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Just need to talk to my friends (198)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    HB….The Decameron could be interesting, Have you watched Cunk on Earth? It is a laugh out loud "movie" . No plot, just funny.

    Lorita…what is an Indian Taco?

    Iris…sleep can be so evasive. Hopefully your late nites will be infrequent.

    Jo has posted elsewhere…wish she would visit the porch and let us know how she is.


  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Good morning everyone

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Beautiful day

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Just did my 1/2 mile speed walk

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Happy anniversary, David. Have a good weekend. The tree guys have Bern here about an hour or so. It was like a convoy. The biggest truck with the bucket, another big one to haul wood, one pulling the chipper and two or three pickups. We found seven trees to take out that had died. The y have one out and are working on the big elm. I can't stand to watch. Very noisy, dusty and expensive, just under $10,000. Stormy is nervous with all the noise.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Thank you, I'm sure we will have a good time.

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Happy Anniversary David. Hope you have a great day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Still working on that big elm. The wood is pretty and would make a pretty bear but guess it's betyer to let it go except for a stump 2-3 ft.tall. I think I see one or two elm saplings I can replant.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    Happy Anniversary David. I hope your trip NH is appropriately romantic.

    Judith— We're a bunch of hard-core Philomena Cunk fans here. I especially love when she does commentary on great works of art and DH loves the bits where she interviews real-life experts in the sciences.

    Lorita— Ouch on paying $10K for something that makes you sad. I'm curious about the Indian Tacos too?

    Iris— I have phases when I'm stressed and find myself awake for the day at 3am, too. I've never found a solution other than forcing myself to power through the day. I hope you have more success.


  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
    100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes
    edited August 22


    That’s a tough payment I thought my $2000 was alot for mega pruning

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    This site or the one I’m sitting on

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 22

    hope you’re doing OK Richard and Lorita.

    HB i’ve never eaten at an Indian restaurant. Our town doesn’t have very many nice restaurants. There was an Indian restaurant here and some of my family went to it and they liked it. It didn’t stay in business very long. The only time I’ve eaten Indian cuisine was at work. I worked with this guy that was Indian and him and I would talk about food quite a bit. The one day he brought me lunch I didn’t care too much for it. Guess I wasn’t used to those spices.

    Lorita you mentioned an Indian taco, I’m assuming you’re referring to American Indian maybe. Anyway, I’m not familiar with that. What is an Indian taco?

    I canned tomatoes today for the first time. It’s some thing I kind of did on a whim. I watch this YouTube channel out of Texas and she made tomatoes and macaroni last night. My dad‘s mother knew how to make that dish. It was so good. My mom’s was never as good. My aunt told me how she made hers and I tried that and I like it better than moms, but it still was not like my grandmas. So anyways, I did not think I would care for the way. The lady in Texas made it but I didn’t realize that many people ate it. Turns out it’s an Appalachian dish and I found lots of recipes. They varied a lot, but there was one thing consistent in those recipes. They used canned tomatoes . And of course they said if you can your own tomatoes, it’s a lot better than if you use a can of tomatoes from the store. My grandmother would’ve probably of had her own canned tomatoes. So I want to try making it that way so I went today and bought tomatoes And I canned 5 pints. I bought too many tomatoes, so I’m probably gonna have to can some more. They turned out nice in that none of the lids buckled. There was no siphoning, but the tomatoes are separated from the juice at the bottom. So I looked that up it was because I used the raw pack method which is simpler than the hot pack method. Said it does not hurt anything they’re still fine to eat and that when you go to use it, it will all mix back in together. If I make them again either tomorrow or Saturday, maybe if I have time I’ll try the hot pack method. If I don’t have time they will become compost.

    also bought an orange watermelon while I was there. I have never had an orange watermelon before and never saw one before. They are never in the stores here. I believe Lorita you mentioned liking them. It’s not been a real good melon year here they don’t have a lot of flavor. Even though we’ve had a few dry spells, we’ve still had a lot of rain in between. Not a lot of rain at one time but rain every day. I understand like tomatoes, melons things like that taste better in the dryer season, because the flavor is more concentrated then. This was the best watermelon I have had this year. It was very sweet and very juicy though I would still say the flavor was kind of mild. I bought a yellow one probably three or four weeks ago and I think it was a little over right, but had a little bit of a mealy texture. Last week I bought a honeydew it was ripe, but it had absolutely no flavor good or bad it was juicy. I ate it until today and now it is making compost.

    take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    It has been a stressful day but got a couple of things accomplished and Will work on two more in the morning. I will post then and tell you all about it including Indian tacos which are delicious and big! Sleep well tonight.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 794
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    Good morning,

    I'm in the early wake up club today. I sat up, thanked the Lord for waking me up and thought "oh my, I need to order or find a sleep foam mattress cover for the RV since we leave in less than a month! So I added that to the LIST….

