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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 Already time to start another part of our thread.  Be sure to read the last two posts on 142 from Sara and Sandra. 

 Sandra, congratulations on your up-coming wedding.  I hope you both will be very happy.  Sounds like he likes to travel, too.  Come back as often as you can and let us know how things are.  

 Sara - you've really been busy getting your grow bags ready to go.  I bet you'll have a lot more things this summer than last to eat and freeze for later. 

 It's rainy, rainy here this morning.  It's after 8 a.m. and still darkish out.  I didn't get out of bed until after 7:30 because it was still dark.  When I got dressed and came in and fed the cats I looked out the door when I let the GPs out and saw Lucy (new mom) and baby coming out of the barn.  I think I'll let her out north of the house to graze today.  I know Mr. K. won't come to work on fences today because of the rain and mud.  Bryon called yesterday to ask if he could come this afternoon instead of yesterday - he was having some hay delivered for his horses and getting some new baby chicks.  Of course it was fine with me - not sure that he'll come today because of the rain.

 I thought I was losing Barclee last night for sure.  I didn't think he'd last the night.  He wandered around yesterday until I put him in the chair about mid afternoon.  He slept all afternoon and evening and was still asleep at bedtime.  I didn't want to bother him so left him in the chair thinking he'd be gone this morning.  After I was awake a while I heard him bark so came in and he was in the floor - had fallen out of the chair.  I put him in his place in the bed and he'd still asleep.  He didn't eat anything yesterday.  I think he may have forgotten how to eat.  I did get his mouth open enough to give him his medicine yesterday but it was a struggle - don't know if I'll do that today.

 Our water came back on late yesterday.  It had been off for two days.  I didn't call the water guy the first day - did call our neighbor and he hadn't called either.  I figured it had something to do with the freezing weather we had.  Did call late yesterday.  He said there was a big water line break but they had all the equipment there and ready and it should be on by night.  It was.  So, guess I'll have to boil the water for two or three days.  I have several bottles of water in the refrigerator so won't have to bother with that and my water for the hot tea boils before I make the tea so guess it's okay.  Wasn't able, of course, to fill the water tanks so I'll get that done today.  I fed yesterday - glad of that.

 Weatherman just said it's probably going to rain until mid to late afternoon.  Sara, like you said about the rain ruining your crocus, it'll probably do damage to the daffodils, too.  They've been so beautiful this year.  I've had bouquets in the house for the last couple of weeks.  Wish I could find some perfume that smelled like daffodils - or jonquils, whichever they are.  I've used L'Origan for over 40 years and absolutely love it but it's becoming very hard to find.  I still have some in two bottles and think I've seen it in some little catalog I've gotten.  Will have to look.  When I'm wearing it, I don't smell it but if I wear it one day and put the same shirt on the next morning I can smell it. 

 I'd better stop and go feed Tom and Jerry before they come to the house to get me.  Hope you all have a really nice day.   Sara, I just remembered - if you like jigsaw puzzles Judith told us about a website that has all kinds of jigsaw puzzles to work called Jigzone.  I've used it quite a few times when I have the patience.  There's all kinds and sizes of puzzles and I think you can customize the shape of the pieces.  Thought you might like that.

 Backlater.   Oh, the LocknLock.  I've bought it for years from QVC,  They do have a bread keeper - I think you get two of them in one set.  When I got mine I got the bread keeper (it can hold the really big loaf size), an 18 egg keeper and a smaller one that is the perfect size to hold the packages of cookies we have at our little store.  I use LocknLock every day - they're making it in glassware now - really nice and heavy and you can bake in it.

 Enjoy the day.  Sorry, misspelled "friends" in the topic subject - guess I was half asleep.  No idea how to correct it.   Beth, just read your post.  I used to love turkey - the way you fix yours sounds really good.  Nice to see your post.



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning All,

    Lorita,    It does sound like Barclee, is shutting down just like our LOs have.    I had a little poodle years ago he was 17 and one night I knew he was probably not going to make it much longer and I told myself if he was still alive in the morning I was going to take him to the vet for his final visit. That night he was pacing so I put him in another bedroom so I could get some sleep I was still working. The next morning he was gone. I felt so bad I wished I had held him during the night. It will be hard on you when he goes but you know its the best. 

    Sandy,   I am so happy for you that you found happiness again. Especially someone who loves to travel like you do. Enjoy you new life. 

    Beth,   You have made me hungry for turkey. Its been a long time since I cooked a whole turkey I usually buy the breast. I just put turkey breast on my grocery list.  

    Ron,    We are all so worried about you and Lou, please let us know how things are going. We are here for you. 

    We had a dusting of snow last night and we will get some rain today. Weather man says we will be having a summer like week end. I sure hope so I am getting my porches all ready to enjoy. 

