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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    out the door to a family meeting

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Lorita..was the Direct TV link helpful?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Hello, Justin had our lunch on our porch it was just leftovers but it was nice.It stopped raining just in time to eat outside.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Too hot here, too. It's 90 but feels like 102, not much wind. One or two of our girls are out in the lot. Not sure where the others are. Since the south and north doors ate open it makes a wind tunnel effect through the bsrn, if there is wind. I worry about the new baby. Hope the new mom has taken him to the shade. He's black and so is she so they Will absorb heat. I hate weather like this,- too dangerous.

    . I just watched a good movie on the tablet called The Way Home, about a little two year old boy who wandered away from home with his dog and got lost in the woods. They found him.

    Brought back memories from years ago when mother wandered away from home in the middle of the night. Charles and I hunted and hunted for and finally found her about a mile from home, caught upside down in a barber wire fence. Her dogs were with het. It was late July about noon and very hot. We have no idea how long she was there. It could have been 12 hours. Our mail carrier saw us and called her son to help us get her untangled from the wire. The wire was wrapped around one leg so there wss bleeding and deep cuts. This was very near where Datwin,'s house is now.

    Surely seems quiet without the tv on. It finally said no reception so will call Directv. JetiLynn, I bet those chickens would appreciate s fan. How hot is it there? Wish I had a.big one for the girls.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    searsucker…..hmmm. Maybe the large searsucker/white for some roman shades…no sewing, just glue?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sounds pretty. There is an ad on TV for something that bonds, not glue. It bonds the fabric strands together. Can't remember the name of it. Is this for your house.or the flip house?

    Caladiums up and growing. I have a lot of violets in with them that I need to transplant but toooo hot.It's 92 with heat index of 105! The Royal Paulownia trees are growing by leaps and bounds. You can tell the difference each day. I'm not even going to think about taking down trash today for tomorrows pickup. Without the tv to watch I did get some paperwork done I have been putting off. Now to get it to the mailbox. Time for a nap!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    I enjoy things being quiet also.

    HB Wish I knew how to make myself a skirt. I can follow a pattern. I can make a skirt, but it never fits even though I measure myself and try to go by the measurements on the back of the pattern so anyway I gave up.

    it’s much cooler here today. It’s in the low 80s. It’s very windy. It was cloudy until late this afternoon and we had a few showers. It looks like we got about a fourth of an inch of rain. And the suns now shining.

    I like leftovers David. Less cooking, less dishes, and less heat in the kitchen.

    I had an easy supper. I cooked fresh green beans yesterday so I heated them up for lunch and again for supper. I think there’s about one more serving left. I made enough coleslaw for today and actually there will be enough for one meal tomorrow I think. Then I made a smoothie with my homemade yogurt so that took a few dishes but I didn’t have too many.

    take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Lorita it’s 95 with index of 100. Everybody is either in the barn or shade. It’s just miserable.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Mint, I really like fresh green beans. Like the canned ones, too. I'm not used to it bring so quiet. Like Zetta, I keep the tv On all the time even if not watching- just for the noise. I guess. Do wish I knew if the new mom has her baby in the shade. I wad out before 8 for about 20 min this morning . and that was enough.Darwin said he was going to stay in today, thank goodness.

    Mint, make a fuller skirt and put elastic in the waistband - not much fitting required. I used to have several skirts I wore to work that were like that but have no idea where they're packed away. Those skirts are really comfortable and cool.

    JeriLynn, what about the baby goats. Do they stay in the barn? Many years ago daddy put duck eggs under a setting hen. When they hatched he cut an old tire in half so it would hold water..The little ducks loved it, swimming around and around but it drove the hen nuts. She didn't want her babies in the water. It was really.cute with them swimming and the hen running around after them.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I went to Aldi's yesterday and picked up a couple of Capri length "jeggings" which are a cross between leggings and jeans, and a couple of jeans Bermuda shorts. They are in a stretchy fabric so precise fit is not important. It seems strange to purchase my wardrobe from a grocery store, but I have been buying a lot of my clothing from there now. It's so convenient! I love Aldi's! They have household good also. I bought my carry-on travel bag from them. Also a chair and table for my balcony, also several pet items. Aldi's is related to Trader Joe's, both from Germany.

