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Just need to talk to my friends (203)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    edited March 5

    Judith you cam also scroll down to the end of all these threads,on caring for...then click on #2 listing older threads scroll Down to our thread 202. That is what I did.. No posts there from David, though

    Beth, are they mushy when they are thawed ?Guess it wouldn't matter though if making banana bread or smoothies. Thanks.

    Good night, everyone.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Zetta, I remember dresses in high school, and beehive hairdos. My wife's school made all the girls get on their knees in the gym, and if their skirts didn't touch the floor, they were too short. Boys had to wear belts on their jeans and tuck in their shirts. Girls carried cans of hair spray so they could keep the hair ratted high. Boys called it "hay spray" because that's what it made the hair feel like. When my sons were in high school in the 80s the rule was the shorts had to cover the lower curve of the butts, so I guess they still had a dress code of sorts.

    I'd like to get a new car, but I'm paying for adult day care starting tomorrow, and plenty of other things, so I guess I won't until I have to. Consumer Reports says Dodge is bringing back the Charger Daytona, an all-electric version on sale now and 2-door and 4-door gas versions with AWD later in 2025. The base gas engine is an inline six with two turbochargers that makes 420 horsepower, and there is another engine that makes over 500 HP. I'm not a bank robber so I don't need a car like that, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like it if I had it. I really liked the '69 Plymouth Satellite 2-door I had many years ago; it would pass anything but a gas station.

    Enjoyed watching a pair of dove bathe in the birdbath outside my kitchen window today, after the rain. It's raining and blowing again now, at midnight, and we expect light snow by morning. Guess I'll turn in.

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    I've been reading about all of the storms headed various directions. I hope all of it peters out and doesn't affect any of you too much.

    HB - I'm in my later 60s, kicking and fighting the whole way. I never really wore bell bottoms, more boot cut things (or whatever we called that style back in the day). Levi's were the jeans of choice at my school.

    JeriLynn - You're amazing. You're taking such good care of those adorable little baby goats. I can't believe how cute they are. I swear, you and Peggy would have gotten along famously.

    David - it's good to see you! I'm glad you're back.

    I somewhat track the eagles so am psyched to hear about them here.

    Carl - My dream car is a 1970s era 911 Porsche Targa - preferably in Guards Red. Hey, I know what I like. And when I win the lottery, I'll buy one.

    As for the news in the cold waste — we had sun today mixed with some rain, so kind of a nice pre-spring day. I was able to get outside for a little of the sun, but mostly sat and worked. I made it to the end of Death Guild last night - the music was good, and the chat was lively. Since most of us are Elder Goths, we talked about hair dye - not to discuss exotic colors, but what's best to cover our gray! It was actually pretty hilarious. At least everyone was in good humor about it.

    I visited with my mom-in-law and husband via face time. They had king cake! I've never had it, but it's something I think I'd like to try if I ever get the opportunity. It sounds delicious.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    I'm here, too. Hope you're feeling better, Judith.

    Mint, I can so identify with what you said your mother is doing thinking it's her home. My sister did.the same thing. They told me she would be in the lobby and tell visitors to get out of her house when they came to visit. I would call to check on her and would hear her yelling. Don't remember how long this went on. I guess living alone so long she didn't realize.others were supposed to be there, too. Happy your mother has made friends.

    It has been a beautiful day. Picked up limbs and twiggs in the SE corner of the yard and put them in a pile. There are lots more in the side and back but couldn't do them now. Thought about cutting back some shrubs but decided to wait to see if they come out. Did a load of laundry and dried them. Put the mop.bucket together and tried to fix another that wouldn't spin. Finally gave up on that. Got trash together to take down tomorrow and am watching another nature show.now about macaques.

    The GPs have been outside all day until they let me know it was lunch time. They're asleep now. I give them a Prednisone pill, two glucosamines , a vitamin and liquid probiotics. The probiotics has really helped both of them.

    Carl, how were the beans? I'm getting tired of farfalle, English peas and cottage cheese so may thaw a container of beans for next week. I always cook two cups or a pound, too. Trying my best to not eat a slice of chocolate marbled brioche- got a fresh loaf yesterday and it is calling my name from the kitchen.