    Sara,   Is you porch enclosed?  I try to eat on my porch and I get attacked by bees and or flys. I can have my morning coffee on my porch I guess they are still sleeping. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, you're a lady after my own heart.  I felt the same about Barclee during the night.  I felt bad that I'd left him in the LR when he was used to sleeping with me.  So, I thought when I wake up during the night I'll go check on him but I didn't wake up until about 5.  Then, I did go in and bring him into the bedroom.  I can't help him go to sleep.  We've had to do that so many times and I can't do it to him.  I'll just let him sleep and go to his final sleep when he's ready.  I'll miss him so much - he has always gone everywhere we went until he's gotten so old.  I'm not going to get another small dog.  If I got a young one he'd outlast me and what would happen to him.  I know Mike will find homes for Stormy and Sheena if/when something happens to me and the cats can care for themselves.  Do hate to think of those things. I let the baby and his mom out this morning.  Notice I said "his".  Guess when I checked right after he was born I missed feeling something very important.  Anyway, he's a boy.   They had come out of the barn and the lot's muddy so I opened the gate and they came out after a bit.  He was running and playing and jumping - so very cute.  He checked out everything, flowers, cactus, everything.  The girls were going to the NE pasture to graze and they all stopped by to see him.  Just now looked and mom's grazing and he's laying down to rest a bit, I guess.  I always think it's so cute when they get out in an area big enough to run around  and buck and play. It's rained most of the morning and I think there's rain west of here.  I watched People's Court, then was going to watch Judge Judy - but, two cats got on my lap and I went to sleep.  Now, how do you sleep through a Judge Judy show?  Beats me.  When I woke up I felt like last year's bird's nest with a hole punched in it - or - like I was rode hard and put up wet" or "like I was dragged through a barbed wire fence backwards".  That last one is one of Leanne's sayings. Watching Gunsmoke until the news comes on.  I've begun to enjoy watching Cheyenne the last couple of days.  I see so many of the same people in different old westerns - men and women. and lots of actors who have become famous.  Watched a western yesterday and Michael Landon was in it.  He looked like he was 15 years old. I'll stop and finish Gunsmoke.  Hope everyone's okay today.  We need to find a way to get in touch with Ron.  I'm getting worried about he and Lou.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sandra congratulations and best wishes.  

    Good to hear from you Beth.  Think you mentioned that once before,  how you cooked your turkey.  Don’t know if I will ever cook a turkey, but saved it this time, in case I do.  Glad your family is going to be able to get together.  How nice that must be.

    No rain yet.  Wind isn’t suppose to start til tonight I guess..

    Know it is hard on you with poor Barclee having it so rough.

    Found Jigzone and saved it.  

    Zetta my porch is enclosed.  Have both glass and screen so use it as a green house too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara - your porch sounds lovely.  I wish ours was screened in.  When I was growing up what's now our utility room was a small screened in porch, then my parents enlarged it, then finally closed it all in and made a big room.  I need to either get our porches and steps painted or do it myself.  Seems like there's always a dozen things to do or get done and the older I get, the longer it takes.

     Hope you don't get a lot of wind, Sara.  Sounds like the south is going to get some more really bad weather today.  I read somewhere that tornado alley had moved east a bit.  Hate to wish it on all those people but I hope that's true.  We've had enough of it.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   Barclee is loved and he knows that. When the time comes he will be ready. I love that you found out the Spring is a Boy.  Now you can call him Spring Boy.  I also would not get a young dog. Molly and I are pretty close in age if you count dog years. It's not bad to plan ahead for their care it is the responsible thing to do. You both are in my prayers.  I bet it is cute watching the babies running and jumping like they do especially at such a young age.  

    It would be nice if someone had a way to check on Ron and Lou. I have told my son if something happens to me to make sure he post it on this thread. I only have a few people I actually talk to rest of my friends are e-mail friends so he will notify all. 

    Sara,   I bet your porches are real nice. I wish I had one of mine enclosed. My back porch as a rocker on it and it gets the morning sun and the front porch has chairs and a table on it and it gets the late afternoon and evening sun. The bees and fly's find me no matter where I am at. Maybe I need to find me something like a umbrella screen/tent to put over my head when I go out. I am serious I am going to look.

    Well it's time to go Gunsmoke is starting. 

    Lorita,  I am making me some Bear Creek Chicken Noodle soup for dinner. I have not had that before.

    Hugs Zetta

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile and need to remember I have friends that care.

    My biggest problem is I'm spending entirely to much time feeling sorry for myself. I still having problems coping with the 700 + dollars being stolen. As I had previously stated the only ones that have been here are our two boys and the neighbor that sits with Lou. The sitter has had other opportunities to get money that was more visible and I have been able to see her body and facial expression which doesn't seem like a thief. It takes a piece out of my heart to think one of the boys took it.

    Been having a hard time getting in to see a community care dermatologist. Received a call from VA on March 3rd asking about dates and time but nothing since. Called PCP nurse last week who sent them a note, nothing back. Called my social worker yesterday, who sent them a message to call me and asked me to let her know if I didn't hear from them my end of day. Didn't hear...let her know.......she sent supervisor note and told me she would keep me posted. These blood spots dont really bother me, just dont know why.

    Found bed bugs a couple of weeks ago and no matter how many times I stripped the beds and wash, they come back. Called orkin who came out today and after writing a 2600 dollar check they will come out next Monday to start treatment. 

    Our Shih Tzu will be 16 this August and I'm worried if anything happens to him that it will have a major effect on Lou. She is harder to handle and I try to take every moment she acts close to the lady I married, because I need it since so much is taken out of me the other times. We will be married 54 years next Wednesday!


