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Just need to talk to my friends (139)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Guess it's time to start another part of the thread - seems like it's getting hard to get on, at least for me.

 Zetta, yes, Chester was the one with the limp.  He was the first side-kick of Matt Dillon.  I don't think he was a Deputy like Festus.  The majority of the shows I'm seeing now have Chester in them.  I like him better than Festus.  Festus is funny but sometimes he goes a bit far with his off-beat language - but I do like those shows - Matt's better in them, too.  The ones I'm seeing now are in black and white.  Did you happen to see the episode where Festus was first on it?  He wasn't called Festus then and he was clean-shaven, dressed nicely and didn't talk like he does now.  Guess he was liked so they invented the character of Festus after Chester left.

 It's dark, cloudy and damp again this morning.  I fed Tom, Jerry wasn't there - probably off playing with that other pretty cat.  Drove out and saw the girls and closed the gate so I can feed them later today - I think it's supposed to be about 40 around 3 p.m.  They're talking about snow flurries or showers north of Tulsa but probably light rain around here.  Wish it would miss it and we'd have sun instead tomorrow.

 Just fed Sheena, Stormy and Barclee - had already fed the inside cats.  Barclee's had his Nutri-Cal and Lasix.  He got up this morning just after me - or I got him up.

 Hope all of you are well this morning.  Maybe Jo will post today.  Joan and Sandy, I hope both of you ladies are better this morning.  Just takes loads of time.

 Back later.

 11:30:  Judith, did you have to have someone come into your house to take care of your washing machine problem?  I'm having trouble with the bathroom and am dreading having to do that if I can't get it fixed. 



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I have not seen Chester in years. The gunsmokes I get are all in color with Festus. I see mine on TVLand you must be seeing the ones you see on  a diff channel. Your lucky you have room for the stuff you order. I don't have a lot of room so only time I get something is to replace something. I have a lot of my kitchen stuff on a shelf in my bedroom closet.  I used to watch 2 dogs that had the iron stand with their bowels on it. They were big dogs so there was no way they could move them around. Those stands are real nice. Rascal lays down when he eats so he don't have to bend over. 

    Looks like your having problems in NE Okla, we are also having problems in Portland Oregon and Seattle, Wash. It will be nice when these protesters just go away. 

    Rescue Mom,   Thank You for the answer to the question I had on the form that needs to be filled out. It sounds like the same questions they ask you when you get the flu shot.

    The sun is shining today I would sure like to go for a walk with Molly but there still is way too much ice on the roads so I will just stay home. 

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    The washing machine mystery is getting more and more interesting. Seems the seal may be the problem. Yes, I will have someone come and fix it. I am not worried about people in my home properly masked etc. I also open my mail and packages upon arrival. Guess I am a gambler at heart...lol

    The man across the street turned off his Christmas lights yesterday. I missed them last night. Guess it is time to disassemble my easel "tree" and take down my outside lights and put up my Valentine decoration on the door.

    The sun has come out but it is still winter

    Here comes Biden.....later

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Gray day.  Misting heavily.  Just saying hi.
  • abc123
    abc123 Member Posts: 1,171
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    Howdy every one, Its damp, grey skies and a soft rain today. Worked outside anyway. Planted 12 camelia cuttings using root tone and Bacto potting soil. I'll pit about 24 more when I go back out. Had to come in to check on the boys, Hank-60 lb pit/hound mix and Loki -75 lb pit/bull dog mix. They like to stand up at the windows to watch me when I'm outside. I'm definitely looking forward to spring!     
     Will caulk, sand and paint the back of the house and plant tomatoes, jalapeno's, cucumber's, lots of green onions and whatever else strikes my fancy at the feed store. 
     Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Take care.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Abc, sounds like you're a little farther south than some of us.  I'm so ready for Spring, too.  I don't like hot weather but hate the gray days.   The sun did come out a little while this afternoon but it's really cold.  I've never had camellias but I think they're beautiful.  Did you order the bulbs and from where?  I think they may like the same climate as azaleas which do grow around here.  I've tried them but after a year they were gone.  Glad you decided to post on our thread.  We love to hear from others and to know what's going on in their lives.

