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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    i’m too old for all of this Zetta said. This is a good reason to do this Zetta because you will not get younger so it would just simply become harder or may be impossible. The longer you wait the harder it becomes the easiest day to do it is today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You, Mint.

    That is so true. 😃 Hugs

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh Zetta; this must be a stressful and bit of an emotional time. It is a lot of work not to mention a lot of change into the unknown. Not easily done and for most of us, there is also an emotional component. I think that after the move and adjustment, it will be a positive for you. Please keep us informed and stay in touch, I will just be one of many of us who will be thinking of you.

    We hit 80 degrees today; hottest this season. Guess summer is lurking to blow it's really big summer blast furnace not too long from now. You know me from earlier Posts - I do not do heat well. Will be grateful for those tall floor fans that are battery operated on large batteries if power goes out and takes down the AC and all power. DH bought a couple, and I imagine we will be grateful for them as power does its usual up and down during the summer.

    Father's Day tomorrow; it will except for long distance phone calls for DH, be a quiet day. We will be happiest at home watching a movie and eating what DH decides he wishes for his special meal. So many earlier years with big celebrations, but we are at a stage in our lives that less fuss and muss is a nicer day and all the kids have moved out of state or out of area.

    Been thinking that it is time to get the windows washed on this tall two story house. Sure hope our usual fellow is still in the job; he does a great job on the two stories inside and outside and is fast. Been awhile. I no longer wash the windows on the inside; my poor shoulders rebel for days and no stamina, so that too is now farmed out. Getting "more mature," is not always fun.

    Got myself some Crossword Puzzle books and some WonderWord books by David Oullet which are my favorite. I will put them back and take them out to use them when having to be still to help stay cool in the summer heat that is to come. I find the WonderWords enjoyable and easy to pick up and put down over and over. And of course more than anything, I love to read so that too is good for the bad heat times.

    No big items to be done on the house or property, no projects needed; hope it stays that way. Except for some window washing, all seems in place which is good. Now if our AC continues to work well for the summer, it will be great. Had it checked as we do every year before summer and all was okay; one more thing to hope it stays that way. And please; power please stay on and no blackouts. However; during the worst of the heat, the power companies will often do "rolling blackouts." Not pleasant, but companies say it is necessary so as not to overtax the power grid, etc.

    Got some great cherries and blueberries. Lovely to have good quality fresh fruit. This morning I had grapefruit sections with blueberries and it was really good. Cherries to come with lunch. We have also been having fresh strawberries from a roadside stand, it has been a good summer for fresh fruit where we are.

    Gosh Eagle; it sounds like a lot of tribulation - I so hope all improves for you very soon. You must have a fuss and bother getting those stockings on - does it affect your language? (Ha!) You are due for some good and easy - hope it arrives soon and I send you a hug.

    David, you are always so busy! Do you get "down time" and if so, what do you enjoy doing?

    I think we should all go over to Mint's house today - her baking sounds really delicious - I will bring some tea and cold drinks and each of us can bring our own chairs. We can all set a spell and catch up on everything. Sounds like a good day to me. I used to cook and bake SO much, but no longer. My poor joints do not cooperate with that and it is sad that I am not doing it. As it is, neither DH nor I need the extra calories no matter how good they are. I was just looking at an old cookbook from 1959; oh my goodness the recipes. They all need a good amount of time standing in the kitchen which I did for years, but alas for that now.

    Lorita, how is it all going for you with all those bits with your health? Hope you are comfortable, if we read back over the last few years of Posts, most of us have all had all sorts of things happening, including to our bodies. I began Posting on this site about 2006 I think it was when this site first opened; Lorita may recall best when it first came open. Many, many changes to so many lives and so many who came and went and then those who have stayed. A bit like extended electronic family members.

