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Just need to talk to my friends (147)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's cloudy and there's rain just west of, or in, OKC.  Supposed to get here before noon.  The tree guys are supposed to come today sometime between 7 and 8.  I keep expecting a call saying they won't come - I wouldn't because they'll just get started and have to stop and they have to travel about 60 miles to get here.  He said they could work in the rain if it wasn't too heavy.  Doesn't seem like it would be safe to be up in a bucket in the lightning.

     When I got up, at 6 this morning, Susie and Sammy were already in the lot.  I put some hay in the feeder last night so they were eating that.  So cute to see a six day old baby eating hay or grazing but they begin to about that age.  I gave them some more and they have water so they'll be okay while the guys are here.  Neither Tom nor Jerry were there for breakfast this morning so I left it for them.  Guess because I was a bit early they were still out hunting or whatever they do.  Stormy was crying when I went out (he wanted to go) so we drove up in the pasture to see the girls - only saw about 20 head so guess the others were already up at the MH.  Saw Billy the Bull going west.  He had been with his mother because I saw her going east.

     I didn't take down the trash this morning.  The trash guy runs between 7 and 7:30 - even too early when it's light outside.  I liked it when he'd run about 10.

     Iris - I had to laugh out loud when I read your post about Sue Ellen.  When Dallas was on TV so many people talked about it the day after it was on TV so we were really into it.  I remember all those shows you mentioned.  I do wish there were things like that on TV now instead of all the silly sitcoms.  I don't see a single show I'll be interested in this summer except the new season of Yellowstone. 

     Iris, I think I remember somewhere in the past I heard you were a doctor.  Did you specialize?  I bet you miss your patients.  At my doctor's office he has a bulletin board, really a couple, of past patients and babies he and the other doctors who were there in the past had delivered.  He was Carrie Underwood's doctor so he has pictures of her.  She's from his town and when she was becoming famous there were pictures of her all around town, in the restaurants and other places.  Quite a feather in their cap. Our vet's daughters went to school with her.

     Nicole, so sorry your uncle isn't doing well and also sorry about your cousin - hope she recovers soon.  Heard on the weather that it's supposed to be uber hot in Las Vegas this week.

     Beth, I looked up pictures of the American Yellowwood tree.  Gorgeous.  It's blooms are very much like the Royal Empress blooms except the color.  Royal Empress blooms are purple and very fragrant.  They also look a bit like the locust blooms.  I had never heard of that tree before.

     I agree, Sarah is exactly where she belongs - where she can get good care and, hopefully, improve.  It seems that her doctors really care about her and want to help.  If the pain could only be controlled.  She says they're giving her the most medicine they can and it helps for a little while.  Maybe when they get the infection controlled things will improve.

     I have a container of the cheesy broccoli soup in the freezer - should get it out and eat that.  It's a little cheesy for me even though I love cheese.  You mentioned wild rice - wonder if a person could put cooked rice in it to tone down the cheese a bit.  Might try that.  I love the potato soup - had three or four small bowls of it yesterday.  I tried to order some more from WM but it's for pickup only.  Maybe they'll change that today.

     Zetta - that isn't me.  The top of my hair is silver but from about the shoulders down it still has a lot of brown in it.  That lady's hair would be down to her waist if it wasn't braided, wouldn't it?

     Barbara - good to see your post.  So sorry you're having so much pain.  That can really get a person down, just from your body dealing with it day in and day out.  Hope it can improve soon.   Good you found out the medicine you were taking could lead to lupus before it did.

     Do you get much snow where you live?  Hard to believe it's winter there and summer (almost) here.  Does the draining water in your sinks really circle counterclockwise?  Seems odd to me but I've heard it does - and the rivers run north?  I think veranda sounds much more romantic than "porch" - they're called verandas in the deep south.  Always wondered why the houses on the stations in your Country have porches on all sides.  Always imagined it was to get all the breeze that was available.  I think that would be nice to have porches all around - sorry, verandas.

