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Just need to talk to my friends (147)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Beth the peonies are beautiful.  Can see why you need so much mulch.  Seems like here it almost always rains when the peonies bloom.  The rain ruins them.  Mine are going to be blooming soon and looks like we are getting rain. Suppose to rain all day.

    Finished getting my plants in ground and got just a little bit of mulching done.  Hope to fill up how ever many more bags I can with soil have and buy pretty flowers to put in them.

    Got quite a few greens yesterday.  Hope to freeze them this morning.

    Glad you have a new healthy calf Lorita.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! 

    Lorita, congratulations on the new baby! Glad he arrived safely. 

    My peonies are in full sun and most of them do stand upright; however, with heavy rain, they droop. 

    Sara, I was interested to hear you freeze greens. Is that for use in smoothies? Soups? 

    We had heavy rain around midnight last night, receiving 0.6" of rain. And yes, the peonies are drooping now. We're expecting another inch overnight tonight. Glad we are getting rain although I'd love a reprieve of a few days so I can get a new tree (October Glory red maple) planted. I don't want to dig in the mud. When you do that, the soil gets hard as a rock. Still praying for more rain, and also up north, so that our rivers get back to normal levels. I received a communication from water works with my water bill that asks people and businesses with irrigation systems to not water on Mondays, and some to water on odd days and some on even days. We don't have irrigation. We have 4- 55 gallon rain barrels and water the garden with those. The water is not potable, although I suppose it could be if filtered. The rain barrels are food grade and were initially used for olive oil. (I have no intention of drinking it.) My husband said his grandmother captured rain water and washed her hair with it. 

    I'll leave you all with a photo of the wisteria on my pergola, and my iris with the variegated foliage, that smell like grapes! Also my lupine, which I grow from seed; I have over 20 lupine plants in pink, purple and lavender scattered throughout my gardens.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I love to see the pictures of everyone's beautiful flowers.  So glad we're able to share.  I wish you all could see the picture of Sandy (Sasu's) lilacs.  She took the picture on her phone so can't get it on the computer but she sent it to my phone.  It's beautiful - I've never seen so many blooms.  The bush is in full sun and it's rounded with blooms everywhere.  I planted a lilac on the south side of the house and got one bloom, one year. Too much shade. 

     Beth, the lupines are gorgeous.  We used to have wild ones in the meadows and pastures before we started spraying for weeds (haven't even been able to do that the last two years because of too much rain at the wrong time).  We also had coneflowers.  I've transplanted several from the meadows and roadsides.  They do well for a couple of years.  I still have some purple bee balm I transplanted several years ago.  Did I mention there's a little bud on one of my new Gerbera Daisies?     It looks like most of your flowers are perennials - the best kind but also love annuals.

     I have two or three leaves on the caladiums that are unfurling - red and green on those leaves.  Judith, have you been able to get your caladiums planted?

     Mama cow, indeed, Iris.  She has accepted the role 100%.  I went out this morning and spent some time with them.  Sammy was laying down but as I talked to him he got up, fell back down and fell with his head twisted back to his side on the ground - he recovered almost before I could get to him.  He was fine.  All the time I was out there Susie was talking to him, quietly, just like she did last night.  He has nursed - could tell by her udder so happy to see that.  He was trying to jump around and even ran a couple of steps.  They're so cute when they're little and exploring - he's not quite yet into exploring but will be in a day or so.  Right now, rest is important and stretching those long legs.  I'll get a picture of him later today - when the sun comes out, hopefully.

     It's foggy this morning with no wind.  Supposed to be sunny today and they're cautioning people to really watch the length of time they're out in the sun - you can burn in 15 minutes.   Girls are on the other side of the pond and up at the MH.  I did see Rose Bud laying down.  She's venturing a little farther away from the house and that kind of worries me but so far, so good.

     Getting pretty nervous about the storms tomorrow evening and night.  They're predicting high winds (up to 80 mph), big hail and some tornadoes.  This weather will be in Kansas today and down here by late tomorrow.  That big elm worries me.  There's lots of other trees NW of it so maybe they'll shelter it a bit although it is taller.  I hadn't realized it had been so long since we had tree work done - he said 16 or 17 years.   My old, wonderful tree is in great danger.  The one huge upright limb is all that's left and it's breaking away from the old, rotted trunk.  It'll be like losing a good friend when it's gone.  Hackberries are beautiful, huge trees.  I would have called the farm/ranch Hackberry Hill but mother named it many years ago - very appropriately, especially in the spring and early summer. Won't mention the name.  She made a big sign to hang on the arch over the main gate but many years ago something happened to the sign - probably blew down but from there I don't know.  I think I mentioned I took pictures of my tree in all seasons so we used one of those (summertime) and had a big sign made to  hang.  Looks so pretty.  There's another Hackberry down by the gate and the limbs grow out and cover the sign so have to be cut back.  I love trees.

     Watching QVC - LocknLock.  Have to sit on my hands to keep from ordering more.  I use it for everything.  A piece fell out of the freezer compartment yesterday and broke so called QVC to see if they're guaranteed.  There is a lifetime guarantee.  They didn't have a replacement so refunded the cost of the piece (would rather have had another piece). 

     I have to put the rest of the creepfeed in the creeper today but I'll wait until the girls go to the barn and then close the gate so they won't come out and bother me while I'm doing it.

    Hope all of you are well today.  Sara - how nice that you're getting greens to eat - what kind are they?  Beth, when we didn't grow our own spinach we'd buy big bags of it from a place in Bixby.  Then we'd wash and wilt it and freeze it.  It was just like fresh spinach when we used it.  Sara probably wilts hers, too, so it won't take up so much room.

     Beth, the picture of your wisteria on the pergola is beautiful and makes a good shade to sit under, I'm sure.  We have an old wisteria in the front yard - used to bloom as a big bush but now it has grown up into the Royal Empress trees so now all the blooms are way up in the tree.  Daddy was in a NH for a short time and there was a big pergola like yours at the back where patients could go out and sit.  It had wisteria all over it, too.  So pretty.

