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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Rain here, too. We're in the middle of a gully washer. Hate to comp!ain because in July and August we will be praying for rain. GL is in the carport and our girls are in the barn. I'm sure.Theheifers and their babies are against the front yard fence where some overhanging trees give some protection. I can't say I have ever seen it rain tbis hard before.

    Eagle, hope things go well for you today at the dentist and tomorrow for your leg. Let us know.

    When Darwin called this morning he was worried about Donna. He said she awoke during the night with a fever and cnfusion. Have her a couple of aspirin and got the fever down. She went back to sleep. Said he was going to give her meds and hope she is all right.

    Still raining. I know our roads will be flooded. No spraying or fertilizer on land for a while. Hope it's not like last years we had rains early and then nothing for months. Lost trees and shrubs. I mentioned there were some new leaves next to the trunk on one of our Royal Empress trees,well, they're gone. Guess Rusty found them. I may be blaming him wrongly.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm back from my trip and I'm up. BBL

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Here…sunny and hot. We may get rain tomorrow. We had 6" in May. None last week so hoping we get more this week.

    Plenty of gardening work to do. Man going to give me a quote on mulching. In the past, hubby and I did it ourselves but with his spinal injury he cannot and it's really more than I can handle. We have a large garden!

    Ron, your photo remembrance was lovely. Praying for you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just checked and we got 3.8" of rain this afternoon. Darwin, about a mile away only got 2.5". He said all of the road that borders our farm is under water. It runs down through our pasture and meadow and our county doesn't have the ditches deep enough and cleaned out enough to carry it so it stays on the road. Weatherman is predicting rain each day this week except Friday. I noticed a tree about 6" in diameter was blown over next to our driveway.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    That was a nice memorial to Lou, Ron.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning everyone

    Beth I’m glad you’re getting help with all that mulching. It’s quite a bit of work to me to do mine and mom’s which is nothing like yours.

    Hope everyone is safe this morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I'm in my rocking chair every day, just don't feel like posting. Received a call yesterday that Lou's ashes were ready to pick up. Broke down like a baby! I'm fine until I think about Lou or someone mentions her! I'll be back with my front porch friends eventually!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good morning all I'm waiting for the COA Van to take me to my exercise class

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning Porch People.

    Ron— Thanks for checking in. Be gentle with yourself and join us when you are up to it. Until then, know we collectively hold you and Lou in our hearts.

    Lorita— LOL, about going through the colors. It's a surprise every morning.

    Mint— I hear you on the fried green tomatoes. They are amazing when done well and DH often orders them if he sees them on a menu. Alas, they seldom live up to the promise and land somewhere between disappointing and outright awful.

    Eagle— Good luck with your knee procedure. I hope it's a success and that recovery goes smoothly. And I hope the pup is feeling better. The last thing you need is clean up during your recovery.

    Iris— I can't wait to hear about your trip.

    Beth— Plus one on the mulching. I just don't have it in me and will hire it out. DS could probably do it, but the beds need serious edging and that would take him days. Last year we just did the front and sides which was 4 yards. The back foundation beds would be another 2. To do the trees in the back yard is higher than I can count. Maybe 12-15 yards?


    Boy did my dad go sideways yesterday.

    My first stop was the optician who never called me back. His lovely assistant met me at the door and said "I'm so glad you're out of the hospital". Hmmm. I said I hadn't been to the hospital but did call and email about my scraped lens and didn't get the promised call-back. She said she thought the boss had explained to my husband that they were beyond repair and assumed I was there to pick a new pair.

    Turns out, 2 of their clients fell Friday morning and damaged their glasses. They assumed it was once person and when I called before closing on Friday, she assumed I'd been knocked silly and forgotten my husband could get the glasses fixed. She was horrified. Turns out the frames are OK to get a new lens and that the warranty will pick up all but the $20 co-pay. I get them back in week.

