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Just need to talk to my friends (203)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    edited March 3

    "Morning, cloudy, windy and cool with storms predicted tonight. The girls are out front waiting for their feed. Wish I could feed them. Several night little ones out there with the big guys.

    Congratulation s, JetiLynn, on Boogie's triplets. She will have her hands full with three little ones. I know what you mean, calving season was always stressful for us. Last night I dreamed there were three lions after two little calves, even got them in the pond before they left. I think that came from watching a show where a wolf tried to get a calf.

    HB, I like that one. I imagine there are lots I haven't heard. This auto correct is driving me.nuts. It's favorite word is "awesome". It thinks Zetta's name is "Extra".

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    edited March 3

    Judith, do you order medium or tall bulbs? Is there a big difference between jumbo and medium bulbs? Still trying to decide on colors. How many do you normally order? I won't need but probably 15 red with green edges and maybe ten white.

    I need to think of something to put in the pink bathtub this year. Petunias do well in full sun, so maybe those. Did order three lantana to put in a.big, low planter(mineral tub) to sit on the tree stump.

    Seems like I can't have plants on the porch - something ,(Rusty?) eats them. Maybe a hanging fern and a geranium somewhere. Also need to find a tree to plant north of house. I think there is an elm about five feet tall almost in the fencerow, if I can get it dug up. Lots to do including taxes and will. Hope you are continuing to feel better.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    I order White Christmas/Jumbo bulb. I love the freshness of the white and also that it shows up at night.

    Tree? I would buy a small tree at WM. the trees in small containers grow really fast. How would you feel about a crab apple? They are so beautiful in the spring or maybe a female Hackberry for the birds and shade for the cows. Elms are so slow growing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Judith, we have lots.of Hack berry trees on the farm. My favorite tree. I would have named the farm Hackberry Hill but mother named it something else which is just as appropriate.

    Hackberry trees grow very tall and have a wide canopy. Where I will plant the tree is the narrowest part of the yard- house to fence. The Hackberries are strong trees and. I think there are a couple in the backyard. We have a Black Walnut and there are always lots of little ones but they make a mess in the yard.

    We have Crab Apples in the garden and they are beautiful when in bloom but, again messy when the fruit falls. I thought the Elm which is about six feet tall,would be good because.it would be a descendent of the one we lost. No matter if it grows slowly.

    Would like another Royal Paulownia for the huge leaves and flowers. Found a place that had them but are out of stock. There are lots.of Bradford Pear trees along the driveway, so several.options. We'll see. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Be careful - looks like a really stormy morning. Weather said we might have a little.bit of snow later this week.

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    Hey there everyone —

    You've all been so busy!

    Beth - I'm glad you had a great trip. Too about about the noisy hotel neighbors - I hate that. Glad you're home.

    HB - I'm glad your mom is doing better. It's been kind of a haul.

    Mint - Hmm, sandwiches better than McDonald's? You're definitely being buttered up for something. 🙂

    Zetta— I'm glad you weren't hurt after that fall! Also, we had a wind storm here last week. Ugh. I hate those.

    JeriLynn- Good news about the babies - and the rest you're going to be getting soon.

    Carl - Cellulitis sounds painful - I hope that it's even more under control than it was a couple of days ago. And yay for daylight savings time!! Winter days are dark and cold up here in the cold waste.

    Lorita - I can't say I'm a big fan of autocorrect. And speaking of Zetta/Extra — a couple of years ago I learned from one of my younger friends that "extra" can be slang ("oh that GG, she can be a little extra, can't she?). I had no idea, but I always like learning new slang.

    Carl and Lorita — We wouldn't roll up our jeans, we'd just let them drag on the ground. They they'd fray at the bottoms. Somehow we thought this was very cool.

    And about WWII - my dad was in the navy for WWII. He was too young to enlist legally, so he lied about his age. He told us that his ship was meant to be at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, but it left early (I think that's right), so he just barely missed it. Whew!

    As for current news - I dropped my husband off at the airport yesterday so he could see his mom in Charleston. He'll be back home on Thursday night. This means that I'm home alone - and I could run amok if I wanted to. 😄 Instead, I'm doing work and being boring. I'll stay up late tonight and listen to Death Guild, and participate in the online chat, but that's about it for excitement.

    Hope you all have a great night!

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Hello, Iris. I need to walk more. I didn't realize how wimped out I have become until I had to walk down from the 4th floor during a power outage and it tired me. It's the couch potato thing. I used to be a stud, now I'm a spud.

    Lorita, I wouldn't try to transplant a 6' tree. A tree that big has a root system as big as the aboveground part of the tree, and it would require a lot of digging to get enough of it for the tree to survive. I'd probably buy a potted redbud if it was my yard. Elms are nice though. My maternal grandparents dug up a small elm by the river in the 1920s and planted it west of the house for afternoon shade. We climbed in it and enjoyed it a lot when I was a child.

    DW and DS are both on the mend. We had a short visit with DS today, everybody wearing masks. It was a pretty day, warm and breezy. Rain and wind tomorrow. It's March, doh.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good morning porchlings.