     I got out and fed the girls.  It's really muddy so had to feed out of the Gator.  Don't know what I've have done without it this winter.  The cow our vet treated for the sprained shoulder has improved to the point she didn't stop for her extra feed today - so glad about that.  Rose Bud did and I think it's probably her granddaughter who eats with her every time we feed.  The car started so I drove it to the mailbox - don't know why I bother to go down there - just bills and junk mail but it gets me off the farm - about ten feet off anyway.

     Judith, if you have someone come in to fix the washer be sure to spray disinfectant really well after they leave.  Months ago I had to have someone come in to replace a modem.  He wore a mask, gloves and shoe coverings but I still worried.  I did spray everything after he left - and I wore a mask.

     Zetta - I get Gunsmoke on TVLand and Inspiration Channel.  Still seeing ones I've never seen before.  We've watched them so much they seem like old friends, don't they?

     I just texted Carol to see how her brother and his daughters are today.  Sadly, the daughter who had underlying conditions and was in the hospital passed away today.  He brother is still in the hospital and they haven't told him being afraid it will make him worse.  She also said the Chaplain we had at the VAMC called her to tell her his daughter and her son also have it but not in the hospital.  This is really getting too close to home.  I think I mentioned the population of my home town is 159 and there have been 100 cases there.  I haven't been up there in a couple of months but will have to go in a week or so for Gator gas.  I had gone into the convenience store to get milk and eggs but I'm rethinking that now.

     Tried to call Sarah but it went to voice mail - haven't heard from her in three days so don't know what's going on there.

     Zetta, the  GPs really seem to like the bowls.  They hold about six cups of food.  The GPs eat about four cups per day along with probably 18-20 oz. of canned food.  Sounds like abc has two big dogs, too.  We all love our dogs and cats, don't we? 

     Guess I'd better stop and top off the water tanks before night.  So sad for Carol and her family.  I heard today that the variant of the virus they have in the UK seems to be 30% more deadly than the original and there's another variant in Brazil.  I hope all of you are being safe.

     Sara - are you still going into the stores or do you have your things delivered?  You haven't mentioned Jean lately.  Is she doing all right and still in the ALC?

      Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Thought I’d better check in and say hi.  My foot is getting stronger.  The taping has been key in healing.  I can stand up and walk without hobbling.   Good news.  Going to start OT for hand next week.  It’s getting better, but hand us weak, so the therapy should help.  My had an emergency of some kind this week, so she hasn’t called me about the hematology plan to see why my inflammatory markers are staying so high.  Guess she will contact me next week.  I’m feeling so much better, and I feel that is a good sign.

    Jo, and Sandy.  I hope you are feeling better too.  It’s kind of hard to be out of commission for a period of time.  I’m praying for healing for all on here in need.  

    We had two days of snow.  Got about 10 inches, so that should help with the drought.  We still need more and will probably get it in the next few months.  Skies are clearing this afternoon.  It will be cold tonight for sure.  It’s a good thing I have someone to shovel for me.  Otherwise I’d be stuck in the house for awhile.

    I made a pot of stew for dinner.  I’m trying to stay on foods that help with inflammation.  I put beef in the stew, but I think we need red meat once in awhile.  It smells good.  

    Lorita, I haven’t seen a Gunsmoke reruns for years.  Guess I better find the channel and watch a few.

    I think of you all every day, and read daily to keep up.  Take care all and stay safe.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All, 

    I will be getting my shot tomorrow afternoon. They started giving them yesterday at the fairgrounds but the line of cars was long and some were being turned away because they had ran out for the day.  I decided I was going to wait till they started giving them at my Drs office and I got a call today and I am scheduled for tomorrow. 

    Joan,  Its nice hearing that your foot is getting stronger and better. Hopefully your hand will soon be better. I bet you will be glad when the weather gets warm and your able to get out. By then hopefully all will be well for you. 