    The girls were out front this morning until the guys fed and I saw two little bitty babies, so very cute. Stormy went over to the fence and five little ones came over and it looked they touched noses. Stood there for a while until he.moved and they scattered. They were out there quite a while so I moved the water tank(it had been moved when they had been drinking) and filled it. They're up at the hay rings now.

    Having trouble getting this to post. Wish we could hear from David.

    Mint, Darwin bought groceries yesterday and said the brown, cage free eggs were $8. A dozen. White ones were $6. Some restaurants are charging a surcharge on eggs dishes now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    Good morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,282
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    Good morning

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 960
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    Good Morning, I am (today) feeling like that I am 100% better hopefully this feeling will remain. I know that I will have good days and bad days.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    Morning,sunny, windy and chilly. Just fed the birds and Lilly has been watching them. Girls are out in the garden south of the house out of the wind!

    Weather just said there were five tornados night before last in our county and the one just west of us.

    The long post of mine just above is the one that disappeared three days ago. What's going on?

    Glad you are better, David. Ron, hope you are ok today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Good morning Rockers 🙏

    Carl. We also had to kneel to make sure our dresses touch the ground. I'm surprised at the dress codes today. Congratulations on day care, you will enjoy more peaceful time, knowing she is in good hands.

    JeriLynn. Those baby goats are precious. Years ago I got a bummer lamb. She figured out how to come inside with the dogs, that was fun for awhile, but I had to find her a new home, because I had a hard time keeping her out of the house. She was moved to a yard not too far from where I lived, so I saw her often. Her name was Rambo.

    GothicG. Many people watch Jackie and Shadow. Yesterday at one time there was 76,000. Right now there is 51,00. There will be more today, we are all waiting for the 3rd egg to hatch. I don't talk about it on here, because there is too much to talk about.

    Some of you have been talking about needing to walk. You will be surprised at how much you do walk in a day. My daughter, got me a Pedometer, I ware it on my wrist all the time. I'm surprised at how much a day I walk just around the house. I walk at least a mile a day. That counts each time I get up to let the dogs out, each time I go to the bathroom. I'm a TV watcher and I get up on commercials to do my daily chores. It all adds up.

    Have a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    Zetta, do thr Eagles feed the babies at a certain time of day? I know the cows have their babies on a feeding schedule. Has the third egg hatched yet? Glad they have little ones this year after their disappointment last year. If the egg starts to hatch, please let us know.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Lorita, I don't know if they have a feeding schedule, I have seen both Jackie and Shadow, feed them. Jackie, prefers to do it all, but she will let Shadow, do some. I'm watching right now and Jackie, is on the eggs, I will let you know when I see the first sign🦅

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    edited March 5

    Thanks…I never noticed the magnifying glass.

    Thanks also for the eagle info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-L2nfGcuE

    other eagle cams;


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 960
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    Went to lunch with the Veterans at Kelly's roast beef and had fried clams.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    David…glad you are up and about!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good afternoon.

    Rain soon. My knee is extra cranky, and it hasn't even started yet.

    Judith— The one downside to private settings to avoid sharing personal information like emails, is that you can no longer search for posts by a member by looking at their profile. Grrr.

    Lorita— Chocolate covered bananas don't seem to get mushy— I'd experiment with freezing. I freeze mine mashed for use in bread.

    Jerilynn— Your latest additions look cute but seem messy to be in the house. Who decides when they move outdoors with the others?

    David— I'm glad you're feeling well enough to go out for clams. I'm partial to Farnham's in Essex myself but do find myself at Kelly's as my aunt likes it there and it's nearer where she lives.

    Gothic— I suppose we're close in age. IME, fashions are often very regional. I grew up between Philly and NYC and found I was often a season or two ahead of my NE cousins in terms of trends. I recall the first time I wore a pair of 501s when I was visiting in college and my nearest cousin and friends made fun of me for it.

    Carl— Geography seems to play a role in hair, too. We referred to what you're calling "ratted" as "teased". Dad owned a salon for a while when I was younger, and stylists used "ratted" to mean unintentionally tangled. The professionals referred to the technique as back-combing when talking among themselves. LMAO at "hay spray". Mom used to get those intricate dos twice a week and keep it in place with massive amounts of spray or what they called lacquer. I think she is single-handedly responsible for the hole in the ozone.

