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Just need to talk to my friends (203)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    Mint, I'm pretty sure we also owe the tax man too. We took money from investments to purchase our new home. We bought and sold a home; the one we sold more than tripled in price from when we bought it but we owned it 34 years so I doubt we'll be paying capital gains on that. Did you get snow yesterday? We had intermittent rain/snow mix but no accumulation. I'm glad of that. We are expecting some 60's and even 70's this coming week!

    Daylight savings time begins at 2 a.m. Be sure to set your clocks ahead before you go to bed tonight. Now, there may be some areas that don't have Daylight Savings Time, maybe Arizona. Is that true, Zetta?

    No plans here today other than reading, cleaning, cooking. I did get a new air fryer! They did not have them at the thrift store, so we bought one off Amazon. I made frozen French fries in it yesterday. They were good. Nice and crispy.

    We had bluebird houses up at our other house. They came and looked and a couple of times even nested in them, but never any babies. Unfortunately, sparrows are very mean to them and will chase them away. Where we lived before, we had 1/2 acre with lots of flowers and trees and shrubs and bird houses, plus a pasture behind us and we had LOTS of birds: robins, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, bluejays, rose breasted grosbeaks (beautiful birds!), orioles, woodpeckers, morning doves, sparrows, house finches, gold finches, hummingbirds, and the occasional bluebird. Saw a yellow warbler and an indigo bunting a time or two.

    Where we live now, we are on 1/4 acre. Our development is newer, with few large trees in the yard. We have a sugar maple, weeping willow, 2 aspens, 2 river birches, a white pine and 4 arborvitae. All of these trees are small, except the willow is medium sized. We live on a 3 acre neighborhood pond. The birds we see are primarily ducks and geese. I saw a belted kingfisher recently by the water. I will not put out bird seed here because the birds drop a lot of it and it grows and I can't have that on my grass/lawn. At the other place, though, the feeder was in my garden and that worked out fine. I loved seeing the birds. I do plan to put out a jelly feeder for the orioles though and maybe a hummingbird feeder. Those aren't messy.

    Praying for everyone here. Carl, hope your DW will grow to enjoy day care. Your attitude is correct; you need time to yourself and you are doing the right thing.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    I don't love the trees we have here; they were planted by the prior owners. And they were planted WAY too close together.

    My favorite trees include tulip tree, linden, flowering crabapple, maple and peach. Our lot is so small; not sure what we will do as we enhance our plantings. Tulip tree above.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Morning, cloudy with a cold north wind here. Rain forecasted for today with snow West of us. Fed the birds and left peanuts and sunflower seeds for Rusty. I.bought five pounds of peanuts for birds and squirrels from WM. Groceries and those were delivered yesterday.

    I googled cedar waxwing birds and have never seen them. We have a lot of Eastern Red Cedars but no waxwings.

    Carl, that would be so appropriate because he is. No compassion from the WH at all.

    Did the third egg go ahead and hatch? I'm worried about that baby having such a hard time getting out of the shell. I.checked the camera and Jackie was still on the nest.

    Hope everyone is well this morning.

    Carl, does your wife go to daycare on weekends? I think I asked before but are you close to Rockaway Beach? That was our favorite place when I was much younger but Charles and I went later and it was so different. We loved to go to Eureka Springs. Have you all been there? Be back later.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 698
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    Good morning all. I'm just going to say it, burrr. From the last several days being beautiful to a front last night with rain. Its in the low 40's with a north wind. These temp. changes are wild.

    I'd had a long list on my 'to do' list for yesterday. But things changed and yesterday's list is now today's list! I certainly won't be working outside.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day. Let's be safe.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    All 3 eggs have hatched. I think the third one just hatched with in the last 3 hours. Jackie, is feeding them right now. So sweet, and they are all about the same size 😍

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Thanks, Zetta. After my last post I thought I saw three. I hope Jackie can make sure the youngest one gets his share of food and the two older ones don't pick on him.. They are so cute.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    here and enjoying the bird chat and checking on the eagles

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Hello again.

    All 3 of Jackie's and Shawows, eggs have hatched. From what I have read, she feeds them in a pecking order. I feel sad when she just feeds one, but they say she's feeds them all, equally.

    Carl. You did the right think for both you and your DW. You need to stay healthy, so you can be there for her. When my DH, was in MC, he was always looking for me, even when I was there.

