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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, Jo,how happy I was to see your post! Now, we're all together again. We were really worried about you and your family. I hope you continue to improve daily.

    JeriLynn, I'm sorry about Annabelle. I know how hard it is to make the decision to let them go to sleep but if they're in pain or very sick it's the best for them. I have so many waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.

    Very muggy morning. We have a chance of storms again today but hopefully it won't happen.

    Jo, I have a big cellar, probably at least 12x12, completely underground. Spent a lot of time in it when I was growing up. Neighbors would even walk half a mile to get in and be safe. I don't feel comfortable going in by myself. The door has to be pushed up and is very heavy. We have a storage building on top of it that covers the air vent in the top. There's a small window that has the building over it so you can get air. I would never be able to get the Pyrenees to go down the steps. Darwin has a safe room and has told me to.come anytime. But, again, it wouldn't work for the cats and Pyrenees and I.couldn't leave them.

    Fed Gray Lady and put her in the west paddock and opened the gate for Toad. Still sleepy so may go back to.bed for a little while.

    There's still an 81 year old man missing in Barnsdall. Doubt t he will ever be found alive.

    Toad's here so the girls will Be happy. Back later.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I understand about your cellar being a scary place. My aunt and uncle had a "cave" on their farm. (They also had a basement under their home.) The cave from the outside was mounded up and there was a door. They stored canned goods down there. Sad about the storm damage in OK, and everywhere else. Especially sad for those who have lost loved ones.

    Jo, so glad to hear from you. How is David doing? Sorry for what you are dealing with. You and David are in my prayers.

    JeriLynn, when it rains it pours. So much for you to deal with. I am so sorry for your loss of Annabelle. Really tough. Sad too for all the frustrations going on with your FIL, and for the way he treated you and your DH in the past. It takes a big person to care for someone who has not been kind to them in the past.

    Iris, I loved hearing about your trip and seeing pictures!

    Driving down to a stockholders meeting in the small town I grew up in. Will also go put flowers on the graves while there. When I was a child we always put peonies on the graves. Nowadays, I place artificial flowers.

    Went to the garden center Monday. Bought 28 Supertunias for 5 pots, Icelandic poppy, Oriental poppy, Jet Star and Cherokee Purple tomatoes, rosemary and basil. Planted some of it this morning. Still need to plant my zinnia and marigold seeds and green beans and cucumbers. Storm damage clean up continues in the yard. Gutters and siding need replaced yet. We have made great progress.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sorry I'm not responding to each message, rest assured I am praying for all and extra prayers for ones hurting.

    Saw Lou this morning and left sad and feeling as if I've somehow failed her. She asked me at first if she could be with me and right before I left she said "I want to stay with you". It's so sad to see her like this and I'm not able to be with her and take care if her.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    what a wonderful photo….you were taking care of her then and you still are

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thanh you,I do feel like a huge burden has been taken off my shoulders now I can try to concentrate on my dementia and live one day at a time.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Ron, we know how you feel but this is best for Lou- to get her medicine regime worked out so she will do better. I know it's hard to leave her but before long she'll come home with you. Be strong for ber. We're here when you need to talk. You are not alone.

    Beth, sounds like your green thumb is itching to get to work. I'm letting some more leaves grow on the little plants the squirrel and cats worked over and later I will put out the bulbs. Two of the big planters are full of violets so will need to transplant them first.

    Just washed the GP's beds and have them our in the sun to dry.That is if they have time before it storms. A tornado warning has been issued for the Miami area in far NE Okla. We pronounce it Miama. Many counties are under a tornado watch. I am tired of this but guess everyone is.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Ron, Lorita is right and we all want you to know we care about you and your beautiful Lou. That is a sweet picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Lorita, I hope the storms stay away from you! Please be safe. Glad you have GP's and kitties for comfort. I know I would be so lost and lonely without my Suzy.

