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Just need to talk to my frfiends (143)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beth, that's a good idea to put bottles or something in the bottom of the tubs. We have a lot of old fruit jars that I can use. 

     Zetta - if I don't put things back where they usually stay, it's hard to find them sometimes.  Just a creature of habit, I guess.

     Mr. K and son left about 45 minutes ago.  They got all the fencing done so things, fence wise, should be all right.  There's still about 3/4 of a mile that is older fence but there's only a quarter of that where we have cattle - rest is around meadows.  I'm glad that's done and now our neighbor on the SW has a new yard fence and the calves won't be getting in.

     I called the man who's going to clean out the barn.  Thinks he can do it the end of next week.  He has several men working for him so it won't take long.  I'd like to get that done before it gets muddy around the barn again and before summer.

     Heard the GPs barking and went out and it was the vet's hired hand who came to put out the bale of hay for the cows I'll have up.  Visited a bit with him, with my mask.  He had just been to Darwin's.  The vet bought his cattle so they've taken over so Darwin won't have to be away from his wife.  I won't be able to call on him when I need help so if I can't get the cow and calf up, they'll have to stay in the pasture.  We used to always let them do that and everyone else does so it'll be okay.  I just feel so bad for Darwin.  He's got a long, hard row to hoe.  We all know that, don't we?  He's already doing almost all the cooking and cleaning and that along with taking care of cattle was just too much.   Maybe I can be of help to him when he needs to do something or go into town.

     It's been a busy week - I've seen more people this week than I saw all last year. Twice I thought I'd take a nap but wasn't to be.  You know my arm isn't nearly as sore today as it was yesterday afternoon - maybe the work I did yesterday helped the soreness get better.

      Made one of my favorite chocolate cakes so had to test taste that (a couple of times) and have had some of that delicious potato soup.  Need to order some more.

    Just fed Rose Bud.  When the guy gets back with the Gator (went to check on some heifers) I'll let the moms out with their little ones to graze.  Will probably keep them up another few days.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Hump Day,

    Took me a day to catch up on the posts. 

    Sorry Lorita about your Barclee. He had such a long and loved life. 

    Jo prayers and thoughts coming your way for your procedure.

    Congratulations Sandy on your upcoming wedding.

    Nothing much to talk about here.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Thank you, Nicole.  Barclee did have a nice, long life and was loved as much as a little guy could be.  He is being missed by all of us.

     Enjoy the quiet time - they don't often last too long.

     It's been a cool day here - supposed to be freezing or near freezing tomorrow morning.  Hopefully, that will be the last frost or freeze of the season.

     Just filled a water tank - girls are back in the south pasture.  The two moms and babies are west of the house grazing.  They'll have plenty of hay to eat when they eat all the grass.  When no cows are in there I'll keep it covered.  Maybe shouldn't have had it put out there but didn't want to use all of my little bales and it'll be less work for me, too.

     My arm is kind of sore this afternoon - more so than this morning.  I may have been leaning on that arm sitting in the chair.

     Had to call Mr. K - went out to check on the calves and discovered he had forgotten to fix the bottom wire along one fence to the west meadow.  I've had little calves slip under the wire and it's hard to get them back in.  He'll take care of it.  Darn, hate to  make those calls.

     Enjoy the evening.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Best wishes on your upcoming lithotripsy, Jo.  I'll be praying for complete success.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth looked up squash bug and it does look like a stink bug for sure.  The description said they have orange stripes underneath.  Stink bugs don’t, so guess they are different.  Glad of that because have lots of stink bugs.

    Lorita glad you were able to get your fencing done.  Always eases our mind a bit when we get things done like that.  Hate making those calls too.

    JoC  remembering you and those caring for you today.

    They gave snow for today and last night.  No snow this morning.  We will see what happens today.  Suppose to warm back up starting Saturday.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning, Lou and I didn't do much for our 54th except enjoy another day with each other. We did go to red Lobster for lunch and Lou really enjoyed it. Myself, I should have ordered grilled fish! I'm still having problems with my temporary dentures and thought the shrimp linguine would be good to eat without teeth. The shrimp was fine, but noodles were to long for gums to chew. Good thing our waitress kept me with good hot biscuits and my takeout provided a good supper.

