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Just need to talk to my friends (139)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Just heard from my  my sister.  She has some body aches this morning and was able to go to work.  She said only two people called off and one doctor is coming in late and said not sure if he can stay whole day. He is the same doctor who had a rough time with the first dose.  No one else had a hard time with the first dose in the lab.   Said most of them feel about like she does.  Said I will be hitting the bed early tonight.  Told her she may start feeling better by this eve.   She got it at 2pm yesterday, so for sure she will probably be feeling better by sat morning or eve.  

    Nicole hope you are able to get your uncle in to get started on the vaccine.  

    Zetta I find the virologist so very interesting, because that is what they know.  They know it better than anyone.  We are back to you don’t want the heart surgeon doing your brain surgery.    There were three virologist on the show from Germany yesterday.  They actually talked about a lot of different things including tics.  But at some point the one started talking about the more transmissible strains of SARsCoV2.  Then she said they may not be more transmissible, it may just be people’s behavior.  The guy from US smiled, this is what he says.

    It’s also very possible that this did not originate in Wuhan, that it was actually from another part of Asia.  There is evidence pointing toward this.  

    Ninety nine percent of viruses are beneficial to us.  The other 1% can cause a lot of trouble just like humans.  Guess I had always thought of viruses as bad.

    My daily virus report lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Nicole, sounds like you and your uncle really like soup - so do I.  Easy to make, makes a lot and is so good when it's cold.

     Also hope your uncle can get his vaccination soon and all goes well with it.

     Hope your handyman works out well.  I could keep one busy for a week at least.

     Goodness, Beth, 12" of snow.  That's way too much.  But, I remember when I was growing up we had big snows - not so much lately.  Do remember having a couple of snows close together that amounted to about 24".  We were snowed in, needless to say.  Hope we can get through this winter without any more.  I heard they had 6 ft. of snow in the Sierra mountains.

    Sara, Sorry your sister is having some problems with her second shot.  I have heard there's more problems with the second one than the first.  Also heard this morning that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is only about 60% effective.  I also heard there's a team over in China trying to figure out if the virus did start there.  Will be interesting to find out but it's everywhere now anyway.

     Another busy morning.  Barclee was really congested last night about 4 am. so I was awake with him most of the time until I got up - did doze off some.  He had breakfast and is sleeping now.  I have a call in to the vet to see if there's anything else we might be able to do to help him.  Last Friday he suggested Vicks VapoRub under his nose to help with the congestion.  I don't have any of that and had forgotten it until this morning or would have ordered some.  Wonder what I can use in it's place?  Any suggestions?

     Fed Tom and Jerry and walked out and checked one of the liquid feeders because I hadn't seen the girls around it - it was okay.  Not feeling up to par this morning - but had just finished breakfast when the phone rang.  It was the neighbor a mile south of us - the other neighbor at the corner of the farm's nephew.  He asked if I had missed an 800 lb. heifer.  I saw the girls up by the MH so didn't know.  He said he thought it might be mine because she was black, pretty and fat and didn't have eartags.  Didn't know what to do with her.  I was sure it was ours.  He and his friend drove her up to the corner of the farm (in the meadow where she's been grazing), then through the fence back into our pasture.  I put a couple of t-posts and driver and wire in the PU and drove up and got stuck - put it in 4WD and got out okay. It's really soft up there but very grassy.  He's going to bring his tractor and get rid of some of the honeysuckle and briars.  I came back home and took a couple of t-posts up so he could use them.  I had them in the PU but couldn't get down that far and they're heavy.  Hard walking in that grass anyway.  I'll call the man who did the fence work for me six years ago - not sure if he can do it now because it's so wet.  I did call the girls down and put them in the NE pasture until Ray can do something with the fence.  Don't know why I can't just have one calm day but doesn't seem to work out that way.  Anyway I'm back in the house having some hot tea.  If I take Barclee back to the vet I think I'll stop by and get a couple of mineral tubs from Raymond - if not, I'll get them when I go get feed Monday or Tuesday.

     It's cold out there - all of us looked like Eskimos.  No masks worn by either of them - I had one on and the wind was blowing.  You know those masks keep your face warmer.

