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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Ron sorry you feel tears eyed this morning.  Guessing it is a Combination of everything.  You are dealing with a lot.  I’m a planner and usually pretty organized.  But  can adapt pretty easily too.  

    BIL did come.  We got a new mailbox put up and that was fairly easy.  Then my sun porch downspout needed a little TLC and he did that for me.  Left the spreader and I put down the crab grass preventer.  Easy to do.  Rode in the truck with him to store.  We both had a mask on.  He took it off when he went to working.  Left mine on, on outside so felt it was safe and hope it is. When you have been cautious for so long it is easy to worry about what if I’m wrong and it is not ok.  Making myself do some things.  Use my best judgment and trust God for the rest.

    Filled up a few more little grow bags getting them ready for seeds.  Try to take my time and get a few done when I have some time.   

    I don’t know much about prickly pear but Round Up might do the trick.  Have had good luck killing a lot of things out by placing a couple of layers of black garbage bags over the plant and laying some rocks on it and leave it for a year.  Usually the root come out pretty easily then. Have never done anything  prickly.

    Jo let’s hope and pray the sound waves work.

    Beth your yard is lovely and soon to be lovelier.  That is a lot of work planting all those bulbs.

    Beth do you have trouble with bean bugs, and if you do how do you control them?  Grew beans for first time last year.  The bugs won the battle.  Would like to do better this year.

    Zinnias are one of my favorites.  When I was young my family called them old maids. Have not heard anyone else call them that. For several years have grown the Benary variety.  They get kind of large.  This year trying a new variety, forget it’s name, but from burpees I believe.  Think they are a little shorter, less coarse.  Need to tame things down here a bit as my flower beds are a different type and my old types of flowers don’t look good here.

    Lorita glad Pfizer is going to be available for you.  Sorry Lorita don’t really know how to go about helping Sarah get placed.  

    Jo will see if I can find sumo citrus here.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...it is clear that you are getting "mixed" messages. Family practice was never closed last week for any reason. She has had Dr's appointments. Dr Dunn has made referrals to specialists. No one is hanging up on her, she is getting nutrition or by this time she would be dead from not "eating". There is no reliable way to communicate with her....the phone is broken or it is not charged or the message box is full or she just can't find it or it is new and she does not how to work it. I know from being at 2 appointments with her that she does not follow medical advice. She did not follow through with the nurse, the support group or the hernia support.

    So does she think everything she says is real or does she simply say what she thinks everyone will accept? Either way what can one do to help?

    It is comforting to think that Sarah could be placed somewhere to get back on her feet but can she stay on her feet. When she leaves the hospital surely all of her meds are straight  etc but then everything goes south and she is not an active participant or advocate for her own health. Again, what can be done.

    One thought. I am assuming that she and Todd now own the house. Can they use the money that they no longer need to pay out to have someone come to the house with a key to let themselves in...no more unanswered phone or door bell excuse. She would not have to agree to this but yes, she could run them off. Appointments could be made on the days she has the help.

    That is my only "in home" thought. Out of home placement? Maybe Jo or someone else has an idea of what is available. But I do not see anything short term as being able to help. 

    I know you worry so and would do anything to improve the situation. 

    On another note...how nice to have a visit with your nephew. You have really had a lot of human contact in the past few days. I would be a bit tired out from all the conversation...lol

    Ron....I am a big believer in tears. They say that the chemical make up is not the same for all tears so they must be helpful.

    Zinnias...I looked at the website....fell in love with the idea ...still trying to find a spot for them here.

    Jo....I would be a nervous Nellie too!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Mr. K and his son were here a couple of hours - doubt they went all the way to the west fence to clear that.  I think they'll just set the new fence over a couple of feet into the pasture and not take down the old one.  Do want them to take down the old fence along our neighbor's yard so it'll look better.  Didn't talk to him before they left so not sure when they'll be back.

     Jo, thank you - Barclee was our buddy.  Can't tell you how many times I've looked toward the chair where he stayed a lot or on the floor as I walked to see if he was okay.  Keep thinking I'll hear his little bark.  It's sad to get so attached to them but who can help it - not I.  I still grieve for Prince, the first GP we had.

     Have never heard of that citrus but in our little town there's many things you all have in big cities that we never see - but, they really sound good.  I'm still thinking about that avocado tree that drops fruit in your yard.  How great that would be.

     Aren't those the cutest little guys?  They will be fast friends throughout their lives.  I always like to have at least two calves up at one time (if I can) so they can be buddies out in the pasture and stay together.  I've been feeding their moms a bale of hay a day so asked Mike to put a bale in a hayring north of the house.  I'll be able to use that for two or three months as the cows have their little ones.

     I bet that show would be interesting.  I'll look for it.  I saw another show that sounds good with Cloris Leachman - "The Last Time We Spoke".  It's supposed to be on TV on Easter.  They said it was her last movie.

     Kind of anxious to get my second shot tomorrow and also a bit, might say worried.  Just hope I don't have a reaction later in the day.  I'm going to get a couple of protein tubs tomorrow so want to be able to pull them out of the PU for the girls tomorrow after I get home.   How long was it after the second shot did you all start to have any after effects?    Sara, you're so right.  We've been so used to wearing our masks around people and being at home so much it's kind of strange to be around people - kind of don't know what to do.  I'm still going to be very careful even after my two weeks are up after my second shot.  Probably will turn into a new way of life.

     Sara - you got a lot done today.  I'm sure that makes you feel good - it would be.  You all talking about zinnias makes me want to have some but I don't have any place to put them.  When we lived in the MH I planted some Tom Thumb zinnias next to the place where I parked when I got home from work.  Always was so pleasant to see their pretty blooms. 

     A new mailbox - how great.  I need to have a little work done on the post that holds ours.  It's a big mailbox and it's in the side of a ditch so it tends to lean toward the ditch.  Used to be just inside the driveway but a few years ago they had everyone move their mailboxes along the road.  The mailcarrier turns around in our driveway so I'm sure she wouldn't mind it being there but there are big trucks that turn in so maybe it's better where it is.

      Judith, I'm not sure what Sarah thinks.  I told her no office would be closed more than an hour if someone did come in with the virus.  I even called and they answered.  T says she has missed so many appointments - either she doesn't tell him about them or tells him they called and cancelled.  She told him that today.  You simply can't make a person go if they don't want to and if they did they still wouldn't follow through with what was prescribed.  I don't know the answer except for her to be in some type of place to get straightened out.

