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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, those look great.  Looks like you can move them around if you  need to.  Do you use the same potting soil over and over or take it out each fall and winter?

     Sounds like J&J is good.  I know you're glad it's April for your immunity to go up.  I'm really glad I decided to get the vaccine - didn't think I would at first.  Might not have if I hadn't called the health dept. that morning and they called me back to come in the same day.  I'll be glad when the 13th comes - that will be my two weeks past the second shot.  Then, I'll feel better about getting out in a store - still with my mask though.

     Judith, after 33+ years of putting on make up every day, I feel liberated not having to put it on because of the mask.  Your whole face is just about covered up so no worries about anything. 

     Ben Hur was such a good movie. I really like Charlton Heston.  I don't know how to do streaming.  Do you have to have something special to do it?

     Jo - so glad for you that yesterday is over and you're recovering nicely at home.  Sounds like you had quite a long day so rest, rest, rest. 

     Why the stent?  In my mind, when they first starting doing this procedure - 60 years ago I could imagine someone getting in a tub of water with nothing attached to them and being zapped, climbing out and that was it.  So you had to have a ureteral catheter and that's how the zapper got into the kidney?  Never have seen one of those Pure wicks but I think Patsy told me she had had to use one  - didn't seem to work for her. 

     When do you go back for your post-op visit?  Will be interesting to see what the doctor says.  They do come in and talk with the patient when they're still half out of it - maybe now someone can't come with you so they can talk with them.  Not sure.

     I used to like salmon - so your supper sounds good.  I saw something on TV the other day - they were advertising a food storage machine and they put halves of avocados in a plastic bag and took out the air and froze it.  Wonder if they have frozen avocado halves in the stores?  Our grocery store is not too big but they have about everything I need, want or even know about.  I know I'd be surprised at what all they do have that I don't know about. 

     Walked out among the girls a while ago to make sure everyone was there and okay - they were.  The rod on the creepfeeder that I've put on it to keep the bigger calves out had fallen down on one end again so had to rewire that.  Can't figure out how it keeps falling down.  They still have creepfeed in the feeder so I won't have to put that in this afternoon.  It's beautiful outside but so windy.  I can still smell smoke from the prescribed burns west of here.  That's what they were doing on the Drummond Ranch when Ladd and Caleb ran into each other in their trucks.  Guess the wind got up and the fires got out.  I did hear Ladd was at home recovering from a couple of factures in his neck.  When I was growing up, in the springtime, daddy always burned off his meadow.  I remember being down there with him and seeing fires all around.  Now, everything almost is in pastureland so it's not too safe to do that around here.  Then, there were fields that were plowed and would stop the fires if they got out.  Times do change - not always for the better.

     Everyone's asleep except me.  Stormy goes to sleep and if I get up out of my chair, he raises his head up and watches until I sit down again - then lays his head down.  Doesn't even bother to get up unless I put on my coat and hat. 

     I'll stop for now and watch some more TV before I feed.

     Sara - on QVC they're advertising a set of two knives, one serrated, that has some kind of something on the side to adjust so  you get even slices every time.  That might work for slicing bread.

     Jo, so glad you're home and doing so well.  Thanks for the hug.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,    Yes she is part Chihuahua I am not sure what else she is. She was a rescue dog and her info card said Chihuahua Mix. She was a year old when I got her she is now almost 7. She keeps me warm during the day she spends most of it on my lap but at night she wants  noting to do with cuddling she just wants to curl up in her blanket so go to sleep. 

    Those Moose are huge and there has been 15 to 20 or more in our yard at one time. In that pict you will see where my yard backs up to the woods so one whole side of my acre backs up to the woods so I also see a lot of deer. 

    I was hoping to work a bit in the yard today but its cold and windy so looks like I will be having another lazy day today. I would much rather have a lazy day anyway. 

    Jo,    Its all over now so you can rest and recover. Someone with your medical back ground I am sure you were checking everything out, me I would just be looking at what's going on.  Hopefully the Dr will have good news for you and you will be able to pass what's left with no problem. I like all the info you give us it helps me understand what's going on. I have never dealt with stones so this was all new to me. So for me it's never TMI.  Get lot's of rest and spoil yourself for as long as you can.  

    I hope you all have a Good Easter tomorrow as for me I will be spending the night at my friends house taking care of her dogs so she can take a short trip to her daughters for Easter. Holidays to me are pretty much like any other day. I did make me some Easter Eggs, but I always have boiled eggs in my fridge, just this time I colored them.

    Hugs, Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I guess I am not truly streaming Charlton Heston since I am also watching on TV, computer and Ipad.

    Jo. thanks for the update. I am so not medical so can only hope from what you say that you are OK and will likely feel better tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Get well soon Jo!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita I use about half of old potting soil.  Add some fresh potting mix, some alfalfa pellets, compost, and azomite (trace minerals).  In the bottom of the big containers place some broken up limbs, some shredded paper, few leaves, some food scraps.  Sort of self composts to help feed and make soil.  Also helps to not have to use quite as much potting soil.