     Back later.  Hope everyone's okay today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    I would be more concerned if my sister was not having a reaction as then I would wonder if she was getting immunity.  I’m thankful though that it didn’t seem too bad.

    Those cattle are a lot of work Lorita.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,    I am glad you had 4WD to get unstuck. That would have been awful if you can't get unstuck so good reason to carry your cell phone with you at all times.  You are lucky it sounds like you have a lot of nice neighbors around to give you help when it's needed. I also look forward to calm days. My days are pretty calm I just don 't like it when I have to leave home for any reason. I had to go get my vaccine 3 days ago and today I had to go get a bone density test then I went thru a drive thru and got me a cup of coffee I had Molly with me she loves to go in the car. The way my calendar looks now I don't have any place to go for 3 weeks. I am so relaxed knowing that. 

    Beth,   I also got the Moderna vaccine and my arm hurt also but I never got a headache. I was lucky I did not have to wait in any line. I got my shot at the Drs office. They opened up a side room and only a few at a time and all by appt and it went real smooth. It sounds like you get a lot of snow. I live in Oregon we usually get a lot but this year not as much. 

    Sara,     I sure hope it's not normal for the second shot to be harder on people. I have to drive to Washington the same day I get my second shot. I had to move my travel day out by a few days to make things work. My daughter will be gone and I need to go spend 2 weeks at her house to take care of her cats. It's only a 4 hour drive.  Is there a reason they need to find out where the virus originated at?  It's all over so how can they tell? 

    Nicole,    I am interested what kind of seafood did you put in your potato soup? My grandmother made real good clam chowder. I guess clams would go good in potato soup. 

    Tonight is a good night for tomato soup so that is what I am having for dinner. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Thanks, Judith, for the website.  I looked at it but still not quite ready to get on board.  I'm thinking about Johnson and Johnson's vaccine since it's only one shot although not quite as effective.

     Sara, you're right.  I heard on TV from probably Dr. Fauci that the soreness indicates that the body is getting immunity but a sore arm still isn't good. 

     Beth, remind me where you live.  Twelve inches of snow is way too much for me.   My mother had alzheimers  as did my sister.  Then, Charles developed vascular dementia.  I've had enough of all of those things.  My niece, Scarlet was afraid that either she or I would get it.  I kind of worry when I can't think of a name or what something's called. Eventually I do remember.  Scary stuff when you live alone.

     Talked to our vet about noon.  He's decided to try an additional medication for Barclee that he thinks/hopes will help him.  So I drove over and got it.  Called when I got there and one of the girls brought it out to the PU.  Then, went by to get the mineral tubs.  I called when I got there and told the co-owner what I needed and didn't get out of the PU.  She's an amazing woman, almost as old as I.  Her husband and Carol's brother went to school together so they're about my age.  She came out with the ticket, jumped in her Bobcat and went around the building and came back with nine or ten mineral tubs.  She sat them down and picked one up with her forks as carefully as you'd pick up a china cup.  Then sat it down in the back of the PU and slid it back a ways.  Then repeated it. She has also driven one of those big fertilizer spreader trucks and she's been here with Raymond loading calves.  Guess we do what we can to help our husbands - know I did.

    Picked up the mail when I got back - finally got my stimulus check.  That will cover a couple of tons of feed for the girls - have to get one of them early next week. 

     I opened the gate for the girls to come back through after I'd fed Rose Bud.  She absolutely knows her name.  She had been out front and I was busy so by the time I got outside she was back up by the hay.  I called her by name and she came down for her feed. 

     It was cold today and windy.  Zetta, I do have good neighbors - couldn't be better ones than Darwin and his wife.  Ray lives south of me but some of his land borders on our farm as does his uncles.  I did have another really good one at the NW corner of the farm but the green-eyed monster took care of that.  \

       I saw the weatherman said Chicago might have as much as 9" - Sandy - that means you better stay in the house. Maybe you can find a Chux for Lucy to use instead of going outside.

     Zetta - I had a bowl of potato soup for supper - really good - with cornbread crumbled in it.  You know there used to be a restaurant called Sirloin Stockade that had the best soup.  I got a bowl one day thinking it was potato soup and I found little bits of something in it - didn't like that - Charles told me it was clam chowder so they must be pretty much alike.

