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Just need to talk to my friends (147)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I loved seeing your photos of Sammy and the clematis. As far as trees go, looks like you still have a lot! I know you like hackberries; we used to have 3 of them along the fencerow for the pasture (pasture is the neighbor's and is basically just behind our backyard). One fell over suddenly; guess it was rotten inside. Then we had a storm that took out the other two last year. So last fall we bought a sugar maple and a red maple to replace them, but of course it takes years to grow a tree! Photo below of the hackberries and hostas. And yes, the peonies and also the wisteria are tremendously fragrant!

    Sara, that was so kind of you to make popcorn for Jean! You are a caring and generous person.

    We had Cheesy cauliflower soup yesterday - it is rich in veggies, using carrots, celery, onion, corn and cauliflower. So delicious! If interested in the recipe, google Cheesy Cauliflower Soup Iowa Girl Eats.

    Time to get to work (garden) - that's an every day thing, and I love it!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I've heard a lot of watermelon talk lately and proud you ladies have been listening. One other item I didn't mention is something my old produce boss use to tell the customers; "I can guarantee you a ripe melon, but only our good Lord can make it sweet".

    The last few days have been extremely hard but I've made it and hopefully can continue to keep my senses about me. The biggest problem I have with Lou is convensing her this is her home when she is having one of her spells. She gets very argumentative and wants somebody to come get her, does a lot of moaning and groaning and denying I'm her husband. It takes me hours to calm her down and convenience her to at least spend the night here. Even when she seems alright if I try to talk to her about some of the things she said, she will get mad and deny it. I have found out it's best to not even mention some of her actions!

    Yesterday was the first good day I had with Lou in several days. I decided to take her to the casino for a couple of hours and even though she didn't remember going she had a calmer day.

    Our youngest son called last night and was extremely upset about his health. He is having a lot of trouble with his diabetes. He says his sugar is high and when he gives himself a shot, it drops down to 60 and he feels like a drunk and can hardly stand and walk. He went to the specialist yesterday and felt they really didn't do anything and told him he needed to take the shots. To make matters worse his wife told him that a patient younger than him died when his sugar level had dropped and they couldn't get it back up. I told him he needed to go back to his PCP and talk to him about his concerns and see what he says. He also had told me he was also having chest pains. I told him the chest pains could be from stress but that anytime you have chest pains it needs to be checked out. 

    It was a nice day here in Louisiana yesterday and suppose to be today also. After today we are suppose to be looking for chances of rain for several days with the heaviest coming Sunday and Monday. 

    Black walnuts; I hated to shell them and couldn't hardly get the stains off my hands. I'll stick with English walnuts! Anybody want a green persimmon about now?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beth, glad you liked the pictures.  Your picture of the hostas and hackberries was so pretty.  Beautiful hostas - seems I can't grow them.  They have them all across the front of our VA Hospital.  Isn't it amazing how the limbs of a hackberry grow - in all directions, straight out - up and down.  Really pretty.  Do the people with the pasture have cattle in it?   I've heard red  maple leaves are bad for cattle.  We planted one in our front yard a few years ago and we decided to move it to the back yard - it didn't survive.  This may not be true - just something I read somewhere. 

     I got my feed, mineral tub, sweet feed for Rose Bud and insecticide for the back rubbers ordered.  I'll go in early in the morning and get them home before it gets hot.  May stop by the grocery store.  Stormy and I just took a little walk out to the tubs we have to see if there was anything left in them.  One is half full and it has some protein in it.  The one I'll get tomorrow is straight minerals with a fly control substance in it.  Won't do any good to put up the back rubber while it's so rainy even though the flies are getting bad on the girls.

     Ron, sorry you're having such a hard time with Lou.  Probably would be best to not even mention anything to her that she might have said.  They won't believe they said it and it just upsets them.  I was lucky - Charles never had the idea that this wasn't his home.  Maybe that's one of the differences between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers.  Nice that you were able to go to the casino and that Lou enjoyed it, too. 

     Sorry about your son's medical conditions, too.  That just adds to your stress and there's no way you can prevent that from happening.  I hope he can get things under control.  Your telling him to get back to his PCP is certainly the right thing for him to do.  I think the stress of having someone in your family ill is really hard to handle.  I know Sarah being so sick is stressful to me - and, there's not one thing in the world I can do to help.

     The fog lifted and it's a most beautiful day - blue skies with fluffy, white clouds and no wind.  I leveled the feed in the creepfeeder and got out the molded feed this morning and by the time I got back to the house I was really perspiring.  Just had on a t-shirt and a light-weight fleece jacket.  I dread hot weather - like the cold much better with the exception of the two week period of uber cold weather we had in February.

     Guess I should get some diesel in the PU tomorrow.  Haven't driven it much but did leave it running some.  Don't want to run out of gas again.

     Funny you should mention black walnuts.  I love them but they are the hardest nuts to shell I can think of.  I remember a rock we had with a hold partway in it that was just the size of a walnut.  Good thing to crack them on.   We have a big black walnut tree in the back yard but the nuts never seem to fill out like they should.  There's dozens of seedlings - probably should pick a parcel of land and transplant them and sell the wood when they're grown.  I probably won't be here then but the trees would be.  Really, probably should start one of the seedlings and get it growing good and later have the old tree taken out.  Someone sprayed a few years ago and the spray got onto one side of the tree - not good.

     Ron, daddy's favorite cake was a white, layer cake - we'd split the layers and put vanilla pudding between them sprinkled with black walnuts.  I can taste it now.

     Watched a good tennis match this morning - Roger Federer won.  He'll be 40 next month and still going strong.  Then, watched OU girls play softball in the World Series.  They're the number one team in the Country and got beaten by one point.  Some college I'd never heard of - James Madison.  Not even sure where it is.  OSU is playing now but I'm watching The Waltons.

