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Just need to talk to my friends (139)



  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Lorita,

    Thank you.. Any sign of the cat? I'm trudging along. Very tired, too much to do and not enough energy to do it all... but I'll be checking in  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Well, it is still morning for four more minutes anyway.  I've had a busy morning trying to get things ready for the awful weather we're going to be having.  I cut down some of the cardboard boxes on the front porch and wedged them in between other things at the crawl space on the north side of our house.  When it's really cold, like it's going to be, I worry about the pipes freezing but I'll keep the cabinet doors open with a small electric heater going.  Got that done and decided I'd better feed the girls before the rain started.  Saw the radar and it looked like it was just south of us.  Oh, by the way, Liz, Tom and Jerry were at the carport this morning.  Made me feel so much better.  Guess he was off "girlin'.  As I got into the PU my cellphone rang and it was Mike calling to tell me I'd better get my feeding done because it was beginning to sprinkle where he was and also to tell me he'd put the medicine for Barclee in my mailbox.  I called them yesterday and asked them to mail it but since he feeds just north of here and is by here every other day guess he decided he'd put it in the mailbox.  He's done that before.  You know I've known several good men in my life - daddy, Charles, a couple of wonderful neighbors and some of the men I worked with and Mike.  They're hard to find and I've been lucky to know them. 

     So, got the feeding done and put the other 350 lb. of creepfeed in the feeder for the babies.  Also got Rose Bud fed.  They had already drifted off to graze because it wasn't raining here - it is now, lightly.  Just filled both water tanks and will refill them again later today and bring in the hose.  I think I mentioned the gasket or whatever it's called has loosened on the PU doors (it is 20 years old, you know) and when it rains the water gets in and if it's cold enough it freezes and I can't open the doors.  So, we have a huge, heavy tarp and I was able to get it over the cab and doors to keep the water out.  I have enough feed for a couple of feedings in the Gator but sounds like this cold spell's going to last quite some time. The hardest thing I did was getting the tarp on and taking 50 lb. of feed out of the inside of the car and into the back of the PU.

     Opened the boxes on the porch, wiped down things and got them inside and put away.  Still have two cases of catfood out there but I'll get them in later.  I'm tired right now.

     I was so happy to see Tom and Jerry.  Last evening when I was out there checking on them I only saw one and I thought for sure I'd seen two yesterday morning so guess one of the boys was off hunting - or something.

     Jo - good to see your post.  So sorry for all that's going on with Laurel.  I had no idea something like that could be passed on to others.  Hopefully, things will turn out all right and she'll recover successfully. 

     I saw your post on another thread this morning wondering about whether Bactrim would interfere with your vaccination.  Of course, I have no idea and there's so much right now that's unknown about the vaccine and what surrounds it, it's hard to know. I can't take Bactrim (don't remember why but it's on my list of things I can't take).  I need to tell Carol about not taking Ibuprofin the day before or of vaccination.  They get their first shots the 10th.  When I talked with her yesterday her sister was having a heart cath and they weren't sure what they'd have to do - stents or something else she mentioned like cauterizing part of an artery to reroute the blood flow. 

     Talked with our friend, Sandy, last evening.  She's slowly improving and she does sound better - not nearly as SOB and she is sleeping fairly well.

     Barclee continues to improve.  He slept through most of the night and is sound asleep now.  He has a good doctor.

     Barbara - so happy to see your post and to know you're well.  It doesn't seem possible that it's been over four years since Graham went into the facility.  I'm so glad he's still able to be up and around and is still eating well.  I'm glad you're able to go see him and how great it is that your Country has controlled the virus to the point you're not having to wear masks.  Sad that our Country has one fourth of the world population and twenty-five percent of the cases.  I think those numbers are right - I hear so many, it's hard to remember.

     And, you're an Author. Congratulations!! Your book sounds like one that I would love to read - right up my alley.  I'll do that when it comes out.  You know one of my favorite movies is The Man From Snowy River, mainly because of the scenery.  I've always thought I'd love to go to Australia and New Zealand but there's way too much water between here and there - and I can't swim!  I watch all the shows I can find about those Countries.  The animals you all have are fascinating - so many not found anywhere else. 

     Glad you're reading - maybe you'll find more time to post.  Nice that your summer is a bit cooler and wetter than normal.  Makes it much better for humans and animals.

     Ron - that cornbread recipe sounds so delicious.  I can just imagine how that would taste with a bowl of brown beans - or the cornbread crumbled into the beans.  We used to eat it that way a lot - or slice the bread in half and put beans over it.  I like brown beans anyway I can have them - and butter beans.  Reminds me I had thoughts a day or so ago of trying what so many of you all do - soaking them overnight before I cook them.  Usually I just put them in the slow cooker, unsoaked, and let them cook.

    I hear the rain but it's 43 degrees - don't believe we're going to have freezing weather until late tomorrow except they did say we might have a mix through this area later today.

     Reminds me, Judith, how does your daughter like the bread maker you gave her for Christmas?  They're advertising one on QVC right now.    What about the grill or some other appliance you bought but hadn't tried yet - do you like it?

     I'd better stop.  The mother cat and her baby (bigger than she) are running amuck.  I can hear things falling in other parts of the house.  Everyone else is asleep.  I think most of the girls have even drifted off to graze so there must be nice, green grass underneath the dry grass.  I have a couple of bunches of daffodils blooming and picked one as I came back in from filling water tanks.  They smell so good - makes a person feel better.

