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Just need to talk to my friends (139)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Enjoyed your pictures Liz.  Sounds like you will fit in here.  We got a lot of animal lovers here. I like animals but do not have any.  My sister has a bichon and a Yorkiepoo, that is enough for me.

    Don’t think I would miss the snow, but maybe I would.  See it as a lot of extra work that controls you. Looks like quite a bit more fell last night so will be dealing with that this morning.  

    I’m the oldest of five girls and miss my dad too.  My dad died eighteen years ago.

    Nicole didn’t think about this last night, but this morning remembered that an ER nurse I worked with became an attorney too.  Even after she set up her practice she continued to pull some shifts in ER.

    Enjoy your two weeks of rest Zetta.

    Hope all your cattle are behaving this morning Lorita.

    Ron hope you and Lou are hanging in there ok.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Liz, Your birds are beautiful!

    Sara, I do remember the RSV although I don't think I ever directly dealt with a patient with it. We had few pediatric patients in our ICU.

    Lorita, I have a "fence" story. When I was 11 years old I got a pony. I lived in a small town and we rented a pasture. Over the winter, we took the pony to the farm because of shelter available. One fall, I hopped on the pony and rode him 2 or 3 miles to the farm where he was to spend the winter. In the spring, we brought him back. And then....there was a fence issue, and he got out, and he went back to the farm!

    Animals are smart. They remember "where" and "how to get there." We feed cats outside, "new" ones often discover the food here. When they are tame, I catch them and take them to the shelter so they can potentially get a new home, and so they don't have to brave the cold winter here. We caught a beautiful black cat. The city animal control took them to their building where they hold them for a time to see if anyone claims them. The animal control building is a mile or so from us. Well, one day after he'd gone there, he suddenly showed back up at our house! He had gotten loose and remembered where the food lady was!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Liz, your birds are beautiful.  The only experience I've had with birds is before I got married I had two parakeets - Bobby and Junea.  Bobby was blue, Junea was green and would bite like everything.  Bobby was sweeter.  He'd get up on the rim of your iced tea glass and drink tea.  Not very sanitary but we didn't think of that - it was just cute.

     We have six cats, total, although I haven't seen one of the outside boys in a couple of days.  There's a pretty white cat with a dark tail I've seen around a couple of times so maybe he's off with her.  I hope so because the remaining one would be lonesome and so would I.  We've had as many as 30 barn cats but they all gradually disappeared except Tom and Jerry.  I think they'd go off hunting and probably got caught by wolves and coyotes.  I fed them everyday and kept water out for them but they'd still go off to hunt.

     I do live in eastern Oklahoma - very pretty part of the Country - rolling hills but still plenty of trees.  I love the four seasons, too, but would not like to be farther north or south either.  We have hot, humid summers and sometimes really cold winters.  Today is the 10th anniversary of a big snow storm we had in 2011 - 14" I think. We had 24" of snow that February.   I know we were snowed in and our neighbor came with his big John Deere and broke out the road.  I was afraid something would happen with Charles that I'd have to get him to the hospital so he and another neighbor did that for us.

     Beth, cute fence story. Your pony was very smart to remember the way back home.   Animals are very smart and they can find a weak or low wire and get through.  Little calves can just walk through a fence.  When our heifer was out, half a mile from home, a few days ago she knew exactly where she should go and get through.  I just checked everyone and they're all there.  Lunch time for babies.

     Got some of my things done this morning - got my feed ordered and paid for (will pick it up tomorrow morning), paid my vet bill (for Barclee), contacted the fence man (he'll come either today or tomorrow and check out what I need done but says it may be a couple of weeks before he can do the work.  He and his son work together and the son is going on vacation this week.  Also went to the mailbox to mail a card to Carol and to request some stamps.  I thought all morning about going to our little convenience store to get gas but just didn't feel up to par (my back hurts from repairing the fence Saturday and feeding yesterday).  Did get the mineral tubs pulled out of the Gator.  I may go get gas this afternoon.  I like to keep some here for the Gator and all I have is in it right now.

     Barclee slept until about 2:30 this morning, then was so congested.  Got him up and into the bathroom.  It's warm in there and if he's standing or walking he gets better.  I went back to sleep for a while but got him back into bed and he's still asleep.  I'm always afraid I'll go to get him up and he'll be gone.  We've had him for almost 20 years - he was about two when we got him.  Now he can hardly hear and can't see and is so painfully thin.  Breaks my heart for him to be this way - I can remember how fast he'd run and play.  We have a high bed and I kept a little stool by the side of it to help me get on it - I'd call him and tell him to get on the bed and he'd run and jump on the stool and then into the bed.  He was playing with a cat and whirled around and hit his head on the doorframe and that started his eye problems - then got scratched in the eye by a cat.  His eyes got bigger and bigger and an ophthalmologist in OKC did surgery on his eyes to reduce the amount of fluid and that's where we are now.

     It's a pretty sunny day but the wind chill is still in the 30s.  Supposed to be warmer tomorrow and Wednesday, then a couple of cold fronts.  Looks like the NE and north is really getting hit by snow.  Sandy, I heard the Chicago area had about 12 inches.  It's showing the White House and there's snow everywhere.  I can do without snow in the winter - makes feeding and getting around too hard.