     I agree about the nutrition.  T told me today he'd leave part of a pizza in the refrigerator or other food and it would be gone when he came home.  She'd tell him it was bad and threw wit away - so, I don't know.  I do know she has lots of problems with her feeding tube and stomach so I can't say for sure.  He said today she was really not being compliant about anything.  He says he hasn't seen her take medicine in some time - she did take insulin to Amarillo but didn't put it back in the refrigerator so it went bad. 

     He'd never let someone have the house key -  they've had things taken by people who were there to help her (a friend of hers they trusted).

     A person can't be helped if they don't want to be - they'll always find a way around it.  I do worry and Todd worries - can't help it.  I try to back off but I get pulled back in.  I think I mentioned she even said something to me about the possibility of going into some type of home so she might accept that.  I don't really know much about Medicaid - whether you can call a home and get her admitted to if it has to be an order from a doctor. 

     I'm getting too old for this and have too much to handle myself - but I want to help when I can and as much as I can - so consequently I keep trying.

     Fed the moms and gave them hay and closed the gate.  I'll keep them in the corral tomorrow while I'm gone.  Rose Bud was still in the garden grazing so carried her feed pan up to her.  I'm being very careful going through that gate that bumped my head.

     Oh, by the way, Sarah fell a while back (before they went to Amarillo) and had a big knot on her head.  I think it's since then she's been forgetful.  His sister is an RN and he talked to her about it and she mentioned a concussion could cause memory loss.  That was another thing she was supposed to talk to the doctor about.

     Jo - every once in a while I lose a paragraph, too.  Thought it was because I was touching a wrong key but maybe not. 

    All four cats have been as quiet as mice all day long.  Very odd for them - haven't had to spray them with water one time today.

     Zetta, made that potato soup - it really hit the spot.

     Hope all of you have a good evening. 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,  Those babies are so cute, how many do you usually get during the summer. Your herd just keeps growing and growing. Potato soup sounds real good. For some reason I have been real tired today I have napped most of it. I just fixed biscuits and gravy for dinner. 

    I am so glad your going to get your 2nd vaccine tomorrow. I had to go to the Dr today, he is new to me so he is running all kinds of test to make sure my meds are still working. He is real thorough so far he cut back one med and increase another one. 

    He told me he had a bad reaction to the second vaccine feeling dizzy light headed headache but it's OK to feel that way. I had no reaction to either one but I was waiting, only thing I had was a sore arm.   So maybe tomorrow just try to plan on resting. 

    I can't see Sarah going to the hospital on her own if she can 't even go to the Drs office. Probably what will happen is she will get real sick and ambulance takes her to the hospital then the Drs can keep her there for awhile then send her to rehab. Hopefully once they get her they will keep her for awhile to adjust her meds. That might be the only way it will happen. I hate too see you worry so much about her you have so many things to take care of at your place. And It is wonderful that you are there for your neighbor. 

    It's  nice you had visitors today it will help you get through this week after Barclee's passing. You must miss him real bad. I hope your sleeping well. 

     Jo,   I am praying you will pass those stones with out pain. Hopefully you will be all rested up for the procedure. I am glad it is done on a outpatient basis. 

    Good Night All, Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning,

    Lorita you can grow your zinnias in a container.  

    Agree with Zetta, just plan on taking it easy today.  Had a whole different vaccine than you are getting.  When I felt reaction starting I just went to bed.  Had a mild headache, chills, slight nausea  and slight dizziness. All but headache gone within 12 hours of onset except headache.  It just disappeared after about 19 hours.  Was about 8 hours after vaccine when reaction started. That being said, most people on here and J and my Aunt had little to no reaction so hopefully that will hold true for you too.  Have heard all along that older people having less reaction.  Maybe I’m younger than I think lol.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning! We did have a beautiful full moon here yesterday. I enjoy looking at the sky. Last night I went out and viewed the International Space Station. I have seen it quite a few times and always enjoy seeing it. I use an app on my phone called Sky Guide. It has a section called "Today" and it tells what satellites, rockets, meteor showers, etc can be viewed from your area and what time. 

    Sara, I have not had problems with worms on my beans. I have had squash bugs on vining plants like pumpkins and squash in the past. Last year I got cucumber wilt and lost my cucumber plants. I don't can but I do enjoy making refrigerator pickles. Also like to slice cucumbers and add mayo, s & p and dill weed - mmm! I had to buy my cucumbers at the store last year.

    Lorita, hope you had no major issues with your vaccine. Glad you were able to get it. Still many people wanting to get it and not enough supply. There is supposed to be a glut in vaccine supply coming - it cannot happen soon enough - it'll allow everyone who wants one to get it and then maybe we can help out Canada. They're in a bad way in regard to acquisition of vaccine. 

    Jo, I'm thinking of you and sorry you are having so many health issues these days. Prayers for your lithotripsy to go well. 

    Zetta, I enjoy reading your posts. You are a woman of kindness and compassion. Thanks for sharing on this thread.

    Others, glad I get to sit on the front porch with y'all.     Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thanks for all the information about possible side effects from the vaccine.  I left home about 8, got into town and got my two "blue" tubs from Atwoods.  They're protein tubs and they're blue so that's what you ask for. They also have red ones with something else in them.  Tomorrow after I feed from the PU I'll pull them out in the pasture - they weigh 200 lbs. so it's about all I can do to even slide them out.  One of them turned over when I pulled it out a while back and I had a heck of a time getting it turned right side up. No one in the store was wearing a mask - I wore a double mask and a glove because you have to sign the little thing with their pen.  When I got back to the PU I used hand sanitizer on it so left it in the PU for later use.

     Went by and got diesel in the PU - again using the glove.  I got to the health department about 8:40 or 8:50.  There were maybe half a dozen people inside getting their Pfizer vaccine.  I sat in the same chair as before and the same girl gave me the vaccine.  Visited a bit with a couple of people waiting for their 15 minutes to be up and a couple of the girls who worked there. Got some good information.  She said if at all possible to not take Ibuprofen today but Acetaminophen would be okay.  I got home just before 10.  Glad that's over - so now by April 13 I'll be fully immunized.