    It should be pleasant around these parts today— warmish ahead of rain tomorrow. I'll take it after the last couple of colder than average windy days we've had of late. It'll be a nice break from the downed trees and wires closing random roads near me.

    Carl— Your ice machine/elevator story reminds me of a similar one DH and I had. Years ago when DH was recruiting at MIT, I tagged along and we stayed at a brand-new hotel with a view of the Citgo sign. Our room was on the corner and all night we heard "moaning" coming from the room next to us. This caused much giggling and speculation about those guests on our parts. Imagine our chagrin the next morning to discover it was the service elevator.

    Lorita— I have a friend who is an arborist with the horticultural society— her answer to which tree should I get is almost always "an oak" saying there's a variety for every situation. That said, if you'd like something showy, an ornamental cherry might work. I have a massive Yoshino in my back yard that is a stunner. They grow fairly quickly into a wide canopy shade tree and tolerate alkaline soil and low moisture. The flowers are gorgeous in spring, the fall foliage is spectacular most years and they're not at all messy.

    Iris— Nice to have you back among us.

    Jerilynn— Congratulations on your triplets. Have you named them yet?

    Gothic G— Team dragging hems here, too. I don't know how old you are, but it's nearly impossible to roll or cuff a flare or bell-bottom jean. That said, I do have a pair of "boyfriend" jeans that I roll in the summer with sneaks or Birks. In my world "extra" is applied almost exclusively to my mom.

    From the be careful what you wish for files— DH liked the new cardiologist. I didn't personally like the previous one who was nearing retirement anyway, so I suggested he see mom's doc. He seemed to have a greater sense of urgency about some things and has ordered testing ahead of a potential surgical consult as well as adding an additional medication for heart failure. If he does need surgery, it looks like it'll be open-chest vs the TAVR mom had. We should know more by the end of the month.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    @David1946 posted yesterday and I’ve given him the updated #203 to our thread. The Moderators did respond and let me know he had posted. Yay!!!!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    edited March 4

    Good morning

    Looks like this is going to be a week where winter and spring will be fighting it out.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 959
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    edited March 4

    I'm glad that I'm back and on 203. On the way to see my urologist at the Veterans Home. It feels good to be back

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Good Morning again,

    Update on the triplets: the smallest one weighing (I guess) about 4 pounds was rejected by Boogie. DH brought him to me cold and limp with his head lolling to the side. I immediately stuck my finger in the sugar bowl and then into his little mouth. DH mixed the colostrum replacement. The baby was too weak to suckle, so I used a syringe to get some nourishment into him. We had to be gone to town all day yesterday, so I wrapped him up, took a bottle and a syringe and off we went. He was in my lap or in his sling against my body all day. I gave him drops of colostrum every hour yesterday. Oliver the Cat slept by him on the couch when we got home. Last evening he perked up!!! He stood, bleating, crying for food. He drank almost 1/2 ounce. He's peed and pooped. He slept on a pillow pallet by my bed last night. Didn't cry. He's in my lap now, sleeping after his first bottle of the day. If I can just get him thru these first few days, he might make it. DH says he'll have to go back to the barn. NOT happening. His name is Peanut. I promised him he could live his whole life here and never go to the sale barn. Wish us luck.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    edited March 4

    God bless you, JeriLynn, for reviving and taking care of that baby. You have in a crown in Heaven for that and all you do for your animal friends. I so hope he continues to thrive and turn into a big boy.

    We had a scare this morning. My phone alert awakened me before 6 with a tornado warning. A strong front was coming through with all kinds of tornado warnings. Got up and dressed and got what we needed in the bathroom. Then got the GPs and three cats in there. T V reception went off .but found our local weather on You Tube. Called Darwin to make sure he was aware he was.They had damage in Southern Okla. but none here. Still raining but front has moved into Arkansas.

    Better stock up on bananas, avocado s and strawberries before the price goes up this week. New cars are going up, too. Glad I bought mine last year. I should plant a fruit tree,- apple, plum or peach but I might not be around long enough to enjoy the fruit. It takes several years.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    Lorita, glad the tornado avoided your area. It's a scare, though!

    I'm sure you know you can freeze bananas. I do that, and they can be used for banana bread or on oatmeal or in smoothies. 3 times I got lucky and bought a brown paper bag with bananas with peels looking not the best, but the fruit inside was nearly perfect. A bag of 14-16 of these cost me 99 cents.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    edited March 4

    Beth, how do you freeze them? I have tried and they are just a mess. Are yours mushy? I have seen that you can buy frozen avocados but never tried those

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Good morning Front Porch Rockers.

    Sounds like you all have been very busy.

    Iris. It's nice having you back, it will take awhile for you to get caught up. When I got behind, and saw how many I had missed, I never thought I would get caught up, but I did it took me a few days.

    David. You have been missed, thank you for checking in. Take care of yourself.

    JeriLynn. You are so special loving those babies like you do. You saved Peanuts, life. It brought tears to my eyes, the way you took care of him. Looks like you have a indoor house pet. 😄 it's sad that Boogie, rejected him.

