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Just need to talk to my friends (147)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
Hi, Time to start another segment - this really rolls around fast, doesn't it?  We're a talkative bunch of people - and that's because we enjoy visiting here on the porch and are good friends. The holly Bryon and Shane trimmed back is looking good - lots of new growth - still kind of sparse at the bottom but no fixing that.  Next February or March I'll get them to cut it back another third - it'll take two or three years but I hope to get it back to the place where we can sit on the porch and see the pond and girls.  Now, I need to have something done to the prickly pear - to get rid of it, or almost all of it.  It's something Charles wanted and it has been very pretty especially when it blooms but our cold weather several different years has made it collapse.  There's little trees growing in the middle of it.  If you get close to that stuff you get thorns.  Remember one of the little babies was laying in it a few weeks ago.   I got her up and just doing that got thorns in my skin, even through clothes.  It might take a backhoe to get it out of the ground - then what do you do with the stuff - can't put it out in the pastures for sure.  That was something my sister kept cautioning me about - not to let it out into the pastures. I went out and gave the little cow some more hay.  I'll let her out north of the house tomorrow to graze.  Not too good to have only one up but we'll see how it works.  If she wanted in I'd let Rose Bud be with her.  Rose Bud scared me this morning.  She was laying down on the other side of the pond and I was worried (of course) that she couldn't get up.  But, she did and made it back to the house.  She's walking around quite a bit but is walking very slowly.  I was able to give her some feed this afternoon so maybe that will help her a bit. There's a mist out now - just enough to get you a bit damp.  It's so muddy around the barn I have to hose off my boots every time I go out there.  I'll check the cow again before I go to bed.  I feel much better having her up so I can keep track of her. Sara - who or what could have turned over your beets?  Are there kids in your neighborhood?  Glad you were able to save most of them.  Mother and daddy used to raise beets but the only way I've ever eaten them is pickled.  Harvard beets look so good but I've never tasted them.  To me the sauce reminds me of blackberry cobbler but I think it has vinegar in it, not sure.  Do you pickle them?  What will you do with all your tomatoes?  I remember last year you made tomato sauce -  have you ever made salsa? I did talk a little while with Sarah.  I talked with the nurse earlier and she said every time she went by her door she was sleeping.  Sarah told me she was sleeping a little bit, off and on.  She doesn't think the pain meds are helping much.  Instead of the morphine drip, they're giving her morphine every two or so hours.  Maybe it'll just take some time to get her pain under control.  The nurse told me that so far there is no surgery scheduled.  They hope to get rid of the,not complete, blockage.  I think Dr. Google says it's possible to do it without surgery.  That's the last thing she needs.  It must be so depressing for her - she has surgery and thinks that will take care of things and it doesn't. Ron and Zetta - something I've been thinking about; when the cowboys on a cattle drive or just camping out they usually have beans to eat.   When do they have time to cook them?  They only have the camp fire and I think it would take a long time. Those cooks must have had a really hard time doing all that cooking on a camp fire for so many people. My legs are achy tonight - don't know why unless it's walking in the mud so much today - almost bogged down a few times.  I was walking through the buttercups in the lot trying to get the mud off my boots - really sliding my feet - and got one foot tangled up and almost fell forward.  That would have been something to have fallen in that mud - but, it's happened before. Felt kind of sorry for Jack today.  He called and said he couldn't remember the name of the bank he uses.  In the town nearest him there are two and he has an account in one of them so gave him both numbers.  He wasn't really able to deal with taking care of and paying bills so a woman in the bank is helping him.  Glad someone could and that he  did ask for help. I'll stop for now and see if I can find something to watch on TV.  Not very much on tonight.  Hope all of you have had a good Friday. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Don’t know for sure if beets will survive.  I put card board shade over them to try and  help them recover.  Only found about half  of them.  Yesterday afternoon they didn’t look too bad.  Lorita did not have that many tomatoes last year.  Almost all my tomatoes are hybrids instead of heirlooms, this year.  Did buy a few tomatoes last year to make sauce and had some of my own. Hope I find some productive ones I like the taste of so won’t need to grow so many.  Make fresh salsa now and then,

    Well giving it hot again today.  Did not get anymore bags made.  Did get more mulch and compost so I will keep plodding along.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Morning, Sara,

     Good luck with your beets.  What happened to your beets - kwow something knocked them over - dogs, kids? 

     I woke up early this morning - worried about the cow so got up.  Just looked out and she's okay.  Most of them are up by the MH already but did see five or six go by from probably being in the barn.  It's wet outside - not falling rain but the humidity is so high you could cut it with a knife.  There's rain west of us.

     So, you're looking for a couple of kinds of tomatoes you really like and then that's the kind you'll grow?  Good idea to do that.  We used to grow Beef Steak, Early Girl and Jet Star to name a few but I think our favorite was Delicious.  You tried that one last year.  I used to like the little grape tomatoes - they bear in the summer when it's really hot - and cherry tomatoes do, too.  When I do go into town I'll stop by the WM garden center and see what they have.  Not really interested in growing much of anything.  But, do need to get the zucchini seeds in the ground.  I need to get the frozen zucchini out and make another loaf of zucchini bread.  Your recipe was so good.  I'll find it and try to figure out if that's the right one.

     Nothing on tap for today but never know what will happen as the day progresses.  I hope it's quiet.