    Zetta was too cold and windy yesterday to work outside here too.  So went to Menards instead and got some more potting mix and  grass seed.  My onion sets came too.  Hope it is warm enough for me to plant them today.

    Hope everyone has a nice Easter. 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Happy Easter, everyone! We had a day in the 70's and sunny yesterday and today will be warm as well. I have been spending a lot of time in the garden lately, mainly garden clean up and weeding. I planted some pansies but nothing else yet. It's a bit early for our climate. Soon I will plant the cool weather crops. Others wait until Mother's Day which is the last frost day, supposedly. Sara, wondering why you plant in grow bags instead of in the ground? Just curious. You certainly have  lot of bags planted!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Beth have a few small in ground beds.  Not near enough room in them to grow much at all.  Have had pretty good luck with containers, they are easy for me to deal with, even the big ones with my hand truck.  Easier to keep watered.  Can move them into garage if giving freezing temperatures.  Have no one to help me at all so is just easier for me.  When ever cannot do it anymore will just throw bags away.  This is the third year for some of the bags and they still look real good.

    I’m in zone 5b.  What zone are you in?  Too early here except for like pansies and onions.  My onion plants came yesterday so hope to plant them real  soon. They make it through the winter if left in ground.   Just have plants started in house.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Happy Easter!  It's early this year.  Going to be a beautiful day for Easter egg hunts if people can do that.  When I was very young I would hide Easter eggs for my dog, Butch, and he'd actually hunt for them.  I remember the egg hunts at school.  We'd find the eggs, and they'd be crushed or we'd crush them but still carry them around and eat them.  Nothing taste much better than a colored egg.  I think it was Zetta who had boiled some eggs a few days ago and I had meant to tell her they taste better if they're colored.

     I imagine it'll be a very quiet day here - I'm watching Denim & Co.  I was watching it at MN last night when their Today's Special Value came on.  They had beach pants and I ordered a white pair I missed getting last year.  I love their wide-legged pants, so comfortable and cool. 

     I let the two moms and babies out this morning.  Talk about exploring - they were running everywhere, staying together for the most part, with their moms right behind.  I like for them to be up a week or more so they have strength to run around and explore.  I tried to get a picture of them leaving the lot - I'll post it.  Not too good but you can tell what's going on.  Yesterday when I went out on the porch the girls were out front so took a picture of that so you could see what I see when I go outside - also another picture of them lounging.  You can't see many of them - they're scattered out- need that panoramic camera I used to have. They're all up in the pasture this morning.  I haven't been able to get up there because of the mud but did go this morning and it was dry going one way but the way I came back, north of the pond dam (we call it dump) it was wet, wet  but did get through.

    Well, something ate some more of the wild violet leaves and flowers last night - one pot is completely eaten and the other one almost.  So, guess I'll transplant the roots.  Just can't figure out what it is.  The yard needs to be mowed - seems early for that but maybe not.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Maybe Jo will feel like posting so we'll know she's improving. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sorry, I posted the same picture twice. I'll try to post the right one now.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    To the child in all of us - Happy Easter!

    Image result for cute easter bunny pictures

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Your cattle are beautiful! Are they Black Angus? Thanks for sharing your photos. Sara, I am in zone 5b also. I have been working a lot in the garden lately. I enjoy it so much. And it keeps me out of trouble! ha!

    Will some of you be watching the NCAA BB championship tomorrow evening? It should be a good one. Not sure who I am rooting for or predicting to win.

    I see some magnolias and forsythias are in bloom. So pretty. Spring is a beautiful time. 

    Enjoy your evening.  Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Goodness, what as quiet day on the forum.  People must have been enjoying the pretty day. 

     Thank you, Beth.  They're Brangus - bigger than Angus.  They're good cows and I hate to think of not being able to take care of them - but, the time will come eventually.  Now that I don't have D. to lend a hand if needed, it will be harder.

     Who plays tomorrow night?  I've only watched two games, University of Oklahoma and Okla. State University.  The OSU game was really good - only lost by two points in the last couple of seconds to Arkansas. 

     Haven't done much of anything today except watch TV - think I did doze off for a minute or two a couple of times. 

     Jo - the picture was really cute.  Hope you're feeling much better today.

    The girls have gone off to graze - tried to see the babies but guess they're too far away.  Today, when they were all out front laying around the moms took them back into the lot.  They're old enough to get around okay and their moms will take care of them.  But, when I let them out I'm always very glad to see they made it through the night all right.

     Enjoy the rest of the evening. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    I rested all day yesterday.  Felt good to do much of nothing.

    Beth find gardening good for the soul.

