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Just need to talk to my friends (139)



  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Welcome Liz. Beautiful beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

    Jo, I will keep your your DIL and her family in my prayers. 

    Last night I went to bed before my uncle (I did watch him on the camera) I saw him turn off the living room light so I figured he was going to bed. A few minutes later I heard banging. 

    I got up and my uncle was in the dining room, he was banging on the wall. He said he was looking for his room (his room is next to the dining room) it took me 10 minutes of him arguing with me to finally follow me into his room. 

    So sad to see him progressing. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     My goodness, gracious alive - the wind is blowing to beat the band. Hate it when the wind blows.  Decided I'd go get gas - again.  I called this morning and they had their tanks filled so took Stormy and off we went.  I thought if there wasn't anyone much there I'd go in the store but, again, everyone and his uncle seemed to be up there.  I don't know what they're doing in there - there's no tables but may be a place in the back where they have pizza - don't know.

     Anyway, got my debit card out and put it in my pocket.  I had one big, yellow, rubber glove in the car (other one's in the PU) and this was for the left hand (I'm right handed) but I got it on anyway.  Got the cans out of the trunk and opened, then couldn't find my card anywhere.  Looked in all four coat pockets and jeans pockets, in the car, on the ground, in my billfold - nothing.  All at once it fell out on the ground.  I have no idea where it could have been.  Got them all filled (half-way - can't lift 5 gallons and put them in the trunk) and Stormy and I headed home.  Hopefully, I won't have to go back for a couple of months. 

     Jack called while I was there but I didn't answer but called him when I got home.  He was calling to see if I'd heard anything about where people can get their vaccinations.  He said he was okay, staying close to home as much as he can.  His daughter who lives in California has had pains in her head for years and is trying to find someone to order an MRI for her.  She's had at least one or two so don't know why she needs another.

     Girls are out front trying to get me to feed them.  I did yesterday and will again in the morning.  I was able to count all of them so everyone seems okay.  They'll drift off to graze soon.  I'll feed them in the morning, then drive through and put some feed in the creepfeeder.

     I felt like a fish out of water when I was up there, even in that little town.  Doesn't seem so bad in the other town.  But, I can fully understand why people get to the point they don't want to go to town.  It was really hard to get my parents off the farm.  Mother would tell me she'd go with me and when the time came, she'd back out.  And, I don't see how daddy left the farm for three days but we always went to Rockaway Beach on Labor Day Weekend.  I couldn't leave for three days - I'd think the place was going to rack and ruin.  But, that's just me.

     Rescue Mom - thank you for thinking of little Barclee.  He's been standing in the kitchen barking so got him in the chair with me and covered him up and he's quiet now. 

     Nicole - it is so sad to see a loved one getting worse and worse and know there's nothing we can do to stop it.  We just have to take one day at a time and hope there will be days when it's a little better.  I've read of so many on this forum who's loved one would forget where certain rooms were in a home where they'd lived for many years.  Luckily, I never had that problem with Charles.  But, after a few years we tend to forget how bad things were at times and tend to only remember the better times.  I know I do that and sometimes when I read my journal I'm surprised at things I'd forgotten.

     The chocolate cake was delicious - wish you all would try it.  Had a slice of the fresh bread this morning - really good.  Cooked some farfalle a little after noon and had some of that with ranch dressing seasoning on it.  That's really good stuff.  I think I found a container of frozen soup in the freezer - anyway, it looks like vegetable soup.  Guess I should have put a label on it but we always think we'll remember - and I don't.

     We've lost two of the TV channels I watch a lot - can't get Judge Judy and several other shows I like to watch.  Hopefully, they'll work out the contract and they'll be back on before long.  Zetta, I've watched several episodes of Gunsmoke today - I think they're on all day.

     Hope all of you are staying well.  I wore my mask even though I was outside and not near anyone.  Didn't see one other mask anywhere.  I heard on TV today that 40% of the people in Oklahoma have had the virus.  Unbelievable.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    The weekend was the best. I had forgotten what good felt like. Everyone left about noon yesterday. I went immediately to bed...happy as a clam...lol.

    Zeeta....I think one must use the correct size Dutch Oven. At least that is my opinion after all of the reading yesterday. 