     Nothing else going on here today.  Oh, by the way, I have half a dozen eggs that are three months old - I've done the float test and threw away two that floated.  Do you think the others are safe to eat?  Mr. Google says 5-6 weeks is the limit before Salmonella begins to develop.  I think I'd be afraid to use them.  Maybe I'll get brave and when I go get the gas may go in and get some milk and see if they have eggs.  Kind of scary because our little town with a population of 159 has had 100 cases of the virus.  I know there's not that many people in town so they must be including some of the areas around town.  Finished one 14 day countdown today but am just on the 5th day of the countdown from contact with Darwin.  The scary thing is that a person can have it and be asymptomatic. 

     I'll stop and watch the news.  Hope everyone's okay today.  Jo, we still need to hear from you - and from Joan who we hope is still improving.  Sandy, that includes you - I hope your back is better.  Just be sure to stay inside out of the snow - I know you will but just sayin'.  Talk to you soon.

     Shirley, are you and Bill doing all right? Have you all been able to get your vaccinations yet and are you going to get them?  Post every once in a while so we'll know you and Bill are okay.

     Back later.   Zetta, how was your bread?


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    My bread needed a chain saw to cut thru the crust. I had to tear it open and I was able to eat some of the middle. I put butter and jelly on some and had it for breakfast. I won't try that again. Could be because I did not bake it in a cast iron pot. I will buy my bread at the store. 
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello everyone, sorry if I caused any unease by not being here. I am okay.  Thank you for looking out for me, Lorita.

    Our Oregon, ex-DIL who we still care about was rushed to the ER yesterday.   She is younger, healthy, etc.  BUT suddenly had an event and ER diagnosis was cardiac aorta dissection - admitted to ICU.  Surgery had been pending today . . . . but surgeon came in and said it was abdominal aorta aneurysm, a small one, and will keep her for a few days then send her home and readmit for stent to area in a few weeks.  Either way, scary.  She is the mother of our granddaughter who was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago; G'daughter is doing fine, still sore, bruised and a small concussion.  Her sister is coming up from university where she has been doing her practicum to finish her Masters in Psychology to be with them, so that will be good for support. Their brother is on his way in the air to the middle east as we speak with a military unit. 

    Good grief, DH made mutiple small purchases from Amazon and wanted to return them.  Rather than have this elderly man with diabetes to have to go into UPS or Kohls to return the items and risk increased COVID exposure, I phoned and made arrangments for UPS to do no contact pickup at our house.  Well . . . . . pickup guy got here and there were questions re what was in packages, so there stood my husband on the tiny front porch right next to the UPS guy - each wore masks, but were practically on top of one another for 20 = 30 minutes.  No six feet distancing.  Geeze.   Here we go; another 14 days.  Sometimes he just does not think and gets careless.  Trying to find place to get vaccine, but nothing popping up. Every place overwhelmed.

    Grandson on way to middle east with his air unit.  He was on a military base with his entire Unit for a 14 day isolation period re COVID prior to leaving.   They do 14 days and not the new "ten."  Same with me.  Too many have had longer incubation periods past ten days.

    Zetta, I am sorry about the bread, must have been a disappointment.  Well, nothing ventured nothing gained.  Was worth the try.  I would love to find really good, really sour sourdough bread.  Used to be a bakery that made wonderful sourdough near us and you knew it was sourdough,  but they are long gone now.   In fact, we do not have any bakeries left near us; they all closed some time ago prior to COVID.

    Oh boy; I have done it now!  I ordered Hallmark Valentines for DH and our kids and got them. Very pretty.  I wanted to hide the package from DH so he would not see his valentine.  Well . . . I know with certainty I have it in the bedroom - BUT - cannot find it at all.  EEEEK!!  I have searched every single drawer in dresser and night stands, the closet in every niche and corner, the file box in the corner, the mending bag, a table, etc.; but nowhere to be found. I do not lose stuff, I just don't; but yep, I did.  Hid it so well weeks ago and poof!  Will probably find it Fourth of July.  Drats. 

    Gosh, so many RNs and a Respiratory Therapist here on our front porch.  I am also an RN; worked clinical both medical and surgical units early on and supervised.  Had four kids and husband in law enforcement with rotating shifts, so moved to admin. when advancement came my way. In the midst of all, I pursued my Masters Degree.  I spent a lot of years as Administrator of Patient Care Management in various med centers with responsibility for multiple depts. Also did independent consulting for QI for Home Health, Hospice, ER, hospitals and also for doctors who were in a large HMO.  Also consulted as legal expert for lawyers for awhile but did not find that enjoyable.  MIL and GMIL both had Alzheimer's and I coordinated care.  Then my step-dad developed Alz. while my Mom had FTD at the same time and I was their primary carer.  They adamantly refused to move out of their little house in an elder community called, Leisure World.   So . . . all care was more complicated as I was still working.  My car knew its near daily way to LW as soon as I turned the key on; I spent so much time there and managed everything from soup to nuts.  Thank goodness I was salaried so I could take the parents to all doctor's appts. and then make up my time.  Hardest part was coordinating 24 hour aides which was fraught with issues until we found a dear angel.  Still so much involvement on daily basis and thensome including frequent ER visits and hospitalizations .  Was able to do this until both parent's deaths; step-dad died two months before his money ran out.  You guys know how all of this goes. The idea that FTD is like Alz's on steroids is about right.  So that is my history for the Newbies on the front porch.