    I picked mom up for her appointment with PCP. She was not feeling well— weak, shaky, unsteady on her feet. She told me she thought she had food poisoning on Saturday afternoon and had trouble keeping water down. Sunday, she claimed she was feeling a bit better and was able to sip water and eat a little apple sauce. The doc said MRI "was normal" (specifically said to me— no stroke or tumor) and felt the treatment for Lyme Disease should be sufficient. But he was as concerned about how sick she was, so we got turfed to the ER. This time, rather than the local community hospital, which is just OK, he specifically wanted me to take her to Penn @ Princeton which is a 40-minute drive under ideal circumstances— I drove past at least 2 other hospitals on the way.

    The hospital is ginormous. I was unable to snag a parking spot within a 1/2 mile walk to the ER, so I dropped her there and zipped around to the valet. From there, I was able to cut through 2 buildings to collect her and check in. The place was mobbed at 1 pm on a Monday afternoon. Never a good sign. She was triaged and we were sent back to the waiting room for 2 1/2 hours. It was chaotic and noisy. Some of the people with an obvious ailment had testing and treatment begun in that space— I saw a couple urine samples come out of the restroom as well as some analgesics (pediatric residents took started 3 children in the seats around us) and nausea medicine. People were taken back at what seemed to be a glacial pace and when they were, only one support person was allowed even for the less ill children and elderly. Once it was our turn to go back, that became clearer. The unit was full. At some point during COVID they retrofitted the space to add additional space in the halls. How sick you were played into the space assigned. The very ill, got a room with a door. The seriously sick/elderly got a bed in a screened area, and the sprains and sutures crowd got chairs parked sideways. The image that came to mind was engravings of the Andersonville Hospital during the Civil War.

    Mom's space was right up against the nurses' station and was just wide enough for a gurney and an armless office chair. The man to my left was in a bed but he didn't have a chair. His space was so small anytime a nurse came to perform some task, I had to step out of our space to make room for them to move the screen. The beeps and buzzing were loud and nonstop. There was also a very sick toddler who just howled and howled for about 3 hours until she passed out lying on dad's chest. She got transferred to CHOP in Philly— she was till sleeping on dad's chest when they moved them out.

    Staff was great and no doubt she got good care, but it was a long night with monitors inches from my ears— mom's the neighbor to the left and Elizabeth (behind me)— but it was a difficult place to be for almost 8 hours. Mom normally sleeps at the ER but even she couldn't. I couldn't imagine someone with sensory issues in such a space.

    The young woman in the actual room across from me had both parents with her which was different. She was also quite ambulatory— walking to the restroom and to have some imaging done. Three hours into her residency there, they explained to her and her parents that she'd need a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. The space was so small, you could pretty much hear everything said. Minutes later the team went in and performed it while her parents waited around the corner. Since the room has glass walls and they didn't fully close the curtains in their haste, I had a clear view of the proceedings. This was awkward, but given the limited space, I couldn't really turn my chair.

    My new friend is Elizabeth. This poor dear has fairly significant dementia. She was absolutely gorgeous in a stunning elegant sort of way even in her hospital gown. Her husband (or son- not sure) left for several hours during which time she was very unsettled but still unfailingly polite. She was on the other side of a 4' high partition and kept introducing herself and asking if I knew where we were. She even asked me to "please bring her some ice cream, too", from time to time. Fortunately, the man did come back to stay with her and went with her when she was admitted.

    Long story short, it's another UTI. I know they can be stealthy, but I was struck. Last fall when we spent the day in the ER for a UTI, she'd been paranoid, confused and combative with dangerously high BP. This time she seemed more ill but was very lucid and her BP in the PCP's office was 86/56. Yikes. They did all manner of bloodwork and cultures but none of the test results are on the portal yet.

    They gave us the option of her going home or staying overnight for more antibiotics and fluids. I picked the latter. I left as she was going to a room and will likely get her later today. I didn't get home until after midnight.

