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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Back again,

     Just had two people in my house for the first time in a long time.  Our neighbor's wife has alz and she came, scared to death so I had her come in and gave her a pepsi and just talked to her.  He called in a few minutes and she wouldn't answer - called again and she again didn't answer.  I asked her if she shouldn't tell him she was okay.  She called him back and told him where she was.  In a few minutes he came and they stayed and visited a while.  I could see her change almost in front of me after she came in and we talked a little while.  He was so worried.  He brought Charles back home a couple of times when he took off so I'll do any and everything I can to help them - I would anyway.  Just worried that she might go a different direction sometime.  I thought he had taken the keys to the PU away but she found another set.  He had taken her with him to check the cows, came home and dropped her off when he went back to check on another one.  She imagines all kinds of things that aren't true.  Says he tells her everyone thinks she's crazy anyway.  I assured her that no one thought that.  Kind of hard to know what to say but she did calm down pretty quickly.

     Both of them have had both of their Moderna vaccines should be about 94% protected - I've had my first Pfizer and should be about 50% protected.  I sprayed Lysol in the room after they left.  I didn't have my mask on and neither did they.  I hope everything's okay and I think it is. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O MY!  That is scary if she is out driving. I hope he hides the keys now. Poor thing what was she afraid of? It's a good thing you were there.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, like so many alz. patients she imagines that her husband is unfaithful.  She's been like this for several months.  When he dropped her off at home to go back to check on a cow she was sure he was going to another part of the ranch where this other woman was.  She settled down pretty quickly - just needed someone toe talk with, I think.  He'd be the last person in the world to be unfaithful to her - they're such a cute couple.  I called just now to see if she was okay and he said she was..  I asked her if she dreamed a lot and she said she didn't.  He told me before that she has bad days when she has bad dreams the night before.  He said she woke up screaming last night. She does take something for sleep - not sure what.  I told him he might want to talk with her doctor about something to help more with her sleep and maybe the dreams.  Never had the problem with bad dreams with Charles that I remember.  He took Trazodone at night and that helped him sleep although it says it's not for sleep. He told me a few days ago that he had hidden the car keys but she said she found his keys in a drawer.  They have two pickups and a feed truck so guess he missed that set. Glad it turned out all right.  I think her doctor is the one I have so he should know something that will help her. Watching the last of the Oral Roberts University and Arkansas basketball game - Sweet Sixteen.  ORU's ahead 7 points.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    So sad about your neighbors Lorita.  So hard on both of them.  You guys were probably ok.  I keep a mask in a baggie in my pocket for such occasions.  Learned something yesterday that I had been wondering about. Had wondered if you came down with Covid after being vaccinated are you still eligible for monoclonal antibody therapy.  Dr Daniel Griffin out of NYC says you are.  That is fantastic.  So even if we have been vaccinated, if you start having symptoms that could be Covid,  you need to be proactive for yourself and get tested quickly.  Monoclonals are passive antibodies, they are very effective, need to be given in first seven days.  Was glad to learn this option still available post vaccination.

    Listened to Prof. Shane Crotty out of  LaJolla Institute in California a few days ago.  He is well known for his work in virology/immunology with a focus on vaccines.  The talk was on the YouTube channel Med Cram, if anyone would like to see it. Think you guys would find it very informative about a lot of things. These have been so helpful to me in keeping me grounded. Around a hour long, but not over your head, easy to understand.  But the real glimmer of light at end of tunnel was this for me.  They asked him how he saw Covid playing out in long term.  He said there is two ways he sees.  One is it becoming endemic like the flu virus.  He says he leans toward a different thought though.  He says all of the variants so far can basically be put into one of two bins.  They are like the UK strain or the South African strain.  The current vaccines are very effective against UK strain.  They are not as effective against S African strain.  Thinks we made need a booster for that strain and he feels that it may not become endemic.  What a blessing that would be if his hunch is correct.

    Prof. Sette, who I have not heard before and works with Prof. Crotty at same lab has a video out on another YT channel.  Had been watching for it,  see it is posted now.  Hope to watch it this evening.  It is about T cell response, which is ver important for long term immunity.  Looking forward to his insights.

     Planted my cold crops that I’m starting inside, yesterday.  Got several more containers set up.  Was a beautiful day.

