Just need to talk to my friends(201)
So it's Windex, baking soda, Borax and hydroperoxide and Dawn from now on.
Lorita… Does Mike understand that we here mark the changing seasons with barn door discussions…lol
I think i will stick with just butter and honey on my cornbread.
Clogged sewer line can be the result of toilet paper. The ones that feel best just do not disolve.
Changed all of the checkbook registers so off to the bank now.
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Can't wait until Tuesday when I finally get to start my physical therapy and finally get a regular schedule.
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Good morning.
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Good morning Iris. You have a lot of posts to read. Hope you're well and your fur babies, too.
Judith, I doubt it. He doesn't use barns with his cattle, probably because there aren't any. I don't know of a barn like ours anywhere around here. Darwin has a big one but it's an equipment barn.
I went to the mailbox and stopped by the barn to leave a shovel and hammer. Not much shoveling to do so I closed them myself and put a cattle panel across them inside. Closing them makes all the difference in how it feels inside. Didn't have any nails with me so will go back and hammer one in to wire the doors together outside. Only damaged one fingernail- didn't have my gloves with me. Now they will only have to put up whatever he found to put across the doors inside. Really enjoyed doing it and being outside, even got hot.
Mint be careful shoveling that snow. Are you all going to get more? Hope we miss it and, so far, looks like we will.
They're selling bone broth on QVC. Sounds awful to me but Todd got some for Sarah to give her energy when she couldn't eat.
Judith, try cornbread and milk. You'll get hooked!
Sandy, I saw a Cardinal at the bird feeders yesterday, only the second one I've seen lately. I bet you're needing na lot if pretty birds around your feeder. I need to begin #202 pretty soon.
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Good evening
They are giving a little bit more tonight, not much and then Sunday night and Monday they’re giving some more snow. After lunch we got another little squall and it was heavy and it probably lasted about a half an hour. So anyways I went out and push the drive off again, but it was much easier that time. I’m guessing we’ve had around 2 1/2 or 3 inches. The wind is picked up though so the snow starting to blow and it’s colder than it was earlier when I Pushed the snow, probably because of the wind.
I didn’t go see mom this afternoon. I miss going to see her but I Felt maybe it was wise or just to stay home. So I made myself a pan of popcorn and melted some gear and put on top of it. That is so good. That is mainly what I use my ghee for and it js well worth the effort.
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Just came from.my first pizza party and got to meet a lot more Veterans and learned a lot of military stories
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Judith, looks like all of us have a little difference on eating cornbread and milk. I like to crumble my warm cornbread up in a glass, add milk and let the cornbread soak up the milk.
My son in Missouri said they were expecting snow, but it has changed to freezing rain. He told me as cold as it's getting the roads would be icee and it's hard to get off their mountain. No problem with just snow!
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Ron, that's exactly.how I like cornbread and milk. I froze most of the cornbread I baked so tomorrow we can all have a glass of cornbread and milk on the porch, before the weather gets too cold.
I can't find my ax anywheer.Guess I put it in a safe place. I might need it next week to.cut the ice on water troughs.
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Instead of cornbread in milk, I ate pound cake in ice cream, and it was yummy!
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Closing that north door will make a world of difference when that polar vortex comes in Saturday night. This is expected to be the coldest January since 2011. The forecast here in SW MO is for bitter cold with a trace of freezing rain followed by 1-3" of snow, but heavier ice is expected within 50 miles of us to the north and east, so I'm not ruling out an ice storm right here. We had an ice storm in 2007 that left us without electricity for two weeks in the middle of town, and longer in rural areas. When we built our house just outside town in 2009 I told the contractor it had to have a generator no matter what else had to be left out, so we'll be sleeping warm and eating well no matter how icy it gets. I'm going to lay in a few extra groceries Saturday, but the generator runs on natural gas so it won't run out unless the whole town does.
Iris, I love pound cake, especially with strawberries. When there were four of us, I used to make a "pound cake" with white cake mix using less oil and more water than the box called for.
