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Just need to talk to my friends (147)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch friends! Looks like it might turn out to be a beautiful day. Wasn't so earlier today around 3. Just a little before 3 this morning we had a hard blowing rain storm waking little bit and me up; Lou was still sleeping like a baby. Only hard wind rain for maybe 20 minutes then settled into a steady rain till around 7:30 before clearing.

    Glad its turning into a beautiful day where Lou's birthday can be celebrated outside of the house. Lou has a 3 and a 8 in her age, I just cant remember the order of the numbers. 

    Hadn't seen the neighbor in two weeks until yesterday when she came over asking if I could help her son with computer problems. She kept hinting around about wifi and not being able to get to the library, but never asked me about either. Before she stole the money I would have bent over backwards to help. Now, I want be rude but will not volunteer anything. I was hoping since we hadn't seen her for two weeks that she was to embarrassed to even come over and if it wasn't for Lou liking her company I would tell her to stay away. 

    Still having a lot of pain and hopefully the pain medication they shipped will be here today. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Judith, your art center has wonderful exhibitions and classes! You are blessed with this resource. 

    I've been blessed with some wonderful travels. 

    In September 2019, we visited ruins of Akrotiri, Santorini, Greece, an ancient settlement that was buried in a volcano. Excavation began in 1967 and continues to this day. Only one gold item and no human remains were found, which means the people had time to leave before the volcanic eruption. There is a roof over the area of the ruins. This was an amazing place to see! Archaeologists were onsite at the time we were there. A photo of the ruins is attached.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ask any woman, Ron, the 3 comes first.  But, must admit as we get older we're more happy to tell someone our real age.    Hope you both have a happy day.  Nice that you'll be able to be outside. 

     Sounds like you got the weather we had.  We're supposed to have pretty good, much cooler weather the next couple of days, then back into rain chances.  Our yard is growing like crazy and it's way too muddy to mow.  We have to take what Mother Nature dishes out but sometimes wish we could have a bit of control.

     Seems like a different season this morning - cool with a light wind - yesterday was hot and humid with no wind - until the storms came through.

     I can understand how you feel about your neighbor.  But, you're too  nice to not be helpful to her.  It's a shame when someone we like does something to change we way we feel about them. 

     So sorry you're still having so much pain.  Do hope the pain meds come today for you.

     Enjoy the pretty weather - summer's coming and it'll be hot and humid again before long. 

     Beth, thanks for posting the picture.  Amazing how much devastation a volcanic eruption can cause.  I saw on the news a few days ago there were volcanic eruptions in The Congo.  All this time I thought it was just jungle but I did see a city.  How awful for those people and animals.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Beth...what a wonderful trip...how about sharing some more photos

    Elephants (sorry about the ads);

    We really do have an exceptional museum here. People will come from all over the country to see this exhibit. We try to have a "money maker" every summer. Our last big one was the Matisse. We were one of only 5 museums in the country to have it.  We are fortunate to have an exceptional staff, docents and other volunteers. The support of big oil money too. I will keep posting the online opportunities since they seem to be enjoyed here. BTW...I have yet to go to one of the movies...lol.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a last couple of weather days for some of you!I am so glad everyone is okay and that the worst of the weather missed you all.   Not an easy time when threatening tornadoes and damaging hail are a possibility.

    Also glad that Sammy was found safe and sound and that Iris's cat was also safe.  If it isn't one thing . . . .

     In the early a.m., I can sure hear the new tiny baby birds in their tree nests.  They set out peeping non-stop in their tiny little "voices," later I can hear the mother bird cheeping back; there are a larger number of babies to be heard this year, soon they will have to learn to fly.

    Judith, that walker looks great; I will send the info on to my friend.   Having a seat to use is an excellent feature and sure can come in handy because one never knows what will be popping up in one's life.   Are the larger wheels okay to use inside the house without getting in the way?   The brakes are wonderful; my mother's walker had them and they sure were an excellent feature adding so much to safety.  I now see so many more people using walkers, that adds to freedom.

    I wonder why Consumer Reports never does reviews of healthcare equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, electric powered chairs and carts, etc.  The population is aging and so many are needing information.  Heck, they could even do a report on incontinence supplies; so many would be grateful for such a variety of information.  Hm-m-m; guess I should call or write or do both and make a suggestion.  Perhaps if some of us did that it would spur them on to useful reviews needed by so many.

    Hope you have your pain meds by now, Ron.   Hope you can keep the prescription going so you will not have a lapse in the future; I am so sorry you have had such a negative time of it; pain is exhausting both physically and mentally.  Good that Lou got some needed sleep in the worst of the storm.  Kept from upsets.

    Weather here is in the 70's; had a few days in the high 80's last week, but it went back down again.  However; heat is supposed to make its appearance middle of next week, so summer here it comes.  (Ugh.)  Got a new gardener coming in Saturday to do all sorts of thinning out of items needing it - especially in the back yard.  He is expensive, but is all inclusive for everything including feeding lawns and monitoring and fixing automatic sprinklers which they do need from time to time in lawns or planters.