    Had naughty stuffed baked potatoes last night.  Boy was it good.  Chili, salsa, onion, cheese and a bit of sour cream . . . and to make up for it, broccoli and cauliflower veggies and clementine for dessert.  Gosh it was a savory dish; we do not eat it that often, but it sure hit the tasty spots.  Probably salmon again tonight with couscous; I love it, so it is a happy meal for me.  We use the instant boxed couscous, it is very good

    I found a pair of knit gloves I had bought in Italy.  It had been hot, but weather turned on a dime and suddenly it was freezing - my hands were so cold.  The gloves were the only pair in the store, made of lambs wool and angora.   I had wrapped them away in tissue and when looking for the valentines I found them in the back of a drawer; gosh they are so soft and wonderful feeling.  Long time ago that I got them, but a nice reminder of a lovely trip.  Can't do that now.

    Liz, the birds are lovely and oh my; they even have a playground!  Lucky little feathered friends for sure.

    Lorita, I am sorry about Barclee.  Gosh, he is 22 years old; that is amazing.  Aging for dogs is not easy a lot of the time.  Being that he has decreased urinary output may indicate he has early kidney failure involvement and many dogs at that old age lose a lot of vision.  Dogs even develop dementia; our son and DIL have a 16 year old that is in that state. She has very poor vision now, and no longer can jump up on the sofa or a bed, she has arthritis and sometimes loses balance.  She no longer makes sense about some things and the vet thinks she may have developed doggie dementia.  She loves our son and wants up on his lap every time he sits down.  He accommodates her of course.  The other three rescues also get their turns. I know you love Mr. Barclee and it is so hard to see our fur friends develop problems.  He has a good and loving home, that is for sure.  Twenty-two years - Wow!

    Expecting more rain tomorrow and next day.  Will be in 50's and 60's, so we will stay in and stay dry and warm.

    Omigosh, it is getting late here; already after 1:00 pm, best get myself going, AND . . . if you folks find a Hallmark box full of valentines roaming about, please send them to me, COD.  Sigh.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, sorry your bread didn't turn out like you would have liked.  I couldn't find the recipe but I don't see why not baking it in a dutch oven would have made such a difference since most bread is baked in open pans.

     Have you ever thought about a bread maker?  The one I use is old - probably 35-40 years old but still works.  It doesn't have all the bells and whistles the new ones have like a buzzer that goes off when you can add fruit or other things.  I'll stick with it until it quits working.   QVC has lots of different models and so does Walmart, probably Amazon, too, all the way from $60 up.

     Well, Stormy and I drove up to the convenience store to get gas and I thought if there weren't any cars there I might go in and get some eggs and milk.  Looked like sale day at a sale barn - everybody and their brother must have been there.  So, decided I wouldn't go in - and then, all the gas pumps had signs on them that they were out of order - probably out of gas.  So, the trip was a waterhaul except Stormy got to go for a ride and the drive helped build up the battery.  I still have gas in the Gator and next time I'll call before I go.

     Girls are trying their best to talk me into feeding them.  Told them I didn't have feed but I don't think they believed me.  I'm filling water tanks again.  Stormy has chewed on the metal hoses so the water goes through slowly and it takes longer to fill them.  Guess I'll order another one and bring it in each time or figure out a way to hang it in a tree to keep it away from him.  I've been afraid he'd hurt his big teeth but so far he hasn't.

     Sarah called - just talked a minute.  I refrained from asking her about appointments, etc.  I'll try my best.  She only talked a couple of minutes - had just showered and said she was tired.  He's supposed to be home sometime tonight.

     Zetta - is the recipe you tried the same one that's on "Jenny can cook" on Youtube?  I'll have to make another loaf tomorrow.  I've modified the recipe which called for a T. of milk (I use an extra T. of water) and I use a T. of vegetable oil instead of butter and just a bit more sugar.  I like the crumb - heavier bread than light bread you buy.  Somewhere I have a recipe for a loaf of English muffins.  I should find that and try it again.  I used to make it and we really liked it.  Now it seems like I just try to find something to eat that's easy and don't try new things much anymore. Guess I'm getting "mature" - sure do feel like it today.

