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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I'm here too; HELLO everybody! Strange night last night . . . did not sleep a wink. No special worries, no discomfort, just AWAKE. Thank goodness that is a rare occurrence. Feel rather bobbleheaded and flat today; guess I will just lie low and let myself recoup. Got some reading to enjoy, so I will treat myself to a good book. Hm-m-m; wish I also had some cookies.

    Have to admit, I am, "slowing down." Ain't what I used to be, so I am getting acquainted with the "new" me. Don't like it much, but deeply grateful for all that is still present and accounted for; so many blessings to remember in all the thankfulness.

    Hot here again today - up in the 90's is expected. Power is still on for which I am grateful as it gives power for the AC for which I am UBER grateful. About nearly a year ago, out of the blue, I developed a pulmonary issue. Never, ever smoked, did not work with chemicals, no known exposure EXCEPT second hand smoke from father and in earlier years, DH. MD thinks my lung changes come from just that; a lifetime of second hand smoke exposure. SO smokers; it is not enough to be happy that any of your LOs in your home are non-smokers. To keep them safe, even years later, YOU need to change your habits or only smoke outside away from family exposure. It is difficult and it is also a VERY difficult dynamic to have the symptoms of a non-smoking person who has been affected through second hand smoke in the home.

    Our beloved grandson who is in the military was just sent to the middle east. How I wish he was still in the states, but that is not what it is like no matter how much a Gram wishes differently. What a wonderful child he was while growing up; an absolute joy and a really good kid. He still is, and we love him dearly. It is a difficult matter of the heart. We wish him the best and safest of times serving and to be "home" soon; safe and sound. How many parents and grands are saying that for their LOs too. A gazillion I expect.

    Time to get some late morning breakfast - peanut butter toast and some grapefruit. Sounds good to me!

    Take good care and hope all are well. Will be looking for your Posts, I like to keep up with all the, "Front Porch," friends here.


    that was the causation.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited October 1

    Hi Jo, so good to see your post. We've missed you.

    I know what you mean about the "new" you. I'm different, too, and not liking it much. Guess this goes along with growing more mature.

    I know you worry about your grandson being in the middle east. So hope he stays safe.

    I have some effects from second hand smoke too. My mother smoked, not a lot, and Charles did, too, so I wàs around it my whole life. My doctor says I have a little COPD but it doesn't bother me much.

    It's been a beautiul, cool day but the hot weather is coming back, not what we expect in October. We had the ninth driest Sept. In 10 years. No rain expected for up to three weeks. Hope to see more posts from you and that you can continue to be well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    It's good to hear from you, Jo C! I have long noticed that every morning my car is covered with fine particles. The port is nearby, along with freeways and a great deal of truck traffic. Also there are fires nearby which produce a lot of ash. I wonder if I am developing lung disease from this contaminated, polluted air. I think more than secondary cigarette smoke can be an issue in serious lung disease.

    I had good news today at my rheumatology appointment. I do not have ankylosing spondylitis. The rheumatologist believes that I have osteoarthritis. When I used to ask my grandmother how she was doing, she would always say, "Arthur's got me!" I wondered, "who is Arthur?" Now I know, Arthur is "arthur-i-tis". Arthur has me now, too! I can no longer take NSAIDS. I will be going to PT for pain relief. I also do exercises from the internet.

    We're having another heat wave here in SoCal. The wildfires continue.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what is in Eureka Springs?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Nice to see you JoC.

  • brs
    brs Member Posts: 33
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    Beautiful garden !!! What a joyful area. Thank you for sharing.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Fall is finally here only 58 degrees and still have not put the heat on.Always try to wait until Halloween but never make it.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning all. Beautiful morning here with a blue sky that is gorgeous.

    We have our twice monthly group today, yea. So DH doesn't miss our 10:30 Zoom when I'm driving us down town, I setup my phone as a hotspot and then we can access WIFI through his tablet to participate in that Zoom while driving to the Group!! It works surprisingly well, just like we were on Zoom at home.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay safe.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    beautiful day here!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, 50 degrees here this morning with clear, blue skies and no wind.

    Iris, you would love Eureka Springs! It's a small town nestled in the Ozark Mountains in NW Arkansas. It's called Little Sweden. Lots of beautiful Victorian houses, winding, narrow streets that never cross another one. Lots of little shops and cafes. Nice motels and the Crescent Hotel built in 1886.

    We liked to stay in a motel called Tall Pines that has cabins in the woods underneath the tall pines.. There is an àmpitheater where they present the Passion Play during summer and fall. Nearby is The Christ of the Ozarks, a 66 ft.. Tall statue of Christ. I could go on and on but you get the idea.

    We loved to go there in the fall especially. Each street in the residential area has maples that are different colors in. the fall. Beautiful place to spend a few days.

    Saw on the news last night that the man who posed for and helped construct the Golden Driller passed away. The Driller is a 76 ft. Tall statue of an oil field worker located on the fairgrounds area in Tulsa. It's the 6th tallest statue in the US.