     Judith - hope you have a wonderful weekend - sounds like it'll be a good one to stay inside.  Have you ever tried that chocolate cake I make all the time.  If you all would try it one time, you'd be hooked like I am.  So fast and easy and good.

    Guess I'll stop for now and have that piece of chocolate cake.  I love chocolate but have been thinking if it could be a vanilla cake.  Would I have to substitute something for the quarter cup of cocoa to make it the right consistency?  Maybe a bit more flour?

     Supposed to rain tomorrow morning and be very windy, first from the south and next day strong winds from the NW.  Hate it when the wind blows except in the summer when it stirs things up a bit and makes it a bit cooler - except for the days it feels like a hot hair dryer.

     Hope you all rest well tonight.  See you tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Not sure Lorita, maybe someone else will be, think you would just leave the cocoa out.  The reason I’m thinking this is because a recipe will say you can add this much cocoa if you want chocolate and it never has you to decrease any of the other ingredients.   Just my thought.

    Zetta from what I gather, many different scientists are like detectives.  Seems they keep samples of blood stored and they have the knowledge then to test those samples long time later for things we discover along the way.  Don’t really know why it seems like it is important to them to know where it originated, but know they want to find that out.  Maybe someday I’ll understand that too.  Know it is a big jigsaw puzzle and they are trying to complete it. 

    My friend called me last night.  We talked a long time, it was nice.  She is a Gardner too and we like to do a lot of the same things.  Next time we are going to zoom.  Face timing is a lot easier but she has no apple product.  Her family, she has six siblings just started zooming once a month.  She really enjoyed that.

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, I live in Iowa, and the winters aren't always as snowy as this one has been so far. Today we expect rain, freezing rain, and snow. Hoping the rain washes away some of the snow before more (2-3") accumulates.

    Sara, I like content (twitter, some podcasts, some interviews on tv) from Dr. Ashsih Jha who is an MD and Dean of Brown University Dept of Public Health. I see him on the Today show quite often. Also, Dr. Peter Hotez MD PhD. 

    Dr. Hotez is an internationally-recognized physician-scientist in neglected tropical diseases and vaccine development.  As head of the Texas Children’s CVD, he leads a team and product development partnership for developing new vaccines for hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis,  Chagas disease, and SARS/MERS/SARS-2 coronavirus, diseases affecting hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide, while championing access to vaccines globally and in the United States.  

    He is working on one of the new Covid vaccines; I'm not sure which one.

    Sara, I also watch Dr. John Campbell from time to time. Lately his tone has been pessimistic. Just not enough vaccine in Europe, Canada and the U.S. and the variants.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's raining and from the looks of the puddles standing, it's rained most of the night.  Went out to feed Tom and Jerry and they aren't there - may be in the barn; I don't think they'd be out hunting in the rain but who knows.  Guess I won't feed the girls today.  The weatherman says we may have some severe weather around noon and into afternoon. I'm not ready for that to begin.

     Zetta - I don't think I'd ever used the 4WD on the PU myself.  I almost got stuck in another pasture a couple of years ago but just kept gunnin' it and got out.  I was afraid if I stopped to put in 4WD I never would get out. This time I backed up as far as I could, then stopped and put it in and it drove out like it was on dry ground.  But, then I wasn't really sure I'd gotten it out of 4WD.  We used to have a Jeep that had 4WD and I did use it quite often - saved us one winter when we were iced and snowed in - out of power for two weeks that time.  If and when this virus ever gets over so I can look at new vehicles I will get another one with 4WD - pretty important out here.

     Thanks, Sara, you're probably right about not adding more flour.  I really like the chocolate cakes but just thought for a change a white cake might be good - with chocolate frosting, of course.