  • Jane Smith
    Jane Smith Member Posts: 112
    Eighth Anniversary 100 Comments
    Sandy, felicitations!  Wishing you smooth travels on the road ahead.
    Ron, good to see your update. That is some anniversary coming up for you two!
    An enclosed porch sounds like heaven to me. We have a tiny little front porch, not enclosed, and last year we had a small deck built on the back of the house, which was a great idea. I find that getting outdoors is really important to clear my head. 
    Sounds like if I’m not careful, I will pick up a lot of gardening tips here!  Which would be a good thing. 
    We have some meat for chili thawing in the fridge, so I’ll let you know how that turns out.  (The kind you make with ground beef.)
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, we all really do care so much about you and Lou - so glad to see your post.  I'm sorry things are not working out right but things will be all right. 

     Could the red spots be from the bed bugs?  I've never seen one but I've heard they bite and leave spots - just a thought.   Hopefully you'll be able to get in to see a dermatologist soon and find out what's going on.

     I know how you must feel about the money being gone.  It's hard to get over something like that when you think or know someone has betrayed you.  I won't say to forget about it because I know you can't but try not to think about it.

     Seems like it's awfully hard to get any kind of medical appointment.  At least it seems to be that way for Sarah - they just wait for us to call. 

     I'm glad you all haven't been having much of the bad weather.  We had a lot of rain last night and today and there's water everywhere.  Just heard on the news that Birmingham had a really big, F-4 tornado.  So much damage.

     Zetta, your porches sound so nice.  I can just see you, Molly and Rascal out there - well, maybe Rascal will be inside.    I've never tried that kind of soup either.  I'm thinking I may have tomato soup for supper - or Ramen.

     I have an answer to your bee and fly problem - maybe.  Years ago we had a lot of flies, probably because of the cattle, and mosquitos.  I watch QVC a lot and they had what they called a Dynatrap.  It emits some odor that's the same as humans have and have a light and a little motor.  That brings insects into it, they go in a little container at the bottom and can't get out.  I plug it in in early spring and it geos until winter.  You'd be surprised at how many insects get in there.  We've had this one for several years -  now there's a newer kind that may be better.  They really do work.  Now, I know you don't want ot kill honey bees and I don't know if they'd be attracted by the scent or not.  I remember before we got this if I went outside at night I'd wear a light-weight scarp over my head and long sleeves to keep from being bitten by mosquitos.

     We have another new baby!  The girls were in the NE pasture this afternoon and about 5:30 they came up.  Shane and Bryon were here trimming the holly but I tried to watch as they came up.  After I thougt they had all gone through I walked out behind the barn and saw a cow about a quarter mile away from the barn.  Drove down and she had a new baby.  I knew either of those men wouldn't know how to help so called Darwin - again.  He came and we drove down - all the way down through water.  We had a lot of rain last night and this morning.  The cow wasn't at all friendly with him so we thought we'd try to push her and baby to the house but the calf got close to the Gator and he picked it up.  We got to the house with the cow right beside us and him holding the calf.  Just as we got to the back gate of the corral he said he couldn't hold him any longer.  Got the gate open, got them inside that part of the corral, then opened another gate and now there's two moms and two babies in the lot.  Another little boy - he said he probably weighed 90 lbs. and the other one Saturday weighed about 70.  I don't have notes until May as to when they're going ot calve so I'll have to watch more closely.

     Sarah just called.  She said she's losing here memory.  No idea why but she says it's worse this past month.  I don't know how she's managing to carry on.  Still can't get through to the doctor's office. She had an appointment Tuesday but they called the evening before and said someone had come in with the virus and they were going to be closed to decontaminate.  Still can't get through.

     I'll stop for now and find something for supper.  Zetta, hope that soup's good.  Don't know if I'll fix anything tonight or not - kind of tired.  Glad the holly's trimmed but there's lots of other shrubs to be trimmed, maybe next week.

     Enjoy the evening.  Ron, post often, if only to say hi and to let us know how you and Lou are.  We worry.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sandymac!!!!!   Oh my goodness, congratulations!  I wish you so much joy and happiness; and know what?  That is one very lucky fellow - he is tremendously fortunate to have you for his wife. 

    A May wedding sounds lovely.   It is amazing how life turns when we least expect it, this is such wonderful news.  We would love to see photos from your wedding.

     I know that this is the start of a new life for you; but . . . . I have missed hearing from you, so I do hope you stop in once in awhile just to let us know just a little bit how you are and what you are doing.  You have been a warm and dear friend of the Front Porch group; we always have enjoyed hearing from you.

     In any case, warmest thoughts are being sent your way for a beautiful wedding and a beautiful life.



  • SweetiePie
    SweetiePie Member Posts: 10
    Seventh Anniversary First Comment

    Congratulations, Sandy!  Best wishes for a happy, happy life.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Sandy...what lovely news now send us a pic of the two of you

    Lorita....memory may be a problem for Sarah. She says she can not get a Dr's appointment and then she says her appointment is cancelled. I know Family med at OU always reschedules if they have to cancel so maybe the appointment was with a specialist. Can you get the name and number and make the appointment for her? I will take her.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Little behind today.  Had no internet this morning.  We had a very windy night and morning.