     Isn't it great about Sandra and her new husband.  They do look so happy.  Very happy for both of them.

     Sara - glad you found the little catnip plants.  So many things resow.  Also glad you didn't have frost.  It was cool here this morning, too.  Won't be long before we'll be complaining about the hot summer and wishing for cooler weather. 

     You all were talking about chess pies - a little bit eggy for me but I do love custard pies - well, almost any kind of pie you can mention.  I have some cans of different kinds of pie filling and some crusts so probably should "make" a pie.  I'm like you, I'd have to freeze at least half of it.  I may make some more of the pumpkin-spice muffins today - or maybe make it in a loaf pan.  But, the muffins are so handy.  I freeze them, then microwave a couple for about 20 seconds and they're just right to eat. 

     Sheena was limping on her left front foot this morning when she came in.  I felt of her foot and don't feel anything except her toenails are pretty long.  She doesn't like for me to handle her feet so will have to find her laying down outside where it's really light and sit on her, I guess, to trim them.  I started trimming Stormy's toenails when he was a puppy and I can do his easily especially when he's laying in the Gator seat.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  I thought the tree guys would be here by now - may have decided the rain is too close.  They say the rain may be heavy and we're already under a flood watch.  It's just beginning to dry up some around the barn. 

     Happy Memorial Day:  Indeed the day to think about all the brave men and women who have fought and even lost their lives to defend our freedom.  Freedom is not free.  That phrase is on a big, really long sign in front of our VA Medical Center.  So very true.  I saw that every day when I worked there for those 33+ years.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    They're here!  Got here about 8 - two or three huge trucks and a big chipper.  They'll take all the wood back including the wood chips.  When they did work before we let them dump the chips but I've decided I don't want the cattle around them. Babies are curious and will put anything in their mouths.

    I've changed my mind two or three times about taking out the tree but it's an old tree (which is worse) and has a huge, dead limb sticking straight up in the middle.  And, there's a pretty maple type tree next to it to take it's place.

     When they were coming up the drive Susie and Sammy were really scared.  The four little babies were in the lot, too, separate part, and they were scared.  Most of the girls are still on the other side of the pond.   I dread this.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, they're finished.  It's been a noisy morning - girls upset, Stormy upset but it's done.  Easy $2,000 an hour but they really worked.  I imagine there were at least eight or ten guys working.  They pick up all the limbs and shred them and then they rake.  They were able to get all the limbs away from the house on the south side with pole saws so didn't have to drive around to that side.  They backed the bucket truck into the yard and were able to reach everything with it.  I was very apprehensive and sad to take out the big, old elm but it's gone and the maple tree beside it is much bigger than I thought so it'll be able to spread out now.  They also trimmed some limbs over the front of the carport that hit the Gator and PU when it's icy or wet.  And they're going to trim the Hackberry down at the road to get it away from the arch and farm sign.  UPS has complained about that. Nice to visit with two of Adrian's sons - the last time they were here was about 16 or 17 years ago so they were youngsters.  There are 12 brothers and sisters in that family but only one works all the time with the tree trimming and another one part time.  All the guys who came were very nice.  Also, one of the young men asked about the plastic mineral/protein tubs so I gave all of them to him.  Had a PU bed full from accumulation of several years.  I had no idea what to do with them.  Glad they're gone.  He's going to use them for something to do with fish. I got to watch Federer play tennis while they were working.  Watching weather now (glad they were finished before the rain got here).  Guess I'll watch Yellowstone..
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Very quiet day on the thread - must be a sleepy day with all the clouds and rain.