     Sounds like you and Beth have a lot in common as far as being interested in certain things.  I've seen Dr. Jha a lot on news shows and CNN.  There's another doctor I really like but haven't seen in some time - can't remember his name.  My favorite is Dr. Fauci.  I think we can believe what he says.    The news sounds scary this morning about the virus and the variants and how they're spreading.  What an odd time we're living in - who in the world, one year ago, would have even been able to imagine what's happening.   Yesterday when I stopped by the vet's office to get Barclee's medications I saw several people going in and coming out of the clinic - no masks at all. When I got the mineral tubs I saw a couple of people come out of the office - no masks and the owner didn't have one on either.  She asked if I'd had my vaccine yet.  Told her I still wasn't sure about it - she has gotten her first shot at an Indian Hospital nearby.  She said she thinks the Health Dept. is going to be giving them.  She only had a sore arm, she said.  Why don't people wear masks?   I've found when it's windy and cold they keep you warmer, too.

     Barclee slept okay last night until about 2 a.m.  I got him up and put him in the bathroom where it was warm and let him walk around a while.  Then, he went back to sleep a while, repeated it but then I went back to sleep and not sure how long he was in the bathroom.  Right now he's sound asleep beside me in the chair.  I so hope the new medication helps. Stormy and Sheena stayed in last night, went out this morning to take care of business, and are now back inside.  The cats are playing with something behind me - guess I'd better stop and find out what it might be. I'll be back later.  Hope all of you are well this morning. 

     Saw little Rose Bud down close to the pond this morning. She saw me on the porch and started up this way - maybe she'll go into the barn.  The others are around the hay and liquid feeders.  Don't know how much rain we've had but Darwin said we had 2 1/4" a few days ago.  The ground's saturated so the county line is probably flooded again. 

     Tried to call Sarah late yesterday to see if she'd worked out something so she wouldn't be by herself all three days while Todd's gone.  No answer, of course. Worries me - she could have a seizure, fall and hit her head and lay there for who knows how long - it's happened before.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita ...Winda always says " if you want to take care of yourself it is on you". Sarah needs to wear an alarm.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, Winda's so right.  Sarah does have one and has had for years but she says she doesn't think it works any more.  I've told her she needs to get another one  - but you know how she listens.  Guess I can't talk too much because I don't always wear mine either - and as Sandy tells me so often - I should wear it especially when I'm out in the pastures with the girls.  For some weird reason I usually make sure I have it with me when I go somewhere - town, etc.  Probably that's the time I wouldn't need it so much.

    Please tell Winda hello for me.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Thank you Beth, will check those out when I have time.  We definitely would be better off if we have a global response.  Maybe Astrozeneca and J&J ones will help with that.  They are way cheaper and much easier to transport.  There are a few others in line too.  One I know is Novavac maybe.  Anyway hopefully it will be cheaper and easy to transport too.  We can hope and pray that this works out with some time.  If you ever see Shane Crotty PhD on a program, like to listen to him too.  

    Giving nasty weather here too.  Think maybe it is suppose to start tonight.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's been a beautiful afternoon - guess the bad weather fizzled out or somehow missed us.  It's sunny and in the 60s but windy.

     I'm worn out - nothing much new there. I got the dishes done and while was standind in front of the kitchen window doing them I saw some cattle down by the entryway.  Hurried and got finished, then drove down.  They were Darwins - he has been feeding in the east side of that pasture but guess it got too muddy so he moved.  They were walking back and forth and it was hard to tell if they were in his pasture or in our driveway or the road.

     Got back to the house and saw four calves in the west meadow - again.  Just been a couple of days since some were in there before.  Went out and the places we fixed the other day were all right so walked the fence and sure enough found a place where the wire was loose and saw footprints where they'd gone over. What to do?  There was a long cattle panel in the yard so dragged it out to the fence and through it and out to the place I needed to fix.  Not long enough, so found another part of a cattle panel, dragged it through and got them both put up.  Now, how to get those four babies back through the gate without all the cows going through.

     Came in and rested a bit.  Amazing that it can be cool and when you start working you can get hot so quickly.  So - went back and opened the gate we got them through before.  Couldn't get all four going the same direction at the same time and Penny, one of the moms wanted through.  Got her back and finally got all of them  headed toward the gate and through!   Got it closed and chained and got back in the house - hungry and hot.    I'll call the fence company Monday morning and see if he can at least work on the fences close to the house.  I imagine it'll be too  muddy on the west side.