    An interesting precaution: my travel club just returned from a wonderful trip to Alaska, including a cruise. Ten out of fifty of the group came down with Covid by the end of the cruise. (I was not with them on this trip.) Covid is still acting up in enclosed quarters. The ship quarantined a few passengers. But once a virus is out in the air, it's out.

    It's hot where I am but I have a northwestern exposure, so I'm in the shade.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Iris, It's good you didn't go on that trip. It's out there waiting to pounce. I hope Seven is going much better. My sister used to go to Aldi's sometimes and also liked It. Sounds like they have almost everything. Of course we don't have one but imagine Tulsa does. The town I.go to only has a WM. Could almost say it's a food desert. There used to be two nice grocery stores until WM moved in.

    I think I will take down the trash and letters early, early in the morning. It's 94 with a heat index of 104 - too hot to go now. I

    Mint, I had the last serving of my green beans ( canned) tonight with a small potato and cottage cheese. Do you like cottage cheese? Mother used to make it for us.

    See you all tomorrow. Rest well.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    good morning everyone

    Iris, what you mentioned is interesting about Covid. For several weeks now covid has been increasing in the wastewater, especially on the West Coast. So I looked on the CDC website and sure enough Alaska is one of the places where they’re seeing the greatest increase in the sewer right now along with California and there’s other states also. So you’re right and when a bunch of people get together, that’s when it’s most likely to race it’s ugly little head. but that being said even in those states Covid is still considered minimal. The. interesting question is is it ever going to get to be so it’s just a wintertime disease or is it actually going to be here all year. Puerto Rico is actually the worst area right now.

    I’ve never been crazy about cottage cheese Lorita. I don’t dislike it. I can eat it, but it’s not something I’d buy.
    That’s cute eagle
    Take care everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning. Yes, Lorita, the goats and sheep mostly stay in the barn when it's hot. We have a new baby! Flopsy had a baby girl. She kept out in the treeline for a week, away from the others. When we saw her at the trees, I called (yelled) her name and she popped her head up but would not come out. DH went out to the line and found the baby in the tall grass. This weekend she did bring the baby up to the front pasture and it's a cutie. She still won't come to me. She's always been skittish since a group of dogs attacked her - they almost tore her left ear off and now it flops down - hence the name Flopsy. She normally will eat treats out of my hand. DH is already talking about taking the billies to the sale barn. I know that's what is done and I understand but my heart just doesn't like it.

    Iris, how is Seven this morning? Hopefully improved.

    Well my pork chops turned out really well. DH enjoyed. I just ate salad and fruit salad. It's too hot for me to eat. The kids stopped by to pick up the grand dog. Oliver the Cat sure was happy to see him go. The dog is a Blue Heeler puppy and very playful. Oliver is an old man. He chased the puppy under the dining room table for trying to play. The puppy was wise enough to just go.

    We have to take the RV in for service this morning and then I have to get back in this office to straighten and rearrange everything. I gave my desk to a grandson because it was too bulky. Now I have to get all those Estate papers back in order. Uggh…

    With Zetta's move I got to thinking about how many homes I've bought and sold. Including building this final, forever home it makes 10. Plus 7 long term hotel homes for up to a year while I was on consulting work assignments. Those were in Texas, Salt Lake City, Lewisberg and Bluefield in West Virginia, Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Napa, California. Lots of memories. I don't ever "plan" to move again.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning. We're getting a reprieve here today with a projected high of 82F with low humidity and a good WNW breeze before heading back into the 90s tomorrow. I'll send DS out to mow the lawn and maybe I'll start pruning my magnolia which is currently out of control. I planted it about 12 years ago to help obscure the view of my neighbor's many cars. My front yard is small, so I opted for what I was told would be a slow growing and small variety. They lied— it's meant to be 15-20' high/wide. It's at least 25' in both directions and the lower branches are nearly to the ground. Crazy.

    Mint— I hear a lot of folks complain about patten sizing being unreliable. Mostly they complain that the garments come out oversized if they follow their actual measurements. A few complain when they sew something in their RTW size which has no relationship to their pattern size and end up with doll clothes. If I am sewing something more fitted, I always compare the actual garment measurement on the pieces themselves. On the Big 4 companies, there should be a circle with a crosshair in it at the bust, waist and hip with the actual measurement of the finished garment printed next to it. Checking that can keep you out of the woods.

