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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Tuesday to you All.

     Ron,   Thank You for telling us about the glass. I though the same thing Judith was thinking  I was wondering how glass would get into someone's lungs. Hopefully in your case it is not too serious. But glass in the lungs does sound serious.  I agree with what Jo said if you can find someone to come in a few times a week to do things around the house and maybe cook and freeze a few meals for you and Lou. This would be a big help for you and hopefully she can build a friendship with Lou so you will be comfortable leaving the house to go to the store and have some alone time. 

     Sara,  Thanks for welcoming me back home. I was only a few blocks away so I come and go between her house and mine. When I watch her dogs I usually only spent the nights there. I do enjoy coming home because I don't take Molly with me because the 2 dogs are real big and Molly don't know them. Molly is used to being around a lot of the dogs I take care of but these 2 are very protective of each other and I think Molly would be a intruder.  I will be going to my daughters house in a few weeks now she lives 4 hours away but Molly will be with me when I go there. I will be there 2 weeks taking care of her cats while her and DH go to N.Y.

     Jo,   WOW!!   Earthquakes would scare me as well. I have never been in one. I was in Sacto when S.Fran had a big one many years ago. It sounds like you are well prepared for one if it should come. Where I live fire is our main concern.  I also love salmon. I put butter and lemon on mine and bake it. I just had some a few days ago.  I bet you feel better with your short hair, remember it will grow back. I ware my hair very short but it has not been cut for over a year. Right now it is long enough I have it in a pony tail and it is so easy I may just let it grow. 

     Lorita,   I don't get the channel that Cheyanne is on but I do get TVLand that is where I watch gunsmoke. I bet I see the same ones you see. Like right now it is on but I am not paying any attention to it as always it is just in the background. Once in  a while I will watch it if it's one I have not seen before. 

    I will be going back to my friends house next week so this time I will get some closer pictures of the Llamas to share. I won't get too close I hear they spit.

    I just made some of those Red Lobster biscuits. They come in a box labeled,  Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit Mix,  it makes 8 to 10 biscuits and they are pretty big. I usually make more so they are not so big. Then I freeze some. Thats what I had for lunch. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo, you and I were posting about the same time this morning so just now saw your post.  I read the link you gave and it was interesting - took me back 50+ years to the time I was transcribing operation reports.  The doctor I worked for was a retired Army surgeon - not too gentle, I'm told.  My office was next to his and I can't count the number of times I've heard him tell a patient to go to the corner, bend over and drop their pants.  He was a really nice guy.  He's do surgeries in the mornings, eat lunch, come back to his office, turn off the lights, get on his exam table, cross his arms and take a 15 minute nap.  Really did like him.  He called me "Miss Dixie".  He transferred to the VAMC in Big Springs, TX.

     When do you have the stent removed?  I'm sure you're checking everything that might pass - has it yet? 

     Earthquakes - I heard on the news that you all were having a lot of earthquakes. I think they would really scare me, too.  I've heard that Oklahoma has more earthquakes than California.  Most of them are in the north central part of the state but I have felt a couple here.  In fact, there's a couple of cracks in the LR walls - result of an earthquake a few years ago.

     Hopefully, the housekeeper you're considering will work out.  I've never had one and I'd have to clean house before one came in.  When we're young we don't think about how things might be as we get older - hence, two-story houses.  I've only lived in one - an apartment Sarah's mother and I had for a few months and the downstairs duplex Charles and I had for a few months after we got married.  Really prefer one story houses - that way I know what's going on in the house

     I know both you and your DIL will be glad when she can have the surgery and get better.  Waiting is hard - for anything.

    Those muffins sound like the ones we used to get at Sam's Club in Tulsa - big and so delicious.  I've always liked muffins - grandma used to make them often.