     Anxious to see how Sarah is today.  She's not very talkative - guess she doesn't feel like it.  I hope Todd got up to see her last evening.  So far this week I don't think he's made it.  He plans to but something always seems to come up.  He's so tired and stretched so far.  I think Sarah said the hospital is only about 15 or so minutes away from their house.

     I'm looking out the front door and not a leaf is moving and the pond looks like glass.  Everything's wet.  When I went out didn't see Stormy and Sheena so called them and Stormy came out of the storage building yawning.  He must have gone back in because he isn't on the porch.

     Hope the day goes well for everyone.  I'm beginning to dread the hot, humid summer.  Seems like every morning when I wake up I'm hot - don't like that feeling.

     Don't work too hard today, Sara.  The work will still be there tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita don’t know what is messing with my stuff.  Know it is not the kids next door.  They are very well behaved.  Hadn’t mentioned this but two mornings in a row found my hummingbird feeders on the ground empty.  So have been bringing them in at night.  Thought it was squirrels messing with them but my sister says they are not nocturnal.  I don’t know.  Her guess is raccoons, that’s possible.  They are destructive critters.

    Lorita I am going to try jetstar next year if I don’t find some that suit me this year.  

    Warm today but light clouds.  Feel like I’m more productive today.  When the sky is clear, the heat wilts me.

    My zucchini recipe calls for lemon zest.  That might help you to know you have the right one.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Sara - do you think coons would bother something that was just liquid?  I think we have at least one, or maybe an opossum, in the carport where Tom and Jerry stay because I think something is helping them eat their food and playing in their water because it's usually muddy. 

     I may not get around to making the zucchini bread today but thanks for the info. about the lemon zest.  Seems like to me there was sweetness on top of the bread - I didn't put a glaze on so thought it was just from the batter.

     I haven't put out my hummingbird feeder yet.  Not sure when their migration through here is.   It's cloudy here and we had some rain go through about an hour ago.  I walked out just now to check on the cow and there's water everywhere - I don't think we got much rain but it's so wet anyway that it just made it worse.  The cow was behind the barn so I told her to come out north of the house to graze and she did.  She seems okay for now.

     I've tried calling Sarah and she doesn't answer.  So, talked with the nurse.  She said her vitals are good this morning and she's not requiring as much pain meds - only one dose so far this morning.  She says Sarah's sleeping more in the daytime than at night (she was doing that at home).  They've removed the catheter and now she says she wakes up and urinates on herself so they have to change her.  The nurse said she didn't want one of those external catheters - that it had been tried before and didn't work.  But, she said she was going to try to get her to try it anyway. 

     Just went through trying to place a WM.com order.  Wasn't placing the order but was about how to use a gift card.  Couldn't figure out how to use it so the girl who answered when I called placed it for me.  I decided this time to order heavier things separately from things that could be crushed.  I've had trouble with that lots of times.

     Sara - I'm glad you don't think it's the kids next door who's doing the damage - it probably is a coon or maybe another varmint of some kind.  When I was outside just now I saw a coyote walking along between the pond and house - wasn't in a hurry but guess he was going home for the day.  Stormy and Sheena stayed outside last night so they're in the bedroom asleep now.  Still missing Barclee.

    Hope I can find something to watch on TV this afternoon - should finish my taxes though.  Zetta, can't find Gunsmoke today - maybe later this afternoon.

     Sara - does it get really hot and humid in Ohio?  I so dread the humidity and heat this summer - much rather have colder weather (but not like we had in February).  But, you know most of the shrubs it damaged have recovered.  There's magnolia leaves all over the yard - ones that were damaged, turned brown and fell off.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Evening All,

    I am  still at my daughters house in Longview, Wa. They are having a real good time in N.Y. as for me I can watch westerns all day long if I want too. I watch 2 days of Rifleman clear back to the very first show.  Today I decided to do something so I found a WM only 2 miles away so Molly and I did a little shopping.

     Lorita,  I wonder if back in the days they ate beans on the trail I wonder if they cooked them before hand and just warmed them up. On Wagon Train they camped over night old Charlie the cook probably cooked them all night. 

     Lorita,  Jack probably forgets like we all do at times but he is lucky to have someone at the Bank help him with his bills. Paying bills is something a lot of people on a good day if it is something they are not used to doing can be very challenging. I was the one who paid the bills Dan on a good day would have been totally lost trying to figure it out.

    As far as remembering things I am taking care of my daughter cats and I forgot one of their names I finally remember it a few hours ago. That does not alarm me I forget a lot of things.  

    Good Night to all, Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    ladyzetta wrote:

     Lorita,  Jack probably forgets like we all do at times but he is lucky to have someone at the Bank help him with his bills. Paying bills is something a lot of people on a good day if it is something they are not used to doing can be very challenging. 

    Recurring bills can be automatically deducted from one's checking account.  This is a great relief to me!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Lorita just noticed the locust in the woods have just started blooming.  Ones in my yard have not.  

    Lorita have never had anything to bother my humming bird feeders before except ants.  Have no idea what all is in the woods.  Saw a wild turkey hen this week over there, the first time I had seen one of them over there.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    A beautiful Sunday morning to all of you. Yesterday was real nice also, took Lou and little bit for a ride and had a good day with minimal problems.  Friday was a living hell but I've learned to try and forget about the bad days and look forward to the good ones. 

    Speaking of old westerns having items that dont seem right; maybe it's just a man thing, but did all the women really wear bras back then.