    Zetta I keep a rocking chair on my porch during the summer.  Get morning and afternoon  sun.  Have to sweep up stink bugs now and then.  A few lady bugs get into too.

    Hope that chili turns out good Jane.  I made a small amount of chili sauce for hotdogs this week.  

    Ron I looked up bed bug bites.  Lorita might be right.  J had them once and it was a pain.  She did get rid of them.  She used an outside agency.  Maybe Google bed bug bites and see if they look like yours. 

    Take care everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

     Lorita,   Congratulations on another new baby. I bet you really love it when you find the new babies.  Yes Molly loves to go outside with me when I sit on the porch, she keeps busy checking things out in the yard. Rascal at times will come out he will not leave the porch he has been a house cat all his life so he usually wont stay out very long. 

    Thank You for telling me about Dynatrap  I am going to give that a try. I don't like killing bees but I don't like being stung. As a kid I was allergic too bee stings. I was stung once a few years ago and I had no reaction I guess I was lucky. I did move my hummingbird feeder off the porch so as not to draw the bees and ants. That soup was O.K. but not as good as the creamy soups. I also like tomato soup and my son likes the ramen so I always have those. 

     Ron,   I know how bad and hurt you must feel. Maybe just ask each one if they have any idea where Lou may have moved the money to. That way they are aware you are missing it and maybe the guilt will cause the money to just show up someplace. I am sure who ever did it has a lot if guilt. Once when I was little like 9 or 10 I got into my grandmas tip jar and took some quarters and I never told anyone but I have had that guilt ever since. If my grandma was alive now I would tell her.  

    Sandy,  Yes we would love to see some picts of your wedding and even a pict of the two of you together right now. I am so happy for you both.

     Sara,  I love rocking chairs I have one in my front room one in my bedroom and one on the back porch. I even told my kids if I ever go into a home to make sure I have a rocking chair in my room . I am in my rocking chair right now. I am always there. 

    Judith,  That is real nice of you to offer and be close enough to take Sarah to the Dr. With that offer there is no excuse for her to miss her appt. You are a very sweet person.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Had kind of a busy morning.  I couldn't see all the girls so walked way up in the south pasture and back to make sure someone wasn't up there in trouble.  That was about half a mile - didn't think I could do it and I had on my boots and was walking through tall grass.  Much easer when I decided to walk in the cows' path.  I remember when I was a little girl and riding my bicycle I'd always ride in their paths - about a foot wide and much smoother.  Didn't see anyone in trouble but the girls who were up by the MH got spooked seeing someone walking and here they came with their heads held high.  Had to call to them that it was me and then they settled down.  They're down by the pond now resting.  The two moms and babies are okay today.  Spring Boy will be a week old tomorrow so he'd busy exploring and the other baby is laying around - he's just a day old so needs to gain strength.  I closed the gate to the NE pasture so I can check them really well before they go down to graze this afternoon.

     It's a beautiful morning - a bit windy and cool but sunny.  The holly looks so much better but it's take some time for it to fill it.  I imagine it'll take two or three years to get it back to the height it should be. 

     I love a rocking chair, Zetta.  I have a couple of metal ones so may move one of them to the front porch.  We have a porch swing, a little table with two chairs and a couple more chairs and a chaise lounge type thing.  I think there's cushions for some of them in the storage building.  When I sit out there I sit in the swing.

     Thanks so much, Judith.  You're really a true friend and have always been.  I still remember the first time I talked with you - Charles was in the hospital and I hadn't been posting.  You found the vet and he came to check on me.  Luckily, I had come home to feed the cats and dogs so I was here.  He gave me your number and told me you all were worried.  That must have been eight years ago.  You've been a good friend through all of the problems we've had in OKC.    I have tried a few times to get Sarah this morning with no answer - so, when I read your post I did call Family Practice and was able to get an appointment for 4 p.m. today.  She also has an appointment on the 22nd of next month.  It didn't sound like she had an appointment this week.  I finally did get in touch with her and she had been asleep but said she'd call Todd so he could take her.  I'll check in a little while to make sure they made connections.  I called Family Practice yesterday and found they weren't closed.  I don't know what's going on with her - maybe she'd afraid to go because of what they might tell her.  She keeps telling me she knows she's dying so maybe she's to the point she doesn't really care.  I'll let you know if she got in touch with Todd.

     Barclee slept  in his chair in the LR again last night.  I think I heard him fall off around 7:30 this morning - found him in the corner of the utility room.  He gets in the oddest places.  I put him back in his chair and he's been asleep since then.  He didn't eat yesterday and I know he won't today - I think he's forgotten how to eat.  I think it's time to not push him and let nature take its course however hard it is.

      Zetta, the hardest thing about the Dynatrap I have is cleaning it - but, it looks like the newer ones will be much easier.  They have three different sizes - one that takes care of an acre, another for half an acre and one for a quarter acre.  I have the half acre one.  I hang mine on the porch but they can be hung in a tree.  Mine's electric -  not sure about the new ones.   When do hummingbirds migrate? 

