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Just need to talk to my friends(201)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,544
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    Judith, you're right, it is better to look forward!


  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 463
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    Went to the gingerbread village today. There were more than 300 buildings, made by school children, a Girl Scout troop, a floral designer, and others. The police station was next door to the donut shop, LOL. I was wrong about this being a veterans' thing, the organizer is a hospice chaplain who also provides free, confidential counseling to police officers who have seen too much of what no one should have to see. The organization is called Bruised Badge.

    They weren't busy on a weekday, so DW and I visited a while with the lady who took tickets. She and her husband are retired and have dogs, chickens, and a bad-tempered donkey. DW told her about a dog she had years ago and really enjoyed the outing. Worth the trip.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,932
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    Good morning

    Lorita I have only made dressing a couple if times. Don't recall using any egg.

    Glad you and DW had a nice trip Carl.

    I made monster cookies yesterday. If I have a chance going to make simple round sugar cookies today.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,802
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    Good afternoon.

    It's drizzling on my corner of the porch.

    I had the plumber back for an estimate to deal with my hose bibs and check the bathroom leak yesterday. He'll return Wednesday to deal with the hose bibs but thinks the leak is due to a small crack in the grout where the tub has settled. He had the tiler in to caulk all before noon.

    DS and I got the cars back and he headed off for a study day while I planned to stop by mom's to check in and help her wrap up her shopping. She wasn't herself. She has mostly decorated her house for the holiday but hadn't stowed boxes in the garage because she wasn't feeling up to it. Her mood seemed down. Given her general fuzziness, I slapped a pulse ox on her and wasn't surprised to find the reading in the mid-80s on room air. I hooked her up to the concentrator and called the PCP's office. He wasn't in, but one of the CNPs was able to see her. I'd not seen this particular practitioner before, but she was thorough and very proactive. She swabbed mom for just about everything, ordered a chest film, checked mom's O2 at rest, on exertion, called in prednisone and an antibiotic and gave guidelines for a trip to the ER. She called as we were leaving the pharmacy with the test results. Negative for the quick screenings and some lung changes consistent COPD progression/pneumonia. We'll see her again on Wednesday assuming mom's improving. Otherwise, ER.

    DS had a final yesterday. He said it was pretty easy. Tomorrow is the Chemistry final. He needs to do well there.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 962
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    Good Morning Rockers!

    Goodness yesterday was busy for everyone.

    HB, so good that you locked on to a good NP. You probably prevented a hospital stay! Hope Mom is better today.

    Iris, holiday melancholy is a real thing. I try to just get busy. An avoidance strategy I'm sure but it works for me. And coming here. That helps too. Hopefully you feel better today. Sending you some big hugs.

    Lorita, Eggs and dressing. I've only used Stovetop once or twice and don't remember using eggs. But homemade dressing? Yes to the raw egg. And a boiled egg. The number of eggs is relative to the amount of dressing. I use one egg of each kind to one pan of cornbread/4 slices of white bread and a handful of something - either biscuit or breadcrumbs.

    Carl, the gingerbread outing sound fun!

    Judith, I browsed and combined recipes and then "doctored" on the bisque until I was happy with it. One recipe called for adding goat cheese and I did that. I could taste the "twang" and liked it. But I knew DH would not, lol. So, I futzed around and added some molasses and a bit of white sugar. It worked, you couldn't taste the sugar but the twang was gone. I did not add Cognac or sherry. I didn't have any but also since I was taking some to my Aunt, I didn't want to have to tell her it had alcohol in it, lol. I did chop the shrimp and added creamed corn and corn kernels. It had a nice consistency and tasted good.

    Ron, I was channeling your presence as I made the shrimp bisque, lol. I was thinking about your gumbo and also your red beans and rice. We miss you here.

    Mint, I have cheated and got store-bought sugar cookie dough. The great grand will be here on the 15th as she get out of school early. She loves to be in the kitchen and this is just so much easier.

    DH worked on a backhoe most of the day yesterday. It's running. Blew a hydraulic hose but he went to some supply house out here in the country and they made him one. He will work on that today between rain showers. He came in just to the kitchen door to tell me he was taking his work clothes off in the garage since he was covered in a shower of hydraulic fluid when the hose burst. I could still smell him, lol.

    I spent the day inside cooking and cleaning, except to go get my chickens out of their house and feed them. Did the sheets, all the laundry, the floors vacuumed and mopped, cleaned the oven, washed up all the dishes and took food to my Aunt.

    Since Mint is making cookies and I have a peach cobbler and ice cream, I think we should have a dessert party on the porch this afternoon! Who's coming???

    Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry. See you later for dessert!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,932
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    I will be there

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 962
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    Oliver Kitty says Merry Christmas 🎄❤️

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,725
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    Morning, chilly and sunny here. I'll be thrrr, too, JetiLynn. I can bring rainbow sherbet.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,049
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    up and off to Jerry's Artarama….

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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    Goodmorning , finally got the boot off my foot a d it feels so good to walk without it.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,544
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    JeriLynn, I don't have holiday melancholy on my own. But I realize that I am sensitive to the bad moods of others. Thus, my response, to protect myself and my own natural good mood, is to avoid certain people.

    The dessert party sounds great. I'll be there. Oliver Kitty is safeguarding the Christmas tree.

    Mint, what are monster cookies?

    HB, you caught your mom's illness just in time I'm wishing her a speedy recuperation!

    David, enjoy being able to walk on both feet now.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 962
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    Iris, I feel the same way. I have, of late, made a concerted effort to limit my exposure to negativity. I don't make a big deal with the person, I just decide who gets to be in my circle.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,725
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    Iris, like me, you live alone and I don't have blood relatives except two cousins I'm not close to. I have in-law relatives in Texas but that's all. I avoid Christmas shows, don't decorate so, to me, it's just another day. Those things bring back too many memories of years past. If I begin to feel sad I get outside with the Pyrenees and cows and that does the trick for me. Charles and I were never Christmas people except for exchanging gifts so it's not too hard for me. Always glad when it's over though.

    Just came back from the mailbox and it is cold -temp is 40 but WC is 33.

    Congratulations on getting the boot off, David. Know that makes you happy.

    JeriLynn, Oliver Kitty looks like he's enjoying playing in the decorations.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 463
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    That pic would make a great Christmas card! Merry Christmas to you and Kitty too.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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    Sure as hell does now I can walk without a limp.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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    Here is my foot with out my boot

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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    Sorry I forgot the photo

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 680
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    Burrr. I feel like I'm going to get whiplash from the change of temperature here. Its a cold, damp north wind and 40. It doesn't sound bad, but yesterday it was 72!! Thankful for my house and my heater.

    I don't know if I'd shared or not something DH and I started 11 years ago. After his diagnosis we found out he has a wonderful ability to paint - both watercolor and acrylic. Being an engineer, he of course over thinks everything he paints, each color, etc so its a very deliberate work of his. I put together pictures of his paintings and a model or two he put together and made a calendar. I sent it out to our friends as a gift. Little did I realize how everyone would go nuts over it. Thus, a yearly calendar was born. Today I go it sent to the printers for 2025. I can see change in his work, but that's not the point. He wants to do it and our friends encourage him through it. It feels good to cross that off the list of to do's.

    We are doing something outside of our norm tonight. I had a call this morning from a friend in one of our support groups. I believe we've known each other & been together in various groups 9 years. Anyway, the conversation went something like "let's take the boys to a concert, a Christmas concert." I just said yes - didn't ask any questions - she next said "good, pick us up at 6:00 please, I've already got our tickets." Again my comment was ok, but whom are we seeing? She said "oh you'll love it, the boys will love it and I'll get out of the house. Thanks, see you at 6:00." I did gas the car up because I have no idea where we are going! Normally that would make me crazy, but today, I'm looking at it as an adventure! She's recovering from some pretty rough surgery and not driving is why I'm driving. Sadly he DH has progressed fairly quickly, but right now seems to be stable. We've done things together in the past, so this will be fun.

    I will report in tomorrow who we are seeing tonight. Now to find something quick to fix to feed DH in a bit.

    Be safe out there everyone. And distance yourselves from the negative people. They can suck the air out of you before you know it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,725
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    Our weather is the same, Eagle. Sunshine one minute, then clouds and it's cold.

    Wonder what is going on with our Chiefs? Didn't see the game but will try to catch the next one.

    Sounds like you all have an adventure for tonight. Have fun!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,544
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    Lorita, I love Christmas! Years ago I asked myself how I wanted to celebrate Christmas, in addition to the religious celebrations. I decided I wanted to enjoy Christmas music and eat Christmas foods. This is why I always gain weight at this time, from the eggnog, cider, fruitcake, cookies, various candies and any other holiday food that comes my way. Long ago I gave up decorating because I don't have the energy. I listen to a radio station that plays Christmas music 24/7. I made a nice bread pudding on Sunday, and I am enjoying eggnog today. Every year I watch "It's a Wonderful Life", it never gets old for me.