    Jo......meant to tell you your in my thoughts and prayers for Friday. I've had several kidney stones and have had them zapped and even passed done smaller ones on my own. Lou had one large one that didn't break up enough; they zapped it twice more and fragments were still left. Lou said  no more! Guess eventually she passed the fragments because she had no more problems. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, it is good to know you had a nice annivesary and that Lou enjoyed her lunch out.  That is a win for sure. 

    Met with RN for pre-op instructions yesterday.  Omigosh.  Tomorrow is the big day at 8:00 am - Lithotripsy  and stenting.  Thank you very much for your prayers for success of procedure and healing; it is greatly appreciated.  If this procedure is not successful due to large size of stone, then it appears a more invasive procedure will be necessary, so I am feeling a bit nervie and so hope that is not necessary.   Well okay; a lot nervie.    

    Thank you again.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo, wish I was close enough to give you a big hug and to tell you it's going to be all right.  That's what Charles used to do when I was dreading something.  It will be okay.  I know you're nervous about it - we always are - but the dread and wait is always worse than the actual event.  Guess you'll have to stay in the hospital for a few hours afterwards - please let us know how things go when you feel like it.  We'll be right there beside you - remember that.

     Squash and stink bugs, oh, my.  What frightful looking bugs they are.  They look like the awful bugs I've seen on cactus.  When we went to the Grand Canyon many years ago we stopped in the desert and dug up a couple of pretty cacti.  Planted one at home and one down at the farm house (where I live now).  Those awful-looking bugs were on them - may have been the same bugs. 

    There are a lot of beautiful wild violets blooming on the north side of the house and I've transplanted a few in different places because they're so pretty.  I have one black pot at the foot of the front steps and another bigger pot on the bottom step - so because they looked so bare I planted a pretty violet in each one of them. They have round leaves and purple and white blooms.   Last evening they wee beautiful - this morning all the blooms and leaves are gone - just a very few leaves and stems remain.  I can't imagine what ate them.  The pot on the ground is at least a foot tall and the other one is on a step and is even taller.  Couldn't be something that's small or on the ground.  I've only seen one rabbit in the yard and that was months ago.  There is a little squirrel that I occasionally see in a tree but why would he eat those violets when there's so many in the yard.  I can't imagine.  So, I guess today I'll move those to another spot and transplant a couple more.

     Walked out and saw the moms and babies - they're so cute and moms are so protective of them.  Guess if when another cow calves and I'm not able to get them to the house the mom will take care of her.  But, when they're very young, the mom will put them down somewhere to rest and gain strength.  She might get a long way from them - but she does keep an eye on them.  It worries me that I saw those big dogs in the pasture yesterday - they're bigger than the little calves.  We'll see what the future brings.

     It was 32 here this morning but no wind so it didn't feel that cold.  Supposed to be 80 next week.  Sara, I saw on the weather this morning they were talking about snow in Ohio - hope you don't get any.

     Ron, how great that you and Lou went to Red Lobster.  It's always been one of my favorite places.  Before I stopped eating fish I'd order sword fish and it was always so good.  But - my favorite thing has always been the cheesy biscuits.  I bet you'd be really good at baking those.  I'm glad both you and Lou enjoyed the outing - what a nice 54th anniversary for you. 

     April lst - April Fool's Day.  Sarah told me yesterday she got married the first time on this day.  April is one of my favorite months, if not the favorite - well, maybe October.  Charles would have been 89 on the 5th and our 50th anniversary would have been on the 22nd.  It's hard to believe it has been 50 years ago.  I can remember everything about that day.  I made two or three trips to our duplex that day taking things and then another trip with mother and daddy to get married that night.  Seems like yesterday and to think it's been 50 years.  My goodness, time is a weird thing.

     So, guess I'm counting 14 days, hopefully for the last time since in 12 more days I'll be fully immunized.  I'm still wearing my mask - but, yesterday I was around Mr. K and Toad but Mr. K was in his truck and I was outside and with Toad we were both outside so guess it's okay.  Just kind of leary, still, being around people.  Wonder if that will ever go away?

     Heard a while ago that Sarah Palin and her family have the virus - always liked her.  She's now advocating wearing of masks.