     I feel so sorry for Darwin but nothing I can do to help.  He has promised her he won't talk to me so I can't call.  I did, however, talk with Mike about some medications that might help - Ativan was one that helped my sister when she'd be combative - the cream, she wouldn't take the pill.  Also Respiradone.  I did forget to mention checking for a UTI - but, doubt that's the problem.   He did tell Mike that he had taken her to the doctor a few days before - but he didn't know which one.  He knows some about how to deal with it because of things both Mike and I have told him.  Hopefully, he'll be able to get medications for her that will help.  When she came to see me she was so scared she was shaking but after we talked for a little while she changed completely and was herself, almost, after he got here.  Sad for him.  Mike and his hired hand will be around their place very often since he's leased the land and bought the cattle.  Wish I could do more.

     Short haircut!  I used to wear my hair very short but haven't had a haircut, in a shop, for over six years.  I cut on mine when it gets too long and it's okay so won't worry about it.  Like Zetta said, hair grows.  But, it's always a shock when you look in the mirror and find it's too short - but they can't put it back after it's gone - only nature can do that.

     Fed the girls this afternoon - one more time this spring and I'll be finished feeding the girls until November - except I'll keep feeding Rose Bud every other day probably.  The two babies were laying down when the girls went through the gate to feed but they got up and by the time I got back to the gate I came through they were up and going toward their moms.  I've kept them out of the NE pasture since they've been out but they're down there tonight.   Thanks, Jo, I love this place and so did my parents.  It's 130 acres; the house is a quarter mile from each of the four exterior fences and is a little higher than the rest of it.  I can see all parts of the farm from the house but from the north side, which is a little lower, you can't see the south side and you can't see the east side from the west.  It's rich farmland and has made good pastures. I think of all the years when daddy farmed all of the place except maybe 30 acres. Both of my parents were strong people and worked the farm together.  I used to love to work with daddy chopping corn or cotton or picking cotton.  Really miss both of them. 

     Zetta, looking forward to pictures of the llamas - I've also heard they spit so be careful and don't get too close.

     I'm getting ready to order some things from WM so I'll look for the biscuit mix. 

     UPS delivered my new weather radio.  We've had one for years but it's been knocked off the table so many times it doesn't work right.  We've been lucky as far as bad weather goes around here but want to be prepared.    I sprayed the package and it's on the front porch - I'll open it in a couple of days.

     Hope all of you have enjoyed the day.  It's been uber windy here.  The UPS guy dropped a big plastic bag and by the time I got out there ten minutes later it had traveled a long way - the girls saw it and were really curious.  I pick up plastic bags, old balloons that have gotten away and all kinds of things in the pasture.  Little calves are like babies - everything goes in their mouths. 

     Enjoy the evening.  Zetta, did you know that James Arness was either Swedish or Norwegian and had blond hair - until they dyed it for him to make him look stronger.  What's wrong with blond guys? 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

     - didn't do anything except fill a water tank - 

    Lorita, how do you fill a water tank?  with a hose?  How many gallons to fill?  I don't have much extra water.

    Jo, I was asleep and felt the earthquake, but I thought I dreamed it!  But the radio confirmed it was real.  My earthquake supplies were used up during the Covid lockdowns and shortages.  I have to rebuild my supplies.

    "Ground glass" is the x-ray appearance of the lungs of premature babies with hyaline membrane disease.  They stay on a ventilator until their lungs mature.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judith two of the young people at work flipped houses.  They both really seemed to be enjoy doing that.  Both of their families were involved in real estate.

    Now and then we have an earthquake in Ohio.  I have felt two of them.

    Iris I think of ground glass appearance on X-ray as you do.

    Well I got a surprise yesterday evening.  My nephew texted and wanted to know if he could come over and cook dinner for me.  He fixed chicken curry.  Had never had that before.  It was very good. He wore his mask.  I wore mine.  It was a beautiful day yesterday.  So was able to leave all the windows open.  We ate out on the porch.  It is so nice to be able to do this .

