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Just need to talk to my friends (198)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I slept 7 hours last night, yea for me!

    David, Happy Anniversary!

    Mint, once in a while we will have yellow watermelons in the market.

    I saw a post from Day a few days ago on another thread.

    Lorita, I hope the GPs get better soon. I only got about three days worth of ear meds into my girl cat, Seven she was so resistant and uncooperative.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, so glad you got some good sleep. Hopefully, again tonight. I wrap the GPs pills in cheese so no problem. i have to make a chart to make sure I give them. So glad I got both of them in. Stormy gets in and out of car just fine except this morning there ws a car o n our left so he got out on the right side. Sheena has to be lifted into the back. Cathy and I could hardly do it. She weighs about 100 pounds. It was pretty cool this morning and we were only gone an hour and ten minutes. Stormy was very watchful when the boys were loading the groceries just behind him.

    To be uber hot the next few days. Eagle, are you all warm enough? I see you are under a heat alert. Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Front Porchers.

    Iam in Arizona, I have been for a week. I finally got all my stuff unpacked and went and got me a new recliner for my bedroom. Now we are trying to get all our fur babies acquainted. My dog, Molly and my daughters dog Fiona, have become good friends. Now we are working on getting Daniells 2 cats and my 2 cats to be friends and that's not easy. Right now, Iam in my bedroom with my 2 cats. We are letting them all out during the day but so far mine are not interested in coming out of the bedroom.

    My son and I made the 20-hour drive in 30 hours. I had both my cats in a larger travel house with their cat box and food and water in it so there was no way I wanted to even open the door I was so afraid one of them would bolt out of the car. So, we drove straight through. We stopped in the rest areas and napped and ate fast food we had picked up for that stop. We got in Arizona at 9am Saturday and my son flew back to Oregon at 6am Sunday.

    I miss my son, and I miss Oregon, But I do enjoy being here with my daughter Danielle and her husband Corey. They are spoiling me. It was 107 today Iam so glad they have AC. I took Molly out to potty this morning at 7am and it was already 85. To me that is way too HOT!

    When I went into the friend's thread, I had 274 unread messages, no way did I read them all, I will try to get caught up soon.

    I missed you all, Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited August 24

    Zetta, so happy you made the trip safely and Molly and Fiona have become friends. May take a while for the cats to become friendly.. Welcome to the hot weather.

    It's been a terrible summer with the hot, humid weather, drought, grasshoppers and now army worms. It will be fall soon and will be better. We have missed your posts,- glad you're back.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Glad you had a safe trip Zetta.

    Ron how ris your granddaughter doing?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning front porch friends!

    Zetta, I'm glad your settling in and back on the porch with us.

    Surgery on my granddaughter went well and they said that the cause of her blood clots was her having a extra rib that was pinching her veins. She has to wear a compression stocking on her arm and not lift the arm above her head. In about a month they are going to remove the rib, if they don't all this will have to be done again.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 794
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    Good morning,

    The wellhouse adventure yesterday went just fine. The grandson living at the Huntland house is off work on Fridays and so was there to help. This is work that has to be done in stages. Filling the well with concrete scraps and dirt. So it will settle and then need more added. But it is now KID safe around the well.

    DH begins physical therapy Monday. And additional repair work (we hired someone) on the Huntland house also begins Monday. The house is almost 100 years old and we are not that far behind it, so lots of upkeep around here, lol.

    Zetta, glad you are getting settled. It takes time.

    Ron, thankful your GD has come thru the surgery and prayers for continued recovery. How was the Men's Breakfast?

    Beth, what a fun outing!

    Mint: tomato powder! I just ordered some. DH liked a particular brand of cracker that had tomato and basil as ingredients. No where to be found anymore. So, I decided I'll try to make them. I found a cracker recipe using cottage cheese so I hope to find a solution to the cracker problem, lol.

    Iris, I'm so glad you slept. I went to bed at 8pm and slept till 5 this morning myself! Shoveling dirt and concrete yesterday probably helped.

    David, enjoy your trip!

    Judith, any update on the new ideas for the flip house?

    Lorita, glad you got the GPs in with not too much trouble. Jake had an ear infection last year. Are GPs prone to ear infection for some reason? We've not had another one, but that one episode was enough for me. Poor Jake was walking around with his head sideways. Ugh.