    Hope to plant my onions today.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning everyone! Do t remember if I mentioned it, but I went to the VA Saturday for another chest ct scan. I thought it was u unusual going g on a Saturday but loved it; appointment was 2pm, arrived at 1:40 and was finished at 1:55. 

    Lou was sweet and loving Saturday and hard to deal with Sunday. Seems like the bad days are more frequent lately. I've been doing a lot of spring cleaning and tired more at the end of the day. I believe being tired I'm not as calm with my answers to her constantly repeating herself and maybe that's why she is hateful with her treatment of me.

    Changed my profile picture one more time! Love this picture because the love shows so clearly !


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Ron, love your profile picture!

    NCAA championship is at 8:20 tonight. Baylor vs Gonzaga. Baylor is in the Big 12, same as OU, and "my" school ISU. Gonzaga is undefeated. Their last game was against UCLA. While I didn't watch it, I did see the final shot which was amazing. Score was tied at 90, about 3 seconds to go, Jalen Suggs of Gonzaga made a shot from almost half court to win it. If you are interested in seeing it, there is a clip that is just a few seconds long on the internet that shows the amazing shot. Suggs was a football and basketball player in high school. ISU offered him both a fb and a bb scholarship - unfortunately for ISU, he chose Gonzaga!

    Another nice day, could use a little rain, may get 1/2" this week. I have 4 55 gallon rain barrels that catch the rain off the roof, which I use to water my garden.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beth, there's nothing like rain water to put on plants.  It does so much more good - a good friend told me it has more nitrogen in it - and I believe him - he was a great farmer.  He passed away a few months after Charles and I miss both of them. 

     I will watch the game tonight - I'll be for Baylor, of course, because it's in our conference.  Gonzaga is the team that Okla. State University in the last three seconds.  Did you say this is the finals?  Just checked - it is.

     It's cloudy this morning, warm and not too windy right now but there's a promise of up to 30 mph winds today.  Got out early at 6:45 and got the trash in the Gator and took it down. When I got down there I saw vehicle lights up the road so hurried and got the trash out and letters in the mailbox. When I got home I saw this big truck, the trash truck, at the neighbors so I just got it down there in time. I hate for him to run so early.  Won't be bad in the summer but winter will be a different story.

     When I got home I was anxious to see how the two babies made their first night out in the pasture so drove up and saw them, their moms and Rose Bud (guess she was helping to babysit).  Drove on up to the MH and saw all the girls. Always makes me feel better when I know everyone's okay.  One little boy was across the fence from the other and the cows so got behind him and he went up the fence until he could find a place to go through.   Stormy wanted to go with me to take down the trash but since it was so early and coyotes were still out I was afraid he'd see one and take off after it even if I did have his leash on and the end around the gear shift.  So, when I got home I took both he and Sheena for a walk down to the pond.  I'm going to have to do that more often.

     Back in and watching news, weather and QVC.  Have had my juice and half a crumb cake and now working on hot tea.  I forget that Barclee isn't here and so many times think that I'm going to have to give him his medicine, put in his eyedrops or feed him.  Guess the habits of 19 years are hard to break.  Sometimes I think I'll get another little dog (I have four cats but they're just not the same although I love them so much) but then I think at my age it isn't fair to get a young dog and if I got an older one I might have to go through this again.

     Sarah's at it again last night and this morning. Says "what's the use of keeping a doctor's appointment?"  She talks about being in so much pain - if she'd keep an appt. she could get some pain meds that would help.  Last two nights she's sent me a text in the middle of the night which I find the next morning. 

     Sara - do you have onion plants or sets?  We used to have both kinds - if I remember correctly, the plants make the big bulbs - like Bermuda onions - and the sets make the green onions.  Hopefully, you can get them out today.  I saw some tomato plants advertised on QVC this weekend - Beefsteak - that weighed up to 3 lbs.  About the same size as the big Delicious.  I think you said you got some Delicious seeds.  They are so big and so delicious.  I hit some key and my post disappeared - but somehow it posted anyway.

     When I was at the kitchen window this morning after I got back in the house I saw at least a dozen tiny birds in the tree.  I don't know if they're babies or just little birds.  I've seen them before - don't know what color they are - it was still dark enough I could only see them.  It may be too early for baby birds, not sure.

     Whatever has been eating the leaves and flowers of the violets were at it again last night - no leaves left on the ones in the pots.  Wish I knew what was doing it.

     Ron, maybe it was better to go on a Saturday to the VA - fewer people.  Nice that you had a good day.  Sorry about the bad days you're having with Lou.  I think about you all and about our neighbor and his wife. Haven't talked with either of them and I won't call because it sets her off and it takes a long time to get her calmed down.  I have so much empathy for him.  He helped me when Charles would take off and now I can't help him.  Really makes me feel bad.