    DH bush hogged at the Huntland place yesterday. He did OK but he's still very much not himself. He starts physical therapy Monday.

    Today we go to Huntland to push down an old well house cover/structure and fill in the well. No telling how old that well is and it is near the back door of the house. Dangerous. I'm not too thrilled that DH is going to do the work with the backhoe/front end loader so I'm going so I can be a safety supervisor. The good thing about having a DH that can do things and "knows" stuff is it's cheaper. The bad thing is it's scary to me. 1 mistake can be a disaster. I'd rather pay to have it done… not DH. Oh no. (sarcasm)

    @Mint.. we've not had any luck with any kind of melons this year. They all taste "flat" or "anemic". As you said, too much rain in long spells. The last of my pitiful tomatoes are all going to the chickens. They enjoy those and the yucky melons. It's so funny, after they eat whatever scraps I bring them, they try to follow me out of the run. I haven't let them out for fear of the big Hawk that lives nearby. I'd like to have some more hens but that would mean expanding the chicken mansion and I don't have time for that right now. Maybe next Spring.

    I cleaned house all day yesterday since we're going to Huntland today. Fridays and Mondays are usually my cleaning days. To get ready for the weekend (usually grandkids) and then Monday clean-up for the week. I have to vacuum 1/4 of the living room everyday because the bird spits seeds on the floor when he eats. The bird came with DH so he's part of the package, lol. I like the bird. Except. I wouldn't have one inside again.

    ok, I've rambled enough.

    Ron, Iris, I hope you slept. HB, I took a shopping day all by myself this week and thought of you and your DM while shopping. Clothes. Got my nails done and have a hair appointment next week. Maybe I'll go to Talbots while in town?

    Have a good day and BBL.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Good morning Lorita. Hope today is a little less stressful for you. It feels good to get things accomplished though.

    JeriLynn the things you say about DH remind me of my dad.

    I did remember yesterday evening that I could dehydrate some of the tomatoes to make tomato powder. So I sliced up some of the Roma’s, and have them in the dehydrator. That was quick and easy. Canning the tomatoes wasn’t hard. It just takes a little more time and quite a bit messier lol.

    take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions


    I'm going to the church men's breakfast at 6 this morning. This will be the first time I've gone in over a month.

    Prayer request for my granddaughter who is having surgery this morning for blood clots that have hardened in her arm. She iss in icu where they can monitor and have medicine going to the clots trying to softened up enough to remove.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, prayers for your granddaughter Ron. Hope she improves soon. Glad you're going to the breakfast.

    JeriLynn, I hope your husband does okay today. Can't keep a good man down.

    Mint, tomato powder? What do you use it for?

    Some more stress today but not too much. Taking Stormy to the vet to have ears checked and allergy shot, then will pick up groceries. Back later.

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
    100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning all. Looks like a nice day

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! Guess where we were yesterday?

    Ok, I'll give you a hint: This photo is from Buddy Holly's last concert. On the left is Waylon Jennings.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Good morning. On way to N.H. for anniversary stopped at senior center for lunch and for singl a long the have it every Friday at lunch.

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Love both Buddy Holly and Waylon who gave up his plane seat

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    edited August 23

    here…off to bank

    does anyone know how to contact Day???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    I don't and we haven't seen a post from her in a while. Same with Joan. I think she was gong to have surgery again. When was Zetta going yo Arizona?

    Got to the vet about 9:30, only one other person and dog there.. He doesn't see patients before 10 but lets me bring my GPs before then. Being around people makes Stormy very nervous not so much for Sheena. Both.of them have ear infections. Sheena had a nail trim and Stormy had an allergy shot. So both will get meds for a week or so .Picked up our groceries while close to town and went to the credit union. Back later

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Cool … have a good day

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Not much going on here.. porch and my music

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    82 degrees

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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