    Abc,   Welcome. It sounds like you got some big dogs. I have a little one her mane is Molly she is on my lap in my picture. I also had a big cat big cat his name is Rascal. It sounds like you got a lot planed for spring.

    Lorita,  Sorry to hear about his daughter passing hopefully her dad gets a bit stronger before he hears about it. Your right Gunsmoke feels like family I am watching one right now.  

    We are getting more snow today its been coming down lightly most of the day. It was -4 when I got up this morning. A big wind just came up and blew one of my chairs off then porch. I guess I better go before it gets the other one.

    I hope you all staying warm. Hugs Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Joan stew sounds good.  You are sure having a time.  Thank you for checking in.

    Still curbside mainly .  Last week did go into Meijer’s just for produce.  Can’t get a lot of nonfood items there that Walmart’s carry.  Meijer’s has much better produce.  The last few bags of potatoes I got from WM were bad.  Go to a smaller bulk store about once a month.  Go early, get in and get out.

    So very sorry to hear about Carol’s niece.  

    J is still at the facility.  She called me a few days ago.  She is just almost totally delusional.  She has been.  Much calmer the last two times so hopefully they found the right combo of meds to help her.  Her being terrorized was hard on me.  Know a lot of things she tells me are not accurate so not sure about anything she tells me.  Said at some point she will be moving to where her out of state son lives if nothing happens.  Think they are putting her in a facility there.  There is a covid outbreak where she is so she has to get past all of that.  She either should have already gotten her second vaccine or be getting it soon.

    Zetta hope everything goes real well for you tomorrow.  My health system has said they will notify me like yours did when I’m eligible to get it there.  I’m in the last group so will be awhile.  Hope to go that route though because think it will be the sanest. when they tell me I’m eligible will just go into my chart and make an appointment.  

    Hope everyone gets a good nights rest

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Morning, I hope all is well this morning.  Lived in Louisiana all my life and still can't get use to the weather. Had to get my short sleeve shirts out this morning!

    Lou is doing alright, still the normal; when is someone coming to get me, this is not my home and I'm not married. The statements of not remembering that we are married probably is the hardest to deal with, but the times she remembers makes up for the times she doesn't. 

    I've been very depressed a d emotional lately. Just tired of e everything! Dont remember if I mentioned it, but I now have a rash; not in the radiation area, that is getting worse. Drs have recommended different things, but nothing helps. One place gets better and it breaks out somewhere else. No dermatologist at this VA right now and everyone is being sent out In the community, which takes awhile.

    At least I've started back on my radiation treatment and hopefully have no more delays!


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    BIll had same treatment as you and the VA gave him Something one protecting

    For his rash and any burns from radiation

    Hope you can get it.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Simethacone protectant 
    I hate spell check


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Well, I'll try this again.  I was trying to type in a chair away from the lamp and hit the wrong key and my post disappeared.

     Joan, glad your foot is improving and hopefully the OT will help your hand get better.  Seems like it takes a long time for things to heal - guess we get impatient to do the normal things.

     Nice that you're getting some moisture to help your drought.  We've only had about 4" of snow this winter and that's enough for me.  It just  makes things so muddy, even worse than rain.

     If you have Directv, try the Inspiration Channel.  I watch that a lot - Gunsmoke and many more old westerns are it plus two hours of The Waltons which I also watch.

     Zetta -  On Gunsmoke it looks like there was a short time when neither Chester or Festus was on it.  During that time the gunsmith  played by Burt Reynolds, helped Matt when he needed assistance - Be very careful if you do decided to walk Molly.  You can fall in an instant and really hurt yourself. 