  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,710
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    Sending fervent prayers Jo. Life is so humbling.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Just had a call from friend, Carol, to tell me more sad news.  Her sister, ten years younger, who had the virus about a month ago, mild case, recovered, was told by her doctor that she's had a heart attack.  She went to her doctor to be tested for antibodies and Carol didn't know if he did an EKG or what but said she had had an MI.  The hospital didn't have a bed until late today so Carol didn't get to talk with her but a minute because she was in a hurry to get to the hospital.  They're going to do, probably an angiogram and probably angioplasty - she wasn't sure.  We're thinking this could be an aftermath of the virus.

     She told me they're having her brother's services tomorrow at 1 p.m. and most of the family won't be able to go.  Carol has three daughters and they're all coming to her house to be with her at that time so she won't be alone.  I thought that was so thoughtful of the girls.  Seems like all we hear anymore is bad news.

     Rescue Mom - I started out listening to Reiki music to help me sleep, too.  Then got into the Chinese Zen - similar.  It's so relaxing but seems like lately the TV is doing the trick for me.  I fall asleep many nights watching/listening to it and wake up at 2 or 3 with it still on.

     It's been a beautiful day - in the 60s.  Checked the creepfeeder and took out some feed that had gotten damp and kind of was on the way to mildewing.  There's still quite a lot in it but I bought 700 lb. which I'll get in it eventually.  One of the metal rods I had wired across the front of it to keep the big guys out had fallen down and I rewired that.  The girls had gone to the NE pasture to graze - saw them coming up a while ago - didn't see Rose Bud anywhere but happened to look out behind the barn and she was watching me.  Got her feed ready and took out to her. 

      That's all I know which isn't much.  Judith, so glad you had a nice weekend - isn't it good to feel good again?  Hope you got rested up from the company. 

     Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight - and hope all of you have a restful night.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Did someone post that you should not take pain meds after your vaccination because it could make it less effective?
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I hope not because I took Tylenol before I went to bed. I read the info that they sent home with me and nothing was said about not taking it.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    There are quite a few articles online that say not to take painkillers like Tylenol or Ibuprofen before your Covid vaccine as it may decrease antibody production. This article indicated that if you have symptoms afterwards, you can take them but one dr. advised toughing it out if you can. Fever has a purpose, you don't always need to suppress it. 


  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Sayra,

    How are you doing today? My sleep problem is really due to the allergies. My bedroom has some problems that are in the process of being fixed so I've been sleeping in the bird room .. so  even though it doesn't bother me during the day, I think sleeping in here is just too allergic. I like the company and there is a very comfortable bed in here and a TV too! So that I think is the culprit. I'm sleeping with Oxygen now though and that helps a lot. I'm hoping my bedroom will be mine again in a week or so. But it's a shame I can't stay in here because I prefer the company I feel less alone and I like having the TV. I don't have a TV in my bedroom I use the computer to watch all the shows. Yes, I have my tv shows that I just fall asleep to...  There was that one night I was very upset so I was unable to sleep but otherwise, I do fall asleep to the shows. I do love music and sometimes that can be what I need it just depends.

    Have a good night

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Lorita...

    We're colder than you are here. In the 30's tonight and 50's during the day. But it will warm up some soon. So we're in a cold spell now. I am concerned about your cat that didn't show up today, I hope you see them both  tomorrow in good shape. I always worried so when one of my outside cats wasn't around. 

    That's a lot of lifting. I'm paying a price for all the lifting I'm doing since my husband can't and boy I hurt all over. We both need to be careful because of all the responsibility we have.  There's no one else to care for my pets so I can't afford to be out of commission and of course my husband too, 

    Actually, I didn't hear that horrible story about the shooting. It was a non stop day and then I had to go out and run some errands which is not a good thing for me to do. I usually hire a driver but I managed to get done what I needed to... 

    Well, for sure to do something like that have to go off the deep end. What a terrible thing to happen both times!

    We need to be careful even moreso now with all these virus mutations. As always, I'm beyond exhausted so will say goodnight and hope you sleep well .

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Rescue Mom..I downloaded the Headpace and will check it out tomorrow,...... I do have Calm on there already. I have an app I love called Inspiration which helps drum into my head healthier thinking. Stress is such a big part of my life now that any of these things  that helps stress is a plus.  But the days are so busy, it's when I have a mini crash or late at night that I can look at these things. I can't wait till night time when I can relax.  Thank you for mentioning the apps. It was only that one night I was so angry at someone it really upset me.. but that's not good for me you know? 