    Time for me to mosey on down the road, warmest thoughts for all to be well and all to be doing well,


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    We Are busy most days in the a.m. usually at the C.O.A. doing bingo and various other activities including exercise classes etc. .We keep Fridays for ourselves. When at home I read a lot usually mysteries.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, Jo, could you get a generator? But, I don't imagine you can have propane in the city to run it. Using gas could be too hard. We'll just pray the power stays on. I began posting in 2008 when Charles was diagnosed. Sixteen years and we have seen people come and go, haven't we?

    Barbara, I just finished reading "A Cottage in Germantown". I started it a few weeks ago and read six chapters and got distracted. After your post yesterday I read the rest of it. Could not put it down. I would read a couple of chapters, put the tablet away and go back to it in a little bit. Really good and suspenseful. I have forgotten part of what I first read so one question; was Marion Potter Kathy's mother and is that why Sam left the cottage to her? I should go back and read the first of it. Looking forward to reading more of your books.

    Been another hot day but there was a breeze. Stormy and I took down the trash a while before dark, then took Sheena for a short walk and watered Gray Lady. Got to see all the heifers and their babies from a distance. Also saw most of ours from a distance. Worries me they can't get in the barn but if they have enough shade and a breeze, they will be ok. Bryon hasn't come to open the doors and I'm worried that he probably has lost his grandpa.

    Zetta, I know this is hard on you. Could you wait until fall to move. I keep thinking about how hot Arizona is in the summer. I know Mint is right about getting it done but was just thinking.

    The grasshoppers are almost grown and eating everything in sight. I have some purple basil and they're even eating it.

    Hope everyone can have a good, restful night. See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    JoC if I understood what you said correctly this is the first time you’ve had 80? we’ve been way up in the 80s quite a few days here. in this week we’re supposed to be up in the 90s several days this is kind of been a pattern I think it’s the third year now we’re in June we have quite a few days in the 90s. But then the rest of the summer has been more our normal which is the 80s. Hope that holds true this year.

    if you hear from me no more today don’t be surprised. It’s going to be a very busy day for me I fear. I have to water my plants almost every day unless it rains. They’re not giving any chance of rain today. Everybody but me will be gone to the wedding. The wedding is at 3 PM. My sister, the grooms mother has to leave at nine this morning because of lots of things going on of course there. They probably won’t get back till at least around eight tonight. So she’s asked me to check on her dogs and she has three. And I won’t let but one out at a time because I have to be in control. LOL. She only asked me to go once, but I think maybe I should go twice but I don’t know if I will have time, we’ll have to see. Then it’s my week to grocery shop for mom, so I’m going to do that today if I can. I don’t like doing it on Sunday, but my doctor is no longer practicing here so I had to find somebody new. That appointment is at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Then it is my day to take care of mom tomorrow and she does not like for me to be late lol. She wants us to come every morning and comb her hair. I’m not sure she can’t come her own hair because I have her to comb it and then I just fix it. But anyways, that’s the way it is and she frequently calls me two or three times in the morning telling me she is ready laugh out loud.

    take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Mint, you do have a busy day. HB, how are you healing up? Thinking of you Ron.

    Zetta, I was looking around my living room last night thinking to myself - I need to get rid of "stuff". I have lots of glassware from my Grandmother, inlaws, Mother… it's all in pretty cabinets. Nobody wants it and I hate to just give it away but then, if I don't do something with it, my children will be left to deal with all this "Stuff". I'm in a quandry - But feeling the need to de-clutter. I don't expect I'll ever move again, my house is only 5 years old and to move would mean to sell the farmland too. And I won't do that. A quandry.

    Eagle, those stockings sound like fighting a grizzly bear. I know from helping patients just put on TED hose how difficult that was. So I think your 24 minutes might just be an Olympic record!

    Beth, my husband wants to go on a river boat ride. I think there is a boat available in Chattanooga. I need to look into that. We could do an overnight - it's only a couple hours away.