     Hope everything goes well this afternoon with your vaccination.  Do you know which kind you'll be getting?

     abc - have you had your dogs a long time?  I know they're a lot of company for you.  I have two Great Pyrenees.  Before Charles passed away, just over six years ago, we had another GP who had something wrong with him (he was a neighbor's dog who came here to stay).  He had to go to sleep when he was only ten months old.  I absolutely fell in love with that breed so after Charles left I was determined to have another one or two.  One of our vet's clients' father passed away and she couldn't keep the GP so I took her - Sheena.  She'll be seven in a month or so.  We have a neighbor who raises GPs and he had a litter he was giving away (can you believe that?)  I was lucky enough to select the one I wanted - a beautiful Badger-faced boy I call Stormy.  He was only about 7 weeks old so Sheena took over and just about raised him.  They're wonderful. Stormy rides shotgun with me in the Gator.  When the weather's nice I take both of them to the mailbox with me - about a quarter mile away. Stormy rides down and walks back with Sheena. 

     Sounds like you're quite the gardener - like Sara.  I think this summer or spring I may plant some spinach and a zucchini or two.  I haven't been to a grocery store since early last March so fresh vegetables would be good.

     Sara - good you're still hearing from Jean from time to time.  Hope things go well for her. 

     Don't you hate to get potatoes that aren't good.  I always try to get a sack with big ones in it to bake.  Always take them out of the plastic bag and put them in a basket.  I really good use a good, big, baked potato or sweet potato.  Really like those baked in the microwave with a little bit of butter. 

     I'm glad you're still being very careful.  Seems like this stuff gets worse all the time.  Now, all the variants that are showing up - so hope the vaccine can take care of those, too. 

     Ron - sorry you're kind of down.  I think we all get that way even if we're not caregivers.  It's so hard for us when they're confused.  I know you really do enjoy the lucid moments she has. 

     Sorry about the rash.  Hopefully, you can get in to see a dermatologist soon.

     I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life, too.  We have really hot periods of weather in the summer and cold ones in the winter - temps are up and down all year long.  I don't think we ever get used to the change in weather.  But, I like to live where there's four seasons.  Just think how much we enjoy the warmer, spring weather when the flowers come up and begin to bloom.  I could do without the hot summers though.

     Shirley - good to see a post from you. How are you and Bill?  Have you all gotten your vaccinations yet?  Is your weather warm and how are your flowers? 

     Just went out to check the water for the girls.  Most of them are laying down for a while.  Remember a while back what a time I had repairing some fence in the garden - well, I just saw one or two bigger calves over in the meadow next to the garden.  So, they either got out there or found another place.  I'm not going out to check today - just too cold but I'll check on it tomorrow.  Seems like the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence for them. 

     Hope things are going well for you all today.  Glad I don't have to get out and feed today but I do enjoy it.  Makes me feel good to get out and around the girls even if it is cold.

     I'll be back later.  Going to make that potato soup, I think.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Cold day.  Suppose to get into teens tonight.

    Ron maybe dermatologist are hard to find everywhere.  Know years ago I needed to get into one and had to wait three months.  Went to her for years and she just left town one day.  So for several years have been going to Columbus.  New one just came to town.  Think I might switch to him because so much closer, we will see.  Hope you get in soon.

    Got out early.  Needed to go to bank, ATM so no contact.  Then went and got gas.  My dad always told me not to let the tank get low when it was real cold.  They are giving three nights in the teens.  That is ok, hope it will help decrease the garden pest population maybe.   I was by my lonesome at the gas station too, so that was good.

    Zetta have thought about you several times today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

     Lorita,   The vaccine I will be getting is Moderna I will be going to my Doctors office and getting it in a few hours. I will let you all know how it goes when I get back.

     Ron,   I am sorry to hear your depressed but I totally understand why. You have a lot more on you plate then you should have. You need to be strong for Lou and I pray she gives you more sweet times to enjoy. Lou is so lucky to have you there for her.  

    Sara,  Thank You for thinking about me. I hate shots and I usually am not looking forward to getting one but this one I am. I wonder if they do the covid test before they give the shot. I guess I will find out soon.

    Lorita,  Gunsmoke is starting I get to watch just this one before I go to get my shot.

    Take care all I will be back later. Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I am back.