     I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea.  Fixed some instant mashed potatoes last night and had that with English peas - really good.  My two weeks will be up next Tuesday so maybe I can put off buying feed until then - and go to the grocery store - if there's not many cars there.  I will continue to wear my mask and stay away from people.  Our State had 400 new cases Friday and the experts think everything is going to get worse because people are not being cautious.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    What are English peas?

    Sarah...what is the use of going to the Dr? Good question.

    Ron...love the new pic.

    Having the stumps left by the storm ground down today.

    Cowboy is here pounding and cooking his chicken for picata.

    Working on a bad hard puzzle.

    Got more books in order...putting all first additions together...taking some to sell at 1/2 price books.

    Going online to find some curtains.

    Winda brought me lobster something yesterday. So rich!!!!

    That's all!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Primary care called; pneumonia again, antibiotics and spirometer 4 times a day. Also, still showing ground glass, which I thought chest xray showed it resolved last month. Just tired and disgusted!


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Easter was fun with daughter and family.  It was so nice to see them.  The weather was so nice.  We were in the 70’s, which is very warm for this Tim of year.  It’s beautiful again today.  

    Beth, I’m watching the game tonight.  Sorry, but I’m cheering for Gongaza.  What a game Sat. night.  The last shot was amazing.  We were split on who we were all cheering for, so made for a pretty noisy evening, which I dearly love.  It’s feeling quite quiet here today.  They all left yesterday afternoon, so back to just me.  

    Jo, glad you’re home.  I’m praying all goes well and you pass the large pieces of stone easily.  All that medical stuff is so scary.  I had never had a cat scan, and I was scared to have that.  Just happy for you the surgery part is over.  Rest and relax.  

    Sara, you sure have a lot of planting bags.  I’m sure it is easier to contain plants.  Almost like a raised garden.  I’m getting anxious to be outside more.  I still can’t do much, but I can at least go out and move a couple plants in the flower beds.  Sounds fun to me.

    Ron, so sorry you have pneumonia again.  I’ll be praying for you and Lou too.  You probably need to rest more if you can keep Lou settled.  I love the new picture.  It shows the love.

    Lorita, good looking babies this year.  Your grass is getting so green.  Ours is just starting to green up a bit.  I love the pond and grass picture with the cattle.  So serene looking.  I’m feel bad you can’t help Darwin and his wife.  Hopefully she will forget she thinks he’s having affairs, and you can help some again.

    Hi to everyone.  Not much going on here.  Getting house back in order.  Take care all and have a good night.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been a lazy day - didn't do anything except fill a water tank - need to do that again and feed cats and dogs.  It's been a beautiful day - guess spring is here.  Oh, the pretty, white flowers I thought had been killed by the cold weather are blooming!  Not as many, but some are there.  I was out looking at the girls and came by that area and was surprised.   I've watched the moms and babies as much as I could today.  They had them laying down with all the others this afternoon.  I didn't feed today so they all finally gave up after bawling at me to complain.  The babies are going off with their moms.  Thanks, Joan, it is serene most of the time.  People who come up here who've never been always talk about how quiet it is.  It is except for cattle bawling and coyotes and wolves howling - and some dogs barking.

     I hate that I'm not able to help Darwin, too.  He was so good to help with Charles when I needed it.  His wife is thinking he's having affairs with all the women around. Several months ago she told me about them meeting a girl and him bringing her home.  I didn't believe it then - just not Darwin's way.  So, guess no one can help.  Our vet has said he'd visit as often as he could but he's stretched so thin with his business picking up he won't have much time.  It's amazing how vets are doing now - hardly any make farm calls and most aren't even in the office on weekends.  He had someone come to bring a dog for treatment all the way from Wilburton (that's way down SE of here).

     Joan - glad you're feeling better and wanting to get outside some.  Just don't overdo - that's an easy thing to do when we begin to feel better. 

     Sara, hope the weather permitted you to get your onions in the ground today.  Sadly, I saw on the news a while ago that covid cases are way up in the upper Midwest.  Tonight the ballpark at Arlington, TX is going to be open at full capacity for a baseball game - 40,000 people.  Anyone who would go to that is not on the right track.

     Judith, sounds like you've had a busy day at your house today.  Bet your supper with your grandson will be good.  Grinding stumps is something else.  We had one ground in our front yard many years ago - didn't like it.  I found a maple from that old tree that was about a foot tall, transplanted it in a bucket and then into the ground when it was big enough.  It's huge now.  Maybe you could do that with your tree.  Wish you all could see the beautiful hackberry trees - we have lots of them and they're all a light green now.  Was up by the MH this morning and the Asian Pear trees are fully leafed out - don't know if they've bloomed or not, probably not.  Do wish they'd make good pears this year.