     Slept through the night until 5 this morning.  Stormy and Sheena slept in the bedroom.  Both went out but Sheena's back in.  Stormy's making sure everything's okay.  I'm sure he knows exactly what I'm saying.  I went to the end of the porch and he came up and put his feet on the rails.  I said "look at Rose Bud" and he looked straight at her. Those Great Pyrenees are really smart.  But, I'm prejudiced.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  Hope you all have a peaceful day.  Jo, it'll be all right.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, just ordered my caladium bulbs from Florida Boys.  Ordered #1 bulbs because they'll be in containers:  ordered five each of Rose Bud and Royal Flush and ten each of White Christmas and Tapestry.  I have four containers and seven bulbs will be plenty in each one.  Are you going to order from them again this year?  You know, I was surprised - their prices are as good as or better than WM.  I usually get bulbs there and I can see if they have buds already.  When you got yours a year or so ago, did they have buds on them?

     Nothing going on here today - very quiet.  All the girls are laying in the sun out front - including the two new ones and their moms - on this side of the gate.

     Need to do dishes (don't I always?) but not in the mood.  Zetta, still have some potato soup so I'll finish that today and start on something else tomorrow.  Not in the mood to cook either.

     Hope everyone's okay - must be napping (sounds like a good idea), in fact, I did doze off and the phone awakened me. 

     Got my second Pfizer vaccine Tuesday - my arm is still just a bit tender.  I consider myself lucky because a sore arm was the only reaction I had. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope your all having a beautiful day like I am having. It is 68 I got my door and windows open soon I will be sitting on my front porch.

    Lorita,  All's I had was the sore arm as well but I kept waiting for something else to happen. It will be  nice to have all your fencing and your barn cleaned by spring. Now you can enjoy all the new babies.  

    Lorita,  I bet you slept good last night having Stormy and Sheena in the room with you.  I did not sleep well last night it was probably because I napped a lot during the day. Sometimes if I can't sleep I just enjoy getting up turning the TV on and enjoy my coffee. 

    Ron,   It was nice you and Lou went out to lunch and that she enjoyed her self, hopefully you will be able to do it more often.  We don't have a Red Lobster where I live but i have been to one and I really liked it. I buy The Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix now that we are talking about it I will probably fix some soon.   

    Jo,    I am already thinking about you and sending you Hugs for tomorrow. Remember we will all be with you. Things will go well.  ((((JO)))))

    Time to get me a glass of Ice Tea and Molly and I will be heading to the porch. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, glad you're having a nice, restful day.  It's chilly here but sunny.  The wind is from the north and feels cold to me.

     It was good having Stormy and Sheena in with me last night - they've been outside all day long. The girls have been out front and are now drifting off to graze for the evening.  The two babies are growing and are staying close together - they'll be fast friends from now on.

     I'm wondering  - I had my second vaccination Tuesday morning about 9 a.m.  The only thing that afternoon was a sore arm - and it was a little sore yesterday - today I can still feel a tiny bit of tenderness around the injection site.  But, I have a headache this afternoon and there's a spot kind of to the right of my right shoulder blade that is hurting some - I had the vaccination in the right arm.  Could this be a delayed reaction?  I checked with Dr. Google and he says you could have a reaction 48-72 hours afterward.  Maybe I've just been tense today - hope that's all it is.  I just took an acetaminophen and I have had the heating pad on my shoulder some this afternoon.   Maybe I spoke too soon.

     I need to walk out to the gate that goes down to the road - UPS came a while ago and left a little package there. It's a couple of those orange-infused chocolate balls.  They're wrapped in foil and you hit the ball on a table and it breaks into segments like oranges.  At least that's what it sounded like.  Karen has given those to me in the past and they're so good.  I haven't seen those in the stores for a long time - even before I wasn't going to a store.  Found them on WM.com and Amazon - less expensive on Amazon but still higher than they used to be in stores.  Have you all noticed how expensive potato chips have become - ridiculous.  I think there's price gouging going on and has been for a year or more.

     Jack just called to talk a bit.  He sounds all right.  Zetta, we discussed different westerns we're watching.  He gets a few channels and gets different shows than we get.  We have a really nice tire shop that does all kinds of things in our town so gave him the number so he could get his oil changed tomorrow. 

     Better go and walk out there and get the chocolate before the cows or calves get it.  What do you all think - delayed reaction?

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Another thing I'm feeling a bit of - is a kind of shiver - maybe it's just the cold air.   Wouldn't think there would be a reaction this long after the injection.

     The March full moon is called the worm moon.  As I walked out to get the chocolate just now I noticed worms casts all over the ground.  I had read about the worm moon and looked it up again and that's why it's called the worm moon  - this is the time of year the worm casts show above grown - casts - the dirt the worms have digested, it says.