    Have a tummy upset since yesterday.   Who knows why; geeze, enough already!  My hands are so dry they look like mummy hands.   I have to try and gear up something to treat them; they no longer seem to respond to the Eucerin Advance Repair.   I also need to get some new moisturizer for my face; anyone find one they really like?  I was using something from Clinique, but they made a lot of changes and it is not doing well.  I am turning into a large prune!     So much more pandemic hand washing and I have been having face breakouts from masking as well masking causing dryness.  However; not going to give up the masks, we are still wearing ours and will be.

    Could not believe the news - turns out the purchasing of false COVID vaccination cards has risen 1100%!!!!  Dreadful as well as shameful.  So; those snarky individuals feel safe because of all of us who have been vaccinated; yet there they are, many/some of them positive but asympomatic; silently spreading their viral largesse around to others.  Sure do wish we had a national data base of those who have been vaccinated - that would keep the data accurate.   No way for stores, busineses, airlines, or even countries to tell with any degree of credibility who has truly been vaccinated or not.  Yep; keeping the mask for now.

    Zetta; glad you are home safe and sound; must feel so-o-o-o good!  Long trip; must have been exhausting by the time you got home.  Rascal must have been dancing over the moon to see you.   Nice to take naps and get caught up.   Your kids must have been grateful for your help; what a nice and loving thing for you to do.  

    Wonder how Sandy, down under, in Australia is doing.  Wasn't this the month she was supposed to marry?   I so hope she drops in with some pictures, she is beginning a new life and I wish her much joy and goodness.  What an amazing person she is.

    I've got to go and check my greeting card stash; my back east, 90 plus year old aunt has been ill with CHF; want to send her a pretty card.   Also need to find a card for great-grandson's birthday next week; I am sure I bought one.  I really, really like buying Hallmark cards online and keeping them in advance of need.  It is so easy, and they come very fast and are nicely packed.  The Hallmark site has so many categories to choose from, and one can click on a particular card, open it up, and then check the details which are well; very detailed.   They also apply the discounts if you have a Hallmark Member Card.  No shipping for Member Card holders (that is not a credit card).  If one buys a certain amount, I think it is in the $30 dollar or so range; no shipping even if there is no Member Card.  They also have a good return policy, but I have never used that as I have been quite satisfied.  I like to have cards for every category and special days on hand.  Makes it simple.

    I am going to pull up my Deborah Crombie and Elizabeth George series of detective/suspense books on my e-reader. I have not read them in a couple of years, so will re-read in order written.  They each wrote betweeb 18 and 20 books, so it will be good to fill in reading time without spending a huge hunk of money . I recently finished re-reading all of my favorite author, Maeve Binchey's books; sure wish there were more, but she had passed away.    Recently also re-read, "Pillars of the Earth," and the sequel, "World Without End."  Wonderful books, but I did not like the prequel which was new, just not up to snuff. Also re-read the Sue Grafton alphabet series books; she got through to the letter "Y," and then sadly passed away after an unexpected illness, so she never got to do her "Z" book.   I read late at night or early a.m. if I wake up in the wee hours and cannot get back to sleep.  I am a fairly fast reader, so it seems to take no time at all to plow through the books.  Sure do love a good story, but do not like romance novels.  If any of you have favorite books, let me know, I am always on the lookout for new novels as well as good film.  Just love a good story is what it amounts to.

    Well; off I go, big hugs to one and all; so glad no storms on our Front Porch where the weather is always lovely - magic place for sure.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Happy "38th" Birthday, Lou!  

    Ron, I hope you get relief from your pain very soon!

    Jo C, a long time ago I read about the rabbits at Leisure World.  They had authorized trapping and killing the rabbits because therewere so many! Oh, no!  I told myself that's not yhe place for me.  My two rabbits were found on the grounds of my condo complex.  They did not run from me so they were obviously pets.  But no one claimed them, so I kept them.  But rabbits are more delicate than cats and more destructive than cats, although they certainly are cute and cuddly! One died suddenly and the other one I rehomed to Rabbit Rescue, so he could live with other rabbits.  Their names were BabyCakes (female) and Tippy (male).

    Lorita, I once saved a big bug's life.  It was caught in a spider web.  I saw it struggling and set it free.  

    I'm having trouble with my charger.  I can't be without my smartphone!  I'm off to Best Buy for another one.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, didn't read your link about elephants.  From what you said I was afraid it might contain something I didn't want to see.  I can't even watch the ads on TV asking for donations for mistreated animals.

     About your walker - does it fold up so you can put it in the car?  Wondering how heavy it is.  Not needing one now but who knows when.  Patsy got one a few weeks before she passed away and was never really able to use it except to go across the room a time or two.  I told Jack he should ask about returning it - but he won't.  He may have to use it in time anyway.

     I went out to check on the girls - everyone's in the barn except Rose Bud who decided she'd stay under a tree instead of going in.  Don't blame her - it's muddy, muddy in front of both barn doors.  Decided I'd open the gate to the little west pasture so Susie and Sammy could go in - he was standing close to the gate and watched.  He still lets me pet him sometimes.  Susie'll be glad to get in to get some fresh grass and he will have a bigger area to run and get exercise.   When I came back to the yard I checked the rain gauge again and it said 2.2" but--- there was a mineral tube nearby - same dimensions top and bottom with straight sides.  Didn't have a tape measure so used my hand and measured when I got back into the house - 4.2" of rain.  Our weatherman on the noon news said some places north of the town where I buy feed had 4" so guess that was us.  It rained so hard it's kind of settled the ground - can even walk around without sinking.