    Hope all of you have a good day!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     The sun's trying to shine a little bit but it's been raining.  When I got up and went out to feed Tom and Jerry there was a heavy drizzle.  I think it's almost stopped now.  You just cnn't imagine how muddy it is - even on flat ground there's water but we've only had 2.2" of rain.  The ground's saturated and the water is just sitting on top.  Girls are scattered - a few are still in the NE pasture, some must already be at the MH and 20 some are on their way up there.  Four little boys are after one of the new moms - baby can't understand what's happening. Saw all the babies.  Got to worrying last night that maybe the cow I have up is one of the new moms but I don't think so or the calf would be up at the fence bawling and the cow would be calling her baby.  She's restless this morning - not wanting to graze but trying to eat leaves off the trees.  I let her out north of the house to graze.  If Rose Bud would come up closer I'd let her in with her.  Maybe someone will be close enough to let in today.

     There's the oddest looking things on the ground in the carport.  I think it's been so wet that the pieces of catfood and cattle feed that's been dropped on the ground has done something - some of the things behind the PU look like calamari and I saw some other odd looking things this morning.  The little pieces of feed that were in the back of the Gator are fuzzy now.

     Sandy, so enjoyed our visit last night.  I checked after we talked and hadn't gotten the e-mail; checked again a while ago and it's still not there.  I don't know if I'm getting all my e-mails.  Looking forward to seeing your lilac bush.

     Iris, I have almost all my routine bills on auto pay.  It is a relief not to have to worry about writing the checks and getting them to the mailbox.  All I pay by check is trash and credit card.  It was a life saver for Jack.  Patsy told me once that she had asked him what he'd do about paying bills if something happened to her.  He told her he'd just throw them away.  When she was in the NH he paid some of them but things just got the better of him so he had to have help.  Glad he was able to find someone to help him.

     Sara - it is a mystery.  Are they hanging close to your house?  Could it be squirrels?  Aren't the locust blooms pretty?  They remind me of wisteria.  I guess they're all white.  Ours was in full bloom when we got a heavy rain that ruined them.  I guess they're all white, at least ours are.

     A wild turkey!  Do you hear them calling?  Years ago when I was driving on a country road I saw several of them in a pasture by the road.  Really pretty.  I don't hear them here though.

     Zetta, I bet that's what the cooks on the drive did - cooked the beans on the campfire all night and they'd eat them the next day.  Guess he had to cook them or something every night.  Wonder what they had for breakfast? 

     Glad you're enjoying your stay in Washington and were able to find a WM and do a little shopping.  Do you leave Molly in the car while you go inside?  We used to leave Barclee in the PU - it's high off the ground so no one could see him unless they actually looked in but we quit doing that.  Someone at our WM had left a big dog in their car and went inside.  When they came out someone had broken a car window and taken their dog.  I was always relieved when we'd come out and he'd still be in the car or PU.

     You know Jack never took care of their financial matters - Patsy always did.  In fact, all the women I've worked with took care of paying bills, etc.  You're right though about forgetting things if you don't do them often.  I know that happens to  me until I get back into doing it again. 

     Ron, glad yesterday was a good day.  You're so right - we just had to learn to enjoy the good days and somehow make it through the bad ones.  Hope today is another good day for you and Lou.

     I think, somewhere, I've seen that women made their own bras but not like the awful ones we wear now.  It was sort of a camisole.  I know those dresses they wear on the old westerns are really form-fitting.  Not sure that was the actual case in real life.  I bet they didn't have more than a dozen dresses for all those old westerns.  I see the same ones over and over.  Women were probably lucky if they had two or three.  They had to make almost everything, I guess.  And - those were the good old days?

     Zetta, I'm watching Aerial America - right now it's about Oregon.  Have you ever been to I think they called it the Painted Hills?  Beautiful country up there.  America is really a beautiful Country - it has everything a person could think about.  I know the view out our front door is really pretty - the overhanging tree limbs in our yard that frame a view of the wide part of the pond and the trees a quarter mile away on the road east of us.  There's a mountain (not like the ones you all have) west of us called Tiger Mountain (named for a family who lived there, I guess) so that's our mountain view.

     I'm ready for my juice so I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you have a good Sunday.  Cheyenne will be on at 8 a.m. so want to see the weather before then.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Ron glad you had a nice Saturday and hope you have a nice Sunday too.

    Lorita do have squirrels.  They are nocturnal though so just don’t know.  

    Turkeys have been quiet when I’ve seen them, so not sure what sound they make.  Yesterday or this morning one heard some birds being quite loud for a period of time.  Sounded like they were saying wheat.  

    Our locust blooms are white.  They are just starting to bloom and they do remind me a little bit of wisteria.

    When I moved in here I inherited some very old irises.  They smell like grapes.  The lady said they were her mom’s or grandmothers.  The only thing I knew about irises was that my sister had them and they spread terrible.  They were pretty big clumps so I dug them up and divided them.  Has took them two or three years to recover lol.  My aunt said grandma never divided hers.  Will not divide them again, will just see what happens.  They are beautiful again this year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Sara - thank you for posting the pictures of your iris.  They are beautiful and so is your flower bed with the hostas.    Do you keep a bouquet in the house?  Can't imagine a flower smelling like grapes - bet that's nice.

     Your neighborhood and house look so pretty - everything neat and mowed.  You've done so much work on it and it's been worth it.

