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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    HB,,,thanks. I have tried all you suggested and I always do an extra rinse.

    Lorita…you either have to learn to by pass the lifting of heavy things.

    Iris….you are always doing something so interesting

    What is a washing ball????

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Last night I had a crazy " nightmare" there was snow on the ground and some people made a large snow ball pushed it down the hill and it rolled over one of my friends a d when she stood up she looked like a snow man and I laughed .myself awake .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Just like the dryer balls. You use them instead of detergent.I've used them for years and they get the clothes clean and much better for the environment. I think I ordered them from Wal-Mart or amazon.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm still here! Just hating my life right now!! Still try to keep up with my front porch friends.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    It has been a long day. Everything is done except the cover for the sink sprayer hole. He will bring one. Water pressure in kitchen not good so may have to replace faucet. He was here five hours which included a trip to town and one home for a hinge.
    A FedEx truck came, stopped, backed up and left. Why I don't know, maybe a wrong place and new driver. Closed gates and let girls N of house to graze. Then the guys came to set out hay which upset ours.
    Glad the day is almost over. Just ordered groceries to be delivered between 7 and 9 in the morning. Didn't think home delivery would be possible out here.
    Ron, you need to post often to let you know how you are. We know how hard this can be. Just takes time to adjust being alone. Glad you have your Church friends.
    Good night, everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    41 this morning

    Got quite a bit done yesterday at mom’s and at my house. Hope i can get my tulips planted today .

    take care

  • brs
    brs Member Posts: 33
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    Hello all, hoping everyone within the hurricane threat is prepared. Today I'm taking my DH along to the Senior Center for lunch. We previously have gone 2x, the 1st time no so good (socially) but the 2nd time he wad engaged and enjoyed himself. He rarely leaves the house and these small outings are important to me for him.

    I spent the day with my 16 mos granddaughter, always a joy, we took a stroller walk enjoying the cooler temps and sunshine. She is a bundle of energy and keeps me moving the entire time, except during het 1 hr nap 💞😂 who needs an exercise class after that ?

    I ordered a robot vacuum and tried it out briefly. I think it's going to be a stress reducer. As we're all caregivers here I know you'll understand. Always so much to do, a little technology may be helpful with cleaning.

    Take care of yourself,Barbara

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning Barbara. Hope your outing goes well today. Glad you got to watch your granddaughter. Guessing you really enjoyed that.

    Caro_Lynn thinking of you. Know Shirley no longer in Florida. Can’t remember if any other of our porch friends are in Florida of not.

    My cousin in Tampa is not evacuating. She doesn’t live close to tube ocean, their newer windows are supposedly hurricane proof. They have tried to stock up well on food and water. Hope they made a good decision.

    Shirley how are you and your family doing?

    Ron was worried you were having a bit of a rough time.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, just finished putting away my groceries that were delivered to my porch at 7:30! Best thing since sliced bread, as they say. Hope everyone is well today. About of power so will be back later. My security light came on last night!!.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Started to put away our summer clothes and Then on my way to the heart dr then to Out Back for lunch.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    +brs Hope every one in the path of Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton are o.k., I was hesitant to go to the Senior Center when my wife died but after a few days it felt like I had been going there forever. I have met so many nice people including my current wife.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello Everyone. I'll be out of town for about a week, starting tomorrow. So my postings may be spotty. I can't believe another hurricane is coming so close behind the other one! Everyone in its path, evacuate and stay safe!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited October 8

    What about unopened, refrigerated whole milk with best by date of Sept. 18. Opened it and it tasted good. I've been using unsweetened almond milk but bought this as backup. Do I drink it?

    Have a good time, Iris. We will miss you,

    David, so nice that you're enjoying the senior center. Good to get out among people.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Personally, I wouldn't drink milk from 9/18, isn't that three weeks ago? Perhaps you could repasteurize it.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Lorita glad you found an easy way to get groceries

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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  • brs
    brs Member Posts: 33
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    Be safe everyone in the south 💞

    My DH and I enjoyed a pleasant lunch at the Senior Ctr yesterday. Another success 👏. Today I'm returning to the Ctr for an ALZ in person monthly caregivers mtg , this will be my first time.

    Hope all have a good day, Barb

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    My mom buys her milk in quarts/pints and freezes a few as back up in case she runs out. My local dairy used to sell their milk in bags specifically for this purpose.