     Zetta, like you, I'll be waiting to see if anything happens - hope it doesn't.  I guess I could feed today but think I'll just take it easy and wait until tomorrow if I feel like it and I'm sure I will.

     Beth, I haven't seen the space station.  A while back the news mentioned where it would be the next night, in our area, but I forgot about it.  I remember decades ago when Sputnik went over  I was pretty young then and my family was visiting a neighbor.  We laid on the lawn and watched it go over.  Wasn't that moon gorgous?  It's so pretty when it reflects in the pond.  It's called the worm moon - need to read to find out why such an odd name.

    The roads are still not that good.  I didn't go the way I went when I got stuck a few weeks ago but even south of here there's a couple of really spongy places.  When I turned on the road to our mailbox the road grader was going by so maybe that'll help.  That snowy, cold weather really did a job on the roads.

     Zetta, my doctor got the first vaccination and he was really sick afterwards.  He had the virus back in November.  He was really dreading getting the second one.

     Not sure how many babies we'll have - maybe close to a dozen.  That's the number we used to always have to sell.  We have nine small ones now, eleven with the two new ones so it may be around a dozen depending on whether the bigger heifers calve and if Stanley did a good job last summer - he was willing for sure.  I may sell little heifers this fall, not sure.  The herd is about the right size for me to handle easily so we'll see.  At one time we had well over a hundred.  Charles had a small stroke with, thankfully, no residuals, so we sold half of them.  I think half of the remaining ones were sold when he had pneumonia in the wintertime.  So, it's rebuilding but it's big enough.  They say in Oklahoma the average herd size is 25 head.  But, around here, it's in the hundreds.  We have several ranchers with really big herds - I think Darwin had about 400 before he sold calves a while back - still has about 250.  Mike says he doesn't know how many he has and there's another big one who runs Red Angus cattle.  You see cattle everywhere.  On the way home I passed one of Mike's herds and there was a tiny baby standing by part of a bale of hay eating - he was so cute.  I know he felt like he weighed a ton. 

     Stormy was so happy when I got home but he didn't want to come inside.  It's fairly warm but windy.  I think there's a chance of light rain this afternoon and tonight.

     Sara and Beth - I hate squash bugs - scary looking things.  When I was growing up we always sprinkled Sevin on cucumbers, squash, cabbage and whatever had problems.  It didn't hurt us at all but doubt I'd do it now.  Some people just pick those bugs off things - but I'm afraid of bugs so never did that. 

    When I was in Atwoods I saw a big display of seeds but didn't take time to look at or buy any.  Maybe next time I go to town, after the 13th of April, I'll find some.  I have thrown away the seed catalogs I received this spring - guess I didn't think I'd buy any.

      Kind of hungry - didn't take time to eat breakfast so I'm finishing my hot tea now.  Glad that potato soup's in there.  I'm thinking I'll use the immersion blender to make it even smoother.  Need to order some more of that.

     So glad they had Pfizer vaccine this week - they never know which kind they'll get.  I didn't have to use the portal at all and only had to drive about 12 miles so I consider myself lucky.

    The cats are back to normal this morning - just took a day of mourning, I guess.  Sadly, when I came in the house I listened for Barclee's little bark.  Surely do miss him.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   Congratulations on your second vaccine. Just think how free you will feel on April 13th, My Dr also told me that older people usually recover from the vaccine with no or very little problems. My arm was sorer with the 2nd one so hopefully you will have no problem feeding tomorrow.  Lot's of babies I bet Stanley would be very proud.  Please let us know today how your feeling.

    Sara,   Sounds like you are a morning person. I am a morning person I like to get everything done so I can be lazy the rest of the day. I had to go get some blood work done so I was there at 8am this morning. I forgot I was suppose to fast so I was sent home. I will be back there at 8am tomorrow and I won't be happy because I would have not had my morning coffee. There is a drive thru coffee stand right across from my Dr so I will be happy then.   It is nice you have your BIL helping you I am lucky my son lives with me he takes care of my yards. 

    Ron,   I am sorry your feeling sad but you have had so much happing lately. Hopefully things will slow down for you. 

    Beth,   Thank You for those kind words, as you see this thread has a lot of loving caring people here. I feel like I can share anything here and get good advice. This feels like family visiting. I am glad you are visiting with us on the porch. 

    Lorita,   Let us know later how you are feeling. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Still feeling fine - my arm is okay.  I can barely feel where the injection site is.  I'm thinking about feeding today before my arm gets sorer.  I'll have to feed Rose Bud, the two moms, then all the cows, pull out the blues and see if the babies need feed in the creepfeeder.  Right now it's warm and not too much wind.  Supposed to be colder tomorrow.  I'm thinking I'll probably only feed the girls a couple more times but will have to get into town for Quick Start for the little ones next week.

     Atwoods had the most beautiful roses - such a pretty pink with big buds and darker rose colored one - and, of course, the red ones.  Didn't take time to look at them except through the window or to see how much they were.  I have a couple of Knock Out roses I need to trim ai little and two or three others so guess I have enough.  It's hard to find a place to put them anyway.

     Better go and close the gate so I can feed.  I'll be back later.  Sara, I think you said it was 8 hours after your injection before the after effects began to show up so I better get on it.  Back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Thought it was time to check in. I’m feeling much better.  I think the long term prednisone is working, so hopefully I’ll be getting back to normal soon.  I’m thankful I’ve made some progress and hope it continues.

    Lorita, I’m sorry about Barclay.  What a sweet looking little pup.  He looks so cuddly and sweet.  The calves are adorable.  The two in the picture look like they could be buddies.  About the same size and age.  

    My sister and her husband had the same vaccine as you.  The had no reaction to the second shot.  Hopefully that will be the same for you. 

    Poor Sarah.  It’s hard to know if she just doesn’t feel like helping herself right now, or if she just can’t.  Sure wish she would keep her appointments.  That would make a big difference in the way she is feeling.  I see a definite need for someone to come in daily and help her with her meds.  Might get her back on track.

    Jo, wow.  You’ve been through a lot lately.  I pray all goes well with the treatment and you’re feeling better in a few days.  I’ve heard a lot of people have good results from the sound wave treatment.  Glad to hear your DIL is making progress.  I can’t believe she’s at home.  What wonderful daughters she has.

    Sara, sounds like you’re going to have large garden and lots of beautiful flowers.  Not sure I have enough energy yet to be too ambitious about planting much this year.  We still have a couple months of cooler weather, so I still have time to plant if I feel like it.  