     They're having a drive-thru vaccination thing in Tulsa today.  No appointment necessary and it doesn't look like there's many in line - Creek Nation I believe.  I really hope they have the Pfizer vaccine in our health department next week.  It opens up to everyone over 16 next Monday.  Bryon and Shane haven't had theirs but we were not close together and I wore a mask and we were outside.  Darwin and his wife have had both of theirs.

     I'll stop for now but will be back later.   Sandra, also looking forward to a picture of you and your fiancé.  So happy for you.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   You can do anything. I wish I was as strong and as ambitious as you are. As soon as the weather here gets warm and the mud in my street dries up I plan on taking  Molly and I out for walks.  

    I am not sure where Hummingbirds migrate I have a few here every year. They seem to be living in my trees out in the yard. That is where I hung their feeder. I really don't like it out there I prefer to have it closer so I can watch them feed.   It sounds like you have enough chair's on your front porch for all of us. I get the rocker.  

    I was real worried this morning when I saw the early posters one at 2:28am and one at 3:45am I was afraid it was you giving us bad news about Barclee. I had heard that when a beloved pet is ready to die they will try to hide. I think that is true. I had a Blue Healer years ago her name was Jessie. She was not well and she tried to hide behind a dresser in my closet, there was no way she could have gotten behind that. I let her out side thinking she was looking for a place to potty. It was dark and she wanted to stay out. The next morning she was not at the door to come in.  We found her in the woods right behind my house. Very sad but that was what she wanted to do. I was very relieved when I saw who the early posters were. 

    Its time for Bonanza, See Ya Later. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sarah called Todd and left a message - no reply as yet.  I did the same - no reply. She also texted David, his partner - no reply as yet.  I'm afraid they're not going to get back to her and take her to the appointment.  If they don't, it'll be the middle of April until she can be seen.   

     Zetta, that's sweet of you to think about Barclee.  He's still asleep and I won't bother him.  He's shutting down and I can't stop it.

     Pretty day but it's windy.  Girls are out front so I went out to  make sure everyone was there - I think I'm mixed up on how many there are - thought there were 42 but I think it's 41 with the two new babies.  They're thinking I'm going to feed them but that's tomorrow. 

     So, now I'm worried that Sarah won't make her appointment.  She really needs to be there at 3:30. 

     2:28 - just talked with Sarah.  David called and he was going to get in touch with Todd - if not, he said he'd take Sarah to her appointment.  I do hope this works out.   Judith, thank you again for the offer - just hate to get you involved in this, especially at this late time.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Sandymac, you met a fella and you're getting married in May?  Best wishes to you both!  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Goodnight everyone.  Sleep well.
  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Gosh, I’d forgotten how much I love you all.  Thanks for the congratulations. Here’s a photo of us on our last trip away

    We are just going to have a very simple ceremony here at our retirement village, besides the lake......weather permitting....followed by a luncheon at a local restaurant with family and a few close friends.   We are then going to Tasmania for 6 weeks in my motor home...he has one too, but mine is smaller and more suitable for this trip.  He also has a plane, and has just bought me a convertible.  How lucky am I?  But I’m marrying him for him...I don’t need these other things!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    All is quiet this morning, think they are giving a warm sunny day.  Maybe can get some more containers made up.

    Thank you for sharing the photo Sandra.

    See my hyacinths are putting out some buds.  My Scilla is blooming so it will spread. See the iris blades are starting to green up.  Lorita has new babies so we know it is spring.   Probably start some of my vegetables Monday.  April and May is when seed starting gets serious.  May go ahead and start a few cold crops too in containers outside.  What do I have to lose?  Have plenty of seed.  We will see how industrious I am.

    The bird feeders came yesterday.  Appear to be good quality bird feeders.  There is a website that tracks the hummingbirds and where they are, so will need to start watching that.  Also need to try and find out if gold finches stay here all year.  Think they do, seems I remember them coming to my feeder in winter in the past.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Finally have a appointment with dermatologist April 6th. Yesterday VA social worker said she hadn't heard back from community care supervisor and had sent another message. I received a call yesterday afternoon with appointment time and date. When I asked about the delay,  I was told she had difficulty contacting the Dr.  office and was off last Friday. Funny, I called the dr's office last friday and had no trouble speaking with anyone!

    Lorita, I looked at pictures of bed bug bites and dont believe that is what caused the red spots. PCP said it looked like petechiae and pictures does resemble that. I'm not ruling out some might be bug bites, but I have no itching and don't even realize they are there unless I look. At least I finally have a appointment with dermatologist!

    I'm trying to decide what to do for our 54th wedding anniversary Wednesday. We haven't been out to eat in awhile and thinking about taking a chance at a restaurant. I have brought home take out, but haven't gone in and realized in a restaurant for a meal in awhile. Still have problems eating with my teeth but dentist says once I get my permanent teeth it will be better. Will probably go somewhere that I can order pasta!

    I saw where a discussion was going on about final arraignment. I already have approval for northwestern veterans cemetery and recently had a visit with a local funeral home. Veterans cemetery will provide one place for both of us to be together, opening and closing with a marker. Funeral home has to take care of cremation and coordinate with veteran Cemetary. 