    Eagle, enjoy your Christmas concert adventure!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,725
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    Iris, I love bread pudding! My daddy made the best I ever tasted. He never used a recipe, just whatever he wanted to put in it, pineapple, raisins, etc. I tried making it once years ago and the dogs wouldn't eat it. Would you share your recipe?

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 463
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    Eaglemom, you are just born to be wild, aren't you? "Get the motor running, head out on the highway, looking for adventure . . ." Have a good time, take pictures, get the charges dismissed!

    I have avoided negative people all my adult life. Their complaints have just enough truth in them to make me start agreeing with them, and then I am as unhappy as they are. I learned long ago to

    think "If you don't like working here, find another job" and walk away.

    Suffering Spandex, Iris, I'm gaining weight this winter too! Between the long nights, the cold, and the holiday goodies, I don't stand a chance. If it weren't for stretch jeans, I'd have to go to caftans and sweat suits. I love eggnog, and hot cider with spiced rum. I heard that Weight Watchers hire extra help to work the phones in January, when we all make our resolutions, and I believe it. The Indians called the full moon in January the Hunger Moon, but I don't think they were dieting.

    I worked for years with some people who made up a schedule of whose turn it was to bring in holiday treats, so there would be cake and cookies in the break room every day of December. And it was all good, too, because everyone can make something, and they all brought their best dish. One of them made Mississippi Mud in a (new) flowerpot, with a little house plant spade in it for a serving spoon, and it was wonderful.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,802
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    Eaglemom— We'll all be waiting on your review of the concert this morning. I do hope it went well. Dad always loved live music. One of the only pictures we have of him smiling in the last 5 years of his life was singing along with a DJ who was playing "Blueberry Hill". It was "their song".

    I love the idea of the calendar. It's funny. DH was a research chemist and very meticulous at the bench. He took up painting as a hobby when he moved to this area after grad school. His stuff was never my personal jam (so many rugged landscapes), and he no longer does, but he was surprisingly talented. Maybe there's something to the systematic mindset that gets tapped in painting.

    David— Congratulations on the graduation from the dreaded boot!

    Lorita— Bread pudding is one of my favorites. I make an old fashioned one from the 1942 version of the Women's Home Companion Cookbook. It's on the more custardy side of the spectrum but makes a lovely dessert that isn't too dense. True confession— I am apt to enjoy it for breakfast using the excuse it's reconstructed fruit, eggs and toast. That counts as breakfast, no?

    Iris— What's your bread pudding like? I have a friend from NOLA who makes hers with a separate bourbon hot sauce. She used to bring a batch to IEP meetings (special education planning for students who need differentiated instruction) for her son. She found it helped grease the wheels.

    Good on you for limiting your exposure to folks who impact your mood. I was surprised that my mom told my sister's younger daughter "not to tell her sad things anymore". My niece is 41 and has pretty much destroyed her life and health with poor choices and later addiction. She, as much as anything, is why my parents opted to retire a distance away. Her good friend is being moved to AL this week. She's been unable to leave her home unassisted for at least 2 years and is now falling several times a week. Both her sons have died, her older daughter is very unwell and the younger one works fulltime and is caregiver to a DH with MS which has left friend very isolated. I think an apartment in a nice community will give her a better quality of life. And she even gets to take her sweet cat with her.

    Jerilynn— Orange-boy doing orange-boy stuff is what my son would say.

    Speaking of felines, now that we seemed to dodge the hospital for mom so far, her cat has decided it's her turn to be ill. She's been vomiting, not eating and hiding under the bed. I was able to get Sugar an appointment at 3pm yesterday. This was not fun. I tried in vain to get mom to agree to a mobile vet but she was adamant we take her to the vet I use. The cat hates being in a carrier. She's using my old carrier which is large enough for 2 adult himmies. She cried the entire way and even moved her bowels in protest. Kitty got an x-ray, ultrasound and bloodwork. After the tests, the vet said she heard some cracking and wheezing in her chest and saw infiltrates and a little fluid in her lungs. Same as mom. Mom is now convinced she gave the cat something. The vet tried to assure her that while possible it's unlikely. We were there almost 2 hours and after I got mom settled and back on her O2— she claimed she was fine on room air but was at 84 when I got her home. I ran to the store to pick up baby food and yogurt to hide the cat's meds in and finally made it home by 6pm. And this is for a cat who isn't particularly nice to me or my kid who is a cat whisperer.

    Today has the potential to go sideways. The plumber comes to replace both my hose bibs which are not to current code, and which have hoses stuck on because of minerals in the water. That's a quick $950 for the most boring home improvement ever. It'll require shutting off the water and the poor tech will be working in the rain. Yuck. They could be here as early as 9am, so we'll all need to be showered and ready for the day. I think I'll fill a couple of my larger pots and the tub with water in case anyone needs to flush. I need to get an electrician in to replace a bad switch in the kitchen. It's the one that operates the garbage disposal so critical.