    I wish I had a green thumb like Beth and Mint and all the others that know the name of the different flowers/plants. I do own several books on trees and plants that do well in the Florida heat. Books are full of sticky notes of what I want to plant.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron we are sitting here quietly on the porch with you. I am going to try and attach something that Judith posted a long time ago.

    Lorita my grandma had a cellar too. I also understand what you are saying.

    Beth think i bought 25 supertunias. Got rest of sunflowers planted today and a few marigolds. Almost all of my zinnias are up now if nothing eats them. I put slug bait around them.

    Lorita have you heard from Sarah today?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    edited May 8

    Hello again. Facility called at 6:30 am to say they "found" FIL on the floor. Not hurt but ordered xrays to be sure his surgical hip is ok. He is more confused that I've ever seen him. Geri Psych NP will see him today and hopefully make some med recommendations. They started him on Depakote yesterday in addition to the anti-depressant he's on. The Speech Therapist says he's hallucinating. I did not observe that. He absolutely looked gray in color to me. NP said also, she was calling Hospice again to see if they will accept him now. We'll see. That would make me happy. And then I would just move him to the place I selected where I know the Director.

    AnnaBelle had a very peaceful homegoing. No more little inside dogs for me. I'm done. DH wants to increase the goat herd. I think I may just be done with that too. Have to consider. Maybe I'm just in a funk today.

    Waiting on the weather to arrive (in the dead of night, of course) and already battened everything down, fed the GPs and about to shoo the chickens in early. I'm going to take another hot shower, wash the dog, goat and SNF smell off and get in a comfy pair of pajamas. If I had a nice bottle of Chardonnay, I would cuddle up with that but I guess DH will have to do. lol

    Ron, what a beautiful picture. Be safe everyone.

    Mint, we were posting at the same time. I love that Pooh story. Thank you for re-posting. 💕

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita and all those in the path of a storm, you all in my prayers.

    JeriLynn, Sending Hugs to you for the passing of AnnaBelle, I have a bottle of Chardonnay I would like to share with you.

    Iris, Your travel pictures are beautiful.

    Ron, Lou will be home soon. I hope you're getting all rested up.

    Now I will try to get caught up on more of the postings.

    Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Mint, I called Sarah and had to leave a message.Called Todd,no answer so don't know what is going on.Thank you for asking.

    JeriLynn,I know you'll miss Annabelle.I still .miss Barclee and sometimes think about getting another small dog but at my age guess I won't.These cats are enough but I wouldn't take anything for them.

    Ron, the wedding picture of you and Lou is beautiful. How long have you all been married?

    Zeta and JeriLynn, I have never had Chardonnay. Is it good? Guess I'll stick with Pepsi for now. I fell asleep in my chair and somehow twisted my "good" knee. Can hardly walk. I have those knee sleeves but where? I wonder what was going on with me when Judith posted the Pooh story? Whatever it was I'm sure it helped me.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, hang in there. Get your rest before Lou comes home. Lorita is right, they are working to get her meds right so she is more content and manageable - thus making life easier for both of you.

    Mint, you are doing a good job getting your gardening underway. Enjoy your beautiful flowers this summer! Are you doing vegetables this year too? Thanks for reposting Judith's "story." That is a good one.

    "Weather" in the dead of night? Yep, I'm familiar. The night of our tornado (around 9 pm) we had another tornado warning around 11 pm. Then, a few nights ago, we heard sirens go off around 1 am and headed for the basement. Tonight, possible severe storms again! Eeeeek! Praying for safety for all of us!

    Speaking of weather, we remain in "moderate drought" yet there are areas where the rivers are near flood stage. This does not compute with me! huh? By the way if you are interested in looking at the drought monitor, just google "U.S. drought monitor" or "Iowa (your state) drought monitor."

    Meeting today was good. Cemetery looked beautiful, very nicely mowed. A few people had placed flowers on graves already but not many. This cemetery has some very old stones/graves and it is very interesting to walk amongst them and look at them. I didn't take time to do that today. I have relatives in both of that town's cemeteries plus in two little country cemeteries in the area. Of course - in other places too but this is where many of my ancestors lie.