    Guess I will be busy this weekend preparing for orkin Monday. I have to have everything off of walls, vacuum floor, vacuum around edges of wall, box items from dresser, night stand, dresser and leave in same room. Also morning of bedding is to be put in garbage bags and left in room and washed in hot water before putting back on bed. I was told they put covers on mattresses and box springs to trap bugs that hatch after treatment to kill live bugs. Be glad when all this is over, lou and I have never had anything like this before.

    Hope all of you have a good weekend. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Sandy...how cute are you guys and how thoughtful of you for having an additional chair pulled up for us......lol
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Warm and sunny with little wind but we have some rain expected later today.  Wish we could miss this rain and keep it until summertime but Mother Nature doesn't permit that.  Went out and fed Tom and Jerry - they're always ready to eat breakfast.  I decided I'd feed out of the Gator today - I put the 150 lb. of feed in it and drove it out to where I feed.  If I left the PU out and fed from it the calves could get into the carport and it would be a lot harder to get back through the gates to the carport.  I'll give the moms some hay later and feed them when I feed the others.  They're all up around the MH, most of them laying down in the sun.  Rose Bud doesn't go with them much anymore - hard for her to walk so she stayed around the hay and is in the garden now eating grass.

     Barclee slept through the night until about 5 this morning.  Got him up and took him to the chux but he didn't do anything.  When I got up about 7:30 he would bark occasionally.  Got him up again and he had gone to the bathroom on the chux - no urination lately because he's not drinking water.  Put him back on a clean chux and thought he'd go to sleep.  He really couldn't stand this morning so he's laying down and every few seconds he kind of barks.  I've covered him a bit so maybe he'll go to sleep.  He doesn't weight much of anything - every day I think this will be the last but I think today  may be.

     Stormy and Sheena stayed out last night and it was lonesome in the bedroom - guess I should have let Max in but he wants to lay on my feet and I can't handle that.

     Sandra - what a nice looking couple you and your fiancé make.  Looks like you all were having fun.  I love those Australian hats.  Does he live in the same retirement village where you are?  Just think - six weeks in Tasmania!  Can't imagine.  How do you get your camper over there - must be some kind of ferry.  Sounds like you have found a winner.  So hope you both will be very happy and it sounds like you will be.  We'll need to see pictures of the wedding.

     Sara - cold crops here are already in the ground - not transplanted but planted directly.  I can remember us planting our garden in March and the wind would be so strong you could hardly stand.   I looked for that website you mentioned about tracking the hummingbirds but my tablet says the one I saw can't be found.  Which do you use?  I think that would really be interesting.  I've only seen one gold finch - at least I think that's what it was.  It was small and yellow and wanted to make a nest somehow in a crepe  myrtle.  Guess it couldn't get it done because that was the only time I saw it. 

     Maybe this year I can get into the garden section of WM and get a few  bedding plants for the pink bathtub - vinca seems to do the best cause it's in full soon and gets hot. The holly looks pretty good - I can actually go down the steps without getting into it.  We laid flat rocks just off the steps and they were almost underneath the holly - because it grew so much after we put them down.  Now, I can walk on them again.

     Glad your hyacinths and iris are coming up.  I don't have either - used to have a couple of hyacinths by the back door but they've disappeared - same with crocus.  My pretty, little, white flowers aren't going to bloom this year I don't think.  Guess that cold weather killed the flower buds.  Hate that because they were always so pretty.  The daffodils will last another few days and they'll be gone but the narcissus will be in bloom then - already one bunch is blooming.  The roses are leafing out - need to do a little trimming on the ends of their branches.  Should cut the big one in the back yard back some.  I think I mentioned I ordered three, supposedly perennial, really large  Gerbera Daisies from QVC.  I think I'll plant two on one side of the gate with the arch and the other one on the other side. I have a really pretty pink rose on it but it only blooms once a year.  Clematis are leafing out - won't be long before Jackmanii will be in bloom.  Really need to cut back the autumn clematis in the runway at the barn.  I had meant to have Bryon the tree that's growing horizontally in it but it was so muddy I hated for him to have to get out there - he didn't have on boots.

     Ron, so glad you finally got your dermatology appointment.  Hope they can figure out what those red spots are.  I don't know if I mentioned it but a year or so ago I had lots of tiny, red spots on my arms and hands - didn't hurt but were just red, about the size of an English pea.  They'd appear and then after a while disappear.  I think I asked my doctor what they were and he didn't know.  They finally went away and I hadn't thought of them until you mentioned yours. 

     I've heard bed bugs are hard to get rid of.  One of Sarah's, used-to-be friends had them and got them in Sarah's house a few years ago.  They had a hard time getting rid of them.  Does sound like you're going to have a busy weekend getting ready for Orkin.

     Happy Anniversary to you and Lou in case I forget on the date.  Your plans sound good.  Will Lou enjoy going to a restaurant?  I can't remember the last time I was actually in a restaurant - the one in our little town where we used to go a lot has been closed for a long time - really had good food and good service.  Whatever you do will be fine - 54 years is quite an accomplishment to be with the same person and still be happy.

     Is your National Cemetery in Shreveport?  We have one about 40 miles from us - same town as the cemetery my family is in.  Such a beautiful place.  A little, older couple Charles and I were friends with are there and when we'd go take flowers we'd see so many names on the tombstones of veterans we knew when we were working at the VA Hospital.  My friend, Karen, is buried in the National Cemetery in Leavenworth, KS.  It's a comforting feeling to know that arrangements are taken care of - one less thing to worry about.