     Watching The Waltons - did see an episode of Gunsmoke a while ago. I think I'm going to stay away from watching many so many news programs.  If I don't think about it, maybe it'll go away.  Sounds like I'm sticking my head in the sand, doesn't it?  Do wish it would go away - and it will, at least partially - sometime.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Sayra... thank you for your kind comments on my birdies.  I don't think I could shovel the snow anymore but I sure do love it and enjoyed walking in it during a storm. I know it's hard to lose someone we love and were close to, so I understand about your dad. Are you close to any of your sisters?
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    ladyzeta....Thank you for the warm welcome. Oregon seems beautiful from the pictures I've seen. I think it would be a nice place to live. I'd love to hear more about life there. I'm sorry for the loss of your husband, I surely understand the heartache  there.. after losing my dad and what went on there and now my husband's dementia.  Molly looks adorable, how old? and the cat Rascal too. I can't imagine life without animals.. I  will forever miss my cats for sure.
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Thank you Beth on my birdies
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Lorita, thank you on my birds.  Of course here in Fl we have the horrible humidity the good 8-9 months of summer.. too much,  Bobby your old parakeet sounds cute. Sofi the white one kisses me on the lips actually so does my male so I guess we don't think of "sanitary" so much as enjoying the love. They are family, I keep them clean so why not. When I did the rescue work with the cats the most I had at one time was 36... so I hear you there. I loved each and every one of them. 24 inches of snow is a LOT of snow! I hear they are having some nasty snow storms in my old NY and up that way. The weather patterns have changed a lot .it didn't snow that much when I lived there.  In those days I could shovel and I did.. had to clean up for us and make a path for the cats I took care of.  But now I couldn't do that. Sounds like you love where you are except for the humid summer part. I would like to relocate at some point. I have been looking online a lot at Oregon as a matter of face and Washington State in this country. If I was able I'd be off to Switzerland LOL. I think it's so beautiful there. 

    I had a very rough day today and I had to even take a tranquilizer to calm myself down. it was just that everything is getting harder and some people i have to do business with on the phone are nasty  and I just don't have the strength for their stuff.  I;m not going into details tonight because I want to rest my brain,,,, 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We got dreadful news today.  I spoke of our ex-DIL and her sudden medical condition on my last Post.  We love her and care about her.  Well, the situation is far, far more dire than originally thought.  She has been placed on a ventilator due to low oxygenation.   This is so completely stunning, I cannot wrap my head around this.

    She is in Medford, Oregon, and of course in critical condition.   They did more diagnostics and found she has multiple Thoracic aorta dissections.  One extends from bottom of heart into groin, and also others in one leg and one arm . . . . one kidney has been lost, the other one functioning.

    The surgeon explained that she is at high risk to lose one of her legs and/or one of her arms, and that she is very critical and possible loss of life is also an issue.

    She is young, had been healthy and dynamic except for hypertension and is very, very pretty.  No medical issues seen or felt whatsoever.

    She has inter-arterial monitoring in place as well as five pumps for various meds; and sadly, she has become highly confused, does not know her family, etc., and became so agitated she had to be restrained from pulling out her lines.   They are not certain whether or not she has has sustained a brain injury or if it is med effect, etc.  They are going to check the healthy kidney to see if it can withstand contrast and will do a scan of her brain using contrast media if it can be done safely. 

    We so hope and pray for the best for her; it is horrible and surreal and hard to believe that this active, happy, outgoing and healthy person has this happening - it was such an abrupt onset seemingly out of nowhere   One instant she was fine, then in a second, it all came tumbling down..  All evidently according to MDs due to silent hypertension which was not being managed. 

    I need to go and contact the prayer group at the church where she and our son had been married and where we had attended.   Our two young granddaughters are being wonderful for their mother.  Our son who has been divorced from her for quite some time has risen to the occasion and is doing his best to support the girls and looking out for whatever needs doing for his ex. 

    For those who pray, sure would appreciate sending up a prayer on L's behalf.

    Thank you one and all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    So sorry to hear this news Jo.  I understand the seriousness of this.  Prayers for you and all of your family.  I am so sorry.

    Liz I get along with my sisters.  Two of them though are into paranoia and conspiracy theories.  Of course that has been a source of disappointment for me. I talk with both of them on phone but almost  no  contact with either one this year as they make me feel unsafe.   Seen my other sister some in summer but not since the surge.  I leave things for her on her porch and she leaves stuff out there for me. Will be glad when we can literally start sitting on the porch again.  Hope you are having a little better day today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Oh, my goodness, Jo, what sad and awful news about your ex-DIL.  I will be saying prayers for her for sure.  I know prayers do help.  Just shows us how fragile life can be and that we should not take anything for granted.  Hopefully, they'll be able to do something to help her.  So sad for the little girls and the ex-husband, too - and for you and your husband.  I know even though there has been a divorce in a way they're still part of your family.

     You mentioned silent hypertension.  When I was working one of our social workers had silent hypertension and his kidneys shut down. He'd work all day, then drive to Tulsa to have dialysis twice a week.  Eventually he was able to have a kidney transplant.  He has since passed away - such a kind, wonderful person to have such a thing happen.

     It's cold here this morning but the clouds have left us and for now it's sunny.  Supposed to get cold this weekend but not talking about snow.  How awful it must be in the north and northeast.  I can't imagine how it must be to live in a big city and have such a snow - but, I can't imagine living in a big city at any time.

     I got up at 7 this morning and instead of putting on my work clothes, then having to change, got dressed to go to town.  I saw the girls, most of them already drifted away to graze so all I had to do was feed Tom and Jerry.  Neither one of them was out there.  I haven't seen one of them for a couple of days.  On the way to town yesterday I saw that pretty cat run across the road toward the house of the neighbor at the NW corner of the farm - didn't see Tom or Jerry. 

