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Just need to talk to my friends (197)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good afternoon everyone. The weekend is upon us, where has this last week gone?

    Our weather is so dang hot. Temp right now is 102, we are in an 'excessive heat warning' until Sunday evening, heat index is 110 and we have a southern breeze of 25 mph! Its truly miserable outside. I opened the door to let the dog out, she walked out about 6 steps, looked back at me and came back inside. I don't blame her. Ugh is all I can say.

    We both love fresh sea food, all of it. I'd give anything to be sitting on the coast, watching the waves, waiting for my seafood dinner to come while consuming and ice cold adult beverage. One can dream………

    We both had several appointments this week. If they aren't in the morning I cancel them. Too hot to be out. I don't mind heat, I mind melting though.

    We are going to play a game. Just wanted to check on everyone.

    Be safe and have a relaxing weekend.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi, got the corn cut off the cob and froze it to use in soup this winter. Cooked zucchini, onionś and crushed tomatoes. Tomorrow I plan to cook the spinach. I like it cooked until just tender. Took an afternoon nap and it was refreshing.

    I haven't been outside since morning , Ealke, but I know it's hot. We're under that excessive heat warning until Sunday. Tomorrow we won't have the wind we had today. I'm ready for fall but we have a long time to go. Don't blame you for no appointments in the afternoon. Everyone stay safe, inside if you can.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I feel sorry for all of you having to deal with the high heat. The hottest it's been here has been 89. That is hot for my area.

    David. Happy Birthday to your wife Jeannie, what a nice thing you're doing for her birthday. I miss having someone to share things like that with. My DH did not like going places but my dear friend who passed away 2 years ago always took me out for a birthday dinner.

    Iris, I hope Seven is doing better, it is so hard when our fur babies get sick. It sounds like you just need to get a lot of rest sit in a comfy place all day and get your strength back. I think it was a good idea you cancelled your upcoming trip. The last few days I have been dealing with a lot of stress with the selling of my home, (explained below) and the place I find I can relax is in my recliner with Molly on my lap. Thats where I have been most of the day.

    Lorita, Iam glad you got your TV fixed, I would sure miss mine, if it broke. At least you figured out how to watch it on a tablet. The TV in my bedroom I also have to use 2 controllers to turn on and change channels and volume. I don't watch it but at times I turn it on for the music channel.

    Jo. It was nice hearing from you, I understand how you must be missing all the family gatherings you have had in the past. I miss the ones we all had at my grandparents' house, when I was a kid growing up. Thanks, for asking how my move was going.

    The home selling started out really good. Now the buyers are asking for things I was not prepared to do. They wanted me to have a reputable heater company come out and tell them my heater was in good condition. So, I had the same reputable heater company who I have been using for 30 years come out yesterday, it cost me $200.00 for them to tell me my heater is working well. And a copy sent to the realtors. I have a small leak under my kitchen sink I had already planned on having that fixed. The inspector found another small wet spot under the house under the washing mashing. They want me to find out what the problem is and have it fixed. I said No! that may be wrong but Iam getting tired of all this, I'm still trying to find us a place to live, thought we had one and that fell through. Iam in my recliner right now with a glass of wine🍷 trying to unwind before I go to bed.

    Hugs to all, Zetta xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi Zetta, I was wondering how things had been going. Sounds like you have bent over backwards to accommodate the buyers. Don't blame you for saying no

    .It has been hot today but we had wind which makes so much difference. We won't have wind tomorrow so it will be awful. Hope I can stay inside except for keeping the water tank filled and good water for GL. She ate all the leaves and stems, I guess, of the Royal Empress tree that was coming out from the base of the one that died. I had five, now only three. Probably be lucky to keep one.

    Darwin called and said his Mule stopped on him, won't move so they came and got it to repair. In the morning he is going to a neighbors to help him clean up storm damage. Said it really messed up things just north of us. Hope he doesn't work too long.

    It is good to have the tv back but there are so many channels I will never watch and some I can:t get. Have to find channel numbers of the ones I watch and delete the others.

