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Just need to talk to my friends (196)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, yes Crater Lake area will have snow until August. We were at 7,200 feet above sea level.

    I wonder, how to scrub passwords off the computer?


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Iris what a great trip that was! Are you referring to the passwords that are saved in google password manager?

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Iris L.

    I'm coming along, thanks for asking. The bruising has lessened, and the scrape is almost all new skin. It's funny, nobody said "boo!" about it at the hospital if I took my mask off but my dentist was all over it asking how it happened. The teeth are fine. No cavities even.

    Mom's not rebounding as quickly as she typically does. She's no longer as shaky, her BP and O2 are back to her baseline, no fever but she's tired. We see her PCP on Tuesday. We checked in with the NP from the office and she told me we could call if she needs to be seen sooner. She thought mom might do best at home in her own bed if she can stay hydrated and rest. I can swing by daily; she's only about a 20-minute drive from me unless it's rush hour.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    HB glad to hear your mom is a bit better; pray she continues to improve. Glad your bruises are healing!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I love it I take it everywhere I take to the COA, Dr appointments, church. We went away for Memorial Day in Maine and used the rollator when we went to out to eat and I used it as a seat at the restaurant. Hopefully you will never need one but if you do and are Veteran get it from the VA.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    David…I have one. I use it for walking, sitting and carrying stuff from room to room.

    Iris…here are some netflix movies I have enjoyed

    Humor; Grace and Frankie, Cunk on Earth, Ugly Betty

    Law and order; Lincoln Lawyer, Suits

    Romance light; Out of Africa, Victoria and Abdul, Young Victoria, Virgin River, Somethings Gotta Give

    Bingeing; Inventing Anna, Heartland, Vikings, Last Tango in Halifax, House of Cards, Better Call Saul, Peaky Blinders

    Medical light; Royal Pains

    Historical light; The Crown, The Last Kingdom, Outlander,

    Documentarty; Our Planet

    Other; Bank of Dave

    Mystery; anything by Harlan Corban

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
    100 Likes 100 Comments 25 Care Reactions First Anniversary

    Judith, that's a great list. I too enjoy everything Harlan Corban. Just finished binge watching Your Honor. Have you watched it? After I'm done with LO for the day, I go to my room, switch to Netflix and try to unwind. I usually fall asleep while watching whatever so have to start it again in the morning. I try to get some time to myself before LO wakes.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you, I also use it to transfer things from room to room including my meals.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    jerilynne you are way ahead of us. I saw a recipe the other day for making pimento cheese. You probably do that huh? I’m going to try to make a single version of it someday. Then a day or two later, she made a squash recipe with the pimento cheese. I won’t be able to do that would be hard to make a single version of that. But I might just come up with my own version. I would enjoy hearing anybody’s recipe for zucchini and squash that would like to share. I just have a few basic recipes and I get kind of tired of it after a period of time. Hope you have a nice trip.

    Iris thank you for asking about my uncle. That’s very kind. Unfortunately he’s not doing so well. The oncologist stopped treatment because tests are showing that is continuing to grow even with treatment. Then he was going to try an alternative treatment that someone thought might be of value. But my understanding is they have stopped i t also because he’s not eating and they’ve got a hospital bed for him. There’s so many on here right now, not just on this thread, but other threads too that are facing so many difficulties and challenges. Same thing is going on here in my life at home too.

    Hope each one is able to get a good nights rest

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    HB and everyone, it is said that 1/3 of older adults will have a fall each year. Each fall is potentially dangerous. We need to be diligent about fall prevention!

    On my trip, one of the ladies fell. We were on a boat, and we were warned specifically to step down, getting out of our seats. This lady forgot and missed the step-down. Down she went. Fortunately, she was bruised but not injured. I fell when I was in Egypt, transferring from one boat to another. Again, fortunately, not injured.

    CaroLynne, Judith had mentioned to be careful to remove passwords. I suppose she means Google password manager, if that's where they are stored. I never have thought about it.

    Judith, you have eclectic taste in TV entertainment.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, thanks for asking, Stormy is doing fine. Hot spot is healing well and he took his last antibiotic this morning. He's eating everything in sight.

    JeriLynn, hope you have a nice and fun trip.

    I took a two hour nap this afternoon. It has become a habit.David, Charles had a roll shot from the VA. He didn't use it much but was very nice. So glad you like yours.

    Iris, every time Carol and I talk,we remind each other to be careful and to not fall. It can change your life in a split second.