    DH bushhogged more pasture yesterday. It is still so wet in the low spots he has to ride the ATV out to see where he can cut. That BEAVER has been hard at work and has damned up a portion of the pond overflow again AND the little creek it drains to. That is one determined, industrious little rascal (actually, he is huge). When he does that, the water backs up into the pasture. He and DH are in constant battle. Funny, we've never seen a Mrs. Beaver or any babies. I wonder if he is back there all alone? I keep trying to find someone to trap and relocate him but all I can find is someone who says they will trap and kill. I won't do that. He and DH will just have to continue to do battle.

    I think today we are going to Huntland and get the boat pulled home to my house. Getting ready for the season. We only went out on that boat twice last year and not at all on the 2 jet skis we spent $1800 to repair. Of course we were still working last summer, so maybe this year we will use them.

    Hope everyone has a good day. BBL.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Morning everyone, Happy Father's Day to all Fathers

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, it's already 84 degrees at 10:25 but there is a breeze. I got the last stake out at the barn doors but could not get the board out so I could open the doors. I did let the girls in after I had driven among them. Called Mike and he was processing cattle but said he would open the doors today. Saw a new baby from a young heifer. Will be so glad when he moves those young bulls so the girls can have some peace. Darwin is down getting limbs out in of the meadow so it can be baled. He said he wouldn't be gone long so better stop and check on him. This heat sneaks up on a person.

    Hope everyone is well or improving today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Happy Father’s Day David and Ron and all others

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Happy Father's Day wishes to the gentlemen . . . .

    Warm day today, but not hot. Will enjoy that while it lasts as the blast furnace will soon be geared up and ready to do it's worst.

    Had a strange night of sleep, dream, wake up, and repeat, repeat. Dreams were vivid but now I cannot recall them. Glad that does not happen much at all.

    Well, looks like I am not the only one wondering what to do with precious glassware, etc. JeriLynn, I find myself wondering too. I not only have some of my MIL's, mothers, grandmothers dear items - glass; but I have collections of Waterford glassware including wine glasses of various sizes, etc. We had also purchased sterling services for sixteen, and beautiful good chine, service for sixteen . . . thought it would all be lovely to give to kids, grandkids starting family heirlooms . . . ah well. No one entertains that way around here anymore. Sure wish they did . . . also lovely tablecloths and napkins i various colors and some heirloom and beautiful . . . times have changed and those seem to be days gone by.

    Uh-oh, phone ringing . . .


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank You spending the day at the localal beach called Winter Island it used to be a Coast Guard Station now it's a beautiful place to spend all year round

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    I use my silver, Wedgewood and crystal every day. No one wants it so it is of no concern if it breaks. I also use my grandmother's Salviati (sp). What i have not used is her pearl handled fish set….lol.

    What the children do want are the first edition books and art.

    No news from Sarah?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited June 17

    Just had a nice Father's Day we bought some sandwiches and chips and spent the day at the beach for a couple of hours and then my wife and I went to Dairy Queen and we each got a Blizzard. Then (where I cannot drive) my wife drove around where she grew up and it was interesting to see some of the places, she lived this lasted about one hour we finally came home after about 4 hours, and I hated to return home.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Happy Father's Day to those who observe.

    Eaglemom— You have my sympathy on the stocking. I had sclerotherapy years ago and had to wear compression stockings 24/7 for 4 weeks— even in the shower. It was fall and chilly if I didn't have time to blow them dry before going out. Yuck.

    Mint— I hope you get all your watering done as well as the shopping. I hate weekends, too, but I threw mom and bone and took her to the grocery store this afternoon. I absolutely won't take her to Costco weekends because she has little awareness of those around her and either blocks or runs into them. I can't stand the side-eye that gets me, so she doesn't get to go unless it's midweek. She loves her new Wegman's and was happy to do that instead.

    Jerilynn— My mouth is not as tender, but the antibiotic is upsetting my stomach and giving me a headache. This is a first for me on amoxicillin. I kind of feel like I'm hungover. I have one more day before I'm done with it.


