at first and when I told her I was her husband she let me know I wasn't and she knew her husband. Thankfully as I talked to her she knew who I was. I started back on my depression medicine and sent my primary care a message letting her know I needed a refill. Church is having a supper before Wednesday night prayer meeting and I might go.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good afternoon all.

    Ron— your description of Lou's skin reminds me of mom's. It's so fragile— she's been known to wake from a sound sleep with an "L" shaped gash on her arm or leg and no idea what happened. And the bruising. Gah. More than once I've taken her to a doctor or ER and they've asked me to step outside for a moment so they can ask "Is anyone hurting you at home?" And don't get me started on the consequences of a fall or derm procedure.

    In today's installment of Life with Mother, it turns out her doctor's assistant called her yesterday and conveyed the test results as well as a plan for her to take a course of doxycycline. She did not mention this to me when I spoke with her in the morning nor in the afternoon when I invited her to join us. I heard about her sister's boyfriend and how miserable her friend is currently instead. Not a word about the call from the PCP's office.

    At dinner, she mentioned needing to pick up a prescription. I asked which one and finally heard about the phone call. I asked her if the assistant told her what she might expect and when in terms of benefit— the assistant didn't say, and it didn't occur to her to ask. With her OK, I reached out on the portal this afternoon and asked. I got a call back within the hour. He can't say whether this is the cause of her cognitive issues for sure and that we'll need to watch and wait. We'll revisit in early June after the MRI. He still wants the neurology consult.

    In consulting Dr. Google about Neurological Lyme Disease, it seems different in that it's the individual more than family who raises the complaints about word-finding, memory and inability to concentrate. Most folks with this also do quite well on things like MMSE; she got a 28 in office.

    In the meantime, my friend who had the colonoscopy last month had a consult with the surgeon and has decided to follow medical advice. I feel badly that she needs to go through this— her husband died last fall and all 3 of her sibs have passed in the last 4 years so except for a handful or friends and her daughter she feels really alone with this. She's aiming at a July surgery.

    Chili from the freezer tonight. Corn bread from a box.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, it would probably be good for you to go tonight and maybe try to get your mind off of things for a while. I remember seeing my grandma's arms bruised just from hitting them against something and the thinning skin. Same with my parents. Sarah talks about all the bruising from IVs, etc. When she's in the hospital.

    HB, I've never had cornbread with chili. We always had it over rice with Doritos or crackers but it sounds good.

    So sorry about your friend. Hope things turn out okay for her. Are the doctors thinking your mom might have Lymn disease? Has a tick Biten her? Our vet says ticks are already getting bad this spring. I always seem to have several bites. Hate ticks! Checked our rain gauge and we've had 5" of rain the last 3-4 days. More predicted in the morning, Saturday morning and this weekend.

    It looks like our three Royal empress trees have died from last summer's drought plus several altheas and the magnolia. Guess they will have to be taken out.Odd that a few years ago we lost two big ones from too much water. Hope I can find a couple more to plant. The huge, old elm outside the kitchen window does not look good. It has leaves but not as many as usual. Every time we have storms I worry about it splitting and crushing the house. Really hate to though. Two of the Empress trees could do the same. Had $4500 worth of tree work done last summer so expensive but it has to be done. Love trees and hate to lose any of them. Oh, there's a mulberry that isn't doing well either.

    Joan, have you gotten moved and settled in? I hope you're doing well.

    Watch the storms tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm in Austin right now. We had a great two hour flight, had dinner and are getting ready to do a music crawl to several venues to listen to music. It was drizzling but is dry now.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porch Friends.

    Lorita, Iam praying for all of you going through this bad weather. Be safe. We are still getting snow but just small flakes. Iam looking forward to being able to sit out on my porch, needs to warm up for me to do that.

    Iris. Yes, it was nice getting home to my fur babies. And yes, Arizona is different. Iam not used to the heat so hopefully it won't be too hard for me to get used to it. Also getting used to living in a large place when Iam so used to living in the country. Enjoy your trip to Okla, its nice that you travel as much as you do.

    Mint, Thank You I did have a nice trip. I really don't like flying alone but I managed to do it and never got lost at the airports. I was at the airports in San Francisco and Phoenix. I asked for a wheelchair and a driver, so I did not have to walk the long distances between terminals. And because Iam old and slow they allow me to get on the plane first, and I take advantage of that.

    JariLynn. I also have to have a monogram, I will be doing that on Monday morning. Iam surprised they reminded me, I thought I was too old to have another one Iam 78.

    Ron, Iam so sorry that Lou, is in the hospital, we all know she is in the best place to get the care she needs and you to get the rest you need. Iam praying she will be able to return home soon. Please take care of yourself. You need to get caught up on your rest.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Correction, all of a sudden it's pouring down rain, with lightening and thunder! What a reception!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Iris, it's that time of year (springtime) in this part of the United States.. It might be 85 and sunny tomorrow. Will the rest.if your trip be by air or bus? Enjoy our part of the world.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone.