    Just had a good, or bad, cry. I watched a movie with John Wayne, The Shootist. Forty eight years ago my parents and Charles and I spent a few days in Hot Springs, Ark. In a big cabin on Lake Hamilton. While there we went to see The Shootist. Just brought back so many memories. I wonder sometimes if I'm the only one who goes through these sad times.

    With that, I will stop. I'm okay now, watching Emergency. Have a goid night's rest. See you all tomorrow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    The medication that Seven was prescribed for a UTI is large, so I crush it and add to her food. Apparently it makes the food taste bad, because she is eating only a few bites.

    One of my long time friends will have her annual Fourth of July barbeque tomorrow, but I don't think I can go, I am too exhausred. I crashed this evening for three hours, from 6 until 9 pm. Now I won't be able to sleep until very late.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    morning, everyone

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Good morning, I logged on and thought "uh oh, where's Mint?"… but there you are! I know you're usually up about the same time as me so I got a little worried. 😘

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, going to be a hot one, already 83 and hardly any breeze. I'm going to stay in today if possible.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @ladyzetta I can appreciate your frustration. Here the buyers typically hire their own home inspector to trouble shoot potential issues. Often there is an agreement that items under a certain amount become the responsibility of the buyer and those over are assigned the seller or the deal is off/renegotiated.

    I can appreciate not wanting to spend more, but now that there's obviously an issue of some kind, you may be required to disclose it if you try to sell. Dealing with it now seems to make more sense.

    When I sold my parents' home for them, I included a 1-year home warranty as part of the deal. This seemed to relieve buyers that minor issues would be covered that first year. It made the homes more attractive as folks were less put off by older mechanicals.

    @Iris I don't envy you pilling a cat. I could usually get the pink amoxicillin suspension in them, but pills were a whole other thing. I did find I could hide them in pureed strain baby food chicken or their Laxatone hairball supplement for my older two but not the one who came after.

    For those with heat, be safe out there.

    I heard from my bestie this morning. Her surgery went well yesterday. It was a bit less extensive which will ease her recovery. She may go home tomorrow.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    edited June 29
  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank YOU. I don't think you know that we have only been married 6 yrs. in August so I guess we are still on our honeymoon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I was a little behind this morning JerryLynn. It was kind of a rough night last night.

    Zetta I’ll have those decisions to make if I ever get to the place where I can sell the house where my mom lives. I think about do I want to fix it up or do I want to sell it as is. I don’t know the answer to that yet. I definitely though I am leaning toward selling it at a very decent price and selling as is. Which means I am not fixing anything in exchange for a little to no profit. I know people sell and buy houses this way and I am just so tired of it.

    it’s a windy, cloudy day, but we haven’t had very much rain so far but enough to kind of keep you inside. I got my garage cleaned up again and that felt good. It gets so dirty this time of year I can’t hardly stand it.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited June 29


    In Oklahoma the seller must fill out aa disclosure, The buyer pays for an inspection. Then there can be a disclosure on who pays for what. Ask your realator about this.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    A sign from above?

    I keep a pair of shoes by the front door for when I go out. This afternoon when I put the shoes on I felt something in my right shoe. After investigation I found one of Lou's daily capsules.

    1. Lou has been gone for over a month.
    2. I put those shoes on daily and this is the first time I felt anything in one.
    3. When Lou died I gave the hospice nurse all of her medicine to dispose.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, how comforting!

    Zetta, I purchased a townhouse that I later discovered had a mold problem after a leak. I paid $6000 for mold remediation. Then I discovered that the furnace had been declared condemned by the federal government, and needed to be replaced. I found out later that all the homeowners of the complex had been informed. I tried to sue the seller to take back the property, but I could not. I lost quite a lot of money, also my health was affected by breathing in moldy air for two months.

    Lorita, I got a nostalgia flash the other day. I passed a new apartment complex being built, and it reminded me of the new apartment building my family moved to when I was about seven years old. Those were the days!

    Seven is not eating her food that has her medication crushed in it. She takes only a few bites, then runs away. I tried giving her baby food and cat food treats, she still rejecting.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, your wedding photo is beautiful! Some things we just don't understand and are not meant to understand. After my mom passed away, my husband and I went to the nursing home to clean out her room. Suddenly, a radio in her room started playing choir music, very loudly. I took it as an assurance that she was now 'ok.'