    I'll stop for now - somehow I've lost the bold print.  Hope all of you enjoy the weekend. Feel so sorry for Barclee - hurts me every time he barks - but there's nothing I can do to help at this point.     

    Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night.  Hope you're well today.  .

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Yes Lorita the national cemetery is in Shreveport. 

    Sandy, I meant to tell you congratulations earlier and got involved in something else. I know you will be happy and I'm happy for you. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     You're our ice cream connoisseur, so - I have a half gallon, almost, of Cappuccino Chunky Chocolate frozen yogurt that I've had for nine months (opened) and another half gallon of vanilla that's about a year old (opened).  It has shrunk away from the sides but still tastes okay.  Mr. Google said that's way beyond the shelf-life of ice cream, opened or unopened and it might not be good.   What do you think?  I really hate to throw it away.  I guess I've been saving it for hard times.  Wonder what can go wrong with ice cream if it's kept frozen.

     Are you okay this morning?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    I am good today. Thanks for asking.  I woke up at 2:00am and could not go back to sleep so I got up had some coffee watched TV then I went back to bed at 6am and slept till 8am I enjoyed that I may do it more often. 

     I do not know about that ice cream. I had some the other day that had frost on it but I knew it was not very old. It was in my sons freezer and his freezer turns ice cream into a rock. It still tasted good. I also do not like to throw food away but I am not sure about your ice cream. ????????    I don't know. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    OMG, SANDY!  I have literally been laughing out loud and literally clapping my hands in delight!  Truly.  What an awesome couple, you two!  Lovely photo our dear down under friend!  Yes; exclamation marks . . . . so, so, so happy for you.  AND a convertible?  Laughing and clapping hands again just because it is such a tickle.   Oh Sandy; I am so delighted in your happiness and finding love with a good man.  Isn't life just amazing?

    So; he is honeymooning you in Tasmania - the devil!  Pun absolutely, positively, completely intended.  Ha.   Such a beautiful island; in pictures, the water is so blue.  Six weeks, wow.

    Will you continue living in your lovely retirement community and if so, in your house or his?   I so remember all the work you have done on your home to make it such a warm and weloming place; you are a force to be reckoned with.  Mr. Sandy will have to keep up.  By the way, what did he do prior to retirement? 

    We will all be with you in spirit at the lake in May when you are wed.  It sounds as though it will be just perfect including the luncheon with family and intimate friends.  Oh how I wish we could have addresses,  would love to send you a wedding greeting.

    Do keep us posted now and then. I know you are busy, and the "old life," is now in the past, but our Sandy is still Sandy as bright and beautiful and filled with life's energy as anyone could possibly be.   Consider yourself hugged.

      Ron - so glad you got our appointment; that was frustrating as all get out.  Happy anniversary to the two of you very soon.   Wonder how Lou will tolerate a busy restaurant.   No matter what you choose to do, your heart knows what day it is and that is in itself loving honor of your years and life together.  If she cannot go out, perhaps a nice meal brought in with something sinfully sweet for dessert.  Whatever will bring you both the best feelings.  You are a good and dear husband.

    Lorita,  I am sorry to hear of Barclee's continued decline.  You are lovingly helping him as much as can be; I think your not pushing him to eat and to let him leave peacefully while difficult, is a loving and caring way to help him to reach the Rainbow Bridge in peace and without strife.  I am sorry for your imminently losing your sweet and loyal friend of many years.  It is hard and a loss of the heart to be sure.

    Next Friday, I go for a lithotripsy for the big kidney stone I did not know I had until it attacked me a few days ago.  It is huge and must be vanquished with outside help.  I am not looking forward to this, but no way out.  Best to do this before it becomes a dire emergency.  I have to say, I am feeling anxious about this, but go I must.  At least I will be asleep during the procedure.  Had to go for a KUB xray yesterday to the nicest outpt. place I have ever seen; beautiful setting and SO clean.   The two radiology techs were beyond wonderfully kind and compassionate and helpful.  I wanted to take the two of them home with me.

     I had to smile quietly.  In January, I had ordered Hallmark Valentine's for my husband and adult children.  I love the awesome Hallmark online service and it is terrific to use.  Anyway, the cards came in a box; DH took them in off the porch letting me know they arrived.  Anyway, a few days later, I looked for them and could not find them anywhere. I looked high and low downstairs and upstairs. DH looked in garage where he puts the pandemic mail for a few days; not there. He was convinced I had put them somewhere and forgot; but I was sure I had not seen them. So; twice I searched; upstairs, downstairs, every closet, under things, over things, all drawers, every nook and cranny, etc.;  nothing.

    Well; a couple of days ago, DH came into the room and what did he have in his hand?  The box with the Valentines!  He had a larger box with something or other in it downstairs and for some reason he put the Hallmark box into it to carry it all upstairs.  He closed up the big box without taking out the Hallmark one.  When he went to the closet to the closed box to get something else; there it was!   While I had a bit of humor trying to get out, I kept my mouth shut, better that way.  Anyway; the big mystery of where the Valentines went is now solved; the aliens had not landed and spirited them away after all.  Sigh!