     I'm going to have to replace my phone - it's a 3G.  I called Consumer Cellular to see if I'll lose my contacts and pictures.  I had no idea you had a choice of saving contacts to the phone or to the SIM card.  So, mine were saved to the phone.  The girl told me how to do it but I decided I'd go through the phonebook and delete old ones.  I have found so many that were so outdated - I'm down to the Ms.  I'm going to get another little flip phone.  I don't want to deal with having to learn something new.  I have a feeling I've typed or written this before so if it was here - I'm sorry for the repeat.

     Also called the CPA's office where my taxes are done.  I asked if he needed me to get all of my receipts to him or if I could fill out the form he sends every year (I throw it away and use my own).  All I have to do is compile things, write it on a sheet of paper or his form if I still have it and send it in.  So, another trip to town is negated.  He's already filed an extension for me so guess I can procrastinate another day or three.

     Jo - are people having to show their vaccination cards?  Why, if not, would people want to have one if they're not vaccinated.  Maybe on planes you'll need them.  I will continue to wear my mask when I go somewhere or when someone comes here.  No reason not to.  I'm still spraying the mail and leaving it to dry before I open it.  There may be no need but it makes me feel better so why not? 

     I haven't read a book in who knows when.  I used to read - started reading those books with big type which really helped but haven't even done that in a coon's age.  My friend, Carol, has a granddaughter who writes books - she's written 60 or 70 so far.  I see them on Amazon - I can never remember her name so can't tell you right now.  They must be short books.

     Your yard and house sound fabulous, Jo.  I can visualize the brick columns with the wrong iron in between - and, with the jasmine running on them.  Must be so pretty.  I need mowing done in the worst way but too wet.  Bryon told me last time when he mows down to the county line he's almost gotten stuck twice.  When they built the road, they made a shallow ditch on each side for the water to run down and he had gotten in one of them.  The buttercups are beautiful - they're even in the bathtub - so, I have flowers in it.  The two pots on the steps have wild violets in them - no blooms, just greenery and the caladiums are coming up and the leaves are unfurling so guess that's enough.

     My skin is dry, too.  I have a bottle of Curel Ultra Healing by my chair but forget to use it.  Also having trouble with facial dryness, too, especially between my eyes, - can't blame that on the mask though.  And, here I sit, licking my lips so they'll be nice and dry, too.

     Ron,  hope your pain meds got there and your pain has subsided.  Are you enjoying sitting on the porch, in the sun, today?  Sun really looks good but the wind is chilly - in the low 70s here.

     Going to stop and delete some more contacts.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo.....book, Dan Brown The Lost Symbol. I think it is his best.

    The walker is about the same weight as all of those similar, The wheels no not really look much larger and no, they do not leave marks and they do dot make the walker wider, Yes it folds up and has  a latch that holds it together while you put it into the car. 

    Dry skin....both my and my daughters dermatologist only recommend Ceva Ve.

    Ron....of course Lou is 38. Happy birthday hugs to her.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Ron, sorry about the neighbor and sorry you are in pain. Hope you were able to celebrate Lou's birthday and that you both enjoyed it. I'm guessing you cooked her favorite meal of tilapia and side dishes and a wonderful cake or pie. You are a good husband and a good cook!

    Judith, I loved seeing the elephant migration video. Thanks for sharing.

    In Sept 2019 we took a Mediterranean cruise. We flew to Barcelona and sailed from there to Monaco, Italy and Greece. We saw the palace where Prince Albert of Monaco lives, Princess Grace's burial site (in a cathedral and still adorned with flowers), the leaning tower of Pisa, the Vatican, the Acropolis (Athens), Santorini where the blue-roofed churches are and Crete. It was a spectacular trip and I am so grateful we were able to go. I will share some photos later...it takes me quite awhile to re-size them for posting. 

    Sara, hope you got your planting done and don't get the cold temps. We had 50s today! Brrr! 

    Lorita, glad you found Sammy and Iris, glad you found your Sammie too. Our animals mean a lot to us. 

    Jo, your home and the wall and the jasmine sound beautiful. Hope you get your health issues taken care of.

    Time to get moving....I am working on cleaning the grout in my shower....difficult job!!!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ron hope you and Lou had a nice 3,8.  Hope your pain medicine works well for you and makes life a little easier.  Be careful with the neighbor.  If she is hungry, feed her, but  I would be cautious beyond that.

    JoC hope that tummy gets to feeling better.  Find Cerave and Vanicream both have good products.  Cerave moisturizing cream is good and use it on my face sometimes. I usually use Cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face.   Cerave healing ointment is good for dry hands and feet. Will feel a little greasy for a bit but goes away rather quickly.  The Vanicream is really good for dry hands too.  It never has a greasy feel to me.  Have tried to be very faithful about using one of them before gardening this year and it has made a big difference. There is a you tube channel (Dr Dray) out of Houston, she is a board certified dermatologist.  Have found very helpful information there.  Just look for where she reviews Cerave, Vanicream, etc if you would like to read up on them more.  

    JoC maybe you could hire someone to take you for the appointment where you dread driving.  Call your local area on aging and they would have information on how to get help with this I believe.  Realize now that I could have used them instead of the Taxi when I had my cataract surgery.  The taxi service was very efficient though.