    Today is going to get colder as day goes on.  Windy and rainy.  Won’t be setting on porch today.  At some point will probably bring seedlings into house as just suppose to be 28 tonight.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I'll try one more time! Typed a long post and lost it!!

    Heavy rain and lightning last night; one tornado stayed south of us and one north of us. I had a hard time keeping Lou calm but I wasn't worried since the good lord looks after babies and fools. 

    Received a call yesterday scheduling me for a cat scan of my chest. Dont quiet understand why the cancer dr ordered it since the last time I saw her she told me my PCP would follow up with cat scan. 

    Busy day ahead prepping for orkin tommorow. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, glad those tornados were north and south of you.  We've had that happen, too - scary stuff.  We had just a very light shower out of that storm - we were way on the north end.  Looks like it's going to be a bad spring for storms.  My grandma and mother were scared of storms so I am, too.  I need to get another weather radio - for some reason there's no sound on mine.  Our TV reception goes off when it rains very hard and that's the time you really need it.   Always something to worry about.  Life is hard sometimes.  Take it easy today and don't work too hard getting all of that done.  Do you have any idea where you all might have gotten the bedbugs? 

     I imagine the CAT scan is just a followup - try not to worry about it too much.  Listen to me telling someone not to worry.  I don't practice what I preach.  I'm sure it'll be okay though, Ron.  How's your weather this morning?  Usually after storms the next morning the skies are clear and blue and it's beautiful -  hope it is for you all today.

     Sara - you're really informative but I don't understand much of it.  I know it's interesting though and maybe part of that's because of the work you did.  I carpooled with a nurse epidemiologist for years and she would have really been interested in all of this, too.

     I hope we're okay.  We weren't close together - across the room from each other.  She was so upset I hated to keep the mask on but since they've been vaccinated and I've had one shot it'll probably be okay.  They both seem well.  But - I'll do the 14 day thing again.  I'm just finishing up on the 14 days from being close to the fence man who has had the virus last June. 

     Glad you got your seeds going.  I guess I've thrown away all my seed catalogs but will ;probably get more - guess I could order seeds from WM - did that last year for flowers.

     Well, poor little Barclee passed away during the night.  I've had him sleeping in his chair in the LR for the last three nights - didn't want him to fall off the bed and break a bone.  He woke me up sometime during he night with his little bark - in fact, came in twice to move him around into different positions.  I knew his time was near - yesterday he couldn't even stand.  He hadn't had anything to eat in three days - nothing by mouth except the medicine I gave him yesterday.  Maybe I should have tried to get water down him but he kept his mouth closed so tightly I could hardly get the syringe in.  This morning when I came into the LR he was still and still covered  up like I'd left him.  I went out and opened the lot gate so the two moms could come out to graze and fed Tom and Jerry.  When I came back in I pulled the cover back and touched him and he was cold and stiff.  It's better for him but I'll miss him so much.  We've had Barclee for 19 years.  If there had been any kind of chance I would have kept on trying but Mike told me two or three weeks ago that there wasn't anything else to be done.  I just hope he wasn't in pain.  I think I'll bury him out in the back side yard where we buried Napoleon and CiCi.  Hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago he was full of life and eating everything in sight even though he couldn't see or hear.  He seemed happy and I hope he was until he got so bad.  That was no way for him to have to try to live.  So, he's gone over the Rainbow Bridge to be with all the other dogs we've had and lost.  I told him about that and that he'd be with Charles to wait for me.  He loved Prince and he'll be with him.    It's going to be a hard day.  Mike called a while ago on his way to a farm call so I told him about Barclee and he was sorry about it. He's such a compassionate person - really in the right profession.  He did all he could for Barclee.

     He told me a cow knocked Darwin down a few days ago. He got out of his mule and went over to check on her and she knocked him down.  Luckily she turned the other way and didn't do anything else.  When we went down to pick up the last little calf I knew he was really leary when the cow didn't seem too friendly.  So it is time for him to quit and be with his wife.  He's four years older than I so I'm getting there, too.

     I'm hoping when I call the Health Dept. in the morning they'll tell me that have Pfizer vaccine this week.  If not, I may wait until the next week.  There's another health dept. about 12 miles away but it's in the same County so they'll have the same vaccine.  Kind of hate to wait in case they don't have it the next week but it says you have six weeks from the time you get the first shot to safely get the second one.  Keep your fingers crossed.