     I got into town just after 8 and had to wait a few minutes to even back  up to the dock.  There was a huge semi unloading feed at the dock so there were only two places.  The boys got me loaded and after I filled up with diesel headed home.  I got diesel at Casey's across from the grocery store where I usually shop.  There were two or three cars in the parking lot, probably employees, but I could not make myself go in - just could not do it.  Got home at 9 - in time to watch Denim & Co., my favorite clothing line - ordered a pretty shirt, striped with a field of flowers across the bottom, back and front.

     I left before I had breakfast so had a couple of pieces of toast with jelly and hot tea (had that with me) when I got home.  Gave Barclee his medicines and breakfast and fed Sheena and Stormy.  After they ate they went to the bedroom to  nap - they stayed outside and protected everyone last night.  I'll feed the girls this afternoon.  They know the sound of the PU and were really watching when I drove down the road on the way home.

     Zetta, last night I found a video - Deep South Texas - Bread Making for Beginners. It was a man who was doing the video.  Looked really easy except for the eight minutes of kneading.  Not many ingredients - I don't think he added any sugar which usually is added to feed the yeast.  Took seven cups of bread flour but it made two beautiful loaves.  May try that some day but it's just so much easier to put the ingredients in the bread factory and let it go.

     Barclee slept through the night and just woke up when I got home.  He's asleep again after his breakfast.  So, I got a good night's sleep.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Again, Jo, so very sorry for what's happening.  I hope there's a good turn for the better.

     Liz, you're right, the weather patterns have changed over the years.  When I was growing up we had huge snows (I have pictures of me when I was three or four standing by a huge drift.  We don't have as much snow anymore but sometimes we really have bad ice storms and are out of power for up to two weeks.  We put in a generator six years ago and, thankfully, haven't had an ice storm since then.  Hope we don't ever have another one.   Bobby used to give me sugar, too.

     Back later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We have the biggest snow on in a while.  Don’t think I used my snowblower last year.  Have used it twice this year.  Used it today.  We got more snow during night and the wind also created drifts.  Then I went to moms and shoveled her drive.  Hers wasn’t too bad.  

    My mom has gone down quite a bit.  She doesn’t even try to help me.  Told me she went back to bed after breakfast because she was tired.  Don’t remember her saying that before.  Behaviors haven’t grown tired though.  I try to keep one side shoveled out in case  there would be an emergency. 

    Noticed the sun just came out.  They are giving it really cold for awhile so snow won’t be going anywhere.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Oh, Jo.. Such horrible news. Please keep us informed.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    Lorita,   I think I will give up on bread making, once was enough. My daughter has a bread making machine and she said she will show me how to make bread next time I go for a visit. Her and her husband will be going to NY for a week the end of this month Molly & I will be staying at their house and taking care of her cats while they are gone. So who knows if I like the bread machine I might be getting me one. The recipe I used just called for flour, salt, yeast and water. The middle of the bread that I was able to eat was good, rest of it was hard as a rock.

    Liz,    Your birds are beautiful. I am sorry you had a bad day and yes people can be nasty. Thats why I love animals and stay away from a lot of people. I hope your tranquillizers give you some relieve. Sounds like you just take them when needed, I take pills for stress daily a very low dose but works well. You asked about Molly well she is 6 and Rascal is 9 and they are best friends. Rascal was my husbands cat  but you would never know that because him and Molly pretty much live on my lap. Molly was a rescue dog I got her from a kill shelter 6 years ago and believe me she is spoiled rotten. I get sugar & kisses from her all day long. 

    Liz,    Oregon is a beautiful place to live. When I first came to Oregon, 40 years ago ( I grew up in Calif) I lived in the part of Oregon that gets no snow. When we retired we moved to where we are now my husband wanted to be in the area we are now. So here I am dealing with the snow. My son lives with me and I am thankful for that he takes care of any snow issues, Oregon is pretty if you ever get a chance to come check it out let me know.

    Jo,    I am so sorry to hear about your DIL, and yes she will be in my daily prayers along with you and your Grandaughters and your son. You can be very proud of your son for standing up. 

    Please take care all and stay warm its time for me to go Lorita,  Gunsmoke is about to start.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    The bread that my granddaughter made was absolutely the best bread I have ever had. It is not easy but worth the time. Actually not work time but procedure time. 
    She used my stand mixer and her levain (read the site and you will understand). She turned and proofed the dough in the mixer bowl. She used a Dutch oven. Second article will do more to explain this and possible work arounds. The actual hands on time is very short!


    This is the second article which explains why the Dutch oven and work arounds:


    I hope you will all enjoy reading whether or not you make a loaf. We can certainly enjoy talking about this ancient food but again, it was the best bread I have ever eaten.

    Here is a third and sounds really easy


    Zeeta...in light of reading so much about the importance of moisture for rising and the crust I am interested in how you did bake your loaf.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Judith,   I baked it at 450 in a cooking pan with a lid on it for 30 min then I took the lid off for another 15 mins. It was nice and brown and it look real good. I let it cool a bit then I tried to cut it. Should I have maybe buttered the loaf after I took it out of the oven?
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Got further news re our DIL.  She has lost one kidney.  They could not do contrast media scan of brain as they did not want to compromise her remaining kidney. They did a CT Scan of the brain and did not find any abnormalities.