    Judith, glad your computer is back home. Passwords, I have a list of passwords to different sites. Guess that what you were referring to.

    Sleep well everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    Iris you are so right about falls.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning. Enjoy your Friday

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, glad there is interest in your home but that you are having some time between showings. I know it gets tiresome trying to keep it picked up and to round up the animals when someone is coming to look at it. Did you hear it was 113 degrees in Phoenix yesterday? You might consider, after moving, spending summers in Oregon. But winters in Arizona, very nice!

    HB, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and your facial injuries. Glad your teeth are ok. Have you had your implants yet? I hope your mom is feeling better. UTIs can take a lot out of a person, especially an older person. What kind of tea do you like, HB? My grandmother, I think, lived a long life in part due to drinking green tea every day. It was Lipton's, a tea bag, and she would save and reuse the tea bag. I like Harney and son's hot cinnamon spice a lot. There are plenty of others I drink too. I bought some Kenyan tea and tea marsala (spices) to make Kenyan chai but haven't tried it yet. Last week a friend and I went to a Japanese tea house recently and enjoyed sitting and sipping an iced tea, with plenty of good conversation.

    Lorita, You got a lot of rain recently. We have had quite a bit too but not like you. Whole state is now out of drought although some areas continue to be "abnormally dry." We have had flash flooding and overflowing rivers although all have receded now.

    Eagle, hope your leg is healing well. Hope it's not too hot down in TX.

    JeriLynn, enjoy your trip! Look forward to hearing about it!

    Mint, I'm sorry about your uncle. I know it is hard when you lose the last of the aunts & uncles. None of mine are left. The last uncle passed away a few months ago. I hope whatever has eaten on your plants has stopped. I follow a gardening page on FB for people in my area and there are so many complaints about insects and critters doing garden damage this year. Maybe more insects, due to a mild winter.

    Judith, hope your computer issues and password issue are getting resolved. I copy my passwords down on paper. Plus, I have a Mac and it will save my passwords for me. When I go to a site that is password protected, I use my finger print to enter the password automatically. I feel it's safe; no one else has the same fingerprint that I do. You watch a lot of movies! I watch quite a bit of Youtube and a few movies. I do have a watch list for movies and tv shows on Prime, Netflix and HBO Max. My favorite was "The Crown." I wish they'd make more episodes; lots has happened since the ending of their series.

    Iris, you are so right about fall prevention There are Youtube videos on exercises for fall prevention (balance).

    Ron, still thinking of you. Hang in there. Know that you are loved.

    CaroLynne, Joan, Sandy, David and anyone else I missed addressing directly, best wishes for a good day and a good weekend.

    My friend has a pool and Thursdays are pool day. There were 6 of us there yesterday. Remarkably, I didn't get sunburned - first time in the pool this year. I do use sunscreen and I have rash guard (UV swim shirt) so that helps. We had a lot of fun. Lots of good conversation, lots of getting cooled off. Great times.

    We will go get groceries this a.m., then errands to the hardware store, car wash and cupcake place (getting a dozen cupcakes for grandson's birthday this weekend).

    I'm having trouble with bolding which is not uncommon. I highlight and hit the B and sometimes it bolds and sometimes not. So I shall not continue messing with it on this post. Sorry, for any who have vision issues.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Morning all, my wife and I are going shopping today at Trader Joe's an Walmart and Kanes a garden store which is closing so we are looking for bargains.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Going to start Your Honor tonight.

    My passwords were saved on my computer. Still working on getting that data retrieved. I will print out the list on a regular basis from now on.

    I am going to Trader's today too. Here is what we get; English cucumber, tomato/feta soup, crisp shocolate chip cookies, flowers (the peonies lasted 10 days) tomotilla (sp) salsa, peanut butter cups (they are amazing) cholate protein powder. Here is what not to get; cheeseburger burrito, tortolini (sp).

    Then to the bank and back to do battle with my computer. They put on Windows 11…ugh. I was told that in 2025 we will not be able to get on the internet without it. I am seriously considering Mac Air m2.

    Ron…you are not going to be "OK" for some time. Love has a price.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited June 7

    No Trader Joe's here but everything sounds good. I need to order some fresh chocolate protein powder.Have some but it's old, old. Judith, do you mix yours in. water? I also like English cucumbers.

    Made an appt.with my doctor Monday so will pick up a few things, that included. My left side over hip bone and lower ribs still hurting some. It did last time I had this, too so will get it checked out if it still hurts.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I mix with skimmed milk.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon all.