     Getting a bit hungry so think I'll stop and find a bite to eat.  I like to eat supper before 6 p.m.

     Haven't talked with Sarah yet today.  Maybe she'll call later.  I'd like to know what Dr. Cole had to say.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

     Lorita, There are 3 horses in the pasture - no cattle. The horses are named Gunner, Pistol and Two. Gunner is Pistol's mother; Pistol is 3 years old. Not sure how old the others are. They like it when I bring them a little treat: apple or sugar cubes. I asked the owner if that was ok and he said sure. 

    I made a rhubarb pie today. It turned out pretty good. 

    Have a good evening!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    To our dear "Down Under" friend, Sandy:

    I am still smiling after seeing the photos of your wedding; thank you for sharing them with us.  I actually looked at them three times I was so happy for you.   I send warmest thoughts to you and your dear husband - may your joy continue to grow and be with both of you all of your days.  So truly very happy for you.

    I loved your dress and that beautiful top you wore - I somehow think there must be a lovely story behind that.  You looked awesome; the earrings were perfect with your dress, really just right.  Didn't realize you had dimples - that adds to the overall magic of you.

     Your husband is a very handsome man and looks as though he is eminently hugable; that is the best!   You look so tiny next to him.   Please let him know I send my congratulations to him; he is one lucky man!

     So; you are in beautiful Tasmania for the next four weeks . . . . I recall that you took your small RV for the trip as it would fit on the ferry.  Your dear husband is so tall, sure hope he fits in the small RV bunks okay - sure would hate to think that he must sleep with his feet outside the window!   Ha!

     So; snow for the first time - good thiing you have a nice warm hubby to cuddle next to, sure does keep the feet warm.

    You are settling into your Australian winter soon as we move into our summer; I will be thinking of you and so hope you can drop in now and then to say hello - it is always great to hear from you.

     With happiest of wishes and a big hug to the honeymooning bride and groom,



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    You looked lovely!

    Best Wishes and Blessings on your new life together!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Ron have found with my mom just best not to talk about her actions, don’t try to give any advice.  I’m fairly good at this but not perfect.  Sometimes I think I just have to run.  Often brings a bit of meltdown on her part. Think now Sayra you knew that was what would happen.  Here lately frequently she will ask me what I think.  Have learned to say I’m not sure.  Reality is for the most part she is just wanting confirmation and will start disagreeing with me if I don’t tell her what she wants to hear.  This has definitely easier from a distance.

    Does your son with diabetes see an endocrinologist?  That can sometimes be helpful.

    Ron have never seen a persimmon.

    Beth a beautiful picture.  How much land do you own?  How nice that you get to interspact with the horses.

    Well the sun is suppose to shine today.  Very foggy this morning so going to take a while for things to dry off. Going to work on my tomato plants.  Pretty sure they have early blight.  Have never had that before.  The plants have been wet a lot though and that is not good.  We got less than an inch of rain the past two days but yet almost constant light rain for around 48 hours.  Sprayed them with need oil Monday but that was quickly washed off.  So when it gets dry going to cut off all the diseased leaves and respray.  We have had crazy wide differences in temperature from day to day. Hope they will be resilient enough to overcome.  We shall see.  

    Went to a thrift store yesterday.  Didn’t find any buried treasure lol.  Did run into a RN I worked with there though and really enjoyed getting to chat with her a bit.

    Interesting day watching society yesterday.  Tuesday was mask free day for Ohio if vaccinated.  Honor system lol.  Went to Kroger and Wally World, probably half of workers and 25% of customers still wearing masks at Wally World. One lady was walking all over carrying what appeared to be an unused surgical mask, maybe she had in case she started to feel unsafe.  Kroger’s had even less mask wearing. Still seen people wearing them under the nose even though they no longer really have to wear it.  Maybe they truly never understood the instructions.  See more young people wearing than old people.  At Kroger a customer leaving,  in probably his 30s, saw me putting my mask on when I came in.  He very nicely said to me ma’am you don’t have to wear that mask any more if you are vaccinated.  Told him I am fully vaccinated but I’m going to be cautious for a bit longer and thanked him for telling me. Both of us were very kind to each other.  But what was really interesting to me was my trip to Volunteers in the afternoon.  Expected not to find masks there.  Surprise, majority of people there including their workers had masks on.  The nurse I ran into, was a good nurse, one I liked to work with, was masked.  Know I’m progressing on returning to normal as I’m now being entertained by mask wearing lol.  

    Take care everyone

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi all…..thank you so much for your comments and congratulations on our wedding. We are having a lovely time in Tasmania. It is the most beautiful state in Australia I think….so diverse in its scenery.  We spent the first two weeks in the north west where it is beautiful dairy country, though also very mountainous, and we are now in the west where it is very “wild”.  Today we went on a river cruise up a river that they were going to dam 40 years ago but there was so much outrage that the laws of the country were changed,  so that the National government could override the state, and it didn’t happen.

    Jo, my husband is 5’8 and I am 5’ so yes there is quite a difference  I’m glad you like my outfit. We bought my jacket first, but then I had to get something to go with it.  Actually it is a pantsuit which looks like a skirt 

    We actually aren’t in my small RV.  We bought a caravan and Ute and brought that instead…the RV was too small. We are going to sell both my and his RVs when we get back. 

    Cheers all.  Sandy

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been an eventful morning and I'm bushed!   I let Susie and Sammy out this morning - always makes me nervous doing that.  Rose Bud and Sweet Pea were out front so he got acquainted with the matriarchs of the herd.  His mother wasn't paying any attention to him - she checked out the creepfeeder to see if I'd dropped any feed, then the mineral tubs and finally started to graze.  He was running around exploring.  I had closed the gates to the barn last night because it's so muddy out there in front of both of the doors.  I almost get bogged down.  They seem to do pretty well but they have four feet to my two.