    Enjoy the day - hope you get rain if you need it and hope we don't get the high winds they're forecasting tomorrow evening and night.  Worries me but it's too muddy to get that big bucket truck on the roads so will keep my fingers crossed.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Zetta think you are coming home today.  Hope you have a safe trip.

    Beth put greens in my salad,  cook them with a little olive oil or bacon grease and eat with vinegar on top (only way I ate them as a child).  Have tried them in soups and stews but prefer them as a side dish.   Never have drank green smoothies.  

    All your plants are so nice and healthy looking.  Have seen very few Wisterias and never one that big.  Use to have lupines, but haven’t  for a long time

    Lorita have two plants of each of these varieties.  Three kale, two Swiss chard and one collard varieties.  Have a little bit of baby spinach, only about half of it came up.

    Hope the weather doesn’t get too severe and no dangerous tree happenings on your farm.   Has not started raining here yet.  Since they gave rain I froze the greens and went to an estate sale.  It is getting windy and is a cool breeze so we shall see.  Hate to go out and water and then it pour rain.  But not good if I don’t and we don’t get rain.  It is closer to us on radar but not real near yet.

    Did plant a few bean and sunflower seeds after I got home.  Guess I will do the dishes and then decide what to do.

     Cut the two peony blooms that were coming out a bit and the only two irises sowing color but hadn’t unfurled yet.  Knew rain would ruin them.  So we will find out how an iris does in a vase. 

    JoC, Judith, Rescue Mom hope you guys are doing ok.  Know none of you are feeling well.

    Didn’t realize the water table so low every where.  Will start trying to multipurpose the water I use.  Will save dish water etc to water plants with.

    Rain is truly a blessing even if we miss the sunshine and don’t really care for the mud.

    Well the rain just started so hopefully we will get a real good rain.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, glad you got your greens frozen and was then able to go to an estate sale.  We used to like to go to those and to garage sales - never know what you'll find at those.  Did you find something you just couldn't live without?  I usually did.

     I've never eaten kale or collards.  My parents raised  mustard greens and we had turnip greens but never ate those either - stuck to spinach.  I've never had a green smoothie - don't think I'd like it but should try it anyway.   I do like poke but haven't cooked it for a long time - takes a while because you have to cook it through two waters, then fry it a little bit in oil or grease.  We always had that with brown beans with a little vinegar on it.  I've been breaking off poke stalks every time I go out - they're everywhere.  If you break it off, it comes back so the new growth would also be good and safe to eat.

     It's still foggy here - they're saying we'll have some sunshine this afternoon - I hope so.  I'm feeling sun deprived.  I spent half an hour or so out by the front fence watching the girls come up and making sure I saw all three white-faced girls; Rose Bud, Sweet Pea and her baby Daisy are the ones with white faces.  I did see them and the four babies; two were together with moms and the other two with some older calves.  I enjoy doing that - just standing and watching.  While I was out I saw a road grader come down the road just east of us where the PU almost got stuck yesterday - then two loads of gravel came down.  They worked a while so guess they think they got it fixed.  That's the way I usually go to town - but I won't when I do go.  I imagine all the country roads are really bad now.  I like rain but sometimes it gets to the point you kind of wish for some sun.  Almost afraid to say anything about the rain because it can get so awfully dry here in the summertime.

     I need to shampoo my hair and finish the taxes but just can't get in the mood to do either of those things.  It takes a long time for my long hair to dry - don't really like to use a hair dryer unless the weather's cold.  I took some winter clothes out of drawers so need to replace them with summer things.  I guess a person could work 24 hrs. a day and still never get finished. 

     I still haven't planted my flower seeds - too wet and muddy right now.  Also found several packets of sunflowers (your post reminded me).  How are your bird feeders now - any more upsets?  I really need to get another hummingbird feeder - the ones I have are really old.

     Carol sent some pictures this morning of the retirement party we had for her at Karen's house, probably 30 years ago.  I've been retired 26 years and Carol retired a while before I did.  We had dark hair!  Really enjoyed seeing those - those were the good old days for sure.  Just think  - at that time we were in our 50s - youngsters.

     Everything's quiet here in the house - I think everyone except me is asleep.  Funny that Stormy and Sheena will stay in the LR a while when they come in, then they go to the bedroom to take a nap.  There's white hair everywhere!!  If I sweep now, it'll be the same as it was in an hour.  But, they're worth it for sure.

    Will be back later.  Need to call Sarah.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Called Sarah but she was getting therapy - said she'd call me later - hasn't.

     Decided I'd better put the feed in the creepfeeder so got things together - had to take the 250 lb. out of the PU bed and put it in the Gator.  There's a couple of leaks in the creeper around the hinges so had to get the molded feed out.  Also found a red wasp nest so sprayed them and got rid of it.  I put a feedsack over the feed that was still in the feeder so the spray wouldn't get on the feet.  Put 200 lb. in - I think there was still at least 100 lb. so maybe won't have to go get more next week.  Put a sack of 20% creep in the back of the car. Then had to fix the bar I have on the feeder to try to keep the bigger calves out.  It was hot, hot and so humid.  I was dripping wet by the time I got back in the house.  Found a summer dress I wear and put it on.  Supposed to be hot and humid again tomorrow, then storms.  Weatherman said there's tornado warnings in Kansas this afternoon.  I'll be glad when Friday afternoon comes.

     Nothing else - baby was jumping around when I was out.  I'll get a picture of him,  maybe tomorrow.  He's a cutie.  Mom is very attentive.

    That has been my afternoon except for watching Gunsmoke and Cheyenne. I'm waiting for the girls to come out of the barn.  Hope you all had a more restful afternoon than I but glad I got it done today.

    I did check the generator again for ants.  They're still in there so put another liquid bait trap in and called the people who service it for advice on what to put in.  They said to use Tempo SC Ultra.  I think it's a powder you mix with water and put in.  Can't get to the feed store so they said I could spray ant killer around the edges.  I'll do that when I got back out again.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    For ants I have used https://www.terro.com/terro-ant-dust.

    Loritta....another baby. You have a nursery! Name?

