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Just need to talk to my friends (194)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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Thank you, Mint and Caro. I thought I'd tried everything but did not try that.

Been busy working on getting some of the tax stuff together. Then discovered there was water under the crispers in the refrigerator.. Luckily I had some of those big expandable sponges so used that and got it out. My hand really got cold, too.

Drove down to the mailbox and closed that gate so GL can go down and graze but she's been laying down. Scares me because she kind of struggles to get up.

The feed truck didn't mess the road up too much, just one place where there was loose dirt but it'll straighten out okay.

I've had Dr. Pol on for quite a while. They had a six week old Angus calf who was born with six legs. They were attached to the shoulder. They took them off and the calf will be okay. Just had to pull another one that had a birth defect. All four legs were coming.

Driveway alarm just went off. It was GL going down to graze. Thanks again, Mint. This may help, 193 was getting pretty long. We're a talkative bunch, aren't we?

Back later.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Turned the heat back on this morning.

    Last few days have been full. People coming and going, tours and refinancing the flip. Still gathering tax items as they come in.and reducing the design scope on the flip.

    Went to deposit a check in the back. They said no...it was from 2022. It is for the amount of $9.27...an oil royalty. Who knows where it has been,

    Anyway it is now 4p and I am leaving the "office".

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 9

    I think I'll hang it up for today, too, Judith. Maybe I can get it together tomorrow and get them mailed Monday or Tuesday. How is the flip house coming along? I'd like to take a nap but it's too late today - maybe tomorrow.

    Four or five years ago I sold yearnings and didn't get the check deposited in time so went back to the stock yards and they recut the check for me. Too much to think about.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, I will be traveling with a group. The owner has a travel company and she makes day trips and local overnight bus trips, and recently has started offering trips to other states and even overseas. The Oregon trip will be by air to Sacramento, then by bus to the other sites.

    We are having a nice day here, temps up to 70 degrees nice spring weather.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning Porch family. It's so nice to see the sun shining here. I just do so much better when the sun is out. I just feel better, Thankfully we did have some rain, but I'll take the sun for several days.

    I've been reading, just not posting. It seems we've had a lot going on. Taxes are completed, to the accountant and we've met and gone over them. We owe a small sum, which I figured. I'm glad that task is completed for another year.

    My shoulder is still sore, but not like it was. What's so odd is that both elbows are sore. Just the elbow - not the arms, just the elbows. I have to be sure to not sit at the computer too long. I move very carefully still.

    Enough typing for now. Have a wonderful day everyone.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Yes it is so nice to see the sun shining today. No rain expected until next weekend in the Boston area.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, sunny in our neighborhood, too. Enough rain for a while but rain and storm s will be back later in the week.

    Eagle, glad you're improving. Takes a long time to recover. I'm still wearing the toeless compression sock on my sprained ankle and taking it easy on my knee, opposite sides.

    Fed the birds and Gray Lady. Seems odd that it's almost 11 am.but I'm trying not to notice. Been watching the three major news shows. Don't know if I can handle them for the next months until election.

    Glad you got your taxes ready to go to accountant. I hope I can get mine ready this afternoon. Always a relief to get that done.

    David, I saw on the news yesterday that you were supposed to get lots of rain and flooding so glad the sun is shining. Enjoy the day.

    Think I may watch at least part of the Oscars tonight. I haven',t seen any of the movies but hope Killers of the Flower Moon wins some of them, especially best actress even if she isn't Osage.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, is there problem with Jackie and Shadows eggs again this year? Haven't been watching but checked in this morning to Big Bear Eagle Cam. Anyone been watching?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    No sunshine in my part of the world today. We are having light snow but not accumulating any. Suppose to start warming back up tomorrow. Glad to hear others are getting sunshine.

    Tried my canned hamburger today. It had no smell so yes if you use good quality hamburger that does not seem to happen. Made taco soup with it using a jar of the pinto and a jar of the black beans that i had canned also. Added a jar of frozen corn. It called for tomatoes. Im wanting to use my frozen tomato sauce up as 2 years old, so used that instead. Just have a few left then my other tomato stuff is all canned. The beans looked nice, they were not mushy. Tomatoes would have been better than the sauce. I would give it an 8/10. Better fresh for sure but if you have no electric it surely would be way better than nothing to eat so will probably keep a few jars canned, we’ll see. Definitely was quick, i had cooked onions with the hamburger when canning it, so all i had to do was dump things in a pot. Would definitely be quick if you were pushed for time.