    Beth - we used to have a horse - Buck.  He was probably 33 or 34 when he passed away, probably from a heart attack.  The last year or so I gave him Bute every day for his pain and carrots.  He loved those.  I wish I'd started doing that much earlier.  I still miss him.  Wonder where the name "Two" came from?  I bet they look forward to you feeding them.

     Sandra - you do have dimples!  You and your new husband are such a cute couple. I also love your jacket and pantsuit - both of you look so nice in the pictures.  I hope/know you'll both be very happy.  He looks like a very kind person.  Enjoy your time in Tasmania. 

     I went to town!!!  Got my feed and mineral tub loaded, then back to the grocery store.  I actually went into a grocery store - first time since March 6, 2020.  It's a small grocery store that I like very much - you can get in and out quickly and I know where things are.  There wasn't anyone in there except the employees when I went in but while I was there a man and another man and woman came in.  All the employees (except maybe one) were wearing masks.   Other shoppers were not even thought there's a sign at the door that says wearing masks is recommended.  I double masked.  Got everything I needed so won't have to go back for a while.  The hard part was getting it into the PU and then into the house.  I use a little wheelbarrow type thing to get the things from the PU to the back door.  Cautious me - but I can't help it - I wiped down everything before I brought it inside.  Most of the vegetables are still outside in the shade.  Not sure what to do about them.  I think I did bring in the cauliflower, broccoli and something else - in the kitchen.

     The PU is acting up - drives okay but everything else is nutty.  When I opened the door I hear a noise, then the windows wouldn't go up or down.  It started okay but on the way to town I looked at the speedometer - wasn't working, nor was the odometer.  The horn works!  I don't think the fan to bring in cool air is working either.  When I got to the store, the doors wouldn't lock which was okay.  When I got home and got out and went around to the other side, the doors were locked.  My purse with the extra key was inside.  Luckily I had one of those magnetic things that I put a key in - but couldn't find it.  I did have another extra.  I don't know what's wrong with it.  I thought I'd stop at the place where I had it serviced but there were a dozen cars there and I was in a hurry.  I don't know if it fuses or what.  I have feed on it so when I use it I'll try to find out what's wrong.  I think I mentioned I have Car Shield (if my place will honor it).  It's a 2001 and we really haven't had to do much of anything to it so guess it's time.

     The girls were standing at the lot gates when I got home so changed boots and opened the gates.  I thought I saw Sammy so after I got things inside I went back to the barn and found him and his mom in the cowshed part of it.  It's pretty warm in there but they go inside where it's dark to get away from the flies.  I bought some new insecticide for the cattle rubbers but until it stops raining it won't do any good to charge them.  Everyone's inside except Rose Bud who is on the other side of the pond - was laying down in the sun.  I called to her to come to the house and get in the shade.  We'll see if she minds.

     Stormy screamed and screamed when I got home.  This is the longest time I've been away from him for at least a year.  You'd think I'd been gone two or three days.

     Surprisingly, I felt okay in the grocery store.  The employees were stocking so I had to ask for a couple of things - very nice people.  I don't think I would like to go to a bigger store - that would be WM in our town - at least for a while.

     Sara - sounds like your town is opening up quite a bit.  I really didn't notice many people in our town - guess it was a bit early.  I'll continue to wear a mask, or two, for some time.  You just never know. 

     What do you do about your vegetables and fruit?  Just wash them really well?  The only thing that wasn't wrapped was broccoli and the celery was in a plastic bag.  Bananas, avocados, tomatoes , onions and sweet potatoes were not bagged.  But all of those things will be peeled after they're washed really well.

     Got stocked up on cottage cheeses, yogurt and eggs so I'm good to go for a while.  I'm glad that's done.  Talked with Jack a while yesterday.  He's been going into town from day one but is still wearing a mask.  He goes to WM - doesn't like Top Value for some reason. 

     Zetta - watching Gunsmoke.  Another channel I haven't been getting showed up yesterday - it's called Starz Encore Westerns.  I noticed Maverick and Wells Fargo were on the list to watch.  Now, there's three channels with old westerns.  Wish you could get all of those, too.

     Well, that's my story for the day.  Have to get those vegetables inside and do something with them.  I guess, wash really well and put in the crisper - except potatoes.  Maybe I'll have a baked potato for supper.   Zetta - this is the store where I first bought Bear Creek Potato Soup.  They had quite a lot of it and several different flavors so I stocked up on it.

     It's 74 degrees now with 73% humidity and 4 mph wind - so it's very sticky.  I'm not ready for hot weather and the humidity we have.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Sandy enjoyed your pictures.  Sounds like you are having a very nice trip.  Wishing both of you all the best.

    Lorita your food will be fine.  Wash it like you always do, give thanks for it and enjoy it.  Glad you felt ok at grocery store.  I’m optimistic that slowly, slowly we will get past this.

    Yesterday was one of those days you have as a gardener sometimes.  When I went out something had used a few of my zinnias as a salad.  Guessing one of those little bunny rabbits I saw.  Damaged probably three or four.  Think all but maybe one will recover.  Replanted seeds near each one in case they don’t.  They now  has a tulle fence around them.  

    My tomatoes, decided I needed to find out what truly was wrong with them.  Googled it and believe they have septoria leaf spot.  So I cut off all those leaves and sprayed them with neem oil.  I hope I get a few tomatoes off of them.  E everything  else looks pretty good except basil.  The three nights in 40s displeased it.  Believe they will grow out of that.  My cabbage is beautiful and s starting to form a head.  So far the tulle has kept all cabbage worms at bay.

    My mom wanted a flat of crystal palace lobelia.  Got them for her yesterday.  Will try to plant them today.  Also have greens to freeze this morning.  That doesn’t take too long though.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Don't know if it's my computer or what but it took so long to get to a point I could reply to your post, Sara.

     I love lobelia and had forgotten about it.  I used to always have a hanging basket of it.  I'd get the six pack of plants and make my basket.  I love blue flowers and there's not a lot of them around.