    They did find fluid on her lungs, so they are aspirating that this afternoon.  Her poor son who deployed to the Middle East the day before this happened is horrified and of course deeply worried and so wishes he was there for his two sisters.

    They want to do surgery asap to repair the damages to the aorta.  She is still listed in critical condition and continues on ventilator.  

    Thank you for your support and also for prayers on Laurel's  behalf.  It is greatly appreciated.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    HI all.  Jo, I am praying for Laurel.  What a horrible thing to happen.  Please keep us informed and know you and your family are included in my prayers for Laurel.  I am sorry for all of you.

    Update.  I’m feeling so much better.  Hematologists couldn’t find anything alarming in my blood work up, so I will see a rheumatologist next to see if I have an underlying autoimmune problem.  I start occupational therapy on my hand tomorrow to get strength back.  My foot sprain is healing slowly, but making good progress.  I see doctor next week to check inflammation.  I feel it has to be going down since I’m less stiff, and no muscle pain.  Sure hope and pray it has.  

    We’re expecting snow tomorrow, and even though I don’t want it, we sure need it.

    Welcome Liz and Beth.  My dh was diagnosed in 2004, and passed in 1919.  He was in memory care the last four years of his life.  I still checkin here to keep up with all my friends here.

    The birds are beautiful.  I can imagine they can make quite the mess.

    Zeta, your bread story made me laugh.  I’m the same way.  I try to make things I used to, and have complete failure.  We’re in the same boat.  Lol

    Sara, sounds like you had quite the storm.  I know it’s good exercise to shovel, but snow can get heavy, especially this time of winter.  Be careful.

    My daughter came to see me today.  Brightened my day for sure.  She helped me with some projects I can’t do because of the sprains, so that was wonderful.  Not sure what I would without her living close.  I’m blessed for sure.

    Nothing else going on here, so I’ll go find something to eat for dinner.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Thank you for the update, Jo.  Hopefully they'll be able to do surgery soon so she can get better.  What an awful thing to happen in someone so young and healthy.  You just never know what's going to happen.  Laurel and your family will be in my prayers tonight, too.

     Good to hear from you, Joan, and to know you're still improving.  Seems like recovery takes a long time, doesn't it?  I hope the therapy will help a lot.  You'll be up and ready to go this spring but do take it carefully.

     Zetta, when I make a loaf of bread I always spread a little bit of butter all over the loaf to keep it softer.  Don't know if it works or not.  You'll absolutely love a bread machine.

    I had my last two pieces this morning after I got home from town so a while ago I decided I'd make one for morning.  It'll be baked about 9:30 or so tonight.  While I had some of the same ingredients out decided I'd whip up one of those chocolate cakes.  By the time I had it mixed the oven was ready and now it's out and frosted.  I'm sure I'll have a piece of it before bedtime - while it's still a little bit warm.  When I was growing up mother would often make a one layer chocolate cake for supper and we'd have it with butter while it was still warm.

     I fed the girls this afternoon and put 150 lb. of fortified grain in the car - one in the trunk and two inside.  I feed that to Rose Bud - it has a lot of protein and fat content and is kind of sticky with molasses or something.  I was actually able to feed out of the PU - thought it might be too muddy but it was okay.  Glad I could do that because I didn't have to lift the sacks twice - just slid them off the stack of feed and into the feeders.   I bought 700 lb. of creepfeed so will try to get that into the feeder before the weather turns really cold.  Our weatherman said it looks like February may be a cold month - I hope not. 

     Shoot - just remembered I did a load of laundry this afternoon and it's still in the washer.  Nothing I need tonight so I'll dry it tomorrow.  Need to change the bed and wash all the linens.  Just really dislike remaking a king-sized bed.  I use the same sheets that I wash because I hate to fold them. 

     I heard something kind of discouraging on the world news tonight.  They're thinking if you've had the virus and recovered, you might still be susceptible to the variants.  I think that's what they said.  Also heard that pharmacies are going to be giving vaccinations.  Not sure I'd want to go that way - had rather be either with a doctor or nurse in case of reaction. 

     Again, today, only saw one person with a mask on.  When you go to town it's like everything's normal - people going about their business, no masks, no distancing.  Maybe when it gets daylight earlier I'll go into town during the time the grocery store has for elderly people (should have said "mature people") and get a few things before more people get in.  Would really be nice if we could call and tell them what we need and they could bring it out to the car - but it's a little store so that won't happen. I know stores say they disinfect before they open but they can't disinfect everything - what about canned things, produce and dairy products.

     Trying to find something good to watch on TV tonight - laying off CNN for a while - kind of getting to me.  We have lost one of the TV channels I watch quite often - Cox communications can't seem to make a deal with the station and Directv.  Hopefully, they'll work out things before long.

     I hear that chocolate calling my name so I'll stop for tonight.  Hope all of you have a good night's sleep.  What an awful snowstorm part of the Country is having and they're saying there's another one on the way, then another.  Just think - only 46 days until Spring

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    OMG Jo We've never chatted but I just read your message. I am so terribly sorry. I think the brain scan is important if she can have it,.. sounds pretty necessary. Will keep you all in my prayers.. many hugs
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Sayra...