    Can be hard to find Cerave products around here.  They are frequently out of the tubs of the healing ointment especially.  They will have those small little tubes which are way more expensive.  Just found onlinedrugstore.com this week.  They had 53 tubs of it, was five  dollars cheaper a tub than locally.  Ordered two tubs and was a couple of dollars cheaper than if I would have gotten it locally.  They did have it available at bed, bath and beyond and target locally but did not open til 10am.  For me that is the middle of the day lol.  Like to get to the store early.

    Beth weather has turned cool here.  Was 44 last night and they are giving two more nights of this.  Rained a soft rain all day yesterday.  High today is low 50s.  Your trips sound nice.  Wish I knew something to tell you that would make cleaning grout easier but I don’t.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, it's 55 here this morning - bright sunshine, north wind and wonderful!  I wore a light-weight fleece jacket when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry.  Saw Susie and little Sammy - he is so cute.  He came over and let me pet him for a minute, then ran back to mom.  Love little calves, I do. 

     It's amazing how much the hard rain has settled the mud except where water's still standing. It's muddy around the barn and I'm sure out in the pastures - haven't driven out there.  Walked down to the creepfeeder and fixed that rod.  How they get it down I don't know.  There was one calf in there so was careful not to scare him.

     I remember so many things about my mother but one thing that was always present was the nightly ritual she had of using cold cream to take the makeup off and moisture her face, arms and hands.  Happened every night and she wasn't as wrinkled as I am.  So, I should have taken up that ritual when I was young.  I can hold my arm up and the skin looks like crepe paper - so I don't do it very often.  I wear sleeveless tanks but always have a 3/4 or full length sleeve on, too - except around home. 

     Ron, hope your pain is better today - pain can make you so tired.  Sarah has so much of it and every time I talk with her she says she's tired - a lot of it from the pain, I'm sure. 

     Nothing going on here today.  Need to get down to the mailbox this morning before the mail runs - have something to return and want to get it back in the mail this weekend.  I'll let Stormy go with me.  Haven't been driving out in the pasture so he's needing a ride - might even let Sheena go. She walks down and Stormy rides, then both of them walk back.  All of us should walk down and back but the second quarter is kind of uphill.

     I need to work on that utility room today.  Maybe half or a quarter of it a day.  I hate to mop because it makes my back hurt - also sweeping which I have to do at least once daily in the LR to get rid of the white fluff.

     Really hard to believe it's the end of May already.  It'll be Labor Day in a couple of weeks, then Christmas.  Time is going faster and faster.

     Enjoy the day and weekend.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta and anyone else who might be interested - I just discovered they're beginning to reshow all of the Yellowstone shows beginning at 11 a.m. our time in Okla.  I've seen all of them but thought I might watch a bit of the first season.  I think the new season begins next month.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Yellowstone from the beginning on Paramount channel starting 11a central,
  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Hello everybody.   Getting ready for the big wedding tomorrow.  It will take 3 hrs to drive there so will leave early in morning.   John has rented a house close to the wedding and hospice is staying there ready to help with Carrie.  John and Carrie’s family always VRBO houses.  Instead of hotels,  they rent and 2 or more families can stay.   Vacation Rentals by Owner.  A lot cheaper that way.   

    My roses are beautiful this year.  So is my weigela.    Sending some pictures 

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Whoops!!!  Wrong picture.  Try again.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi - watching Yellowstone and changing some clothes around in drawers.  I guess however many times you watch Yellowstone, it's still good and you see things you missed before.  I'll be glad when the new season begins.

     Had a meltdown this morning.  Like I said I was changing some clothes around in the drawers and some boxes.  Opened a plastic container and it contained Charles' clothes - things I'd seen him wear so often - just completely lost it.  I see the clothes laying on the divan in the sunroom and it doesn't bother me so much but seeing a brown sweater/shirt he liked to wear just got to me.  Thought I was better but I'm doing it again.  I wonder if we ever get over doing this.

     Had meant to work on taxes but started looking for some piece of clothing and one thing led to another.  Still looking for a long, light-weight sweater jacket I ordered and my mirror.  How in the world do things disappear like that.  Drives me nuts!

     Judy, hope you have a safe trip  - know you'll have a good time.  Friend, Carol and her husband do the same thing about rentals when they go to Hawaii.

     Your roses are gorgeous - are they Knock-Out?   I had forgotten about weigela    We used to have one but I think it was purple.  I've never seen a red one - absolutely beautiful.  Your house and lawn look so pretty and well kept.  Don't you love it when things are blooming and the weather isn't so hot you can't get out and enjoy them?

     I took a picture of my dark purple clematis but it turned out much lighter and for some reason it and another picture wouldn't import into the laptop.  I may try again tomorrow.  My Tropicana rose is blooming and smells so good.  There's still something that smells so sweet when I'm out north of the house - can't figure out what it is unless it is honeysuckle.  I found a big shrub-like bush west of the house just outside the fence by a pond - took a picture of it and the blooms.  Also tried to import it so will try later.  I'd like to know what it is and there are so many of you who know so much about plants, I'm sure you'd know. 

     Weather is beautiful today - 69 degrees right now with a light north wind - just cool enough to need long sleeves - my kind of weather.

     I washed all my winter coats and laid them on the dryer and the cats have been laying on them so had to wash two of them again.  I think they're dry so I'll stop for now.