    Im going to try some of the canned chicken in a few days to see what i think about it.

    Good morning JoC.

    Thinking of all of you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Iris...will you be coming to Oklahoma City????? If so I am certain that one stop will be the memorial. I also suggest First Americans Museum https://famok.org/ and the Centenniel Land run sculpturehttps://www.okcmoa.com/. I of course would love to have you visit my art museum https://www.okcmoa.com/. Allof these are downtown. Let me know if we can say hello or if I can be helpful.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited March 10

    It did downpour over night maybe 1 to 2 inches over night but sun is shining brightly .

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good afternoon fellow porchies.

    Weather here is very windy. The ground is quite saturated, and roads are closed here and there for downed trees and wires. I don't have anywhere I need to be today, so I don't plan to head out.

    I have @ronald71111 's red beans & rice on the stove and the house smells wonderful. It's what's for dinner tonight. I can't wait.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 10

    Judith and Iris, don't forget the Cowboy Hall of Fame. Guess it's still there. Might think about Woolaroc up near Bartlesville and the Will Rogers Museum in Claremore. Lots of interesting places to visit in Oklshoma, not even thinking about our many beautiful lakes.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    edited March 10

    Good morning, All.

    Lorita. I have been glued to Jackies and Shadows nest. The moderators stopped talking because to many of the onlookers were saying things and confusing the rest of us. The moderators said nature will take care of things. It does look like the first 2 eggs she laid will not be hatching. 😥 there is still a little hope for the 3rd egg. She laid 2 last year and only one hatched. I have them on right now and Iam hearing all the background noise going on in the nest. Iam hearing the wind blow and the other birds talking.

    My mouth also gets very dry during the night I have a glass of water in my bathroom so when I get up to use the bathroom, I can take a drink of water.

    Iris. It's nice that you do a lot of traveling. I live 190 miles from Portland, Oregon. My move to Arizona will probably not be till midsummer. I will be flying to Arizona April 13, for a 2-week visit. and start making the plans for the move. It all depends how long it takes me to sell my property. I have 1.5 acres of developed land with a 30-year-old M Home on it. The home is old but is good shape. I don't plan on getting a realtor involved till after I get back from my Arizona visit.

    Iam sending you all wishes for a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, I didn't think any of their eggs hatched last year. I remember how reluctant Shadow was to leave the nest. Glad one made it. I enjoyed hearing the man give the daily updates very interesting and he was funny.

    Have you seen many moose this winter?

    I'm letting GL go down the drive to graze. There's good, pretty tall grass behind the gate she hadn't touched. She came up for a drink a little while ago and started back down. I called to her to eat she grass to.her right and she moved over there and started to graze!! She's a smsrt girl for sure! When she comes back up I'll take down the trash and open the main gate and close gate 2.

    Haven't gotten started on taxes today. I have to be in the mood and I'm not today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Time fly's, it was March 2022 the last egg hatched it was named Spirit. Poor Jackie and Shadow they are still waiting. Are you keeping GL as close to you as possible?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Quite sunny day and wish we had more but rain forecasted for later this week. Did not make it to church this morning, was dressed and ready to go when Lou's sitter called and said she wasn't feeling well.

    Primary care appointment tommorow maybe she will have some answers on the fluctuating blood pressure. It's not as low since I stopped the BPH medicine, but still all over the place, high and low. Today for some reason I've also had tachycardia, several readings over 100 at rest and standing. Guess I've rested to much today.

    HB, I hope your red beans and rice turned out good!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    For sure, Zetta. It was a week ago today all of that happened. She seems okay so it might be okay to let her out but doesn't hurt to me her up a.bit longer.

    Got the trash ready to take down . had an old bright pink wading pool in the back yard I've wanted to take down so got that ready. About time to keep water out for the GPs.