    Got almost all of the caladium bulbs planted. Planted 2 inches deep.  


    Beth...what is that glorious white Peony and is it fragrant? 

    Jo.....did I post for you Orthofeet? I recently ordered the gray/silver...stepping out!

    Good that Sarah is on the 4th floor and getting PT. I am crossing my fingers that Mercy is going to be a better fit for her. 

    I posted about the flower blood moon...interesting.

    Re snakes. I would carry a hand edger with me. I would have one at the front door and one at the back door. Not only would it slice a snake it would be good for walking on uneven ground.

    Speaking of that, I tried out my new walker this afternoon. It has 6 inch wheels with a one inch rubber base. It also has a feature that locks it in place for loading. I got black. No one else orders black!  It worked really well. and my yard is bumpy.

    Loritta....cut your hair leaving enough to just pull into a pony for going into town. My hair it thick, shoulder length. It dries in about 90 minutes and I use 2 side combs for "going into town". 

    Love Hackberry trees. Maybe I will get some of them instead of the Shademaster Locusts. We had wild Locusts in Santa Fe and the bloom was pink!

    My volunteer mulberry seems to be female...covered with berried which fall on the front sidewalk. Oh well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth, your iris, wisteria and lupines are all beautiful.  I didn't know that irises smell like grapes.  Yum!

    My mother loved kale, she cooked it a lot.  I can cook greens but I usually buy them canned.

    The weather is getting warmer here, people will be picnicking soon. 


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Time to check in with you again.  I’m feeling better lately, and docs think I’m on the right path.  Blood work up will tell more next week.  Thanks to all for your extra prayers and good thoughts.

    I’ve been watching granddaughter, who lives close, in her dance recitals, playing basketball and softball.  It feels good to get out and about again.  I still wear my mask most of the time, especially in crowds.  I don’t feel the need for it when I’m out walking, and where there aren’t large gatherings.  Sure hope everyone gets vaccinated.  An easy fix, but hard to convince the ones refusing.  Guess they have to get sick to realize how dangerous it is.  My son and daughter-in-law got covid in February, and DIL still has no smell or taste.  

    Lorita, happy for Sarah that she’s getting better care at the hospital.  Hopefully they will keep her there until she’s healed and stronger.  Seems hopeful she will do better this time.  

    Can’t wait to see the new baby.  Nice there was no trouble and baby and mom are doing great.  

    All of you posting pictures of flowers and big, beautiful trees are making me envious.  Things are growing here, but just budding out.  It got down to 31 a few days ago, but didn’t freeze flowers.  We’ve had mostly cloudy days all month, with little rain.  It’s so dry around here, and the wind has been wicked.  

    Judith, your new walker sounds safe and sturdy, especially if you can use it in the yard.  Glad you found it.  Have they opened up the museum where you volunteer?  I miss hearing about your adventures with the kids on tour.

    Nothing much too exciting going on here.  Hope everyone who have been sick are feeling better and getting stronger.  Have a good night.  Joan

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Joan...The OKCMOA has been open for a while but limited access. 

    We are now training for the upcoming Pompeii exhibit. Take a look and enjoy some of what we are offering;


    The Painters of Pompeii: Roman Frescoes from the National Archaeological Museum, Naples will see a number of collection highlights travel to North America for the first time ever. Opening June 26, 2021 and running through Oct. 17, 2021, this historic presentation of the art of painting in ancient Rome will be presented exclusively at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art before returning to Europe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Is suppose to cool down for a few days.  Will be nice and maybe I can get some mulching done while it is cooler.  We got less than 1/2inch rain yesterday.  Just enough to make it messy.  Giving rain Friday and Saturday too.  So guess I better work while the sun shines today.  Won’t be able to start real early as will take a bit to dry.  That will give me time to go grocery shopping.

    Didn’t see anything I couldn’t live without Lorita.  Did find 5 small useful items for $3 which would have cost me a lot more new.  And they all were in good shape.  

    Judith glad you found a nice walker.  Have only been to a few art museums but have enjoyed  them.

    Joan so glad you are feeling better.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, thanks for posting that link about caladiums.  I didn't think they would tolerate sun - I've always planted mine in big pots in the shade. The ones in two of my pots are unfurling, at least two or three are already, in another one they're coming up and I haven't checked the other one.  It was full of wild violets so I pulled some of them out and planted the caladiums.  Glad you have yours planted.

     Why are you using a walker - is it something about your toe?  Be careful using it.  I'm glad you can also use it outside.  When I was at the Ophthalmologist's office two or three years ago a woman in the waiting room had a pink one so guess they come in all colors.  I think black is good - goes with anything if you color coordinate.

     I need to cut my hair but it's hard to cut the back where it will be even.  If I pull it around the side it's lopsided - guess that doesn't matter much though at the age I've gotten to be.

     I'm glad Sarah's at Mercy, too.  I don't think it's a teaching hospital, is it? The nurses and doctors seem to be really concerned and helpful - always willing to talk with me.

     Have you ever eaten mulberries?  I tried a couple when we lived in the MH - tasted kind of bland to me but my mother said she used to eat them and liked them.  Our female one is also a volunteer. 

     If you plant Hackberries, be sure you put them where they'll have enough room.  They grow to be huge.  I think they're my favorite tree of all.  They're so pretty, live so long and make such a good shade. 

     Looks like your Pompeii exhibit is going to be great.  Bet you'll have a lot of people come through.  So, guess you're going to be able to work while it's there?

     Dreading this bad weather this afternoon and evening.  I'll be glad when this is over.  I fed Tom and Jerry and moved the PU out of the carport so Susie and Sammy could get in out of the rain if they want to.  When I got up this morning I looked out the window and saw Sammy running and playing with Susie right after him.  I took some pictures of he and his mom yesterday so will post them.  I think the one of her touching his nose is so cute.  Notice her tail - without most of the bushy part. 

    Joan, glad to hear from you and that you're continuing to improve.  Seems like recovery from anything takes a long time, doesn't it.  Nice that you're able to watch your granddaughter and all her activities.