    Zetta, I’m going to clean front porch and get furniture cleaned up. My oldest daughter and family are coming for Easter.  Just two days, but will be fun to see them again.  I’m excited to have company.  I went to Denver over the weekend to watch granddaughter dance at a competition.  It felt so nice to get to go somewhere.  I feel like I’ve been quarantined for way too long.  The dance was so pretty.  The came in 1st overall and got platinum placing.  Lots of happy girls in her group.

    Sandy, congratulations.  Looks like you are headed for a wonderfully happy future.  I’m so happy for you.  Enjoy every adventure.  

    Ron, hope the bedbugs are gone.  I had them in one of my rentals, and it was awful.  The treated them with high heat.  Seemed to work really well.  I hope you’re feeling better today.

    Hi to all new posters, and welcome.  What a popular place we have to visit here.  I love it.

    Take care everyone.  Joan

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Joan,     It is nice hearing from you and better to hear your feeling better. What type of dancing does you GD do? I bet you really enjoyed getting out, especially going to watch your GD dance.  I am jealous I wish I had family coming for Easter. I sent my GD a pkg of Easter goodies. I hope you have good weather so sitting on the porch will be comfortable. 

    Lorita,   How is your arm. My arm hurt pretty bad after my second vaccine it was hurting before I even got home. It was not a killer hurt but it hurt.  Your such a champ you probably would not let it get you down. As for me I just knew something was going to happen and I was waiting, but nothing did.  

    The sun is shinning real pretty here today but it is still very cold outside. I hope your all having a good day.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, so happy to hear you're feeling better.  Good that the Prednisone is doing it's job.  Don't you feel like you're crawling out of a dark tunnel or hole? That's the way I feel when things start to go better.  Take care and don't overdo. 

     How great you were able to go to Denver to see your granddaughter and her group dance.  I bet that was a lot of fun - and you got to get out and go somewhere and feel good. 

     Seems like spring is really sprouting.  All the trees have a green tinge and the grass is green.  Won't be long until Bryon has to mow - in fact, he could mow the yard now.  Wish I could let Rose Bud into the yard to graze some - that would drive Stormy and Sheena nuts for sure.  Gosh, I keep thinking about those gorgeous roses at Atwoods - they were so pretty - could almost smell their sweet fragrance through the glass.  They were on the outside of the store across the front of a glassed in entry area. 

     It's been over six hours and still doing well.  My arm is a bit sore, in fact, both arms are in about the same place - what about that?  It's still the result of that flu shot in 2019.  Guess that will never resolve.    Decided since I was feeling okay I'd go ahead and feed.  Just because I'm not in the mood or don't feel well is no reason the girls can't have cubes.  So, got the two moms and babies in the lot so I could get out the gates - fed the girls and Rosebud.  Then pulled those two tubs out of the back of the PU.  Had to get up in the bed to move them toward the back, then didn't have room to get out so had to push one back.  Hard to get in and hard to get out but got it done.  I did drive up into the south pasture to see if everyone came down.  I had waited about ten minutes too long to decide to feed so they were drifting off to graze this evening.  Got back and found I'd lost my feed bucket so had to drive back up in the pasture to find it.  Checked the creepfeeder and the babies still have feed so didn't have to do that.

     When I got the PU back into the carport I fed the moms.  I may let them into another part of the grassy area tomorrow.  It's next to a pond with only a barbed wire in between so I worry about the babies getting through the fence..  Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow morning so it might have been muddy anyway.

     Joan - I don't know what to think about Sarah.  I feel like she's afraid to go to the doctor and what he'll tell her.  Yesterday after all the stuff about missing that appointment I found a message on my phone from her asking me to call her when I got the message.  I could hardly understand her.  I called a couple of times with no answer - same thing today - no answer.  I think if Todd couldn't get her to keep her appt. yesterday, no one could have.  He called me and gave her the phone and I could hear hi pleading with her to let him take her. 

     Now, I've had my second shot after thinking I probably wouldn't take the vaccine.  So glad I decided to do it.  Our next hurdle is getting Jo's calculus taken care of.  I've also heard good reports from people having that done.  They were just beginning that procedure when I worked in Urology in the 60s.  At that time the person had to be in a tub of water if I remember correctly.  That room will be crowded because all of us will be in there with Jo during the procedure - at least in spirit.

     I also think this is a great thread (not because I started it) but because it's a safe place for us to come and visit.  Most of us have lost our loved one to dementia so we understand each other.  Think of all the good friends we've made over the years.  Many of us live alone and it's also a place to come and ask for opinions about things - at least I do that. 

     Ron - hope things are better with you today.  Wasn't it yesterday when Orkin was coming?  Hope things went well - we'll be waiting to hear.

     So, I'll stop for now.  I took hot tea with me this morning and now I'm having the same tea but iced this time.  Zetta, about ready for some of that potato soup. 

     Sara - I have three or four containers (mineral tubs) that are about 18"tall and probably 1 ft. across so I could use those for zennias and maybe one for marigolds.  I need to get into WM's garden center (after my two weeks) to find bedding plants, probably vinca, for the pink bathtub.  Looking forward to that.

  • sisters4
    sisters4 Member Posts: 2
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    I am struggling with going on trips with my spouse. Our family lives approximately 6 hours away and I would love to go see them (once it''s safe with Covid situation), but my spouse says he would like to go then we are about 2 hours into the trip and he gets agitated, angry and says he will never do this again. Does anyone have any suggestions how to handle this. He is on medication for his agitation and it helps most of the time but when he makes up his mind (and it can change from minute to minute) he doesn''t want to do something he gets very belligerent and hateful. His mother is still alive and would like to see him more and he says he wants to see her but is not willing to travel more than 30 minutes anymore.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Hi sisters...welcome to the porch.

    One thing to think about it that the trip may get too stimulating for your husband. Being there may be even worse.

    I got through an out of town venture with my husband using Valium. It was a wedding we drove to in San Antonio. It  only took a little bit but that was the last we ever took. From that time on when my husband suggested a trip I sort of feigned illness.

    It may be time for family to come to you.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Welcome to the Friend's thread, Sisters,

     A six hour trip is long - I'd have trouble sitting in a car for six hours.  Like Judith said it sounds like it's time for the relatives to visit you all.

