Just need to talk to my friends(201)
Ok I need my crockpot and shrimp experts!!! I have some frozen smallish shrimp that I want to throw into the crockpot with some "bisquie" stuff like tomato paste, green onion tops and heavy cream… Can I throw that shrimp in there frozen?
I had a co-worker long ago that used to make that for Wednesday night church supper but I don't remember how she did it!
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Morning, cloudy and cool here with sprinkles earlier. Sheena wouldn't income in last night so when I let her in at 6 she was damp. Watching morning news shows. Eagle, looks like I will have to forego the Chiefs game tonight. It's going to be when Yellowstone and 1823 is on. Maybe it's 1923.
Many, many Years ago my doctor told me nerves and stress can cause so many things and that is so true. I have kept Librium since I was 23 and take one if I get stressed. Thirty capsules last almost a year since I've gotten older. To me, stress relief is getting outside with nature, with the girls. I know that isn't possible if you live in town though. Dealing with a husband, wife or parent with dementia is very stressful. I went through that with my mother, daddy, sister and husband, sometimes two of them at one time , sometimes while I was still working. My admiration goes out to each of you who are dealing with the stress of caregiving or dealing with this. It is very hard and stress filled.
Need to find something for breakfast and feed and medicate the Pyrenees. I will be back later.
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Good morning all. Cool, damp and very foggy here.
Lorita you can just stand at your door occasionally tonight and listen. You'll hear DH and I cheering!!!
Want to share a product that several people I know have and love. I don't know it and know only what they've shared with me. Its a watch for wandering, but also falls and has phone capabilities (think 9 1 1). Its called Theora Care Watch. They have a band that our LO's can't take off their wrists. One friend, his wife is a big time walker/wanderer and this has stopped that completely. He set up a boundary of where she can walk around and if she passes it, he's notified on his watch. He can then talk into his watch and say "Sandy, let's turn around & come get a snack" or something and she can just say 'ok' without using any buttons. If your interested just Google it and find the information. Like I said, we don't have one, but I know several people who do and are pleased.
Be safe out there. Back later.
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Good morning! I woke up at 5 this morning.
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Iris, you need a nap today but at least you slept through most of the night .
I found a really good skin creme, in a drawer, almost empty. I do not remember using it at all. It's Vitamin E skin creme. I still wear my mask so skin around nose and mouth is dry and also my hands and arms. I have used it four or five times and it's making the skin much softer. Was going to order the Beekman's goat milk creme but think I will use this instead.
Still damp, cloudy and chilly. Can't find anything good to watch and have a headache, probably from the weather or staying in bed until 9 this morning watching TV.
Sandy, they had David's cookies this morning on QVC and I was really tempted but resisted. It may not be quite cold enough yet to keep them frozen until they get here. Hope you are well this morning and things have been quiet.
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Cold, Dark and rainy so I stayed in bed and read…lol
Shopping all done. I got my6 new computer set up yesterday. Went from PC to MAC and got Google browser, docs and sheets set up. Had to order a bluetooth mouse. I am glad to get rid of Windows 11!
Fun to hear about everyone's cooking, childhood memories and animals. I was raised in a northern suburb of Chicago in a house overlooking Lake Michigan. I miss hearing it. We usually had a dog and once a bird. aThe only cow I saw was in the Lincoln Park Zoo…lol
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You don't know what you've missed, Judith. Dud you set up your new computer yourself?
Ron, where are you? Haven't seen a post from you in a while. Let us know.
Max (cat) has been sleeping on my.lap and has sneezed two or three times. I have some Amoxicillin , not mixed up. So may start that for him. If he's getting a cold though, may need something else. It's like taking care of a bunch of kids, or worse.
Sort of lost it a while ago. Watching a show made in 1952 and it showed a car that looked like a 1949 classic car Charles bought. It was his pride and joy. Odd how something like that can trigger such emotions, but they do. The movie is "Room For One More" with Cary Grant. Old movies are much better than current ones, I think.
Still dark and dreary outside. I need to go check on one of the girls who is close to calving. She couldn't have her calf by herself last year. . I found her and called Mike but it was too late.