    I don't blame you for wearing a mask.  If I ever go to town again I'll wear mine for sure.  I think masks will be a part of our lives from now on.  I've been wearing one in the winter for a couple of years.  Because people were wearing masks this past winter the flu season wasn't nearly as bad.

     Iris, won't it be nice that people will be able to get out and have picnics this summer. I  haven't been on a picnic in years - they were always lots of fun.

     Sara - glad you found something you could use at the sale.  I have a weakness for bowls and pitchers so always head toward the glass tables.  Hope you get your mulching done today while it's a bit cooler.  It's so muggy here this morning it looks hazy  looking east toward the trees, almost like there's a shower.  Kind of windy here this morning.  It was awful yesterday, no wind and high humidity. 

     Carol and her husband are having dinner with Karen's husband and a lady friend of his.  He lives in KC but had to come down for business.  Carol doesn't know what to expect (the reason he's with this lady).  Maybe they're just old Church friends - we'll see.  Both Carol and I are very curious.

     Weather says we may have a bit of rain and maybe some storms around noon, then the more severe weather between 3 and 7.  If necessary I'll get the four cats and two GPs in the bathroom.  It's not that large so we'll have togetherness.  I just can't bring myself to go into the cellar - and I'd never be able to get the cats and GPs down there.  Keep your fingers cross that it's not too bad.

     Enjoy the pictures.  Because I handled him when he had just been born he will let me pet him now.  I wish that would continue.  Most of the girls will reach out and touch my hand if I extend it to them.  I always stroke their faces when I'm among them.





  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Has anyone checked into this Medicare Advantage Plan that's advertised so much on TV lately?  Sounds almost too good to be true.  Several years ago I changed my sister over to an Advantage Plan and she didn't have to pay for medicare.  But, she began getting visits from some place where a nurse would come out and check and encourage her to take her medications.  The plan I had gotten her on didn't pay for any of that so I had to get it changed back.   Just wondering.

     No rain here yet but it's so humid the rocks in front of the steps are wet.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, Sammy and Susie are adorable! You asked about Medicare Advantage. With it, you have to use a list of certain providers (like an HMO). With original Medicare you can see any provider who participates in Medicare, which is most providers. I prefer original Medicare.

    Judith, the white peony is 'Star Power.' I used to buy peonies and daylilies and Japanese maples from Klehm Song Sparrow Farms in WI, by mail. That nursery has changed hands so not sure if they have the same inventory. I was in the grocery store yesterday and the floral area was selling 3 peonies for a total of $18! Wow! 

    We went to a food truck for fish 'n chips yesterday, then last evening out to eat with our grandson and his GF. Had a good time.

    We got rain the past two days, total of an inch. Pretty muddy out there now. A cold front is coming in and it'll only be in the 50's to low 60's tomorrow. 

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Beth.  I knew there must be some catch to it - guess it'd be all right if you didn't have a particular doctor you liked and didn't want to leave (like me).

     Did you buy more peonies?  If not, I bet it was hard to resist.  I think  peonies are one of the prettiest flowers - shame they don't bloom all summer.  Also like hydrangeas.  We've planted them and they last a year or so, then they're gone.  Some things just don't grow out here on the prairie.

     Glad you all got to eat out last night.  Imagine it felt good to be out and about again.One of my friends has been doing that all along. 

     Glad you like Susie and Sammy.  She's really being a good mother - most of them are, in fact, I've never seen a cow that wasn't a good mother. 

     Glad you got some rain.  If you've been really dry it takes what I always called a "primer" to get the ground softened up so the water will soak in.  Hope you get more - wish you could have some of ours for now.

     Still expecting bad weather from now until about 10 tonight.  Weather will be on in a few minutes.   Got my hair shampooed and it's dry now.  Washed a load of clothes and they're drying.  I got all my winter coats washed so I'll put them away until this fall - always glad to get that done.   I've spent the last half hour, off and on, looking for my hand mirror.  I've laid it down somewhere and it's disappeared.  I can really see how a person with memory problems could think someone was coming into the house and taking things. Charles had an aunt who was adamant that someone was coming into her apartment every night and taking one glass at a time.  I've also mislaid my trapper's hat.  I think I had it when I went out to put feed in the creeper so it may be in the Gator.  Funny, I've turned into my mother.  I used to call her and ask what she was doing and she'd always be looking for something.  Now I do the same thing.   I did get my WM boxes opened, things wiped down and put away.  Glad that's done. 

     I heard on the weather it's supposed to be in the 40s around Chicago tonight.  Old Man Winter is trying to hold on, isn't he?  It's hot, humid and cloudy here.

     I think the clothes are dry so I'll stop and take them out of the dryer. 

     Weather radio just came on - they've issued a tornado watch for this area along with hail and wind up to 65 mph.    And, so it begins....

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Judith, thanks for the information.  That was interesting, and looks like your museum does a great job.  The Pompeii exhibit would be great to view.  
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, did you all get this bad weather - but, I bet it didn't begin that soon.  The problem here is that the two air masses are converging - always seems it's right over Oklahoma.  Have you had rain?   It looks like the drought goes from west Texas and Oklahoma all the way to the West Coast but not sure it's as far north as you.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Been awhile since I checked in, but I have been reading.   Joan, I am delighted to hear that your health is on the upside of getting better; that is wonderful. 

    All of the photos of the beautiful flowers are a joy to see.  What awesome Irises and oh; those beautiful Peonies.  We cannot grow Peonies in SoCal; too warm, same goes with Lilacs; too bad as those are two flowering plants I love. 