    Time to watch the news - it'll be of interest to see what they have to say about the storms tonight!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I slept eleven hours last night, I was so tired from the trip. We were on the go so much that I have been short on sleep.

    Odd, I fell out of bed onto my head! Apparently I was too close to the edge when I tried to turn over. I could feel myself falling, but there was nothing for me to grab on to to break my fall. Down I went. For a few moments I didn't have the strength to get myself up. I couldn't move my legs or my arms or raise my head. But I focused myself and then was able to raise my arms, then my head, then my legs, and I could stand up. I was not dizzy. I unrolled the covers because they were all jumbled up. Then I got back into bed, and fell asleep.

    Later I went to pick up my four cats. Simon actually did quite well at the pet hotel, in fact, he seems more alert than before I left for my trip.

    I'll have to read to catch up later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Iris, I bet you were glad to .be home to sleep in your own bed. I'm glad Simon and the others were okay. When you were in Tulsa dud you watch any of the storm coverage on TV? There was another tornado today in Miami. .

    Mike called a while ago on his way to prag check some cows and said they had 12" of rain at his clinic which is nine miles from u s. Also had that much east Italy of the town where he lives. Said Darwin's creek is 6' deep and that's after it went down. Having to fix fence and flood gate so cows can't get out.

    My knee still hurts so decided I would use one or two quad canes. No idea what happened- it was okay when I took my short nap draped over the chair arm and this way when I woke up.

    Our heat index today was 97!! Need to find something for supper. Iris, hope you're okay after your fall.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JeriLynn I am sorry about Annabelle. Know you miss her.

    Beth not a lot of veggies. About 4 tomato plants and 2 peppers. Oh and I’m trying a sangria watermelon. I have lettuce, onion and herbs, mainly flowers. Hope your garden is coming a long too.

    Iris are you ok this morning?

    Lorita hope your knee feels better this morning.

    They are giving a rainy day.
    Hoping each one of you got through the night ok

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    morning. Power is out, tornado watch is in effect, wicked lightning. I’m going back to bed

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Praying fir my friends!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Ron— Thanks for sharing that picture— you're a handsome couple and Lou was a beautiful bride. She looks almost like a doll in that picture. It's been over 50 years for you two, no?

    Lorita— I hope this weather clears for you (and all impacted) soon. I suppose the weather changes aren't doing your knee any favors.

    It must be very tiring to be on edge days on end. Do the animals stress over the storms? My old Persian could always sense impending storms and even the odd earthquake— he was generally more accurate than the weather folks. If Nicky stood on his hindlegs and locked out the window overlooking the creek worriedly, I got my to-go bag ready. Mom's current cat isn't a prognosticator, but she really struggled with storms. Her previous people lived in Wilmington NC and she lived through several bad hurricanes. I always felt badly for her but 6 years on it's not so bad.

    Another vote for Chardonnay here even if it does get a bad rap as "Cougar Juice". I wouldn't say no to a glass of Kendall Jackson. I have a Shafer in the basement I need to drink soon.

    Beth— Are you someone who constantly tries new things in the garden or do you stick to the same tried-and-true varieties? I tried new things last year in mom's garden (while neglecting my own) and it didn't go well. Of the 6 coral bells I put in, none returned. Of the 3 bleeding hearts, she has one this year. I think I may have even lost a couple of Patriot hosta. Normally, the majority of the garden is bright shade— hosta and astilbe thrive so I'm quite disappointed. In the sunny corner, 2 or the 3 peonies are up, and one should bloom.

    Iris— I'm glad Simon did well, but I'm sure you chose their facility carefully. We used to use a place that billed itself as cat camp— they kept the cats far from the dogs and each 3-level enclosure had a fish tank and views of the bird feeders. They've since added "catios" for an upcharge.

