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Just need to talk to my friends (199)



  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning my porch friends. We've had internet issues and I've missed so much.

    First and foremost I hope everyone is staying safe that is in the path of the hurricane. Goodness its a big destructive one. Just read how Atlanta is now having 70mph winds and rain from it. Be safe everyone.

    Mint its difficult to slowly loose those around us. I'm sorry for your loss.

    Iris I'm so sorry about Simon. There are no words, you were a good mom to him for a very long time.

    Ron I'm glad you home safely. Family does have a way of healing our broken hearts.

    David my DH takes gabapentin for his restless legs. He takes 300mg at dinner time and 600mg at bedtime. He also wears a patch.

    Lorita I'm glad the water leaks are fixed. Now to have a bill that's not absolutely ridiculous. Looks like both of us will be watching college football tomorrow.

    I need to run an errand before our moring Zoom. Back later. Sorry if I left anyone off. Be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, bright, sunny and cool here but will be around 85 later.

    Beth, Good luck on your move today. Hope everything goes well.

    Ron,glad you had a good, safe trip. You had a long drive so why not rest today? Which part of Missouri did you visit? You're having a letdown after your trip which is normal and you have time to think about memories.

    I just heard on the news that the man who created Dick Tracy was from Pawnee, Okla. and they are having a celebration and festival this weekend. Did not know that before.

    So enjoyed our nice visit làst night, Sandy. Hope your weather is good today.

    Eagle, at least it will be cooler for the games tomorrow. I heard it was at least 140 degrees on the field at the OSU game in Stillwater.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    What do you all put in macaroni salad? I just cooked two cups of tiny shells so to empty the cannister.When I cook farfalle I add parmesan cheese and dry ranch dressing but I'm thinking mayonnaise and what else?

    Got something accomplished I have been putting off for weeks. Every time I opened the cabinet where I keep cups and smaller dishes I look at the next shelf above with the back of it slanting way down. One of the little things that hold up the shelf had come out. I kept thinking I would do it tomorrow. This morning I took out all the dishes on it, heavy Temptations soup mugs and cups. Washed off the shelvesand put the heavier things on the bottom shelf. I found the little thing and got it back in, finally.

    I found some things I had forgotten about. One thing was the Ninja container with the blade to make smoothies. I had looked everywhere, I thought, but couldn't find it. Found a Temptations tray with four small soup mugs. I will use those this winter. I use a big soup mug for my MOM in the mornings.

    Glad to get that done. Darwin cleaned off a 20x40 concrete slab in his equipment barn yesterday and felt so good to get it done. Now I feel that way. Now to rest a bit.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sandy,are you all okay? You may be out of power, let us know when you can. Shirley, same for you. Let us know. Mint, did you get wind and rain?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    we did get a little wind and some light rain but nothing out of the ordinary.

    My niece lives in mountains SW virginia. They have lots of downed trees, power lines, and have had no power since 6:30am. She said it has calmed down and their house is not damaged. My cousin is safely home in Tampa, they saw quite a bit of damage in southern Ga and northern FL. My Aunt in Atlanta got some water in her basement but not bad.

    Beth hope your move went smooth today

    Good night everyone

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    eaglemom, so far after 2 days on gabapentin my restless legs has slow down dramaticly hopefully the restless legs will stop

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, is MOM Malt O'Meal? Or milk of magnesia?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Lorita i put things like onion, celery,mayonnaise and relish. Sometimes a little bit of mustard. Can add about anything you like. Sorry didn't absorb the question earlier

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 794
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    Happy Birthday to DH and Happy 2 year wedding anniversary to us! We have the house to ourselves today, no place to be until 7:30 this evening when we begin a weeklong Grand Dog sitting adventure with 3 dogs for my DD and her kids while they travel to Orlando Disney World. I'd rather keep the dogs than drive 10 hours to Orlando with a 5 year old, lol. When they went to the Smokies, they barely made it to the Interstate before she asked, "how long before we get to those STEAMY Mountains?"

    We have had 2 days of slow and steady rain, which we needed so we are grateful for that. No storm damage. There is another hurricane brewing in the Carribean this week, so we'll be watching that. DH's nephew is a Lineman Supervisor, so they have headed out to help others impacted by the storm.