    I just got my shot with the 2nd one booked 28 days from today.  All went well there was no crowd they had the appt times spaced out real good. It did not hurt at all. I could be sore tomorrow so I just plan on doing nothing tomorrow. They had us sit 15 minutes after the shot before we left. My arm is not sore yet.   

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Sounds good Zetta.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good for you, Zetta.  Did they tell you what kind of side effects to watch for?

     I was on my 8th day of a 14 day countdown so now I get to start over.  This afternoon I saw a couple of little calves in the west meadow.  I went out about 4:45 and there were six of them.  I managed to get three back through and just could not get the others to go through the fence.  One wire was really low and they went under the others.  All the cows were trying to get the babies to come through and were at the gate so I couldn't open it without letting all of them out.   So, called Darwin.  he was here in five minutes and we got the gate open and while he kept the cows in, I got the calves through.  I only saw two go through but couldn't find the other one so hope she got through, too.  He got the fence fixed pretty well - said he'd be back tomorrow to fix it.  I told him not to do that - that I need to have that little section redone and the one over by the other neighbors.  Never do know what to expect when I go out.  Now I'll worry until morning when I can see all the babies.  It's too dark now to count them.

     He said his wife is getting really forgetful - do hope she's not getting alz.  He's been through enough with that.  She's a very sweet person and they make a really cute couple.

     I'll stop for now and relax a bit - if it wasn't so dark I'd go up and see the calves but it is.  I looked as good as I could and the calves are black so hopefully she went through.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   They said I could have the same reactions as the flu but it should not be as bad and only last 24 hours. If more then I need to call my Dr. So far I feel real good and my arm is not sore. Yet.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, you mean you could feel as bad, almost, as you do when you have the flu?  I've heard there aren't as many cases of flu this year as usual because people are staying home and wearing masks.

     Well, you all know me and worrying - waiting until morning to make sure all the babies were back where they should be just didn't last.  I went out,  had to use lights on the Gator and flashlight but I saw all of the little ones back where they should be.  None of the moms were upset so guess everything's okay. 

     Like I said, on another 14 day countdown.  I picked Darwin up at the house in the Gator and drove him over and back again and wasn't 6 ft. apart in the Gator but I did have on a mask so hope everything's okay.  He seems okay but the scary thing is people can have it without symptoms.  You know I think he was in a different PU - this was a white one and he said it wasn't 4WD so he was afraid he'd get stuck in the meadow.  He got 2 1/4" of rain so we probably got that much, too.  Hate this stuff and having to do these countdowns.  Do you all think we will ever get through all of this and be back to normal.  Guess it will be a new normal but I imagine we'll get there eventually.

     Zetta, hope your arm isn't too sore tomorrow.  I remember when I got my flu shot the nurse said to use an ice pack on it if it was sore, then heat after that the next day - I think that's what she said.  Also I've been told when you get your flu shot to use your arm to keep it from getting sore. 

     I made the potato soup and it really hit the spot - it's so good and so very easy and it makes so much. May have another little dish before bedtime. See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   Yes that is what I met. It makes more sense the way you said it. My arm is starting to feel a bit heavy now but I think I remember it felt the same way with the flu shot. I plan on taking a Tylenol before I go to bed.  I am glad you found all your babies you probably would not have slept tonight. 

    I hope you all have a good night sleep. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hope everyone is doing ok and that those who have been having a rough time are feeling a lot or at least a little better.

    Mom says she can see the moon this morning so thinks it will be sunny today.  Hope she is right, have noticed that usually holds true.

    Mom is fixating on some things again.  Left a very warm coat at her house.  Did this because the coat is white, dirties easily and doesn’t clean easily. Left it there so if I have to do something dirty over there can keep my good coat cleaner.  She calls me a couple of days ago wanting to know if she finds someone who needs a coat can she give it to them.  This is her usual MO.  Of course I told her no and why as if that would do any good.  Then her usual MO of trying to guilt me into it kicked in.  Implying that I’m guilty of not helping others.  Told her if you find somebody that has no coat, you can give it to them, but if they are just taking it because you are offering it, then no. Who knows,  I’m guessing the coat will disappear.  Then she wants to know if I want one of her coats.  I’m taking it to store it in case she needs it.  If I don’t she will give it away too I’m pretty sure.  Just talking, in reality this is a very small thing.  Just get tired of listening to it lol.  