     The last trip Charles and I took - just to Eureka Springs, about three hours was all right but he wanted to come home after the first night.  He liked to travel but being away from familiar surroundings was too much.

     If your husband became belligerent or combative while you were driving it could be dangerous - he could grab the steering wheel, pull the keys out or open the door and try to get out.  Better be safe than sorry.  Tell the relatives you all would love to see them when they come to visit.

     Again, welcome.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Well, I'm 9 1/2 hrs. out from the vaccination with no problems except a sore arm.  I can still use it but I know it's there.  Hope this is all I'll have.  Sara, I think you said your symptoms began about 8 hours after the injection and lasted about 19 hours. 

     I just heard on the news that there's five or six variants discovered in Oklahoma but they haven't been reported to the CDC.  Wonder why.

     I've misplaced my oft-used trapper's hat.  I've looked everywhere but the right place - don't think I could make it without that hat.  I just went out and gave the moms and babies some more water and hay and had to wear a different hat - just not the same.  A cool front has come through and now the wind's from the north - not as strong as it was from the south but it's colder.  Supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow.

     Sara - also just saw on the world news that there's been a 15% increase in covid cases in several states - Ohio was one of them.  Now they're afraid there may be a fourth surge from all the gatherings and people not wearing masks.  Don't understand why people balk at wearing a mask.

     Still missing Mr. Barclee - how many times I look at his chair to see if he's asleep or listen for him to bark. Just going to take a lot of getting used to him being gone if I ever do. 

     Hope there's something good on TV tonight.  Zetta, watching Gunsmoke, as usual.  Enjoy the evening and night if I don't get back to post.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Yep I am watching Gunsmoke.     Lorita I remember you saying you had the trappers hat on when the gate hit your head. Maybe its by the gate. Sore arm is probably all you will have and thats not bad.  Sleep well. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Heard something interesting on Chris Cuomo's show tonight.  He had a woman on the show who had the virus about the same time as he did.  Both have had long-haulers from it.  She took the Pfizer vaccine and four days after her second shot she felt 90% better - just like the long-hauler fog was gone.  He has had the vaccine and is also feeling much better.  So, guess that's something else they'll have to look into.

     When I went in Atwoods today I mentioned no one was wearing a mask but there was a plexiglass guard at the check-out. There was another level of the counter so I wasn't behind the plexiglass all the time but I had on two masks so guess it's all right.  Always something else to think about.

     From what I'm seeing on TV they're really expecting a fourth surge because of the variants and people not wearing masks or doing any of the things that work in preventing it.  I'm glad most of us have had our vaccines and guess we're lucky we were able to get them. 

     Zetta - I was watching Gunsmoke the other day and there were some big hills, not mountains but lots of rocks and high places.  Didn't look like Kansas at all to me so I looked it up and it was filmed in Utah!  I remember one time we went to KC and on the way home we decided we'd come home through Kansas instead of Missouri.  It was fall and I thought we'd see some pretty trees - we saw one pretty tree and not a lot of others.  It was very flat - same with western Kansas.  We were out that way once when the wheat was ripe - kind of scary to me - all you could see was miles and miles of golden wheat.  Just thought you might be interested in that - but, maybe you knew it already.

     Still haven't found that hat.  I don't believe I wore it today but did yesterday and I did go through that gate to feed Rose Bud but I don't think I took it off.  It's somewhere - maybe in the Gator.  Sandy, that thermometer I bought that lets you take your temperature on your forehead is also missing.  I put it somewhere safe - but where? I've looked everywhere I can think of - except the right place.

     I'm finished for the night.  Stormy and Sheena stayed in with me last night but they're outside tonight - maybe I'll let Max sleep with me tonight.

     Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I'm sorry to learn about Barclee.  He looked like a very protective, king of the hill type of pup from his photo.  It's nice that you could bury him close to the house.

    I got my second shot on Friday afternoon.  From about 1 am Saturday until late that night, I had chills and fever and body aches.  By Sunday morning I had no symptoms, but every day since I have had to take a nap, even though I sleep all night.  But I'm glad I'm protected now.  


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    54 years ago today Lou and I were married in Hopkinsville, Ky. I've tried to attach one of our wedding photos twice and was told file was to large.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    It did allow me to update my profile picture with our wedding photo. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning,

    Congratulations Ron and Lou on number 54!  Enjoyed the picture, your persistence paid off.

    Joan glad you are starting to feel better.  Really don’t have a lot of space, just grow a few of many different things.

    Lorita sort of funny you mentioned your other arm hurting too.  My nonvaccinated arm hurt more the vaccinated arm.  Since have quite a bit of muscle pain thought it was just coincidence. Then a friend was talking to me and she mentioned that her other arm hurt more than the one she received shot in thought it was odd.  Told her that was interesting as mine was too.  So I just don’t know.

    Was going to ask you if you couldn’t use those mineral tubs for containers.  Hear YT channels mentioning that they do that.  

    I’m so glad you got your shot too.  Helps our masks to work better is how I think of it.

    Hope you find your hat Lorita.  Has to be around there somewhere, but can take us awhile to find things sometimes.  

    Guess I was wrong, there may be another surge. There are some people who still want to play willy nilly with the virus.  Some have gotten by for a long time so they think they will continue to get by.  Do things that they have been warned about and not planning on getting their vaccines.  Some will get by and some won’t.  Have a lot of family members out traveling around the past couple of weeks.  They don’t have to be doing this, they just want to.   So way past worrying about them.  They are adults, have the capacity to understand, so what is, is.  We had the highest number of cases in our county yesterday since 3/9.  We shall see if that is a blip or a trend.

    Lorita, Dr Griffin out of NYC says that the improvement in long haulers is occurring in about 30-40% of his long haul patients.  Yes it is very interesting, unexpected and something they will be looking into.  Hopefully they can learn something helpful from this.

    Nice to see you on the porch sisters.

    Beth saved the cucumber recipe, sounds good.  Do not know what a squash bug is.  Did read though to help wrap your stem with foil.  Also, read that planting radishes around squash helps .  

    Judith watched the link that you put in another thread.  Was interesting.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Cloudy this morning and think there's a little bit of rain around but will move out quickly.

     Thank you, Iris, Barclee was king of the hill.  He was such a sweet little dog.  Guess I'll always miss him - I miss all of our dogs and cats we've lost over the years and it's been a lot of them.  I thought under the holly was a good place for him - like you said, close to the house and nothing will be walking on him.  I did put some rocks over his grave.