     Sprayed the package well and will leave it on the porch until tomorrow before I open it.

    Addendum:  Forgot something - our weatherman said the allergens right now are mostly Hackberry and Mulberry trees - these are the kinds of trees we have on the farm.  I noticed this morning that the Hackberry tree leaves or bloom are a beautiful light green and I know the mulberries are blooming.  I always thought a good name for the farm would be Hackberry Hill but mother had already named it.

      Put on my gown and robe so think I'll eat my potato soup and lay down either in the bed or on the divan and watch TV.

     Zetta, hope you and Molly enjoyed sitting on the porch this afternoon.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Glad you like the Florida Boys. I don't remember much of a bud. You might let them know that you are planting in containers since they ship according to in ground planting. I plant about 6 inches apart. I always have some extra and share with a friend. This year she ordered 100 for herself so I hope I am not over much. If I am I will put them in clay pots.

    Ron....Sounds like a good anniversary. When are you going to get your teeth?

    Jo... we are getting our waiting room materials together to sit while you are zapped.

    I think we have some of those "stink bugs". I think they are so interesting.

    How't that snow in Ohio doing?

    Joan .,,glad things are better

    Zeeta...any more Moose?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good idea. Which ones did you order this year?  All of them are beautiful -  hard to decide.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It is hard to decide so I just get the White Christmas
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    JoC remembering you and those caring for you again today.  Got a day ahead yesterday for some reason.

    Well we did not get but a dusting of  snow. Was glad didn’t have to shovel.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Bright and sunny here this morning but it's in the 40s so had to wear a coat when I fed Tom and Jerry.  Saw the two moms and their boys were having breakfast.  Girls had already drifted off so I'll have to wait to see them until they come back down.  Did see Rose Bud. 

     Sara, glad you didn't get snow - what's the latest date you all have had snow in your area? 

     Jo - I know it's still early where you are but I'm sure you're up and getting ready to go.  Remember, we'll be there with you, holding your hand and hoping for the best.  It'll be all right.  Please let us know how things went today.  Just think - this time tomorrow this will be behind you.  When I have something I'm really dreading I try to remember a landmark I go by on the way to the event, then  kind of focus on that and try to see it again as I go home.  Used to do that when I was a little kid going to the dentist.

     I'm all right this morning - not sure if what I had for an hour or so was an after effect of the vaccine or it just happened.  Anyway, it was a headache, hurting in my shoulder of the arm where I had the vaccine and a chilly feeling. 

     I did call our neighbor and his wife to see how things were yesterday.  She answered the phone and when I said her name, all at once he was on the phone.  I told him I just called to see how things were and to talk with her for a minute.  He called her to come to the phone and she would not.  He said she thought we were having an affair - then he said he had promised her he wouldn't talk to me any more.  So, things are progressing at a rapid rate.  Remember she came up here a few days ago when she was afraid.  We've always been good friends but guess alz. has again reared it's ugly head to make things difficult.  I wanted to talk with him about the need for him to take her to  see a geriatric doctor.  Our PCP is wonderful but not sure how familiar he is with what's happening to her.  So, guess I can't do that.  Maybe I can talk with Mike and he can talk with him.   Terrible thing to happen to him again and to anyone.  We all know that.  At least he's not having to deal with feeding or watching after cattle now although I know he misses it.  There's another neighbor lady they're friends with but I imagine she's feeling the same about her.  Sad.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  I planted some more wild violets in those pots yesterday and transplanted the ones that were in them by the steps.  This morning I can tell something's been eating the new ones - many of the blooms and leaves are gone.  Just can't figure what's doing it.  The GPs were out but guess they weren't near the steps.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita the disease is so isolating.  This is just a general statement, but in general isolates the one that has it and the caregiver even when living together.  When living with mom could not invite people over.  Hated when someone showed up because of how aggressive she was.  Made me a nervous wreck.  Hopefully at some point this phase will pass and you can be a helpful neighbor.

    Lorita I’m not sure of the latest date we have ever had a snow.  It is not unusual to have snow in April.  We can get big snows.  Usually melt very quickly though.  Sunny today, think it is suppose to stay in 40s.  Is a very nice day.  Sitting on porch eating dinner.   My nephew brought me over some pizza dough he made.  I made a calzone, using ham and cheddar cheese with onion pepper and olives.  Made my own pizza sauce without a recipe and it was really good.  The best I have ever made.  That is what I will do from now on.  In fact, this summer if I’m able, only going to make plain tomato sauce and will use it to make pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce etc. as I need it.  Had never made a calzone before.