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Stormy and I drove out into three pastures and saw the girls and boys..Everyone and everything looked okay. Still have a little hay but they will feed tomorrow. About half of them were grazing. Mike gave them a bale yesterday to tide them.over until tomorrow. I miss feeding them and Darwin says he second guesses himself about selling sometimes, too. Guess it really gets in your blood.
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too late…the mother died or the calf died???
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Have completed my first month at the VA Have. Et nice Veterans a d all the staff excellent people always smiling a d can not do enough for the Veterans and the food is unbelievable and way to much.
The employees know what is wrong with us and treat us (me with dementia) appropriately.
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I looked all over for gingerbread cookies, finally found some with icing, but I scraped the icing off.
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David, I wish my son had a nice place to live like yours. His is funded by his Social Security and a supplement from Medicaid and is not nearly so nice.
A local man who runs a veterans' suicide counseling program has organized a gingerbread village at the Expo Center, a former Sears store downtown. He has several dozen gingerbread houses, including Starbucks and all sorts of things, and you can tour it for $5. The money is to fund his program, and the houses have been donated by children, churches, whoever. I'm going to take DW. She loves things like that and was very "crafty" when she was younger.
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Lorita, Cary Grant was always cagey about his age. Once, back when messages were sent by cable and paid for by the word, the studio publicity office sent him a cable "How old Cary Grant?" Grant replied "Old Cary Grant fine, how you?" It ran in the family. Grant's mother didn't want him to let his hair get gray because it made her look old.
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I agree about the old movies. I'd like to see "Some Like It Hot" again. Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Joe E. Brown, and Marilyn Monroe in one of the funniest shows ever.
DW's maternal grandparents knew some of the Hollywood people in the 1930s when they were farming in Southern California, and her grandfather hunted with Joe E. Brown. We have a piece of Depression glass that belonged to Sonia Heine for about an hour. She had been given it for buying a movie ticket and gave it to DW's grandparents on her way home. She had stopped by the farm to buy some eggs or something, and didn't want it. It might be worth money if I could prove any of this, but it's only what Antiques Roadshow calls "family legend."
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Lorita, I know what you mean about things that trigger memories and the related emotions. Some good, some bad.
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good morning
Sorry, JeriLynn but I don’t know a thing about cooking shrimp. I wish I did because I like shrimp.
You’ll thank you for that information about the Theora watch. Sounds like that would work pretty nice.
David, I’m so glad that you and your family found a nice place for you.
Iris I like gingerbread cookies too.
J’s funeral is today.
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Another 2:30 am wake up day. Peach cobbler today for my Aunt. One of my favorite cousins is going 3 afternoons a week to take supper and just be company (she also is assisting with managing and watching the bank accounts). So, on Mondays I take a dessert for the week and usually will make a dab extra of something for supper. An Uncle usually is there several times a week as well. The son stops by, the DIL is "in charge". We don't care for her approach to caregiving or lack thereof. Too much "oh, she's fine" and too little preventative strategies. We're doing what we can.
Put the shrimp in the fridge to thaw. I'm just gonna make the bisque on the stovetop. I don't have much to do today except wrap presents and finish gift cards. Monday is usually cleaning day for me, but I've already done the floors and bathrooms (I do them 3 times a week normally) so only bed linens to do.
DH is going to unload the shed he brought home. I don't know what else. He's still sleeping.
I do need some Old Bay Seasoning, so may zip over to the WM. BBL
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Goodmorning , I had weird dream last night it was about Laurel and Hardy I don’t know how many of remember them.
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Good morning. We are enjoying living closer to the grands (4 of them, ages 14, 10, 10 and 9). We have typically gone to a lot of their activities plus had them over for dinner every Saturday but now it's just easier. Saturday morning took the 3 youngest to build gingerbread houses; then they all came over later. Sunday afternoon went to one of their basketball games and tonight the 14 year old has a band concert. We've had 3 warm (50's) days this weekend. Grateful for that. We have had and will get more cold days in winter (Iowa).
Carl, my husband had a '70 Plymouth Superbird when I met him. Quite a car.
Trying to get to sleep last night, this is what I did. I pictured my church and where every person sits in the pews, and started praying for them in the order they sit. I got through one side of the church before falling asleep. (It's a small church, at most 60 attendees.)