    Pay a lot of moms expenses out of my checking account each month.  At end of month I write a check out of her account to repay me.  This month is a good little chunk because her house insurance was due and she had me to order several expensive things.  Told her this as sometimes she looks at her checking account statement.  Wanted her to know why I had wrote a fairly large check to myself.  She told me she thinks differently than me and she would not carry house insurance if it was up to her.  States we have always had money for things we need Just don’t respond.  Nothing to say,  would just cause more harm than good.  Just wishing, I guess, that normal conversation could be had.  That hasn’t happened in a long time.  Thankful that we can live separately as much less stressful than living there and not being able to detach ever.

    Mentioned the YT channel this week in virology while back.  Had that a little wrong.  The channel name is actually Vincent Racaniello, though you would find it if you searched for, this week in virology.  He is a virologist out of Columbia, about my age, did a lot of work with the polio virus back in the day.  He has a few different podcasts which he then puts on you tube.  They are my favorites.  He has a NYC infectious disease doctor, immunologists etc. on weekly, takes questions from the public a lot, so that is great.  He runs a virology lab at Columbia University.  I like Dr Fauci, but he is still in the political and news media domain, has to be very careful what he says, err on the side of caution to try and protect himself from them.   Also his specialty is infectious disease.  Vince is a virologist.  Due to him not being involved with politics or the news media he just says what he knows. He doesn’t have to worry about news media or the political system when giving his views.   Have learned so much, gives me hope, makes me calmer.  He is much less dramatic as he doesn’t have to deal with hospitalizations and deaths of the population.  Have kind of quit listening to Dr Campbell as much.  Really enjoyed him at first when he was talking about the papers coming out with reviews on the new vaccines.  Now none of that is happening, but J&J’s should be coming out real soon.  Dr Campbell simply now is using info that governments hand out often, they are not experts in the field of virology, can tell it is stressing him, why would we accept their view point without questioning it.  I’m not antigovernment, just know they twist things to fit their political agenda, that’s natural.  Would not want an open heart surgeon doing my brain surgery is what I’m saying. 

    Ok I’ve talked enough.  Guess I’m a bit of nerd, wish I had another nerd to talk too.  I don’t.  Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, I don't think you're a nerd - you're just a lady who's very interested in different things and want to know all you can find out about it.  I think that's good.  We all have interests in different things.  Your interest in viology is something that is interesting to you so glad you found that channel and are interested in it.

     You said your mother said if it was up to her she wouldn't have house insurance.  My sister was the same way.  She never had insurance on her house - she said you were just betting something would happen.  I'd be scared spitless to not have insurance on everything even if it's never used - and hope it is that way.

     Good idea that you're doing things the way you are with your mother.  Probably causes less stress for you - writing payment checks out of your account, then one out of her account to repay you at the end of the month.  I used to come down to the farm house every so often and write checks to pay my mother's bills.  It was sad because she was always so on top of things and very good at keeping up with everything so when it got to the point she'd forget to pay bills I had to take over.  Sad when your parents that were always proficient in things get to the point they have to have help.  When I get to that point there won't be anyone to help me - scary thought but it often happens to the best of us no matter how hard we try to keep it at bay.

     Well, I was a sleepy head this morning.  I've gradually gotten up later and later.  Usually lately it's been around 7 but a little later because it was still dark because of all our cloudiness.  Barclee was restless from 4 a.m. on this morning so I drifted back to sleep when I got him up at 4, then woke up at 7.  It was still dark so I turned off the alarm and guess I went back to sleep.  I woke up at 7:48 - my goodness.  When I get up late I feel like I never catch up during the day.  The girls, all but three or four, had already drifted up to the MH to graze so got out and fed Tom and Jerry and went down to the mailbox (drove the car to keep the battery up) and mailed something I wanted to return to QVC.  I didn't get any mail!  I can't remember the last time that happened - there's always either bills or junk mail.  Guess it's a good thing because there's lots of it on the front porch.  I brought all of it in from the car this morning.  I need to obliterate my name and address on all of it and get rid of it.  I threw away all the catalogs yesterday.

