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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, sort of up and going. Just fed Gray Lady and opened the gate for Toad. He still has to stop and open the gate to the heifers pasture. Stormy wanted out about 3:30, second time for this. Don't want him to get in the habit. Rained a little during the night so some of the girls are still coming out of the barn.

    JeriLynn, prayers for your FIL. Hope they can help so it won't be so painful, if there is such a thing. My grandma fell and broke hers and she was in a wheelchair after that. Mother was afraid for her to put weight on it so she didn't try.

    Iris, I went to Waco when I was three weeks old. Funny that I don't remember much about it. Mother's brother lived there and mother and I went to visit. Mother said there were lots of soldiers on the bus or train (1942) and I flirted with them. I used to watch Chip and Joanna all the time. Enjoyed it.. Where do you go from there?

    Mint, I'm curious about the cream cheese pie, too. I used to make a Cherry-0 cream cheese pie. Think I used Eagle Brand milk and the cheese in a graham cracker crust topped with cherry pie filling. Really good. Let us know.

    I've never made a loaf angel food cake but my big cake cover broke and the replacement is too small for the traditional cake.

    HB, I've always heard you don't need a mammogram after 70?, not sure about the age but I stopped a little before that, I think. Hope your mom's turns out all right.

    Ron, good luck with your appointment this morning. When do you think Lou will be able to come home?

    Mint, I think you're right about Darwin. He just called. Said he had made Donna's breakfast and now she'll sleep or stay in bed until later this morning. Said he thinks he'll stay in today. His Mule is still in the shop. Motor is on back order. I know he misses it. He drove it everywhere, even over here but that's only about a mile. I think he feels more secure when someone knows where he will be, too. If something happened no one would know. Helps both of us.

    Toad just came to feed. I always try to wave at him if I don't need him to leave feed for GL. Stormy is upset and barking,- there's someone else here! The driveway alarm is working just fine so I didn't have to do anything to it. Always know when someone is coming. It came with two detectors but I only put up the one at the nearest gate.

    Time for juice and hot tea. I hear the girls going by to their feed. Long walk for a few bites but I get to see them as they go by. Enjoy your day - back later.

    KKkko I'm j

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I just now saw your post; we must've been on around the same time.

    I'm so sorry about your dear FIL.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited May 2

    Raining cats and dogs this morning!

    Just finished my appointment and really didn't find out much. Nothing has really been found to cause my swallowing problem, except for achalasia. Was told just to make sure I chew my food good and drink plenty of water. Waiting now for time I can visit with Lou!


    Just received a alert on my phone! Tornado warning where I live!! Hope I still have a home after seeing Lou.

    Update: back home and drive was a little scary, but I'm here. Just hate I only was able to see Lou a couple of .minutes because they have to shelter in place with tornado warning.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, glad you made it home safely. Good that your appt. went well and that you got to see Lou for a few minutes. Hope there's no damage from the storm.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    HB cream cheese pie is a graham cracker crust with filling of cream cheese, condensed milk lemon juice and vanilla. You do not bake it. My first time to make it. Going to make a topping from my frozen strawberries.

    Prayers for your family Jerilynn. So kind of you to help him.

    You ok Miss Lorita and Judith?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    I'm here and okay. Mint. that's the pie I used to make. Are you using sweetened milk? I can't remember which kind I used..Easy and so good.

    Judith, where are you?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi everyone, it finally stopped raining in the Boston area have had 2 days of nothing but sunshine

    Spent today at the Senior Center celebrating Cinco Demayo had a good time.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Glad you had a good time, David and are now having sunshine. It's sunny here right now but we've had some rain today. No rain predicted for tomorrow.but mire this weekend.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I forgot the Senior Center is celebrating Mother's Day on Tuesday' There will be dancing and music and food and this is all for free for all Seniors in the area

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Iris, hope you all got out of Austin and the area today. Weather just said severe weather for after area tonight.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. I can’t get any of this to bold like it used to. I hope you can all read it.

    I’m in my new house and getting settled. I live in a newer subdivision that is still being built out. The kids have been so helpful getting me moved in and helping me unpack. I still have some boxes to unpack and a few things to purge, so am taking time to do that a little bit at a time. It’s keeping me busy and moving. I love not having to go up and down the stairs and having my laundry and all living areas on the same floor. I’ll attach a couple of pics of the living area.