    Ahhhh so you had a cockatiel. I understand and so sorry you lost her. I fell so in love with a sweet little girl too and could not leave the pet store without her but she only lived till 2. I cried a river and still miss her. She was a very special bird. It wasn't until the autopsy that we really saw what was going on. Even though I was treating her with meds for a hole in her heart and gout we just couldn't save her. Was giving her cherry juice too.. she was so good she just let me syringe her.. Very hard to lose them. After about 6 month I felt sorry for her mate, and have two more birds here but it's a long story that I'm too tired to tell right now. But they are two girls and very hormonal! So I have to separate them from time to time to keep the egg laying down. So I have two aviaries and a very sore back! They are amazing companions and friends for sure.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Nicole...

    I'm sorry you are all going through such a rough time. It's a very hard life to deal with all this, I feel your pain as they say.  Thank you too for the compliments on my birds. They keep me  very busy!

    I don't know how I would deal with that if my husband gets that way. So far, he's quiet but if he starts wandering and I feel that coming at some point, it will be very hard. 

    You try to hang in there.. .HUGS!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Rescue Mom thank you for the suggestions.  

    Jo still thinking of you and your family.  

    Lorita hate when I forget or misplace my money card.  Not a good feeling.

    Eleven degrees this morning.  Giving chance of snow today and 100% chance tonight.  Looks like February is going to be cold and snowy for awhile.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    First I would like to welcome Liz and let her know that she is on the front porch with a great group!

    Most of you know I haven't  een posting much lately! It just that I hate posting all about my health problems and taking care of my beautiful wife. I wish I could get back to baking, cooking, singing and dancing. 

    I have to get this out of me and my friends here are the best listeners I have! Yesterday after returning home from my radiation treatment Lou started singing a old country song "Gone". I knew that before Lou and I met she was e engaged to a guy that was killed in a car accident. I listened to her and then she made the statement; "that song came out right after my lover died, I loved him dearly and will never get over him". I made the mistake of telling her we've been married almost 54 years and asking if she didn't love me as much. She never could answer me, which hurt a lot. I know we all have past  boyfriends/girlfriends that we miss and sometimes even think about, but that is the past. Now after 54 years a seed is planted in my brain that I am just someone to help her forget. I'm crying just writing this, so I'll stop. Thanks for listening!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Do we ever "get over" a love? Maybe not. I have one that still has a place in my heart. Well, maybe two but I think it would have been very hard to have had them taken away by death.

    Lou's words must have been hard to hear but you know that she has loved you for 54 years. That old love may have fizzled out.

    Ron, I wish you would  put in your 2 cents about bread baking. I am fascinated with it and now that my beef bourganion (sp) is out of the Dutch oven I am going to start experimenting.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Dear Ron, I'm so glad you're able to talk about your feelings to all of us.  We're all friends and we've shared more with each other than we probably have with friends we see often.

     Please remember that with Alz. the old memories have come to the top - those afflicted with it remember things that happened in their childhood or when they were younger.  That's what Lou's remembering now.  That first love, as Judith said, is always there.  In fact, I remember the first time a boy kissed me - I think we were in the 5th or 6th grade - even remember we were on the school bus and he leaned back over the back of his seat and kissed me.  The fact that I remembered that in no way at all lessened the love I had for Charles.  It was just a memory that was tucked back in my gray, or white matter and would sometimes come to the forefront.

     You and Lou and been together for over half a century - that tells you that you're the love of her life and always has been.  Don't let it bother you.  Please, when you have something that's bothering you, let us know and we'll all talk it out.

     It was a warm morning.  I slept in - Mr. Barclee slept through the night and so did I until about 6:30 so I thought I'd lay there for a while.  Stormy and Sheena even stayed inside last night.  I heard something and so did Stormy - looked out the bedroom window and saw truck lights.  Mike was setting out bales of hay.  Looked again and there were two trucks.  So hurried and got my clothes on and just made it outside as he was closing the gate.  He said he and Toad were feeding on his place north of here and thought they'd drop by and put out my hay.  Didn't take them any time at all.  The girls are happy about it, too.  They were off grazing when they came.  Today's feed day but I'm not sure I'll feed - they have lots of hay and liquid feed so may wait until tomorrow.

       I have a headache - like I had many years ago.  It's nerves because it's on top of my head.  The doctor I worked with at that time told me if you have a headache in the top of your head, put your hand on it and press down and it gets better, it's nerves.  Too much of too much, I guess.