     The news just said Cloris Leachman has passed away.  I think she was a good actress - really enjoyed her on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. She was 82 when she was on Dancing with the Stars.  Missed how old she was when she passed away.

     Zetta - hope your arm isn't too sore this morning. Did you use cold packs on it?  I think I've  mentioned I can still tell where the injection site is from my flu shot in 2019.  I'm sure the nurse must have hit a nerve.  She had given me the shot before and I never felt anything or had any soreness.  I was a little concerned because when I said I'd get the shot she went to a little covered dish and took out the loaded syringe.  Probably didn't make any difference but it seemed odd to me.

     I HAVE to do dishes today - I've put it off as long as I can without buying new dishes.  I always have good intentions - for the first three or four days I wash the bowl I use for oatmeal but then I think I'll rinse it out later and so on and so on. 

     Seems like when we try to stay away from people something always happens to make that impossible.  I had to get those calves out of that pasture because they're little and the wolves come right through that pasture coming out to hunt and going back and the cows couldn't get to them to protect them. I did manage to get three of them back through the fence but just couldn't get the other three to go through.  I don't think Darwin gets around many people very often because he's busy taking care of his girls.  He's the one who does go to town for groceries though.  Since I had on a mask and we were outside with some wind blowing, maybe, hopefully, things will be all right - but I will count the days.  He was sitting next to me in the Gator though.

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice and get some hot tea.  I'm hungry this morning.  That potato soup was really good yesterday - lots of potatoes in it.  Wonder if you can make potato soup from instant potatoes. 

     Hope everyone's well this morning.  Judith, you never mentioned if you had any other problems from your vaccination.  I know you said the first day afterwards you were a little off balance.  Hope that improved quickly.   

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Feel like I am doing dishes constantly lol.  

    I wonder sometimes what will happen to me too Lorita.  Hopefully God will guide me where I need to be, he always has.  Had always hoped to go to a retirement community at some point.  Then when the pandemic started, thought guess I will just stay in my home as long as possible.  Don’t feel that way so much now.  My Aunt did just fine at the nursing home even though Covid was raging.  Told her she helped me to see a few things in a different light.  It wasn’t her time to go.  His eye will be on the sparrow wherever it is and his will be done.  Some good things have came out of pandemic on many different levels along with the bad.  Very possible that mRNA will bring hope to many people with horrible diseases in the future.  Wonder if people were unaccepting of antibiotics when they first became available.

    I consider insurance necessary too.  She doesn’t have anywhere near enough money to rebuild that house.  She sees herself as rich though.  I hope to sell it if I’m still here, when she is gone to pay off this house.  She never thinks in that concept, unable too, and I just have to deal with it best I can.

    Always feel behind if I wake up late too.

    Have never used instant potatoes so can’t help you there.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita.....I  had the balance thing for less than a day. No one I now has had a problem that amounted to anything with the shot. I would not worry about Darwin shedding. Please get the fence and the rood fixed. Re Sarah...no news is good news.

    Instant potatoes. I do not like instant potatoes. I bake Idaho's I roast small reds and I mash Youkon Golds. Yes, they taste and cook differently

    Glorious day today but I must work inside. My son and grandaughter (the nurse) are coming for a 3 day visit. Everyone is being tested and I will wear a mask. My grandaughter is bringing starter to make her sourdough bread. She asked if I had a stand mixer. Yes, I have the big ol' Kitchenaid. I will make beef bourganion (sp) to have with it. I will make it tomorrow and freeze for Sunday or Monday night. I wish all of you could join us!