     I'll stop for now and dry my eyes and get on with the day.  I'll be back later.

     Watching This Week on TV and the commentator just asked Dr. Jha the question I've been thinking about - if two people were fully vaccinated and you have had one shot, is it safe to be around each other.  He said it was and even the CDC says it is.  So, guess it's okay.  Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita,  I was so sorry to hear about Barclee. All of us have became so close to each other, I cried with you reading your note. I cant imagine how Lou and I would be without little bit. 


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Lorita, I am so sorry for your loss of Barclee. It’s like losing a family member (to me) and brings tears to my eyes to hear about yours. You gave him a long life filled with love and care, and made his life a good one.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    A few tears here too. You will miss your sweet companion terribly...I remember your posts about you and Charles and the ice cream. 

    Seems like one loss and then the next. Some to death and some just losses due to aging and illness.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you all so much - we all know how it is to lose a sweet companion.  Seems like there is so much loss, Judith.

     I just came in from burying him.  I buried him underneath the holly in front of the house.  The ground was soft and isn't where I thought I'd bury him.  He'll be there closeby when we sit on the front porch and visit.  He did love his ice cream.  We'd go to McDonalds and I'd get a hamburger and give him the meat from it and then an ice cream cone for him.  I know he's much better off and now he's okay.  It's a good place for him - he'll get morning sunshine and it's out of the way.  I put rocks on his grave so nothing would bother him.  He'll be missed so much - he was a member of the family, Rescue Mom.  Judith, I remember when you lost Luke and how sad we all were.

     Drove down partway to see all the girls - they're so pretty grazing and some laying around in the warm sun.  The two moms are fine this morning - only saw the first baby but the other mom didn't seem concerned.  I walked around the fenced-in area north of the house two or three times and couldn't see him at all - even looked in the barn.  I had given the girls some more hay so kept asking the cow where her baby was. She knew what I was saying so came out of the lot and stood close to where he was - he was curled up in the prickly pear cactus, safe and warm in the sun.  Hope he didn't get thorns from the cactus.  He's only three days old so is still laying around and not as active as the other one. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Lorita sorry about the loss of Barclee.  Know it leaves an empty spot.
  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Dear Lorita...I've been dreading the day these expected words would come. I so admired the way you tended to your dear Barclee like the loved one that he was. May you find peace having him rest so near to you.

    Thinking of you,,,Love, Betty xoxo

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Sorry to hear about Barclee. 

    I hope your neighbor is alright from the kick. He sure has his hands full With his wife. You are a good neighbor to give a hand when you are able.

    Dont forget pictures of new babies. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    (((((Dear Lorita,))))))

    I am so sorry to hear about Barclee, my eyes filled with tears as I was reading your post. He was/is loved so much by you he will be waiting at the gates with Charles for you.  Sounds like you found a good place for him. We can all sit on the porch with love in our hearts for ((((Barclee))))).  Peace will be with you now that you know Barclee's at peace. Big Hugs sent with Love, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thank all of you for your kind thoughts about Barclee.  He was much loved and always will be.   I'm going to post a picture of him taken a few years ago.  He always went to the meadow with us to see the new bales of hay. 

     Shirley, I'm trying to get a good picture of the two babies together so you can see them.  Good to see your post.  Hope you and Bill are well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Barclee was such a cutie and a wonderful companion for you, Lorita. I'm sorry for your loss. I know it is very difficult.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    That pict is precious. Thanks for sharing. 
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Just stopped in to say Hi.  I know your having a bad day, your in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Zetta  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     For anyone west of where I live in Eastern Oklahoma, please go out and look at the full moon.  It is gorgeous!  Didn't realize it was to be full but had the front door open and saw it as it came up - huge and orange.  Now it's high enough to reflect in the pond. Wish you all were here to see it. I've tried to take pictures of it but it just doesn't come out right.  When Charles was here I'd always call him to come out on the porch and look at the full moon.

     Thank you so much Zetta and all of you for being so kind to me today.  It has been a hard day but I'm glad Barclee is well now and not having to deal with all of his problems.  Also thankful that we were able to adopt him when he was two years old and full of life.  I can remember when we'd get home we'd get him out of the car or PU and he'd run around like crazy.  He did have a good home with people and other pets who loved him.  I'll miss him.