     I'm not familiar with neem oil.  Is it something new to use for plant diseases?  Hope it works for you.  We've never had problems with rabbits eating things - except maybe it could have been a rabbit eating the violets.  Hasn't happened in a couple of weeks though.

     Is it the tulle fabric you're using around your plants?  Do you use some kind of stake or something to hold it up? Glad it works for you.

     It's a nice cool morning here with a slight chance of rain later this afternoon.  It's about 75-100 miles south of us now coming up from Texas.  Wish we wouldn't get any this weekend.  I took the molded feed out of the back of the car and put it in the Gator to dump.  It's so wet out now I'll wait until the sun dries the grass some or I'd be soaking wet.  I think I'll dump it in the west meadow close to one of the ponds.  Then, I'll put the fortified grain in the back of the car.  Need to pull the mineral tub out of the back of the PU and put some feed in the creepfeeder.  I'll do that after the girls go into the barn.   They're on the other side of the pond now but they'll be over in a couple of hours to go into the barn.  Really need to open the back doors of the barn so it can dry out some inside.  They've been going in about 9:30 and stayed yesterday until almost 5:30 so you can imagine how wet it is with 44 head of cattle inside.

     When I went out I tried to open the PU door to see if the binoculars were inside and it was locked (driver's side).  So came in and got the extra key - then discovered the other door wasn't locked.  No idea what's going on with things in the PU.  With all that was happening with it yesterday I was glad to get home.

     Stormy and Sheena are scratching like the dickens so called our vet this morning to see if he might be able to find a little time in the next couple of days to make a farm call to give them an allergy shot.  He's going to try.  He's so busy on the weekends I hate to ask but they really need it.  I can get Stormy into the car but not Sheena.  Need to work on that this summer.  The roads are not good at all - parts of them are washed away and they're so rough - not sure the car could get over some of them.  The damage from the awful freezing we had in February and now all the rain we've had has really done a job on them.

     I've washed and put away all the vegetables - I think I'll take the carrots out of the packages, wash them and put them in a container with a piece of fresh paper - already did that with the celery.  I looked for gelato yesterday and I guess that store has quit carrying it.  Did get some ice cream bars - Eskimo Pies.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara, don't work too hard today - rest a little bit.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again,

     Got my outside work done until I see the girls again late this afternoon and if nothing goes wrong.

     I got the molded feed taken care of, put 250 lb. of creep in the feeder and pulled the 200 lb. mineral tub out of the PU (landed right side up).  I spent a very pleasant hour or so sitting on the front porch steps watching the girls on the other side of the pond.  I couldn't see any of the babies until I finally saw Sammy getting his morning bath, then he had a snack.  Couldn't see the four little ones anywhere until the girls began to come up to the barn, then saw them coming across the pond dump.  They must have been laying down in the grass just over the little rise on the other side of the pond.  Always makes me feel better when I see all of them.  I had noted that someone, a heifer, was supposed to calve around the 4th so I need to see all of them.

     And, get this, when I started the PU, everything was all right; the windows went up and down and the speedometer worked.  Also the ABS and air bag lights weren't on.  There must be a little short somewhere.  We'll see what happens next time.  It's backed into the carport with feed on the back so hope it's all right next time.

     I'm watching women's college softball world series - OU is playing Georgia and Federer plays tennis later today. 

     So - if you all get tired of me writing about cows and calves and feed and all the other farm stuff, please let me know and I'll find something else to talk about.  I know this kind of thing doesn't interest a lot of you so, just let me know.

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    44 cows? Use to be about 30. When do they go to market...you have not mentioned that for a while.

    Sandy...loved seeing you and that adorable husband. I hope you will send some snaps from Tasmania.

    Not much going on here except gray days and rain. It would be great if I got some stuff done inside but just don't seem to have the inkling to get started.

    Chess pie? Delicious!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,   I love hearing about your girls and the babies. Last I remembered you had 30 now I am seeing you have  44 that seems like a lot for you to be taking care of by yourself. Living on a farm sounds wonderful at times your life sounds so peaceful and at times I don't know how you manage everything you do.   I am glad you finally got to the store and stocked up on things, please be careful with the PU and make sure you have your phone with you in case your PU stops running between home and town. Its good you make notes of when babies are due I would love to be able to see a new one. You would think with as much time as you spend with the MaMa and the baby, that the baby would never shy away from you. 

     Lorita,   I did find the starz channel at the house I pet sit at so when I am there it usually is for 4 hours at a time so I plan on watching it. Yesterday I found it and it had all the shows you were telling me about. 

    Sandy,     I am so happy for you and glad you found someone that loves to travel like you do. You both are still young and have a lot of travel time ahead of you. We love the pictures please keep sending them .

    My poor cat Rascal has been sick. He has lost a lot of weight over the past year. The Vet will be happy because last year he told me to help Rascal lose weight. A few days ago I noticed he was not eating and was acting funny. He already has a appt for next week for his 10 year check up. I tried to move it to today and was not able to do it. I think he has a tooth ache. I found where I could give him baby Benadryl so I did and now I am having to clean up all the mess he made from it.  The vet said baby food in a syringe hopefully I will get some food in his system. So I am waiting for him to come out from under the bed so I can try to feed him. He probably will not let me get close to him today. 

    Wish me luck and does anyone have any ideas on any thing else I could be doing. Hopefully I can get him to the vet Monday. 