    HB, when you discussed going out for seafood, it reminded me of the time we were traveling in your area and we ate at Bookbinders. I googled it and see it is no longer open.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Iris, when I had to give medicine to Max. i crushed the pill, then dissolved it and drew it up into a syringe. That way I could get it in the side of his mouth and squirt it in. I think Mike cut off the tip of it to make it a little bigger. In rethinking this. I think I used an eyedropper. Have to use very little liquid. Anyway you go about it, giving medicine to a cat is not easy.

    Those nostalgic moments are great. Things you never think about until something jogs your memory. I grew up in the ,40s and 50s when things were much better, at least I think so. They were cooking chicken in let's on a cooking show this morning. When I was growing up all we used was lard. We had our own hogs and when daddy would butcher we made our lard. We kept it in a 3 gallon can with a lid on a little stand in the pantry so it was there when needed. All farm families were pretty self sufficient in those days, only needing to buy a very few things. Some made pillow slips or clothing from printed feed sacks and they were pretty sacks. Carol reminded me of that a while back.

    Ron, I bet finding that pill of Lou's made you shiver. A couple of days after Charles passed away I heard him say "honey" as clear as ever, just like he was calling me. Your wedding picture is beautiful two very happy people.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited June 29

    but we did not have;

    air conditioning in our homes or cars, had to drive 2 days to visit grandmother, no TV, no clothes washers or dryers, no dishwashers, no school lunchrooms, no garage door openers, many antibiotics, out patient surgery, high speed dental drills, gas lawnmowers, tablets, internet, online shopping, home delivery, smartphones………………………

    we did have;

    polio, measels, chicken pox, many untreatable disease, shorter life expectancy…….

    Lard? probably need to use more. I do have some in the frig.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning everyone

    I don’t think we got very much rain yesterday I haven’t checked to see yet. And it was very humid and warm in the afternoon and evening. my new neighbors had an above ground pool put in I may have already told you that. They had company yesterday afternoon and evening, and those children played in that pool laughed and squealed all afternoon and evening. It was so lovely.
    The newlyweds came to my sisters house Friday evening and stayed until Saturday evening. I’m guessing they came for my sister’s birthday which is Tuesday. My sister also groomed their dog for them. My sisters become the local dog groomer and barber. I told her she needed to put a barber pole up outside her door. She started out just cutting her families hair now she’s doing some of their friends hair. She finds grooving dogs relaxing. She has three dogs of her own. When the groomer she used retired, she never could find anybody that suited her, so she just started doing it herself. Anyway, we had hoped to play pickle ball yesterday but that did not work out. So I just started cleaning house because we hope to get together on July 4 and so I kind of wanted to get a Headstart on cleaning my house so I didn’t have that to worry about. And then unexpectedly, they invited me to go out to eat with them. That was very nice because it had been a pretty challenging week for me with mom. Then when I got home, I sat on my porch and looked out at my flower garden and those children they were still laughing and squealing. I sat there and chuckled with them a few times.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Lard: the big can sat in one corner and the flour in another in MamMa's kitchen. I have some on the shelf where I food prep.

    Fabric: MamMa made me dresses and blouses from flour sacks. They were beautiful and I wish I had saved some.

    Weather: hot, humid, heat warnings, no rain.

    Swimming: had 9 grands/great grands here for swimming yesterday. Made pasta alfredo, cucumber/onion salad (from the garden), pound cake trifle.

    Ron, those events you describe are so special. I always just say "it's a sign".

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning. Cloudy but no rain. It's still way up north but it seems a little cooler. Alexa says 75 instead of mid 80 s. Being a vegetarian, there is no lard here but had a lot of it when much younger. Does make things taste different. Maybe that's why I have never been able to replicate grandma's tea cakes.

    Enjoy your day.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Morning on way to church. Thank God the church has a/c. Hot and humid with possible of heavy rain 🌧 this p.m.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning, all. It might seem silly to some of you, but its only 94 and that doesn't seem too bad!! I've already watered the garden.