    A lot of the people for whom I sew do not have what are considered average proportions, so their patterns need to be altered. When they taught sewing, I was always told to buy to fit your largest measurement, but sometimes it's better to adjust a smaller size to accommodate a larger bust or hip. A few patterns are now offering this built in with different pattern pieces for A, B/C and D cups and/or slim/average/curvy bottoms.

    Lorita— A lot of people use fabric adhesive in quilting to maintain placement. I used 3M Super 77 spray to attach foam padding to plywood when I made a headboard once. It was great stuff. I suggested it to a friend who decided to reupholster her cat trees to match her decor last week. They look great now and the cats still use them.

    Judith— My cousin used to make window treatments using Stitch Witchery and glue. TBH, it looked like more effort than just sewing them. Especially since she'd have to "fix" them whenever they got washed.

    Kudos to you for doing Roman shades. They can be a challenge since the fabric has to not only be cut precisely, but the fabric also needs to be perfectly square to begin with. I made one for my kitchen and nearly pulled my hair out. The replacement I made for it is a non-functioning faux Roman which was way easier.

    I hope those still dealing with heat get through the day safely.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    # of homes lived in for me: 1) with my parents; 2) college dorm; 3) married student housing at college; 4) 1 bedroom apartment; 5) ranch style home; 5) current home (since 1991!). We don't like to move! When my husband was injured, I thought we might have to move to a handicapped accessible home. Thankfully, we were able to stay here. I love my home and garden. BBL

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, just got back inside after spending an hour or so outside taking down trash and checking girls. I had to find the new mom and her baby. Checked the NW and west pastures but didn't find them so came back to check the east pasture. Finally saw her down by the pond. Drove down to find baby and finally located him. She went to him and he got up. Then decided to check the others and the grass. All seemed pretty okay. Saw one laying down so drove down and got him up. It was Billy the Bull. He has gotten to be a big boy.

    Called Mike to ask about medicine for ear mites. I have the wash but not the other. I was going to have them send it to me but he said either he or Toad would probably be over this way today and they would bring it. They're spraying and fertilizing.

    Got the sprinkler set up and going to water the violets and new trees. I'll let it go for a while this morning and finish tonight. I got cooled off doing that,

    Sort of enjoyed the quiet yesterday. I watched a good movie and a couple of episodes of The Waltons. There are tons of things to watch on the internet. Mint, do you watch movies? I found FreeVee and it haslots of things. I found our local news and they reported that 1300, I think, people died from the heat in some Arab Country. Not sure that's right because it was interrupted. Did any of you see that? If one for juice, hit tea and something for breakfast. It's already hot so be careful, they said our heat index today will be around 110.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Morning everyone, heat is gone nice and cool hopefully it stays that way.

    Am on my way to see my neurologist today to see if anything has changed.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    stepping out to do my tour with "challanged" visitors

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    lorita I have never been a movie person or a fictional reader. When I was younger, I read a little fiction. I really never enjoyed anything with violence in it. It may be things that I consider violent other people don’t I don’t know. Guess, I’ve always enjoyed reading recipes or educational things more. I’m weird I know but I’m OK with that.

    hope things go good for you David

    I’m off to get my mom groceries when I get done with lunch here. My sister, whose turn it was had some kind of a bug over the weekend. I told her I would get groceries. I didn’t want anything else to deal with if possible. So she’ll do it next week

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    HB, Mint, Judith:

    I would rather just stick a needle in my eyeballs than try to sew. Or crochet, or knit or do cross stitch. Both Grandmothers, my closest Aunt and my late MIL could sew and do handwork. Not me. I've tried and done a couple things but it is just not fun to me. But give me a tractor and !!! I am a happy girl.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Everyone is so busy! I've been quiet. I would like to sew, I used to love sewing. I don't have the energy now.

    The vet said Seven was losing weight, so I am supposed to feed her more. But she is not interested in more food.

    Sammie was out late and didn't come home, even after I called him several times. I heard a cat yowling. Once in a while a stray cat comes around. I didn't want Sammie to get into a catfight, so I put my shoes on, got my flashlight, and went out to search for him. I found him, he had not been in a fight. I was so relieved! Simon was attacked by a stray a few years ago and almost died from infection.

    I am going for a computerized neurocognitive test today. My neurologist keeps up with my cognitive status.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, I'm glad Sammie is ok. Best wishes on your testing.

    Judith, hope your meeting went well.