    Hope to work on more containers after I do dishes.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

     Got those dishes done and washed off the window sill above the sink where the cats sit and look out the window.   Amazing how dirty it can get.  I  need to wash the window - it's a double sliding window but hard to reach so I'll do that another day.  Will have to put away all the dishes when they air dry.  Went out on the porch and saw all but one, I think, of the girls - they're laying around everywhere enjoying the sun.  I've decided I won't feed them today and take it easy this afternoon - it's cold out there with a strong, south wind.  I have enough feed for a couple of times and enough to put about 150 lb. in the creepfeeder.  Doubt I'll buy more than a couple more sacks of feed for the girls so I'll have something to feed Rose Bud.  I'm hoping they have Quick Start for the calves.  During the awfully bad, cold weather the company who makes it in Talala, Okla. got behind and still hadn't caught up when I last bought feed.  The Quick Start has more minerals and vitamins than the 20% and the little calves need those.

     Sara, you're so right.  This disease is isolating to both parties.  Darwin's a people person always wanting to help in any way he can and he can't do that now because he's afraid to leave his wife.  She's very outgoing, too, and this has changed her.  And - believe it or not, I feel like it's changed my life, too.  I feel like I've just about lost two friends - one who helps me when I need it and another who I can visit with and talk to on the phone.  I can so empathize with them.  I'm glad he won't have to be out and around the cattle but I know he'll miss it - everyone who has run cattle and had to quit misses it.  I know I will, too. 

     Sara, you're so industrious and energetic.  Did you follow a recipe for the calzone?  I don't think I've ever eaten one but it sounds good.  I can't think of  much of anything that smells better than pizza cooking and probably the same with calzone.  Good idea to make your own tomato sauce to use up your tomatoes this summer.  Doing that you'll know exactly what's in it and think of all the things you can use it for.  We used to make lots of salsa and also canned tomatoes.  Never made tomato sauce though.

     Our State had 400 new cases of the virus - seems to be going up a little bit each day. It just said Oklahoma ranks 45th in the number of cases.  Cannot for the life of me understand why people can't be more patient for a little while longer.  How long after your vaccination were you fully immunized?  I have 12 days to go.  I do wish Jack would take the vaccine.  He asks questions about it so I know he must be interested. 

     I've done all the laundry and have it folded so will have to put it away this afternoon.  Guess I'll take all of the incontinent pads I used on the bed back to the building and put them in boxes.  I'll keep one to lay on the bed for the cats to lay on.  Need to kind of go through my closet and donate some things when it's safe.  I still have Charles' clothes laying on the divan in the sunroom - I'll donate those, too, but can't let go of all of them.  I think I've mentioned that my mother's dad passed away in 1941, a few months before I was born.  She kept his overcoat - just couldn't give it up.  I think we found it when we did some work on the house in the mid 90s.  I still have some of daddy's and mother's clothes so I understand her feelings.  Also need to go through things on the floors of the closets - there's shoes in there that I'll never wear again.  I can't wear a shoe that comes up on the back of my heel - except I can wear boots.  Always something else that needs to be done.

     I'd like to talk with D. and try to encourage him to take his wife to see a doctor who could, maybe, prescribe something that would help with her problem - but I can't.  Hope I can talk with M. later this weekend and tell him what's going on so he can talk with him.   It's such a problem and I know how hard it is to be in the house all the time for a man like D. 

    I think I'll cook some brown beans this afternoon - haven't done that in some time.  I didn't soak them so read about using soda to soften them and make them cook faster - but, using isn't all good so I'll not use it.  Zetta, finished the potato soup last night - it was good to the last drop!

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

     Lorita,  Sounds like you may have had a bit of a reaction to the vaccine and again it could be because you were worrying about it so much. I know with me I got a small chill first thing I thought was reaction . But I get chills a lot so I am sure it was not due to reaction.  I thought about your chocolate laying out in the sun I hope it did not melt. You will feel much better after you have some of that. 

    That potato soup sounds real good I am out of potato soup I still have some cheddar broccoli soup so I will be making that in a few days. I also have a box of  Red Lobster Cheddar Muffin Mix so I will fix them together. 

