Just need to talk to my friends (203)
I decided to change my hair cut here it is
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Good morning. It'll be sunny and warmer here today which is nice for a change.
I need to call my new BFF Mark-the-pharmacist to discuss the medication ball again. After swapping out the medication, mom has an eye injection appointment at 3pm. I'm curious about her vision testing; she's been complaining about worsening blurriness and ascribing it to not taking her AREDS2 vitamins as religiously in the hospital as she does at home. Working with the pharmacist through her assigned RNs is a mixed bag. Though OTC, these are prescribed by her retina specialist and very important. I'm not sure a couple days here and there would have a noticeable impact and will ask the doc this afternoon. The Syfovre has been working well to keep her AMD progression slowed. She claims it's improved, but it's not supposed to work that way. Her vision tests have actually improved a bit. I wonder if she's had a measurable change.
I suspect my people will be eating out of bags tonight as I won't be home until 5:30 and will be too tired to cook.
Be well.
HB1 -
here…Furnace maintenance here at 8a then more tax work pulled together for accountant.
Beautiful day and looks like a spectacular week weather wise.
Fun to see the 3 eggs hatched!
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Morning, nice and sunny here and not much wind. Girls are between the house and pond looking for blades of grass. The two little babies are walking around among them but every once in s while they find mom for a snack.
Good luck, JeriLynn, with the babies nursing. I'm with you about keeping them inside at night for a while.
Looks like several of us are dealing with tax prep. I like the new haircut, David. I always felt ten years younger and ten pounds lighter after having mine cut.
Turned on the LR TV and now I can't find the remote. Cats are running amuck.. I keep a cover on the divan and have had to straighten it three times. They get so excited.
Time for breakfast, back later.
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The little girl is a great baby animal caretaker!
I love Rick Steves and used to watch all of his shows on PBS.
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Looking shipshape, David!
The moon is full Friday night. I read it will be called the Blood Moon because we will have a lunar eclipse and it will be red around 1:00 AM. We expect rain, so I will probably miss it, just as I missed the Snow Moon in February because it was cloudy and snowing. There was a lunar eclipse in the '90s (1996?), when the Hale-Bopp comet was visible, and we built a bonfire and had a party to watch the show. Good times.
Lorita, I know what the farmers can do with all those soybeans. With meat and egg prices climbing, they can sell tons of tofu.
Taxes are taxing. I'm scheduled to get mine done Wednesday.
Thanks, JeriLynn, hope you have a good day too.
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I too like Rick Steves. The program Lorita watched wss made 6 years ago. Here is the link;
BTW…Lorita. a friend just picked up her dogs at the vets. She was told that since the dogs did well outside that the allergies were obviously caused by pet dander and dust from inside the house. Yes, they are GPs. The vet told her to get one or more air purifiers asap.
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70 degrees, daffodils in bloom. Looks like Spring!
I picked up wind-blown trash in the yard and moved the leaves and mulch out of the garage with a leaf blower. Then I sat to rest and watched another large leaf blow in the open garage door. Looks like Spring!
DW is adapting to day care a lot better. I worked on my Memory Care search a while, think I've found a good one but haven't visited yet.
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Just ordered my caladiums - Fiesta and Royal Flush. I like red with some green and one or two white ones in each container. I ordered lantana to go in the container on the tree stump. Hope I can find some good petunias or vinca for the bathtub and a fern and geranium or two for the porch. Guess I'll have to visit the barn and pastures for the dirt. The gophers or something make big mounds of good dirt in the pastures that I use for containers plus the liquid gold from the barn.
The daffodils are beautiful blooming in clusters like bouquets in the green grass. The pastures are greening up, beginning to look like Spring. Now to decide about the tree.
Thanks, Judith. Sheena and Stormy are staying outside a lot so allergies are better. Barclee, my ShIh Tzu, was allergic to something in the grass. I think I have an air purifier - need to check the filter. Just fed them their canned food. I feed it in paper plates. Stormy will hold the plate down with his foot but after Sheena eats most of hers, I hold the plate down for her. I keep dry food down free choice for them. I had no idea when that show was made but very appropriate for now. Very happy I am retired from the VA.
Got a couple of bills paid and the Caladiums ordered but nothing done on taxes. My appt. With the new preparer isn't until the 20th so have a little time. Won't take too long to get them together. Won't have many deductions - wish I could count cat and dog food.
Carl, I have bought tofu a couple of times thinking I would use it, but never did. Price of meat doesn't bother me and I eat very few eggs; in a month, maybe four or five unless I bake so GPs get the rest boiled. Guess we can all use egg beaters.