I guess cornflakes are what people eat who don't know how to make cornbread. I'm not sure I've ever eaten cornbread with milk, I just eat my cornbread hot with butter, and cold crumbled up with warmed beans. Maybe I'll make some cornbread this weekend and try it.
David, one of my former coworkers bought lottery tickets and said if she ever won big she would take all of her friends to Las Vegas and blow it. So, I suggest you invest your Bingo winnings in a lottery ticket and take all your friends to Vegas if you win big.
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Good morning
Lorita this is just my thought but cutting ice with an axe doesn't sound like a safe activity for you to be doing. Please mighty careful if you find that axe
Ron I like to let my bread and milk set awhile too but I guess never long enough to absorb all of the milk. Think I would like that though.
Carl I saw Your state might have nasty weather. What brand is your generator? How long can it run before oil has to be changed?
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Good morning on this first Saturday of 2025.
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Strong winds today temps near 30 feeling in the low twenties.
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Good morning.
It's cold this morning. Not the extremes being reported in the Midwest, but daytime highs below freezing. We had a clipper push through last evening which left a coating and a little more expected on Monday.
David— I hope you get a good PT to work with. Are you addressing balance and falls? My mom wrapped up 3 months of balance work a year ago and (knock wood) hasn't fallen since. She was weak through the hips and glutes which impacted her ability to recover from being off-balance. The PT also repaired her gait and banned high heels. For that alone, it was worth the twice weekly drive.
Judith— Your list of cleaning products overlaps my supplies. That said, I do like ammonia for floors. When I had larger windows, I used it in water with a squeegee instead of Windex. I like Glass Wax, too.
Eagle— I'm glad you found the flatware. I wonder if that's a common focus for PWD? I'm always surprised when another poster mentions a quirky behavior of their LO and a bunch of folks reply with "here, too". I'm thinking of my aunt who collected napkins and Kleenex which she'd fold and stuff away for safekeeping. When I bought her Passat, I cleaned fast food napkins out of all the nooks and crannies— the glove box, the on-door storage and seat pockets. A few months later I called AAA to help me with a flat and when the tech removed the spare dozens of napkins fluttered across the lawn. I can't imagine what drew her to open the trunk, unscrew the spare well cover, lift it (German car so full-sized) and tuck neatly folded napkins underneath it before putting it all back together.
Mint— The popcorn and ghee combination sounds wonderful. Do you buy your popping corn from the Amish? The Amish market here sometimes sells something they call "Mushroom" popcorn which pops up half again as large as what one normally gets. It's my favorite variety.
Lorita— A lot of people like bone broth for the benefits. It's supposed great for gut health and the collagen is great for joints and skin health. My niece's husband makes her a batch every week and she had a mug with lunch when she's working from home. She had my mom doing it for a while.
______________________________________________________________________________________I had mom over for dinner last night. I made a small bone-in pork roast, kraut and Amish potato pancakes with apple sauce from the local orchard. She was here during the clipper, which was pretty to watch, but the wet driveway and tertiary roads were slick, so I ended up driving her home instead of DS.
In the middle of the meal, my niece's crazy friend called. She is in the process of adopting a cat who's been hanging around her apartment. "Sylvia" has been coming and going for a time. She's not spayed and is in heat which is making the friend crazy. She does have an appointment for the spay and chipping Monday, but the mewling is breaking friend's heart, so she called me to ask about medicating the cat. FTR, she's being treated for cancer and has a number of psychoactive meds like Xanax and Valium for her use as needed. When she called my niece, they brainstormed and decided Auntie was the person to call. I don't know why they thought I was the person to call for titrating cat-sized doses of human medications, but here we are. I talked her out of the Xanax and told her what dose of Valium my old Persian took for anxiety but then I recalled that mom has some Gabapentin prescribed by her vet for her cat's anxiety around storms— so I took mom home and we found that for the friend to collect. At least the dose is right and it's tuna-flavored. Yum.