     Glad you got your second shot.  Isn't it a good feeling?  And, I wasn't going to get the vaccine but things just worked out so well.  Didn't have to drive very far and never did have to go on the portal - and I like the people at our Health Dept.

     The only reaction I've had is the sore arm and it's not as sore this morning as it was yesterday.  Sorry you had the chills and fever - I hate chills.  If the having to take a nap every day is an after effect, that's a good one. 

     Ron, when I woke up so early this morning I read your post and was going to try to help you post the picture.  But, when I logged on this morning I saw the beautiful wedding picture of you and Lou.  So sweet.  Fifty-four years you've been together - that's great and I know you love her just as much or probably more than you did on that day.  Charles and I would have our 50th anniversary the 22nd of April - hard to believe that time goes so fast.

     Sara - how interesting about the arms - coincidence?  Who knows with this stuff.  I figured I had the soreness in the left arm from that flu shot - it kind of comes and goes but with more people having it, maybe it was an after effect. 

     I hope the vaccine does help the long haulers.  The woman I saw on Chris' show last night was so happy about it and so was he.  He says he feels a lot better and I think he's only had one shot - Pfizer.  There's so much that's still not known about this virus and now the variants.  I cannot for the life of me understand why people don't want to wear a mask or be careful.

     My nephew who visited a bit the other day is one of those people who doesn't believe there is such a thing as Covid. Says they don't know if people have died from it because they didn't do autopsies.  He hasn't had the vaccine and won't get it.  I didn't invite him into the house - we stayed on the porch and me with my mask on.  He's traveling around all the way from Kentucky, not being careful.  I get so aggravated with those people but they're out there for sure.

     I did find my hat this morning.  Thought I'd looked everywhere.  This morning, after I got up, decided I'd go into the bedroom and look out the window at the gate where I hit my head to see if it was there.  Went in and there was my hat on the chaise lounge. Guess I went in there to look out the window (I do that a lot to look at the cattle) and threw it on the furniture.  Thought I might have left it at the gate. 

     I can use the mineral tubs and have used a couple but they take a lot of dirt.  I think I can use the shorter ones - hate to buy that much potting soil.  I can use some of the rich dirt from the barn.  I have one that I can see from the kitchen window that had wild violets in it (the cold weather killed them)  - usually have white flowers in it and another one outside the gate.  They're a pretty blue and I have a red one or two somewhere.  The shorter ones are black. 

     I can't remember what squash bugs look like - I'm thinking maybe like those bugs that get on cactus.   One of my jobs as I was growing up was to pick cucumbers.  No matter how hard I tried I always left one or two and it would be a foot long before we found it.  The big ones do make good relish.  I like English cucumbers better than the pickling kind.  I think I mentioned that mother used to make the best sweet pickles - they were so crisp and sweet, sometimes almost translucent.  I think I tried it once but, of course, they weren't as good as hers were.  I did find some in the store that were similar so might look for those again.

     Will be glad when these two weeks are up but, like you, Sara, I'll still wear my mask and be very careful.  I asked one of the women at the health dept. if they were giving all kinds of vaccines.  So far they haven't gotten any of the J&J but she said she thinks they will.  They haven't lost one dose of vaccine so far.  One of the men said he noticed a National Guard truck way down the high way a few days ago and they had some boxes of something sitting by the truck.  Guess they were waiting for another one to pick it up - it was vaccine - but it was safe.  She said after it thaws it's still good for six hours.  I think they have a list of people they call when they have extra doses.

     Glad I didn't have chills or fever.  Like I said I hate chills and I take my temperature every morning before I get up - I've done that for a few years.  So, now to wait two weeks.

     Better stop and go feed Tom and Jerry and let the moms and babies out to graze a little bit.  The first one is 11 days old today and the younger one is 6 days old - I'll probably keep them up a few more days.

     I'll be back.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Joan, I am really happy for you in that you are getting relief from the pain with the Prednisone.  Step by step and hopefully all will soon be well.  It has been a very long time with all of this; I am truly sorry.  Glad you got to see your granddaughter dance, what a delight.  And they won the competition!  That is great.

     Happy to know you are now vaccinated, Lorita.   Neither DH nor I got a sore arm with either vaccination.  DH had no side effects at all.   With the first vaccination, I had no side effects.  With the second vaccination, I got a bit of fatigue, not too bad; a small passing headache, a few hours of low level intermittant queasiness that passed quickly.  The symptom of fatigue was gone within a day.

     Thank you Lorita for saying that you will all be with me in spirit when I have my procedure; scheduled for 8:00 am on Friday.   My major concern is that the kidney stone is so large that the urologist will not be able to completely pulverize the stone and large particles will be left that will cause severe problems.   Why in the world do I think such things . . . sigh; guess years of nursing and seeing so much . . .  knowing you are all with me in spirit is very helpful.  I understand there is quite a bit of painful discomfort afterward for some weeks due to the ureteral stent and after its removal, so I guess I shall have to try and do my very best.  I so pray the procedure is a success and all goes well.  

     Re Sarah, you asked if there was a way to mandate she be moved into care.  To my knowledge, there is only one way to force this, and that would be to report her to APS.

    She has psychological problems, was prescribed psychiatrist visits; from what you wrote if I am recalling correctly, she did see a psychiatrist I think once or twice, but then refused to see the psychiatrist any more.   There is probably a psych diagnosis already made.  She also abuses meds in multiple different ways; not taking some and taking more than as prescribed with others.  She does not take her insulin, her diet is a mess which impacts her diabetes, she has severe physical problem issues and does not take care of herself; she refuses most doctors appts. both specialist and primary care MD appts. and lies about why she did not go to said appts.  She refuses to let Home Health RNs or care aides into her home - will not answer the door when they come and does not take their phone calls.  She has had to be hospitalized over and over and over again with bad outcomes no matter what the doctors try to do. She appears to have come to more harm re her noncompliance with multiple MDs plans of care.  Since she refuses care and does not appear to be competent to conduct or format her own care, and there are dire circumstances because of that, and again; since she is not complying with doctor's appts., with her medications, with her other treatment needs and with diet, well . . . . she can possibly be considered a danger to herself as she indeed has been coming to harm.