     Enjoy Yellowstone.  Charles and I had a PU that looks like the one Kayce is driving.  Not sure if his is a Dodge.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jude, what a beautiful, deep color the roses are!  Have a safe trip and enjoy yhe wedding!

    My arms and thighs are crepy but I also have a lot of loose skin due to significant weight loss.  It may be too late for me to repair with skin moisturizers, but I suppose I could give it a shot.

    Yellowstone sounds like it could be a good show, sort of like Dallas from the late 1970's.  But I can't tolerate dramas now.  I only watch light or classic tv shows.  

    I didn't buy a new charger for my smartphone yesterday; I bought a swimsuit instead.  A local high school will be holding water aerobics classes and I want to be prepared if I decide to go.


  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I’ve been trying to add thes photos to my post for ages and just realised I was doing it wrong. Yes it was this month that I got married. We are now in Tasmania and it is Cold!!!  I hate the cold!!!   We were on a drive the other day and it actually started to snow.  Not spectacular for a lot of you I know but I’ve never seen snow before!

    We will be here for another 4 weeks,  this a beautiful state, Ron and I had been here before and Bob has been here also, so it is a combined experience.

    I forgot to say our wedding day was just perfect.  The weather behaved beautifully, we had the ceremony besides the lake which looked magnificent, and the reception with family and friends after was lovely.

    Cheers to all.  Sandy

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Judy hope you and your family have a nice day today.  Nice that hospice will be there to help if needed.  Think you for sharing the flowers. They are beautiful. Have loved flowers since I was a child.

    Ok Lorita have been keeping an eye on those locust trees.  The ones in the woods have white blooms, believe they also have thorns.  The ones in front of house have an insignificant green/brownish bloom that gets all over my driveway each spring.  They do not have thorns, so two different varieties.

    Hope you are feeling better today.  Some days we just need to cry. Feel like it helps reboot us sometimes.  

    Ron hope your pain med came and that it is helpful.

    Iris many people find water aerobics helpful and easier to do.  Hope it works out for you.

    Was 47 this morning.  Suppose to get into low 60s today.  High was 54 yesterday.  Have had some strong winds, leaves all over my yard.  So far my plants doing ok.  In fact discovered two tomato plants with blooms.  One is 4th of July, that is why it has that name, should have tomatoes in about a month.  The other is a grape type tomato.  Maybe if it is warm and sunny this pm I can take a better look at everything.  Might discover some more.

    Have gotten a lot a accomplished these gray rainy days.  My goodies were starting to get low so got oatmeal cookies, brownies, and peanut butter bars baked and frozen.  Hope to bake bread today maybe.  Got some more grow bags filled and hope to do a few more today.

    Got front of my garage cleaned up some too.  My sister and BIL sold their two story home and they have to be moved by 7/12.  They are downsizing and looking for a ranch. They are not easy to find as all they have built for many years is two story houses.  She has a friend whose home has a small apt, her FIL with dementia had lived there.  So they are going to live there while looking.  Anyways they are doing a lot of purging.  Have offered them my basement for storage of which they are taking advantage.  So wanted to get front of garage  cleaned up for them going in and out.  The back is still a potting shed lol. Can’t wait til the whole garage can be cleaned up.   Need to get the back entry door to garage replaced and won’t do that til it is presentable.  She said I can help by taking things to Goodwill so she can keep on purging.  

    Guess I better get up and moving.  Put a roast in crock pot yesterday evening a d it is smelling wonderful.

    Hope each one of you have a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's partly cloudy and crisp outside this morning - wore my jacket and trapper's hat to see some of the girls.  Three bigger calves were in the creepfeeder - had the bar down again so got it put back up.  While I was holding it, one of them got out and since I was holding the bar it banged the top of my hand against the one above it so guess I'll have a bruise.  I think I have that thing fixed and the next time I go out it's down again.  I thought I saw a cow down at the end of the garden so drove up - it was  part of a tree that fell down.  Billy the Bull was in the south pasture by himself.  When I came back to the yard I saw some cows up by the MH - others were in what we used to call the hog pasture (when daddy raised hogs).  Everyone seems okay.  Baby Sammy and mom were together so opened the gate to the west paddock for them to graze.

     Iris - you'd love Dallas (if you like ranch life).  Dallas was more urban although they lived on a ranch.  You didn't see things going on with cattle or the real life.  The scenery is beautiful but it's pretty violent at times.  I think the first and second season were the best - didn't like it too much when they brought in all the barrel racers staying in the bunkhouse (but that's just me).  Kevin Costner is really good in the part he plays.  Judith and I, (probably others) had a crush on Rip.  We decided he looked better with his hat on.

     Hope you get to have your water aerobics.  I had a friend who had really bad arthritis and she went about three times a week.  She said when she'd miss a session she could really feel the difference.  I've never learned how to swim so wouldn't appeal to me but people seem to love it.  I haven't had a bathing suit for probably 60 years.

     Thank you, Sara, I do feel much better today.  Sometimes it just comes out of the blue when you're least expecting it.  I think having a good cry sometimes really does help.