Mint, I'm sorry you lost your friend J. I'll be thinking of you today. Prayers for all on this thread. Beth
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I had a flash back today while eating breakfast. Back in August 8 1988 I was coming home at 11:30 pm after working at a local movie theater when I was mugged. Even though it's been over thirty years it still scares the sh-t of me and I sweat like crazy and my hands get all clammy.
I have never fully recovered today the left side of my cheek (if I talk to long) feels like that I am recovering from novocaine after having dental work.
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I feel very lucky to have a nice place thanks to the VA.
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Good morning all.
Lorita you won't believe it but our Chief's won. However, it was a field goal with no time on the clock and the ball bounced off the upright and over!! They still need to improve, 3x's they were in the red zone and settled for field goals because they couldn't score.
I'm having the furnace serviced this morning and a dental cleaning this afternoon. I'd better get busy or they'll show up & I'll still be in my jammies!
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Another day like yesterday but unfortunately doing nothing is not an option…paper work today. Seems like I just get my desk cleaned off and it it full again. I will get the wreath put up on the front door. It has old sleigh bells from my childhood.
Shrimp bisque? Let's have the recipe for that please.
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Cars! DH is restoring a 63 Chevy Supersport…. almost done with a little trim work to do. But when he drove it home from the body/paint shop - it started knocking. New/restored motor here we come🙄
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Morning, everyone. Chilly and cloudy here. Just had my WM delivery. Used the last of Science Diet dogfood last night and the other food.I had didn't seem good so had to order dry food.
Iris, the little calf didn't make it. He was too big for the cow to deliver by herself plus it being her first calf. . I had been checking the heifers twice daily and this was early morning when I found her. So glad I did. Now I'm watching her again.
Everyone seems to have a busy day ahead. Gingerbread cookies -- yesterday on QVC they had them. David's cookies are frozen, unbaked. I ordered three times before they got here still frozen. Really good cookies.
I need to do paperwork today, too, so better stop and get to it.
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I had a bad moment last night. One of my cousins called me and told me she was feeling maudlin, thinking about the wonderful Christmas times she and her usband and family used to have, with everyone gathering and all the fancy decorations and big meals that they had. I did not have such grand holiday celebrations. My Chrismases were very nice, but not grand. But now she has got me feeling maudlin. I feel like I don't want to talk with her again.
Lorita, I feel sad about the calf. Did the mother cow deliver by herself out in the field?
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Iris…we had a tree. The mantle had magnolia branches my Aunt sent from her home in Mississipi and a few white plastic reindeer. A string of colored lights were strung around the front door, We went to church. It was the same every year. .
Dinner always included some people who were without family. I never thought it was grand. Maybe it was but basically it was a religious holiday. Oh, almost forgot, my grandmother sent a crate of oranges from her back yard in Florida so we always got an orange and a Hershey bar in our stockings.
Memories can be happy as well as sad. I am not a big believer in looking back. I would rather look ahead.
added; this was sent to me;
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Iris, when I found her she wss laying down, couldn't get up so called Mike and he came immediately. He had to use the calf puller to get the calf because he wa stuck and swollen, not living, of course. No idea how long she had been laying there. Iris, I cry every time a baby or cow is lost. We lost a set of twins once and that was really hard to take especially since I had to take them down in the pasture. I avoided that area for a long time. When Bradley fed this afternoon I was able to see that cow as they passed the house.
A couple of years ago we lost two cows, a week apart to the day and in the same place. They grew up together- first found Sweet Pea laying under a tree, had to take care of her and a week later found Rosebud in the same place and had to take care of her. Charles used to do that.That was really hard because they had been here so long and were like pets. Raising cattle is hard. You can talk to any rancher and they have sad stories.
Got my paperwork done. When I get mail and don't have time to read something I should read I stand it up the lamp. Got rid of that stack, lots of address labels and notepads. It's foggy and sprinkling right now. Has not been a nice Monday.
Question: when you all make dressing from scratch, do you add eggs? I watched mother making it for years and don't remember that she did. Asking because I bought a box of Stove Top and it called for three eggs.
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I use Pepperidge Farm…no eggs. Googled Stove Top instructions. Did not see eggs but then it was not the actual box. I do add sauted onions and celery.
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You are right, Judith. I was looking at a recipe on the back of the box for crab cakes. I thought eggs in dressing sounded odd.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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