    Wishing you all a good day, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, sorry to hear that Rascals's not feeling well.  I think it was Max who was really sick last year.  Mike cut off the end of a syringe so I could feed him - had some kind of special food.  It was a job and a fight part of the time but I got it down him and he recovered.  Shame you couldn't get him into the vet today.  Does it seem like he has a fever?  Can't think of anything else to do.  Did the Benadryl make him sick?  How old is he - sometimes male cats get kidney stones. It is peaceful here, Zetta. No noise except cows, occasional dog barking and coyotes - sometimes  a noisy truck on the road.  We're at least a quarter mile from any road - they're on the north and east and there's a farm south (heard and saw him (Ray) spraying yesterday.  I did hear something when I first went out this morning - it was some kind of big bird with a little one chasing it. When Sammy and the others get a little older I'll be able to pet them again.  Now, I can talk to them and they'll stop and look at  me.  I can pet most of the cows - when I'm out among them I always try to stroke their heads.  I'd rather them be somewhat gentle than not.  Little Bit is the biggest, little bull we have now and he's too friendly.  He'll go to town in a few months. Judith, the last time I sold cows was sometime last year.  I had mostly heifer calves so I've kept them.  By the end of this year there will be several young bulls to sell and I may sell heifers.  This is about enough to have - easier to care for and they have plenty of grass. I've been watching the college women's softball games in OKC.  I don't know where they're playing but it's been cloudy and sunny off and on.  OU just beat Georgia and they'll play UCLA tonight at 6.  If they win, they go on to the last game of the world series, I think. Iris, I watched Aerial America a while ago.  It was showing all the things in Los Angeles.  One place they showed was  highways that had four levels.  I think they said 77 lanes and several bridges.  It said when it was first opened people were afraid to drive on it (I would be for sure) but it was the quickest way to get downtown.  Quite a big city - I could not survive there but I guess people have their own little areas and stay there for the most part.  Probably not without something to do at any time you wish. I didn't get the barn doors open - maybe I'll do that tomorrow.  If it can dry up some I'll try to get in touch the guy's company who was going to clean it out, then find someone to paint the trim, corral and new fence corners we had put in.  I think I'll tackle the front and back porch.  Zetta, The Young Riders and Hombre are on now but I think I'll watch Highway Thru Hell.  I enjoy seeing the pretty country in Canada.  Really wouldn't want to live there with all the snow and cold weather but I guess it's what you get used to. Tried to call Sarah -  no answer so maybe she's sleeping.  Says after they give her the pain meds she can sleep a little while.   She may be sleeping more than she thinks.  I'd like to take a nap (almost did) but probably won't. The PU thing is a mystery but I was really glad things were back to normal this morning.  I'll have it checked out later - won't be going into town as far as I know for at least a couple of weeks.  I asked Jack what he thought it was but he doesn't know anything about cars so that didn't help.  I feel sad for him.  He doesn't have a hobby or anything to keep him busy so I think he talks on the phone a lot - his daughter and a couple of people in California (now a third - a niece came to visit last week and now they talk)  and a guy he knows in Connecticut. I think I mentioned I have to update my phone to a 4G - I'll call next week for them to send it  Also got a new printer.  Tech Club called this morning to see if it had arrived (it came yesterday) and wanted to know if I wanted to install it today.  Told them not today - maybe next week.  Just don't want to fool with anything else right now. Judith, the place they're playing softball is a huge place and it's packed with people - I can see a busy highway somewhere close to it.  OU is the #1 Team in the Country so hope they can win tonight.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    That is a good idea to cut the end of the syringe off. I was wondering how I was going to get enough food to him. Its baby food and its not really thin. I put a little on a plate and he takes a little at a time I also put some yogurt down and he take a little of that along with some warm milk.  He does not feel like he has a fever, but as you know cats are not as easy to deal with as a dog. The Benadryl did not make him sick it made him gag and foam at the mouth and throw up a lot of flam. I don't think I want to do that again. I think the only thing it helps with is sleep and he seems to be sleeping O.K.  The warning I saw about the Benadryl said it could cause a little foam at the mouth noting about the flam.   He will be 10 in a few months he is a indoor cat and has always been very healthy. Thanks for asking.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    LadyZetta, does Rascal have bad teeth and gums?  My elder cat became edentulous at age 13 due to bad teeth and gums but was able to eat wet and dried food and lived for three more years to age 16.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita neem oil is an organic approved spray.  This is my first year of using it.  Supposedly acts as an insecticide and fungicide.  The problem is they are giving rain starting tomorrow for a week.  This makes it hard to keep it on there.  I will just have to go with the flow. 

    It is the fabric tulle.  I put up little bamboo poles, then attach tulle with clothes pins.

    Enjoy your Eskimo pies.  Have discovered a very interesting thing about my refrigerator after living here 3 years.  How hard my ice cream stays depends on which shelf of freezer I leave it on.  Have learned to use this to my advantage.

    Sorry about Rascal not feeling well Zetta.  Can’t offer any thoughts as I don’t know a thing about cats.

    Hope each one of you have a nice day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta, I hope Rascal is feeling better this morning.  Do you have a vet appointment for him tomorrow?  It's always so sad when one of our fur babies is sick and we can't figure out what to do.  Our vet came last evening about 7 and gave Stormy and Sheena an allergy shot and Prednisone pills to give for ten days.  It was like magic.  They came in the house, laid down and didn't scratch at all - just slept until we went to bed.  They're still  not scratching this morning.  Same thing happened last June when they got their shots.  He said he has had many dogs come in with allergies.  I haven't seen any fleas on them and only two or three ticks (found more than that on me).  They're blowing their hair and that makes it worse.  Sheena loves for me to brush her and I get a huge handful of hair each time - Stormy doesn't like it so much.  He needs a bath but I know he wouldn't like the cold water and there's no way I can get him in the bathtub.

     I remember giving the food to Kitt or Max and it took a long time to get it down and it was kind of hard to get into the syringe but eventually it worked.  Let us know what the vet says.

     It's partly cloudy here this morning with a south wind, not strong.  I think there's a 50% chance of rain today and tomorrow.  I didn't drive up to see the girls so watched as they came down to the house. I saw Sammy running around to different cows, having a good time.  I closed the gates to the barn so they won't be able to go in today.  It's so wet and nasty in there.  I'm going to open at least one of the back doors in a few minutes so it'll help to dry it out some.  There's shades around for them so they'll be okay.