    Not sure I’ll put up much art work or pictures. I’m liking the clean look. lol

    I’m still in therapy and using a walker. It’s discouraging, but therapy is helping some I have nerve damage from the compression and I’ll see the ortho doc to see if my hip needs replaced. The therapist thinks I will be able to ditch the walker once I deal with the hip problem.

    Looks like Jo is missing. I haven’t caught up reading yet, but did she check in? I sure hope she and her family are ok. I can see how just disappearing can leave everyone worried and guessing about what happened. I like that a few of you are checking in here every day. My sister and I are both alone, so we text each other every morning to check in and say we’re okay.

    Beth, I saw your flowers. They are beautiful. I’m anxious to see what might be growing in my flower plots here.

    I’ll quit for now and read to catch up on everyone. I’m praying all of you are doing well and feeling the new life in Spring. Take care all. I’ve missed being a part of the regular chats.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    edited May 3

    Hi Joan, so glad you posted. I've been wondering about you and if you were in your new home. Loved the pictures and your new house.. I really like your color scheme and the beautiful, comfortable furniture. Looks like you have a pretty view and a nice terrace. Bet you'll spend a lot of time out there. I'm happy that you're getting along as well as you are. Hope you don't have to have hip replacement but I know you will if necessary. Since you've moved I hope you can post more often.

    My nice neighbor, Darwin,and I check in with each other morning and night. He's 85 , is a caregiver for his wife who has alz and learned over a month ago that he has an abdominal aortic aneurysm which won't be taken care of until mid May. He insists on cutting wood to help keep it cleared so I know it makes him feel better that someone knows where he is when he's away from the house. Makes me feel better, too, along with the people on our thread checking. I'm glad you and your sister do this, too. Now you can rest and relax in your new, beautiful home. I'm so happy for you. Rest well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Oh Beth, your poor granddaughter! She's young, I hope she heals quickly!

    Lorita, we had a good time in Austin, seeing the sites and going on a food tour. Then to Buc-ees--never been there before, what an experience! We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Waco. Tomorrow we go to the Silo, I definitely will try the Bakery.

    Joan, I love your new home and its muted colors and style.

    Ron, any news from the GI doctor?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Another late night because of storms. It's 12:30 and raining with thunder and lightning. I didn't expect storms tonight. Severe T storm warning in the SW part of our county. The cows are bawling- think it's those little bulls bothering one of the guirls. Northeast of here lots of rain and wind. Trees and electric lines down. One storm chaser went under three low lines, then a tree was across the road. He couldn't get by so had to back under the lines. He said he net a gasoline truck coming toward him aboutv 55 mph but got him slowed down so he wouldn't hit the lines. Storms are around Bug Tussle right now with hail..

    Iris, sounds like you're having a great time. I watched the TV shows when they were changing the silos into the restaurant, etc. What was Buccess like? Probably spelled it wrong. I imagined it would be sort of like Stuckeys.

    Weather just said there are 5,000 customers in our area out of power. That's OG&E customers. We're okay. Need to charge my tablet. See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita i did use condensed milk. The recipe calls for a whole can but I used half of one. It is really tasty and so easy. Also made it in a 8x8 instead of pie plate. Really liked the lemon juice in it. One of the commenters said she sometimes leaves the lemon juice out and adds a can of pumpkin and pumpkin spice. Think that sounds good too.

    Beth hope your granddaughter recovers quickly.

    Joan thinking you for sharing pictures, beautiful. So good vto hear from you. JoC did mot check in here but she did check in on another thread.

    Giving rainy weather for several days it seems. Hope to put out some plants and sow a few seeds between rain drops. Got a little more weeding done and a little more mulch down at moms yesterday. Just taking my time.

    Hope each one has a good day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions
    edited May 3


    GI Dr yesterday told me other than achalasia and the hernia at gastroesophageal junction, nothing was found. The last upper endoscopy was to stretch the esophagus more to help with swallowing. Because of the achalasia I need to eat small meals several times a day, chew food good and drink plenty of water.

    I miss Lou being here aggravating me! 😪.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning. FIL update. He had a rod placed to stabilize the hip fracture and returned to his room around 2 pm yesterday. By the time I was leaving around 6pm he would only arouse to firm touch. Did not follow voice commands, didn't seem to recognize me before surgery either. The surgeon says the hip can bear weight today IF he is able/cooperative. I'll be going back today.