    When the guys loaded my feed they got it too close to the tailgate so when I fed Tuesday I slid the sacks off and that worked.  Now, I need to get to the creepfeed which is a bit farther back.  There were some sacks of feed too close to the tailgate and it wouldn't open so put six of them in the back of the Gator.  It sounds like it's going to warm up a bit tomorrow so maybe I'll feed then.  Realized, when I got back in the house, that I hadn't worn a mask when I was handling the feedsacks - have to remember to do that.

     Liz, only one tuxedo cat at the carport this morning.  Something must have happened to the other one -  makes me sad because they had each other and were such good friends.  It had finally gotten to the point I could pet them as they ate - now this one won't get close to me - eats after I leave.  I thought the other one might be off "girlin" as my aunt used to say but it's been too long.  Usually he was only gone a couple of days. 

     Zetta, I'm on my second episode of Gunsmoke - both were made in 1955, the year it began.  Matt looks so young and so does Miss Kitty.  Have you noticed the difference in the way Miss Kitty dressed and her hairdos back at the first and how Matt talked?  Interesting to see how they progressed - I think both got better looking and better acting, too.

     We haven't heard from Barbara or Sandra, our two cobbers down under lately.  We know they're in the midst of summer so guess they're enjoying the sunshine. 

     Talked with Sandy last night.  She has pneumonia in addition to trying to recover from the fall.  Had to go to the ER - glad she did so she could get medicine to help.  It seems like, with all of us, that when one thing goes wrong, something else follows.  I know it's that way with me.

     Ron, you've had a lot going on lately with your treatments and taking care of Lou. Try to take it as easy as you can and rest when you can. I know that's much harder to do than say - life of a caregiver isn't easy.  Please let us know how things are going every day so we can all keep in touch.

     Back later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Ron, so very sorry.  Know it’s sad for you.  Thinking that may be the time period that is her reality now, just a thought I had.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Ron,   Thank you for sharing I don't want you to be sad. As you know Lou's mind is not working the way it used too. When my DH was in MC at times he thought I was one of his caregivers. He kept saying he wish he was home so one day I asked him where is home was and he told me a address that I had never heard of. I found out it was the 1st house that him and his 1st wife had bought right after they got married.  Please don't let this bother you you are a very loving husband to Lou and she would not want you to be thinking this way.

    Liz,   You are so right about how comfortable a pet can make you feel. Molly sleeps on one side of me and Rascal on the other side. I love it when he lays right next to me and purrs I can feel the purring. Getting up in the morning and having my 1st cup of coffee and going to bed at night are the two things I look forward to. I also have bird feeder on my front porch so during the day I can watch the little birds come to the feeders. I used to have a hummingbird feeder but I did not like the bees and ants that hung around. 

    Joan,    I am glad to hear you are starting to feel better, just take your time so when spring/summer gets here you will enjoy it. You have a sweet daughter and I bet she loves coming to help you. I wish I could have lived closer to my mother when she was alive. I missed out on a lot of  mother / daughter things.

     Jo,   You and your DIL and family are in my prayers and thoughts. 

     Lorita,   I am sorry to hear about one of the cats missing. I hope the other one gets over being scared. I hope it stays close to home. Maybe it saw something that really scared it. Just keep reaching for it it knows you love him he will come around. Your chocolate cake sounds yummy. I wish I could make me one but if I did I would eat it all. I am not good about 1 piece at a time. 

    If you don't like changing your sheets just start sleeping on one side then the other that way it could cut the wash time down. I was going to do that but it was hard for me to sleep on Dan's side of the bed. Thats where Molly sleeps. You talked about night TV my favorites are Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Two and a Half Men and Everybody Loves Raymond.  I don't see any of the old black and white gunsmokes you must get those on a channel I don't get.

    I hope your headache has gone away. I think you do way too much there are a lot of things that can cause a headache. I think if I was you I would be looking for someone to help with all the heavy things you do. Your girls need you to take care of yourself. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta     

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     I'm pooped!   I vacillated all after about whether or not to feed.  It wasn't too cold, just windy and sunny so decided I'd go ahead and feed the girls since they were all out front calling me.  Got that done and then since I was out that was in the PU close the creepfeeder decided I'd put some of the feed in for the babies.  So, put 350 lb. in - still have another 350 for next week or whenever they need it.  Saw one cow, I thought, up by the  hayrings who didn't come down so drove up to see who it was - it was Billy the Bull.  I didn't honk this time to call them so maybe he didn't realize they were gone since he doesn't have good vision.  I was going to open a feed sack to feed him but he started down toward the others - he'll be all right.  He's a kind of loner anyway.  Mom, Sweet Pea, still watches out for him.   I did remember to wear my mask this time around the feed sacks.