     Enjoy the day - snow if you're having it (stay inside) or warmer weather.  Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Its a warm day at my house as long as your in the sun. I have my back door open and Molly is laying on the back porch in the sun and Rascal is laying inside the door in the sun. Lorita it sounds like all our kids love the sun. I love when I can leave a door open and let in some fresh air.

     Lorita,   I am so glad Tom & Jerry are back together. I have had a few indoor/outdoor cats disappear and that is so sad when that happens. Rascal is a indoor cat he at times will go out and lay on the porch but he does not go much farther then that.   I sure hope Sarah did not break a leg. I bet if she did she would have called the ambulance I imagine the pain would have been real bad. Its too bad Todd works so far from home.  You are very lucky to have some good neighbors, especially when your alone. That is so nice of Mike to leave Barclees meds in your mailbox.      I used to like Judge shows but I got tired of the way Judge Judy talks to the people so it kind of turned me off to the judge shows. I have seen Judge Judy on talk shows and she seems real nice I feel bad for the people on her show.  I prefer the westerns I wish I got as many as you do and Wagon train is also one of my favorites but I don't get that. I like Ward Bond. There are no westerns on at my house today so I am watching the I.D. shows. I don't really watch them they are just on. Crazy me I have the TV on all day just to have it on. 

     Jo,   It is always nice hearing from you I am so sorry you have had some sad days. It sounds like your DIL is not getting worse and things might be getting better for her. She is still in my prayers. 

    Sandy,     I am sorry you are dealing with pneumonia and a bad back. Hopefully you find comfort in a heating pad on your back.

    Barbara,   Congratulations on your book I am looking forward to when it comes out. Dan used to say if he could go anyplace it would be Australia. If I lived there and could have I would love to have a Kangaroo for a pet. Are they good pets? They are cute. 

    I hope you all have a good week end. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Cold, but sunny and beautiful.  

    Ron have heard others talk about making cornbread that way and liking it.  Have never tried it. Make my cornbread very plain.  How I was raised.  Both sets of my grandparents were very poor.

    Sandy so glad to hear you are less short of breath and slowly improving.  

    Barbara how neat that you are getting a book published.

    Watching a YT channel called Celebrating Appalachia.  It is out of North Carolina but could most certainly have originated in eastern Kentucky.  Though it is a little interesting to me that my cousin (genealogy person) said that my paternal grandpa’s family came to Kentucky from North Carolina.  Maybe that is why things are so alike.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Barbara - the author!!!!!!   What a wonderful thing to have happen - you have a publisher!  That is awesome news.  I so hope we can find your book here in the U.S. or on Kindle so we can read your story.  Congratulations Barbara; job well done.  How exciting.

    Glad the cats are okay Lorita, that must have been a bit scary for awhile having one of them missing. 

     It is in the 70's here; warm for February, able to have windows open.  Just strange this time of the year.  Somehow, I think this is going to be a very hot summer.

    We just had the air conditioner and furnace inspected and spiffed up, filters changed, trouble shooting, cleaned and prepping it all for next season.  We do this each year in February or March to ensure all will be well (we hope) for what is to come.  No contact necessary as air conditioner is outside the back patio, and the furnace is in the garage.

    Really strange weather; the mountains are hugely covered in snow, more than they usually get.  February is usually our wettest month, but right now, not a cloud in the sky, and nothing on the radar.

    I would like to have the carpeting cleaned.  Sure needs it, but do not want someone in the house at this time.    Way too much square footage for us to do it.

    Please be extra careful out there Lorita; sure do wish you would remember to wear your emergency alert each time out, you do so much and oh my; the weight you carry in those huge sacks, it sometimes really concerns me on your behalf.  If we do not see you here each day, we will sic jfkoc onto Mike the vet and have him roll out to see if you are okay.

    Omigosh, DH just bought a HUGE (CostCo sized) bag of little foil wrapped milk chocolate.  Do not need it, nope, nope, nope.   "Can you eat just one?" I ask myself.  Honest part of me says, "NO!"   So best to stay away from it.

     DIL still on vent; has pneumonia, atelectasis (collapse) of left lower lobe in lung; they are going to do a bronchoscopy today -  Despite being sedated on the vent, at times she will grasp one's hand upon request.  I feel so horribly sorry for her.  If she can feel at times, she must be horrified. Her sister had been in an auto accident and ended up a ventilator dependent quadriplegic for years; she died several years ago.  Laurel took care of her for  awhile, so she must have some bits of thoughts re that if and when a bit wakeful.  

     Take good care and hope you all have a good evening,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, when you all made cornbread, did you add sugar?  We never did - just plain corn meal mix, egg and milk with hot grease in the batter and cast iron pan.  Charles has made jalapeno cornbread a few times and it's good but jalapenos are too hot for me.  We use to raise a pepper called Tam Jalapeno - had the good taste of a jalapeno but only half or less as hot.

     Jo, in the 70s, - I'll be glad when we can get back to that but the next two weeks look very cold. Right now we're still in the mid to upper 30s.  I'm glad I got everything done today so I can rest a bit tomorrow.  I filled the three water tanks again this evening  - had to make at least two trips for each one and then took the hose out to the lot to fill that tank.  My legs are achy tonight.

     I made those pumpkin-spice muffins again today.  I thawed the pumpkin (remember I had to buy a huge can and divide it into baggies and freeze it).  Thawed it out of the refrigerator, then put it in a bowl in the refrigerator last night. I should have covered it because it dried out some.  So, added about a third of a cup of applesauce and some mini chocolate chips - turned out good.  Had to test one, then an hour or so later tested another.  Made a huge pan of mac and cheese - used the store brand of Kraft mac and cheese, then also cooked about 3/4 C. of tiny shells so it made a lot.  Again, had to test it a couple of times - think I ate too much.