     Today was feed day but I'm too tired to do it and the girls are still up in the pasture grazing and some eating hay.  When I was running water to fill the tanks, told Rose Bud to come around to the front and I'd feed her.  Maybe she will later. 

     Seems like there always something going on.  Karen said it sounded like we were always working on fences.  When I went to the vets yesterday it seemed like everybody and their uncles were out driving - pickups and flatbeds and even a couple of cars - bet I met half a dozen.  Saw one guy working on fences - so, it's not just here.  A couple of them were feeding.

     I'm watching Saturday Night Fever - again.  Saw part of it a few days ago.  I watch it mainly for the music - loved the Bee Gees.

     Sure do miss being able to call Patsy and visit a bit.  I can imagine how much Jack must miss her.  He doesn't seem to have any hobbies so he just sits - doesn't even feel like walking Zelda.  I still think if he'd move her cage into the LR with him he'd be happier - or let her loose in the house.  Can't imagine keeping her locked up.  He does let her out in the yard some though - maybe most of the day.

     Guess I'll go get feed Tuesday - didn't get around to ordering it this morning. Just hate to go into town.   I heard this morning that Trump sent hundreds of ventilators to other countries, some not even having problems with the virus, and now they've lost track of them.  Thankfully, it seems the number of new cases and hospitalizations seem to be going down - but did hear the variants are gaining momentum so there will be more necxt month.  Hard to believe January is almost over.

     Hope all of you are enjoying the afternoon.  Looks like a lot of you up north are having snow.  I just hope we don't get any more this year. I'm ready for Spring.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    If there is a whole in the fence the cattle will find it.  Growing up, it always seemed to happen when  dad wasn’t home.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Absolutely, Sara, never fails.  They can find a loose wire without any trouble and get through but much harder for them to find the way back in again.  I think everyone's where they should be this morning.  Creepfeeder looked busy.

     It's much colder here this morning, cloudy and windy.  When I went out to feed Tom and Jerry the girls tried to convince me it was feeding time.  I'll try to feed them this afternoon when it warms up a bit.  Only one of the boys was there this morning and yesterday neither one was.  The other day when Darwin was here - as we came back up to the house we saw a opossum run across the driveway from the carport to the barn - so guess I'm feeding him, too.  Darwin said he doesn't see many of them but he has one, too.  Guess the coyotes are getting them.  I don't see many rabbits anymore, either.

     Sad news here this morning.  Barclee started having trouble breathing about 5 this morning so I had been awake since then, laying in bed, watching TV.  About 7 I got a text - thought it was probably from Sarah but it was from Carol.  I thought it must be bad news for her to text or call at that time even though she gets up early, too.  Remember her niece passed away from the virus four days ago. She was 40 and had three little kids.  Their house had burned about a month ago, then she got the virus.  Carol's brother, my age, has had the virus a couple of weeks and had been in ICU, then out into a room, got worse and back to ICU.  She had told me a couple of days ago his condition was up and down.  They hadn't told him about his daughter afraid it would make him worse.  He passed away yesterday, four days after his daughter.  His other daughter also has it but it's a mild case and she's at home.  The wife is an RN and is okay so far.  So much for that family.  None of the family will be able to go because of the virus.  Carol's sister and her husband who live in Texas have had it, both fairly mild cases so they were able to stay at home.     How very awful for that family.  Carol's older sister passed away a few years ago from Alz so now only the two girls are left. 

     Her brother had helped his SIL unload some feed and she's thinking maybe it was from the feedsacks but there were people around helping clear out remains of the house so guess they'll never know.  I have started wearing a mask when I handle the feedsacks.

     Carol's son lives in Enid and he and his wife had appointments to get the vaccine in Ponca City this past week but didn't go for some reason.  Carol says they're in the process of trying to get another appointment. 

     Recently I heard something about blood type being a possible factor in getting or not getting the virus.  Carol's brother's wife is A-negative and they think maybe that's the reason she hasn't gotten it since she's in the hospital a few days a week working.

     Still haven't heard from Sarah - guess I'll let it go - nothing else to do.  I tried to call yesterday and left a message but no reply.  Nothing else to do.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  I'm watching Aerial American about Alaska - really looks cold up there. 