    HB, what are you up to ?

    108 degrees predicted here for next week. I'm ready for Fall.

    Have a good day everyone. BBL

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    edited August 24

    Hello , First day excellent weather sunshine 60 degrees. Sitting om the the balcony e joying the sun

    IGoing to Clarks trading post to see the trained bear show.

    Spent first night at the Indian Head Resortb


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited August 24

    Ron nice to hear your granddaughter is doing better

    JeriLynn let us know how the crackers turn out if you get them made.

    David, you and DW have a nice tume

    All of younin that heat, take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, going to be really hot today so I think we will stay inside. Just talked with Darwin. He said he was going to stay in and cook today.

    JeriLynn, glad things went well yesterday. I have had the GPs for almost ten years and this is the first time they've had ear infections. They're really healthy . Both have had allergy problems but Sheena hasn't had problems with that this year. Stormy still gets the shots for it.

    Ron, glad the surgery went well with your granddaughter. I have never heard of someone having an extra rib before. I have trouble with both lower rib cages where the ribs aren't attached to the sternum so have to be careful how I bend or lift things.

    David, sounds like you all are having a good time. The scenery is beautiful. Indian tacos are made with a plate sized Indian fry bread which is kind of puffy and tender. Topped with ground beef, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, hot peppers if you like and I think topped with grated cheese. I think we had our first ones at some cattle man's meeting. They are really good. Maybe an Oklahoma thing, not sure.

    Now we need to hear from Joan. I think she was going to have another surgery.

    I twisted my left knee when I got home yesterday when I started up the steps. Need to put a soft brace on it and my left side hurts, probably from lifting groceries yesterday. Can't do things like I used to. Diet is going well,- 30 lbs. So far and back in clothes I wore almost 30 years ago!

    Need to stop and get my juice and hot tea. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Zetta- That trip sounds like quite the adventure. I'm glad the dogs are getting along well. The cats may take some time to reach detente. I have a friend who is routinely a victim of the so-called Cat Distribution System. These felines consistently adjust and form alliances— you should be fine soon.

    Lorita- I'm glad Mike was able to get the dogs in early to avoid upsetting either. That's a lot of dog to be moving around— especially if they're spooked. We were lucky, our old St. Bernard loved the vet; he had bad hips and would sometimes get shots for it, and I think he associated the vet with pain relief. The difficult part was getting him to wait his turn. Sometimes, he'd get out and visit the vet on his own.

    Iris- I'm glad you got a decent night's sleep. That makes everything better.

    Ron- I'm glad your granddaughter came through her surgery well and hope she has success with the one to come.

    David- I hope the trip is going well.

    Jerilynn- I hope the PT helps your DH if he can stop working long enough to pay attention. Just reading about him exhausts me. Where are you headed in the RV?

    Beth- That looks like a fun trip.

    Richard- Do you ever go to the beach? aka known as "down the shore?" Do you have a favorite? I'm partial to Cape May myself. My great-grandmother retired to Cape May Courthouse with her sisters back in the 1950s when it was mostly woods; I understand it's all built up now.

    Mint- I think the flavor profile of most Indian cuisine is an acquired taste. I didn't particularly care for it when I spent a semester in London— too much cilantro. But over time, I've gotten to really like it. Even the cilantro which my tastebuds now read as "bright" rather than having one's mouth washed out with soap. One of my favorite local traditions is a year-long 6th grade research project where kids pick a country (often a family heritage place) and do a multimedia project on it which includes a dish served to parents and visitors on presentation day. DS's school was fairly culturally diverse, so there were kids bringing in samosas, hummus and pita, stuffed grape leaves, Korean BBQ, mole tacos to share. Yum.


    I've won the lottery. The niece whose taking mom to Rockport for the week needs to leave a day early so she can run a zoom meeting first thing Monday which gives mom an extra day at the beach and me an extra day to not worry about her.

    I'm heading over in a bit to help her pack a reasonable amount of clothing. I will consider it a success if I can get her down to one silly little purse— last time she insisted on bringing both her red and powder blue crossbodies. Mom and niece both have ADHD and feed off one another in terms of planning. I already sent the niece links to her MyChart just in case and will make a last-minute packing list of medical devices to bring along. LOL, I made a packing list last time, too. And when I went to feed the cat, I found it right where I left it. SMH.