     I'll try to remember to post every day (I think I post two or three times most days).  Years ago Charles was in the hospital and I hadn't posted in two or three days. That's when Judith tracked down the vet.  Luckily I had come home to feed and was taking Barclee outside and he was coming to the yard - had been to the barn to check if I was there. So, after that I got a tablet and took it with me when he was in the hospital.  I need to wear that alert button but I always think I'm just going to do some little thing and won't need it but end up doing more.  Every time I climb up that step stool onto the tail gate and then am able to get back down without falling I say a little thanks.  I have to back up all the way to the feeder so there's no way to get up there except by climbing.  I have, when I was younger, stepped on the tire and got up that way - no way could I do that now - or to jump out of the PU bed either.

     I'm watching The Incredible Dr. Pol.  Some of these are made this year because they're wearing masks and at the clinic they're coming out to the car to get the cat or dog or whatever and bringing it back after treatment.  That's what they do at our vets - at least I have them do it for me.  It seems everyone else is going in - without a mask on.   Makes me dread calving season, which begins next month - they just had a breach birth - big Holstein and they lost the calf.  I used to go to school with kids from a family who ran a dairy and I remember being over there when they were milking.  Those were the biggest cows - as big as some of our Brangus cattle.  Bridget sent me a book written by Dr. Pol "Never Turn Your Back on an Angus".  Haven't had time to read it but will this winter.  Seems like he deals with mostly Holstein cattle which he says are gentler than Angus.

     Zetta, talking about cattle - have you ever noticed in the old westerns when they're having cattle drives that the cattle are almost always Herefords?  Daddy used to raise Herefords - cutest little, white faced calves.  We used to have a neighbor south of us who ran Herefords.  Now, almost all the cattle are red or black angus and Brangus - except Mike has a few Herefords he bought from a ranch north of here. 

     Enough cattle talk.  Jo, sounds like your DIL isn't quite out of the woods yet.  Hope things go better soon.    Did you ever find out about taking the vaccine while you're on an antibiotic?

     Chocolate - almost the best thing in the world.  When I opened the boxes today found a big bag of M&Ms I'd ordered and next week I'll get more Hershey's kisses.  Have to have my chocolate fix.

     Guess I'll stop for tonight before I lose this - trying to type where there's not much light.  Everyone else is asleep and I've had a short nap or two myself.

     Hope you all have a restful night.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Sounds like we are going into the deep freezer soon too Lorita.  

    Lorita I use Martha White cornmeal mix.  All I add to that is buttermilk.  Use to put butter in my cast iron skillet, but use avocado oil now.  Like you can’t take a lot of heat in my food.

    Haven’t looked out yet, don’t know if have snow to shovel or not.  Hope I don’t.  Wanting to make a pan of lasagna today.  Made a new dinner roll recipe yesterday, made oatmeal up and put in it.  Turned out pretty good.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's cold here but not freezing.  Went out to feed Tom and Jerry - both were there ready for their breakfast -and their water wasn't frozen.  I think our really cold weather begins tomorrow and will last at least all week, or more.  Really dread that.

     Girls are scattered around - licking liquid feed, eating hay and drinking water.  Haven't been able to see Rose Bud yet.  If I don't soon, I'll walk up to check. 

     Sara - I usually use Shawnee's Best corn meal mix - also the white kind.  It's made in Oklahoma.  I think I add an egg.  If I make it this time when I cook beans, I won't use an egg - kind of  afraid to use any of those half dozen I have.  Google says the older they get the more salmonella they can develop.  Don't need any of that.  Probably should throw them away.

     So, you used oatmeal in your dinner rolls?  I've been eating Malt-o-Meal for breakfast lately instead of oatmeal.  I thought I ordered one box this last week but guess it came in a pack of three - so I'm set for Malt-o-Meal for a while.  Guess I'll need to make another loaf of bread today.  Just can't get ready to make it manually yet but I'll probably get around to that.  I was going to soak some beans overnight to cook them today but forgot so guess I'll try to remember to do it tonight - or cook them without soaking. 

     I don't mind weather like we're having now - in the 40s and sometimes into the 50s and 30s or 20s at night but not when it's so cold you have to cut ice so the girls can drink.  I remember before we started using water tanks to keep the girls away from the pond in the winter and in really dry weather, we had to cut holes in the ice so the girls could drink.  They were so good taking turns to drink.  Charles would cut the ice and sometimes it'd be 6" thick. He's cut it and push the big pieces of ice under the remaining, uncut ice.   One year he had a hole in the finger of one of his gloves and didn't realize it and got frostbite on that finger from cutting ice.  Sometimes when you cut it, the water splashes back on you and you're iced over.  He didn't lose his finger but it turned black and some skin sloughed off.  Cutting ice was how I hurt my shoulder two or three winters ago - using a sledge-hammer type thing that was too heavy and doing it with one arm - silly thing to do and I don't know why I did it - guess I had something in the other hand I didn't want to put down.

     Sara - hope you don't have to shovel snow today.  Are you expecting a lot of it?  They're saying we may get a little off and on, one or two of the days.  I can do without that for sure.  But - just think we're only 41 days away from the first day of Spring but sometimes we have our biggest snows in March.  I remember in 1966, I think, we had a really big snow.  I had a Mustang and couldn't get out to work the usual way.  Daddy went with me up the county line road and we only got a mile or so from home before we found the road was snowed in - couldn't get through.  It gets hairy out here sometimes. 