    Yesterday was a busy day.  Cleaned house, planted grass seed, cleaned up a couple more beds.  Worked on filling up more pots for seeds.  In about a week is when seed starting will explode.  Know it this morning.  Body sore all over.  Suppose to be pretty again today.  Then they are giving rain.  We could use it, pretty dry.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Heavens to Mergatroyd all over again . . . . I made an excited call to the woman whose name I had been given who cleans houses.  BUT . . . . it turns out that what she has is a business and has 30 houses that are being done.  She actually has other people do the cleaning in teams of three, and they do not speak English.   That will not work for us.  We do not want multiple people we do not know coming into the house, and the cleaning "teams" change so one always has different people coming in.   Not comfortable with that.  Will continue looking.   Drats.

    Judith, are you flipping houses?    That sounds interesting.  Is it your grandson that will do that or . . . ?    Who is working on the puzzle with you . . . I  take it that is must be a jigsaw.  It can take forever to work those hard ones, and so good when it is done; UNLESS one gets a box that has a piece or two missing - that always irritated me after all the hard work.  As if that is the worst thing that can happen.  I too prefer regular homemade biscuits with butter and honey; very comforting and yummy.

    Lorita; 130 acres; that is a lot.  I really love your ranch; so peaceful looking.  I would love to just sit in an area and let the beauty and peace surround me while I appreciated it.  Sure do understand your deep love for it all; it is a heartfelt bonding for sure.

    Zetta, you are a kind person doing the dog sitting.   I bet it puts people's minds at ease to have you.  Molly must be happy, happy when you get home at night. 

    Dear Sayra, sure wish you lived next door.  You always have something wonderful going on, and I would love to see all you do and learn from you.  I would have afternoon tea and cookies waiting or whatever sounds good.  You are a "salt of the earth" person in all you do and your caring of others.

    That ground glass appearance on an xray just means there are multiple spots of opacities in the lungs that can be seen through to the underlying tissue.  It can come from benign conditions as well as more serious; in fact, that is the description of what is seen on chest xrays of persons with COVID.   Treatment is done, which Mr. Ron is having.  So hope that Ron gives some good thought in bringing someone in to help; it is beyond time to do so.  Takes some energy to find a person, but recommendations can come through social workers, home health, through churces and senior centers, etc.; and some come through agencies. Once done and the Loved One adapted, it is amazing how much it helps and also brings some semblance of peace.  Have had that experience with a LO who refused anyone, but once adapted was as happy as could be with her "new friend."  So helpful.

    While still recovering and feeling the effects of the litho, I have started re-reading the novels by Sue Grafton.  She names them by letters of the alphabet from A to Z.  Good reading, light in heart while interesting; always a mystery being solved.   I had read them so many years ago that I do not recall everything; so it is all good.  

    Oh gosh, text going off, got to run.  See you all later,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    new thread started

  • sisters4
    sisters4 Member Posts: 2
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Thank you. We did take that trip and things were okay. We stayed at a hotel so when things got too much we could go back to our room for some quite time.  

    My main problem with the trip is that all the foods he loved and he couldn't wait to eat, he no longer liked. (very upsetting to me because he LOVED this food). So our entire trip I kept trying to find something he would eat, and he just kept saying he needed to loose weight. UGH! and family telling me what I need to do, when they have only seen us for 30 minutes in the last 3 years.

    I did tell our families that this was probably our last trip back and I hoped they would come see us, but they have never wanted to come this direction (lately we have always done the traveling) for a visit. 

    I also just ignore the comment when he says he wants to go to Hawaii or somewhere for a trip. 

    I do believe our traveling days are over.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Been hurting all week finally this morning I couldn't stand the pain and went to ER. They wanted Lou to wait in the waiting room but after telling them her problem and I would have to take her back home with me, they let me keep her with me.

    Guess what Jo.......I have kidney stone and was given fluids thru iv and sent home with pain meds. Guess it's going around!




Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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