     Question:  Has anyone dealt with their loved one having bad dreams and then having a terrible day afterwards?  If you have, what did the doctor suggest and did it help?  Darwin called this afternoon to see if his wife left her cellphone here - couldn't find it.  She, I guess, had it turned off so didn't do any good to call her to hear it ring.  I could hear her in the background and he said it was really bad today. She had bad dreams last night.  I never had that problem with Charles not sleeping or having bad dreams so just wondered if any of you had dealt with it.  We all can empathize with what he's going through.

     You all should see my hands and arms - the right arm has little bruises from just below the elbow to the wrist - I think from Stormy's toenails but not sure.  The left hand has a big three cornered tear near the wrist and another small area just below it. This was from injuring it on probably one of the cut limbs on the holly.  And, this morning the youngest baby was laying in the prickly pears (at the edge of the bunch of them).  I got him up and later found I had little thorns or stickers all in the front of my shirt, a couple on my pants and just now I feel one on my finger.  I really hope they didn't get into his skin.  The cold weather has just about done the cactus in.  They were standing up pretty well but now they're almost all laying down.  Wish I could get rid of them.  It's a circle of them, probably 6-8 feet across which started with one paddle or whatever they're called.  Charles liked them and they are very pretty when they bloom.  My sister kept warning me too keep them in check and not let them get scattered.  Cut part of a big wild rose bush that was interfering with closing a gate and got thorns from that but at least I can open and close the gate easier now.

      I'll stop - just babbling now.  Thanks again to all of you for your kind thoughts and words.  Enjoy the evening.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning,

    Lorita my sister suspects after visiting J that some of the  strange things she was saying was actually dreams.  Thinks the dreams become reality for her.  Think my sister may be right.  So Darwin can well be right too.  Does Darwin have anyone to depend on for some help? 

    Barclee was a beautiful dog, those hay bales are beautiful too.

    Up and at it this morning.  Have a load of wash in dryer already and my plants taken care of.  Have to go reset moms generator for its trial run this morning.  A week or so ago  it kicked on so that messes up its weekly self test time.  It running at night .  Like to call mom and be sure it is testing.  She actually is dealing better with the generator and remembers on her own a lot.  She told me the other day she was glad she had it.  Hope she keeps feeling that way.

    Need to get my crab grass preventer down soon.  My BIL may come help me today.  He is going to help me put up a new mail box too.  He may not come today.  Told him ok either way.  But I’m trying to get things done in case he does show up.  Don’t know if all men are like this or not but my dad my helpful BIL just show up, often unannounced and ready to go to work.  A beggar can’t be a chooser so had to learn to just go with the flow.  I’m very thankful for the help they have given me over the years. My grass is looking so much better since my BIL is helping me with it.  Really is very simple, just have to borrow his spreader thingy.  Doesn’t take long at all.  

    Just got a notice about an estate sale Wednesday.  Sounds like they have a lot of the types of dishes I like.  May go if it’s a nice day.  Said face masks required and that he will have doors and windows open.  Sounds like he gets it.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, not all men show up and ready to go to work. Myself, I'm a planner! I like to get in my head ahead of time what I'm going to do, how long it might take, set a time to do it and go on with whatever else I have to do. I admit it doesnt always work the way I want, but it's always adjustable. Reminds me of a manager telling me one time that I was like a watchmaker; when I did something, i not only wanted to make sure you knew what time it was, but i thought you needed to know how i made the watch.

    I've been crying a little this morning, dont know if it's all the work I've been doing the past few days preparing for orkin, all that is going on in my life or just the harmone shots i have to have for the prostate cancer. 

    I decided to have orkin take care of the whole house instead of just the beds. The cost is pretty high, but I dont need the worry going forward. My neighbor that takes care of Lou some said they had them and just got a kit at home depot to take care of them. I haven't said anything to her but wonder if she brought the bed bugs over here since she is the only one that has been in the house in awhile.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    A cousin gave me a start of prickly pear cactus and I put it in my rock garden area. It was beautiful when it bloomed, but I kept getting the little thorns in my hands. I removed it. I don't recall if I dug it out, or used Round up; maybe a combination of both. My husband didn't want me to remove it but I just had to. Too much pain! Hope the little baby is ok.