    I'm glad at least you get along with them. I'm not into the conspiracy theories either but I do have a friend who is very much so. Otherwise, I love her.. I just try to ignore some of that when she gets on a rant there. 

    Yes, today was a better day then yesterday. Last night I felt like hanging myself, I was just so upset. I couldn't get to sleep till about 6 AM and I couldn't relax and watch TV or anything. But with a new day things can change some. Thanks for your thoughts.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    I put in a port (I don't know what you call it) so that I can hook into that in the electrical box with my portable generators. I don't have a whole house generator, I should have done it but the portable should do the trick if we get as hurricane and lose power.  I always say I'd rather be "home" in NY but they have terrible storms there too now.. Hurricane Sandy devasdated our old house that I loved so much, had to rebuild the ground level part of the house I hear. 

    Our house here in Fl is higher up so unless we really get like a 12 foot surge we should be OK. What's scary is that he used to do everything, now he's my patient so we get a bad storm I have to handle everything. sometimes it can all be too much. 

    While you were busy taking care of your crew believe it or now 4 hours a day on my cockatiels.. so was busy there and also had a lot of paper work to do.  I'm trying to encorporate more veggies into their diets and  some healthier things.  The girls don't lay the greatest eggs and I don't know why so working with their diet. They look healthy and have good blood work, The days go so fast and I got into bed early tonight midnight! Now it'd almost time to go to sleep to start this merrygoround over again later... 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Zetta...

    Thank you on my birds. They're good birdies and such personalities. I do miss my cats very much. If I had the time I would get another couple of cats but time is one thing in short supply.  My male bird misses his mate so I might let them visit one of these days soon, I'm trying to keep her from laying. she was laying every three months and that was no good... so I had to separate them to give her a chance to recoup and build her up with calcium and such. He's very good with me and very spoiled but I'm not a bird you know? LOL. The other female finished laying a clutch a couple of months ago and her eggs were horrible... in tact but too thin shelled despite getting calcium from the vet and giving it to her in her beak twice a day while laying! Anyway, working on building her up too. They all look good but the egg laying depleted them of so much calcium.  So want her to be stronger before brining them in for a visit. 

    Yes one thing is for sure.. the unconditional love of animals. People can be difficult especially when you are under a lot of stress and don't really have the "one nerve left" situation. 

    The tranquilizers kept me together but I got very little sleep I was just in rough shape.. better day today.  I don't like to take them but some time I just have to to save myself. 

    That is so sweet about Molly and Rascal.. I just love to hear when they are buddies. Well, it sounds like you are their person for sure   I so miss when my cats would lay on me at night and just purr. They are so comforting.. they are also very tuned into your mood and try to comfort you when you're sad. people think it's only dogs that can do that but not true... the cats and even the birds are very sensitive to their owners. 

    I'm glad to hear some about Oregon. I still hold onto maybe moving away from Florida ..could just be a fantasy but whatever, I need to think about it. I would want the snow LOL.  The pictures I see are so beautiful, and in some parts I've heard the air quality is very good (I have allergies so that's always important to me.  I don't know how well I would fair in Fl alone.. because of the storms. I'm not the fearful type but I'm not filled with the strength and energy I used to have so dealing with that every summer is not easy. Besides that I just miss cooler weather and snow and would like that part of my life back if ever possible. I miss ducks too! Where  I live in Fl we have no ducks though there are other parts that do. 

    Ok will wrap it up.. starting to get tired...

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Telinde...

    Thank you for the welcome. Those pics on the profile pic aren't my birds but I did have lovebirds at one time, I should change the picture. I'm sorry about the loss of your husband and what you and he must have been through,  My dad was so tortured by it and that will always stay with me.. i miss him so much, Now my husband is more on the senile side and quiet where my dad had the agitated dementia. 

    I hope you feel better soon and heal up  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Loritta...more I wanted to reply to in your message. So who picks up all these heavy things... the feed and stuff/? I mean 150 pounds of grain I could not lift. 

    True.. I heard the same thing about the virus today and all the different strains.. they said the next 6 weeks to expect a surge . Not too mask savvy here either. Our pharmacy is giving out vaccinations but I didn't get one. My husband and I get so sick from the flu shots don't think we can handle the vaccinations. The doctor agreed so lets hope we stay safe.

    Yes the problems with the Tv I watch CNN and MSNBC is they can get very repetitve  and  the news is so grim I know what you mean, I have to take breaks too. 

    OK off to I hope sleep time now...

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,  Mom says no new snow on this morning.  They are giving frigid cold temps in a few days.  Not a fan of that but if it will decrease pest pressure on my garden I am all for it.

    Liz wondering if your trouble with sleeping comes from you being unable to shut your mind off when you lay down?  Know some people on here mention music helps them. That has never helped me, keeps me awake in fact .  What I have found very helpful is boring myself.  If I feel awake at all all, as soon as I turn light out I start naming either every city or every street name I can think of starting with a certain letter. If I’m still awake after first letter go to second letter etc.  Almost always asleep by second or third letter.  Know this sounds silly but have done it for years, as I have trouble shutting my mind off unless I’m extremely sleepy. 