     Someone asked about our Night Blooming Jasmine; whether it was shrublike or not; ours grows upward.  Our front yard begins at the public sidewalk - it has a large half circle planter at the sidewalk level; then starts the raised large half circle green lawn - the lawn is raised with used brick bringing it up above the sidewalk planter several bricks high.  Then at the back above the green lawn is a raised used brick planter going across the entire yard from the gate onward, and on the side of that with a three stepped  low brick wall separating our lawn from our neighbors . . . (It gets complicated, but it is really lovely).   Then to the left of that is a black wrought iron gate about five and half feet tall - when one goes through the gate, there is a front courtyard.  Around the entire courtyard area and under the big bay window of the living room are more used brick planters . . . and surrounding all of the outer limits of the courtyard and front of the yard are good sized tall used brick pillars about five to six feet apart with black wrought iron between them.  It is the longest span of that between our neighbors yard and our yard where we grow the Night Blooming Jasmine up that one span of wrought iron. It is nice and thick and separates our yard from the neighbors.  It is pretty and gives privacy.  Boy; that sounds complicated.  to make it more complicated is the fact that we have very wide steps going from the sidewalk up the front yard to the gate along side the lawn - the cement steps are are trimmed in used brick and gulp - we have more stepped brick planters on each side of the driveway which is in the front of the house.  (And a small sized brick front porch.)  Our brick layer made a fortune! The space is large and courtyard and sidewalk up to the front porch are cement, so it is not overdone.

    There was nothing but flat dirt from house to the public sidewalk when we moved in, and no pillars, no bay window; nothing whatsoever, we did it all over time.   Love the serene look of it and when the city was awarding homes for presentation and landscaping, we were given the most beautiful house award for that year.  Shocked me silly to have that happen.   We used to do all the work ourselves, but now that DH has a bad back, hip and knee and I have beyond bad knees and shoulder, we no longer can do what we did, so we have had to hire someone for the weekly upkeep and big work that is all inclusive.   Still . . . .

     I would like to post some photos, but cannot.  Some years ago, a male Member who lived in SoCal tried to keep finding me and fished for my information as well as my LOs placement information; ever since I have not felt I could Post photos or give too much information.  All ended well and the guy gave up after awhile, but it was a bit disconcerting to say the least. 

     The back yard has a herring bone brick roofed patio across the back of the house and the lawn is surrounded with two stepped brick planters along the back yard wall.  Being SoCal, yards are fairly small, so it is not a huge property.  Lorita would go nuts living here with neighbors surrounding so close.

    Judith, what an awesome exhibit at your art museum; I would love to see it.  That the colors remain to beautifully in the Pompeii and Roman art always surprises me; just wonderful.  Lucky you to be able to enjoy them!   I would love to get a link to the walker you got; it sounds like a good one and the locking feature is really important.  I have a friend who needs to look into one, so it would be good to have your input.  I have seen the Medline Walkers that have six inch wheels and locking hand brakes; they also have the seat feature which seems to be handy - does your walker have a seat?  Do let me know which one you got if you can.

    Frankly; with all the medical "stuff" that has been going on with me lately, having one like that would actually be awfully handy.  Well . . . . xrays and another visit with the urologist; I seem to have retained the worst of the huge kidney stone with a bit of a problem; now I have to go to UCLA to a specialist who will perform another procedure - cannot believe this is happening; I was pretty healthy and fine until abruptly one day . . . POOF!   Still have the stent which is SO uncomfortable and if up and about, it really causes painful spasms.  So I now hope this gets cared for quickly.  UCLA is so far from where we live, I cannot imagine trying to use the freeway after procedure if very uncomforable; if we hit traffic, it will be a nightmare.  Well; we shall see.

     Thank you for the Happy Birthdays.  It was a very nice day.  Our son and DIL visited with their four little rescue dogs.  They brought the most beautiful bouquet - son picked out the flowers. There were Peonies, Lilacs, Roses of some variety that made tham larger and "fluffier," not the routine florist rose, and some Lavender, and other flowers I could not identify; but it is old-fashioned beautful.  Very loving and thoughtful of them.  The best was of course visiting with them.  It had been a year since visitiation due to the pandemic dynamics.  Saw son for the first time two weeks ago. Spent the a lot of the day wth phone calls from the other three out of state kids and my out of state brother.   Lovely.

    Lorita; the Medicare Advantage Programs are just HMOs.  The Medicare HMOs are called, "Advantage."   Each different Advantage program is assigned to a group of contracted physicians and to be on Plan one can only go to those physicians; and if a specialist or hospital is needed, to be "in plan," one must go to those specialists or hospitals that are specifically contracted with that plan group.  My choice is not to go into such a plan as I value being able to see physicians and specialist and hospitals of my choice.   The special perks that are offered are to lure one in; they make up for that expense in other ways; sometimes those perks are good other times not so much.   Lots of oversight of utilization useage; especially hospital bed days.    In some; doctors may even be given bonuses for holding down annual costs of care of which bed days are the driver.  For some patients, the Advantage Plan works for them, it is a matter of one's needs; especially finances.  One gives up needing a supplemental plan when one signs onto an Advantage Program; but some have different co-pays for service and some have varying prescription coverage.  Really good to do one's homework as Plans often do differ from one another. 

    I am still in love with that Huckleberry tree; it is truly beautiful and so comforting looking.  Does it have an intrusive root system?  Sure would love to some sit underneath it on a summer's day.

    Yesterday, I woke up before the rooster; I turned on the TV and up came the movie,"Cocoon," so I watched it. What a wonderful, sweet movie that was.  I enjoyed seeing it again. I do not watch Westerns, but I do love old black and white movies from the 40's or earlier; such good film and stories.  I am a Betty Davis fan.  Boy; she sure could act.  With this dratted kidney stone and stent, I often must get up in the wee hours to well . . . ."wee" seems to be the operative word re that; when I get back to bed I cannot go back to sleep, so I will turn on, "Fraser."  Now that was a show with awesome writers, and David Hyde-Pierce is amazing in his range of acting ability.  Sometimes it has me laughing out loud.  Gads; I am such a cheap date. Sigh.

    Iris, if you want to see rabbits; Leisure World in Seal Beach is over run with them; they come to visit the residents.  Cute, but they like to eat plants.  And they leave their little calling cards on the patios.  My mother loved looking at them, but was not happy with what they would leave; not a big problem, but my mother was concerned about her patio being pristine.

     Got to go shower and shampoo; I am behind today.  Sending warmest thoughts out to one and all,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Been awhile since I checked in, but I have been reading.   Joan, I am delighted to hear that your health is on the upside of getting better; that is wonderful. 