     Filled both of the water tanks in the garden and brought in the hose.  I'm going to have to work it over some tomorrow - Mr. Stormy's has been biting it - I can just imagine what he'd do with a rubber hose.  I try to get it all the way on the other side of the fence but somehow he manages to get to it.

     Just had the last of the potato soup I made earlier this week.  That stuff is really good - I added some farfalle to it and that was good. 

     There's boxes on the front porch again - still haven't opened two of the Chewy boxes and have two or three from WM that I can open tomorrow or Saturday and one from Amazon that can be opened this weekend. 

     Seems like this has been a long week for some reason and if it's as cold as they're saying next week will be long, too.  I'm going to do as little as I can tomorrow - still have some bread and cake and may just thaw out the rest of the cheddar broccoli soup I had a week or so ago and froze the last of it.  Maybe I can sleep in tomorrow morning.  The day are getting longer and I'm glad of that.

     Todd called today - he's been working in Amarillo and still has about a month's worth of work to do.  He left his crew there to continue work and came home to check on Sarah - think he's going back tomorrow.  His partner had stents put in last week so he's not up to par.  Sarah doesn't do well when he's not there.

     Ron, I hope today was a better day for you and Lou.  They have moments or lucidity so take advantage of those.  Two pretty sad, but wonderful movies about Alz. that I know we've discussed - The Notebook and Folks.  If you all haven't watched them it would be worth your time.  Just kind of shows us what to expect. 

    You know, Zetta, when I'm outside doing things I don't notice the headache so that tells me something.  No more CNN for a while.

     Sandy, hope you're still improving.  Pneumonia isn't any fun - I've had experience with that over the years.  That was before they had shots for pneumonia prevention.  Still not sure how often you have to take those.  I think the nurse at the Health Dept. said if you were over a certain age you could take one and that was all you needed.  I'll check.

     Looks like there's lots of snow up north - Beth, bet you got a lot of it today.

     Have a good night's sleep.  See you tomorrow.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    I bet it was from the Covid because this virus causes blood clots and so many people at first the medical people didn't know there was a correlation but so close to the virus I would think so,.. so sorry!! 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Ron,

    Thanks for the welcome. Try not to put too much stock into what she said.   Being married so long is a big deal. We're married 42 years. Geesh. I'm guessing she has the dementia.. how affected is she at this point? My husband is the one here and sometimes he comes out with things that I just shake my head because the thinking is so distorted now. . You need to put things in perspective so you understand that her brain chemistry has changed which also changes emotions and feelings.  I'm sure she loves you very much and always had.  Keep the faith   

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Oh Lorita..... what a heartbreak about your cat, I'm right there with you in spirit.. I've been there with some of the ferals when I did rescue. I'm sad for you and for the one left alone, I hope he will be OK..
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh darn . . . I wrote a Post but my computer froze and I lost it all . . . . it has been freezing each day a couple of times a day - have no idea why or how to fix it.  I just shut the machine off and reboot it.

    See you all tomorrow . . .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!   It's cool, not too cold, mostly sunny and no wind - and, best of all when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry - both of them were there!!  Gave them their can of food and found I'd left the dry food in the house so came back in and got it and another can of food and went back.  One of them was eating like crazy.  I imagine that's the one who's been gone and hasn't had much to eat.  Didn't see the other one anywhere.  I so hope my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

     The girls are either grazing or around the hay or water.  The creepfeeder is a busy place this morning.  I brought in the mail from the PU and then opened the Chewy boxes on the front porch and got the dog and cat food inside.  I'll probably wait until tomorrow to open the WM and FedEx boxes.  Wore my mask opening the boxes and used handn sanitizer when I got in.

     Barclee slept through the night again.  He's up now.  Sarah called at 3 a.m. - guess she couldn't sleep and didn't realize what time it was.  I told her I'd talk with her today.  Hate those middle of the night calls. When I was growing up they always meant a death in the family.