     I do hope all of you are wearing masks if you're out and about or someone comes by.  It's the very least and best thing we can do now.  I heard someone commenting about wearing two masks this morning - something about air being trapped between the two and keeping the masks from fitting correctly.  A person doesn't know what to do.  Staying at home is the best but seems like there's always something that has to be done that involves seeing someone.

     I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea which is probably only warm by now.  Stay well.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Good Morning (afternoon) everyone,,,

    I have to get moving and I'm so tired boy did I get old fast! I hurt all over! I need to read more of the comments but I did read about the mask wearing and I wish people would wear them. If they don't believe or care about themselves then how about caring about other people. A lot of people here aren't wearing them but have one with them so I tell them to put it on. I have had so many people I have needed to hire for one job or another and they don't wear masks..when they come to the door.

    It is sunny but it means nothing because I will have no time to go outside I don't think. I'm running late already I just needed to stay in bed a little longer and rest. 

    I have birds btw cockatiels and two aviaries.. now that is a lot of work too.. .all that bending down to clean the floor and all else. But I love them they are like little people... though, I worry I might not be able to hold on to them if I get more rundown. Think it would kill me to rehome them. 

    Husband sleeps late so far, which is a good thing.

    OK time to get to work here.. will get more personal to other peoples messages next time...

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Welcome Liz,  assuming those are two of your birds.  Is one male and one female.  To me they look similar but very different colors.  I live in Ohio, if you don’t mind sharing what state are you from?  If you don’t want to share that, that’s ok.

    We probably had about three inches of snow this morning.  Pushed my drive off and then pushed my moms off.  Just started snowing again so may push mine off again before it gets dark, we will see.  Not too cold though, get pretty warm pushing snow.

    I’m liking J&J vaccine I think.  One shot, 85% efficacy against severe disease at day 28 and no severe disease after day 49.  They will probably apply for EUA soon.  Might be the one I get offered, who knows, cheap, easy storage, think I would be happy with that one too, maybe happier.

    Had a very interesting guest virologist on my YT channel today.  Believe he was out of University of Texas.  They like the German scientist, Iheard several months ago, had been working on technology and was waiting for a pandemic to use it.  Said that in thirty days they had done what they needed to do with SARS COV2 and had contacted Moderna.  We have many heroes in our country, they never make the headlines but they are out there working, gaining knowledge to try and help us.  Very thankful for their help.

    Beth do I remember right that you are a RN?  If you are did you work with babies?

    Lorita know it’s tough not hearing from S.   Haven’t heard from J in several days either.  Maybe if I haven’t heard from her by end of week, might try and call her to see if I get an answer.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Welcome Liz, Your birds are beautiful. Do they speak? I have a dog - miniature Schnauzer, all of 12 lbs, named Josey. I have an outside cat named Tortie (she is a tortoiseshell color which is brown with streaks of orange).

    I retired as an RN. I worked in ICU, CCU, ER, Surgery, teaching, etc. My latest specialty was cardiac. I retired 10 years ago. 

    Why am I here? I would say for the socialization! My mom passed from Alzheimer's in 2017 and I stayed on to read and "talk."

    Hope you are all having a blessed Sunday.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Sunday All,

    Getting a bit frustrated with trying to get an appointment for my uncle to get the COVID test. Either no appointments available or they're out of the vaccine. Maybe it's just not the right time for him to get this yet.

    Someone asked about a nurse that worked with babies, I was an RN on labor/delivery and ER. Then I became an attorney. Oh and Jo asked me a few weeks ago, yes my hubby is an FBI agent.

    Nothing new going on here in Las Vegas.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Liz, so glad you decided to come and sit on the porch with us for a while.  It's been a chilly/cold/windy day here but supposed to be warmer the next two days.  Then, next weekend the bottom's going to fall out, temperature wise. No talk of snow yet.  Just saw the weather and it looks like our friends up north and east are really getting slammed with snow. 