    Lorita i think Darwin likes someone knowing what is going on. Guessing it gives him a level of comfort. So nice for both of you.

    How did the breakfast cake go?

    Remember my paternal grandmother’s arms as Ron and HB describe.

    HB prayers for your friend. She is probably very thankful for your friendship.

    I made baked tacos for lunch yesterday. Something new I tried and was good. A little time consuming.

    Lorita if you make the angel food cake in a loaf pan let me know how you liked it. Hope to make a Cream Cheese pie today or tomorrow if I can.

    Good morning JoC and Joan

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    I'm up early. I started coughing around 3:30 and couldn't get a handle on it so I threw in the towel. I'll be dragging later for sure. It happened last night as well. Allergies, I guess. Maybe I'll try to catch some zzzzs after this pot of tea if things calm down.

    Beth— I hope the clean-up is coming along for you and your community.

    Iris— I hope you are enjoying your trip.

    Mint— What is a cream cheese pie? Is it akin a refrigerator pie or a cheesecake or is it more of a savory dish like quiche? It sounds interesting.

    Lasy Zetta— I'm glad you had a good trip. I imagine it's quite the adjustment between the 2 different lifestyles but nice to have the chance to enjoy the best of both. The mammogram recommendations seem to be ever changing. I was led to believe the risk/benefit ratio tipped, once one got to a certain age in the absence of a concern in favor of not testing. I had finally convinced mom at 85 that it wasn't necessary anymore. Then mom's PCP said that, at a certain age, it's more nuanced and the decision to test is based on general health and life expectancy rather than just age. She's 86 and her doc just ordered one for her at the same appointment we were discussing her memory issues. SMH.

    Lorita— We always just do chili in a bowl. I usually put some shredded cheese and spring onions on mine and sour cream if the batch is too spicy. DH and DS add hot sauce and jalapenos as well. Sometimes DH will crumble his cornbread on top. He's not a fan of rice for the most part; with the exception of pilaf with a lemon sauced fish or chicken he won't go near it. Silly boy.

    The ticks that cause Lyme Disease are a huge problem in this part of the country. Part of the problem is that they're tiny— about the size of a fleck of commercially ground pepper. Sometimes the bite results in a characteristic bull-eye rash but not always. Untreated it can lead to joint issues, heart problems and cognitive changes. Last July I actually had her in the ER for severe pain in her wrist and elbow. They said it was arthritis, which she does have, but I wonder if they should have tested then in retrospect. Classically. it's the knee joints that cause issues in Lyme but hers are both artificial. Since then, she's had a worsening of her CHF too.

    I got a call back from the RN yesterday. She said it was too early to answer my question about a reversal of these memory issues and said to come back after the MRI to discuss. That'll be a month or so from now.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning. On my way to Hospital. FIL has fallen and broken a hip. Prayers requested please.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning! Gastrologist appointment this morning. Storms on the way!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up in Austin. It's damp but not raining so far this morning. Today we'll have a city tour of Austin, then we're on our way to see Chip and Johanna Gaines in Waco!

    JeriLynn, I'm sorry about you FIL's hip, I hope he can get good pain relief.

    Ron, I hope the GI will have some anawers for you.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    JeriLynn, prayers for your dear FIL that he can get pain relief and not suffer any other side effects.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Iris make sure to go to Johanna's bakery. It's right there on the grounds. The cupcakes are fantastic.

    I'll be back later. We had almost 3 inches of rain last night.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    JeriLynn, I'm so sorry! Praying for him and for you.

    Iris, enjoy your trip! It sounds like a lot of fun!

    Storm clean up at our place is going well. The tree debris we had placed on the curb - the city and county trucks came by and cleared it (not just our place, but the whole street and are working on all the parts of town that need that). Insurance adjuster came by yesterday. Roof looks good; there is gutter and siding damage and some things like potting bench, trellises, rain barrels and lots of little things damaged. Fence down; will have someone out to cut it up (it's wooden) and haul it to the landfill. Son came over and helped with a couple of things after work yesterday. There are still things (twigs mainly) to pick up in yard and garden. Other than that, we have done what we can and shall await the professionals for further repairs. Ordered a new door mat for front door; ours blew away! It was personalized with our street address - thought someone might find and bring it back to us but that hasn't happened.

    Granddaughter dropped an 8 lb shot put on her hand and broke her finger yesterday. She will see ortho. I saw the x-ray, it is a non displaced fracture so I would not expect surgery to be necessary. Softball season comes soon and she has been practicing and working hard to be the catcher. Not sure she'll be able to play which will break her heart. Please pray for her.

    We are in a rainy period now, after 3 years of drought. Glad for the rain but not the storms. It's to rain off and on all day today; will also rain some on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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