    Beth. Yes, Arizona and Hawaii, are the 2 states that don't change times. That tulip tree is beautiful 😍

    We had rain and wind yesterday, I enjoyed the rain, but not the wind. Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    Beth it’s a good thing if you owe the tax man on your investments, laugh out loud. I don’t think at least in Ohio, that you have to pay any taxes on your money from your house because I think it basically rolls over into your new house you bought. The reason I have the issue is because that I had not lived in that home for two years out of the last five.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Zetta, if she feeds in the pecking order that means the third one will be the last one to eat. Animals are so patient with their little ones and so protective.

    Beth I have never seen a tulip tree like that The ones around here have a lot of purple on the bloom. I just read it is time to plant bareroot trees and shrubs. I noticed yesterday my heavenly bamboo at the NE corner of the porch is comimg out. Hope the others do.

    More and different varieties of daffodils are blooming, one is a miniature. South of us at an old houseplace there are lots of them. May dig up and transplant more..

    I bet when I sell the farm there will be lots of taxes to pay. What percentage do you have to pay?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,097
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    Lorita. She feeds them all, I guess she gets them full,and moves to the next. I do see her trying to feed them at the same time. The viewers are worried, including me, but the moderators say all is well.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Beth, your tree looks like a tulip poplar to me. They grow really tall, rapidly. At my last house, my next door neighbor planted one right on the property line and it shaded my deck. I could lie back on a recliner with a drink and look up at the beautiful blooms. Lorita, what you describe as a tulip tree is popular here. It isn't nearly so big and the blooms get frozen and turn black about every year, but it's pretty too.

    I live about an hour north of Rockaway Beach, but I haven't been there in years. I love Eureka Springs and have stayed at the "haunted" hotel but haven't been there in years either. In fact, I haven't spent a night away from home since about 2017, when DW got down with AD. We went to Savannah GA that year and had a great time, but we have stayed home since.

    Got to go. TTYL

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Carl, I think I figured out TTYL. We never stayed in a hotel in Eureka Springs. Our favorite place was Tall Pines. There were little cabins in the Pine woods and we could walk in the woods in the fall. Our favorite times there were April and October. There used to be a restaurant there called Bit O Sweden. The food was so good but it closed years ago.

    I love NW Arkansas and SW Missouri. Beautiful trees and country but I still like to be able to see several miles. We have lots of trees but more open spaces. It's mostly cattle country now instead of row crops. I miss seeing fields of cotton, corǹ and soybeans.The man south of us still raises soybeans but he is about the only one around here. I grew up picking cotton and pulling bolls and picking corn. Guess that really shows my age. I had a good childhood when there were better times.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    The baby Great Grand feeding Peanut ❤️ She had an absolute blast yesterday.

    I spent today cleaning and then cooked for one set of Grandkids. The grandson came to help DH work on a tractor so I slipped him a little $ and made a late lunch of burgers, fries and smoked sausages. It was a nice day until the wind picked up around 5. Colder weather forecast for tomorrow.

    Babies are fed and bedded down in their crate, so I’m going to take a hot bath and turn in early. SIL and her husband are coming tomorrow so I’ll be up early to make chicken salad and an Apple Dump cake. Good night and sweet rest!

  • GothicGremlin
    GothicGremlin Member Posts: 932
    Fifth Anniversary 250 Likes 250 Care Reactions 500 Comments

    Doing my best to catch up —-

    HB - I always found that those of you on the east coast were ahead of us on the west coast fashion-wise. Also, I cast no stones in your mom's direction about her lack of a sense of direction. I don't have one either. Spin me around three times and I'm lost.

    HB & Iris - I don't remember the Gap's Long and Lean flares, although since I'm also vertically challenged, they probably would have been good for me. A few years later (late '70s - early '80s?) I discovered Chemin de fer jeans. Do you remember them? This eBay offering is as close to the style of the pair that I had. They were kind of expensive at the time (although not as expensive as in this eBay photo!).

    Carl - I love your "dad jokes". 🙂 Also, I'm glad that day care is working out for you and your DW - it's a bit of a break for you. Also glad you're enjoying some warm weather.

    Iris - I also wore hot pants back in the day. I used to sew a lot of my clothes back then, and I made this dress with matching hot pants. The dress had a "v" cut out in the front, and that's how you were able to see the hot pants. I wouldn't wear hot pants now that I'm ancient!