    I have to share one grace note. I got a message from valet parking that they closed at 5pm and that after that time, I'd need to contact security to get my keys. This is not my first rodeo, finding one's car in an abandoned lot is kind of scary— especially in the city. I went to security in the ER and he went and got the keys for me. I explained that I had no idea where my car was and was concerned about the long walk. He sent one of the younger men, to help me cut through the building avoiding the long walk and when we came out at the valet stand, my car was in the very closest spot about 50' from where I was standing. That was so thoughtful.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, HB,you had quite a day and night. You need to rest today..

    Ron, glad to see you back on the porch with us. We miss you when you don't post

    David, have a good exercise class.

    Cows, both herds,woke me this morning. I think they thought this was feed day.

    Darwin called. Said both of them had a good night. Back later..

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you I always do.I also have one on Thursday.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I will try to post more often.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi about 3 weeks ago the TV in the bedroom"stopped working" so we took the one from the spare room and that stopped working last night. While I was at exercise my wife plugged the first TV that wasn't "working " guess what now it works so now we will hook it back up and see it will work in the bedroom again will let you know what happens

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited June 4

    Good morning! I saw so many wonderful and unusual sights on my trip. Crater Lake was formed by a volcanic eruption that collapsed the top part of the volcano, creating the crater, which has filled with rainwater and snow. This is why the water is so pure with great clarity. You can see to a depth of over 100 feet down! At the elevation we were at, there is still snow.

    We visited a fish hatchery. Salmon spend a year here, live in the ocean for 5-6 years, then return to the river they were born in. How do they know how to get back? The fish are in these pens.

    A holding pen--fish eggs are gotten at this point. I don't know how they are fertilized, but the hatchling go into the other pens until they grow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    We rode on jet boats up the Rogue River to a beautiful venue for brunch. On the way we saw an osprey, three bald eagles, one sitting on a nest, a deer, a blue heron, also many ducks and some turtles. We saw a beaver dam but not the beaver.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited June 4

    We went to a lighthouse, no longer functioning. That day, Friday, was Ocean Day, so many schoolchildren were taken to the shore to learn about the sea and how we need to take care of it better. These are children walking on the tidepools, searching for sea creatures.

    We rode out on the ocean, didn't see any whales but saw seals and sea lions, pelicans and other sea birds, and a bald eagle. We learned about crabbing and caught a few crabs.

    We learned about plankton, which are teeny tiny shrimp-like creatures that are food for baleen whales. Plankton receive energy from the sun and produce oxygen. Amazing fact: plankton in the oceans produce more of the earth's oxygen than all of the rain forests in the world. This is another reason that we need to be more diligent about protecting the oceans. No plankton, no oxygen, no us!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    This is the view from my oceanfront room.

    We had lunch overlooking the docks where the fishing boats return. Fish are cleaned and filleted right on the dock.

    Seals and sea lions.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Who knew? There are sand dunes along the coast of Oregon. We rode dune buggies across the great dunes. It was like being in the Sahara desert, yet in a forest.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    We visited the redwoods, the tallest trees in the world.

    Oregon has no state income tax and no sales tax. The weather was great, not rainy but somewhat cold for this time of year. Oregon is a great place to visit. I can recommend a vacation in Southern Oregon and the coast to everyone, all ages!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, what a wonderful trip you had. All the pictures are gorgeoys. Makes me want to go. I think there used to be a VA Hospital that overlooked Crater Lake. Made me want to transfer there. The snow was so pretty and quite a change from your hometown. Thanks for posting the pictures.

    I received a letter from an 89 year old lady in California a day or so ago. She recently lost her husband and is alone. She found my name in a newsletter for pen pals, I guess. Patsy had pen pals and added my name. This was years ago. The lady is looking for pen pals so feel I should answer her letter. I'm not much for writing letters tbough. Severe weather predicted for our area around MN. Hope it weakens before it gets here.