     I think our locusts have thorns, too.  The Bradford Pears down our driveway also have long thorns.  They may be mixed with some other kind of tree, not sure.  I think I mentioned one of the long thorns stuck in one of my car tires a few months ago and when I pulled it out (thought it was just a stick laying on top of the tire) it made a hole in it so I try to drive as far away from them as I can.  It rained just after our locusts bloomed so the blooms didn't have a long life this year.  I've never seen any color blooms but the white.  Don't they remind you of wisteria?

     So nice of you to let  your sister use your basement for storage until they fine a new place.  You're really a good sister.  Also a busy lady - always doing something.  Do you ever take an afternoon nap?  So, tomatoes blooming already.  I've never heard of the Fourth of July tomato.  Maybe when your tomatoes start to ripen you can post some pictures of the various kinds.   I need to get my zucchini planted today - it's supposed to begin raining again tomorrow afternoon and most of the days next week.  It's really amazing how much the hard rain we had the other night has settled the mud.  I think I mentioned that - amazing to me. 

     You did a lot of baking yesterday - all of the things sound so good.  I'm going to have to get some eggs before I can do much of that.  I may make some more muffins today - no egg needed.  Still have part of the chocolate cake I made a few days ago - forgot to put it in the refrigerator so hope it's not molded (been in the oven).  I think there's a substitute for eggs in baking - soda and lemon juice?

     Sandra - what a beautiful bride you made!  You have the prettiest smile.  And, your new husband is such a nice looking man.  He is just beaming in the pictures - both of you are.  Hope you'll be so happy.  He looks very pleasant.   How wonderful that you found each other.   And - honeymooning in Tasmania.   Have you seen any devils yet?  As for the snow - you can have mine although we don't get a lot.  Blows my mind that south of the equator, the farther south you get, the colder it gets - just reversed here.  Have a wonderful honeymoon - I know you both will.  Congratulations on the beginning of your new life.   If you have time, please post some more pictures of Tasmania - sounds very exotic to me - and the devils, I've seen them on TV and the noise they make is devilish!

     Talked with Sarah a while last evening.  Her surgeon is ill.  He had the virus a few months back and they're not sure what's going on now.  The Assistant Surgeon and another doctor sees Sarah each day and talks with her doctor daily so he's telling hem what to do.  Her pain meds still aren't doing a really good job but they say it's the most they can give her.  She's getting TPN (not sure that's the correct initials) - anyway her nourishment and also getting tons of antibiotics so hopefully they'll get the job done before too much longer.  No talk, at all, of discharge.  That seemed to be the problem with OUMC - they'd operate and send her home in a short time.  Really wish they'd gotten her into Mercy at the beginning of this but you'd think OUMC would be a really good place - and it probably is if you have the right doctor.

     I'll stop for now - drinking my morning juice and Cheyenne's about to come on.  I'm going to work on taxes today!  ya think!  I'd like to get it in the mail by Tuesday although I have until August with the extension Sam filed. I won't get anything back this year because I didn't have the usual feed expense in the summer or expenses for spraying and other things. 

     Be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, hope you're okay and rested up after your long trip.  Even after I had my breakfast - half a crumb cake and then a piece of toast with peanut butter and peach preserves mixed together, I was still hungry.  So, made some Bear Creek Creamy Potato Soup.  Just had a small bowl of it and it was so good.  I cooked it a bit longer than I normally do and it was thicker and creamier.  I think I could live on that.  Only have one packet left so will have to order more.  I have three of the cheesy broccoli but I prefer the potato. I'm switching back and forth between QVC In the kitchen with David and Yellowstone.  Don't feel on top of the world this morning after I got back inside.  My left side hurts - probably from lifting all those boxes yesterday and getting the battery charger out of the house to the PU - even if it does have wheels had to lift it down the steps.  I even fell asleep for a couple of minutes in my chair. Hope all the rest of you are well today.  It's sunny here and still cool - beautiful day.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita....all you need do is drive  the pick/up car 30 minutes a week (at one time). Take the dogs for a spin. Keeping it charged will make it last longer...so I have been told.

    Sandy...thank you for the photos. How happy you both look. Can I be a bit jealous? What does one do in Tasmania besides enjoy the beauty? Will  you be there for Dark MoFo?

    5 Cardinals, 2 squirrels and one bunny all enjoying themselves right next to my desk.

    Iris...do not turn on Yellowstone. It is Big Violent! Good for  you to get ready for water aerobics. 

    Beth... I passed a swath of russian sage on my way to Trader Joe's this morning. It was beautiful. I think it is best as a large group. I also like an area of cat mint. Both of those bloom all summer in Santa Fe.

    No garden news from here and the only cooking was a turkey divan casserole with chicken. I had no taste at all.

    My hair is not this long but Lorita's is

    A Shoulder Braid - Proof You're Not Too Old For Long Hair  - It's Rosy

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita I believe it was you saying you never have seen Cheyenne social club with james Stewart and Henry Fonda. It's in GRIT  tv now, which started st 2:30.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon All,

     Lorita,   Thanks for telling me about Yellowstone I knew it was coming on but I decided I have tried to

    o many times to keep up with it and never seem to make it happen. I have been watching the Animal Channel and there are some good shows on it. You see all the care given to the animals at the Bronz Zoo, yesterday they were showing things going on at the Sacramento Zoo, I grew up in Sacto so it was interesting to see how the zoo has grown and all the things that go on in the background. I am a little tired after my trip but I have been getting a  lot of rest. Right now I am watching North Woods Law on the same channel it shows all the things that happen in the lives of Game Wardens. 