I should probably take down a couple of Christmas trees today. Perhaps I'll start with the 8-footer in the living room. I kind of like Barbie's company next to my desk and the pretty Waterford one in the dining room. The outside lights can wait until the January thaw.
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23 degrees here this morning. Up at 3 and have begun to take down the tree. Had to wait on DH to get up and get on the ladder. I'm restricted from climbing alone, lol.
The real weather maker moves in tomorrow with really cold arriving Sun nite/Mon morn. I'm cleaning the fridge today and making a big pot of slop bucket soup (everything in the fridge in a tomato base). Ordered propane yesterday. We have around 40% but after the cold snap will probably need more, so that's taken care of.
Got the 2025 calendar going. All the scheduled appointments and trips are there, birthdays, etc. And reminders. Got tax stuff sorted. Waiting for documents. ugh.
Hopefully none of the Mama goats decide to have babies in the next couple days. But, if they do: we're ready.
Have a good day and I'll BBL.
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Cloud y and chilly here. Sheena went to the door but wouldn't go out- don't blame her. I may.make a.big pot of vegetable soup today. I like it best after the first day.
Filled the two water tanks if the girls come down. I know the pond will freeze and we had ours trained to come to the tanks for water and stay away from the pond. About twelve years ago a calf fell through and I happened to see it so hurried down, went in the icy water and we finally got it out and to the house but after it warmed a bit, we turned it over and it didn't make it. Not sure about Mike's girls coming down to the tanks. When we fed, we had the hayrings and feeders much closer to the.house. I know they won't come twice daily to cut ice on the pond like Toad and Mike did so that's all I can do. Hope the rest of the winter is better.
Mint, if I can't locate the ax, guess I will try to use a sledge hammer. Years ago I was using one and lifted it with one arm and hurt my shoulder and I was a lot younger then.
Opened a letter from my CPA last night and it was to tell me he is retiring after 44 years. His wife was one of our social work students and I remember when he was taking the CPA test, didn't realize it had been that long ago. I hope to find someone nearer to do the taxes. I used to do them but haven't since the farm returns began.
Sheena needs allergy shot and nails trimmed, Stormy needs allergy shot and ear treatment ,(shakes his head so ears need looking at) and I can't get her in the car although a day or so ago we got as far as her putting her feet on the seat.
A piece of insulation around the front door is gone so need to fix that. I found a couple of rolls so will do that today.
We have a Generac generator, On Judith's recommendation). They service it twice yearly. It runs the whole house, carport, storage building and barn. Really wish we had had it years ago when we would be out of power for two weeks or more. Ants got into it a couple of years ago and ruined the mechanism so it had to be replaced. Now he has something he sprays on the inside to keep them away.
Never did get the barn lights fixed The electrician would say he would come over and measure how much wire he would need but never shows up. So hard to get someone to do work.
Time for breakfast so will stop and be back later.JeriKynn, I'm going to start using BBL, too less typing.
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Well I had an unexpected visitor for lunch today my wife surprised me at the VA and had lunch with me. We had beef stroganof. It was more delicious having my wife with me. I was sad when she had to go home. It's at these time I wish I still living at home but i kowthat I'm in the right place do to my Dementia.
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Lorita and Judith - I read on Facebook of a cement truck crashing near Winganon, Ok, in the 50's. It was said to be too heavy to move so they painted it to look like a space capsule and left it there. Have you heard of/seen this?
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Beth , seems like I have but not sure. Not sure where that town is. Good solution to the problem. There's a round barn somewhere NW of us , I think, that I would like to see.
I got the inside cover on the AC in the LR. That should help because it's on the north side of the house. Also got the new piece of insulation on the door.. Now to.go look for the ax. I asked Sheena and Stormy if they had seen it but they haven't.