     Already have a load of laundry going - flannel-lined pants, heavy sweater, thermals, heavy socks, etc.  Looks like next week is going to be really cold with Arctic cold - below freezing all next week and maybe part of the next weekend.  That probably means I won't be able to open the PU doors.  The gasket around the window is loose and lets in moisture - probably better cover that door. I'll feed out of the PU and be sure I have at least a couple of feedings in the Gator.  Maybe tomorrow I'll put the rest of the creep in the feeder.  Got to do this planning for cold weather.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sandy, hope the pneumonia is resolving and your back isn't hurting too much - try to find that sweet position where it doesn't hurt as much.  I've had backaches from time to time and they're not any fun. 

     Ron, hope things are better at your house, too.  I know it hurts for your husband or wife to talk about someone they used to love, before you, but it is the time they're living in at the moment so we have to try to remember that - I know it's hurtful. 

     Sure do wish we could miss this cold weather - back to breaking ice again and trying to keep the water tanks full to keep the girls away from the ponds. 

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice and get some hot tea and malt-o-meal and toast.  Jo, sorry about the trouble with your computer.  Mine's pretty slow this morning and my tablet won't stay on whatever I'm doing very long - keeps going back to what it shows when I first turn it on.  Technology is great when it works right but can drive a person nuts when it doesn't.

     Liz, really enjoying your posts.  Hope things are quieter for you today, too.  We all know what you're going through and can empathize.

     I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Very windy and around 12 degrees this morning.  Got about another inch of snow, so shoveled mine and mom’s drive again.  Have done a lot of shoveling this week.  Not doing too bad thankfully.  Run the massager over my muscles two or three times each day and seems to be helping some.

    Glad you had both cats this morning Lorita.  Know that made you feel better. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sara, you're having weather today like we're supposed to have next week.  They're even talking about freezing drizzle here Monday and Tuesday - do not want that - had rather have some snow.  The ice builds up on everything and that's when the power goes out and the trees break.  So hate to have ice on the trees and hear them breaking - sounds like gunshots.

     Be very careful shoveling - that snow's heavier than you think.  Of course, you know that being from Ohio.  Do you ever make snow ice cream?  We used to sometimes when I was growing up - when we had more snow - but  haven't had any in many years.

     Barclee seems to be doing better.  He's sleeping better through the night and doesn't seem quite as congested.  Just called the vet's office to ask if he should continue Lasix and Tamaril P. The girl, think it was his daughter, asked him and he's to continue both.  They'll send those medications along with his eyedrops and Nutri-Cal so I won't have to go over to pick it up.  Usually get it a day or so after they mail it and I'm not out of the meds yet anyway.

     I was so happy, Sara, to see both boys.  Normally both of them start eating when I put down the food and I can barely touch them.  I think something scared the heck out of them because when I took the dry food back there was only one eating but most of the small can of food was gone so both had probably been eating.  I worry about them all the time because I see them a quarter mile from the house hunting and sitting on top of the bales of hay. 

     If the girls drift off in the NE pasture to graze today I think I'll put the rest of the creep feed in the feeder and maybe put another 150 lb. of feed in the Gator - not sure yet.

     Sarah called this morning - said she'd had a seizure, fell and broke her arm.  Said she had been trying to get Todd to take her to the hospital - so she called or was going to call the ambulance.  I'm not sure about all of that - just not sure I get the right story about things.  Hate to not believe what she says.

     Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night.  Stormy says it's his job to keep the wolves away from the door and to protect the girls.  They're both sound asleep now. 

     Need to shampoo my hair today before it gets colder.  I like to let it dry without using the hair dryer but it's too cold so guess I'll dry it.  It's long and takes a long time to get dry.

     I'm missing the two channels we aren't getting because of the feud between Cox and Directv.  They have good news, Judge Judy and People's Court.  So, I'm watching Judge Mathis now.  Did briefly turn it to CNN and heard they took Rep. Green off the committees she'd been put on or in charge of.  Good news there.

     Zetta, Barclee sleeps on Charles' side of the bed, like your Molly sleeps on Dan's side.  I don't let the cats sleep with me because they like to lay on my feet and with my Morton's Neuroma it bothers me too much.