     I only had some iris at the MH but they're gone now - should have brought them with us when we moved.  They were around a tree and as the tree grew it pushed them out of the ground, I guess.   My sister had gorgeous, huge, purple iris in her back yard and a few purple ones in the front beds along with white and yellow ones.  Sarah says there's still some there.  I never liked iris as I was growing up - no reason that I know of.  Maybe because we used to see so  many, small, faded ones along the roads that people called flags.  We never had iris.  I'd love to have some now - maybe I should order some next year.

     I talked with Sarah.  Dr. C. had been in and told her he would probably have to do surgery but that would be later.  Said he didn't want to go back into all of that inside of her while the other surgery was so fresh.  There has been a little bit of feces going through the stoma so I take that as good news.  She also said they had added another pain med to go with the Morphine and it's working some better.  She sounded better - words more distinct so I could understand her better.

     The cow, Susie, has been restless so I got another one in with her. That one didn't work - she was younger and not very calm.  So, let her out and Sweet Pea came in.  She's one that's as old as Rose Bud - at least 21.  Things are calmer now.  I went out just now and she was laying on her side - scared me - but she got up and nothing looks out of place.  I hope she has it today so the vet will be available if needed.

     I've filled three boxes of winter flannel-lined pants, winter shirts, gowns and robes.  So, emptied some drawers.  Found some cotton pants I had worn but forgotten about about.  Don't know where I'll put the boxes; already have several filled ones in the bedroom so guess I'll just add them to those. 

     I watched part of a college softball game yesterday - really enjoyed it.  University of Oklahoma was playing and won so they went to the finals which will be at 3 this afternoon. Guess until then, it's QVC with David Venable.

     Very humid today with some sunshine.  I had the ceiling fan on in the LR but had to turn it off - really bad for dry eyes which have been bothering me a lot the last two or there days.  You'd think with the humidity it would be better so figured it was the fan.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, Your iris are beautiful! Your home and yard look lovely and well cared for, too. Thank you for sharing.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning 

    Lorita do cut flowers sometimes.  Didn’t know if irises made a good cut flower or not.  They don’t last very long in the yard.  Right now would see them a lot more outside anyway.  In house very little right now and it looks like that lol.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     I don't know either, Sara.  I've never had enough to use as cut flowers.  My sister always kept a bouquet of them in her house when they were in bloom but most of her big, purple ones were in the back where she wouldn't see them.  I've always kind of hated to cut my flowers to bring in.

     It's so hot and humid here this morning.  Humidity is in the 90s and will get even worse, if that's possible, later in the week.  It's cloudy and there's a good chance of rain today and possibly severe storms later in the week.

    The cow I let in to be with Susie was very unhappy, bawling and pacing the fences so I let her out this morning.  She has a 3 or 4 yr. old calf - Billy the Bull - out in the pasture and I think she may have been worried about him.  He's a loner and only has vision in one eye and she takes care of him.  So, let her out and now things are quiet again.   Just talked with our vet and told him she still hasn't had the calf and she may not be going to but I told him if I let her out she'd have the calf tonight.  Can't win for losing.

     About Sarah - talked with her late yesterday.  On top of everything else she's lost a crown and her tooth is hurting.  She had me text Todd to bring her some Anbesol so if he does, maybe that will help.  Just one thing after another.  She did sound some better.

     I got up early and took down the trash.  Stormy so wanted to go but I was in a hurry and trying to get through the gate without letting the two cows out so didn't let him.  I feel bad when I don't so sometime today I'll take him somewhere. 

     Nothing going on so I'll stop and finish my juice - need some hot tea, too.  Hope all of you have a happy Monday.  Remember when we were working how we dreaded Mondays.  Now, every day is a holiday or weekend.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi again,

     Another problem for Sarah.  I talked to her for a few minute just now.  She still sounds hoarse but she said her BP went way up this morning and her heart was hurting like something was squeezing it.  They gave her some medicine and did an EKG.  She doesn't know what it showed yet.  She thinks it's the pain that elevated her BP - the pain from the surgery along with the tooth pain may have caused it.  Said she'll call me when they gave her the EKG results.  How much more can she take?  She's a much stronger person than I for sure.

     Not raining here for the moment.  I was out by the carport a while ago and there was a little downpour for a couple of minutes.  The purple clematis on the fence is gorgeous - I bet the blooms are 7" across.  The Tropicana rose is beginning to bloom, but it's farther down the fence than the clematis.  The guy cut it back when he worked on the fence.  It's coming back but it'll take a while.  I wish I knew how to make a cutting from it grow.  Does anyone know a sure-fire way?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Just killed a snake!  Not in the house, thank goodness.  I was going out the back door and started to step off the back steps and there it was - not a big one -about 1 1/2 ft. long.  Started to go to the front to get a shovel but happened to notice a pair of loppers on the porch. I was afraid if I went after the shovel it would get away so used the loppers on it.  It was striking at the loppers so would have done the same to me.  Hate to  kill anything though.  I saw a big pond turtle yesterday - guess he decided he wanted to change ponds and was out in our driveway.  I gave him a little bit of catfood but saw it this morning so guess he didn't like it.

     Someone just got stuck on the road just east of us.  There's kind of a low place in the road and it does get muddy.   I've almost gotten stuck there.  He did get out and backed up the hill about a quarter mile.  So, that's not the way for anyone to go.

     I don't think I mentioned this but when I came back from seeing the girls this morning I noticed something on a low-hanging branch of a tree.  Went over and evidently it was the cow's tail - guess she got it stuck in it and pulled off the bottom part where there's a lot of hair.  Dr. Google says it'll grow back but that's what they use to keep the flies off.    Always something.