    Lorita, hope the tv is working better for you and that Direct TV can get out there soon and get the issue resolved. Glad you found the mom and new baby. You are so good and caring with your girls.

    Mint, fresh green beans sound good! I am growing some but it'll probably be a week or 2 before they are ready. They are blooming. Do you had slivered almonds, garlic, other? Those add-ins are pretty tasty! What kind of fruit do you use in your smoothie? I make them daily, using yogurt and either raspberries or blueberries or both. Occasionally add a banana and I also add a handful of spinach. Plus milk. Tasty and healthy! I wonder if they would be good with frozen pineapple?

    JeriLynn, sounds like it is miserably hot in 'Bama! Hot here too, heat index to be > 100 this afternoon. Good pool day for you, unless you have other things you are needing to take care of.

    HB, What variety of magnolia do you have and what color are the blooms? Love magnolias but don't have one at present. Sounds like you are quite a seamstress! Do you sew for pay? When I was a kid, I showed horses and a lady named Sadie A. made me slacks and blazers to wear when I showed. I had many. Such fun days! The little bit of sewing I've done was mainly in home economics class. I did a few other things but I just don't have the patience for the fine detail needed in making garments.

    I picked several cups of blueberries from my bushes today. I am freezing some for later. They are good on oatmeal, or in a pie! Or cobbler. I watered my vegetables and herbs (basil, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, carrots and spinach). Then fertilized the tomatoes and my potted flowers (Supertunia Vista Bubblegum). I have 3 old laundry tubs with Supertunias, and also a bucket hanging on an old pump and a window box in them. My first zinnia blooms are happening. They are so pretty. Garden looks lush and beautiful. Daylilies are in bloom as is butterfly weed, bee balm, coreopsis, black eyed Susans.

    The TX kids left today. I had fun playing cards and checkers with the oldest boy. We will likely see them again at Christmas.

    Hugs, Beth

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @BethL I'm stuck inside at this computer today. But smoothies: YES to frozen pineapple. I use it alot. Also, frozen strawberries, cherries if I can't get fresh. Frozen mango too. I do use whatever I can find fresh. Almond milk, vanilla yogurt, honey and a splash of vanilla flavoring.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited June 24

    Things have gotten a little better. The dr. said that my iron may be low, so he wants to have it tested to see if it is o.k. I will let you know the results.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    My magnolia is a "Jane" variety. Supposedly. The tree is bigger than it's supposed to be although I have the ideal soil for it. She's pink. It's deciduous and blooms a little later than most of the other varieties. In the time I've had it, it's only been frost damaged once and only lightly so. It also usually gives me a second smaller bloom in the fall.

    I don't generally sew for money as a rule. And I almost never do alterations. I do occasionally hem pants for my mom; she got scoliosis and one of her inseams is 1 1/4" longer than the other.

    I do sometimes sew for friends who need a "special occasion" dress and can't find something suitable. I don't charge them, but they often gift me restaurant gift certificates in appreciation. I enjoy making fancy things as opposed to regular street clothes. I've made a number of 2nd time bridal dresses and a couple Mother-of-the-Bride ensembles for friends. I've done a couple bridal parties as well— bridesmaids can be a challenging bunch. There's almost always the one who's pregnant and doesn't want to announce yet, the one who's on a diet, one who has something they insist is covered and at least one with a fit challenge in any group. I used to make my nieces and son their Halloween costumes which was fun. Probably the weirdest thing I ever made was a pair of "Bibbers" for the marching band's Drum Major who was 6'6". Poor DH, who is also 6'6" was my fit model for that adventure. His mom sent me flowers.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    it's 96 with a heat index of 109. Too hot for man or beast. I feel so sorry for the animals and people who have to work outside in this heat. And, it's still June!. We have 2 1/2 to 3 more months t o go... This is August heat in June. I remember it was hot like this for a long time in 1984.

    I'm trying the charger from the other new phone but doesn't seem to be working. Why does everything go wrong at the same time?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi, in a smoothie, what is the purpose of using yogurt? Is it for thickening or smoothness? Could you use a frozen banana to thicken it?. Do you all use some ice? How much almond milk? I have started using almond milk because of the bird flu thing being in dairy cattle. I don't remember ever making a smoothie. Sorry, lots of questions.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    The right kind of yogurt is good for ones health…adding another fruit pretty much adds sugar.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Lorita, do you use a full size blender or something smaller?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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