    It is sad that you are having issues with your neighbors. You have been friends too long for this to happen. Hopefully things will settle down in a few days and she will stop thinking like that. 

    Judith,  Now that the snow is gone I think the Moose are also gone I sure hope so. I have a picture I keep wanting to attach but I don't know how to do that and I keep forgetting to have my son help me with it. Maybe tonight I will remember I just wrote me a note. 

    Jo,   We are waiting to hear from you I sure hope things went well and your  not in a lot of pain. Please take care and get some rest and let us know how your doing.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta     

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    speaking of moose

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, the chocolate was okay - I've been munching on some of it this afternoon.  It doesn't seem like it has as much orange flavor as the ones I had before - this one is Brach's which is a good brand - not sure what the others were.  It's good anyway.

     I feel so bad for Darwin.  He's 82 and is so worried about his wife.  Maybe things will settle down after a while - hope so.

     I have some cheddar broccoli soup frozen - should take it out and finish it.  I cooked, or am cooking some brown beans in the slow cooker.  They've been cooking for hours.  I ordered these from WM, I think, and they look kind of dark but they'll be good.  Fixed macaroni and cheese for supper - always enjoy that.

     I'm anxious to hear something from Jo, too.  Wasn't it 8 a.m. when she was going ot have the lithotripsy - so, it would be almost 5 p.m. there.  Maybe she'll be able to post before bedtime.

     Judith - I bet that guy had a rough ride when that moose was coming out of the water.  Goodness, such a big animal.  Didn't know they could be ridden. 

     Got an e-mail from the Florida Boys - my caladiums will be shipped on the 22nd.  I  never plant them until May anyway so that will be perfect timing.  Do you plant almost a hundred bulbs?  That's a lot of work - but, I remember they were gorgeous.

     Tonight on CNN - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Central Time, they're going to have a show with Dr. Gupta and Dr. Fauci about the virus and what was done right and what was done wrong.  Should be interesting.

     Need to stop and go out and open the lot gate so the two pair can come back out to graze.  I'm going to feed tomorrow so may let them out Sunday - the oldest one will be two weeks old and the other five days younger.  They're staying close together and are so very cute.

     Lots of smoke around - scary.  Called our neighbor who lives at the SW corner of the farm and a little higher than us.  He said he sees smoke directly west.  I think it's from some controlled or prescribed burns in the SW corner of our County.  Lots of smoke showing up on the radar.  I'll be glad when it gets greener so we can stop worrying about fires.

     See you all tomorrow.

    Z Etta, Open Range is on here.  Very good.    The show wasn't on because of reporting on what happened today at the Capitol.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Now I am going to try to get these picts attached. With the help of my son.

    One is right out of my back door looking at the Moose, one time they were right up to my back porch. It was dark and I turned the porch light on and there they were. Now that the snow is gone I hope they are too.

    The other pict is when I took Molly with me to Petco, she was in the basket looking at all the doggie toys. She got a new toy that day.

    Sleep Well, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Loved the pictures, Zetta.  So glad you got them posted.

     The moose are huge and so beautiful.  I'd  hate to come face to face with one of those out in the woods.  Aren't they considered one of the largest, if not the largest, animals in America? 

    Molly is so cute.  She was really looking at those toys, wasn't she?  Is she a Chihuahua?  We've never had one of those but Charles' mother had one and she absolutely adored her.  I bet she keeps you warm at night during the winter.

     Thanks for posting them.  I think it's so interesting to see pictures from our friends - kind of  makes you feel closer to them.

     The beans finally got done so I'll let them cool in the slow cooker, then put them in the refrigerator.  Probably won't have to cook anything for a couple or more days. 

     Rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning,

    Enjoyed the pictures Zetta.  

    Didn’t have a recipe Lorita.  Have not had a bought Pizza in probably a year.  Made two homemade ones.  Still have a few pieces of homemade one.  Once they are gone going to buy one.  So that was why I chose to make a calzone. I’m ready for a good pizza.

    Got two more containers done yesterday.  Have 14 done, still plenty more to do.  Got half of  one bed edged.  So far my muscles aren’t doing too bad.  Working  no more than a couple of hours each day outside.  Farther into spring two hours each day not enough.