     Sara - do you put the tulle over the tomatoes when the sun's really hot?  I guess the water and air goes through it but it keeps the bugs and other things away.  Our neighbor puts sheets over their tomatoes when it gets really hot to shade them. 

     I don't have a deep freeze now - just the freezer compartments of the two refrigerators.  The one in the kitchen keeps ice cream just right but the other one doesn't keep it frozen hard enough - good enough for vegetables and other things though.  When I can get the floor replaced I think I'll get a small freezer.

     University of Oklahoma women's softball team plays James Madison today which should be a good game.  Madison beat them a couple of days ago so maybe they'll get revenge.  Sadly, OSU lost last night to Florida State.  The game between OU and UCLA wasn't over until about MN, then they had to play the other game.  I fell asleep watching it. 

     Zetta. Cheyenne's on now but I've seen it so guess I'll stop and go see about the barn doors.  Glad I got the feed in the creepfeeder yesterday so don't have to think about doing that. 

     Talked with Sarah late yesterday.  She says they're going to do more tests tomorrow and decide what to do.  Dr. Cole says when he did her first surgery he only had a small space opened to do what he needed to do then.  This time he'll have to reopen the incision Dr. D. made and he's not sure how much intestines are left.  She's sleeping some after getting her pain meds but then is in pain again when she wakes up.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  The ants are driving me crazy - can't put anything down without then getting in or on it.  I bought some Zevo - it works for a while.  Guess there's too much water outside for them so they've come in where it's dry.

      Enjoy your Sunday.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Okay - got another thing finished that I can mark off my to-do list.  It's getting longer and longer. 

     The girls had gathered in front of the house wanting in the barn so I went out with my shovel to open those barn doors.  There's two of them about 12-14 ft. tall that meet in the middle.  The door opening is at least 12 ft. wide so that's a lot of shoveling.  I keep a pipe gate across the doors in the winter so they won't push on the doors so moved that - it's heavy and it's wet in there.  Had to shovel all the way across inside the barn so I could move the doors.  Then went around to the outside and had to do some more shoveling.  I keep long boards from one side to the other on the outside to stabilize the doors so had to get them moved.  Got one door open.  Only opened it last year but decided I'd open the other one this time.   There's a long piece of metal that goes into the ground, again to stabilize the doors so hammered that up and got it open.  You would not believe the difference inside.  The wind's from the south and it was glorious.  Of course I was hot.  There was no air coming into the barn before I opened them so it'll be cooler for them and will dry out some, too. 

     They were watching what I was doing.  I don't think I ever do anything that someone isn't watching.  Opened the gate and tried to count them as they went through but one would start through and then back up so didn't get a good count.  Did see Sammy go through.  I think I saw three or four little ones but they all probably got in.

     Rose Bud was on the other side of the pond - has been several times this week.  I've wondered about her walking all the way around the pond but I saw her swimming across!  Held my breath until she got to this side.  That's the first swimmer I've seen this year.  Scares me when the girls swim across and take their babies - all you can see if their little head.  Sometimes one or two cows will walk them around to the other side.

     So, got the Prednisone down Stormy and Sheena, with cheese, when I got back inside.  That's my morning, so far.  It's 74 degrees with a 79% humidity so it's muggy but the wind is blowing from the south at 9 mph.  Sheena and Stormy are still not scratching.  I need to ask him what the injection is - he gave it to them in the neck.  Sheena has a fatty tumor on her stomach so won't bother that.  She has tumors on both elbows on her front legs.  One has gotten bigger the last few months.  Mike said it's very unusual for them to have bilateral tumors.  There's a pad on the elbow and it sometimes enlarges when they lay on concrete.  I try to keep a rug or blanket down for her to lay on.  He said to watch them and if they keep enlarging he might have to remove them.  I think she's had them for several years - not sure if they were there when I got her when she was one year old.

     Sandy, just watched Aerial America about Chicago.  Being in a city that big would scare the heck out of me but there's so many interesting things to see.  They showed Byrons hot dog place where they sell Chicago hotdogs.  Lots of things on them.  When I did eat hot dogs I liked onions, mustard and chili.  I wondered if you all ever went to a Bear's football game.

     Going to rest now - wondered if I was going to make it back to the house.  Thank goodness for rubber boots!  Looking forward to, hopefully, see OU beat James Madison.

     Where is everyone?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi - again,

     I'm so sorry to post three times in a row but I just had a call from Sarah.  I wanted to let you all know she's going to have surgery this afternoon.  Someone else is scheduled at 1 p.m. and that will be about two hours so hers is afterward.  Dr. Cole said it would probably be a long one.  He's going to go back into the incision Dr. D. made and go through everything inside to see what's going on and repair it - if there's enough intestines left.  I think he may be afraid some more of the intestines have gone bad.  He's been sick this past week and still isn't well. 

     She said he came into her room this morning and told her he'd been worried about her all night and felt like he just had to get this done now and not wait any longer.  She says she just can't go on like this - in constant pain, not being able to move or get up - and that she wants to get it done so she can be better.

     I'm so worried.  I told her I'd post this and request prayers for her from all of you.  You've given prayers and good thoughts for her every time she's had surgery and it has helped so  much.  Hopefully, Dr. Cole will have sure hands and things will come out all right for her.  Thank you all so much.  You're such good friends and I have no one else to turn to for help for her. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Byron's is way on the N side of Chicago. I have never been there and never had a "Chicago" dog until I was 16'

    Chicago dog history;


    I have been to Wrigley Field to Bear's games. Never a baseball game. In my day everyone was a White Sox fan. I have also been to the Cubby Bear Lounge.