     If the social worker from APS finds that your niece is a danger to herself, then APS can take this to legal steps and have Sarah admitted to a care facility.   This sounds like a harsh step and it is not easy to make such a decision to move forward in such a manner; but short off that, considering the ongoing history for years which is getting worse, well . . . I don't know what else is left.

    Since Sarah is now claiming loss of memory (which we do not know is fact or not), could she be developing early dementia onset?  Either way, she does not process matters accurately, lives in denial and refusal, is unable and/or unwilling to care for herself or to comply with medical needs plans, orders, assistance; whether or not she is not able to care for herself either from psychological issues or other issues, the end result is the same and it appears she may be very skilled at manipulation. So sorry, I know how much you are trying to help, and your hands are completely tied. Does no good to argue with her, she simply blocks you out.  Hopefully there will be a way to find a successful end to what has been happening.   Wish this had easy answers.

     Sayra, your garden will be lush and lovely; I wish you a bountiful crop of veggies and lovely flowers to sit and enjoy in the summer sunshine.  Joan had successfully grown some vegetables hydroponically; I do not know if this was inside or outside, but it interests me in that the veggies do not even need dirt.  Would like to know more.

    Thank you Zetta for your kind and caring wishes.  How is the weather doing up there now?  Snow season over and better things to come.  Any more elk roaming around the property?  Since they will have more to eat in the forests after the big snows being gone, perhaps they will stay farther away from the homes.

    Hello and welome, daughters.  This is a lovely place to come and share.  I think if you also place your problem issue on the main grid of the Spousal Forum, you will get more input regarding the travel issues you are facing with your husband.   More Members have written about this issue on other Threads; always good to get more input.

    Ron, how did the Orkin invasion do?  So hope it went well, but still; could not have been easy.  AND . . . . Happy 54th Anniversary!   Lovely, did you get a nice dinner?  I liked the picture of you and Lou on your wedding day; so pretty.  Gosh, it is always a head shake to me as to how fast life really moves.  One day I am pert, pretty, everything in its correct anatomical position, filled with energy and future plans and dreams; the next  day I am well . . . . lets say gravity has had its effect from head to toe and I am with achy this and achy with that and parts are getting wonky.  Yet; I am still that girl inside my head and she often has quite a party going on in there!  I also count our blessings each and every day and remember to say "thank you," each day too.  I am truly so grateful.

     LA and Orange Counties are opening up more; it was announced today that they are now in the "orange" tier.  I think this is a mistake.  There are 26 states with an uptick increase in COVID cases - about 15% uptick at this time and growing; a fourth surge is predicted by the experts and is expected in the near future.  Everything moves from the east to the west, so the viral experts out here are warning and warning and warning; but to no avail, not too many listening - including the politicians who make the final decisions.

    Even though we have had our second vaccination and are past the two week effectiveness period, we are still being very cautious.  Will continue to mask and stay out of stores as much as possible as things will begin to go up here too.  Have no choice regarding medical issue that cropped up, but everyone is masked in Dr's offices and in hospital.  They also make you take a COVID test two days prior to any in-hospital procedure which I will have today.  If only people would wait another couple of months for more vaccinations to be done, but it appears that is not going to happen.  Businesses desperately want to be open for obvious reasons and the politicians have their eyes on their next elections, so . . .

     Not good to have our county suddenly open more during the two to three week Easter break season where so many are careless and gathering in crowds, many without masks; would have been better after spring break and the holiday when it was not holiday time.  

    Lorita; your hat!!!!  Oh no!  I understand about losing something like that; it is almost like an old friend and is part and parcel of how we do things.  Hopefully, hopefully, it will reappear soon.   Last week, I lost my reading glasses.   I wore them to the hospital to get my xray; but when I got home, the glass case was empty.  I looked in the car, not there.  I took my handbag apart and looked in every single pocket and zipped area, top to bottom - twice.  Not in my purse either.  Well . . . . last night, I picked up my handbag for another reason, and there they were . . . . my reading glasses, in a small pocket I had already checked twice!   Huh???   I have had this happen from time to time as have friends and DH, I just chalk it up to the little invisible elves that run about making mischief.   Geeze.

    It is going to be 90 degrees out here today.  According to the weatherman on TV, last time it was that hot on this day was in 1934.  We should be back down into the 70's by weeks end.  We will need the air conditioner on today since we are in a two story house and it always gets hotter as the day moves on into evening.

    May everyone have a better day than expected, and may there be smiles waiting to happen,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo.... If APS gets involved does someone get charged with neglect? The police have done checks on several occasions. I am a little surprised they have not made a report.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Found my hat, Jo.  It is like an old friend.  I've had it for at least eight years and it's wonderfully warm to wear in cold weather or when it's windy.  It's gray with a quilted lining and knitted outside.  The piece that's on my forehead has fur on it and the earflaps are lined in furry stuff.  There's a little flap that goes over the ears and if you see my shadow it looks like I have extra ears.  I should be more careful with it - I just throw it down when I take it off - usually on the dining table.

     I'd done the same thing looking for things in my purse.  I found a smaller purse that I can carry crossbody and it has six zippers so I usually have to open each zipper compartment to find whatever I'm looking for.. .  Amazing how things can just disappear, then reappear.  If I was paranoid I'd think someone was coming in and taking them.  Charles had an aunt who went through that.  She really thought someone was coming into her apartment each night and taking one cup or glass.  Charles put a new lock on her door so maybe that made her feel better.

     Mr. K and his son are here building the west fence.  I heard the dogs barking and looked out and there was a big truck with a long trailer with a tractor on it coming through the gate.  I called him just now to ask him to take down the old fence along our neighbor's yard and he said it wasn't muddy over there.  Can't imagine - guess the wind has dried it out.

     I think you're right - working in a hospital and seeing how things can go makes us more apprehensive about things or maybe as we get older we think  about things more and what could happen.  I'm sure things will go fine with you on Friday and do hope passing the small pieces won't be too painful.  Please let us know how it goes - but we'll be there in spirit even though you can't see us.  I remember when we had Charles' funeral someone said they'd be there with me - made me feel better.