    JoC continuing to think of  and pray for Laurel, her family and you that God will give all of you the strength you need for the road ahead.  Also praying for those taking care of her.  Was walking down the hall one day at work and they paged somebody stat to the emergency room.  A visitor walking in the hall said to me I always pray when I hear that.  Have never forgot her saying that to me.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It's sunny this morning but the wind's cold, from the south.  It's supposed to be in the lower 60s today.  I'll call and see if they have gas today so I can get some before it gets cold the next few days.  Just came in from feeding Tom or Jerry, not sure but only one of them is there.  Every day when I go out I hope both will be there - can't imagine what happened unless a wolf or coyote caught him away from some way to get away from them.  The one who's still there seems to be afraid of me - won't come over to the feed pan like they used to.  I've seen an opossum and a raccoon coming from the carport so maybe the coon got him. Makes me sad - the one who's left will be so lonesome.

     Liz, I do the lifting now that Charles isn't here.  He did most of it before he left.  I have costochondritis so I have to be very careful how I do lift.  Only 50 lb. at once but I bearhug it and don't have to carry it very far.  Sometimes instead of lifting the whole 50 lb. I put it in a bucket and put it in the feeders.  Today or tomorrow I need to put 700 lb. of creep in the feeder for the little ones. 

     Guess you all have heard the awful thing that happened in Muskogee a couple of days ago.  A man shot five little kids and his brother.  Three of the children were his - they ranged rom one to nine years old.  Can't for the life of me imagine how a person could do that.  Just a few days before a man in Tulsa shot his girl friend and her two little kids. 

    Barclee did all right last night until about 2 a.m. so put him in the bathroom where it was warm until he settled down and became less congested.  I went back to sleep and he was in there almost two hours.  Got him back in bed and when the alarm went off at 7 he was still not asleep.  I bet he'll sleep a lot today.  His congestion does seem a little better with the new medication except sometimes at night. 

    Sarah called this morning as I was getting up.  Todd's still in Texas so she's been alone since Saturday.  She wants me to come and visit but she knows that's impossible - long round trip besides the virus.  I'm doing my best to stay away from people.  Said she didn't sleep at all last night. 

    I'll stop for now and get some hot tea.  Glad I made that loaf of bread last night.  My machine makes a small loaf - only two cups of flour so I have to make it every few days. Wish I had one that made a larger loaf or maybe I should use three cups of flour and just use the machine to the dough stage, then form it into a loaf and bake it in a pan.  When you get to the dough stage and take it out and form it into a pan, do you let it rise again before you bake it?  I think of the pretty loaves of bread Olivia bakes on The Waltons and what pretty, uniform slices she cuts.  I know - she doesn't make the bread but she does slice it.  I can't even make an even slice.

    I ordered a couple of LocknLock sets from QVC and when I checked to see when it would be delivered their website said part of it was delivered Friday.  It wasn't in the mailbox so checked with QVC and they said it had been delivered to someone in Muskogee.  They'll replace it - never happened before.  I did get the other set yesterday - still in the PU for a few days.  FedEx delivered a couple of boxes Monday and they're still on the porch - probably until tomorrow.

    Need to stop and give Barclee his medication.  Think I'll take an allergy pill - cedars are putting off pollen and there's quite a few around.  Enjoy the day.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    On sleeping, bread making, and birds....

    Sayra, and Liz,  I had terrible problems calming my “monkey mind” at bedtime. Certain music (ambient, and spa/massage/reiki) helped, then not so much. But I recently discovered apps with “sleep stories”, or bedtime stories, and it’s amazing. I didn’t believe it, but it did work. They walk a fine line between not being page-turners (maybe close to boring) and yet not totally simple-minded. There are fiction and nonfiction stories, gazillion topics (animals, plants, the skies, travel, etc). I think a lot has to do with the voices reading, they are very low, calm and soothing. Most are about 30 minutes long but I have never gotten to the end of any. The apps are called “Calm,” “Headspace,” and “Relax Melodies,” which has sleep stories along with music designed for insomnia. I’ve seen Headspace written up in several mags for being especially good, lots of relaxation techniques there.

    Zetta, our bread-making skills sound very similar! I was a pretty good cook, took up baking as a challenge (I’m so not a natural baker) and got to where I could do some cakes and pastries ok. But bread....nope, never happened! Kneading and rising...nope. Friends gave me no-knead, no yeast, etc. recipes...nope. Our local bakery or grocer is just fine! And reminds me I was going to order salt-rising bread, now that Christmas is long gone, from that bakery Jo found online.

    LizG...I had a cockatiel for years, she was the sweetest bird. Had planned on getting peach-faced lovebirds but the bird guy told me the cockatiel would be a better “pet”, as birds go. She would climb all over me, snuggle and talk...different chirps for when she wanted different things. I cried like a baby when she passed.

    Jo, I hope things are better for your ex-DIL. It’s breath-taking how things happen so fast with no warning. Just unbelievable how so much can happen to one person, so fast. It speaks well for your son to still care and be involved. Sending positive thoughts...

    Lorita, also positive thoughts for Barklee, and you, and your fences. So much work in winter..

    People here give so little regard to virus, restaurants/bars are full, downtown is crowded, etc. Yet our hospitals have very low admissions. But who knows long term? DH and I are supposed to get second shot next week. Hope they have it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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