    Coffee's ready and I have some breakfast nibbles if anybody on the porch is hungry this morning. 😊

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    I hope all in the path of Helene are safe.

    Jerilynn— A very happy anniversary to you and your mister. Any plans to celebrate?

    Beth— I hope your move is going well.

    Mint— I'm not a RRT but do interact whenever mom's in the hospital.

    Lorita— I add Dijon mustard and a couple drops of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce to my pasta/macaroni salad; sometimes I do a vinaigrette and add diced peppers, cukes, pepperoncini for a change of pace.

    David— I'm glad the gabapentin is helping your RLS.
    It's dreary here the last couple of days but very little in the way of rain.

    I've been laying low; DS came down with a bad man-cold which I don't want to catch or pass on to mom. At least it's not COVID. He took off work today; he typically works a 12-13 hour shift on Saturdays, so it's probably for the best.

    DH was complaining about "coming down with something" last night and telegraphing his intention to bail on dinner with friends tonight. I love the man, but just once could he let somebody else be sick without him piling on in solidarity? I blame this on my MIL— all 3 of her sons are like this. I suspect she only doted on them if ill. He seems OK this morning, so I'll wait until he brings it up. In any case, I was promised a night off from cooking and that will be happening.

    I reached out to the Memory Center yesterday. I have some concerns about my mom. Her PCP made a referral after doing the preliminary tests and treating her for Lyme Disease. She's not quite as forgetful as before, but the word-finding and changes of subject without segues has me asking "wait, what are we talking about?" pretty much every time I see her. I'm also noting some minor confabulations. And then Wednesday she shared with me that she's "not worried about having Alzheimer's anymore".

    When I called back in late April, they said to expect a call to schedule and intake appointment in 3 months. They said they've had an unprecedented increase in calls because their center offers Leqembi and that I should hear back in about a month. After that, appointments are scheduled about 6 months out. I don't have a strong sense of urgency and am not looking forward to making the appointment happen. It's like I know all the strategies, but just don't want to go there.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    here…heading to the porch for some of those breakfast nibbles…..

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Happy anniversary, JeriLynn and happy birthday to your husband. Hope you both have a happy day. Sounds like you're going to have a good time with all the dogs. How are the little lambs?

    HB, hope your husband's cold isn't too bad. I hate to have a cold. Thanks for the recipe. Sounds good.

    Iris, malt o meal. I alternate between that and cream of wheat. Didn't think I liked cream of wheat but had some during the flare and decided it was okay. Hope you're feeling better after your loss. I still miss each one we have lost.

    David, so good that the new medicine is helping. I used to have restless legs and heard that putting a bar of soap under the bottom sheet close to where your legs would be could help. Tried it and it did help.

    Mint thanks for your recipe for macaroni salad. I bet it's good. It's going to be near 90 or above for the next week, too hot for October. Hope you get some rain.

    Kind of worried about the weather where Sandy and Shirley live. So many areas out of power. When the power is off, is the internet off, too?

    Eagle, football Saturday and Chiefs tomorrow. Hope the games are good.

    Toad just fed the heifers, not feeding "my" girls every time because their grass is better. We never had to feed until late November or December. It has been a bad year. Saw seven grasshoppers on one tiny branch of the dead Holly so they are still here, going strong.

    I have 4% power left so will see you later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    3 more large kitchen drawers emptied…..10 tupperware (black lids) discovered…now to combine 3 bags of flour and make labels…then take apart my Elfa rolling files….then netflix!

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    So far the meds seem to help.

    Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom and when i got back bed ( it was 4 a.m.) I sat on the edge of the bed and was ready to get dressed and go who knows and my wife said where are you going I said I don't know and she said go back to bed it's only 4a.m..The last time I did this I Actually got showered and dressed before I realized what time it was. I wonder if I'm starting to "wander"?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Happy Birthday DH , Happy Anniversary to DH & DW.

    OK I see HB. I have heard several women talk about if they’re sick their husband has to be sick lol. Gray and a little misty here. Your hands are full.

    My niece in SW Virginia has water but no power and she said they say it could be a few days.