    The news had a story that absolutely upset me to no end. They played it at 5:00, 6:00 & 10:00, poor DH each time it set me off on a rant. I don't want to be insensitive here, so I hope no one is offended. The news story is about people forgetting their children / child in the hot car. To me that's the tragic part of the story. But no, the news "suggests" we put something in the backseat we "need" like your phone - then you'll remember your phone and your child. I'm enraged by this - the phone is remembered, not the child. I will be writing the news station about how this story comes off.

    Be safe everyone. Our excessive heat order has been extended through Tuesday. Ugh.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    edited June 30

    here…waiting for the cold front…..

    Lorita… a recipe for you


    have you tried ferro? I love it with browned onions

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Thanks, Judith for the recipe. Sounds really good. I have a couple of muffin pans I use in the microwave so can use those. Only takes 2-3 min.

    It was some cooler today but not much. Thread has been really quiet today. Eagle, is it really humid down in Texas?

    I have the trash ready to take down tonight or in the morning not sure which.

    Have a good night's sleep.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    You can bake n a microwave?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, yes! Saw these on QVC. They are made by a company in Australia called Decor. They come in a set of two, six muffins each. I have made muffins from a cake mix and I believe I made some pumpkin spice ones. It takes 3- 3.5 minutes depending on your microwave. Really because you don't have to use an oven and heat up the house.

    Stormy and I took down the trash, then checked two pastures to see about the grass. I think they need to change pastures pretty soon. We filled GL's water and the big tank and we were hot when we got in. We saw two.cottontails. So cute. I used to play with them when daddy would find one when he was plowing.

    I found another Royal Empress tree tucked sort of under the side of the propane tank. It will have to be moved. Would like to have It out by the corral but GL would eat it, too. Might be able to put it in on a bucket until she goes back out with the others . It has to be moved. This morning I restaked one in the yard and it has a gelatinous sap and really made my arms itch and smelled.. Had never noticed that before.

    Darwin called at 7 tonight. He worked outside for two hours this afternoon and almost got too hot so was going to bed early.

    Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Morning. Humid and hot again today. We got just a splatter of rain yesterday.

    DH has neurosurgery appointment today and I'm expecting he will need surgery on his neck.

    I know this isn't the attitude to have, but these days it seems that it's one thing after another with little or no space to recover from the last thing. I find myself thinking, "Lord, what NOW?". I gotta figure out how to just suck it up and move on. Some days are just too much. And I am having crazy dreams about my late husband and father in law.

    When I woke at 3:45 I finally just told them out loud, " y'all need to go on and just rest now." I'm too tired to work all day and then entertain all night. Is that crazy too?

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good day. BBL.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Lorita— I'm with Judith in thinking perhaps things are actually better now. I do get nostalgic for a time when I had no responsibilities aside from keeping an eye of my sister and bringing home good grades, but mostly for the people and pets who were dear to me. And for functional, pain-free joints. I miss them, too.

    Eaglemom— That story is upsetting, but TBH if stashing one's phone in the backseat saves one child the end justifies the means. It seems here that often when this happens, assuming there are no drugs/alcohol in play, the driver is a person stepping in to sub for the person who typically makes the daycare run. My recent rental had an audio prompt to check the backseat if there was anything back there. The weight of my handbag was enough to trigger it. This should be standard equipment.

    Ron— Thanks for sharing your wedding picture. It's lovely. And the pill story gave me chills.

    Jerilynn— Good luck at the neurosurgery appointment today. I hope it's good news.


    The weather is stunning today. It's mid-60's sunny and breezy. I'm about to do some gardening I've put off due to heat and hard, dry soil. DS is already out weeding and dealing with some wild grapes that we've been unable to eradicate successfully. I'm hoping to here from my asphalt person this week. We spoke last week when he was wrapping up a big project and some equipment broke on him. I'm chill, he gets here when he gets here but I know he'd like to get it done.

    My bestie came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Amazing. She had a partial colectomy that took 6 hours on Friday and she's home in 2 days. Yikes. Her daughter is staying there. I suspect her biggest risk right now will be her 3 lap-seeking cats. The minute she sits or lays down, 3 of the 5 will be coming in for a snuggle. Ouch.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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