      I'll stop and finish my juice.  I'm ready for some hot tea and a muffin.  After I baked them they were kind of crusty on top (like that) but I put them in the NuWave oven and closed the top and when I took them out last night they weren't crusty.  Put them back in the turned-off oven for the night.  May turn on the oven and bake them another five minutes to get the crust back on.

     I'll be back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We don’t have Shawnees Best brand here.  Have not even heard of it.  I do use white corn meal.  My sister use to mix yellow and white together.  Liked that too.  

    It’s around noon and it is 12 degrees.  If remember right that was the temp at 6am too.  We just got a skiff of snow,  pushed mine and mom’s drive off and it was easy.  Got my lasagna made early so took mom a piece of that and a roll.  Hope she likes it.  Poor thing,  every time I go over there she is sitting, looking out the front window.  Makes me sad but nothing I can do.  Almost every time I go, she gives me stuff.  Today she gave me a small pan, some paparika and some cinnamon.

    Dread the deep freezer too but I’m blessed with a very warm coat.  Call it my quilt.  It almost touches the ground and is very warm.  Only wear when it is extremely frigid.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Jiffy + a smidge of sugar

    next shot this coming Saturday .... hope no line outside

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Glad you didn't get any more snow than just a bit, Sara.  I have a heavy work coat I bought years ago at a consignment place.  It's very warm so don't often have to wear it.  Normally I wear a buffalo plaid fleece jacket with a quilted lining, however, I wear thermals, top and bottom, plus flannel lined pants and a heavy sweat shirt over the thermals.  I feel like the Michelin man. Also wear two pairs of socks all winter except only one pair while I'm sleeping.  Glad your coat's warm - you'll probably need it this week. 

     I know it's sad to see your mom just sitting.  She sounds lonesome but I know from what you've posted before she'd be hard to live with.  I think most of the time it's hard for a daughter to live with her mother even if everything's okay.

     Glad the lasagna was good.  Did you put oatmeal in your rolls?  I have a loaf of honey French bread or French honey bread? in the breadmaker.  It's almost like the recipe I use except uses half a tsp. more yeast, a little more water and two tsp. of honey.  We'll see how that turns out. 

     Had mac and cheese and English peas for lunch.  Opened two cans of them and they were only half full and the liquid was cloudy - threw those away.  A couple of months ago I ordered two or three six packs and had one replaced because the cans were bent badly.  So, I shook the remaining cans and found nine more that you could tell were only half full.  Called WM.com and they'll issue a refund.  Guess I'm going to see if Amazon has English peas.  I like the small, early peas and these were not like that.

     Judith, how long was your arm sore?  I think you said you only felt a bit off balance for the one day.  I hope this vaccination goes better.  Sorry, but I've heard people have a bit more reaction to the second one - wonder why that would be?  Hope there's not a line outside either.

     I've heard people in this area seem to be getting their vaccinations at either Eufaula or Muskogee, also Tahlequah.  Sounds like they may not be giving them in our town.

     All quiet here today - I'll have to refill the water tanks before the Super Bowl comes on this evening.  This is #55 and I've seen all of them.  That sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?  Hopefully KC will win again this year.  Their players didn't get to Florida until yesterday to keep them away from people so they wouldn't catch the virus. 

     Has anyone heard about cauliflower wings?  I saw them on QVC yesterday - breaded  pieces of cauliflower.  Sounds pretty good.

     Also saw something I'd never seen before on some cooking show - frozen avocados - halves of avocado frozen.  They thawed them in hot water.  I think the show was Guy's Grocery Games.  When all of this virus stuff is over I'm going to the grocery store and just take a while and look around to see what they do have.  I usually (have to) have a grocery list and don't really look around much.  I'll probably be surprised at what's there.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    The sun is shining bright in my neighborhood today. Molly and I went over to my friends house to let her dogs out to potty this morning. They left early today to drive over to the coast. She left me 2 dozen fresh eggs she said her chickens lay a dozen a day. Dan was the cook in our house and he would get fresh eggs at times. I have never used fresh eggs. I was told to wash them before I used them, after I looked at them I decided to give them to my neighbor. My neighbor talked me into keeping a dozen and trying them. I wash and boil 6 of them and made a egg salad it taste pretty good. 

    Lorita,   I hope you don't get tired of us reminding you to ware the alert button, but with you being alone thats the most important reason to ware it.  I am glad that Judith has a way of tracking you down I am sure we would all worry if a day went by and we did not hear from you.  

    I don't know how you guys do it if I had a bag of M&Ms I would eat the whole bag. I did make some muffins a few days ago and I did freeze some. I am always trying to lose some weight so I need to try harder.

    Judith,  I hope your 2nd shot goes as good as your 1st one. I get my 2nd one on the 24th. I am hoping there is no diff. I was lucky I did not have a line our shots are given at the Doctors office and by appt only.

    Sara,    You are such a good daughter and your Mother is so lucky to have you there for her. It is nice that you live as close as you do I am sure you worry about her. She is probably very comfortable sitting there looking out the window. I do that most of the time. I am sure she loves giving you those things. My Mother used to give me her old cloths I did not like them I would never ware them but I took them and gave them to GoodWill. 

    I hope your all having a good Sunday. And for those game watchers enjoy. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Jo, Judith, Zetta praying all of you do real well with your shots.  I’m so happy for you, and also it means I’m three shots closer to getting mine.