    Hope everyone is well this morning. I have another small leak around the kitchen faucet, not too bad. Lights in the sunroom didn't work but I found the breaker had tripped. Just missed having someone available to put Sheena in car to get her nails trimmed. Maybe another day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, Eureka Springs does sound like a nice place to visit. We have a Danish town in CA called Solvang. I never saw any houses, but the shops are Danish style.

    It is 69 degrees now, expecting to go higher. We are supposed to have a heat wave. Our fall weather can be summer-like. I already went for my walk.

    There is a device for grinding claws called a Dremel. I saw a YT video on how to get your dog used to it, you have to proceed very slowly.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    downtown Eureka Springs

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Iris, the dremel would never work on the GPs, - the noise would scare them. The guys came to feed the heifers about ten and I was going to get one of them to put Sheena in the car but they left another way. It's 85 right now , warmed up 35 degrees. Laid down on the divan and went to sleep and was cold when I woke up.

    Thanks, Judith, they must be having a festival with all those people in the street. They're barel wide enough for two cars to pass.

    Most of our girls are laying down enjoying the sun and cooler weather. One is between the house and pond quite a ways from the others. I bet she has hurt her foot and doesn't want to walk that far. I will watch her.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hi everyone! We got moved. We are still working on getting the other house ready to sell. We have no wi fi and no tv yet at our new house. We’re working on it but the internet install is scheduled 2 wks out. Sunrises and sunsets are stunning out here!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Very peaceful looking. Reminds me of my.place. How far did you move, Beth?

    Went to the mailbox in the PU, then drove down in the Gator to check on the cow. She's by herself which I don't like . Looks like she had strained her left hip o r leg. Still walks okay but slowly.

    Came back and got Stormy and we went up to see the girls. There are two white faced babies, a boy and a girl. Couldn't see Billy so drove around until we found him. He's okay. Came home and trimmed Stormy's nails while he was in the Gator. Tomorrow I will try Sheena.

    Enjoyed being out with the girls, need to do that more often.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    edited October 3

    What a beautiful sky, Beth, very peaceful. Good grief what a crowd in Eureka Springs! I would not be comfortable in the midst of that. We have the Danish heritage town of Solvang here in California, lots of Danish style business buildings, however; very, very commercial. Been there several times but we do not bother on purpose anymore when we are up that way; just too intentionally commercial and dreadfully crowded. Too far to go to get a yummy aebelskiver. I used to have an aebelskiver pan, but do not know what in the world I have done with it. Well; probably would no longer use it anyway.

    We are to be in the midst of the 90's temp wise the rest of this week - do not yet know about next week. I will be relieved when the temp moves down to a more comfortable level. Winter will be here before we know it and then we will be moaning about the cold and wet. Ah well.

    I have been in a rut all day. Hardly moved from sitting in one spot. Doing a lot of paperwork and some reading and just more or less being flat as can be and not at all connected to much of anything. Sometimes that happens, but thank goodness not often. I do need to get a haircut, but I seem to be caught in a frozen dynamic. Hope I get myself going here in the next day or so.

    Our daughter will be flying out from Texas to visit in a few weeks. Better get myself in gear before she gets here. We do not do much but happily catching up on things and doing a small project or so, but it would be nice for me to be awake and have at least a tiny bit of energy when she arrives.

    I wonder if we will get any Trick or Treaters this year. I had not intended to buy any candy as we have had no children Trick or Treating at the door for the last two years or so. Yet . . . . I do not wish to disappoint children and I do love seeing them in their costumes IF we get any children. Have a feeling it will be another "no kid" Halloween night. No children on the block, they have all grown up and are gone elsewhere. Ah well; we have had the years of tons of children at the door and that was a lot of fun, "in the day," and I had much younger knees. Ha!

    Need a haircut in the worst way and need to begin to find fall and winter clothes. Don't have a lot, but enough - hope they are still in the back of my walk-in closet. Sigh. How can I so easily misplace things I do not know; but I do often enough.

    Stopped and remembered to once again count my blessings today. I do want to remember the blessings in real time. Heartfelt thankful beyond counting. Sometimes it is good to stop, look, remember and be grateful.

    It is 8:00 pm; DH already in bed. Guess he went into the bedroom to watch TV there and got very sleepy. Good for him; hope he sleeps through the night. I am in the next bedroom typing away on various things. Won't be long before I will want to tuck myself in too.

    Goodness gracious, Lorita - another leak. Seems you have had more than your share of those over the last year or so. Well; as the old saying goes . "If it isn't one thing, it's another . . . " Hope that is the last one for you. Glad the cow seems to be doing okay and am glad Billy is doing well. I will always remember Billy as I recall him from the earliest days. Would be nice if you have a pic of him if you could share it. He must be a very BIG boy by now. How is all going with the family? Niece doing okay? Hope all is well on that front.

    Wonder in detail, how things are for Zetta,. Will be good to hear a detailed communication from her when she is settled in and rested up a bit and can fill us in on those details. She is such a lovely person and has been so strong through so much.