     Sarah's telling me she's going to the doctor this week - I doubt it.  She said they told her they have some sort of same-day appt. thing where she can call and come in the same day.  She didn't sound very receptive to that idea today.  I try to back off but get pulled back in.   She's the closest relative I have and I hate to just abandon her - can't do that but it does keep me upset about it.  If she'd go to the doctor and following his instructions, she could maybe hold her own.  Sometimes I think she's just given up so doesn't even want to bother going to the doctor.

     Ron, sorry about the pneumonia.  What is the glass thing in your lungs?  I love the new picture of you and Lou.  I think that lady loves you and I know you love her.  Take your antibiotics and rest all you can.  Glad you got the CT Scan and they found it.

     Beth, I watched the last second or two of the game the other night on YouTube.  That was a good/lucky shot.  Looking forward to the game tonight.

     Zetta, I've watched Gunsmoke two or three times today and just now finished watching Cheyenne.    I keep thinking about those big Moose (is that the pleural?) - do you ever see them in the summertime?

     Still missing Barclee - guess that won't go away since he was with us so long.  When I'd get ready to go to bed I had several things to do to get him ready and now I don't have that - seems strange.  I still listen for his little bark.  I know, that's nuts, but I do.

     Today was Charles' 89th birthday.  So wish he was here so I could have given him something nice and fixed a good supper for him.  I guess we'll always remember our husband's  birthdays. 

     I'll stop for now and fill another water tank.   Enjoy the game tonight!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, forgot to answer your question about English peas.  They're the little round, green peas, sometimes called sweet peas or spring peas.  We've always called them English peas.  We always had them when I was growing up and I didn't like them - now they're one of my favorite vegetables.

     I watched a little bit of Chopped while I was waiting for the ballgame.  One of the ingredients they had to use popcorn on the cob.  None of the contestants knew how to shell it - they were using a knife and a potato peeler to get the kernals off the cob - didn't work very well.  Don't people know how to shell corn anymore?  We used to have a cornsheller - you put the cob down a chute and turned a handle and it took the kernals off the cob.  Faster than shelling by hand.  Wish I knew what happened to that.

     Just talked with Sarah - I told her I wasn't going to talk to  her any more about going to the doctor and I'll try not to.  All is does is stress me out and make her angry. 

     Almost time for the ballgame.  See you later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I just got home from a friends house I was watching her dogs for 2 days while her and her husband spent Easter with their family who lives 4 hours away. They have 2 big dogs one is 15 so she slept most of the time the younger one is 2 so she kept me pretty busy throwing her tennis balls.  They live right next to a farm that raises Llamas so I took a picture of them  today but I think it is too small and they are too far away to see. 

     Lorita,    I think Moose is one or more I am not sure. I don't see them in the summer but I do see lot's of deer. They will come right up and eat your flowers and garden if you have one.  Your right the colored eggs do taste better. Sometimes I color them for no reason. Nothing fancy just food color in the water.  Those pictures are so cute I don't know how you can keep track of all of them. It must be hard when you sell some of the males.  I also have been watching a lot of Gunsmoke, did you see the one today where there was a drought and Dodge only had 1 well to get water from. I am just wondering if your seeing the same ones i see each day.

     Ron,  That is a real sweet picture of you and Lou she is so cute. Sorry to hear about your test results, as we keep telling you you need to slow down and take care of yourself. Please get as much rest as you can and your cleaning can wait. How does glass get in the lungs?

    Joan,   I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel better please take it easy and don't rush into things. As you know you will get stronger as time passes. It was nice that you got to spend Easter with your family I am sure that lifted you spirits.

    Good Night, Hugs Zetta    

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita/Zetta, ground glass in the lungs is a hazy area usually found in people with underlining lung diseases. It could be serious, but more than likely not and just have to monitor. Radiologist recommendations is to repeat ct scan in 6 months.

    Need to go get ready for dermatologist visit and go to VA and pick up antibiotics and spirometer. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Hope all your babies are ok this morning Lorita.  They keep you busy.  Planted my onion plants yesterday.  Also have sets.  Will plant them around my other plants when I set things our hoping their smell will help keep some things away.

    Judith an English pea is one of the types you have to shell I believe.

    Joan do consider my bags as my raised garden.  

    Lorita it probably would be best just to listen to Sarah and make no comment.  Have to do that quite a bit.  Unless she changes you will not be able to reason with her.  Have had to do a lot of this past year.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Did you read in the news Bill Gates and Ted Turner are buying up farmland!

    Gates has 500 million acres already.

    He did not say he was going to do with the land!

    The babies are so cute. 

    Bill hurts all the time and seems to be going down hill.

    Sundowning gets worst everyday.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    As there wasn't already enough happening, we had a JARRING 4.4 earthquake at about 4:00 am yesterday.  I was awake in the bathroom when it hit.  Talk about heart speeding up - Basically I am afraid of almost nothing except you guessed it - earthquakes.  Having smaller shakes following that, so guess I will continue to hope nothing else happens.