    I wish I had seen the program this morning. Lorita...Chicago, I think, is our most beautiful city and it is very manageable. Most of the museums and events are still free. The lake is beautiful in all seasons but especially nice in the summer when it is filled with sailboats or in the dead of winter when no one is around.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Praying for Sarah. She has gone through an awful lot. I think she has a good surgeon and hoping he can help her to get well. 

    A good week here. Went target shooting one day, swimming one day, softball (granddaughter) one day, and of course, gardening. Went to church this morning. It's been pretty hot. It will be hot this coming week as well, with highs in the 90s most days. Luckily I have a swimming invitation again this week.

    Sara, you asked how large our property is. We live in a suburb and our lot is almost 1/2 acre. Much/most of the backyard is garden. Mainly flowers. The pasture behind us is not ours. It's nice having it back there, though. Great views! Posting pics of 2 of the horses last winter. Why not a current photo? Don't have one that is a jpg. When you take a pic with an iPhone, it is an "HEIC." My pic resizing program (PicResize.com) will not allow you to upload an HEIC file. The horse on the left is Gunner and on the right is Two. Last winter Pistol, Gunner's daughter, was in another state being trained for riding. All 3 are mares. 

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Hi all...it seems quiet, and I have a couple of pet and plant situations that I could use advice on, and may make somebody smile without being too boring. Otherwise I’ve had health issues and not done much.

    Meanwhile: neighbors got a new cat back around Christmas, “inherited” from their parents. I’d seen it around some, he (neutered) mostly stayed outside, but close to his home. There is a vacant lot between my house and theirs, and we have French doors all along that side, so I could see him out there watching us. In the early morning (I found out later it’s when they let him out) he’d come literally running across the lot to our deck.

    After a couple weeks he approached me. Long story short, he is the friendliest, most affectionate cat I’ve ever dealt with. If I go out, he is glued to my ankles, and he will cry outside our doors to come in. I have NOT fed him, but I have petted and played with him. I let him in a couple times, and he stuck by me like glue. If I sit, he’s in my lap. He is friendly with visitors, and with DH,  but not especially so. We have a 12-pound poodle, who is I think intimidated by him. The cat pays her no attention—sometimes lies on his back in front of her and waves his paws—but she is anxious if he’s inside. 

     I asked the neighbors what his name is and, no name. Just “the cat.”  They don’t seem very interested in him, but they did not offer to give him up. They said if he’s a bother they’d try to “do something,” but said when they have him in, he cries to go out. They kind of laughed about how he likes our place—as does their dog, a beagle, who occasionally gets out of their fence and runs right over here. But beagle is too nervous about other people.

    I admit, I’m very fond of the cat, but I don’t want to poach the neighbors pet. And I don’t need the responsibility of another animal, besides the poodle and DH. But I can’t bring myself to spray water or whatever on him. As I write this, he is lying on our deck staring at me. Sheesh.

    The only other cat I had was years ago when I lived in a ground-floor, no pets, apartment. One day a little girl, maybe 8-10 yo, a stranger, knocked at my door holding a cat.

    Girl: my mom says I have to get rid of my kitty. Can you take him?

    Me: No, no pets allowed, and I don't know anything about cats.

    (Some back-and-forth with her pleading, me saying no)

    Girl: but this is a special kitty. He has eight toes on each foot. You can count them.

    Me: Really? Let me see. 

    So I hold the cat and count toes. Then I looked up. 

    The girl is 50 yards down the street, running like an Olympic sprinter, and I’m standing there with a cat.

    I had that cat maybe 15 years. He was orange all over and very affectionate— like the one hanging around now.

    But on to the plants. I got a bunch of coleus in pots at the market. They were so common in SC but I have not seen them in years. They are beautiful, and I keep them outside on the deck—no direct sun, but bright indirect light.

    But now they are getting very leggy. Will they Bush out if trimmed? Is there a better place on the stalk to cut them? I cut one stalk, put in water, and it rooted. Can I put that in another pot? Any advice on that? It’s amazing the ones I bought lasted this long...

    Judith, your sage? Photos from Santa Fe were so beautiful I would give my left arm to be there now. Zetta, I hope your kitty is ok. We used to use those no-needle syringes to get food and meds in our little dogs...

    We have had drought and wildfires burning houses (normal for this time of year but worse than normal) bur rains started a couple days ago. Big lightning, Thunderstorms (also normal). But of course the rear window on my car fell out last week, and it was unbelievably hard to find someone to repair than do a complete replacement (it’s a convertible and complicated).  I finally did find somebody, but it was so ironic it happened right at rainy season, and not during any of the last drought months!

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Sayra, I just saw your post and the one I just did is so long I just started a new one. Thank you for asking about health, the problem is now you will get an answer!

    My stomach problems are improving, with less pain. (My stomach lining was burned by too much bile there, too long). Food does not pass through my stomach normally, but worse, neither do meds. I get injections for most things, but actual healing will take weeks, my gastro said. Now classified as “malnutritioned”. (Sounds third-world-ish) No energy at all. But at least I am not losing weight so fast now.

    More immediately, I had some skin cancer taken off my nose, which is NBD, but took a lot of stitches and the side of my nose is a bloody mess. If I sneeze, or need to blow, or touch the other side, ouch! But mostly it’s just gross. Stitches come out next week. 

    I had trouble with my convertible car top, which is ironic because I had a bigger place taken off the top of my head several months ago and never put the top down anymore. 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Greeting friends, 

    I don't know if I've ever chimed in to this thread yet in my few (but forever) years on the forum, but have read it with great interest and satisfaction many times. Whenever I can grab a moment to escape!