    It will be 70 today but very windy, some gusts to 50 mph. Husband is going to mow for the first time this spring. We had several rainy days last week and the grass really grew, and really greened up. I have striped squill, squill, crocus, hellebores and winter aconite blooming. I have a couple of daffodils blooming with hundreds more to come. I also have hundreds of tulips that I look forward to seeing in bloom! Love tulips! Spring is so very, very welcome after a cold and snowy Iowa winter. 

    I haven't planted my veggies yet. Since I direct sow into the ground, I need to wait a couple of weeks for the cold weather crops and until Mother's Day for the others. I plan to plant sugar snap peas, green beans, lettuce, spinach, kale, cucumbers, radishes and kohlrabi. Also will plant a few hundred 'Park's Pick Zinnias,' which grow 3-4 feet tall and are just gorgeous. I buy the seeds for the zinnias from Park Seed. I will buy some parsley, rosemary and basil also.

    Have a nice day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I just saw your Post regarding sweet Barklee.   I can well imagine this is a heartfelt difficult time for you, he was such a beloved little friend; he will be sorely missed.  You have made the last days of his life easier and I am sure he could feel how loved he was.   The photo of him is really adorable; I could just see his energy and joy.  Hug being sent your way.

    As for Sarah and the ongoing dynamics re not keeping necessary doctor's appts., well; from what you have written, this is the way it has consistently been for such a long, long time.   I do not know if there is anything you can do; it seems such behavior and "excuses" are continuing no matter how hard you try to be lovingly helpful; that must be hard to experience.  I am so very sorry; you care deeply with concern.  Perhaps one day this situation will change, hope is always there.

     Ron, re the tears.  The entire situation you are in is high stress on multiple levels both emotionally and physically exhausting; and yes, the very necessary hormones can indeed contribute to such feelings, but the meds are necessary.  Just inform the doctor next time you go to an appt. with him, some adjustment may be able to be made.  Never stop a med without consulting one's physician.   So today is the "big day" with Orkin.  Oh my goodness what a lot of fuss and bother, but after it is all done and taken care of, it will bring some peace of mind.

    Poor Darwin; the situation with his wife has got to be a tremendous difficulty.  How about sending him the information re this Message Board and how there are quite a few men who are caregivers here on the Spousal Forum; he may find himself on the learning path by reading. Another good item to provide him with would be the online writing by Jennifer Ghent-Fuller; "Understanding the Dementia Experience."  It can be found in pdf.  It explains SO much, is easy to understand, lends much light as to what is happening with changes and helps in understanding the "why" of things.

     Since Darwin's wife has had such an increase in symptoms on a 24 hour basis, it really is time for her to be seen by the doctor.  And, if there is one near enough to drive to, a dementia specialist such as a good Neurologist who sees dementia patients as a routine part of his/her practice could be extremely helpful with appropriate meds.

    Our primary care MDs are great at so much, but they are not on the cutting edge of dementia dynamics.   I also wonder if she does not have a silent UTI which is contributing to the behaviors; it would be good to have that checked out.  I think he will need information and a bit of guidance at how to address matters, he is so new with all of this. Remember what that was like when we were new as we all had to slowly gain information, understanding, and able to take effective steps?  Since he still has things he must do on the ranch, etc., wonder if he would get someone in for a few hours a day to help with his wife.  That may possibly be helpful for his wife both emotionally as well as physically and somewhat relieve him.

    As for me, the lithotripsy procedure is done on an outpatient basis.  One is given light anesthesia which is perfectly fine with me.  The stone is the size of a marble; amazing that it has never given me a problem before.  My big concern is whether the sound waves will be able to crush that large a stone in tiny bits; that is one concern because of its size.  A stent will have to be put in, oh joy . . . . if the stone is crushed to itty bitty bits and they can be easily passed, then that is good.  If the lithotripsy is not successful as it needs to be, then another procedure will be necessary.   Oh boy . . . . nervous Nellie me. 

    Lorita, the ice cream.  It really is really old.  You have mentioned now and then, having old food stuffs you are concerned about from time to time.  It is definitely not worth taking chances.  One is not starving, so eliminating risk is well worth doing.  The rule regarding this continues to be, "If in doubt, throw it out."  Sure do not need tummy upsets or worse.  Why not buy in small quantities; date all packages going into the freezer and refrigerator with a marking pen. One can find much information about food safety with safety times, etc. online.   Just beccause food is frozen does not make it safe. Microorganisms may have their growth stopped or greatly curtailed when frozen, but once the stuff is thawed or ingested, well; the bacteria that may be silently present is once again active and able to do it's worst.  The smell test is not reliable as some of the bad stuff does not send out noxious odors.