     I did talk with Sarah's nurse.  The EKG was okay - just a fast rhythm.  They gave her medication for that and her BP and pulse are back to within normal limits.  She's getting IV morphine and a morphine tablet.  I mentioned the crown and she said they're giving her Oragel to put on it.   She said another doctor had seen her today and his progress note said a second surgery may be necessary if the bowel obstruction doesn't resolve on it's own - she said they sometimes did.  Maybe since there's formed stool this one will.  Dr. Moore, another doctor I've talked with said her output from the feeding tube has decreased and she was pleased with that.

     I was going to work on taxes this afternoon but laid down on the divan about 1 p.m. for about 45 minutes and when I got up (just dozed off for as couple of minutes) I didn't feel like working on them - so, I'll do it tomorrow.

      Hope everyone's day is going well.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Well I am getting tired of Longview, Wa. I am getting ready to go home. Molly and I will be heading for home Wed morning. My kids fly out of NY this afternoon and land in Seattle tonight, then it is a 3 hr drive for them to get home to Longview. 

    I have been watching a lot of westerns and I think I am tired of them. I found a movie that was 10 hrs long so I watched it it took me 2.5 days it was a real good movie. Parts of the movie were hard to watch but it is history and has a lot of meaning. If you watch it please take the warnings seriously.   I am a history freek and this movie is about slaves on a plantation. It makes a person remember how it really was. And how important it is to respect everyone. The name of the movie is Underground Railroad. Now I am back on the gunsmoke channel. 

    Lorita,  Yes I take Molly with me as much as I can I plan our outings to the stores in the mornings before it gets warm. I park as close to the front door of the store as I can I lock the car door and she sleeps on her blanket unless she sees something to bark at. I do have a alarm on my car but I never use it. I am always afraid someone will bump my car and set it off.

    Lorita, I think for breakfast they had a lot of bacon  and jerky. I guess they did not perk coffee it must have just been the beans soaking in the hot water.  I have never been to the Painted Hills I am not even sure where its at. I live close to a lot of Lava Buttes and Lava Caves. I am glad you got that snake, I remember when they came in you house. Are they rattlers?  Sarah is in a good place I sure hope they don't send her home till all has been taken care of. 

    Sara,   Your yard and flowers are beautiful. It shows that you spend a lot of time taking care of your yard.  Your Mothers house is right next door, right? Beautiful homes. 

    It has been raining here for 3 days. It is not a heavy rain just enough to keep everything wet. In 2 days Molly and I will be heading home to Oregon.

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta, I'm sure the snake was a water moccasin - that's what's mostly around here.  Very poisonous.  The guys who mow for me says they usually see at least one when they mow.  The grass is getting tall so it's kind of scary to walk around in it.  It's been way too wet to mow but maybe this weekend.  I started to say we don't have rattlers around here but a couple of years ago I had the PU in the shop and the man who came to take me down to get it had a snake's rattlers hanging on his review mirror.  He said it had a den under an old car and when they mowed the car a little old lady (like me) ran out with a hoe and killed it.   I'd rather have had a shovel or hoe to kill the snake - took too long with the loppers. I was lucky a while ago - I saw a calf go by the open door to the creepfeeder so hurried out and got to see all the girls come out of the barn.  I had promised Stormy he could go with me to check them.  I won't have to go so guess he'll go tomorrow.  Looks like everyone's okay - there's a little bit of a sign for Susie - maybe tonight? Zetta - I may have seen that movie - not sure.  This weekend is the 100th anniversary of the Race Riot (they call it a massacre now) in Tulsa.  It was in the Greenwood District - very well-off area of town.  I think there's still three or four people who lived through that - over 100 years old now.  I'm watching Cheyenne now.  He'll be on two hours, then Gunsmoke.  I'm beginning to see some that I saw not too long ago.  On this Cheyenne, the guy who played Mannix is on it.  Looks like all the well-known actors got their starts on old westerns. I like to go to town really early, too.  In the summer when I go get feed I'm always there at 8 when they open, then to the grocery store and home by 9:30.  I'll have to go next week - still have 200 lb. of creep in the PU and will try to get that in the feeder tomorrow.  FedEx delivered things I'd ordered from WM a couple of hours ago.  The boxes will be on the porch for two or three days - can't get over being uber careful.  I did open the one I got from QVC three days ago.  Kind of anxious to try it - it's a set of two tumblers that have something in the walls of it that you freeze, then put cold liquid in and scrape the sides for a little while to make a frosty-like thing.  I like frozen Coke so I'll try that first (with Pepsi).  I have some Instant Breakfast - wonder if that would work - bet it would.  I'm about ready to find something for supper.  Took out a small container of pinto beans so I'll have some of them with the mac and cheese from yesterday.  I get tickled on Gunsmoke about Doc and the Marshall talking about how awful Chester's coffee tastes.  I think I've heard him say he puts chicory in it - never tasted that.  I do hear them talk about eating bacon for breakfast - and I see bread, too. Do you ever watch Judge Judy?  I have for a long time but she's gotten so rude and caustic I've quit watching.  Every time I watched it I got really aggravated - now Gunsmoke and Cheyenne are on when she is so it works out well. \I bet you will be glad to be home - you've been away for some time. Rascal will be so glad to see you and Molly.  Hope you have a really safe trip home.    Zetta, Dan Blocker's on this Cheyenne (this was before Bonanza).  He's playing a sheriff. Judith, my caladiums are coming up like crazy.  There's a couple that have leaves that are about ready to unfurl.  Some are pushing themselves out of the ground so have to watch to be sure to get dirt over the bulbs again.  The cows ate all the new growth on my crepe  myrtles so guess they'll have to start over.  Those were outside the yard - the new growth on the ones in the yard are about knee high. Enjoy the evening.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,    I could have watched Cheyenne on my daughters TV on the western channel but it is not a free watch and I had so many to choose from I watched 2 days of Rifleman and a day of Wells Fargo.  I do not watch Judge Judy, I used to watch all of her shows but she is so rude and says mean things to these people I would get so upset with her I just quite watching. 