    I'm also going to take her to the grocery store to pick up a couple bottles of wine, breakfast stuff and some snacks for the room which has an efficiency kitchen. This'll save them having to shop when they get there. Plus, the town they're in is dry, so they'd need to go to the next town for wine. Mom can be sort of cheap around these trips, which she can easily afford, and I hate to see her take advantage of my niece. Especially if it means she's reluctant to do this again. I'll admit I am not entirely doing this out of the goodness of my heart if you know what I mean.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi, I have never made crackers. I should learn how because I love them. Hope yours turn out good, Jerilynn.

    I have spent at least an hour trying to find a knee brace that fits. Tried on two and they fell down. Guess my legs lost weight. I was looking for an ACE bandage and found a pack of two knee braces I have never used. I have one on now and it fits.

    It's 11 am. And already 89 degrees and windy. Driveway alarm keeps going off and it's keeping Stormy upset.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 794
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    HB, we are going to the Georgia Mountain State Fairgrounds again for the annual 3 day bluegrass, country and gospel music festival. That's about as much "concert" as DH can undertake. It's a nice area, we pull the little stick shift KIA behind the RV and get out to roam the countryside during the day.

    This year DH's sister and husband are also going, pulling their camper and will be right next to us. FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS. I work very hard at having love in my heart for my SIL. She's nuts. I plan to take along medication. My DH doesn't drink at all, and SIL thinks it is a sin, so wine is out. Xanax it is.

    I must also confess to a purse problem like your DM. I swear, we must be related. lol.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, I'm glad you and your son and the pet arrived safely in hot Arizona. Be sure to stay hydrated!

    Ron, I'm glad your granddaughter is recovering well.

    David, I don't like animal shows. Most circuses have stopped wild animal shows. I looked at the website for Clark'sn and read how they get baby bears from the mama bears. Ugh!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    I live about 40 miles from Cape May near Ocean City. I go to the beach (10) minutes often. I worked out of Cape May Court House for years. It’s not overly built up

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, lots of talk about how rodeo animals are treated, too. Hate to see the little calves roped and jerked around. I know they take good care of the animals though because there is money in them.

    The LLQ of my abdomen has hurt all day, better now. Last night I had soup with a big spoonful of cottage cheese in it. Tonight I was going to eat some of the cottage cheese and it tasted bitter so guess it wasn't good. Exp. Date was 9-8. I guess that was what was wrong. No nausea or vomiting, just pain. The hurting is now at my waistline. I helped lift Sheena into the car Thursday late and carried in all the groceries Friday. Also carried water to plants. I'm becoming a pantywsist, as Charles would say.

    Twisted my knee I.injured over 50 years ago and it has hurt today. Not a good day- tomorrow will be better.

    Judith, today I ordered from QVC what they called soup mugs. Heavier plastic with a handle made by a company in Australia for cooking in a microwave. They baked a cake in it in three minutes. Same company that made my muffin baker. I will keep one and give two to Darwin for he and his wife. You can cook rice in it too. Should be good to use to keep kitchen cool this summer.

    Sleep well, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I sometimes get pain in my LLQ, then I drink prune juice for a few days. Since it's summer now, I've been eating a lot of summer fruits, so I've been okay. I forgot about the rodeos. Ugh again!

    HB, what are the attributes of Rockport for a vacation for your mom?

    JeriLynnn, enjoy your 3 day music festival vacation, it sounds great!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning everyone

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    I'm sorry about your aches and pains @Lorita It seems like when more than one thing is acting up, everything hurts worse. I hope the brace makes things more comfortable for you. I prefer a compression sleeve to a rigid brace myself. I hope you find the thing that works for you.

    David— I can't believe they have a trained bear show in this day and age. Yikes.

    Jerilynn— I've had a couple sisters-in-law like that. I'm fortunate that my BIL replaced the one but the other is just awful. I'm lucky that I rarely see her.

    Iris— Rockport, MA not ME (about an hour from Boston), is a draw for mom because she grew up spending her summers on the North Shore after WW II. It's a cute and very walkable town with interesting shops, great dining and a nice beach.