    I have a friend with an older Targa. It's his track car for club meetings. He has a sweet little 911 that is his fair-weather ride.

    Lady "extra"— I use my Apple Watch to track steps. Mostly it shames me.


    Mom's lack of sense of direction is legendary. Dad often told a story about having to ask someone in mom's neighborhood how to get to her house— with her in the car— because she wasn't sure. She was less than 1/2 mile from home.

    DS took mom for her dressing change at the infusion office. It's less than 2 miles from her house. She has been there 3 times as an infusion patient and previously it was the office of dad's urologist when he got his ADT shots. Even so, I didn't trust her to be able to tell DS how to get there, so I sent a link thinking she'd at least recognize the building once it was in front of her. Nope. He had to call for further guidance— it is a bit confusing as the building aren't well marked but sheesh. DS takes after her in many ways, but his sense of direction has always been reliable. I trusted his over my own since he was about 6. He's like a cat.

    Be safe out there.


  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
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    I'll be back later, but this is for HB and her mom - the new trailer for the remastered Pink Floyd "show" at Pompeii. I may have to get IMAX tickets. I'm not sure I would have chosen One of These Days for the background music for the trailer. I probably would have chosen Echoes. 🙂

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Lorita, I had to go out so I turned the beans down to low and left them for about eight hours. They were a little underdone so I'll use your method next time I cook.

    We had a nesting pair of peregrine falcons on a downtown rooftop in Kansas City when I lived there in the early 90s. Someone installed a camera near their nest and the whole town watched them. The resident pigeons looked over their shoulders a lot more after the falcons came. They had previously been as comfortable as chickens on the window ledges.

    We had a cow that couldn't nurse the calves. She was an udder failure. 😉

    DW has some more time at daycare so I'll go run another errand. Glad you got to go out, David.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Carl. I'm looking forward to how your DW did at daycare. I bet she will be non stop telling you about all the crafts they had. And how much fun she had. 😀

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    Carl, you crack me up -udder failure!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,554
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    edited March 5

    Good afternoon! It's said that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Well, here in SoCal March came in like a lamb with temp over 80 degrees. But now it is cold and raining, was very windy for a few days.

    Zetta, I'm glad you and others are watching the new eaglets, they are so fluffy and cute!

    GG, during the pandemic lockdowns I purchased a pair of jeans without being able to try them on, so when I got home I found out they were flared at the hem, like bell bottoms. I was disappointed, but after I wore them, they did look cute on me. It is said that if you wore a style when it first came around, you shouldn't wear it when it comes around again. Does anyone remember hot pants, the same as Daisy Dukes? I did wear them when I was slim, but I would never attempt those now.

    This spell checker is awful! I wrote pandemic shutdown and it converted that to movie locations!

    This is all for now.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Jerilynn— Your latest additions look cute but seem messy to be in the house. Who decides when they move outdoors with the others?

    @harshedbuzz That will be me. Unless in my lap or my sight, the babies are in the crate. I line it with reusable puppy pads, but they also have accidents on the floor. So yes, it’s messy but they won’t survive at the barn. And it will get messier because next week they have grain and hay to begin nibbling.
    I’ll probably keep them inside until it warms up (shhh.. don’t tell DH yet, lol) because they have to be fed 3 - 4 times a day for 21 days. If they’re doing ok, and it has warmed up I’ll let them go when the feedings are 2/day.

    A lot of laundry and pinesol in my near future. But they nuzzle and suckle my cheeks, neck and nose until I get the bottle to their mouth🤣🥰 so there’s some reward. I’m their person now ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    Carl, you crack me up!

    Beth, are you having bad weather?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    Iowa had blizzard conditions the past 16 hrs or so. Lots of motor vehicle accidents. Here, we got about 2" of snow and high winds. Prior to the snow, we had rain and this a.m. there was a layer of ice under the snow. Much of the ice has melted now. The winds have subsided too and the temperature is 31. The weather and roads should be adequate to go to my exercise class and get groceries tomorrow, I think.

    I have two new Kristin Hannah books to read (well, one is just ordered, not here yet) plus two additional books so will enjoy them this week.


  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Iris, I remember hot pants. There was even a song about them. I'll bet you were real cute in them.