    Lorita this recipe had you to make up the oatmeal like you were going to eat it.  Worked good.  Usually buy the frozen petite peas.  Walmart’s does not carry those, so if shopping there get the LeSeur brand.  If you can find those they are petite and I like them. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita....I have used the Cuisenart airfryer/toaster/oven. I like it. I does cook faster so I am still getting used to it.    My arm was not really sore. I could only feel soreness when I touched the injection spot. Winda says the same as do all of my friends except one who truly had dizzy and nausea for more than a day.

    I agree with the recommendation for the Le Seur (sp) peas. They are very nice and the only canned pea I will buy.

    So news about Sarah's broken arm? Perhaps a false alarm. I give you a big pat on the back for the change in how you are dealing with the situation.

    Yeah, it is going to be silly cold. I may look for my or Dick's silk underwear. It really keeps you warm

    I had a long chat with Dick's Air America buddy that I have been emailing. He was alarmed that I had not replied to his last few emails. I told him that I had replied. Seems the problem was that I automatically was going to spam. What a laugh we had over that and the process we went through to find me. Honestly there are times I have to get a grandson in to help.

    So, is no one going to make the bread???? It is really so easy and you will love it. I am going to get some yeast and make this week. Yum!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Not a very good first half of the Super Bowl for the Chiefs.  They're going to have to settle down.  So far I'm not at all impressed with any of the advertisements and certainly not with the part of the halftime show I've seen.  I have no idea who the guy is who's singing.  Guess I'm too old for that kind of music.

     Judith, glad you like your new appliance.  It always seems to take a while to get adjusted to something new - at least for me. 

     I'm trying to distance myself as much as I can from what's going on with Sarah and Todd.  I can't do anything about any of it so that's the best I can do.

     Funny that your e-mails were going to spam.  How in the world did that happen?  Odd things happen on the internet sometimes.

     Bread recipe - I'm going to have to look it up - you posted it, right?  I tried the new recipe for bread I made today.  Don't like it as much as the one I've been using - but, kind of similar.  Seems like even with a little more yeast it didn't rise quite as much. 

     Zetta - I don't mind you all reminding me about the alert button at all. Just wish I could remember it.  If I put it on the door knob I'd probably go out the other door and still not wear it.

    The girls tried their best to convince me it was feed day probably because I fed them really early yesterday.  I went out and told them I wasn't going to feed them today.  Rose Bud was with them and I told her to hang around.  When I went around to fill the water tanks she was around there (others were grazing).  I told her to go around to the front and I'd feed her.  By the time I got back around to the Gator where  I'd left her feed she was around there and ready for it - quite a lot walk for her.  I know those girls understand what I say to them - after all, I've talked to them from the time they were born so shouldn't surprise me.  When it's sunny again, I'll take a picture of Rose Bud so you all can see what she looks like.  I actually think she's looking a bit better.  She's funny, - I like to pet the girls on their heads when I'm around them but when I pet her head, she shakes her head and snorts at me. 

     I do like LeSeure peas, too.  There used to be  brand we liked called Trellis - haven't seen them in years.  Our little grocery store used to have a brand in a silver can that were really small and so good.  Guess they've quite carrying them, at least didn't see them when I was in the store months ago.

     Good luck on your vaccinations tomorrow, ladies.  Hope all goes well.  I may call our Health Dept. tomorrow and see if they're going to be giving them.  I've been reading about adverse reactions and it doesn't seem like there's many.  The one thing that they think may be causing the reactions is the stuff they add to antifreeze.  The dog food I give the GPs used to have it in it so quit using it but they removed that ingredient.  I've also noticed it's in some eyedrops - polyethylene glycol, I think it is. 

     There's some freezing drizzle north of us about 75 miles.  Sure hope it doesn't make it down this far.  Haven't been able to catch all of the weather this evening.  Started the car and drove it down to the mailbox, then let it run a while to keep the battery up and covered the windshield with a frost guard.  I bought a new battery charger but if I can keep the batteries up, that would be better than trying to use something new.

     I'll stop for now - second half is underway and looks like the Chiefs might be doing better.  I won't proofread so please excuse any mistakes.  See you all tomorrow.  They just made another field goal so it's 9 to 21 now - little better.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi everyone...

    I wanted to play a little catch up.. but I am so tired I have to rest now. I needed to do so much today I am ready to collapse. Just know I am with all of you and will be back another night... hugs to all

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Seven degrees this morning.  I can see the concrete this morning.  I like that.

    Liz hope you got a good nights rest.

    Lorita you wondered why you get more symptoms post second shot.  Her is how I think of it.  With first shot, if you haven’t had Covid, your body doesn’t recognize it yet, it is getting your body ready to recognize it.  When you get your second shot, if these symptons occur, it is sort of assurance that your body is recognizing it and doing what it is suppose to do to hopefully protect us .

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     I feel like a duck and probably look like one, too.  Went out to feed Tom and Jerry - they were both there and ready for breakfast.  The big old tarp on the PU had blown back on one side so tried to fix it.  I don't want any moisture to get to the doors or they'll freeze when it gets below freezing (not long from now).  Then, decided I'd get the partial sack of fortified grain for Rose Bud out of the back of the car - no way will I be able to get in the trunk when it freezes - so got it into the house.  Cut up another cardboard box and fixed it against another crawl space I had forgotten on the west side of the house.  I do hope nothing is under the house or they can't get out. 