    Sayra, your planting this spring and summer will, I bet, give you some great crops.  How wonderful; I am looking forward to your having great success this year.   My friend just had a few large above ground planting boxes made for her plantings in her small back yard.  She has always had quite a green thumb with her veggies.  She also had copper placed around the bottom edge of her planters, it keeps all snails away; they never get near the plants. Smart.  She and her husband used to rent a plot from the city which was quite large; they had marvelous crops of veggies, but it had become difficult to continue, so the back yard is the best choice and with raised planters, she need not try to get on her knees or to get down low.

     Gosh Lorita, I am sorry for the cuts and scrapes; no fun.  I wonder if when the men come now and then to assist with their equipment, if they could pull out all the prickly pear cactus and get it out of there so it would not be a threat to you and the animals.  Just a thought.  Hard to get rid of some stuff, it seems the prickly stuff is pretty hardy.

     Well, time to get going.  Have to get some stuff done today with clearance, etc. for Friday's procedure. 

      Have a good Monday and a very good week,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm one of the lookers/lurkers but I am butting in today to tell you, Lorita, that I also am crying over the loss of Barclee.  I'm so sorry.  I like to read about him as well as the girls and the GPs and cats.

    I'll miss him too and I'm so sorry.  He was a good pup.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Pretty morning, a little cool but sunny.  The wind is awful though.  Supposed to be even stronger this afternoon.

     Dayn2Nite2 - you aren't butting in at all.  Glad you posted.  Thank you for caring about Barclee.  The house seems empty.  I've mentioned that in the mornings the two Savannah cats are very rambunctious - running and jumping over things and rolling in the floor playing.  This morning there's none of that.  The house is as quiet as if no one was here.  I know they feel the loss, too.  Animals grieve just as humans do - I've seen that so many times with the girls.  Glad you enjoy reading about the Pyrenees, cats and girls.  The girls are up in the pasture this morning, laying down in the sun - just now beginning to drift down to the house.

     You know with Darwin's wife - it isn't just a really recent thing - he's just been dealing with it himself the best he can.  He wouldn't be able to go online and join the group, Jo, just not that kind of man. 

     Sara - there's really no one to help him with Donna except neighbors. There's a woman a couple of miles north of here that could help but she's in her late 80s and there's me.  I'll do all I can if he'll just call on me.  He's been through this with another lady so he knows a bit.  That and what Mike and I have told him.  The only medication she takes is Prozac.  He told me he had forgotten to give it to her the day they were here.  It's sad because like I've said they're such a cute couple.  I know it hurts him so much for her to accuse him of things but for some of us that's just part of it.  After he leases his land and isn't caring for the cattle he'll have more time to be with her.  Hopefully, there'll be some kind of medication he can give her that will help.

     I keep finding little thorns from the prickly pear.  I tried to get hold of the baby to see if I could tell if he had thorns in his hair but he'd have nothing of it.  He seems fine so hopefully he doesn't have them.   Beth, our prickly pear started from one little piece, too and it's gone wild.  There's no way the young men could get rid of them.  Someone told me it would take a backhoe to dig them out.  Maybe when they do work on the blackberry vines I can have them take them out, too - but, then what would a person do with them?  They can lay for ages and still revive and surely don't want them in the meadows or pastures.

     Sara - hope you get to go to the estate sale.  We used to do that sometimes and really enjoyed it.  Sounds like you have already gotten a lot of things done this morning.  Barclee was a cutie, so energetic and full of life until all of this.  Funny how one little dog can fill la house and when he's gone it seems so quiet and empty even though he was quiet.   The hay is pretty when it's baled and on the meadows.  There's still some on the meadows - just has been too wet to get it off.

     Jo -  so hope the lithotripsy goes well and the stone can be crushed into tiny bits that will pass without much pain.  Sometimes the waiting is harder than the actual thing.