     I drove the PU probably seven miles just now so that should help some.  Saw something really cute on my drive.  One of the neighbors has a couple of longhorns.  At least one is a cow and she has a baby.  They were standing on the pond dump and baby was having lunch.  They're really pretty - kind of dark tan and white spotted with those beautiful horns.  Looks like that would give them a headache carrying around all that weight.  Didn't see anything else except Mike's cows lounging and babies sleeping.  The trees looks good and I really like the maple you can now see.  Will still have to do a bit of work at the gate - they didn't get the sign uncovered enough.  I think I can reach some of the limbs if I stand in the PU bed and use long loppers but I may let Bryon take care of that when it gets dry enough to mow again.   Felt the first sprinkles when I got back to the house.

     Kind of worried about Rose Bud.  She's on the other side of the pond - was laying down when I left but was up when I got back, then laid back down.  All the others are in the barn.

     Watching Yellowstone.  Again, I think the first two seasons were better than the third but I'll finish watching it.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I was a pediatrician in my career.  For a long time I had lost interest because I was too ill.  Ironically, only this year after Covid have I begun to have an interest in pediatrics again.  I suppose it is due to all the talk about vaccinating children with the Covid vaccines.  Vaccinating children from preventable infectious diseases is a huge part of pediatrics.  

    But it is too late for me to get involved in real life.  Now, I am more interested in older adult health, especially living with early dementia and cognitive impairment for PWDs without anosognosia.  Doctors imply there is nothing that can be done, but there are things that can be done.  There is no cure yet but there is help.  This is what I try to tell new PWD members.

    Did you ever see the movie Hud with Paul Newman?  It was about longhorns.   


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I have seen Hud.  I always liked Paul Newman.  In his shows it never seemed like he was acting - just real life to him.  Longhorns are pretty but I bet they're hard to handle. With our cows when one calves I can clear the calf's mouth and help it up and usually their moms don't object.  Don't think I'd try that with a Longhorn -but, maybe if she was used to me it would be all right.  We have one cow, Penny, Jr., who has horns and I've noticed another small calf with nubs.  Our vet says this fall will be the best time to dehorn Penny.  I hate doing that but it makes it so hard to get them in the chute and she's using her horns on the other cows when I feed them.

     Many years ago we had a bull, Domino, with really long horns.  Then, we had three cows with horns.  It happened that they thought someone south of us had a cow with Bangs so everyone's cattle within a five mile radius had to be tested.  So, when the vets came to test ours we had them dehorn those cows.  I didn't stay out and watch but Charles did.  He said there was so much blood that he'd never do that again - and he didn't.  I've had one dehorned since then - no blood - so the vets didn't do a good job evidently.

    Judging from your posts I think you must have been a very caring pediatrician.  You seem to be very kind which is what kids need when they're ill.  Sad that you lost interest but that was unavoidable at the time.  I know you help people on the forum when they have problems and need answers so you're continuing your profession in another vein.  Keep up the good work.   I'm so glad you decided to post on our thread.

     I've been worried about Rose Bud today.  All the others are in the barn and she's been on the other side of the pond.  She's gone to the same spot the last several days - it's close to the water and there must be good grass.  I've noticed she's been up and down a couple of times today.  I just looked and she's up and on this side of the pond.  Always makes my day when I see her up and around.  I know the time will come when she won't be able to get up again and I won't let her lay and suffer.  It's too hard on them.  Letting them go to sleep is so hard for me but Mike is very compassionate.  I come inside and he takes care of them.  I've had to have that done many times with cattle, dogs and cats.  It's hard to see any being lose their life.  I've sat with little calves when there was no hope so they wouldn't be alone and have done the same with some of the cows.  I don't think any living being should have to die alone.  I feel that's what will happen with me but one never knows.

     Man, I drifted off onto that subject for an unknown reason so I'll get off it.  Rose Bud is up today and doing all right (wish she'd go into the barn) - it's raining hard and things are very wet again.  Glad they got the trees taken care of before the rain began.