    Mother sees her PCP again this afternoon for a recheck. If she's improving, she gets to go home. If she's not, she's going to the hospital. She's not being as compliant as she should. She told me her O2 was 92 on room air which is OK, but on exertion it drops. She isn't using her nebulizer either. I got it out and instructed her to use it. I wish she would be more proactive. She has the tools she needs on hand; she needs to get with the program.

    Poor DS is coming down with a cold. He has his Chemistry final at 1:30pm. He's got a sore throat and very runny nose. This happens every year. He works the crowded Santa trains full of snotty preschoolers singing. Like clockwork, he comes down with a cold or flu around the 10th- 15th and then DH goes down hard with man-cold around the 18th-20th. The only time I dodged it was 2022 when DS brought home COVID. DH and mom got sick as well, but I didn't.

    I should be wrapping presents, but they're in my closet and DH is still asleep. Crystal tree is up.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,932
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    good morning everyone

    Eagle those calendars were a neat idea. Hope you had a nice evening.

    I’m not sure if I’ve ever eaten bread pudding.

    I usually enjoy Christmas, and I celebrate it quietly in my heart. It feels special to me and peaceful especially when I’m by myself. I buy a poinsettia, and have greenery on my mantle, and have Electric candles burning. Listen to carols sometimes. For the most part, I do not buy any gifts. I found when I stopped buying gifts that I enjoyed Christmas a lot more And it felt more special. If I knew someone in need, I would most definitely buy for them. I just feel at peace and happy in my heart. I do bake and cook for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. I have good memories of my dad always seeming to really enjoy the goodies at Christmas. My birthday is close to Christmas and my dad frequently bought me a box of chocolate covered cherries for my birthday.

    Carl I like how you said that about negative people. I find that to be true also.

    HB hope mom and son get to feeling better. You’re probably right your mother would do much better if she would be proactive. But, maybe she’s tired and worn out. Life can do that to you.

    Hope everyone has a nice day. We’re going back into the deep freezer here tonight I think so I’m going to try and get out early this morning and get my weekly shopping done. My nephew is not coming for breakfast this morning so I hope to get moving and get going. I have always preferred going to the store very early in the morning, but for quite a period of time now that is not worked for me, but today maybe I can go back to my old habit.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 962
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    Good morning,

    Well, let me update you on the "farm" activities. DH was able to get that "free" backhoe running and I followed him home while praying the whole short distance. He's happy.

    It turned into a beautiful day with sunny skies and temps in the high 60s. So I did a thing.

    I was on the side by side and rode down the road to my Aunt's house. She's alone most every day. So I got her, drove her up to my house to see the new goats, the dogs, chickens and in the house for a Christmas tour! When I got her back home and settled in her chair she cried. Telling me how much fun it was. I joked that everyone in the countryside would be talking about "that JeriLynn had J out on that side by side running the roads!". She laughed and said "probably, but I enjoyed it!". And I believe she did. She laughed as the goats licked peanut butter off my finger and wanted to know how I came up with names for each of them.

    Today is Doctor day for DH. Routine visit with PCP, allergy shot then we'll go to Publix Market to pick up things I need for Sunday dinner for one group of Grands and greatgrands. The two weeks before Christmas is a very busy time for folks with young and younger children. Christmas plays, concerts and church activities. My calendar is full.

    I have made arrangements for Christmas Day. Everyone is staying home and we are going to visit each household with their gifts and some goodies. In/Out and home for us. No big meal, no big crowd, hopefully just a fun day and then home to rest with just each other. Fingers crossed.

    Good luck with repairs today HB and hoping your DH doesn't get sick too. Everyone have a good day.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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    Goodmorning, 64 degrees and heavy rains 2-3 inches we need it because of the drought.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 949
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,725
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    Morning, sunny and bright but crisp here. Cows are scattered everywhere waiting to be fed. Already had my bird feed and Moist 'n Meaty delivered. Amanda, the driver gets out early.

    Sounds like everyone is staying busy. When I woke up this morning I wss thinking about mopping weird. A friend in Calif. a while back wrote that she mopped with vinegar water, I think she said.Need to ask her why vinegar.

    Mint, your Christmases sound nice and relaxing. Wish I could have a poinsettia but the cats would eat it. I have a sweet potato vine on the windowsill above the kitchen sink and they eat those leaves.

    Carl, that is one of my favorite songs. Better go feed the birds. Enjoy your day, everyone.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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