    Another option might be to look into ultra pasteurized milk or shelf stable UHT milk. DH drinks Lactaid brand which is ultra pasteurized and has a longer sell by date; it's a little more expensive but tastes like regular milk.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    We buy Fairlife brand milk which is ultrapasteurized. It has a longer sell by date, but once you open it I presume it lasts a few days or maybe a week. Once we open it, we use it in a few days. We have shelf stable almond milk as a backup too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning. HB, I have some frozen, too. I like almond milk on cereal, not so much for drinking. I did drink a little of this milk when I opened it and it tasted good and didn't make me sick. I grew up drinking raw milk, guess everyone on farms did.

    Nice and cool this morning but will be in low 99s this afternoon. Bryon and his cousin are coming after he gets off work this afternoon to mow and take down some of the dead shrubs- holly and at leaśt two altheas. I will leave others to see if they come back.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    Good morning, going to senior center for beef stew lunch and bingo.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good luck on bingo, David. Watching a briefing on Hurricane Milton. Sounds really bad. Shirley, so glad you're not in Florida. How are things in South Carolina?

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon all. First off, all of you in Milton's way, please be safe. These hurricane's are scary.

    I can finally say my patio / lanai is finally completely finished, almost! I'd taken so long I wanted to re-power wash everything, which lead to moving things again. The only things left to do is to hang the lights. I've not found exactly what I'm wanting, yet.

    Next up is the hot tub and getting it balanced for fall. That's not too bad of a project really. A couple of days and it will be completed. I'm not starting it for a week or more. I've got to recover from the last project and catch up on everything I've put off!!

    I've had Zoom meeting at 8:00 am both Tues. and this morning. I'm always up and about, but I've usually not had my shower & cleaned up for the day. Since I was presenting at both meetings I had to at least look presentable. The good thing is my day gets going with a bang.

    The hot weather has returned and I'm not a fan!! Hopefully next week we'll be seeing some lower temps.

    Time to get moving here, I've got several things I've got to check off my 'to do' list today.

    Let's be safe everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Barb glad you guys had a nice lunch.

    Ive been watching Ryan Hall Y’all and Maxvelocity today. My cousin as you know is in Tampa. They are inland and stayed . They have not had tornado warnings. There has been so many tornado warnings and tornados all over Florida I think how much damage has already been done and hurricane not there yet.

    Had my Fluad and Novavax vaccine yesterday. The flu arm got very sore and had chills last night . Got to feeling much better about noon today. The Novavax arm barely sore at all. I had this reaction to Fluad last year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hurricane in Florida sounds awful. Over 20 tornado warnings. Bryon and his cousin came and mowed this evening. Bryon has relatives around Tampa and his cousin's dad works for OG&E security and is going down. Now I can walk in the north yard with out watching for snakes.

    Gave Bryon a big box of Charles' shirts, mostly pullover and a three piece set, two chairs and lounge chair . We bought them years ago and I haven't sat in any of them for years. Makes a lot more room on the porch . Still have the bistro set and porchswing. That's a start in donations.

    There are several sports coats and a few suits so will put them in the car when.I go to town again and donate them. Gary came this morning and replaced the kitchen faucet.

    I had been worried about one of the big doors on the barn so went out and fixed that. One was pushed back too far and the other had gotten away from the stake to hold it. Probably wind or cows had done that. This evening Bryon mentioned it being almost time to close them. He has done that several times. Will do that next month.

    He brought the wrong chain saw so will come back in a Couple of days to cut the dead shrubs. So, feel like it has been a productive day. Will be good to.be.by ourselves tomorrow.

    Mint, hope your cousin is safe. Glad you got your vaccines. I'll get.mine in a Couple of weeks. Not both at once though.

    It was pretty warm here today but mornings are cool. Next week we're supposed to have cooler weather. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep. Prayers for everyone in the path of the storm.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita had thought I would get mine separate but decided im going to try it as takes less time that way. Glad I did as now it is over with. Nothing wrong with spacing them out. Glad mowing got done.

    My cousin is safe, just heard from my Aunt in Atlanta. They had lost their power last night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited October 10

    Morning, just got up a few minutes ago - haven't had my juice yet. Don't think anyone else will be here today so may stay in my gown and caftan for a while.

    Mint, glad your cousin is safe. From what they're saying it wasn't as bad as they had thought. Seems most damage is from all the tornados. Lots of water rescues so far. Hopefully, there won't be more hurricanes this year. The man who is on now says the storm surge is less than it was with Helene. Good news.

    Have a good day. Back later

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 664
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    On our way to the Senior Center for lunch and a sing a long and REKI a relaxing group.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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