    Actually, DH and son already had plans to drive up to Pasadena this coming Saturday am to pick up 35 gallon earthquake preparedness water barrels.  We always keep about six of them; they are good for about five years.  Best to have water as that is something that may not be available for quite some time if a huge quake hits.   We also have tents, cots, sleeping bags, and a portable  bedside commode never used that has a small pop-up tent to put it in to make a bathroom, (has two tiny windows), as in a big quake, there will not be sewer functioning, so no toilets.  There are actually disposable bags made for the purpose to place in the commode. We keep some canned and boxed foods and first aide supplies.  We need to get a new disaster radio, the old one is not working right.

     On the brighter side of things, the weather has been beautiful, in the low 70's and sun-shiny with soft breezes.  The birds are in the trees singing their pleasure welcoming spring while they set up housekeeping.   Flowers are blooming, trees are fully leaved out; and the sky is clear and blue. Feels so good.  Wish I could get out and do some bedding plants.

     Sayra, you have really done a huge job with the grow bags; wow!  I just know that you will have a wonderful yield from  the garden as well as the satisfaction and pleasure of sitting and looking at it all when you have a minute to rest.

     I loved the pictures of the Moms and Girls as well as the land, Lorita.  What a truly beautiful ranch you have; just beautiful.  How many acres do you have??

    As for the question you have re stents, nothing is like it was when you were working back then in Uro. No more water tanks whatsoever. Stents not needed for surgery, but post surgery. Lots to say, so instead of putting it in the Post, here is a link:


      I do not feel the stent and I know it is there to protect the ureter  and assist as stone fragments pass.  I am still having some recovery; am tired and wonky feeling, nothing painful nor kidney related, just overall malaise.  This too shall pass.

    So sorry for Darwin; what a tribulation he has on his hands with the rigid persistent delusions. Only way to get help for both of them (she too is suffering from her delusions), would be to get her to the doctor, check for UTI: then assess for helpful meds which would bring both of them peace; there are meds to quell the delusions.  Often Risperdal or Seroquel.   Hard for him, he has no framework for this and is flying by the seat of his pants as best he can.   Kind of you to be there to talk to him, Lorita.

    Zetta, had to smile at Molly as she was "shopping."   I could see the interest in her eyes as she was lookng at all the goodies in PetCo.  Very cute picture.

    Ron; omigoodness; disappointing news; I am truly sorry.   You must be exhausted. If there are adequate funds it would be a big plus to hire someone to do the housekeeping and/or befriend Lou, (actually to silently assist with her).   It would socialize Lou, and also Ron, you really need to give yourself some space . . . this level of physical and especially emotional uber-stress and demands upon you for cleaning, cooking, caregiving, etc., may well be contributing to poorer health results.   You mention Lou's behavior. Wonder if she may have a UTI or whether she needs medication adjustment.  Just a thought.

    As for the English peas; they have a fibrous shell, so they must be shelled whereas snap peas, one can eat the shell.  I LOVE the taste of peas shelled right off the vine as I stand there, if the color green had a flavor, that would be it.  Been a long time since I had that pleasure.

    Had that aforementioned salmon for dinner, baked with a little knob of herbed butter and a little dill on top.   Had a small baked sweet potato with it - so very, very good.  Have a bit of left over salmon, so it will be used for a second meal or I will make a salad with it or . . . .

    Heavens to Mergatroyd!  Finally got the phone number of a recommended woman who does house cleaning.  So glad to have got that.  However; if she accepts us and we feel she is a good fit, will have to find out if she has been vaccinated and I will want to see proof of that; and I will show proof of our vaccinations.  We need someone really, really bad.  This big two story house is just too much for cleaning anymore.  Would love to have a one story, but what an ordeal to move from here and anyway, DH does not want to move, he loves his house.   Getting dicier as we get older.  DH just figuring out he is no longer 40 or even 50 . . . . .

    Me and my big mouth.  Made a tactical mistake. The hairdresser has had her vaccinations as I have had mine, so I was comfortable being masked going for a haircut early in a.m. when salon was empty.   She asked what I wanted, and me looking like a mad woman caught in an explosion of a hair factory said, "Oh boy; I REALLY need a good cut, it is far too bushy and overlong."  Well . . . me with eyes closed, snip, snip, snip - I looked up and uh-oh!  It is SO short, really, really, really short.   Ah well,  one thing about hair, it grows.  Just tincture of time.  Still is nice to have it off my neck and not trying to hang in my face.

      x-DIL continues on at home waiting to hear when she will be able to have her three abdominal aorta dissections repaired.   Since the post dissection strokes, there are memory issues and she gets a bit confused at times.  What will be the long term of this I do not know.   Makes me uncomfortable knowing she is at home and not had repairs to the aorta; she is really at risk for a fatal event.  Evidently they wanted her with increased ability to ambulate before surgery.   So hoping for a good outcome for her.