So far WM hasn't raised egg prices too much and same with avocados. Lots of talk about having backyard chickens but not for me. Several Years ago saw a sign in the feed store for chickens for sale-$12 each. A while back I heard cattle prices were really.high but have.no idea what it costs in stores. I know feed and hay is really up.
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So I decided to find my ancient air purifier. It has disappeared. The new ones for pet dander and dust are really expensive now but they seem to not need filter replacement.
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Air purifiers: I have 4. But with my reports of how many people and animals are in and out of my house plus being in the middle of 40 acres of crops and pastures, you can understand why!
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Jealous of all of you with 70 degree weather! We're at 47 today and overcast. My phone tells me that it feels like 44 outside because "the wind is making it feel cooler." Thanks, phone. 😄 I was out earlier and it does feel like that temperature range.
Count me in as a Rick Steves fan.
And for air purifiers - we have two. We're going to be really needing them in a few weeks with spring getting ready to begin. We get so much pollen, there are often thin sheets of it on the ground. Ugh. Which reminds me, I need to double check the filters.
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Just checked out the eagle cam. I saw all three little ones waiting for sup per. Jackie wss standing on the edge of the nest. She kept looking around like she was waiting for Shadow to bring food. Guess she gave up on him for the moment and settled back into the nest. She really is a good mom, keeping her eye on her babies. Looks like all the snow has melted.
I have been sleepy all day. Do not like this time change. Lucky Zetta doesn't have to deal with it - lucky you, Zetta..
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Doo wop music on PBS!
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I love doo wop! Songs like "In the Cool of the Night" take me right back to 1963, being young and slow dancing with high school girls.
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good morning
Ron, I don’t think we’ve heard from you in a few days. Hope you’re doing OK.
David that’s a nice haircut. Glad you are feeling better and that you found
HB hi sister who is 14 years younger than me has macular degeneration and has for several years now. They have her on some type of eye supplement and she’s very faithful doing the supposed to do and check each day. She says she’s actually her vision. Her doctors very happy with how she’s doing. I hope your mom’s test turned out OK.
Lorita a nd JerriLynn you both are blessed to have the animals around to watch. I always enjoy seeing the animals out in pasture. with HD where they belong. Sometimes they do need a little help though from their friends.
The moon is beautiful again this morning . I’ve got to see it since we may not be able to see it later in the week. They’re giving a possibility of storms on Saturday.
Carl, I see there isplenty of trash in my yard too. I have no trees in my yard and neither does the neighbor but I have all kinds of leaves. I see packed up against the fence house corner. That’s OK because I will bag them up and I will be glad to have them for my compost. It’s 51 this morning and it’s supposed to get up into the 60s so hopefully I’ll be able to get some yardwork done. Nice to hear that your wife is adapting to daycare, that’s great!
For supper last night I made a new recipe. It was super simple to make, and I thought it was really good. Put a jar of salsa into a crockpot. Slice a red, yellow and green pepper, put in pot. I only had 2 peppers and that was fine. Slice up a half of an onion and put in there. Add a packet of fajita seasoning mix. Stir that all up. Lay two large or four small chicken breast down in there. The recipe said to cook on high 4 hours, which is what I did. But I’m sure you could leave it on low for eight or more hours if that works better for you. Take chicken out and shred it with mixer. Put chicken back in pot and stir it all up. They said to serve it over rice. I had leftover noodles that needed used so I put it over noodles and it was delicious. I think it would also be good in a tortilla. Today I plan on making some rice. I put sour cream on top of mine you could use cheese, cilantro, some lime juice, etc..
take care
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Good Morning Rockers,
34* right now, moving to the 70's today. We'll have another little cold snap before Easter, always do. I ordered my Dear Aunt an Easter dress online. It should be here today. It's something I do periodically so she gets a little "happy" that she wouldn't otherwise buy for herself. She always "fusses" that I shouldn't do that, but then she calls Easter morning to come show me how she looks in her new outfit. I guess this year I'll go to her since she's not driving anymore.
Well, the RV is gone and SO IS THE PAYMENT!!!!! I'm so excited. I sent a really nice note to the Loan Office thanking their staff for helping get the final payoff processed long distance from Washington State. It is such a relief to have that done. Now, to finish the Tax prep. I'm going to get a different system in place for that this year so at year end it isn't such a pain. A checklist, a real one/not one I scratch out on a notepad, is in order I think.
Two of the Grandgirls came by yesterday to retrieve frozen vegetarian foods from my freezer. DH's late wife collected depression glass. It occurred to me the youngest Grand had not retrieved any items when I packed them up from his house. So, she went through the remaining pieces and took what she wanted for her new place. She had tears in her eyes. There was a lot of hurt in their family and I'm trying to put bandages on those old emotional wounds, one at a time. My DH was the only steady/stable person in their lives. Now they have one more.