     It's drizzling, misting, messy, cold and other adjectives I can't think of now.  From the time I woke up I've been hearing a cow bawling so walked out to the water tanks to see what was going on.  Evidently she's calling her baby.  Counted five around the liquid feeders, then walked out to the creepfeeder and there were two little ones in it and a bigger one.  So, had to rewire the stuff to keep the bigger ones out.  Then, guess there were several cows and a couple of calves off grazing on the other side of the pond - here they came - heads up, not knowing what was going on.  Mom found her baby and she's quiet now.  I think I saw the moment she saw her and recognized her.  I'll have to fill the water tanks later.  So, got back in the house, got my muddy boots off, coat, hat and gloves off and laying in front of the heater to dry and even my flannel-lined pants were wet so they're drying, too.    I hate mornings like this.  Gloves were too wet and cold to wear so no gloves.

     It's terrible in Tulsa - every highway in and out of town and in town are frozen and there's traffic jams everywhere.  It's not freezing here yet - we're about 35 but it will gradually get down in this area.  How in this world do you Yankees handle this all winter long.  Sorry about the Yankee thing - you're just good friends wherever you live.  I could not handle it.  Guess if I could stay in the house and not worry it would be different but that's not to be.

     Saw little Rose Bud standing under a tree - she'll go to the barn before long, I hope.  Girls will eat hay, lick liquid feed and drink, then if it begins to freeze they'll probably go inside.  Stormy and Sheena stayed out all night but they're inside now.  Gathered up all the junk mail I'd left, unopened, on the front porch and got it into a box to dispose of at some time.  Opened my box of LocknLock - it's still out on the porch.  I absolutely love LocknLock - these six rectangular containers are a pretty dark green.  I think I'll either make some potato soup or thaw out that, I think, vegetable soup - probably potato soup.

     Barclee slept through most of the night - got him up twice to go to the bathroom.  He's tucked underneath a pillow sham now.  We'll probably stay in the south part of the house most of the time until the weather warms up some - next week.  I think I feel safe turning on the stove in the LR at least for a while at a time.  Last spring the pilot light began to burn yellow - didn't go out and the stove heated just fine.  I thought the virus stuff would be over in a couple of months and I'd have it looked at.  But, as you all know, things got worse and I never got it done.  Now, it's worse than ever.  I have a stove in the bedroom that we hardly ever used and I have electric heaters so we'll be all right.  I AM READY FOR SPRING!!!  Poor little daffodils and winter jasmine.  We even still have green leaves on some of the rose bushes. 

     I've gone on enough so I'll stop whining (need cheese with that). 

     Liz, I hope you got a good night's sleep and rested well.  Try to take it as easy as you can today.  If you can get your husband into the habit of taking an afternoon, or morning nap, that would be wonderful - then you'd have a bit of time to yourself to rest.  One or two naps will do the trick and form the habit.  Or maybe you can get him into the habit of sleeping later.  Sometimes Charles would get up when I did, early, and sometimes he'd sleep until 10.

     Sara - I think you're so right about the effects of the second injection.  I know I've heard that if your arm gets sore it means your body is beginning to try to fight off the bug.  Carol and her husband are supposed to get theirs tomorrow, in Tulsa.  They may not be able to go.  Need to call her to remind her not to take motrin or Tylenol today or tomorrow.

     Judith, our weather map shows you all are having really bad weather over in OKC - hope you can stay inside.

     Hurray!  Just checked our channel 23 and it's back on so I can watch People's Court and Judge Judy.  Directv has been in negotiations with Cox about the price and Cox cut off two channels. 

     Zetta, I think it was you who said you used to watch Judge Judy but quit watching because of the way she talked to the litigants.  I hate it, too.  She has them under her thumb though because they're paid to be on the show and get their trip and lodging paid for and she can cut that off if they talk back to her too much.  She really gets venomous sometimes.  I like People's Court much better.

     I'm going to stop and finish my juice and get some hot tea.  I'm hungry this morning.  Hope all of you are well and staying warm.  I know it's so much, much worse north and northeast of here.  Stay inside and keep warm - spring will get her eventually.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning,

    Its Cold Cold Cold,  when I got up it was 10 deg.  The weather man said we will be getting the coldest days we have had in the next few days. I turned up my heater this morning I usually have it on 70 but my thro must be off so I set it to 72 and it seems a bit warmer.

    Lorita,  I am glad you bundle up when you go out, you are out so much and for long periods of time I am sure you could freeze. I just go out when I need to let Molly out I don't bundle and I get cold. We are only out a few minutes.    I did not watch the game but this morning on the Today Show they were showing parts of  the half time show and just like you I did not know any of the performers. There might be some I would but they only showed a few of them. Yes I was the one who said I dont like Judge Judy. And yes I do like Peoples Court Judge Milian,  is nice to people.

    Liz,     I agree you need to try to find time to nap. I know that sounds impossible but even 20 minutes at a time will help. I am sure you have heard that a caregiver must take care of them selves so they can care for others. 

    Stay Warm All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Cold here, too, Zetta, and it's going to get colder.  It's about freezing right now - no ice yet but there is a light drizzle.  I went out and made sure the water tanks were full for the girls.  They didn't come out front as usual at feeding time but did go out to graze and now they're around the hayrings.  When I went to the barn to check that water tank I saw Rose Bud up by the mineral tubs and motioned to her to come down.  I had her pan of feed already fixed in the Gator so took it out to her.  The stall door had come open at the barn so got that closed, then went out to fill the other two tanks.  Rose Bud had finished and was around there getting her drink of water.  So, I'm back in for the night, I hope.