    Jfkoc; chicken picatta and lobster . . . groan!!!!!   That sounds so, so good.  I have not had lobster for years.   What I would also love would be good bbqd chicken done over hot coals with a good red bbq sauce to make it all nice and sticky with a bit of char.  DH says no more bbq; he stored the two of them away and is done with it.  Will have to try and get son to do some and share.  He loves to cook, his wife loves to bake.  He makes awesome food; quite a talent for flavors and is always good quality outcomes. 

    Time to go make some acidulated water with lemons.  Urologist said that is effective in preventing additional stone formation, so lemon squeezing I shall go.  What I really want is one of  those CostCo giant triple chocolate muffins with chunks of chocolate inside; good thing we do not have any as I would be sinning greatly with that.  Why do I always want the naughty things . . . . sigh!  Okay; lemons it is.

    Take good care and may this be a fine April day for all of our front porch friends,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's fairly warm but windy here this morning.  I hated to get up but had to so got Tom and Jerry fed, then drove over to see the girls.  Everyone's okay - one of the babies was having breakfast and the other was nearby.  They're coming around the pond and will be out front before long.  I didn't take Stormy and that was probably good because I did see a coyote and if he'd seen it, he would have gone crazy wanting to get to it.

     Zetta, bet you're glad to be home - I know I always was and still am even if I'm only gone a couple of hours.  Just a homebody.   I think we do get the same Gunsmoke shows.  I get them on TVLand and also on Inspiration Channel.  I saw the one you mentioned that same day - it was in black and white I think.  Do you get Cheyenne?  I always liked Clint Walker - another big guy.

     Zetta, it is hard to sell any of the cattle.  I don't mind selling calves because I don't really have that much time to get attached to them but I can't sell cows- bothers me too much to take them away from their home.  A friend told me once that he had an older cow and his wife wanted him to sell her.  He told her she wasn't going anywhere - their place was her home and she was staying.  A man after my own heart.  Glad you liked the pictures.  Wish you could have posted the one of the Llamas.

     Judith, Sara's so right - English peas have a pod like snow peas but they're filled out and you do have to shell them.  I've always wondered if snow peas and English peas were the same thing - just that the snow peas aren't mature.

     Hope you got the tree stump ground out.  Are you going to plant another tree in that place? 

     Ron, I'd never heard that term about ground glass until you mentioned it.  Glad it's usually not too harmful.  Do you know how many beds your VAMC has?  When I began working at our VAMC, it was called VA Hospital then, we almst 400 beds, then outpatient service began and the number of beds started to dwindle.  They're in the process of renovating a building in Tulsa and our VAMC is going to be moved over there.  For some reason one of our Senators has tried to get it moved from Muskogee for years and finally succeeded.  I think it's a bad move. The VAMC in OKC is not that terribly far from Tulsa and moving the hospital from Muskogee will make the trip to it from people in far SE Oklahoma much farther.   They'll still have the building in Muskogee but it will be dedicated to mostly some specific task - can't remember if it's PTSD or something else.  I kind of felt like our VA Hospital was my second home - really grew up there and spent about a third of my time there.  Hate what's happening to it now.

     Sara, glad you got your onion plants in the ground.   Planting them was always my job when I was growing up.  I kind of miss gardening but the older I get the harder it is to bend over  very much.  Good idea to plant the sets around other plants.  Is it nasturtiums you can plant around other vegetables to keep bugs away - or marigolds.

     The babies and cattle do keep me busy, especially during feeding season and calving season.  I'm always afraid I'll miss a cow who's trying to calve and having trouble.  You can't be with them 24 hr. a day but I probably would, if I could.

     You're right, I should just listen to Sarah and keep my opinions to myself.  But I can see what she needs to do and it's very hard not to tell her.  She's 50 and I know she probably resents it even though she knows what I'm saying is for her own good.  I'll try to do better and not mention appointments.

     Shirley, I had not heard that.  What in the world will they do with that much land?  Maybe they'll make a conservation area for it and let it go back to the natural habitat for animals.   That's what's needed.  They have plenty of money to do whatever they like, don't they.

     Glad you like the baby pictures - they're so cute and inquisitive when they're little.  When I was up in the pasture in the Gator just now, they were really watching it.  I like to be around the little ones in it so they'll get used to it.

     So sorry to hear about Bill - I know sundowning can be awfully hard to deal with.  Isn't there some kind of pain meds that will help him?    Good to hear from you - I think you probably read but just don't post much.  Glad you're with us.

     What a good ballgame last night!  That is, if you were for Baylor like Beth and I were. Sorry, Joan.  Maybe Gonzaga was just a bit overconfident because of all the games they'd won but Baylor was ready for them.  I remember years ago Baylor had such a good women's basketball team.  Haven't watched much basketball the last few years.  Thanks, Beth, for telling me about the game - really enjoyed it.