OK, coffee time is over, babies want to be fed and DH has a Cardiology appointment in Winchester today - so off I go. You all have a good day. I'll see ya later.
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Mint thank you, I'm feeling a lot better. Except for my legs ( I need help getting out of a chair) once I'm up i can walk without any help. Hopefully pt can help me with that.
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Good morning. It's still chilly here but headed up to 66F which will be lovely.
Iris— I always enjoyed watching Rick Steves. His travel guides are really useful for trip planning. These days he has a radio program on NPR which features interviews with local experts. I listen to it as I run my Saturday errands.
Carl— I'm so glad your wife is settling in at the day program. Good luck touring the MCF. I hope it turns out to be a good fit.
Lorita— I hope you found your remote.
Judith— We have a whole house air purifier. It was installed on our forced air HVAC one afternoon when I left DH alone with the tech. I'm not sure it does much but it is supposed like the one used on the ISS.
Jerilynn— I hope your husband's appointment goes well and that your aunt enjoys her new dress. My late MIL lived in a small town without many shopping options, so I always sent a capsule wardrobe in her tiny size as gifts. I know she loved having new things when she went out with friends.
Mint— Mom's appointment went really well despite the office running late. She had a 2pm appointment and I got home just after 6pm. Normally this office is closes around 4pm and we're on our way home then. It doesn't matter if we have a 1pm appointment or the 3pm appointment— we don't get out until 4.
Your sister probably takes Preservision AREDS2 formula vitamins. They're kind of the gold standard for AMD and were the only option for mom's presentation for a long time. The last 2 years she'd been getting injections for GA. This is supposed to slow progression, but her left eye (the one with optic nerve damage as well) is improving measurably on vision tests— the doctor even commented on it.
My day is quiet. Aside from running over to mom's house to swap out her meds I have the day off. Pizza tonight for dinner and I think I'll whip up a couple loaves of banana bread. I have too many bags of frozen bananas in the freezer right now.
HB1 -
Good morning all. It was a beautiful day yesterday and it looks to be the same today. DH had an appt with an orthopedic surgeon yesterday for his shoulder. He didn't listen to me, hmm, and during chair yoga lifted a weight above his head. He immediately went ouch, but kept doing the exercise, hmm. That was Nov. He's complained some but in the last 2 months its really bothered him. We've been to several doctors, etc and all say 'time.' He just isn't buying that - thus the surgeon. Now he believes the surgeon - time and PT. And e did receive an injection which has helped. Now today's job is to find someplace that isn't gym like for him to attend PT. We both liked the surgeon very much except,…..the parking lot is the size of a postage stamp!!! Cars were circling waiting for a spot. No street parking either.
I'm glad everyone seems to be on the mend. I think 'slow and steady' is the best route for everyone, me included. Let's be safe everyone.
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My new opthamolagist (sp) has me taking Melatonin along with the AREDS.
Slow dancing…sigh. Was there anything better than a highs school crush!
Guess I need 2 new purifiers. One by my desk and one near my bed upstairs.
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JerriLynn I am sure it means a lot to DH and other family the things you do to bring healing.
HB glad you re getting to have a quiet day.
Yes eagle slow and steady.
LOL maybe I should turn my air purifier on
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Hi, looks like everyone, almost, is up and at 'em. All the discussion about air purifiers prompted me to check mine. Can't tell if there is a removable filter but plugged it in and it is running. Found one in WM and ordered it. Has a hepa filter and it was on clearance. I guess I'll keep one in LR and one in bedroom. Will be here tomorrow..
. Beautiful day, sunny and warm but windy and that will get worse each day until we get 50 mph winds Friday. We have very few days without wind.
This morning all the girls were out front. Saw one of the babies and when they came to feed he took off just like the big ones. Makes me sad that they are no longer mine but happy I can still watch them. If and when they bring the Gator back I can go out and be with them or when it gets dry enough to drive the PU in the pastures. They took all the Gators in to service them.. It is getting green everywhere. Anxious to see if my trees made it .
The daffodils are beautiful - do wish they would bloom all spring and summer. The pretty, white flowers in the front are are up but not blooming yet. Plan to drive down to the old houseplace south of us to see if the miniature ones are blooming. May transplant some more of them.
Do you all remember it was five years ago today that Covid was declared a global pandemic? Time goes so fast. Seven million lives were lost worldwide with 1.5 million of those being in the US. Still lots of long Covid around.
Ron, how are you today? We need to hear from you.
JeriLynn, did the babies stay in the house last night?