    There is one fly in my house and it is driving me crazy? Better find the fly swatter.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    HB, sounds like a Chardonnay evening to me. What a few weeks you have had! Bless your heart, and your Mama's too. (I mean that in a sweet Southern way, not the snarky kind)

    Iris!!!! Glorious trip! Makes me want to go back so badly… maybe next year. We are packing the motor home today for our trip Friday to the Mississippi Coast. I hope DH likes the campground I found in the boonies on an Estuary.

    I'm really ready for a break. I still don't have a death certificate, no DD214 and cannot proceed with anything further without those documents. It's been so very stressful. I've had to call every single agency multiple times in spite of filing reports online, etc. I'm a ONE and DONE kinda girl. Not this time.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, Your trip looked and sounded amazing! Thanks for sharing. I have a niece who lives in Salem; I've not been there although I once traveled to Portland.

    JeriLynn, enjoy your vacation!

    HB, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope your mom feels better today.

    Busy day, took and picked up grandson from basketball camp in a nearby town. Now working on the yard.

    Just finished "The Housemaid" by Freida McFadden. Read it in 2 days! SO GOOD! I'll soon start on the sequel, "The Housemaid's Secret." There is another sequel too and I'll get it next week so want to finish book 2 before book 3 comes.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Well now the TV "works" but it now takes two remotes to make it work one to turn it on and off and the other one to change the channels Hopefully we will be able to figure out what we did wrong. Now we have two remotes to argue over. She is not a real TV lover like I am she refers the realty shows I also like them and that is all that we watch in bed at night. But I like shows like action shows like Chicago Fire, Tracker and Lsbeth etc. she thinks the violence might increase my Dementia.

    Well guess what my wife who computer savvy has finally figured out what the hell we did wrong. She is one hell of a person and is helping me deal with my Dementia and I do not know if I could survive with out her.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris looks like you had a nice trip. I’ll just enjoy your pictures. I don’t care a whole lot for traveling.

    Hear youLorita, fly in the house drives me crazy until I get it out of there. Hope the storm weakens for you guys too.

    It’s been a little bit muggy here today . Think they are giving rain for here tomorrow. I tried to get caught up as best I could outside, maybe tomorrow I can work inside.

    hope each one has a good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Judith just called to let us know that her computer isn't working and not to worry because she's fine. I missed the call because my phone was on the charger and didn't have it with me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just talked with Judith. She has her computer in the shop and, hopefully, it will be fixed by tomortow so she can post. Said she had done a lot of odd jobs today but was ready for supper and then NetflX. Had a nice visit with her.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hi all, Just wondering who likes to read I am currently reading Ellery Queen's Wrightsville Murders and I can not put the book down. I also like any James Patterson book. I just finished Murder She Wrote The Murder of Twelve

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita and Mint. I hate flies in the house. Molly barks and hides from them, and both my cats Sammy and Emmy chase them all over. I just had to get one with the swatter a while ago.

    Iris. Your pictures of your trip are beautiful, thank you for sharing. What part of the Oregon coast were you on? It looks like Winchester Bay.

    Ron, please relax and get a lot of rest, I will miss hearing from you, please don't be gone too long. you will be missed.

    My house has not had a showing for the past 3 days I'm glad I needed the rest. I had a few interested but my floors squeak, not much I can do about that.

    HB, I hope your face is getting better, like Lorita said you will go through many color changes. I had a bruise on my arm once and I saw all those colors. I get bruises that surprise me I have no idea where they come from. I run into things often.

    Hugs to All, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, I have heard if you have squeaky floors you can put talcum.power on the places between boards and it will work down i The crevice and stop the squeaking.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thanks Lorita, but it's under the wall-to-wall carpeting. My MH is 30 years old, so Iam sure there are issues. If I want to sell, I may have to lower the asking price, but I will wait till next year to do that. Iam in no hurry. 😀

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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