    Mint - good for you for getting your taxes done! I got Peggy's done, now I have to do ours …

    jfkoc - mmmm, tacos! I don't have them very often, but we've been using Impossible meat (plant-based) - works well! It's ultra-processed, so it's not good for you, but it tastes good. 🙂

    Beth - I love your tulip tree!

    JeriLynn - Peanut and your great grand both look so happy!

    As for me — Thursday was the first anniversary of my sister's death. It still feels a little surreal to me. I spent a lot of time on the phone with Peggy's friends, M & D (the core of "Team Peggy"). We talked about fun times and the sad times. I'm really glad they're both still in my life. I haven't been back to Peggy's memory care facility since last year at around this time when we cleaned her room out. I think next week I'll stop by, say hi and thank you, and drop off some tasty snacks.

    The weather has been — okay. We've had a mix of rain and sun, but it hasn't been frigid.

  • Carl46
    Carl46 Member Posts: 534
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    Lorita, day care is Monday - Friday only, closed on weekends. Their primary focus is care for young adults, who appear to have been disabled since birth, while their middle-aged parents work, but they have some Alzheimer's clients as well. It's pretty noisy there, which aggravates DW's headache, so she went without her hearing aids yesterday. I don't know how long this can last, but reading HB's note on Gene Hackman's last week, wandering around the house alone after his wife's death, motivates me to give it every chance.

    My father grew up in the Texas panhandle, where a grove of trees is a sign there is a house in the middle and somebody watering them. He liked SW Missouri because it has four seasons instead of two (hot wind and cold wind), but he missed being able to see 70 miles in every direction. NE Oklahoma is pretty. I had an aunt and uncle who settled just outside Ada after they sold their store in Oklahoma City. They had a little hilltop house with a peach tree in the yard, a nice place to retire.

    JeriLynn, Peanut is almost as cute as the girl feeding him! My in-laws had a miniature pinscher named Troubles, because he had to be bottle fed and was trouble from the day he was born.

    Daylight savings time starts in a few hours. One of my friends worked the 6:30 - 3:00 shift and loved summer, because with DST it was like having a whole afternoon off. We need to drive carefully Monday morning, because the streets will be full of sleep-deprived drivers and there will be extra collisions.

    Sleep tight, friends. Take care of yourselves and each other.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
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    Good morning

    Suppose to be sunny😊

    JeriLynn looks like Greatgrand is having fun

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,864
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    Happy DST to those on the porch. May you enjoy resetting the time on your range and vehicle's dashboard display. My goal is to synchronize the time displays on my range and over-the-range microwave— it makes my eye twitch whenever they're really off. It's sort of like an unmatched plaid.

    Beth— That looks like a tulip polar to me, too. We don't have many where I live, but you do sometimes see them as street trees and in the arboretums in Philadelphia.

    My feeder is down currently as suggested by the county DNR. There has been bird flu among wild birds in the next county and this is one way to mitigate that risk. We don't get many interesting birds at this house, but when we lived on the creek you never knew what you might see— great blue herons, fishing ospreys, woodpeckers as tall as a toddler, etc.

    Jerilynn— I love the picture. Your great grand is adorable. Think of the memories she's making.

    Carl— Even if the day program isn't ideal, any steps you can take to support you as a caregiver will be beneficial to your DW as well.

    The Hackman story really struck me as we had a similar situation in my family. Mom and dad were living their best lives in FL one winter when dad was undiagnosed (mom fought me a decade around this) by in the middle stages of mixed dementia when mom developed an autoimmune liver failure. I called most days to check in, especially since I knew mom wasn't feeling well. When mom got to a point where she wasn't up to answering the phone, I'd call dad, and he'd assure me she was shopping or at the pool. These confabulations tracked but weren't true. Once a 48-hour period went by without anyone answering so I called for a well-check. Dad answered the door and told the police the same conflated nonsense he told me. Dad took mom to Publix where she ran into a neighbor who was a nurse and recognized mom's severe jaundice and confusion and drove her to the ED. The hospital staff recognized dad's diminished capacity and tracked me down via an emergency contact form at her PCP's office. I flew down, visited mom and then drove to her house where I found dad hosting neighborhood happy hour in nothing but a bath towel. Had she died, I have no idea what I would have walked into.