    Well; I am going to mosey off down the trail; everyone have a good night and of course, sweet dreams wished for one and all.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Eagle I am glad your granddaughter is ok. She had a good perspective. This same type of thing happened in the Appalachian's of eastern Ky. A few years ago. I had often wondered how they are today. Yesterday when i was looking at Samaritans purse web site saw that they have and still are building communities back at higher elevations there. It made me happy to hear this . One of the communities is named Emmanuel ridge.

    it was beautiful here yesterday too. Got a little more work done outside. Maybe I will get those beautiful tulips planted. I hope so.

    Beautiful pictures Beth. I had wondered about how far you had moved too.

    JoC hope you and your daughter have a nice visit. Sometimes the simple things are more relaxing and peaceful at least to me. The other day had to get my windshield replaced. It was a 2 hour wait. My sister met me and we went to a diner and had lunch then we went to coffee/tea shop across the street and had tea and split a blueberry muffin. That was so nice, very relaxing.

    I wonder too how I so easily misplace things in my little house. Have been wondering about Zetta too. We haven't heard from Joan in a long time. I worry about her a bit.

    My niece in SW Virginia got her electricity on at about 10 pm last night. She said it was getting a little warmer and would be nice to be able to use her fan.

    Shirley how are you all doing?
    take care

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Good morning everyone going to be a nice day in the 60's.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    David, it's 65 here now but will be almost 95 later. Summer just won't let go here.

    Good to hear from you, Jo. Glad you're slowly recovering. Sadly, we lost my niece, Sarah, over two months ago. She left us on July 26, my mothers and her great grandmother's birthday. She was in constant, intense pain so it was a relief for her. Todd was her caregiver, at home, the last few months with short hospital stays, when needed. My family is down to two cousins and Sarah's brother who lives in another State without contact. So, my family is all of our friends on the thread and Darwin who checks in, for both of us, twice daily.

    Billy the Bull is a sweet guy. I don't have a camera but if you remember my old avatar of Jasper, Billy's dad, you will know what Billy looks like. He is still sort of a loner. Mike told me he never came to eat feed last winter but did eat hay. I know he misses his mother, Sweet Pea.

    Discovered last night that I have a weak breaker that needs to be replaced. It is for one porch light, the sunroom and half of the bathroom. Also a dryer vent that needs to be replaced and a bulb in one of my security lights. Luckily, we have a good handy man about three miles away who can do those things. Electrical work has to be done by the electrician who will, eventually, rewire the barn lights and another security light. Always something else.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good morning, everyone!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Hello all just finished my exercise class and I am exausted now waiting for the van to go home and take a nap.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita….maybe Mike can out you onto an electrician. Does Mike have a good person?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited October 4

    Judith, Jimmy is the best one around. He's just covered up with work. I'm going to call him and let him know about the breaker. Darwin also has a problem with his barn lights. Just not like living in town where there are several companies. Mike has trouble finding people to do work, too.Everyone does. Too few people wanting to work so the ones who do want to work are covered up. Just have to be patient- nothing emergent.

    Stayed inside today and did housework which I do not like. Another hot day with more to come and no rain.

    Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I cleaned out my refrigerator today.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning. Does anyone know of a medication that will help prevent nightmares in a person with alzheimers? Charles didn't have them but Darwin's wife does fairly often. Charles took Trazadone. Maybe that helped.

    Going to be another hot and dry day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    edited October 4

    I do not recall discussions about Alzheimers and nightmares. I know this is a common problem in Lewey Body Dementia.

    The meds for Lewey Body are not the same as for Alzheimers

    Another beautiful day here. Getting ready to clear out some of the jungle and put down sod.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    A few weeks ago i saw a. Excellent ELVIS IMPERSONATOR and

    he was fantastic if you have a chance to see him do it he might come back at CHRISTMAS I hope he does. He sounds exactly ELVIS.

  • Sandyshe
    Sandyshe Member Posts: 4
    First Anniversary First Comment

    good morning everyone, from the old Sandymac. I have been locked out of this for a couple of years or more and was just clearing up my iPad and clicked on the app before deleting it and Boom……there you all are. How lovely to see my old friends, and of course so many new ones. Life for me has been a constant whirl since I was last in touch.
    My new husband has decided that he wants to show me the world, and boy, are we ever trying. Having both lost our partners after a time with dementia we know how easily life can change so we’re going for it. So far we’ve been to Turkey, Greece, NZ, Alaska and Canadian Rockies, Antarctica, , China, UK, Scotland,Ireland, wales and Thailand. We are just back from a quick flit through Europe (exhausting), and we’re off to Japan and sth Africa before Christmas.
    I’m certainly a very lucky person, and, like you Jo, I do count my blessings every day, especially for the people in it. I fell on my feet when I moved here and then met my new man. We still live in the retirement village (when we are home) and life is very good,
    time to get myself out of this chair and get some work done around the house.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello Sandy, I wondered how life was treating you. Glad to know all is well.

    Get in touch if you are ever in Adelaide, where life goes one just one step at a time.

    Cheers from another Aussie

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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