     I called the Health Dept. this morning to see if they'll have Pfizer this week.  Seems they will and she told me to come in tomorrow between 8:30 and 11 or 1-3.  I'll go early and get a couple of protein tubs before I get the vaccine - then come home and hope I don't have any kind of chills or fever.   It's so windy today I don't think I'll feed so maybe I'll feel like it on Wednesday.  I'll be so glad to get this second shot and then go the two weeks - then, I'll go to the grocery store. 

     Carol called this morning.  Her two weeks after the second shot was up last Friday and she said she felt liberated.  She and her husband have been going most places anyway but she was more careful than he. 

     Sorry, this post is here and there - hard to remember what I wanted to say.  Sarah called while I was talking with Carol and when I returned the call there was no answer until I called again.  She sounded so groggy - said she's just gotten up.  Said she has an appt. this afternoon so maybe she'll be able to keep it.  I know some of her not keeping appointments is because she doesn't always have a way to get there if Todd doesn't show up - maybe he will today.

    Ron, I've bee crying some this morning, too - because of Barclee.  Yours is probably from all you're going through right now.  You'll feel better after Orkin does their work.  Probably a good idea for them to do the whole house and then you'll know you're rid of them.

     Beth, sounds like you're going to have a lot of good vegetables this summer.  You must enjoy gardening.  I love zinnias.  When I was growing up mother always had a couple of rows of flowers through the garden and we always had fresh flowers in the house.  She had all kinds but always had zinnias, marigolds and cosmos.  Those three do well in our hot, dry summers.

     Shirley, when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry this morning I took my camera and was able to get a couple of good pictures of the boys.  It's amazing to me that they're so small they can walk under their mothers and will eventually grow into bulls that weigh over a ton - like their grandpa.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.

     I'll stop for now and see what Stormy's barking at.  He and Sheena stayed out last night and were running and playing this morning.  He has an old, plastic watering can he loves to play with and he was throwing it around.

     Enjoy the day - I'll be back later.  Thanks for caring.



  • Bundy
    Bundy Member Posts: 26
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments

    Dear Lorita, Haven't written anything in a long time but I still read every day.  Just wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear about Barclee..I am such an animal lover and of course I cried when I saw that even though I was expecting it. Dealing with a lot here as hubby is so much worse.  We had a room built on to daughter's home and will be moving there soon.  Just can't handle taking care of a home by myself anymore and she is a nurse so will be able to help me with her Dad. You may not even remember me but my name is Barbara and I sign on as Bundy. Happy to see and read about all the new friends you have.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Barbara,

     Of course I remember you.  Glad to see your post but sorry you're having such a hard time.  Moving to your daughter's house is probably the best thing.  That way you will have help - we all know it gets harder as time goes on.

     Thanks for being sorry about Barclee.  Didn't realize so many people would feel so sad for him but he would be glad.  He was a people's dog - loved everyone.  I knew the time was near but hated it - don't know if there was anything else I could have done but I didn't want to force feed him.  Better to let nature take it's course.  Just now when I passed by the chair where he'd laid the last couple of weeks I found myself reaching down to pet him.  He laid in the chair and I had a fluffy throw over he back of the chair and down over him to keep him warm. Seems like I'm expecting to hear his little bark but it never comes.   He is sorely missed.  We've lost so many cats and dogs but each one is hard and each is remembered.

     It's so windy and the wind seems cold.  Just don't think I'll get out to feed today.  I'll go in early in the morning, get the blue tubs, get my vaccine and come home.  For those of you who've had the vaccine second shots, how long after the injection did you get chills and fever, if you did?   Zetta, I'm going to  make some potato soup this afternoon so I'll have that tomorrow and won't have to worry about cooking.  Think I'll make a fresh loaf of bread to finish baking about 7 in the morning.

     Jo - I'm going to throw the ice cream away.  I can make some in the Ninja if I want it since I do have frozen fruit.  All it takes if fruit and a little milk and sugar if you like.  I've done that before and it was good - seems I remember Charles and I liked mango and pineapple ice cream.

     Talked with Todd a while ago.  He's going to take Sarah to her appt. this afternoon - if she'll go - but he has an appointment at 4 an hour away so won't be able to stay.  His partner will take her home.  He thinks the doctor will probably admit her to the hospital.  She doesn't sound good this morning but she says she's ready to go.

     Probably would be better if she went into some kind of place to get her medications straightened out but he thinks they might admit her for the hernia and protruding, enlarged stoma. 