     I watch a lot of Everybody Loves Raymond, too and sometimes Two and a Half Men.  I watch Gunsmoke on Inspiration Channel and TVLand. Watched a little of oen this morning - made in 1955 in black and white.  I wish they'd start showing Rawhide, one of my favorite old westerns and Wagon Train.  Patsy told me she was able to watch The Rifleman but I don't get it either.  I can't really find any of the new shows that I like so watch old ones.

     I'm thawing some Pumpkin to make the Pumpkin-Spice muffins.  Haven't had them in a long time.  Zetta, about that chocolate cake.  I have to cut a piece and leave the rest in the pan or I'd eat half of it in one sitting.  It's so good.  You could probably freeze half of it; never tried that.

     I've washed and dried one load and guess I'll change the bed.  I think there's two cats laying on the bed asleep now. 

     Jo, waiting for your post.  I love to read your posts. Hope your family is well.  Need to call Carol to check on her sister.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you everyone for your kindness and caring.  Your prayers for Laurel are very much appreciated and heart warming.  Our DIL, Laurel, continues to  be in critical condition in ICU.  They had lowered the amount of BP meds she was being given, and the ventilator was reduced to 40% as she seemed to be improving; however, that caused a backslide, so the meds and vent setting were increased to accommodate the body's needs.

    They did an x-ray and found that she has atelectasis, which means she has a partial or completely collapsed lung.  Do not know if it is just in one lobe in one lung or something else.  They will do a culture and wonder if there may be a mucous plug.

    When surgery will be able to be done is still not known.  Family seems to think that when DIL comes off vent she will be sent home for a week and then return for surgery; that leaves me wondering if they heard right and at what point that was said. Going home, she would be terribly weak and have to exert much energy with need to move about frequently which would certainly increase the pressure upon vascular system.  She has three areas of dissection that have to be repaired, so it is as said, perhaps misunderstood.  I am getting information second hand.

    Her children and sibling will have to be screened to see if they have an aneurysm developing in their vasculature and need to be watched over time.  If someone has a first degree relative with this condition, then there is an increased chance one would be susceptible for developing such a condition in themselves.  Not a genetic certainty; just a susceptibility.

    M1, it is good to see you on Lorita's "front porch."  Weather is always lovely on the front porch no matter the season, so come on up, take off your shoes and set a spell.  We talk about ourselves; whatever we wish - lots about our daily lives which are not that exciting - just folks.  It is a good, relaxing place to be. So glad you are here. 

    Mr. Ron, I am sorry for the heartache with Lou's reminiscing about her younger days re her fiancee who died and her lost love. She cannot help this and does not do it purposely.  Even though it is the dementia causing her mind to move more and more backward in time, it can still be hurtful to hear; I am sorry.  Understanding is being sent; she will soon move on to other times and other places within her thoughts.  By the way, how is your skin doing now with all the radiation treatments?  I wonder if the radiologist prescribed Dimethicone Protective Cream for you.   If not, ask.  If you will use it or other cream or ointment, ask the radiologist if it is okay to use prior to receiving a treatment. Sure wish you had someone there at home to nurture you, it has been a complex long haul; we send you our warmest thoughts.  We sure do care.

    Joan, glad things are improving.  Little by little, step by step it seems things are moving in the right direction. Seeing a Rheumatologist is a good idea; no stone unturned.   You have always been such a very active person loving all you do, so I imagine it gets a bit frustrating at times.  It will be a great feeling to get everything well and good again.

    Well . . . . after literally many, many days with a multitude o calls and quite an effort searching for a site to get COVID vaccine for my husband and myself, I finally found it and have made an appointment for Monday afternoon for both myself and my husband.  So glad I did . . . . but . . . . because I have so many allergies and get significant side effects from my annual senior flu shot, I am, being the chicken I do from time to time, am feeling a bit wary. Actually more than a little wary, but I shall move forward anyway.  

    We will not take any Tylenol, Advil or aspirin the day prior to and day of the vaccine as there are multiple credible reports that finds that if one does take those meds, there may well be a less robust response to the vaccine.  It seems to be okay to do so after the day of vaccination, so I shall tough it out with my very, very truly bad hobbled knees and do what is best.

    Our doctor and nursing staff have had both doses of the vaccine and have had no side effects except for moderate discomfort in the affected upper arm for a day or two.  Our son, with the second vaccination, had severe fatigue - he slept 16 hours straight which is very not like him at all. He said it lasted about two to three days with a bit of headache and then he was fine.