    What a beautiful sun shinny day we're having. It's 95 so its warm, but not awful. I think our rains have stopped for several days. Any idea's what I can put / spray on my outside rugs that have mold from the rain? I'm thinking of having DH try to drag them to the driveway and I'll spray them down with soap and spray them off. The driveway is west facing, so I think the sun would then dry the rugs. And would that kill the mold also?

    The leg recovery is going well. Yesterday I was able to take the stocking off and the wrapping and shower. It was wonderful! And I was allowed to sleep without the stocking. I will say - I was uncomfortable without it. Since I have to do all of this, I'm having my other leg done on Monday. Ya, probably crazy, but I want this behind me. I can always call and cancel it. It was odd trying to march in place and blow dry my hair.

    Our poor puppy is sick again. I took her to the vet yesterday. he was very blunt about several things - and all I could think to say is - she's 18 months old. So I have a power to put on her food for two weeks. After that its either solved her tummy issues or not. Next step is a very expensive ultrasound. I'm hopefully the medicine works and this solves everything. She has one sensitive tummy, that's for sure.

    Time for my walk around the house. I'll be back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Eagle, I just checked and once again white vinegar is supposed to kill mold on rugs. Two or three ways to do it.

    I'm glad your leg is getting better. Is it varicose veins? I have one spot on the inside of my leg just below the knee that bothers me from time to time.

    It's supposed to be hot this weekend with heat indices of over 100. I'm afraid we're in for a very hot summer.

    Does your puppy have an upset stomach so he can't keep down food? Have you tried Pepto Bismol? We used to give it to one of our poodles. I just hate it when one of our pets is sick or hurt.

    I just took the GPs on a short walk to open the gate for Gray Lady She sort.of pushed Sheena into the yard. She is kind of feisty.

    The grasshoppers are going and growing strong. They're an inch long now. When you walk in the grass they fly up everywhere.

    Tonight is the last show for Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune. Won't be the same without him. They're having a tree climbing championship in Tulsa this weekend. I used to climb trees - wonder if I could now? Don't think so!

    Enjoy your evening.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Just watched the last episode of Wheel of Fortune wit Pat Sajack. He will be missed.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I watched the last episode too, David. I'm not a regular watcher.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 8

    Good morning everyone

    Went to Amish market. They did not have peas, i was disappointed. She said they had had them, but they had already all sold out. I’m not able to get there until about 10 AM because we have to go take care of mom first and so that’s how it is. They did still have strawberries and so I made a strawberry pie.

    she said they would probably still have strawberries next week. I may buy a few extra and freeze them whole for smoothies. I hadn’t made smoothies in a really long time. But yesterday I took some of my yogurt and added frozen bananas and frozen pineapple. It was really tasty. I’m going to try to get back to doing that again. I just made up a half a gallon of yogurt recently.

    jerilynn they did have homegrown tomatoes, zucchini, and summer squash. They have raised them in their greenhouse. I’m impressed. I never realized they were doing that. So I did buy one each of those. They also have a very nice lettuce which my sister buys. I have my own lettuce. I have four heads of something called Paris Island. It’s a Romain type of lettuce and is providing me all the lettuce I need. Is the best luck I’ve ever had with lettuce. I’ve never really done real well with it.

    Thinking of you Ron, JoC and Joan

    Take care everyone

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I'm not a regular watcher either but I but late wife was so I watched it in her memory.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, cloudy here and just heard thunder with a few light showers moving through.Will be 97 with heat index of 105. Very humid already.

    Mint, glad you were able to get some straw berries. What kind of peas were you wanting - English? Blackberries will be ripe before long. We used to have a lot and we loved them but with spraying. Most are gone.

    Cautioned Darwin to stay inside today because of the heat. Will he?

    Glad I made the doctor appointment. Side is hurting this morning. Darn diverticulitis anyway!. Hope everyone is well today.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    How is it Saturday already? The weather is stunning here. Breezy, not a cloud in the sky and warm. I'll take it.

    Beth L- I'm not adventurous but persnickety about tea. Hot, I mostly drink Breakfast, Assam or Darjeeling teas. With a splash of milk- skim ideally. Cold? I like black, Raspberry Zinger or a nice mint blend. I also really like an Arnold Palmer that's properly made.