    I've heard a number of my friends complain their kids have no interest in their formal China, crystal and silver. The closest thing I have to a daughter is my niece; I trained her well. I started her on sterling as a preschooler and she'll eventually get my stuff. She also collects MCM China patterns and has a number of sets. The funny thing both she and my godchild have is mismatched silverplate sets as a thing. This was a registry item for both weddings. This took me some getting used to, but it is kind of funky.

    Off to make sheet pan nachos for dinner tonight— we will not be using the good China.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Happy Father's Day, Ron and David!

    We had chicken breasts and veggies for lunch. Dinner will be pancakes.

    Blueberries have come on like crazy. Normally I am able to freeze 40 cups and give away quite a few to family and friends.

    Went to a local outlet mall and bought 2 pairs of sandals at the Skechers store. They seemed to be very comfortable in the store.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hope everyone had a good day. Have a good nights rest.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 17

    David that sounds like a nice lunch. What is your favorite blizzard? Butterfinger it’s probably my favorite. I was very disappointed when they stopped, carrying the waffle bowl with the sundae in it they had strawberries. I really liked that.

    I do not have silver or China. I do not have a set of dishes. My dishes all came from thrift stores and it’s a mixture and I like that. I do have crystal glasses that I got at the thrift store. I really like Crystal glasses. They’re so nice and heavy.

    Beth I should probably check the blueberries today when I go to moms. Things are about two weeks ahead of time here. I usually pick the blueberries in July but I don’t remember which part of July I just wait for him to get right but I know it’ll be in July. So I’m gonna try to remember to do that when I go over there today. When I looked at them earlier, it looked like we is going to have a really good blueberry year. something else I need to do once I get the Canada thistles cut down is clean out the blueberry cage. that’s one thing I’ll miss when I sell the house is the blueberries.

    It is 70 this morning.. getting up into the 90s today. I see they’re given a bit of a breeze, so maybe it won’t be too bad. I tried to water everything well yesterday. I found one petunia dead. It looked fine yesterday. I don’t know if it got too dry or if something ate on its roots. Giving about four days of this hot weather the tomatoes will not like that. The interesting thing is with my tomatoes. I sit out three plants that I bought at the nursery. They’ve done really well so far. But I planted one from seeds because I seen a thing where they said they will catch up with the others.. two of the nursery plants have set tomatoes and the third one has blooms. The one I planted from seeds looks very healthy is not quite as big but growing rapidly and I can see it’s getting the little buds where it’s going to have blooms so it’s not very far behind, so that’s interesting and a good thing to know I like planting things from seeds. I see my green peppers are starting to set some little peppers too.

    Beth, I have a pair of sketcher tennis shoes and they’re very comfortable so I hope your sandals are.

    Take care of yourself and be careful in the heat

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, Mint, I had five Royal Empress trees growing in the yard. Yesterday I noticed something had chewed on the trunk/stem and it had died. Guess it was too big to chew through. I was going to try to transplant that one. The one under the Holly I put the box around hasn't lost any more leaves.

    I haven't been outside yet but I know it's getting hot already. Supposed to be windy later.

    Mint, we used to grow things from seeds. We had a screened in east porch and we kept them there until ready to transplant. If you plant from seeds you can get lots of different varieties, which we liked. I sort of miss having a garden but it is a lot of work.

    Enjoy your day but, as Mint said, watch out for the heat. It slips up on you.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Mint, you could plant some blueberries at your current home so that you will not be without them when you sell the home your mother is living in. If you think that will make too many blueberries (before selling the house), please note that friends/family/neighbors are ALWAYS interested in coming to pick! 😀

    It will be very hot here today (92). About the same as yesterday.