     The GPs just started barking like crazy so I thought they probably saw a wolf.  I went out and there was a big, brown dog and at least two big, white ones coming across the pond dump toward the house.  I yelled at them to go home and they did turn around and leave - that and our GPs barking at them.  First time I've seen them but Darwin mentioned them to me a few days ago.  He had a downed cow - they'll pulled a calf and when he went back, they had been there.  Our neighbor about two miles north has a couple of GPs and the man who raises them (got Stormy there) has at least three.  GPs roam if they don't have a job that keeps them occupied or they're kept in a yard.  Really don't want strange, big dogs around the little ones.  Sometimes Stormy sees one of the little calves and barks - I think he believes it's another dog or wolf or something.

     I'm really getting worried about the upcoming surge.  We know it's coming because the doctors are telling us and they do know from what's happening - the increasing numbers of cases, etc.  We've been doing this for over a year and two or three more months won't make that much difference - then, maybe we'd be all right.  Can't understand why people can't/won't understand that and do the right thing. 

     I'm so glad to get that second shot and will be even happier when the two weeks are up - but I will continue to wear a mask and stay away from people until things are much better.  It's people like my nephew who refuse to believe in the virus who contribute to keeping it going - nonconforming. 

     I don't know what's going to happen with Sarah.  It worries me, of course and is driving T. nuts.  He's trying to keep his business going and he says she calls him many tines during the day and if he misses the call and then returns it, she's angry and will hang up on him.  I know she's very sick with all of her problems but, like you said, if she's conform and take her medicines and keep her appointments it would be better.  He told me he thinks at least one reason she keeps getting herniae is that something is wrong urologically and it causes her to strain too much.  She had an appt. with a Urologist and didn't keep it - same with all the other doctors. 

     About calling APS - I hate to do that but it may come to it.  The fact that she mentioned going into some kind of facility to me the other day makes me think she might agree to it.  At least there would be someone with her to make sure she takes her medications - that would help.  I know when you're really sick and by yourself, everything seems much worse and she's by herself most of the time.   It's a problem for sure.

     I guess I'm going to have to stop eating bread - as much as I love it.  When I was working I got in the habit of eating too fast.  This morning I woke up at 4:30 and at 5 a.m. heard the bread machine come on.  I set it last night to have the bread baked by 8 a.m.   When I got up it was still baking - smelled soooo good.  I went out and fed Tom and Jerry and opened the gate to the back paddock for the cows and babies to go out there and graze and closed two other gates.  When I got back it was baked and beginning to cool.  So, got it out of the bread machine, spread a thin layer of butter on it to keep it moist, cut off the top and was going to eat it with blackberry jam.  Again, I ate too fast and got to the point I couldn't swallow to get it  all the way down.  I've done this before and it takes quite a time for it to get better.  I can breathe but it's very uncomfortable.  Finally, after coughing and coughing for 30 minutes it got better.  This only happens with bread so it's either eating slower or not eating bread.  Every time I do that I think of you Ron.  Hope your condition is better.

     My arm isn't as sore today as it was yesterday.  Kind of hurt to raise it late yesterday but glad I got feeding done so won't have to do that.  I do wish Jack would take the vaccine.  He's in town at least weekly - does wear a mask - but most others don't.  Why in the world is it that people refuse to wear masks.  Do they feel it's infringing on their freedom?  Can't understand that.  All he'd have to do is call the health dept. and tell them he needs the vaccine.

     The cats have run and played and jumped and carried on this morning.  So strange (well, maybe not) that they were so quiet that one day after Barclee left us.  I did let Max come in the bedroom this morning (he didn't want to last night) before I got up.  Just not the same though.

     Happy 54th Anniversary, Ron.  What did you decided to do - go out to eat or have something brought in?  Enjoy the day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I was wondering the same thing as Judith since there's someone else in the home.  I do remember when I couldn't seem to get any help for my sister I did call APS.  They went out to see her and because her house was clean and she was clean and seemed okay while they were there, they did nothing.  She was able to sound normal for ten minutes or so and that's all the time they were there.

     A psychiatrist told me APS was the last thing you should do - to keep them out of the picture if you could.  Don't know if we can.  There should be some other way - maybe if a home health nurse could come to visit that would help.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo you are right.  They have opened some things up here and now we are starting to go up.  We shall see what happens.  We will see how far it goes up.  My one sister that is fully vaccinated, always wears her mask, but she goes out to eat often, wanting to line up a cruise.  Im not comfortable with that.   Told her to remember vaccine is not 100% sure thing.  You can still get it.  Could tell she did not like me reminding her of that.  Wont remind her again but just wanted to be sure she was aware of that. Guess I will go back under my shell lol. 

    Jo we have experienced too much.

    Found sumo fruit at Kroger’s today.  It is very good.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, if you wish to plant in the mineral tub you don't have to fill the whole thing with soil. Put some old water bottles in the bottom and then add soil, a few inches, on top. 

    Squash bugs look like marmorated stink bugs. Not sure if they are the same thing or not. Maybe there is no such thing as "squash bugs" and they are the stink bugs. ha!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

     Lorita,  You are so funny at the things you lose and you look all over and they always show up. Just remember they can't go very far. Thanks for telling me about places they film Gunsmoke at I am not much of a traveler so none of those places are familiar too me.  I bet if you let Max in your bedroom he will get used to it and start sleeping on your bed. Molly and Rascal both sleep with me I would sure miss them if they were not there. 

    Sometimes I also can't get food down but I just need to remember to take smaller bites and chew it up real good. That helps me.   

    About calling APS, when I was taking care of Dan I was also working. He did good by himself I always left his lunch in the fridge and he was not a wanderer. If he did not answer the phone when I called to check on him I would call my neighbor next door and she would check on him. A lot of  the time he was napping and not hearing the phone. His daughter lived 3 hrs away and never bothered to come check on her dad. But She decided to call APS???   they were there one day when I got home from work. The man was real nice he said Dan was clean the house was clean there was food in the house and he saw  no reason to follow thru with a second check. Him and his office became friends and go to people for me. They helped me get qualified for Home Instead they also helped me when the time came I needed to place Dan. Talking to them might be a good thing for T to do. If T has POA he can make that decision to get her the help she needs. 

    Ron.   That is a beautiful picture of you and Lou. Did you go out to dinner or have it delivered? You are so good to Lou. Happy 54th to the both of you.

    Jo,     I will be one of many thinking of you in prayer on Friday at 8am. I am in Oregon so your 8am and my 8am will be the same.  

    Its just about 70 outside I am getting ready to open some door and windows. Hugs to all Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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