    Are you protected from these Water Moccasins have you ever been bitten by one? It sounds like they are worse then rattlers. Will you boots protect you from a bite, do they get very big?

    My son says that Rascal has been meowing all over the house looking for Molly and I. I really do miss him. 

    My daughter and her husband are on a plane from NY to Seattle right now and I was able to go on the Alaska Airlines site and I am able to watch that flight till it lands at 9:30pm my time tonight.  

    Good Night All. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta, I had forgotten about Wells Fargo - we used to watch that one, too.  Also watched The Rifleman.  He could really use that rifle, couldn't he - and bowlegged!

     Those water moccasins get big.  The year I killed two in the house I used the grabber to get them out of the house and they were so big and heavy it broke.  They were both about the same size - probably 4' long and fat.  This one must have been a baby and I've heard they're more poisonous than the grown ones.  I think  my boots would protect me from the bites unless the fangs went through.  They're just under knee high and pretty heavy rubber.   But, I don't want to try it out.   Many years ago my parents had gone somewhere and Charles and I came down to feed the dogs.  He saw a snake go under a cover around a water hydrant (on the ground) and he grabbed it's tail.  Why I don't know.  He pulled it out and it flipped around and bit him.   We were going somewhere so were dressed and we flew low to the doctor's office.  I think he had Charles put his hand and arm in water and watched him quite a while. Evidently the snake that bite him wasn't poisonous and he was okay.  Scared the peewaddin out of me for sure.

     I bet Rascal has really missed you and Molly.  I know when I'm gone a couple of hours Stormy screams when I come home like I've been gone a month.  Time does seem longer for them.  I bet Molly has missed Rascal, too.  I know you have.  Do you know if it's the same for cats as it is for dogs - that for each human year it's seven years for them?  I've never heard anyone say.  Guess I could ask Mr. Google.

     Just went out to check on Susie.  I closed the lot gate and later I'll close the west paddock gate so I won't have so many places to look for her tonight when I check on her.  She's in there grazing now and seems content.  Calving season always keeps me nervous.  It's so much better when you go out and find a new baby that's okay - but now that I keep them up for a week or so I'd rather have them up when they calve.

     How great that you can watch the flight your daughter's  until it lands.  Technology is really something, isn't it?  I know you'll be glad they had a good time but will be happy when they get home.  I think you said you usually take six hours to get home - that's a long drive.  You're a brave lady to travel that far alone - but, you do have Molly with you. 

     Predicting more rain for the next few days with possibly severe weather Thursday night and Friday.  Kansas had several tornado warnings today. 

     Have you ever noticed on Gunsmoke when they show the scenery there's so many hills?  The parts of Kansas I've seen do not look like that - it's flat.  We went to Colorado Springs in July once and went through Dodge.  The wheat was ripe and to me it was scary - saw very few houses and acres and acres of golden wheat.  Very few trees and no hills.  Same for Eastern Kansas - no hills there that we ever saw.

     Enjoy the night and being able to visit with your daughter before you go back home.

     Sleep well.  I think it's so nice that we can post pictures of our pretty flowers for everyone to enjoy.  I love seeing what other people can grow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

      I killed two in the house 


    I moved to a "swinging singles" apartment in the southern part of Los Angeles County in 1976.  I liked that complex because there were wild rabbits all around.  One day I saw a snake!  The maintenance man killed it.  I almost moved away, but I didn't.  Afterwards, more construction came in and more buildings were put up, and the rabbits disappeared.  I never saw another snake.  I like the country but I'm not a fan of wildlife getting too close to me!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning,

    No place like home Zetta.

    JoC I think you had a birthday Sunday? If so, Happy Belated Birthday.  Saw it on the calendar but still forgot.

    We have snakes but where I live rarely if ever see one.  Saw them quite a bit on the farm.  Unfortunately don’t know one from the other.  Try to leave them alone when I see one.  Would not leave it alone if it was in my house.

    Saw three bunnies chasing each other yesterday evening.   Have tulle fences around most of my stuff so hopefully they didn’t eat anything during night.

    Got quite a bit more planting  done yesterday.  Starting to see light at end of tunnel.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Yesterday I decided to send my oncologist a secure message prior to my June 10th visit with my new symptoms; shoulder pain, leg pain and difference in bowel movements. Big mistake! Monday she calls asking about the shoulder pain and kept insisting that I go to the ER. Since the pain was better I didnt feel the need to go, but decided to go ahead and get ready. Good thing I did because as I was helping Lou in the wheelchair the dr called back asking if I needed to go in ambulance,  I told her I was on my way.