It is 50 degrees right now with a little sunshine. Guess I should get the trash ready and take it down. Need to bring in the two, big boxes of dog food on the front porch. I will use the dolley to.bring in the unopened boxes.
Watching QVC and the host is talking soooo fast.I can't talk that fast. We used to have relatives in Arkansas and talk about talking slowly. Wonder why Southerners talk slower than people in other parts of the Country? I bet Carl has an answer. Better stop and get things done. BBL.
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Good morning porch buddies.
JeriLynn, it's already the 4th but I have not prepared my calendar nor put it up yet. Hopefully I can get to it today. I like to write down my birthdays and my appointments that I have already made and upcoming events. People are surprised that I remember their birthdays, but my secret is that I have them written down in red on my calendar.
Carl, I like cornflakes, although I haven't had any in a while. I never thought that cornflakes could be a substitute for cornbread for us Yankees LOL.
I never made pound cake from a mix, but I'll keep your recipe in mind. I would use melted butter instead of oil however.
HB, I'm glad to learn that 3 months of PT has helped your mom's balance. Falls are truly treacherous for seniors.
Bone broth is very beneficial.
David, it's nice thst your wife could get over to visit with you for lunch.
Mint, how's your mom?
Lorita, people who live in cities never dream that a country chore would be breaking up ice for cows. You go girl! But be safe! I don't even like taking out my trash in the evening if the weather is chilly. Here in SoCal the weather is warmish in the day, now about 65 degrees, but it gets quite chilly, even cold after the sun goes down. Brr!
I took Adam and Seven to the vet yesterday. Adam had a murmur when I took him to the vaccination clinic two weeks ago, but the records showed that a murmur was found three years ago at his regular vet. I don't even remember hearing that he had a murmur. Anyway, they drew blood to test for hyperthyroidism and some other heart diseases, I have to wait for the report. Also, he has lost 5 lbs in three years, from 13 lbs, now 8 lbs! He is 15 years old. He is always hungry, I have to feed him more.
Seven had blood tests and got her vaccinations. She has infected ears, and I am supposed to apply ear drops twice a day. Already she is beginning to hide from me after the first ear drops, she doesn't like them.
I managed to wake up early for two mornings, even my sleep is still poor. I'll see what I can get done today.
Everyone in the "Arctic freeze" area, stay warm!
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The "space capsule" is real and the round barn is in Arcadia. It is about 30 minutes from me. I have seen it. Both can be viewed online.
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Yes it was a nice surprise.
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I found it!! Got the trash together and took it down and drove up the road to see the girls. They have hay so someone fed either late last evening or early this morning. Everyone seemed content.
Picked up the mail, checked water tanks - still full, took down the rain gauge, put frost guards on both windshields and put the car.in the carport as far I could and brought in metal water hoses.
Then started looking, again. For the ax. Happened to look down and saw something almost covered up in the grass. The ax! Fiberglass handle was barely visible in the tall, green grass! Can you all.believe that we had.hardly any grass this whole summer and now we have beautiful, bright green grass about 5-6 inches tall. Back in the house, finished for the day, I hope.
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HB they don’t sell popcorn at the Amish market I go to. But there’s a bulk food store in my town that does sell popcorn that I believe is from what we call Amish country around here. It’s about a hour away from where we live. I’ll have to double check on that if I don’t forget though whenever I buy it next. I emptied it out into a glass jar. They do sell different varieties but I get the petite that is hull free.
Sorry to hear you are losing your CPA Lorita. Know that’s disappointing.
David nice to hear that your wife was able to visit. I imagine she misses you too because I know I miss my mom.
Thank you, Iris. My mom is doing about the same. My sister went today and said she was talking some of that talk that she would talk at home but she was not being loud so that’s good.
Prayers for everyone affected by the weather that all will come through safely.
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There are times I wish she could stay overnight on e I a while
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Long day today…time for Netflix
Looks like a cold night all round. Stay warm!
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Goodmorning getting ready to go to church but it's cold 26 degrees.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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