    It's far enough from her remaining sister to give her some space from auntie's tendency to be bossy. Auntie was trying to take over the schedule yesterday on the phone. Mom's heading up a day earlier than her sister knows to settle in and get one uninterrupted beach day.

    It's really kind of weird to watch sibling dynamics in action when the players are 86 and nearly 89. They have this weird competitive relationship that devolves into her sister treating her like an idiot. Mom likes to bring a full aspirational wardrobe on these trips to show off, but my niece asked me to intervene as they'll be driving a Mini Cooper Convertible. I got everything into a wheeled carry-on sized piece plus her bi-pap. Another reason for my meddling was to make sure she didn't look ridiculous; her AMD impacts her vision in terms of acuity and color interpretation. I was able to keep her from rocking a stained top and mixing navy & black and red & hot pink. I even restricted her to a mere 3 pair of shoes and a single handbag.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, thanks, Iris.My side got better and I slept nine hours but it hurts this morning. Don't have prune juice but do have stewed prunes which I love. Also running a temp this morning 98.8 but my normal temp is around 97.6. I haven't eaten anything that should bother diverticulitis but did eat some blueberries. Will probably see my doctor in the morning. He has mentioned a CT scan which will probably happen. Have to go 25 miles for that.

    HB, it is a soft knee sleeve I wear and the knee is better this morning. Going to be awfully hit and humor today but cooler by end of weeek.

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 189
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    Good day All. Alive and well in NJ

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon all my porch friends. I had a couple of days where I couldn't post again. I have no idea why that is happening. This is the only website that happens on. It seems like I've been particularly busy also, and I don't like that at all! But alas, I think that's behind me now.

    Lorita, I do think it would probably be a good idea to see your PCP. Since you had diverticulitis not too long ago, its good to have it checked. You'd ask about humidity, yes, we are having high humidity along with high heat. I took the dog out last night & was sitting on the patio and thought it felt a little cooler - I looked that the gauge, 94!!! Come on fall!

    Ricardo welcome to the porch. I'm in the Dallas / Fort Worth, TX area. I'm a caregiver for my DH, going on 14 yrs in Oct. As you can tell, we have a very unique and wonderful support of one another.

    Zetta, my parents wintered in AZ and loved it. You and your animals have some adjusting to do, but will be just fine.

    Ron, I'm so glad your granddaughter is fine. I've never heard of someone having an extra rib. I hope your getting some sleep.

    JeriLynn I literally laughed out loud at your description of your SIL. But you know, if your in your camper you can have have glass or two of wine. But, the xanax will probably be in your system longer system!

    Happy Anniversary David. I'm jealous of the cooler temps!

    Iris I'm hoping your sleeping is getting better.

    I'm certain I left someone off, its not intentional, I just don't want to ramble on.

    Be safe everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I forgot about your diverticulosis. Are you supposed to be on a low fiber diet? The elevated temperature sounds worrisome. Is your PCP available on Sundays?

    HB, I've never been in a Mini Cooper but I used to drive a Volkswagen. It packed a lot when the seats were folded down. I hope your mom and her sister will enjoy their vacation together.

    I was awake all night until 6 am, then finally fell asleep until 9 am, so I got 3 hours. My circadian rhythm is totally shot!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    My PCP isn't available on the werkend. Hope he is there tomorrow. I can usually get in to see him the same day I call. Temp is down to 98.3 but have taken acetaminophen today. I don't remember if I had a temp the other times. I had this in May and it took à good while to get to get over it. Thought I was going to starve but it started my diet. I haven't been eating much. I did eat the soup two or three times this past week and it had rice in it. That might be the problem.

    So sorry about your sleep pattern or lack of sleep, Iris. I imagine being without much sleep is really hard.H ave you tried listening to Zen music.

    It's so hot here I dread getting out in it but guess I better to get. . some Flagyl

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita…the notion that foods can cause a flare u p has been long gone. However, what you eat is important. A certain amount of fiber daily is very important.

    Jeri…I will have a beer in your honor…lol

    We use animals for all kinds of things. Treating them well is good but to what end when we are going to slaughter them for food.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    I think stress may also have something to do with causing a flare I had two very stressful days.Felt fine Friday and awoke with the flare Saturday. Not a good weekend with a lot of pain. Will either see my PCP if he is in or a doctor I like in urgent care. Judith, do you see why I'm a vegetarian?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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