    With J&J I’m just not quite sure about full immunization.  At two weeks 66% efficacy, at four weeks about the same.  Yesterday was my four weeks.  Over the next three weeks efficacy increases more.  So I will be more comfortable then.  There were no deaths or hospitalizations after four weeks.  Have still seen no info on whether there is any long term covid in those that get mild illness.  That is my main concern.  They are becoming much more confident about very little transmission by those who are vaccinated.    That will be 23rd  April.  almost all the info I see is for Moderna and Pfizer which is a little frustrating to me.  Know J&J came out after them.  They say that data will be forthcoming.  We will see.  Plan to continue to be cautious til there is good evidence that we have reached herd immunity as a society.  Do not totally trust CDC.  That is not a condemnation of them.  It is that feel they are in a hard spot.  They want people to take vaccine for good reason.  So they want to ok some freedoms for them to encourage others to vaccinate.  Get that, but personally choose caution over masklessness as I have enough chronic issues with my muscle pain and would prefer to not add any more chronic issues.  Will let those less cautious than be do their thing and will make my decisions based on their results.  Everybody has to choose their own route now.  We cannot stay locked down forever.  Plan on wearing  mask November thru March each year when out and about. No flu, no cold sounds good to me.  

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo.......I pray you are well this morning and your procedure went ok yesterday. When Lou had her large stone and it was zapped, one fragment was still to large to pass and was zapped two other times. After the 3rd time the Dr. told her they could do something else or she could wait and see if it bothers her. She waited and has had no more problems. 

    I hope today is better! As you know March 31st was our anniversary and April 1st started a bad 55th! It's just like there is two people inside Lou and I have caught hell with her. I'm ready for the bad Lou to go away and the good Lou to come back. 

    I hope everyone has a good Easter weekend!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's sunny but the wind's blowing and it feels cold.  I don't like really windy days but we have so many - probably can count the days we don't have wind on both hands.  Girls are off grazing - some are drifting back to the house.  I need to start getting out to check on them but by the time I get up and it's daylight, they're already at the MH.  Not sure I can get up there in the Gator.  I'm going to feed them today.  Closed and opened gates so I won't have to get in and out of the PU so much - bothers my knees.  I think I'll let the two moms and babies out tomorrow - really don't like to do it on days I feed because it's easier for them to get separated from their moms when they go through the gate.

     Ron, Lou sounds kind of like our neighbor - you can actually see her personality or attitude change in front of you.  Hopefully, Lou will mellow out today.  I think it kind of keeps the caregiver on edge because they don't know who to expect from minute to minute. 

     Maybe Jo will feel like posting today.  I know we're all anxious to see how things went yesterday.  Hope all was well and the calculus was broken up small enough to pass on it's own.

     Sara - how many containers do you use?  If you have a camera, can you take a picture of them - I'm just not certain what they're like.  Do you buy the potting soil separately or does it come with the container? 

     For a few years I've worn a mask if I had to go to the doctor's office during flu season.  He always comments on it saying it's a good idea.  I know the number of cases of flu is way down this year because of mask wearing - just makes sense.  I know I've seen people walking down the aisles coughing or sneezing without covering their mouths - rude and dangerous to others.  They're still giving flu shots in Tulsa - probably other places, too.  I always try to get mine in October.  But, they say the flu season goes from November or October to May. 

     Does J&J give you efficacy (that's a new word to me - never heard it before the virus showed up) up to 90+ percent?  Did you have a choice of the vaccine you received?  Our Health Dept. hadn't given the J&J only because they hadn't gotten any of it in but she did say they would be giving it later.  I heard last night that 100 million people have received at least one vaccination.  In Oklahoma I think it's 1/3 to 1/2 already - but, it still seems too soon for people to be gathering together too much.

     Going to take it easy today except for feeding the girls and putting some creep in the feeder.  Got the dishes done, laundry done, cooking done but there's always other things that could be done. 

     I'll be back later.

     Addendum:  You know, we talk about wearing masks but I've never heard anyone mention one of the things I like best about it - you don't have to put on make-up!  The masks covers the face from the nose down - so no lipstick unless you want to - and if you wear sunglasses everything is covered except the very top of your forehead - and I wear bangs so....    Just thought I'd mention that. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo...hope everything went well.

    Ron...maybe a chat with Lou's Dr for light medication?

    Lorita...I am fully aware that those masks require no makeup...lol

    My Easter plans???? Streaming Charlton Heston movies. Started last night with Ben Hur.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi . . . . well . . . . here I am . . . .

    Thank you, thank you dear front porch friends; love you all.  I so appreciate the kind thoughts and prayers.   You are of course, as always, awesome!