    The pool day sounds like fun. Good on you for the UV rash guard. I don't always wear one, but mom has an entire wardrobe of rash guards and UV leggings with skirts. She gets a lot of side-eye at the pool for this, but I've had her in for 3 MOHSs and 3 excisions for basal and squamous cell in the last 6 years, so UV protection it is.

    David- I envy you the Trader Joe's. How I live in a county without one is beyond me. We are certain hip and bougie enough all up in here. As it is, I have to drive to Princeton to get DH his massive chocolate bars.

    Eaglemom- I hope your little guy's tummy calms down. It's always sad to have a pet who just isn't well. Aside from the expense and inconvenience of ultrasound, they usually get a shave too. There's no joy in that.

    Judith- Thanks for the TV listings. I am a fan of The Crown, though sometimes I feel like the writers took more liberties with the story than the recreation of the clothing worn. Perhaps that's why they were reluctant to focus on more recent storylines where viewer memories might be better, and principals might sue.


    Plus one on computer issues. I'm in that hell at the moment. DH's ancient HP died yesterday afternoon. He opened it and it just fell apart with pieces landing on the floor. This constituted an emergency (I got a panicked phone call in the midst of shopping) and me rushing home to take him to Costco for a replacement. He really struggled with setting it up and somehow did so in a way that I am the administrator, and he has access to all my files and bookmarked websites. He lost files and his games which has him salty. He also lost his saved music. This led to much fussing until I realized he was looking for iTunes which disappeared in 2019. He didn't appreciate DS and I chuckling over this.

    There was much gnashing of teeth and swearing which created additional stress I just didn't need after my week. He kept asking for random code numbers (note to DH: Wi-Fi password and network security key are the same thing dear) and passwords (all save to a mailbox in email). I got yelled at for suggesting he look there when he couldn't get online. I reminded him he had an iPhone on the table next to him which didn't go well. By dinner time, he had himself semi-sorted out and was able to print out my NYT crossword. I'll look into getting the files off his hard drive next week but I don't have spoons for that at the moment.

    My niece who'd been so ill has been transferred to a SNF for 6-8 weeks of physical rehab because of her weakness and back surgeries. A quick look at reviews for the place are not promising despite it being in a very nice area of the city. I do hope it's not too awful as many of the reviews mention urine smell and rats as a concern. Yikes. DS has had some sort of stomach bug for the last couple days. Nothing too concerning but still not feeling anywhere near 100%— he even called out of work.

    Mom seems to be holding her own. She's still not at a baseline physically, but her vitals are holding. She'd missed a couple calls from the NP at her doctor's office; she wanted to make sure mom was safe to wait until Tuesday to be seen. We called back and talked— I assured her I would have eyes on her daily and check vitals which are so far within her normal range. They were especially concerned about her breathing but given that mom didn't have her bi-pap, correct Mucinex dosing or OPEP and was slumped on a gurney I suspected she'd be better off home. I was right. She seemed to agree that mom could wait but that I could get an earlier appointment on the fly any day but Sunday. She wanted to water her small garden and fill her bird feeders yesterday. I did the feeders and set up the hose for her and then sat outside while she had at it. It was probably a terrible look for the neighbors with me sitting on her little porch watching her work.

    I'm headed over in a bit. Wish me luck.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Saturday's weather 100 percent sun no humidity no clouds.

    We love Trader Joe's go there quite often.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, are you up and at 'em? Hope your computer issues are bring resolved.

    Mint, do you grow radishes? That was usually one of our first crops to be ready. We raised French breakfast, Easter egg and champion. All were good. Also icicle but they were a little hot. Gardening Is hard work but very rewarding.

    Darwin has a garden and some corn. With the winds we have had he said he had to straighten it up four times. I remember doing that, too.. Just had some MOM and toast Put some ingredients in To make bred. Need to raise the shutters on the barn but probably won't get it done. Time to open the North doors.Bryon will do that next time. I would but I think shoveling black gold will Be involved and I don't feel up to it. Wheel of Fortune won't be the same.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I am up and have been able to salvage my spreadsheets and docs. Frightening that I turned my machine over to people who did not know how to do what I was able to do using common sense.

    HB…the new computer probably has Windows 11 installed. They put it on my computer and I hate it. They did not have my permission!!!!

    Added to netflix: New Amsterdam.

    I started Your Honor last night. Not a calming movie. Had to switch to something else.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Saturday afternoon my wife are sitting on our screened in porch just rocking and reading our books. Had breakfast and lunch here. The weather is so nice just a slight breeze no humidity and lots of clouds and very little sun.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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