Been meaning to ask ,- what do you gentlemen pay for a haircut? D. Says they are $18. Here which is almost twice what they were ten years ago. We had a beauty shop about 45 years ago and we charged $3.50 for a shampoo and set which was more than the others charged. Can imagine how much it is now.
Enjoy the afternoon.
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A men's haircut here is about $35 at a barbershop. A scissor cut is an extra $5. First responders and active military get 20% off. Most of the shops near me are of the trendy man-cave variety with big screen TVs and complimentary beer on tap.
The guy who does my hair cuts a lot of men's hair and charges $50. City prices.
HB0 -
I was thinking that we were in springtime here in SoCal, but apparently we will be expecting two rainstorms with cold fronts. This means possible snow in the mountainous and desert areas, possible mudslides in the burned areas. I will do some shopping today ahead of the rain.
So dogs can be allergic to their own dander? My nose keeps running, perhaps it's due to cat dander.
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Yes @Lorita, they were in the house. We didn't make it to the pasture yesterday as we had Grands show up. They are in the stable with Boogie now to see how she will do. DH made me leave the barn because he said every time I spoke, the babies were looking around for me. He says they don't know Boogie is their Mama. Boogie is laying down not paying them any mind. DH is working in the barn so he can keep an eye. Even if she lets them nurse, I'll bring them up this evening. They ate some grain out of a doggie bowl this morning in their crate, after their morning bottles. I hate to say it but I don't want Boogie to have any more babies here.
It is indeed a beautiful day. I'm mopping while the babies are out of the house, lol.
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Hello All. I'm still here trying to keep caught up with all of you busy, Front Porchers. I've had a pretty busy week. My daughter's home just went through, inspection for the first year check up. These homes are built in complexes. All sold new and inspected a year after purchasing. Only a few things needed corrected on hers. So this past week we have had inspectors and the final corrections finished today. She also had a new tree planted in her front yard. The one that came with the house, for some reason did not make it. She had a Palo Verde, planted, it's about 7 feet tall, it's pretty.
Then one of her cats got a lot of her hair pulled off her tail, when she got caught in a recliner. Poor kitty had to go to the vet, have part of her tail shaved and put on some meds for pain. That happened Saturday, she's doing good. She is in a collar till Monday. This is a picture of her kitty Lily, with a purple flower cone on her head and Fiona my daughter's dog taking care of her.
HB. It cost me $30.00 to get my hair cut, and it's short, $50.00 seems a lot for a man's hair cut. I used to go to a beauty school and only pay $10.00.
Carl, I'm so glad for both you and your DW, that she's adjusting to daycare.
David, your haircut looks good, I'm glad your starting to feel better.
JeriLynn. Your being a wonderful caring person, trying to bring family together ❤️
GothicG. I'm jealous of you guys having cooler weather. I miss the Oregon, weather, I miss the rain but, not the snow. I also don't miss the polin.
I also like the old Doo Wapps, how many of you remember Dick Clark and Ths America Bandstand?
Hugs Zetta
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Dick Clark and the Stroll!!!!
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Sure, I remember Dick Clark, "America's oldest teenager." Used to watch his show to try to learn dance moves. In his book, he said he stayed young by hanging out with young people, not just the ones on his show but his wives. He said each wife was younger than the one he had divorced. I can sort of see that, since younger women can drive at night, but I couldn't stand the stress and expense of the divorces.
I pay $35 (including tip) for a haircut, including hair wash and scissor cut. I get it done at the Clip Joint, where my wife gets hers cut, just so I can save a trip and don't have her waiting for me in a men's barber shop. I guess now that she goes to daycare the second wouldn't be a problem, but Victor does a good job and it still saves a trip to town. DS pays about $18 for a haircut, extra to trim his beard, and I tip some more since he is a mess by the time he consents to a cut. Part of his illness is a desire to look like a sheep dog in filthy shoes. Sigh
81 and sunny today, dry and enough wind to warrant a fire alert "red flag warning." That storm building off the Pacific coast is expected here by Friday, with wind and rain, and cooler weather for the weekend. We're glad to have the rain, the wind is less welcome.
Judith, some of the guys called slow dances "belt buckle polishers" because - well, you know. 😁
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Got some work done on taxes so it won't take long to finish. Just filled the water tank in the garden and I can smell some smoke. Some are doing prescribed burns so probably from one of them south of us. . Friday is going to be a high fire danger day because of low humidity and strong wind. Picked a bouquet while I was out to enjoy.
Beth, what kind of shrub about three or four feet tall can I plant on the.North side of the house? It doesn't get much sun.. We have tried azaleas and hydrangea to no avail. It looks so bare since the big tree is gone.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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