    Nothing going on here - watching Judge Judy.  Zetta, I get so mad at her for the way she talks to people - what really bothers me is when she says "I don't care!" or "What's wrong with you or there's something wrong with you".  I've never seen her on any talk shows but she surely isn't nice on her show.

     Hate that the Chiefs lost - just not a good day for them.  I may have mentioned it yesterday - they said there were 20,000 real people in the stands and 30,000 cardboard cutouts of people.  Each of these cost $100.  Can't imagine that.

     Tulsa news is on so I'll stop.  There were so many accidents this morning and the pictures we're seeing has ice on everything.  Do hope we don't get freezing anything.

     I'll stop and may be back later.   Hope all of you have been well today.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Monday,

    I didn't care for either football team so I just watched the 1/2 time show. Loved it (I do know the artist and his songs) 

    Speaking of cornbread Jordan just like Judith I use jiffy with a bit of sugar.

    Finally got my uncle to shower today!! Sheets changed, clean clothes on AND nails trimmed. I told him he has an appointment with his barber today. Nope it actually tomorrow. Yea me!

    A bit cold today in Vegas and supposed to rain this week. I plan on making the Bear Creek cheese/broccoli soup. I will add frozen broccoli. I'm not a fan of cheesy soups but will try it.

    Uncle has been sleeping a lot. Sometimes 18 hrs a day. Exhausted just going from his bed to the bathroom. After any appointment he goes right to his chair and falls asleep. I do make sure he eats and takes his pills when he is awake. 

    Looking up the stages of dementia he seems to be between a 5-6. He's gotten "lost" a few times looking for his bedroom. So far no more falls (thank goodness) 

    Still can't get an appointment to get his COVID vaccine. 


  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Zetta,,,

    Thank you for caring. I am trying to set an internal clock of now I have to stop. So I do try to get a break in around 5  PM for a half hour if I can and then it isn't until a little after midnight that I am really free for now anyway. But it's hard. My body is hurting all over from lifting this and that, things he would ordinarily do, Now that he can't do anything much, I don't really think I'm going to last trying to keep up with this house. Something I think of every day and I'm not just talking about cleaning.. it's just all the jobs. I am allowing myself to sleep later, I think that's a good thing, I would love a day off but I think taking breaks is my only option for now. 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    I'm so glad the cats sleep with you. I remember when I had mine and I miss them so much, They would lay on my stomach and chest purring... It was the most comforting feeling.. like it melted away everything.... give the, kisses for me  )

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Lorita...

    Your life sounds very busy too and that you also work very hard.  It's not easy doing things yourself, this I know.  Thank you for your kind words. I came here first tonight before doing some e-mail because I wanted to reply to people before I ran out of energy.

    We had rodents in our attic again so my bedroom was the culprit this time, The rodents live in the palm trees.. I wish I knew this when I still lived in NY. So I had to vacate my bedroom and have one company come and remove the insulation up there and then put it back but I've actually not slept in there for three weeks. Yesterday I dusted and vacuumed in there what a mess they left.. and was just so worn out,. I wanted to mop the floor before I started to set it up for myself again but never got there. I gave my birds showers today, they were due on Sunday but did the other. So planning on doing the floor tomorrow. Never a dull moment.

    He really doesn't know what's going on. Whether someone is here or not, but I can talk to him and he will talk also he just doesn't remember a thing...and is kind of oblivious to the outside world.  Kind of like a disconnect on emotion too.

    Well, enough for now... I hope you have a restful night,

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,  

    20 degrees, just barely a dusting of snow.

    JoC how are you doing, think yesterday was when you got your first shot.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Regarding the Super Bowl - our next door neighbor from a few years ago - his grandson, Matt Chatham, played for the Patriots and has a few S.B. rings. He is 43 years old and has been retired for awhile now. Unlike Tom Brady, who at 43 is still playing. 

    Did you like the S.B. commercials? My favorites were "Drake" from State Farm, Jessica Long (double amputee paraolympian for Toyota) and Jeep (the "Re-united" States of America). 

    I did not like the way the National Anthem was performed. Give it to me straight. 

    Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski are, according to the commercial airing now, going to Disney World. Does the whole team go? If so, they must close down the place to others for security reasons. Although I'm sure some of those big linebackers can provide their own security.

    -11 degrees here this morning. I hope my outside cat survives! She was fine yesterday. She has a barn to stay in so grateful for that.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Sara, it's 20 here this morning, too.  The chains on the gates and latches had ice on them but not on the trees.  I did notice weeds out in the pasture had ice on them.  The doors to the car are frozen shut.  Maybe a little later I'll spray with de-icer and see if that helps.  Haven't checked the PU doors - they were covered.  Some of the girls were still in the barn but most are out eating hay or just standing near the yard fence out of the wind.  The ice on their water is broken but had to break the ice on the cat's water.  Tom and Jerry were there ready for breakfast.

     I'm going to try to feed today if the Gator will start - never had any trouble with it starting so we'll see.  I'm so thankful the girls have the liquid feed.  We have an air conditioner in the LR in the wall and I can't seem to keep the cover on it - inside.  I've taped it but I think the cats play with it or the tape gives way.  If the cover's off you can feel the cold air coming in.

     This morning they're having freezing rain south and east of us - yesterday it was north and west so thankfully we missed the brunt of it, so far. They said it was around 1976 when we had this much cold weather - not above freezing for 30 days.  I remember that and I think that's during the time Charles and I had to stay in town one night so we could get to work the next day.  Tomorrow we're supposed to have freezing drizzle or freezing rain - 80% chance.  Where is Spring??? 