    Arrived at VA and as I was trying to enter the hospital, I was told I couldn't enter from there and had to go around to the ER entrance. I had originally gone to their entrance but no parking was available so went to the basement entrance handicap parking. I asked the lady at the door if she meant I had to push Lou all the way around to ER entrance but luckily I use to work with another lady at the desk and she took me in. She told me that due to COVID that anyone going to ER needed to go thru ER entrance. Luckily she new I was a cancer patient and had my shots. 

    After having my vitals taken the young nurse told me Lou needed to wait outside in the lobby. I informed him she had dementia and he said she wasn't allowed back in ER, I told him once again she had dementia and he said "I heard you the first time". I told him if I cant take her that I would just have to leave. He said they wouldn't let me go, but went ahead and took us both. Once in the back none of the nurses or the Dr. had a problem with Lou being with me and one of the nurses even got Lou a warm blanket. I dont believe the young nurse that took my vitals ever experienced someone with dementia or he never would have suggested I leave her alone!

    After the Dr. asked a few questions I was sent for a shoulder xray and after reviewing the xray I was given a shot in both arms and some medication. Was surprised no blood work, EKG or even listened to my chest. I was told from my answers to his questions he didnt feel it was heart related. 

    I stopped by and let the oncologist know and she seemed surprised that was all they did and told me she would see me on the 10th, but to let her know if I had problems before then. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut about pains!!

    Well this morning at 2am little bit woke me and told me he needed to go out, which after taking him out I tried laying back down. At 3am I noticed Lou sitting on the edge of the bed thinking it was time to get up. After getting her back in bed I tried going g back to sleep. Guess what, littlebit was having a nightmare around 3:30 and was barking in his sleep. I just decided to get up and stay up and it's now been quiet all morning. Oh well, that's life!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It's a beautiful morning here. The lawns are lush and green and flowers are blooming. I wanted to pop in and share pics of my peonies. I have 15 peony plants and many are blooming. The deep red one (looks dark pink in the pic but is deep red) was planted on my grandparents' grave (that is common in cemeteries here), and I took a piece of it and planted it in my garden. It is special to me. I also have one from my mom and dad's grave but it's not blooming yet. 

    Sara, I'm glad you got your planting done. You plant a LOT of vegetables! You will enjoy them. My sugar snap peas are needing something to climb on; will do that soon. My greens are producing well and we are eating them. Recently I noticed orange spores on my black raspberry plant. I did some research and it appears it is orange rust, which is invariably fatal to the plant and spreads easily. I will try trimming the bad off, seeing if I can get the berries to eat before removing the whole plant. Berries are on but not ripe yet. I only have the one raspberry plant. 

    Ron, you had quite a day. I'm sorry and hope things start to go your way now. 

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     The heavy rain is just south of us and coming north.  It was beginning to sprinkle when I was out feeding Tom and Jerry and the turtle who has decided to live in the carport. For once I was able to see all the girls.  Rose Bud's still laying down so I'll be glad to see her up.  I have to check and/or put some feed in the creeper today.  Dread that because my side hurts this morning.

     Iris, I love to see rabbits, too.  There used to be lots of them but seldom see them now.  I did see one yesterday, outside the yard and a few days ago saw a big one in the yard.  I see coyotes all the time when they're going back to their dens in the morning. Guess that's why there aren't many rabbits. Two or three years ago a guy was hunting coyotes with his dogs and they ran one to ground just across on the other side of the pond. He had stopped his truck on the road but the dogs were in the pasture and he was going to where they were.  I got there just as he did and had to run him and his dogs off.  The little coyote was laying on the ground between us but got up and ran away.  Really gave him what-for.  I don't know why people in town think they can come to the country and hunt on people's land.  Oddly, I've seen that man a few times, in fact, he sprayed our pastures the year after that.  People used to come out and pick berries along the road - trampling the vines.  During dove season cars and trucks were lined up along the road hunting - really irritated me.  I don't see that as much anymore.

     I bet you really enjoyed seeing the rabbits play together.  I don't like snakes but living in the country you have to contend with them.  Years ago a friend of mine was driving down the street in Muskogee and felt something on her foot - looked down and it was a snake.  Guess there must have been a little hole in the floorboard and got up into the car.  That would have scared me to death.

     Ron, glad you went in and got things checked out and that nothing was wrong.  Nice that your doctors are keeping on top of things for you.  Sometimes you have to put your foot down (like you did) to get things done - like having Lou come in with you.  Would not have worked out well to have left her in the waiting room.  I kind of miss being at our VAMC - I literally grew up there and after we retired spent a lot of time there with Charles for his appointments.  Our VAMC inpatient care is moving to Tulsa.  They'll take care of behavioral sciences mostly at ours along with a very few inpatient beds.  I think that's a shame - we had people coming from far SE Oklahoma and moving the hospital to Tulsa will add another hour of drive time for them.  Our hospital ws halfway between OKC and Fayetteville, Arkansas so it was in a good place. 

     It's raining, not hard, but steadily - and there's more rain south of here and looks like there's a line of storms west of OKC.  Got up at 2:30 to check on Susie.  Couldn't see her when I went out at 7 - she was behind the bale of hay I had them set out a couple of months ago.  I keep it covered with a big tarp to keep the rain off but can lift it up for theme to eat.  She was on the other side of it eating hay.  I feel so sorry for her that the long hair on the end of her tail was pulled off.  Guess it's lucky that she didn't pull off her tail.  Did I ever mention we had a little calf who was born without a tail - just one about 6" tall.  She was so cute but we didn't keep her.  Susie can still use the rest of her tail and what little hair she has left on the end to keep off the flies. 