    Beth, that sounds like a terrific day to read some books. The news said you had zero visibility in Iowa, so if people still drove it's no wonder there were collisions. It was windy and snowy here this morning, but without the ice, and the roads weren't really slick by the time I went out. Clouds of snow were blowing across the open spaces, but it had stopped snowing, and it was more pretty than dangerous.

    Zetta, DW woke up hours earlier than usual this morning, so she was beat when I picked her up from day care. I Just gave her supper and put her to bed. I think she had a good time despite looking for me a lot, but she didn't say much. But I got to go to Lowe's etc. without a 0.1 mph trailer, and my stress level is way down.

    My daffodils were peeking out of the snow this morning. It doesn't bother them a bit!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    good morning

    Nice to hear that you had a good day yesterday David. I would enjoy a big plate of fried clams.

    HB hope knee is less cranky today. I have a sister who can take you in some interesting ways to get to various places. I’ve had to learn to say nothing and just ride along and no eventually she will get there.

    Carl glad your wife is able to go to daycare now and you feel a little stress relief.

    winter is raising its head a little today. a very light layer of snow on supposed to get a little bit more this morning.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 960
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    Mint had an excellent clam plate. Today I'm going to have my eyes examined at Jamica Plain In Boston.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Good morning.

    Warmer here today— and dry— but very windy so it doesn't really feel warmer.

    Carl— Those groan-worthy dad jokes should come with a rim shot. I'm glad your DW's first day went well and that you weren't so worried that it didn't add to your stress. Having regular breaks to which you can look forward should go a long way to helping both of you.

    GG— Thanks for that link. I'll share it with her later.

    Iris— Flares are having a moment currently. All the girls at the cool kid table are wearing them. My all-time favorite jeans were Gap's Long & Lean flares. They were universally flattering; despite the name, they were especially flattering for those of us who are vertically challenged. I was kind of hoping they'd do a reissue of the style.

    Jerilynn— Are there such things as goat diapers? Just an FYI— when mom's old cat was thinking outside the box, Odoban was recommended to me as a cleaner by a friend. I was able to find it at Home Depot. It's a multipurpose cleaner with a very light scent that can be used on rugs, upholstery, surfaces and even laundry. It's so much better than products we've used in the past.

    Beth— Enjoy your reading. I'm still plugging through the last of my Christmas books.


    I have nothing on my plate aside from the medicine swap at noon. The nurse at the infusion office was very happy with the condition of mom's PICC although she is still concerned that the pharmacist should change the regulator given the time the meds take to run. He told me so long as there was some fluid in the line (there is) when we change it and that the saline flush is easy, it's all good.

    Evidently, when they were confused about where they needed to be, DS and mom were goofing on the folly of me trusting 2 ADHDers out together to find something.

    Yesterday afternoon mom called me to ask when she was having her next bloodwork done. I told her that as far as I knew, they were supposed to have done the draw during her appointment— mom brought a Lab-in-a-Box kit for this purpose. I asked if they sent her home with the box. She said they told her they needed to keep it. I said that they did the blood draw. She said they didn't. I asked if she was sure. She countered indignantly "yes, I'd know if they took my blood— I'd have a hole in my arm with a bandage on it". Ugh. I told her they would draw the blood from her PICC line just like they did the week before. If there was an issue, I'm sure the pharmacist will call me before sending her new batch of balls on Friday.

    Enjoy your day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    mornimg, cool here this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    up…working on mortgages.ELOCS and taxes. I would rather be painting!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,793
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    edited March 6

    I need to work on tax prep this afternoon. Just need to get started and into my secretarial mode- back to doing reports like I did 30 years ago. Hard to believe I retired 30 years ago.

    Glad you're feeling better, Judith.

    Carl, is the daycare give days a week or everyday? I hope it works out for.both of you. Ron,

    How are the babies this morning, JeriLynn? Do you think as they get stronger and udder gets smaller they can nurse their mom. I don't remember ever returning a calf to its mom after bottle feeding for a couple of weeks. We did use orphan No more to get a cow to take a calf that wasn't hers. Not easy to do.

    Ron, how are you? Did you miss the bad weather this week? Hope you're doing better.

    Zetta, I haven't watched Wagon Train this week. Ours are reruns of the reruns, etc. Are Molly and your cats adjusting to their new home?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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