    Storms moving in here. Stay safe everyone.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    Beth— I do hope your granddaughter's finger heals quickly and without complication so that she might enjoy at least some of her season. How frustrating for her.

    Mint— I'm glad the pie was good. It sounds like what my Hoosier SIL would call an icebox pie. She used to make one with crushed strawberries from her garden.

    Joan— thinks for sharing the pictures. The decor is worthy of HGTV and the view is incredible. I see what you mean about the clean look. When mom redid her place after dad died (it was a new-to-them home— she wasn't trying to eradicate her memories or anything) to get rid of the previous owner's interpretation of Santa Fe she held back on the walls too. She lived without anything on the walls for about 5 years; she has some very nice things but embraced the cleaner look for a while.

    Lorita— I hope Darwin's surgery goes well. Does he have someone able to come and help out during and after the surgery?

    Jerilynn— I hope your FIL is doing better today.

    Ron— I hope your procedure make swallowing easier for you. Is there a plan yet for Lou's discharge home?


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Joan, your new home is beautiful and the view - WOW! Nothing like the Rocky Mountains! Glad you are closer to family and can now enjoy one level living. Now, just to get you feeling and moving better.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, I'm here. Another late night. Nap for sure today. I need to read all the posts. Saw Mint mention something about Beth's GD so have to read about that. Back later

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    We're off to go on a "Fiver-Upper" tour, then shopping at the Silo, then a river cruise. Apparently there was great thunder and lightning last night but I slept through it!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth, hope your granddaughter's finger heals so she can play this summer.

    Iris, have a good time today. Where do you go from Waco?

    JeriLynn, I hope your FIL is better today. Falls are the worst. How long do you think he will be in the hospital? I imagine he'll be in rehab for a while after that. Hope it all goes well. Getting tired of these storms. Sounds like we will have rain off and on for the next three days, then really severe weather on Monday. Need to check the rain gauge. Darwin called early and said he had a quarter inch. He was going back to bed for a while. Losing sleep and worrying about the weather makes for a tired, groggy person - at least for me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Here…watching the trial

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Caught up on most of the porch happenings.

    JeriLynn praying for your FIL. Please give us an update when you can.

    Ron, I'm sure you miss Lou and pray when she comes home she'll be easier to care for. You are a great husband!

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there. I've be exhausted last few days; not enough sleep, LO needier than usual. I have so much to do but whenever I get a break (LO takes nap) I don't feel like doing anything! Got to get out of this funk.

    Judith I'm watch the Chad Daybell trial, the Karen Read trial - she ran over the cop boyfriend and he died, and the Christopher Gregor trial - so friggin sad that the 6 year old son died! They showed the video of how he made the little boy run on the treadmill - it was heart breaking and difficult to watch.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, we had a nice tour of Waco. It's been a long time since I saw a pay telephone.

    The Three Little Pigs House--beautiful inside and out.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lou started fighting on them when they tried to get a EKG and they had to give her a shot to calm her down. I was told they are keeping her a few more days to figure out how to help.

    I will be having a nervous breakdown if this last much longer.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Ron, do you know if they have changed or added to Lou's medicine? What are they giving her now? My sister could become combative and they found rubbing her arms with Ativan helped since they couldn't force her to take meds. It did the trick for her. I hope You won't have to be away from you much longer.

    Iris, I haven't seen a payphone in a long time either. Glad you're enjoying your trip. How was the weather today? How many people are on your trip and how many days will you be travelling? Good thing you're not around Houston because of the flooding.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    it has been gray and cloudy day. I worked out before and after it rained.

    i had a good day. Went to get more mulch for mom this morning. Two nice young men, probably in early 20s asked me if they could help me. I do not believe they were store employees. Then the cashier was young and very nice and she told me to have a blessed day. Then when i was almost to my car a man about my age asked me if he could put it in the car for me. I was so happy and thanked him for his kindness. When i got in the car i just started crying and i cried all the way home. It just meant so much to me.

    Also was able to hire the people who snow plow for me to mow the yard starting monday. That was such a relief. The other guy had become so undependable. Mom did not get upset with me.

    Hope each one gets a good nights rest

    Judith Im liking the Clio

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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