     Lorita,  Meltdowns are good they will relieve a lot of bottled up stress. I don 't have meltdowns it could be because I am on anxiety meds. Enjoy your Bear Creek Potato Soup, now I want some I will have to look and see if I have any if not I will add it to my list.

    Judith,    That lady with the long hair is pretty is it Lorita?  My hair has gotten pretty long but not that long. I can put mine in a pony tail it so easy to do.  I hope you are feeling better any idea why you have no taste? 

    Sara,    I bet your house always smells so good with all the baking and cooking you do. Did you cook your roast all night?  I cooked chicken all night once and it looked like mush in the morning. I probably wont do that again. That was sure nice of you to offer your basement to your sister and BIL for storage I am sure they appreciated that. 

    Ron,   I hope by now the pain meds have taken effect and your pain is gone. I hope you and Lou are able to get out and enjoy some good weather. I bet she loves it when you take her places. 

    Jude,   Your flowers are lovely and that chair you have on your porch is sure inviting. It looks like a good place to relax and smell the flowers.

    Sandy,  You were a beautiful bride and your hubby was a handsome groom, you both looked so happy. Enjoy your life you both deserve that.

    Well its time for me to go and sit on my comfy porch rocking chair and enjoy my glass of ice coffee and look at my pretty grass that is turning green. My son set my sprinklers to go on and off and I love the sounds of the sprinklers. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, I have Directv but don't get GRIT.  I checked upcoming shows and it doesn't show up.  Maybe sometime in the future it'll be on so I can see it.

     Hope you and Lou are having a good Sunday.

     The tree guy called a while ago to see if it seemed dry enough for them to do the tree work tomorrow.  We decided it might be the best day because of rain being predicted for the rest of the week.  I dread having it done but I know it has to be.  So, it'll be a  noisy day - trying to think where I can put Susie and Sammy for the day so they won't be scared.

     I haven't done anything today except the bare essentials.  I was laying on the divan, almost taking a nap when Stormy barked.  I had put them outside earlier.  So, got up and let him in and he beat me to the divan so that was the end of any nap time.

     Judith, my hair isn't quite that long but when it's hanging down I can put my hand behind my back and reach it.  If it would just lay down it would be so much better but it doesn't.  It didn't used to be like that.  I used that shampoo we all talked about a while back and it didn't help except for a few hours.

     I know I should drive the car and PU every couple of days and I'll try but it's been so muddy and the roads so bad I'd have to drive it forward and backward in the driveway.  I did drive the PU some yesterday after I got it started. The county line is in bad shape - the sides up onto the road still have water on them and there's little shallow ditches across the road and the gravel is all but gone.  No idea how the other roads are but I'm sure not any better.  I'll try to do that.  Sheena won't get in the PU nor will Stormy.  I did get him in once to take him to he vet and when we got back to the PU from the office he jumped in.  Won't get in again but he loves to ride in the car.

     The picture of the sage is beautiful - looks like pictures I've seen of lavender.  How sweet that you have little animals and birds you can watch and them not be afraid.  Karen told me once that there were a couple of little squirrels she watched on their patio.  I see a squirrel occasionally in the trees around the house and a rabbit once in a while.  Always afraid the GPs will see them and try to catch them.

     You're right about violence on Yellowstone.  Wonder if it's really like that on big ranches - wouldn't doubt it but probably not to that extent.

     I have some clothes in the dryer and they're ready so I'll stop.  I have always watched or listened to the Indianapolis 500 but this year I had no idea who was in it or who was on pole position so didn't watch.  Also saw that Roland Garros  tennis is on - may watch some of that tomorrow - I think Federer plays tomorrow.  I watched a couple of softball games a week or so ago and they were really good.  I think they'll be on again on the 3rd - OU will be playing. 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Uncle had an appointment with the radiation oncologist, his PSA levels have doubled in the past 3 months. He's had prostate cancer for about 6 yrs. So I'm waiting to get a call for an appointment from the oncologist to discuss options.

    Uncle has been tired, not eating/drinking much. Having a hard time walking. He never brushes his teeth so he has about $4,000 worth of dental work (many cavities) His primary has suggested a hospice evaluation. 

    He can spent hours in the bathroom yet when I check on him his pants are still on and the toilet seat is up. I can still get him to shower once per week (for now) if I tell him he has a appointment with his barber. I do need to wash in his botom due to him not wiping after he goes poop.

    Still have some legal issues to finish.

    My cousin is not yet cleared from her neurologist to travel so not sure when I will get home for a visit.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good evening friends,

    Judith, the Russian sage is beautiful! We do have catmint in the garden. My peonies and wisteria are so beautiful now. The area where they are is so fragrant too. I saw a beautiful tree on a walk today. It had white flowers that hang down (like wisteria). It was an American Yellow wood. So pretty. I'd love to have one. I enjoy trees and think they're great in the landscape; however, with my large garden with many sun-loving plants, I have to consider location (for trees) very, very carefully.

    Jude, your roses are stunning.  I'm so sorry Carrie is on hospice care. It has to be very difficult to have this happening to your daughter. I'll be thinking of you both. 

    Sandy, we are all so happy for you. I loved seeing the photos of you and your new husband. You both look so happy! Congratulations!