    David Im not as knowledgeable as some of the others on here so hopefully they will chime in but to me that is not wandering. You just got mixed up with time to me.

    Has been a-busy day but productive day. Made evaporated milk this morning. I really like it to cook things with it. Have not used it for years because of all the preservatives in it. Was easy to make. A lot like making yogurt but don't culture it and cook it down til you have half of what you started with. Fixed some creamy vegetable soup. That is what i used the evaporated milk in.
    Had got a bid for trimming up a row of pine trees where my mom lives and they told me sometime next week. They called me around noon and said they had it done so went over there an paid them. It looks really nice and know the mowers will be glad including next door neighbor. Know it was a pain for them. I will be glad to not feel smothered when working over there. I have been raking up pine needles gradually and mulching with them. We’ll see how far they go.

    Going to get dishes out of dishwasher then hopefully I can rest.

    Hope you are getting settled Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 28

    Mint, what do you do, just cook whole milk until it is half of what you started with? I like creamy soups, too,but never thought about evaporated milk.

    Watching second half of Auburn and Sooners.Missed first half because I got involved with a really good three hour movie with Clint Eastwood and Kevin Costner called A Perfect World.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Mint there was one time I went outside in my pj's trying to find out where the music was coming from. After that incident my wife installed door alarms that would go off if I left the house

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Talked with Sandy a while ago. They're okay, didn't have a power outage but did have 5.5-6" of rain over a two day period. Made me feel better and thought you all would like to know.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, I never heard of making evaporated milk at home. Thanks for the idea.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good moRning

    Yes Lorita you heat it on a low simmer. Stir now and then. Find a spatula works well when heating milk. Then you pour the milk through a sieve. It gets a skim on it. I used regular whole milk. Next Im going to try it with my fat free, lactose free skim milk and see what happens. Thank you for letting us know about Sandy.

    David I do understand your concern. Sounds like you guys have taken precautions.

    Iris I didn't know either. I ran across YT channel about it. Is easy to do, just takes a little time and the pan is a little messy. A soak and a dobie pad made for easy clean up. Say it is good for about a week.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, watching morning news shows and just heard Jimmy Carter will turn100 this week. .

    What kind of good hand cream do you all use? My skin seems dry and the lotion I have seems sticky after I put it on. I'd like some kind in a tube.

    Looks like a pretty day but warm. They're talking about the devastation caused by the hurricane. Just can't imagine the flooding they're having. Another result of climate change. The warmer waters are creating stronger storms and will get worse, I'm afraid.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Why are you making evaporated milk? What will yo use it for?

    Lorita…Aveena Daily Moisturizing Lotion….it is in a tube….absorbs well

    Cowboy grandson coming over today for a business pow wow. Maybe he will fun out and get us lunch. Jimmy John's has double points on Sundays!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thanks Judith, put it on my list to pick up when I go to town.

    Jimmy Johns points? We don't have one in our town or even the next bigger town either.

    Is your grandson wanting to get back to wrangling cattle? It does get into your blood.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I used to use Bag Balm. It was formulated to use on cow udders, now on dry human skin, also dry pet skin.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Bag Balm is good …probable can get it at Walmart or your drugstore.


    Bag Balm

     is a salve developed in 1899 to soothe irritation on cows' udders after milking.


     Bag Balm is widely used to soothe dry, cracked skin on humans.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thanks, hadn't thought of bag balm. I imagine we have used it before on the girls. I'll check WM or the feed store. Used to get a really good ligament at the feed stote.Used it on the cows and on us, too.

    This is just another great thing about our thread. Ask anything and someone will have the answer!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited September 29

    Iris, WM has it, in a tube, so it's on my list, too. My skin should be as soft as a baby's bottom.

    Watching the Eagles and Buccaneers with Baker Mayfield,former OU QB and Heisman winner. QB for the Eagles, Jalen Hurts, is also a former QB for OU.

    Eagle, Chiefs next!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Evaporated milk is called for in many different recipes, ie pie, candy, soup, scalloped potatoes, mac& cheese etc.. when i was growing up my parents used it for coffee creamer.

    Aveeno is very good, i agree. Hope you got lunch Judith.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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