    GothicG. Look like a lot of us are dealing with lots of wind. Enjoy your alone time, at home. My kids were gone for three days, I'm glad they're home but I did enjoy my alone time. Thank you for asking about my fall. It was just dummy me getting up too fast.

    Carl and Beth. Five years ago when my kids took me to Poland, the room we stayed in Warsaw, was right between the elevator and pop machine, it was so quiet. Only noise we had was leaving the sliding door open so we could hear the traffic below us. We were on the 3rd floor and a big traffic circle was below us. Beautiful view. We went to Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Schindlers Factory and The Anne Frank House.

    I also remember the olden days, where it cost you .25 cents, to get into a movie. We lived in Sacramento, California. We were kids not even 10, and we walked right down Broadway, to the Tower theater on Saturdays, to go to the movies, not a care in the world. And for 10 years old that was a long walk. It was about 6 city blocks.

    I also remember in Hish Scool we had to ware dresses, and the girls would rat their hair to be real high and the higher you got, the cooler you were. I miss those days.

    My daughter is having a tree planted in her yard, the baby one that came with their new built home, did not make it. The landscaper wax here yesterday.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta aka Extra 😁

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 698
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    Good afternoon all. Phew, what a crazy night. Lorita your crazy weather arrived here causing lots of rain and wind. My phone went off telling me about severe thunderstorm & the next thing I knew the room was totally dark (we have a night light), both sides of our bed were going flat (we have dual adjustable beds), music was off (you guessed it, we sleep to music) and the worst DH's CPAP shut off - we'd lost power. DH laid in the bed saying "what's happening?" It was only off 45 minutes, which was good. But this wind is crazy. We're having 50 mph gusts with sustained winds of 40mph. The poor dog is beside herself - she doesn't like it. Hopefully by sunset the front should be through.

    I'm trying to complete several things around the house today. I have no intention of getting us out. Back later to check on everyone. Let's be safe everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    David, glad you are back You were missed.

    Eagle, weather says we may have bad weather again tonight with 40-50 mph winds. Darwin said they had 1.45" of rain but I haven't been out to check our gauge. I did put it back up Sunday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    how do we get back to 202?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    well now we have 2 bottle babies. Same scenario but this one required a hot water bath in the sink and then the hair dryer. He’s also nursing now. I think the problem is Boogie’s bag is so large and low to the ground they can’t get to her milk. DH is supplementing the 3rd baby with a bottle twice a day. I told him to just bring that one too but he says it’s better if they stay with Mama if possible. I’d rather avoid round 3 myself.
    The weather’s moving in here with strong winds.
    Possible tornados. After dark of course. DH made sure the generator is working.

    Here’s a picture of the 2 bottle babies. Peanut and Axel.

    I play videos of Mama Goats calling their babies to eat when it’s time to feed.😂

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 959
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  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,554
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    If anyone is interested in eagles, the eagle pair Jackie and Shadow have three eggs. Two of the eggs have begun piping, or cracking, as part of the hatching process. There are a couple of Webcam. You can see here: https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles/


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Iris. I have been watching Jackie and Shadow, for a few years, egg 1 and 2 have hatched and both are being fed. I have my TV on the channel viewing the nest. Looks like Wagon Train, will have to wait for a few weeks. I'm now waiting for #3 to hatch. 🦅

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    type it in where???

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Zetta, is that Jackie sitting on the nest now? Looks like it's the same nest as last year. . Are the two little ones under her now and when did they hatch?

    JeriLynn, are all three nursing or just two? We had three bottle babies once. I can handle two but had to use bottle holders for all three. We have had cows with really big udders and had to milk out a quarter or two until the baby got strong enough to tackle the big teats. Those babies are so sweet. I need one or two. We had a sick kitten once that we took to Eureka Springs with us so know how you felt about the baby. Good luck with them.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    edited March 5

    Lorita. The nest is in Big Bear Valley, in San Bernardino, California. Jackie and Shadow, have been using that same nest since 2017. In 2018 Shadow, chased her first mate off, and took over. It's hard to tell them apart, but this year Jackie, has a darker spot over her right eye. And thats the only way I can tell them apart. The first egg hatched a little before midnight last night 11:26pm the second hatched at 4:30am this morning. I love Jackie and Shadow 🤩

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Lorita, yes that was Jackie on the nest, she usually spends the night there. Both her and Shadow are very protective of their eggs. The moderators, think the spot above Jackie's right eye is some sap and dirt. I hope it never goes away. 🦅

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Lorita 2 are being bottle fed, the 3rd one is still with Boogie but DH gives him a small bottle twice a day just to be sure he’s okay. He’s the largest of the babies so he was better able to manage.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    Lorita, I freeze bananas by peeling them and cutting them into circular slices, then bag them in a zip lock and place in freezer.

    JeriLynn, your little baby goats are so cute and you're doing a very good job!

    David, glad to hear from you. How are you feeling? We were very worried about you, since you didn't post for several days. Take care.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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