    Procedure did not start on time; no surprise.  Had to be to hospital by 6:00 am for 8:00 am surgery.  I  think it was about 10:00 am. when they took me to the OR.   Got intubated with general anethesia which was a surprise.  I think it was because I have so many med allergies; about 15,  that the anesthesiologist wanted to have me ready in case I did have a reaction to anything.   

    When they wheeled me into the OR, first thing I saw besides all the special equipment for lithotripsy were ALL the instruments laid out on a sterile table field . . . OMGosh . . . . EEEEK!! That is all going where?  Oh, boy; wished I had not seen that.  Dr. said after, stone was so large it was not as great a result as he would have hoped, but it was still good . . . I was still so blasted from anesthesia, I did not think to ask what he meant.  Drats.  I consider it that I probably have some wicked stone pieces lurking.   Will find out at post-procedure appt.

    Went to recovery, was there quite a long time - hours; but they were holding everybody for long time.  Okay with me.  They use PureWick for female voiding, so don't need bedpan. it was interesting and took getting used to, but boy; sure does work very nicely.  No dignity left after hospitalization last month and this.  I find myself wondering if the bad pain I had that led me to the hospital was partially from the undiagnosed kidney stone.  Sorry; too much information.  (RN bad habit.)

    Then went from Recoverym guerney transfer to Same Day Surgery Unit where they continue to monitor patients.   I stayed again for, hours.  They monitor closely, wait for you to void, to eat something by mouth, etc.  All staff very nice.

    So . . . home late about 7:30 pm.  No kidding.  DH and I were in my cubicle for so long; I was awake and alert, but I was a bit dizzy and lightheaded even thought my vitals were fine. Probably due to whatever anesthesia.  

    Stent is in; not really painful.  When voiding, it does feel uncomfortable to a 3/10.  Go in hat under seat, and then strain it through strainer; no stones yet. (Once again, TMI.)

    One problem I did not foresee was the intubation afterward effect.  Throat sore and will be for a couple of days; also just a bit swollen in throat.  Yesterday evening I could feel it when swallowing soup.  This morning, it is much easier to swallow.

    I have an Incentive spirometer that I am to use every 30 minutes per RN; but I think she is a bit energetic as my respirations are okay.  I try for 30 minutes, but usually it is one hour between uses; time goes so fast.  After I do the spirometer, then I do deep, deep breathing with expanded chest.  Stuff to bring up after anesthesia and also good to expand lungs and keep O2 levels happy. Avoiding pneumonia is good.

    Gads, antibiotic for the UTI; Pyridium to keep from burning, Advil for pain as needed or Hydrocodone for severe pain; but I am sticking to Advil as there is a big difference between discomfort and severe pain.

    Still a bit wonky this a.m.; part still post-anesthesia but also each of the three pills can cause that.  Have made a schedule in writing to keep the hours straight with each med. 

    Went on soft diet even though Dr. said regular was okay; it is more comfortable until a day or so when throat improves and is no longer sore. I did see chuckle, chuckle, that mac n cheese is on the list along with ice cream!!!!  As if I can do that; but maybe, some mac and cheese. Also mashed potatoes on list - hm-m-m - anyone hear the words butter or mixed with a bit of cream cheese? I must be getting better; wicked thoughts and food lust desires. I can have salmon, so fish tonight.

    Doctor told me to acidulate water with lemons and drink A LOT which I am doing; we have to get some lemons though. 

    Still pretty much very tired, rather fatigued, have to get up and walk today and get moving so I do not get pneumonia or clots.   Will do that at intervals and then rest and let my body knit one purl two.

    Thank you again so much, please each and every one of you consider yourself receiving a warm hug from me to you.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jo sounds like you are taking good care of yourself.

    Lorita 90%efficacy means you are 90%less likely to get covid than if you didn’t take vaccine.  At day 28 there was an efficacy of 66% against moderate to severe covid in complete study which included Latin America and South Africa.  It was 72% if you only looked at US.  There was 85% efficacy against severe to critical covid in the all countries in study at day 28.  There were no deaths or hospitalizations in any country after day 28.  From day 28 to day 57 immunity continues to increase.  After that it stabilizes.  At day 49 there was 100% efficacy against severe to critical disease in all countries.  So the month of April is when my really good immunity is setting in.

    Attached some pictures of grow bags.  Maybe that will help you picture it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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