     They're having the PGA in Tulsa this weekend - practice rounds this morning.  Looks like they're going to have a rainy time.  Carol's husband is a big golfer so I imagine they'll be going one or two days.

     I heard on the news last night that half of the people in half of the states have been fully vaccinated.  Can't understand why people don't go ahead and get their vaccinations.  I feel so much better since I decided to do it. 

     Sara - what fun to see the rabbits playing together - bet you stopped and watched.  Won't you be glad when you get everything planted so you can relax and watch the fruits of your labor grow? 

     Jo - if your birthday was this past weekend - Happy Belated Birthday.  I should do like Sara - write things down so I can remember.  Hope your day was good.

      Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Just learned it's the Senior PGA for  people over 50.  Next year Tulsa (Southern Hills) will host the regular PGA. 

     Still raining.

     Have forgotten to mention - I know some of you will remember Bridget (Biddy mom, I think) from New Jersey.  Had a long e-mail from her a few days ago.  She's fine - has had her vaccinations.  One of her sons who lives with her tested positive but is well now and almost ready to get his vaccines.  The family is well for now.  She's thinking about moving into a smaller place - says her sons are wanting to get out on their own.  She says she still remembers and thinks about us.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy Belated Birthday, Jo C!

    I remember Biddy mom.  It's nice to hear about her and her family.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Beth, I missed your post this morning and the gorgeous pictures of your peonies.  I think I posted a few minutes after you and didn't read.

     How do you get your peonies to bloom so much?  The one I have is in partial shade - could that be the problem?   Had two buds on it this year - posted a picture of one and the cow got the other one, trampled the plant.  Your plants are so sturdy looking - no drooping.  Are they a special kind?

     How nice that you have peonies from relative's graves.  Something to always remind you of them when you see them bloom.  Carol has plants from places she's live and the plant from her father's funeral. 

     Daddy planted a few raspberry plants many, many years ago.  I think they only lasted a couple of years.  I can remember eating a few of them.  Seems that raspberries are more popular up north than farther south.  Hope you can get the berries before the disease takes over.

     It's rained most of the day here - just a short break mid afternoon.  Just noticed the radar and there's some kind of warnings in western Okla.  The tree guy called today to see how muddy it is here.  He lives about 50-60 miles east of us and he said his flat yard is filled with water - same here.  We decided to wait until it dries up some.  There's no way they could get that big truck south of the house.  He remembered how bad the roads can get out here.  I dread the severe storms we're supposed to have Thursday night but he said he thought the tree could stand some wind - hope he's right.

    This late afternoon when I went out to get the cow north of the house so I could check her easier tonight I found a mulberry tree with lots of red  mulberries.  It's the one we have that has fruit - some are beginning to ripen.  I think I've heard that if you make mulberry jam or jelly, you don't have to use pectin - the berries have enough.  Also saw a new shrub/tree early this morning and looked at it when I was out there.  From the house it looked like it had white blooms - had never noticed it before.  It's about 12 ft. tall with lots of small clusters of tiny, white flowers.  I thought it had a sweet fragrance when I first picked a bloom but don't smell it now.  Tomorrow I'll take a picture of it and maybe someone will know what it is.  There's also very tall, blackberry vines - at least I think that's what they are.  It has grown up so much out there you can't even see the pond.  When I first walked out there I saw something that was about  a ft. tall and about a ft. wide that was brown going through the fence.  No idea what it was.  Tried to see it again but didn't.  It wasn't a wolf or coyote - so don't know.  Maybe I'll see it again.

    Hope all of you have a restful night.

     Looking out the front door and the sun is shining on the other side of the pond - looks strange - making things look yellow.

     They moved Sarah back to the 4th floor today.  The nurse says she thinks she improving.  Her mouth and face is still swollen.  She wouldn't tell me what the CT scan showed.  She is getting antibiotics for it.  She lost a crown on that side so that's probably what the problem is. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Hi again,

     Last post of the night for me.  Probably no one is awake but just wanted to let you all know   ----- we have a new baby!!  A little boy, really a pretty big boy.  I went out about an hour ago to check on her and she already had him.  He was down in kind of a low place next to the pipe fence - and - there was a metal piece sticking up out of the ground closeby.  Couldn't have that so found a mineral tub to put over it.  Not sure why the metal piece was there but when we lost the two big Royal Empress trees and Darwin came up and took one of the big root balls down to the place we put dead limbs, he tried to pull it up with his great big John Deere -  no go.  So, it's there to stay.  She was cleaning up the baby so I came back in.

     Went back out in half an hour and he was up - now to see him nurse.  She's a heifer and wasn't sure what to do - kept putting her head down to his - and he wasn't sure where the milk was.  They always try to nurse at the front.  I bet he went around her a dozen or more times.  Every time I'd try to help they'd back up more so I backed off and waited.  Finally I saw him at the right place, then heard him smacking so he must have latched on. So glad it's not raining tonight and it's supposed to be partly sunny tomorrow.  Will have to figure out where to put them when it storms Thursday evening and night.

     Sandy, I'm posting this mostly for you because you asked about the baby the last time we talked.  I know you'd be interested.  This makes five little ones under two months old.  I don't think the next one is due until around June 3.

     Now, tonight I'll sleep through the night.  The little heifer's whole world now is her new baby.  Just as it should be.

     Good night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    She's no longer a heifer, she's a mama cow now!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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