    As usual, I have a large list of things to do today. I won't get them all done but I'll work on it! lol

    My daughter, SIL and their 3 boys ages 11, 6 and 3 will be here for a week beginning tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing them.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good morning everyone, nice day today but heat wave is coming maybe 95 to 100 by Thursday 100 percent humidity. We don't like to use central air but may have to

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    When it comes to the Blizzard I usually take special of the month this time I took a new summer one called The Everything Cookie it was scrumptious it has oreo chips butterfinger bits and a third one that I can't remember right now my wife likes the turtle one.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I woke up to ants in the pantry, so there's that.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited June 17

    HB I have had problems with ants at my house this year. In the kitchen, I had those little bitty tiny ones. I kept watching and I finally discovered they were coming in around my window above the sink so I put some terro out up there and consistently kept it up there. I believe I have taken care of them. We shall see I’m going to keep the terro out for a while. Then I had quite a few outside in my flowerbeds. So I bought the terro that is in a shaker can which I had really never used before. The kind I used to use you no longer can buy. But the terro seemed to work really great and seemed to work pretty fast. Then in my pantry, I had those big old ants . Put terro out in the pantry and I’m not seeing hardly any if any in there now for several days. I had some in the garage which I have every year and usually I put out a mixture of borax and powdered sugar with a little water to make a paste and that works great. But I decided I’m just gonna try Terro out there because it’s so much simpler to just squeeze that bottle and it seems to of worked out there too so I guess I should buy stock in terro.

    Beth I checked on the blueberries today. I just seen a very few just starting to turn blue so it’ll be a little bit yet before they’re ready to pick. I like for them to be pretty ripe. I do give away a few sometimes, but for the most part, I just freeze them because I use them all winter long in pancakes, muffins and things like that. I really like having them. Hope you have a nice week with your family. I am rapidly losing all of my family that I liked to go visit.

    my new CNP turned out to be an RN that I worked with in surgical intensive care. She knew me immediately when she walked in the room and I said I thought I knew you look familiar but I could not place you and then she said I’m a certain person‘s daughter. She was a respiratory therapist her mother. her mom did not work with us a really long time as she went into a different area. I ran into her mother quite a bit though, and we always had a nice conversations. Your mom was a good therapist . I said I was going to ask you if you were her daughter because you look like her. I had forgot though about that I had worked with her daughter as a RN in SICU. In a way I would rather not go to someone i know. at the same time though it was a huge relief when I realized I knew her, I worked with her and I remembered she was someone I trusted.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    We have ants, too. Little ones in the kitchen and some in the pantry and LR. I bought Borax but can't use it because pf the cats. I do put Tarro or did in the generator. A couple of years ago they got in there and the the main part of it had to be replaced. Anthony who takes care of it has a spray that works for months. I use Zevo spray that works for a while. Judith suggested vinegar a couple of years ago and it works, too. They are driving me nuts. When they got in the generator I was told they were trying to get away from all the rain.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have a nice set of dishes but I always use paper plates, for both me and for my cats. I don't have the energy to wash the amount of dishes I would have to wash. I want to be environmentally conscious, but I cannot be so with my low energy.

    I've been in a bad way since returning from my week-long trip to Southern Oregon. I was exhausted, I'm just now catching up on my rest and getting back some energy. I have not even been able to unpack! Perhaps today I can begin to unpack.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Garden pics taken today. Stunning sunset taken June 12th.

    1. Sunset; 2. Clematis 'Piilu'; 3. Poppy (peony poppy, annual that self sows every year); 4. Hydrangeas - white is 'Incrediball' and pink is 'Invincebelle Spirit;' 5. See the peeling bark on the tree trunk? It's normal for this tree (Paperbark maple) 6. Flowering tobacco; 7. Butterfly weed

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Iris, all that traveling you did would have wore me to a frazzle. Vacation never rest me does the opposite. You did a lot of vacations close together and they were fairly long so it’s probably just gonna take time to recuperate from all that.

    beth all your plants are beautiful as always. You mentioned me planting blueberries where I currently live. I did think about that and I have a very good place to put them. It is where I’m trying to start A new flower bed. The problem is if I don’t keep them fenced in or caged in someway the birds will get them all. Where my mom lives there in a walk in cage. I don’t really want to do that here. My yard is too small or something like that I feel.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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