    It is a gorgeous day- warm and no wind. The daffodils are still beautiful. Found another bunch of white ones this morning and seversl.bunches of tiny ones. Tomorrow I think I'll take a bouquet of them to Donna. Don't think they have any.

    I ordered a 12 bottle case of Georgia Peach Roar thinking it would be good.. But, to me, it has an aftertaste but she might like it. Not supposed to have artificial sweetener in it. One of the yogurts had an aftertaste after the first taste but that is stevia. Ok after the first taste.

    I feel.like a short nap.might be good. It's 6 p.m. and no nap.

    Ron,hope you get some answers tomorrow. I know it's frustrating to know something's off and can't find out what it is. I've never cooked red beans and rice except from a mix years ago. Do you cook them separately, then mix together?

    Trying to not let the time change bother me this time. Do wish they'd leave it one way or the other.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, yes the red beans and rice are cooked separately. In the previous thread I had the recipe for HB.

    Just put Lou to bed now it's a little of me time.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 11

    Thanks, Ron, I'll look it up. I just remembered Lou saying you looked like someone and then saying your name. How sweet that was.. You know for probably the last year Charles never said my name except one time. Guess that wasn't too unusual though because he always called me honey.

    I'm watching On Golden Pond. Saw it years ago but don't remember much about it. So far it's funny. Sort of reminds me of the movie " Folks".

    Called Darwin and Donna answered and we visited a couple of minutes. Going to take her a bouquet of daffodils in the morning. They are so beautiful this year.

    Rest well tonight. Addendum: Had forgotten the man was getting dementia. It was made in 1981, long before I thought about dementia.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, the tour will visit the Vintage Sewing Machine Museum, Will Roger's Memorial Museum, and Philbrook Museum of Art for a guided tour. Then we visit Pawhuska for a guided tour to see Pioneer Woman's frontier. Sometimes these tours will offer some free time, but it looks like this tour is tightly scheduled. But I will ask and see what could be arranged.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Ron hope your doctor appointment goes well.

    Had never heard of Georgia Roar. Have to look into if available here. Have a feeling it isn’t.

    Nice of you to share your daffodils with Donna. They are so cheerful. Notice moms and the neighbors have buds. Mine are a later variety and no buds yet.

    Suppose to warm up today and the sun shine. That will be nice.

    Good morning JoC, Marie and Joan.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning people of the porch.

    No rain here today, but very windy with gusts up to 40mph. I have a few clumps of daffodils blooming but the rest are a different later blooming variety. I had a single crocus this year which looked very sad all by itself.

    I have a very quiet week-- the only thing on the calendar is DH's birthday dinner. Next week mom has her AMD injections Monday, a blood draw Tuesday, dentist Wednesday and Stress Test Friday.

    @ronald71111 I am happy to report that the red beans & rice were perfect. It was so good. DH loved it. I wasn't sure about the red pepper-- was it supposed to be cayenne or flakes. I couldn't find my cayenne in the depths of my spice shelf; I know it's in there somewhere. I used about 1 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes and it was nice and hot. Now I have some in the freezer and will bring mom a couple servings as she loves this kind of thing, too. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it for me.

    You mentioned some vision issues. Make sure your doctors know about this. My mom had some vision loss related to an episode of low BP. This is why I sometimes joke about mom being so extra she has 2 ophthalmologists- one for each eye. A neuro-ophthalmologist for the optic nerve on the left and a retinal specialist for the AMD. Her vision in the impacted eye around 20/200-- she can see the big "E" but because of the AMD she says it looks like it's in cursive. This is why she had to stop driving.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Mint, it's sold on QVC, not sure where else.. It's supposed to have electrolytes and other good hydrating things. I wish I liked it but the after taste is too much for me. . The flavor I got was Georgia Peach. I hardly ever grocery shop in stores but doubt they have Roar. Odd name for a drink, , I think.

    Thought I could get out in time to close the gate to the northeast pasture but the girls are scattered everywhere. When they feed if the girls aren't up there when he comes to feed, many of them don't get feed- it's all gone before they get there. Got GL into the west paddock.