    All of the photos of the beautiful flowers are a joy to see.  What awesome Irises and oh; those beautiful Peonies.  We cannot grow Peonies in SoCal; too warm, same goes with Lilacs; too bad as those are two flowering plants I love. 

     Someone asked about our Night Blooming Jasmine; whether it was shrublike or not; ours grows upward.  Our front yard begins at the public sidewalk - it has a large half circle planter at the sidewalk level; then starts the raised large half circle green lawn - the lawn is raised with used brick bringing it up above the sidewalk planter several bricks high.  Then at the back above the green lawn is a raised used brick planter going across the entire yard from the gate onward, and on the side of that with a three stepped  low brick wall separating our lawn from our neighbors . . . (It gets complicated, but it is really lovely).   Then to the left of that is a black wrought iron gate about five and half feet tall - when one goes through the gate, there is a front courtyard.  Around the entire courtyard area and under the big bay window of the living room are more used brick planters . . . and surrounding all of the outer limits of the courtyard and front of the yard are good sized tall used brick pillars about five to six feet apart with black wrought iron between them.  It is the longest span of that between our neighbors yard and our yard where we grow the Night Blooming Jasmine up that one span of wrought iron. It is nice and thick and separates our yard from the neighbors.  It is pretty and gives privacy.  Boy; that sounds complicated.  to make it more complicated is the fact that we have very wide steps going from the sidewalk up the front yard to the gate along side the lawn - the cement steps are are trimmed in used brick and gulp - we have more stepped brick planters on each side of the driveway which is in the front of the house.  (And a small sized brick front porch.)  Our brick layer made a fortune! The space is large and courtyard and sidewalk up to the front porch are cement, so it is not overdone.

    There was nothing but flat dirt from house to the public sidewalk when we moved in, and no pillars, no bay window; nothing whatsoever, we did it all over time.   Love the serene look of it and when the city was awarding homes for presentation and landscaping, we were given the most beautiful house award for that year.  Shocked me silly to have that happen.   We used to do all the work ourselves, but now that DH has a bad back, hip and knee and I have beyond bad knees and shoulder, we no longer can do what we did, so we have had to hire someone for the weekly upkeep and big work that is all inclusive.   Still . . . .

     I would like to post some photos, but cannot.  Some years ago, a male Member who lived in SoCal tried to keep finding me and fished for my information as well as my LOs placement information; ever since I have not felt I could Post photos or give too much information.  All ended well and the guy gave up after awhile, but it was a bit disconcerting to say the least. 

     The back yard has a herring bone brick roofed patio across the back of the house and the lawn is surrounded with two stepped brick planters along the back yard wall.  Being SoCal, yards are fairly small, so it is not a huge property.  Lorita would go nuts living here with neighbors surrounding so close.

    Judith, what an awesome exhibit at your art museum; I would love to see it.  That the colors remain to beautifully in the Pompeii and Roman art always surprises me; just wonderful.  Lucky you to be able to enjoy them!   I would love to get a link to the walker you got; it sounds like a good one and the locking feature is really important.  I have a friend who needs to look into one, so it would be good to have your input.  I have seen the Medline Walkers that have six inch wheels and locking hand brakes; they also have the seat feature which seems to be handy - does your walker have a seat?  Do let me know which one you got if you can.

    Frankly; with all the medical "stuff" that has been going on with me lately, having one like that would actually be awfully handy.  Well . . . . xrays and another visit with the urologist; I seem to have retained the worst of the huge kidney stone with a bit of a problem; now I have to go to UCLA to a specialist who will perform another procedure - cannot believe this is happening; I was pretty healthy and fine until abruptly one day . . . POOF!   Still have the stent which is SO uncomfortable and if up and about, it really causes painful spasms.  So I now hope this gets cared for quickly.  UCLA is so far from where we live, I cannot imagine trying to use the freeway after procedure if very uncomforable; if we hit traffic, it will be a nightmare.  Well; we shall see.

     Thank you for the Happy Birthdays.  It was a very nice day.  Our son and DIL visited with their four little rescue dogs.  They brought the most beautiful bouquet - son picked out the flowers. There were Peonies, Lilacs, Roses of some variety that made tham larger and "fluffier," not the routine florist rose, and some Lavender, and other flowers I could not identify; but it is old-fashioned beautful.  Very loving and thoughtful of them.  The best was of course visiting with them.  It had been a year since visitiation due to the pandemic dynamics.  Saw son for the first time two weeks ago. Spent the a lot of the day wth phone calls from the other three out of state kids and my out of state brother.   Lovely.

    Lorita; the Medicare Advantage Programs are just HMOs.  The Medicare HMOs are called, "Advantage."   Each different Advantage program is assigned to a group of contracted physicians and to be on Plan one can only go to those physicians; and if a specialist or hospital is needed, to be "in plan," one must go to those specialists or hospitals that are specifically contracted with that plan group.  My choice is not to go into such a plan as I value being able to see physicians and specialist and hospitals of my choice.   The special perks that are offered are to lure one in; they make up for that expense in other ways; sometimes those perks are good other times not so much.   Lots of oversight of utilization useage; especially hospital bed days.    In some; doctors may even be given bonuses for holding down annual costs of care of which bed days are the driver.  For some patients, the Advantage Plan works for them, it is a matter of one's needs; especially finances.  One gives up needing a supplemental plan when one signs onto an Advantage Program; but some have different co-pays for service and some have varying prescription coverage.  Really good to do one's homework as Plans often do differ from one another. 

    I am still in love with that Huckleberry tree; it is truly beautiful and so comforting looking.  Does it have an intrusive root system?  Sure would love to some sit underneath it on a summer's day.

    Yesterday, I woke up before the rooster; I turned on the TV and up came the movie,"Cocoon," so I watched it. What a wonderful, sweet movie that was.  I enjoyed seeing it again. I do not watch Westerns, but I do love old black and white movies from the 40's or earlier; such good film and stories.  I am a Betty Davis fan.  Boy; she sure could act.  With this dratted kidney stone and stent, I often must get up in the wee hours to well . . . ."wee" seems to be the operative word re that; when I get back to bed I cannot go back to sleep, so I will turn on, "Fraser."  Now that was a show with awesome writers, and David Hyde-Pierce is amazing in his range of acting ability.  Sometimes it has me laughing out loud.  Gads; I am such a cheap date. Sigh.