     Goodness, it is aready 10:00 am here, so it is time to mosey on down the road.  Good wishes being sent for a good weekend for one and all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I have now had 4 people call to tell me that Larry McMurtry died. They each thought of Dick when they heard the news.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

     Lorita,   Did you decide to eat the ice cream??   Did Sarah make it to the Dr yesterday, I bet you are relieved if she did. 

    I looked up the Dynatrap and it really cost a lot. I will go into WM and see if it may be cheaper and if not maybe they will have something that will work. I had to laugh when you were talking about the calf's  getting into the carport. I can see you bringing the babies into the house. I had a bummer lamb once and he would come in the house with the dogs. When he learned how to open the door and let himself in I decided to get a gate on the porch so Rambo could not come in.  

    Max would probably love to sleep with you. He will keep you company. I have see tent like things you can get to put over your feet so the blankets don't rest on them. Maybe you can find something like that so he can't lay on your feet. Rascal loves to lay right next to me he will lean against my back I love it when he purr's I can feel the purring. 

    Sandy.  That pict was so cute of the both of you. You both are very lucky. 

     Ron,  Happy 54th to you and Lou. You are so good to Lou. 

     Jo,   I knew those cards would show up someplace. You should have laughed it may have made him feel better. I will be thinking of you on Friday. Will you get to go home the same day?

    Looks like I will be having a summer like weekend. I might even take Molly for a walk. If I can get my Butt up and out of my rocker.    


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, haven't eaten any today.  I think I did eat some of the vanilla two or three weeks ago - it had ice on the top but tasted okay.  Probably will dispose of it.

     Our carport is quite a distance from the house - outside the fenced-in yard.  There's all kinds of things in the back of it that babies should not be into - including the hay spear on the front-end loader of the tractor.  A couple of  years ago a baby did get back in there and got against the spear and injured himself.  I have the PU backed in and empty mineral tubs along each side of it so they can't get past there and the tractor is in the middle stall so they can't get by it.  The last one has the CW in and the Gator behind it.  Better they stay out.  Bummer lamb?  not sure what that is.  I've  never had a lamb but think they and baby goats are so cute.  We've had several calves in the house - a necessity for a new baby in very cold weather if it's not doing well.

     Sarah didn't get to the doctor - I called her a few minutes before the appt. time and she said they were going to do it virtually.  Sorry but I kind of lost it and she hung up on me.  Haven't talked to her since then.  I did call the office and she has another appointment.  Not going to interfere this time - doesn't do any good.

     Walked up to see the girls at the end of the garden to make sure they were all there and okay.  They're enjoying the mid 70 degree weather and sunshine.  I'm going to watch Gunsmoke at 2 p.m., then feed  them.

     Jo - is the lithotripsy an outpatient procedure?  I know you're holding your breath hoping you won't have a lot of pain before you have it done.  Never will forget how that stag horn calculus looked.  Is that what you have? 

     Thanks for your kind words about Barclee.  He's asleep again.  For an hour or more he was kind of barking very often so I thought maybe he might be in pain.  I have a small stash of dog and cat medications so looked and found one pain pill that was prescribed for him some time back.  I crushed it and made it into a slurry and got it into a modified syringe Mike made for me when I was trying to get one of the cats to eat.  I got it all down him so if he was in pain, maybe that'll help.  Every so often I feel of him to make sure he's breathing.  He changes positions every now and then.  This is the third day without food and probably water.  He's weaker today.

     Just think, Jo, now you won't have to think about buying valentines next year - if you can remember where you put them this time.  That would be my problem.  I can literally lose something when I'm sitting in the chair and just had it a few minutes ago.  If I ever move something from where it is, might as well forget it.  And, I find I'm having some problems remembering the names of things.  I was typing something to you all this morning about some flowers I had ordered from QVC - for the life of me could not remember what they were called so looked it up - Gerbera Daisies. One of my favorites.  Drives me nuts.  I realize now why the psychologist would ask Charles what certain things were called (at that time I didn't).

     Judith, you said people called you about Larry McMurtry passing away.  Was that someone you all knew?

     Also you commented about Sarah losing her memory - do you think it could be from her medications?  Just hope she does get in to see the doctor  next week - or whenever the appt. is.  They wouldn't tell me that.

     Zetta - I just watched a couple of episodes of The Lone Ranger.  Used to be one of  my favorite shows - even on the radio.  Something I saw that seemed odd - when he and Tonto ride off they go at full tilt - don't understand why they ride so hard. 

     It's so pretty outside - just  bit windy.  This would be called a six star day - reminds me of the summer to come.  Already dreading the hot, hot weather.  We still have hay on the meadow (and we're not the only ones).  It's just been too muddy to get in to haul it out and surely don't want to make ruts in the meadow.

     A few weeks ago I cut a few big branches off the holly and laid them on the porch to dry - couldn't throw them over the fence because I don't want the girls to try to eat them.  I forgot to ask Bryon to take them when he hauled off his trimmings.  Guess I'll get them in the Gator and take them off somewhere or put them in the back of the yard.

     Enjoy the rest of the day.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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