    Sara, it sounds like you enjoy baking (or maybe just enjoy having goodies around? lol) I like to bake. I usually make one dessert item per week, when the family is coming over, so they can help hubby and I eat it. This week we had company Thursday night too, so made a chess pie, so called because someone asked what kind it was and the response was, "It's jes pie"  misinterpreted as chess pie. It's sort of a custard pie and very delicious. Also made, for the family, pan sugar cookies with pink icing and sprinkles. Peanut butter bars sound good. Enjoy! 

    Lorita, I am truly sorry Sarah continues to be so ill, but it sounds like she is exactly where she needs to be, with a good dr. to help her out. Hope she is well soon. We had the Cheddar Broccoli Bear Creek soup yesterday. Not bad, but I prefer the potato. I have an envelope of Wild Rice so will be interested to try that. 

    Zetta, glad you made it home ok. Rascal is surely happy to have you home. Hope you get rested up soon. Traveling does require a lot of energy. 

    Nicole it was good to hear from you again. Sorry your uncle is having more difficulties. You are such a good niece, to do this for him. 

    Have a good week, and remember always our service men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Sandy, what lovely photos of your wedding. I was so pleased to see you both so happy together. Long may it last. No snow in Adelaide yet, but sure feels cold enough the last few mornings.

    Haven't written here for quite some time, but read regularly, so am up to date with all the doings on the porch [here we call it the veranda]. Don't have one on this house, but where I grew up, there was one on all 4 sides of the house. Still working on final editing of the book, should be published soon --I hope.

    Having a lot of arthritis pain now. The last biologic drug stopped controlling the pain, but blood tests indicated that it was giving me lupus instead of 'just' spondilitis. So no more biologic 'wonder drugs' for me. I am back to pain drugs that my doctor can provide, mostly tramadol which is something like an opoid. When it is not enough, I do take an opoid, which I really don't want to do. The physiotherapist gives me a massage each week, which is nice while it lasts, but won't cure anything; and I am trying to do more exercise. That usually leads to an opoid! Next thing on the list is to visit a pain clinic, to see what they suggest. I do find the constant pain very tiring.

    Still seeing DH twice weekly. He still loves to see me, has no other active memory, and is slipping physically. Very very sad  to watch.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I love chess pie!  My cousin in Virginia used to bake one when my brother and I came down south for the summer.  No one ever heard of it up north.

    Lorita, it's important to drive a sedentary car, not just start the engine.  Apparently the fluids have to circulate around the engine and the engine must heat up.  I used to just start the engine on one of my cars but it developed a big problem and I could not get it to drive again without spending a lot of money, so I donated it to a charity.

    Water aerobics doesn't involve swimming; the exercises are done in waist deep water.  The water gives good resistance, so they say.

    When I was in the military I had night call duty.  One morning I heard a couple of women talking about a woman who had been out of control and who had been brought to the clinic and then transported to an alcoholic rehabilitation hospital.  I was very upset because I said, how could this had gotten passed me, because I was the doctor in charge that night!  They gave me strange looks, then explained that they were talking about Sue Ellen, and how J.R. had admitted her to a facility--it was all a television show!  Ha ha!  The joke was on me.  The next week I watched the show, after that I was hooked.  I watched Dallas, then Knot's Landing, also Dynasty and Falcon Crest.  I used to watch a lot of nighttime shows, but no longer.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita not sure if I have ever seen a wisteria in bloom.  A girl I knew had one, saw it one time but don’t remember it having blooms.  You asked if I ever take an afternoon nap.  Use to say if you see me napping you know I am sick.  But occasionally do take a nap now.  Did Saturday, think because was bored and makes me tired.  If busy don’t get sleepy.

    Suppose to turn warmer today and be in the fifties tonight.  Only 40 this morning.  Mom says there is no sign of frost, thankful for that.  Hope all my hot weather plants survived.  Looks like we’re good from here on out.

    This is too encourage you Lorita.  Have heard several different physicians say that 99% of Covid patients they are seeing are unvaccinated.  In fact heard one doctor say we have 150 covid patients in our hospital and not one has been vaccinated.

    Judith catmint is a favorite of mine.  Bought one a year ago and meant to get two or three more this spring.  Lost my list and they didn’t get bought.  The other day discovered they self sow and found three small seedlings.  Put rocks around them to try and protect them. When they get big enough will transplant them.  It made my day.  

    Zetta started awhile back putting my roast on low in crockpot with water at 5:30pm.  Did this so could take it to mom in morning. She seems to enjoy me bringing her that.  So about 8am take it out and it is so tender but not mushy at all,  leave it in my oven on keep warm.  Strain my broth,  put in frig and clean up the mess.   Now I love this system, makes dinner so easy to fix and not so many dishes at onetime.

    Nicole sounds like you and your uncle are having a rough patch.  Hard on both of you.

    Barbara sorry you having to endure so much pain.  It does get wearisome.

    Iris have never seen a chess pie.  Just looked it up and is interesting.  Don’t make them often as not sure about freezing them.  Freeze all my desserts as it is just me.  Do share desserts with mom that are not rich.  She doesn’t like icing etc.    She would like pie.  Should probably try making some of them.  Yes Beth I like cooking and eating just about anything lol, and thankful for it.

    Enjoyed your little story  Iris about  your hospital duties and Dallas.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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