    Iris, if you want to see rabbits; Leisure World in Seal Beach is over run with them; they come to visit the residents.  Cute, but they like to eat plants.  And they leave their little calling cards on the patios.  My mother loved looking at them, but was not happy with what they would leave; not a big problem, but my mother was concerned about her patio being pristine.

     Got to go shower and shampoo; I am behind today.  Sending warmest thoughts out to one and all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 100 Insightfuls Reactions


    Your yard sounds so beautiful. Wish you could sent a pic.

    I really do like it. I have yet to sit but visitors do use it as a chair. I carry stuff around on the seat. Breaks lock well, 8" wheels are wonderful. I paid less than the listed prices and no tax with the prescription.

    Just glanced out the window....two cardinals...an adult male and a teenage female right nest to each other. Now an adult female has joined them. They are about 3 feet from me! No, wait. 3 with their dad. No, wait again. The adult female has arrived.  I dare not move. What a treat and I was expecting a tornado!

    They used to nest in the hedge row on the east side but I think they must have moved to the west side of the house.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I can't find Sammy!   Took Stormy to the mailbox and when we left and when we got back Susie was standing in the same place under a shade but no Sammy.  I've looked everywhere twice or three times, even way back in the carport.  Got my boots on and walked out in the meadow across the fence where I saw them this morning.  Couldn't find anything.  She doesn't seemed worried but being her first calf maybe she doesn't know to worry.  Just heard thunder, too, so it'll be rainy and stormy before too long.  Can't figure out where he could be.  I thought I had gotten the fence low enough he couldn't get under it but they lay next to it and if they get up the wrong way they might end on the wrong side. 

     Jo - your yard and home sound so lovely.  What work you all did to get it to this point.  But, I know it's worth it and when you all were doing it you were younger and things were easier.  Good we get things done when we're younger. 

     Do wish I had some jasmine - it smells so good.  Going to go and look some more.  I keep asking Susie where her baby is.  Normally a mom will look directly toward the baby when you do that.  Worries the heck out of me.  I'm getting too old for this.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Disregard the first paragraph of  my previous post.  I found him!.  I had looked where I finally found him half a dozen times but looked once more and saw something dark laying inside a roll of welded wire.  It was dark in there so I hadn't seen him.  So, guess Susie's smarter than I.  We've had little calves get out through the fence into that pasture/meadow and I've had to walk and walk to get them out.  Finally drove the Gator out in there, then walked and walked.   

     Amazing how tall the grass is out in there and the big meadow looks as good.  No way can they fertilize this year - they'll cut and bale, then fertilize for the fall.  There's some kind of vine that has really long, sticky runners, not thorns, just sticky.  Bet I walked through a ton of them.  Judith, found another small female mulberry that has berries.

     Anyway, guess this has kept my mind off the storms for a bit.  Weather is now on all the time.  Looks pretty bad up around Tulsa and far northeast Okla.  I did hear thunder about half an hour ago.

     So, sorry from the old mother hen.  Just couldn't stand for the baby to possibly be lost out in that tall grass.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...I think I am safe but look like you are really going to catch it. Just now put my car in the garage.

    Inside for 5 minutes...pouring down rain but I think that will be all and not for long.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thanks, Judith.  I just heard OKC was getting heavy rain.  Nothing so far here - it's all north/northwest of us.  Over around Paden and Okmulgee Park - I think that's the one heading this way. 

     Odd thing - I turned on the laptop a while ago to post and my cursor would move like it should.  Almost didn't get it turned off.  Tried again and everything's okay now.

     Flash flood warnings out for northwest of here.  Seems like it's taking a long time to go through.  It's leaving Tulsa now - looks like there's some heavy weather that will get us.  I'll be glad when this is over.  PU is parked under a Hackberry so that should knock off hail if we get it.  Car not so good.  One of the storm chasers just said he was hit with 70 mph winds - blew over an electric pole.   Trying to listen to TV and the weather radio keeps coming on.  I'll be back.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All,

    I am so glad to be home. I got home late yesterday afternoon my 4.5 hr drive turned into a 7 hr drive. I have made this trip 4 times and for some reason I miss a turn on my way home and get lost. Yesterday I knew exactly what turn I did not want to miss and I missed it anyway. I was in 5 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic on the Portland, Or interstate and I was not able to get to the turn lane so I missed it. It took me 2 hrs to get myself turned around and back on track. 

     Sara,   You are so right there is No Place Like Home. Rascal was so glad to see Molly & I the three of us have been napping on and off most of today. Thank You for wishing me a safe trip home I did have a safe trip but it was a tiring trip.

     Lorita,   Congratulations on Sammy him and his MaMa are so cute, I loved those pictures. You had me worried for a little while when you could not find him. I am glad that Sarah is getting good care and hopefully she will take good care of herself when she goes home. I did get some pictures of flowers I will have my son help me sent them, I don't know why I find that so hard to do but I do. The flowers are in yards in her neighborhood. She also has a pretty bush in her yard. 

    On my drive home I saw some MaMa cows and babies. I saw a MaMa laying down and a baby standing over her. Do they nurse that way are was the MaMa just resting?

    Ron,   I am glad you went to the Dr and got something for your shoulder. Please don't ever keep quiet about pain it could be serious and Lou would not know what to do. Hopefully you have someone close by who you could call for help if needed. 

    Beth,    Those flowers are beautiful. The up close ones of the peonies were so pretty you could almost smell them.

    Jo,     Happy Birthday, I am sure you enjoyed the visit with your Son and DIL and the 4 doggies. That was nice they were able to come.

    Good Night and Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions
    Lorita,   I am thinking about you and praying you are safe in these storms. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Zetta, glad you're home and had a safe trip.  You know when we'd go to OKC to see my sister, on the way home there was (not sure if it's still there since they did work on I-40) a highway that went to Dallas (south).  For some reason I always wanted to go that way and did a couple of times.  Once when Lorita and I were coming back to the farm (in two cars) she tried to take that road.  I was following her and we both went across the lanes of traffic to avoid going that way - dangerous but we made it.