     Got out and fed the girls this afternoon.  They were laying around in the sun which came out about 1:30.  Went out on the porch and said "come on, girls" and they started answering.  That's what Charles always said to them and they'd answer him, too.  I had four sacks (200 lb.) of feed left so gave it all to them but had some in a pan for Rose Bud.  After they ate they drifted off to graze.  I filled the water tanks and pulled the two 125 lb. mineral tubs out of the PU bed into the bed of the Gator.  Paying for it now, too.  I'll pull them out of the Gator  into the pasture tomorrow.  Picked up a couple of old, empty mineral tubs out of the pastures. 

     Liz,  I live in east central Oklahoma on a farm that's been in our family since 1936.  My sister was four when my parents moved here.  My grandpa passed away in 1941, seven months before I was born.  After that grandma came to live with us.  I was born in the house where I live now.  Charles, my husband, passed away from vascular dementia six years and two weeks ago.  It's been really lonely but my friends on the forum have pulled me through and are still doing it.

     I have two Great Pyrenees, Stormy and Sheena, one 22 year old Shih Tzu, Barclee, two Savannah cats, mom and baby who's as big as she is, one Tuxedo cat who's almost blind and a tabby.  These four are in the house with me.  Also have two tuxedo cats - Tom and Jerry who live in the carport and barn - and 39 head of cattle, all girls except two or three.  Before Charles passed away we pretty much stayed here on the farm except for going into town for feed and groceries.  He loved to go to town and to the grocery stores.  That's about the extent of our traveling the last few years.

     So, my life now is not so different than it was except for not having Charles with me.  I lost one of my nieces a couple of years ago, lost my sister this past September to Alz. and my cousin Thanksgiving Day.  All the family I have left is a great niece in OKC who's in very poor health, her brother somewhere in Kentucky and some cousins.  I do have good neighbors and a vet who helps a lot by setting out hay for the cattle.  He checks on me from time to time.    This forum is a great help to me and has always been.  Made many good friends although we'll probably never meet in person I feel like I know them very well. 

     Again, glad you joined us - always room for more on the porch.

     I need to get over in the chair with Barclee and get my back on the heating pad for a while.  Just watched a bit of news - sounds like we're really in for it, virus-wise, the next few months.  Judith, I ordered some K95 masks (made in the USA) from Amazon today - should get them this next week.  It says they're five layers - hope I can breathe with them on.  I'll continue to wear the three-layer surgical masks I have if I'm not going to be close to people - like when I buy feed.  Not going to the grocery store in the near future either.

     Zetta - getting ready to watch Gunsmoke - can't have a day without seeing Matt.  Hope you, Molly and Rascal are all right.  Sara, sorry you haven't heard from Jean lately but like Judith says "no news is good news". 

     Everyone, stay safe and well.  See you all tomorrow.  Liz, our thread is usually not very busy on the weekends so there'll be more posts this week welcoming you.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Its cold for me today I got some snow and rain. Most of the snow is gone and what comes down now melts pretty fast.  

     Lorita,  I hope your able to get some rest today and all your girls stay home. I hope the new meds work for Barclee. It will be nice when you can get your fence all mended so your not having to worry about your girls.  

    Liz,    Hello. Your birds are beautiful and welcome to our group. I live in Oregon I took care of my DH until I had to place him in MC where he lived for 2 years before he passed away 3 years ago. I have a little dog her name is Molly that is her on my lap in the picture I also have a cat his name is Rascal. I enjoy visiting with the people here they all feel like friends. We share a lot about our days. 

     Jo,  I have been thinking about you and I hope your starting to feel better.

    Judith,  I am making that bread recipe that you shared with us. I have the dough covered and sitting on my counter till tomorrow morning. I hope to have some fresh bread for my breakfast.

    Nicole,  I am sorry your having problems getting the vaccine for your uncle. I guess I was just lucky to get mine. I live in a real small town so I did not have to wait in  any line. I was able to just go to my Drs office and they had a area set up by appt only to get your vaccine.//

    I hope your all having a good Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    ZEtta, what bread recipe?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Glad you are ok Zetta.  Had been wondering.  Wondering about you too Jo.

    Lorita sorry about Carols family.  They are having a rough time.