    Seems second vaccine is the one that for some people, NOT everyone, that brings temporary uncomfortable side effects. Because we have a two story house, I think I will put juices, tea. easy to eat foods in sealed containers in the upstairs office along with some disposable plates and utensils, etc. near the bedroooms. We have one of those electronic plug-in cup heaters, so will do that.  Probably not needed, but with the two of us stodgy, dodgy jointed people, it will keep us from having to go up and down and  up and down stairs that rise mightily.  

    By the way,Lorita, that long term pain in your arm from your flu vaccine was probably secondary to poor technique as we had thought.  Saw on the news today that this can happen when the person injects too far up the arm, injecting into the bursa rather than the deltoid muscle.  This condition is called, SIRVA; "Shoulder Injury Related To Vaccine Administration."  Things do get better, but for some it can last quite a bit of time and be painful and restrictive. 

    Sure do miss hearing from Sandy and Barbara, our friends down under. Last heard, Sandy had made the acquaintance of a lovely gentleman and was contemplating his invitation to go on a trip with him.  She had also planned to take her new little motor home  and do more of her adventuring in travel.  Sure hope she is having a great summer; she so seems to love swimming..  Barbara had been working with her husband's needs at his facility - hope all is okay on that front too.  

     Lorita, I am sorry that your cat is missing; with any luck, perhaps he has been busy doing other cat-things and hopefully will return.

    Time for me to get along down the road, please know I am thinking of all of you every single day and enjoy you all so very much.  M1, don't forget to drop by again soon.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good to hear from you Jo.  Understand your concern.  As far as the nonanaphylactic reactions, have heard it mentioned several times that older people seem not to be having it as tough as the younger people.  Maybe that will be your experience too.
  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi cobbers, sorry not to have been in touch. I read your doings every day, so am up to date. Ron, I know how hurtful that must have been to hear. Graham still knows me by sight, but really finds it hard to believe I am his wife. As he was married twice before I came on the scene, maybe he is thinking someone else is his true wife. But I don't ever mention the names of the former ladies, just in case.

    He has now been in care 4 and a half years, is getting very tottery, but still walks everywhere, loves his food, including the peppermint sweets I take twice a week [he has diabetes, so I control how many he gets], and has not lost significant weight. No idea how long this will go on. I visit twice a week, don't even wear a mask now as we haven't had a local case for several weeks. But that can change at the drop of a hat.

    Weather this summer has been odd. very few very hot days, thank goodness, and generally cooler than we expect. Also more rain than usual, which is good news. Only one bad fire locally, on a very hot day, and lit by an arsonist. I don't understand them! But a very bad fire this last week near Perth in western Australia.

    My arthritis drug has not been as good as before the last couple of months, saw Rheumy last week and he wants to try a new one. Drat! Took 8 vials of blood on Thursday to check what is going on before he makes the decision. Fingers crossed for the next trial!!!

    Now my best news. You all know I grew up on a farm in country area in Queensland. Well during all this Covid mess, I have written a book about my memories of life there, and it is going to be published -- about the middle of the year. Will be a paperback here, and an ebook on Amazon. Will let you know when the time comes. At the moment, I am still working hard, getting everything organised, collecting photos etc. But the excitement bubbles whenever I realise what is going to happen!!!!

    Barbara --the author!!!!!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, yesterday was my 37th radiation treatment of the 42 needed! Looking forward to next Friday!!

    On the rash; my rash is a breaking out of pinkish spots on different parts of my body. Radiation rash is more like a sunburn and in the section the radiation treatment is, I have no itching or scabbing. I saw my PCP Friday who also has no idea what is causing the rash and has put in a request for me to see a dermatologist in the care in the community program.

    I'm more of a cornbread man instead of regular bread,  but would gladly share a good jalapeno cornbread recipe. 

    1 1/2 cups cornmeal, 1 heaping T. flour, 3 t salt, 1/2 t soda, 1 cup buttermilk,  4 to 5 chopped green onions,  2 eggs beaten,  1 small can cream corn, 3 to 6 chopped jalapenos, 1/2 chopped green pepper,  2/3 cup salad oil, 1 1/2 cups graded cheddar cheese. 

    Mix dry ingredients then add buttermilk, oil, eggs and corn. Beat and mix well. Stir in jalapenos, green pepper and onions. Grease 9x14 inch baking dish with beacon drippings; heat well. Pour in half of batter; sprinkle with half of cheese and repeat. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes or until done. 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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