    My friend is going to make us a birthday cake so we can celebrate all the ones we missed in the past year. I am going to put lots of candles on it.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

     Sara,   You are not a nerd. It is good you have something that interest you. I had no idea what virology was so I looked it up and it sounds interesting, especially now when so much is happening. You are very good to your Mom so just take deep breaths and remind yourself how good you are. There is nothing wrong in wanting to know about things. So many people know just enough about things to get them into trouble. 

     Lorita,   I did not use ice packs. My arm never hurt that bad but I did take some tylenol before I went to bed. I will also take some later today. My arm is still sore but so far nothing else seems to be wrong. Judith mentioned she was a little dizzy at times so I am watching for something like that. I plan on not doing anything today. Your potato soup sounded so good I have a package of potato soup so I  will be having that today. 

    Judith,   I am sure you will enjoy the  visit from your Son & Granddaughter. Enjoy that birthday cake. Cake sounds good right now. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good afternoon Friends. I had my Moderna vaccine on Monday. I had a sore arm for a couple of days and a very mild headache but otherwise no issues. The methods for distributing the vaccine vary by where you live. In our county, you go into a website and book it - this has caused quite a few problems, in that the demand far exceeds the number of appointments. Many have been frustrated trying to get an appointment. Other counties in Iowa are doing their own things, or perhaps I should be more diplomatic and say that each handles distribution according to their own discretion. In some counties, it's at a pharmacy and the pharmacy calls their own clients and tells them when they can come in. Some counties it's given at the county health dept. Some in hospitals. Some in dr.'s offices. I had the option to book mine at a pharmacy (two different brands of pharmacy, but several different locations). 

    It's very cold here today. It was 7 when I got up and now it is up to 27. We had about 12" of snow Monday. That was on top of what was there from the prior snowstorms. We expect another 2" or so Saturday overnight into Sunday. We have gotten 39" so far this winter; our usual by this date is 18." I could say I'm tired of it but what good would that do? ha 

    Take care.  Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Ooh Beth I don’t envy all that cold and snow.  Glad you got number one.  Makes me smile.  Know it means I’m a little closer too.

    My sister got her second one today (healthcare worker).  Haven’t heard from her yet.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, how do you get on the vaccine portal for Oklahoma?  Just want to check our county to see what's available.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
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    Hi all,

    Speaking of potato soup, I made it again for my uncle last night. I did add chunks of potatoes, onion, bacon and seafood. He ate 2 full bowls and said he really enjoyed it. I didn't have any last night (felt like having cereal) but I will be having a bowl of the soup tonight.

    Also have been trying to get the COVID vaccine for my uncle. No appointments that I can find online. Of course his Dr's office is not giving the vaccine (that would have been perfect)

    So I called the director to the MC (this is where I put the deposit down) and she called around and found a place that still have appointments, this place has you wait in your car,  then they text me to bring my uncle inside, he will have to wait 30 mins after the vaccine. I will be going online tomorrow to hopefully get an appointment for Monday.

    Handyman coming tomorrow, I have his "honey do" list ready. Took my uncle's car to th shop, needed new tires, shocks/struts leaking $$$$$$ and of course they found an oil leak!!!! Always something.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Soup on cold winter days? Yes please!

    Yesterday I made Cheesy Cauliflower soup. It was SO good. Friday I made hamburger veg. soup. Tomorrow I am making Stuffed Pepper soup (I haven't tried that one yet but it comes highly recommended.) I also have some leftover chili and some leftover ham and bean soup in the freezer. Cornbread too. All set! 



    A big thanks to Crushed, for helping me learn to do a live link. Here is what I did, in case you are wondering. I use a Mac computer. 

    Go into the website and copy the website address. Paste it into "Pages." (Maybe Word with a non-Mac computer?)  Click on the website address you just pasted on Pages. It then gets a line underneath it. Then, copy it from there and paste it here. Yea! Finally able to do that.

    Enjoy the soup if you try it.

    I have another "trick" for you. To prevent losing a post you have typed, highlight and copy. Then, if you lose it, you can paste it into a new post.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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