    Lorita, I signed on today to say, please please do not stop writing about cows, calves, feed, and farm stuff -- it is so very different from my day to day city life, but I take lots of life lessons from everything everyone shares. I don't mean to be unsociable and not taking time to pause to connect on this wonderful porch...it is hard for me to do the brain shift right now to gather my thoughts & post on just life's daily satisfaction and plain old pleasures of caring for our homes, work, and ourselves. Anyway...I have been enjoying the convo when I can check in briefly to see what's going on with everyone. I haven't even turned the tv on for over a year with major changes here, fast and furious, so will have to catch up on Gunsmoke and Miss Kitty in the next stage maybe. But I enjoy the lessons that the farm/garden/natural order of seasons and regular routines teaches us about how to live each day the best we can.

    I could get a real inferiority complex from all that you folks accomplish every day and week, though, I'll tell you that (!) Especially you Lorita. It encourages me to keep plugging away with work and caregiving when I feel in over my head (every 10 mins or so!). But I take comfort that all of you also have been in the thick of dementia caregiving and have, or are weathering that well, so it gives me confidence that I can too. One day.

    Love the babies =) Sammy's such a cutie with attitude in that one photo, yes. He knew he looked good so he posed just for you!

    Please forgive me for not saying specific hellos and messages to everyone right now. Just found something strange in the toilet (glad I caught it before DH tried to flush and clog it up!) and somehow the tub thing broke (?) and now it will not drain. I had left the nice, warm, bathwater yesterday in hopes my DH would do what he suggested he might...after 3 weeks+ with no shower or bath. He was probably trying to let the water drain rather than bathe lol, and now the thing is broken. I sound like DH with my word retrieval problems lol. Lord help us all.

    OK, I'd better get back on monitoring duty. My beloved can get into some real situations if I get distracted for too long. 

    A couple of quick thoughts: 

    Lorita: how do you pull a 200 lb mineral tub out of a pickup? Glad it landed right side up!

    Sayra: thank you for sharing a little more about your tulle creativity. I have a super small container garden and the birds? squirrels? or other urban wildlife keep eating my squash blossoms. I am SO envious of everyone's gardens here. But happy for you =). Will try the tulle and bamboo this season.

    Zetta: glad you made it back safely!

    Sandy: Congratulations! Enjoy your new adventure as a beautiful bride!

    Rescue mom: Get well soon! And, I think that is your long lost orange cat. =)

    Everyone, the tasty sounding meals and recipes! Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves =) Have a peaceful rest-of-the-day, and weekend. Hoping the week ahead is a good one for all.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I've read that guinea hens are famous for eating ticks.  But they tend to roam.

    There is a place in Las Vegas on which you can take virtual flying trips over different areas of the U.S.  When things calm down I want to have that experience.  

    Los Angeles is the biggest county by population but not by size, but it is still a very big county.  I live in the southeast part and I don't remember when I last was in the city of Los Angeles.  When I first moved here forty years ago, I went to all the tourist spots.  I don't have that interest now.

    Is anyone dealing with the locust plague?  When I was a small child, about four years old, I remember we had a plague of caterpillars in Brooklyn.  You could not take a step without stepping on one, and my feet were tiny then!  Also, as a child, I was not bothered by bugs.  But I would be freaked out now if I saw so many bugs, LOL. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O MY!       I  just lost a long post. I will try again tomorrow.

    Good Night Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Zetta, did you see my question about Rascal's teeth and gums the other day?  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Lorita will continue to pray for Sarah.  Has surely been a long, hard road.  

    Wonder how much one of your barn doors weighs?  We just had a small barn so the doors weren’t bad.  Of course I was much younger then.

    Don’t think the tulle would make a good sunshade.  The lady that taught me to use tulle for many things lives in California.  Believe it is the same area as Iris.  She uses something different for shading her plants, not the tulle. Tulle is mainly used to protect things.  

    Indeed that horse field behind you would be a beautiful view Beth as it sounds like they are well taken care of.  Thanks for sharing the picture.  

    Rescue mom I think the cat is truly yours lol.  It has figured out who loves it.

    Haven’t raised coleus in a long time.  Looked it up and you can cut it back.  Seen several articles on that so must be common for them to get leggy.

    Glad your stomach pain is improving and hope your skin heals up nicely.

    ButterflyWings nice to see you on the porch.  Drop in whenever you can.  Glad reading about our daily lives helps you a little.  That is what got me coming to the porch.

    Thank you for mentioning that things will eat squash blooms.  Did not realize that would be a challenge too lol. Raising zucchini for the first time and both of them are looking nice at the moment. Know there is a bore that can kill the plant.  Believe remember reading that if that happens to replant around mid July and then you will be past when the bore will bother it.  When things need pollinated such as squash cannot keep them covered completely or pollinators won’t be able to do their job.  Will need to have top open at least.

    My watermelon is beautiful so far.  Actually have it covered with grow cloth.  It is growing nicely.  Will have to uncover it once blooms start setting.  Will be unbelievable if I actually get a watermelon.

    Iris have heard the same thing about guineas.  Several homesteaders I watch got guineas for the tics.  Most of them lost the guineas because of the wandering thing.

    Haven’t seen locust here in my area of Ohio yet either.  Watch several you tube channels out of North Carolina and one of them has had some locust, but haven’t noticed any of the others having any yet.  Not sure when they normally appear.

    Zetta it seems like long posts are the worst at disappearing.

    Well a chance of rain today but sounds like some sunshine too.  

    Have fixed wilted lettuce several times lately.  Have really enjoyed that since I was a kid.  My nephew really likes it too.  He usually asks for it as part of his birthday meal.  Like fried potatoes with it, pinto beans pretty good too and if course cornbread.  

    Have learned something.  Have got to where avocado oil has become my main cooking oil.  It is very mild flavor.  Have learned that due to this , can add just a small amount of bacon grease and get good flavor.

    Do any of you guys drink Spindrift?  If you do what is your favorite flavor.  I like raspberry lime.  Bought blackberry but to me has absolutely no blackberry flavor.  Thinking about trying pineapple next.  Will be a bit as I only drink one or two a week.  Wish they would have a mixed pack so could try different flavors without buying whole pack.

    Take care everyone

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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