    Mint— Good for you growing herbs. I grit my teeth every time I pay $3 for a tiny package of rosemary, chives or thyme but I've not had much success.

    Jerilynn— I hope today is a better one all around.

    Yesterday day was a mom day. She didn't seem super-forgetful but the word-finding glitches were on display. She saw her psychiatrist (the one appointment I don't attend) who supposedly assured her she doesn't have dementia and told her that Lyme causes brain inflammation that usually resolves. After that, I took her to get a pedi. She fell asleep while her nails were drying; I was in the waiting area wondering what was taking so long until the nail tech approached me to handle the payment.

    After that she asked to go to the drug store to buy Poise Pads. She's got some stress incontinence. They didn't have them, so we walked down to the massive grocery store which did and she bought 2 big packages which I got to "walk of shame" back to the car while she pretended she wasn't with me and laughing the whole time. At least she still has her sense of humor.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron and Lou, What a beautiful wedding photo of two good looking people!

    More later, getting ready to run errands.

    No storms (just rain) last night.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning again

    No power here because a HUGE tree up the road fell over the power lines, but we're ok.. DH has driven the area and the storm must have just skipped right over us. All around trees and limbs down. One brand new house has a tree laying in the middle of the roof. Haven't been able to get any news on TV but have checked in with family and friends: everyone is safe. So that's a good thing. Have not been called by the facility so maybe things are OK there. I'll wait till the weather clears around 10 and get ready to go into town.

    Hope everyone is ok today.

    HB, I like KJ chardonnay. But oddly, the less expensive Yellow Tail is my favorite with more Oak and BUTTER


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    On my way for the short visit with my bride of 57 years.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, Glad e everyone did all right in the storms. JetiLynm, hope your power comes back on soon. I know how hard it is t be without it. We've been out for two or more weeks sevetal times, mostly in the winter. My knee is better, than you all, must have twisted it somehow.

    Didn't realize my.phone ringer was off this morning and a little after 8 I picked it up and it vibrated. It was Darwin.Said he had called three times and was on his way to his pickup to come and check on me. Gotta watch that. He's going to spray wild roses in his pastures today. I should spray weeds in the lot but I know it's so muddy. Going to be sunny today so may let it dry until tomorrow. I had three peony blooms, beautiful shell pink but with the heavy rain they didn't last long. My one surviving clematis is on the light po!e is blooming like crazy. and roses are doing well. Maybe I can plant bulbs today.

    Hope the day goes well for everyone, without stormy weather.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    That was a good read from Pooh. Here is one from the Velveteen Rabbit;

    ″‘It doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept.‘”

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Did you sleep well, Iris? Hope so. It worried me that you couldn't move for a bit after you fell. Everything okay today?

    Did a load of serapes and chair covers and put them out in the sun to dry.

    Looked for my little plants and finally discovered tghem, in the box I had them in. on the ground. No leaves and can barely see the stems. Don't know if they will make it. Didn't think Rusty would find them out there, but he did.

    Have a loaf of bread in to bake and a big dutch oven of vegetable soup simmering. The onions I used really did a number on my eyes. I think I peeled the potatoes with one eye open. I think I'm done for the day.

    I ordered more Round Up that should be here tomorrow. Once I get started spraying I don't want to run out of spray and the lot will have more time to dry a little bit.

    Beth, just saw the drought monitor. Two weeks ago this part of the State was in moderate drought - not now but up around Osage County, they are still in some drought and, of course Western Okla. Usually is. I looked out earlier this morning and saw two calves running at break neck speed to get to the barn. It's cooler today but the flies don't bother them in the dark barn, at least not as much.

    Better go stir the soup. Vegetable soup and fresh bread on the porch later today! Got my order of crumb makes yesterday so they'll be dessert.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    BYW…the breakfast cake was wonderful. For those of you who bake, I think you could bake as cupcakes and freeze!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, is it sweet or savory? How about the recipe.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    It is sweet. Sorry, thought I had posted the link'


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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