     Nicole, hope you enjoyed the Bear Creek Cheddar Broccoli soup.  It is good.  The last time I made it, I added a cooked packet of Ramen soup, just the noodles, and that was good.  I froze the last of it.  I also tried the Cheesy Potato Soup - too much cheese for me and that's saying something.  It's amazing that you can just add it to water and it makes soup in 15 minutes.  I actually think you could add nine cups of water because it is really thick and I always add another splash of water when I warm it. 

     Good for you getting nails trimmed and getting your uncle spiffed up.  Always makes us feel good, doesn't it?

     Beth, I'm with you about the National Anthem.  I like it without all the frills, too - that's the way it's supposed to be sung.  I didn't like any of the commercials or the half time - or the ballgame either for that matter.  KC just wasn't themselves that day.  Tom Brady is something though, isn't he? 

     Liz, when you're a caregiver you have to decide what your priorities are - housekeeping isn't usually one of them.  Do what has to be done and let the rest go - it'll still be there when you have time to get to it.  I know when I'd try to mop it would really upset Charles or even moving furniture around bothered him.  So, if I mopped or dustmopped, it would be when he was asleep.  You can't do it all - probably right now your priority is caring for your husband.  On cleaning up your room after all the work done in there, do a little at a time, each day.  Remember, whatever you don't get done today will still be there tomorrow.  I still do that.  I'm not a housekeeper - just not my thing so I'm still doing that.  You need rest when you can get it so you can continue your caregiving - don't wear yourself down to a nub.  Maybe just pick one project each day or every other day and rest when you can.  Sorry for all the advice - just coming from someone who was a caregiver for seven years.  I'm sure others who were caregivers that long, or longer, will tell you the same thing.  Caregiving is not easy.

     Sandy, so good to talk with you last night.  I think you're right - the stove should be okay - it was last spring and a week or so ago when I had it on for a while.  We have another smaller one in the bedroom.  I remember one winter when it was really cold and snowy and Charles was recovering from pneumonia, we stayed in the bedroom with that stove on.  Even set up a contraption to scramble eggs with the heat from the stove - took forever and they weren't too good  but we ate them anyway.  I had to feed hay and got out in the garden with the tractor and a bale of hay and saw Charles watching me out the window.  Really made him feel bad that he couldn't get out and do it.  Gets kind of hairy out here in the wintertime.  I'm so thankful that we have the barn for the girls to go into when it's cold and snowy.  I can't think of any other ranchers who have a barn for their cattle or shelter of any kind except trees. 

     I'm going to stop and finish my juice - I need some hot tea.

     I think Jo and Zetta both got their vaccinations yesterday.  Hope all went well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sandy,  I lit the stove this morning and everything seems to be okay - thermostat works and it lit easily. The only thing is the pilot light is yellow.  So, you know me, I called the Propane Company who supplies us with propane and talked with the Manager.  He says it's okay to use it with a yellow pilot light - just needs cleaning out.  He told me how to do it - and I will when the weather's warmer.  He says the canned air has butane in it so when I use it, wait a bit before I light the stove again.  He also said the stove would shut down if it starts to emit carbon monoxide - plus, I have the alarm which I did test (it is very loud) so guess I'm okay - and won't freeze.  As soon as I turned on the stove Kitt, one of my cats, went over and laid in front of it to get warm.

     Hope you're still better this morning.  Stay inside! It's cold out there - it was 20 here this morning and I know it's colder there - and you have snow.  Can't get the car door open - haven't tried the PU doors.  I have to feed the girls today so hope the Gator starts.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning,

     Lorita,    I did not get my 2nd shot yesterday I don't get that till the 24th. But I do think that was the day Jo was getting hers. Thats a good idea adding the noodles to the soup I will try that. I will be making potato soup in a few days. Its not a package mix I think it is a recipe I got from one of you guys awhile back. I print them off and save them till I am ready to use them. Its sad that other cows do not have a barn to go in it must get real cold for them especially when the wind blows.

    Beth,     Wow!!!  -11 where do you live? that is crazy. When  I got up it was 19 and that was very cold. We have a weather warning for the next few days they said we could get up to a foot of snow. I am so tired of snow. This so far has been a mild winter so I guess I should stop complaining. I live in Oregon.  

    Liz,   Good advice from Lorita, you need to put things off. The important things are you your DH and your birds. Everything else can wait, its not going anyplace and it will be there when you get around to it. I am glad my cat Rascal does not lay on me when he sleeps he weighs 20 lbs. He likes to lay right next to me as close as he can get I love when he does that the purring is so comforting. I think it helps me sleep.  

     Jo,  How are you feeling after you got your shot? 

    I need to go into town and get a few groceries just in case I get snowed in for a few days. My town is real small and everyone wares a mask and respects the distancing. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello all, yes; DH and I had our first COVID Vaccination yesterday.  Please see the other Thread to M1 and Marta where I describe the experience in detail - it was an interesting time: here is link to that Thread


    Outcome without the detail:  despite my having a list of 14 med allergies/sensitivities and a deadly allergy to scallops, it went extremely well.

     Neither my DH nor myself got one single side effect; not one, and neither of us got a sore arm.  Really.

    Anyway, do catch the details in the link. It fascinated me.  Will I still feel a bit trepiditious getting my second vaccine because of my allergies?  Yes; but risk versus benefits and not having any side effects this time does indeed give me more of a positive outlook.  We will definitely do it.

     Anyway, please do see the other Thread in the link,


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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