    Nicole and Beth, you guys worked ER so you are probably familiar with RSV.  As you know those poor little babies are so sick.  Well the guy from Texas Said they are working on a deal where mom will  be given a vaccine at some point in the pregnancy and then it will give the baby protection from RSV.  That would be wonderful. Hope that pans out soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Jo, we haven't seen a post from you lately.  Hope you and your family are okay.  Please let us hear from you.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    Its a recipe she gave us sometime in December. The date I printed if off was Dec 29,  She calls it Crusty Bread. It is suppose to cook in a cast iron pot and I don't have one so I will just be using a covered pot so I hope it turns out. I will let you know in the morning. 

    Sara,    Thanks for thinking about me I have been busy getting my vaccine on Wed then not moving my arm much on Thurs  then I had to go get a bone dex test done Friday.  Now I have no place to go for 2 weeks so there is my 14 day countdown.     

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Sayra,

    Thank you for the welcome. I guess I will just have to pick up in conversations here and there because I don't think I could absorb all that info so quickly in the previous letters. No they are not my birds, The pictures are of Love Birds which I have had in the past.  I actually was going to buy love birds and fell in love with a cockatiel.. next thing you know I have three.

    I live in Florida but I was born and spent most of my life in NY. I miss the snow!!! and the cooler weather, love the change in the seasons. I don't like Florida at all but my husband wanted to leave NY for many reasons. I was just sitting outside I think it in the 50's and it felt great The wind was blowing and the air was crisp and cool. 

    I think the scientists are working like crazy to get the vaccines made now of course we have some new strains to deal with too.

    Well, since it's 2:30 AM I think I will keep this short for now  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Lorita... so I can catch up a little bit.. how many cats do you have and any other animals? I used to do rescue work with cats and miss them so much.. but the birds are a lot of work and I just don't have time for another pet. If anything I would get my male a playmate (another male) but even that right now is too much.  

    When I used to live in NY when I did the rescue back then... I felt like I had Wild Kingdom in my backyard. ducks, geese, swans... all kinds of birds, and a lot of cats. Only one Mouse for a short time... Are you in Oklahoma? 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Hi Beth...
    Oh those aren't my birds, those are lovebirds which I used to have too. I will have to change my picture or add a pic so you all can see my birds. They are all very pretty you'll agree when you see them. I'll try to attach a few pics.  I love little dogs lol... so I'm sure your Josey is precious. Torti sounds like the colors of my last cats. Two of them were those colors and one was an orange.. all from the same litter. I miss them so much. 

    I'm sorry about your mom having the AD and her passing.  My parents are gone too, my dad had the disease really badly and suffered a lot.  Very agitated dementia. My husband is different more like a senility and sleeps late.. can't remember anything and does some weird things. I mean can't remember even his SS#. He's got this fixation with the kitchen... and it's an open floor plan so I can't keep him out. I know he wants to feel useful so I let him do stuff but oh boy that is a story unto itself. 

    Wonderful that you were a nurse with quite a resume. Good to have an experienced nurse in the house . in my working days I used to be a bookkeeper and an office mgr for a big company but before that, I worked for my dad. Actually even after they moved to California, I still did work for him. No one else could....he was tough. But I loved him and that was the way to get close to him to share his business with him. I miss him every day.

    Let me see if I can add some pics for everyone to see of my kids...

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Lorita... hi again,..
    Now it's 3 AM and I have to go to sleep soon but I just read your latest message. It sounds like a really nice (but a lot of work) to live on the farm. I would love it I think because of my great love of animals. You have so many! Sounds like heaven. But I am also very sorry for all the losses and that you're husband is also gone. The animals needs us so they keep us very busy. just having my 3 birds is a good 4 hours of my time a day..  Not easy bending over any more cleaning aviaries LOL, but I love them to pieces. Really miss having cats but only being one person I cannot take on more responsibility.  So you have tornadoes there right? Do you have a tornado shelter underground?  When I was a baby we lived in Kansas because my dad was in the Air Force so we lived on the base. But then came NY which was my home I loved with tons of wildlife.  

    I think it's really cool that you're living in the home you were raised in. All the memories are there.  Who helps you with the cattle and taking care of things? OK I mist get some rest..

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    and here is the other one

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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