     I've fed Tom and Jerry, all the inside cats and Sheena and Stormy.  I think Stormy may have eaten Sheena's canned food but he's a big boy and can handle it. 

     Supposed to rain later tonight and maybe a few showers during the day.  I'll feed the girls about 2 today and I'll have enough feed for one more time and that will be all until fall - I'll continue to feed Rose Bud during the summer.  Checked the creepfeeder this morning and they still have feed.  Hopefully, I can put off going into town until next Tuesday - when my two weeks will be up and I'll be fully immunized.  So glad I decided to get the vaccine.

     I'd better stop and find something for breakfast because I'm hungry.  Hope you all enjoy the day - don't work too hard, Sara.  There's lots of gardening to do yet.

     Should have started another part of our thread - will do that later today or tomorrow.

     Enjoy the day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron....I thought you actually ha ground glass in your lungs so I googled to see how someone could get glass in their lungs.

    Lorita.... You are right. There is nothing you can do except validate and listen. That may be the best medicine for her.

    The lobster dish came with the cheese biscuits. First ever. Frankly I would rather have a plain one with butter and a little honey.

    Peas....my package from the market just says "peas"....they are pea sized and green. 

    Big meeting this morning to discuss doing a flip house. May get called due to a downpour.

    Puzzle report...we got a few more pieces put together. This one is a doozey.

    Stump report....done but they left the sawdust for the yard man. Hope they went own deep enough.  What can I do with the sawdust?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita forgot to mention this morning, fixed tacos last night without meat and used pinto beans. Thought they were really good.  Forgot who mentioned they squeeze a little lime juice on top, oh yeah, that was good, Thank You.

    JoC you have been through a lot my dear.  You sound like my Aunt.  She is around 90, Uncle late 80s.  Big house, she wants to downsize, but of course guess who doesn’t want to.  Feel cleaning it is overwhelming to my Aunt.  States she doesn’t like to climb any more because of safety concerns.  She also doesn’t want her children to have to deal with all of it when they are gone.j

    We will have to wait and see how much garden production I get.  Gardening is a bit of a battle, weather, bugs, diseases.  Did pretty good with most things last year except green beans.  That was  flop due to bugs.

    Shirley and Ron nice to see you on the porch this morning.

    Think it is both marigolds and nasturtiums.  I never have good luck with nasturtium for some reason.

    Judith don’t really know what to tell you about the stump.  I left all my stumps except for one where I wanted to plant grass.  Asked them to haul off the chips from it and they did.  The stumps are a bit of pain but less of a pain than the grinding leftovers to me.  At a previous house, I didn’t know, and what a mess they left me.  My dad was still living and I think he hauled it off somewhere.  As a stump rots down at some point frequently a pileated woodpecker will visit and eat the worms and I find them very entertaining.

    Zetta glad you are back home safely.

    Well Have ate lunch, so guess it’s time to get back to work.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, we've only had that one stump ground.  I just mixed in the sawdust with the dirt and later planted another tree - no problem.  I like to leave the stump and sometimes new shoots will come up and you have another tree.  That's what they did when my sister lost a big tree in her front yard.  I think five or six new ones came up.  She didn't cut any of them so they had too many.  Anyway, your last ice storm over there thinned them out - at least, that's what Sarah said.  The last tree Bryon and Shane took care of had broken off in the wind so they cut the stump as low to the ground as possible.  It won't come back out.

     Sara, I might try that with beans.  The last ones I ordered from WM, I think, came and there were six or seven pounds (didn't know there would be that many).  I think they're very old because they're dark, dark brown when they're cooked enough.  Next time I order or buy them won't get as many - usually just get a couple of pounds and I'll soak them or use the presto cooker - or, Sandy, the Instant Pot - if I ever learn to use it.

     So, Judith, you're going to go into the business of flipping houses?  You'll buy a fixer-upper, have someone do that, then resell it?   Do you watch the show on TV Flip or Flop?  I haven't in some time but used to - lots of work.  I imagine there are a lot of older homes in OKC that could be renovated. 

    The lobster-biscuit meal must have come from Red Lobster.  I love their cheesy biscuits.  Zetta mentioned she bought the mix for that - hadn't seen it but will look for it.  I can make a whole meal from the cheesy biscuits and salad. 

     I've sat like a bump on a log this morning watching TV.  It's so windy outside but still sunny.  Just looked at the radar and there's some rain up north.  When I went up in the pasture this morning I drove through water at one point so we could do without the rain - but, it would help the wild fire situation.

     Stormy and Sheena came in and went into the bedroom, after they ate breakfast, to sleep and rest.  Funny they go in there - guess it's because it's quiet. 



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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