     It's raining cats and dogs and cows and... whatever else you might think of.  I can hardly see the pond.  I think, according to the radar I can find on the laptop, that we're in the worst of it right now.  Wind isn't too bad and for that I'm thankful.  The girls changed pastures just before the rain.  I thought they were going to the barn but they didn't. I saw two smaller calves going that direction but don't know if they went to the barn.  I left the PU out of the carport so Susie and Sammy could go but I doubt they did.

     Zetta, I was so, so glad to see that baby in the roll of wire.  I knew the cow didn't seem very concerned but I was enough for both of us.  We've  had little calves get lost.  Years ago I opened or closed a gate and it scared one of the little calves that wasn't very old.  It took off running north, got to the county line, a quarter mile away and crossed the road.  Charles hunted for that baby for days and finally one day it showed up. It must have been laying across the road and mom kept calling him and he finally came.  That was what I was trying to get Susie to do - but she wouldn't.  Guess mom knew best.

     We haven't had any hail so far -  hope that continues. I did empty the rain gauge before it started - we had 2.5" in it then and I imagine it'll be almost full when this is over.  The cows weren't doing what they usually do when a bad storm's on its on it's way so that made me feel better.

     The cow must have been resting and the baby wanted her to get up so it could nurse.  I have seen one nurse while the cow was laying down but that was unusual. 

     Looks like Judith's getting rain, too.  This line of heavy storms extends from the far NE corner down across OKC.  I can only imagine what the county line looks like.  When Stormy and I went to the mailbox this afternoon there was still some water on the road.

     Our TV reception has been off for probably  half an hour.  The heaviest part, I think, of the storm is SE of us and that's where we get our reception.  The only thing I have is the weather radio and it's been silent for at least 15 minutes.  I like rain but this is kind of ridiculous.  Some places in Oklahoma had 7" before the heaviest rain.

     It's lightning a little and there's occasional thunder.  Sheena's worried and is laying by my feet.  TV reception just came back on so I'll stop and see what's going on.

     Glad you're home and had a safe trip.  Rest well tonight.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I had to go out today on an errand and I called my feral cat Sammie to come inside but he didn't come.  So I left.  When I returned, I called him for about an hour--no Sammie.  Then, all of a sudden, he popped up.  He had been in the house the whole time!  What a relief!  I had not checked his hiding places because I thought he was outside.

    My three main doctors belong to different Medicare Advantage plans, and I don't want to lose them. That's why I continue to pay for a supplemental insurance plan.  I finally found specialists I can work with.  I think Advantage plans are good for people who are not too complicated, but many older adults have complex medical issues.

    Last summer, when restaurants were allowed to serve customers outdoors, many put up tents.  Those tents reminded me of church picnics from years ago.  I could just see the sandwiches and potato salad and lemonade in my head.  Mmm...I'm seeing it again in my mind's eye right now.

    Judith, one of our museums had a Pompeii exhibit about twenty-five years ago.  It was fantastic. To imagine that people were going about their ordinary lives, then all of a sudden were buried under mounds of lava and ash!  Then discovered over a thousand years later.  I'm sure your exhibit will be a big hit for your town, for all ages!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Glad you found Sammy, he is a nice looking calf.

    Zetta glad you got home, even if it was the long way there.  

    Giving a rainy day but I have plenty to do.  Need to get my house back to normal soon.  Hopefully then can start working on cleaning up garage as soon as don’t need to use it for spotting shed.  

    The cotton bloom of the cottonwood tree has started blowing around.  One of my least favorite trees.  Last year found a dragonfly whose wings were bound up in it.  Probably dangerous to many things.  Had never even thought about that til I found that poor dragonfly.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     What a difference a day makes!  Yesterday it was cool in the house and hot outside - this morning it's reversed.  It was in the 80s yesterday with heat indices in the 90s - today it will be in the 70s with much drier air.  After the storm last evening the north and west sky were red and orange and there was a beautiful rainbow in the east.  I saw the sky but not the rainbow.  People had sent in pictures to the weatherman so got to see it anyway and Carol sent me a picture he grandson had sent her.  It is so wet outside.  Girls are way down in NE pasture so I won't drive down - I could see most of them and there were up and around.  Didn't see Rose Bud - probably behind a tree.  Wish you all could see little Sammy.  He's running around and around and playing - guess he's enjoying the cooler weather.

     Iris, I'm so glad you found your Sammie.  Cats can be almost invisible, then turn up somewhere.  If you're like me I want to know where everyone is.

     Thanks for the information about Medicare Advantage.  I have Medicare and ChampVA so I'll stick with what I have.  It just looked so good so wanted to know more about it.  On our forum and thread all you have to do is ask and you'll receive.

     Sara - we don't have cottonwood trees around but I've seen their cotton blowing in the wind.  Poor little dragonfly - just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

     The news just showed a herd of 15 elephants crossing the street in a city in China.  They were migrating north.  They said this has been going on for a few weeks.  They stopped traffic and let them go through.  I think baby elephants are the cutest little things - well, any baby is as cute as can be.

     Sara - I know you'll be glad that your planting time is over - now you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

     It is so wet outside - over 2" of rain and there was about 2" of water sitting in the yard when I went out to check the rain gauge last night.  The trees made it all right - we didn't have much wind here.  There were as couple of tornado warnings south of us but all was okay here.  The trees made it through - even my old tree with the one big limb is still standing.  This morning there's not a leaf moving.  What a difference a day makes.  I've even opened some of the north windows.

     Judith, your walker looks like a really good, sturdy one. Charles has a really nice one that he hadn't used very much so when Scarlet was in need of one I boxed it up and sent it to her.  For what it cost (over $100) to send it, I could have sent money to buy one in OKC  You  should have seen what an odd looking package it made.  Hope you didn't have bad weather.

    Enjoy the day - looks to be a pretty one. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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