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...do you know if Sarah ever got the hernia "belt" Dr Dunn told her to get a long time ago?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, she's never mentioned it to me that I remember.  As far as I know she didn't get one.

     I thought I'd have a quiet day but... Sarah's brother came by about noon and we visited on the porch for a while.  He hasn't had the vaccine so we stayed outside in the wind with me having on a mask.   He's from Kentucky but doesn't like it so don't know what he's going to do.

     Then, Mr. K called to let me know they were coming to clear out fence rows so they could work on the fence.  That's fine but had to get the two pair back in the lot.  Girls are out front thinking or wanting me to think it's the day to be fed.

     I called Sarah sometime during that time to make sure she was ready for Todd to pick her up for  her appointment.  She said she was ready.  That fell apart - when he got there she wouldn't go - said they had cancelled the appointment.  So, that makes three appointments last week and this that she's missed with Family Practice.  He says he doesn't think she's been there for an appointment for months.  I don't know if she's afraid to go to the doctor because of what they might tell her or what's going on.  It's really stressing him out - he says because of the weather he's behind on his jobs and he's having to stop what he's doing to go home to take her and then she won't go.  These aren't the only appointments she missed - Urology and two or three others he mentioned.

     I think what she needs - and she even mentioned it to me last week - that maybe she should go into some kind of setting where she'd be taken care of and get back on her medications.  She's a diabetic and he said he didn't think she has any insulin.  Her prescriptions have or are running out and she can't get them rewritten unless she sees a doctor.  I don't know where this is going but it's stressful for everyone involved.

     She did call a while ago - just left a voice mail asking me to call her as soon as I got the message.  I did, twice, and she won't answer.

     Any thoughts?  How do you get someone placed in some kind of facility without being sent by a doctor?  And, this on Medicaid?  I thought I might call the case manager she had when she was in the hospital but that was a long time ago so that might not work.

     T and I are both at our wit's end.  I don't think she's capable of following through on anything. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well, I shall try again.  Was typing away when suddenly half a paragraph disappeared; then everything went away.   Harrumph!

     I am deeply sorry for the heartache Lorita and so wish I could take that away for you.  I know how you loved your little Barklee.   What  a wonderful life you gave him.    He was delighted, happy, and content; your love and care were everything to him.  Without you, he would not have had that quality of life.   You were his family and you were also his gift as he was yours.  I get so bonded to the little beings that when loss hits, it is deeply felt; I understand.

     The photos of the two little ones are sweet.  What adorable cuties those two are.  Do you think they will develop a friendship of sorts that will last when they are grown?  I do not know if cattle do that.

     Okay . . . . have any of you heard of Sumo Citrus?  I had not until this week when our son told us about them.  DH had some put into our grocery order and I tried one today.  Omigosh, they are SO delicious and  hugely juicy.  Evidently, these citrus fruits were developed in the early 70's in Japan by a grower who wanted to develop the sweetest, most delicious, juicy citrus fruit ever.  Well; he succeeded.  They are now grown in Japan and in the central valley in California.  Their growing season has only three months from January through April.  Little pricey; about $1.29 each, but oh boy, so worth it.

    They are big, heavy for their size, peel very easily by hand, and oh my; juicy, juicy and delectable, sweet flavor.  Sumo because of their size and top knot I would imagine.

     Here is a link:  https://sumocitrus.com/about/ 

    Had to tell you all about them, they are that good and I think if you have not tasted them, you would enjoy.

       Glad to hear that Sarah will be seeing the doctor today.  What an awful situation to be in, she may indeed have to be admitted.   She really seems to need ongoing care with someone with her or in a safe setting, but it seems like the rest of us, she wants in her own home. Guess I understand that.

     I saw a very interesting PBS program last night; in fact, at one point it was so poignant re an elderly woman,  it had me in silent tears.  It was, "Fast Forward: Looking Into Your Future."   If you can find this, it is worth watching.  It was personal with multiple different people and about aging.  Not Alzhemer's per se, just aging.   So good when they took the younger family members and outfitted them for age including makeup . . . . anyway; very interesting with a lot of good input from specialists who really seem to "get it."

     Off I go again, hugs to all those here and also to those who lurk and read; we are amongst friends on this Front Porch where we meet.   As said before, our front porch always has good weather no matter the season, and the rocking chairs fit every size backside no matter what.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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