    Gothic— I didn't have those, but my younger sister did. She was barely 5' so finding jeans was more of a challenge for her. I had hot pants. I remember one outfit my mom made me that not only had low rise hot pants it had a bare midriff top. It was basically a bikini with sleeves bordering on fetish wear. In retrospect— what was she thinking? She used to borrow the top to wear with white jeans but never those hoochie shorts.

    I'm up early. The pharmacist overseeing mom's medication wants me to check the medication ball 18 hours after it was switched. Mom is reporting it as "empty" which could be an issue as the PICC line could coagulate if nothing is being pumped through it. The infusion nurses have a sense of urgency about this. Two weeks in, this hasn't been an issue— the line flushes easily. As with all medical procedures and tests, I asked him what we would be doing with that information, and he really couldn't tell me which makes this feel like a fool's errand. The nurses tell me they have different regulators and could perhaps slow the infusion at bit. My plan is to drive over there by 8am and then come home and shower and then drive back over there at noon. Ugh.

    I'm making my annual corned beef and cabbage for dinner. It occurs to me that DH's birthday is Friday so I will need to sort out dinner for that. I still own mom a birthday dinner as she was in the hospital for hers. Maybe we'll combine them and then DH and I will sneak out later for a date night.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 959
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    I hope everyone remember to change the clock today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    I set no clocks forward….ugh

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Morning , JeriLynn, your granddaughter is precious. Bet she enjoys feeding Peanut. He is so sweet.

    Didn't go to bed until MN. Watching something on TV- don't remember what or why. Woke up at 6 to watch Denim & Co. Just stayed in bed to watch the Sunday morning news shows. I will probably need a nap.

    Beautiful morning. All the girls are out front waiting for feed but none today. Fed the birds but guess they didn't think they would get fed so none or just a few out there. Put out sunflower seeds and peanuts for Rusty but he hasn't shown up either. Everything is off kilter. It's supposed to be in the 60s today with no wind.

    Good to see you posting this morning, David. I set one clock forwsrd last night and the other this morning.

    Judith, in years past I did'\t reset any clocks, just added an hour when I looked at them. Maybe this will be the last time we have to do this if the bill passes. But would have to set them back first. Hope you're well.

    I was wrong they are feeding the girls today. Girls are smarter than I. I thought they were off on Sunday. Grass is beginning to green up and guess they will feed more until grass grows. The grass in my yard is really growing. Didn't have any grass except crab grass on the north side last summer.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    LLC, chapter S, chapter C, leases, trusts….blah, blah blah!!!! Time for Netflix!!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Judith, what do you mostly watch on Netflix?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,554
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    I'm up.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    Getting ready to take down trash and then take a nap. Our PBS station is having their Spring fundraiser and just had an interesting show. It was "Rick Steves Fascism in Europe". It helped me understand more about WWIi and what brought it about. If if shows in your area, it is really worth watching. Beautiful day here but a bit chilly still.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 4,078
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    edited March 10

    MOVIES! Watching one now that has 8 seasons. In the morning I watch all 3 news channels and the market reports. No more TV until 3p when Jeopardy is on.

    Loved the pic of peanuts and the GG.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,792
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    I watch Jeopardy, too, but it comes on here at 4 p.m. Also watch Wheel of Fortune at 6:30. I watch nature shows when they're on. Are you watching 1923?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,958
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning

    40 degrees this morning!
    Moon is pretty this morning. Think it will be full Friday. Believe it is the worm moon. States ground is thawing and earthworms should be emerging.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 937
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    JeriLynn, Your granddaughter is beautiful! Little Peanut is a cutie.

    We get our taxes done today, hoping it isn't too big a hit.

    Have a great week!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 994
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    Good Morning,

    Doctor's appointment for me today. Sunny and bright here with temps in the 60's. Rain and storms later this week when we hit a high of 80 on Thursday. Predicting 1 - 3.5 inches of rain… a gully washer.

    The babies are fine. We are going to try them with Boogie when I get home. We'll see if she will let them nurse and bottle feed to supplement today. They'll come back in for the evening, I hope. DH is determined they need to be with Mama. We'll also give them access to grain today. They've been nibbling hay in their crate in the living room, lol.

    Tax prep continues, slow but sure.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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