    I wish I had some varieties of daffodils that bloomed later. I've smelled some different odors outside at times and last night I smelled it inside when I got close to a bouquet of daffodils by my bed. Still wish they had a perfume with that fragrance. Need to work on taxes today- probably about half finished compiling, then have to write it all down for him.

    Wish we could hear from No and Marie. Nicole hasn't posted for quite some time either.Beth, a few ways ago you asked about what GPs really protect and herd. Mine protect the yard and me. I don't let them out of the yard unless they're on leashes. Sheena got out years ago and when she came back her collar was gone. Guess she got it caught on something. You all should hear them at night when the coyotes go through. Both of them howl like wolves or one will howl and the other barks or yelps. They're. Very territorial. I imagine they would herd any kind of animals if trained. Mine are mostly pets.

    I just heard that Baker Mayfield, former OU Quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner has signed a three year contract with Tampa Bay for 100 million dollars ,50 million guaranteed.

    Guess I should pick those daffodils while it's really cool.

    Shirley, thinking of you this week and hope your trip was safe and things go well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning!

    I have never heard of Georgia Roar, nor did I know what salt pork is. I did google them so I know now.

    It will be 75 today! Amazing in Iowa for March. We had a relatively warm winter. We did get around 30" of snow (close to average) but most of it came in a space of about 10 days in January. We also had a week or so of zero/subzero in January but most of our winter has been warmer than normal. Our grass stayed green all winter - I've never known that to happen before!

    Pics: 1) My eight grade granddaughter drew this picture of Josephine Baker with a sharpie! I think it is amazing!

    Iowa sunset

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, the picture your granddaughter drew is really good but I don't know who Josephine Baker is. The sunset picture is beautiful! The drink is called Roar and the flavor (one of many) is Georgia Peach. Sounds good,- the host said it was like biting into a fresh pesch! Not so, at least for me. We've had a mild winter, too. Grass is green now but during the past winter.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @BethL You can train Great Pyrenees to guard chickens. But you have to start early with them. Mine only do goats and sheep. My chickens are up by the house in their house and run. The pasture is too far away to gather eggs 😃

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Hi friends,

    I have been reading each day, but my life is not nearly as interesting as yours so not much to post.

    I have been busy with graphgans since Christmas. Now have 2 in the works...for brothers (men) same design for each but personalized with their name. Each is 150 stitches across and about 200 rows. It has been keeping me busy.

    Very windy here yesterday and today. I haven't been out and about for a week or more, but need to do a grocery store run soon. I place my order on line and they pull the items and I just go and pick it up. Love that convenience.

    Mother has been dealing with a virus for several weeks...took her to Dr. twice and she finally seems on the mend. Thank goodness my daughter and her husband help with other things as needed.

    My wish for each of you is better health and better days. Hugs, Marie

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Marie, we all need better health and days and mire every day. Glad your mother is on the mend. Isn't it great we can order our things, pull up to the store and they bring them oot. Our only grocery before is within WM. It's big and tires me out to even go in and look for what I want. Later I will go into the plant area and find something to put on the porch but Rusty eats all the plants I put out these . Things kept being eaten off and it finally dawned on me that it was Rusty (squirrel).

    Took the flowers and things over to Donna but just before I got there saw Darwin's pickup coming out of their drive. He stopped and said he was going up to the little store for gas. Was working on his lawnmower so he could now his yard. Donna was still sleeping. Left things on their porch.

    That reminds me -- Barbara, why do most of the houses on the cattle or sheep stations have wraparound porches? I think I remember reading it's for ventilation or to help with the heat. Darwin has a porch on two sides of his house and it's so nice.

    Back later. I am sleepy darn time change anyway!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    ADD 3-5 DROPS LOUISIANA RED HOT SAUCE (TO TASTE) NOTE; this sauce is key to New Orleans or so I have been told.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sounds good, Judith. but not vegetarian. Is the mail being delivered today? Wss expecting eye drops but nothing in mailbox. Tracking said it's been delivered to our local post office. Guess I'll make another trip down to close gate. Hood of pickup wasn't closed good and too k three tries to get it done. It's really high and so heavy. Irish Spring is still in it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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