     I talked with Sarah's nurse.  They're doing a series of stomach x-rays to see how it reacts to contract material.  So far she hasn't had to have medicine for nausea but still isn't sleeping well, especially at night, according to the nurse.  I'm glad she's in Mercy Hospital.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Wonderful, no nausea . I thought Sarah had a j-peg so why the look-see at her stomach? Maybe they are considering more food by mouth.

    Dreary day here. Did not get dressed. Read and studied up on the Tulsa Massacre and some on the economics of slavery. 

    I miss a good Memorial Day parade....remember marching in it as a Brownie and then a Girl Scout. We laid a wreath and went home. I have never understood the meaning behind happy Memorial  Day or having a cook out. It was always a quiet day and one only went to the cemetery to remember a family member who lost their life in battle. I hate to see it watered down. 

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Just quick answers to some of your questions.

    I have never seen snow. Have seen many frosts, when the temp may get down to 30 or so, and sometimes on the hills near here, there will be flurries of snow on a cold night. Then people go nuts about looking at it before it melts about sunup. Aus does have a few mountains that are snow-covered in winter, but none that have snow all year round.

    Lots of reasons to have verandas all round the house. First means the rooms in the centre are insulated from the worst of the heat -- much more common than cold. We tended to live on the north side during winter, where the sun made it warmer. Then on the east and west during summer. Avoided the west side as much as possible. Verandas gave much bigger living areas for the family, we had billiard and table-tennis tables on the east, beds and arm chairs scattered around.

    Also the bigger houses meant a bigger catchment area for rainwater, which we relied on for drinking and cooking etc.

    Many houses started very small, the verandas were added in stages over the years, as finances improved.

    Just watched the water go down in my kitchen sink. It went clockwise.

    Photo shows our eastern veranda on the farm at Christmas.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    The people I pet sit for during the summer have come back home. They live 6 months during the winter in Texas then 6 months here. They are golfers I am their pet nanny so I go over to their house during the day while they are golfing. I have been their pet nanny for 10 years. They did have 2 dogs and now we are down to one and he is 10 so hopefully he stays with us for an other 10 years.

    Beth,    Rascal was very glad to see both Molly and I he's been on my lap or next to me in bed ever since I have been home. I missed him also but I don't think Molly did, she does not like it when I hold him. 

    Barbara,    I am sorry your still having arthritis pain hopefully your Dr will find something to help with the pain. It is so nice that your DH knows who you are when you go to visit. At times mine knew me and other times he thought I was one of the caregivers.  

    Sara,    I think roast would do very well overnight in the cooker. That is a good idea to have it ready to take to your Mom as early as she likes it to be there. What a wonderful smell to wake up too. I cooked the chicken over night because I wanted to make enchiladas the next afternoon so when I tried to shred the chicken is when it turned into mush. There was really not much taste to it as well.   

    Lorita,  I bet your place will look so different with the trees down I hope you like the outcome of it all. My lawn is starting to turn green it looks so pretty iot got up to 85 today.

    Ron,    I bought a water melon a few days ago and I remembered what you told us to look for when buying one and believe me it was one of the best I have ever gotten. Thanks for sharing that info.

    I hope you all had a good day. Hugs Zetta

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    The wedding was beautiful.  Weather was perfect.  Repeated their vows under an arch overlooking a beautiful lake.   My daughter, Carrie , was in a wheelchair and was gorgeous.  Her daughters had fixed her hair back in curls.  They even colored her hair.  Makeup was just right.   She was able to rest in a room away from guests.   You could tell she was tired but would still smile off and on.  It is so sad that she has little time left.  

    I am tired tonight so headed for bed.  Goodnight 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Night Jude,

    That was wonderful that the wedding went so well. I bet your daughter was beautiful. It all sounds so sweet. You will have good memories. Thanks for sharing. Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Barbara, I live in southern California.  In December cities or organizations will truck in snow from the mountains for the children to play in.  People ask me if I want to see the snow.  I tell them, I've seen enough snow!  I spent four years in upstate New York, one of our snow capitals!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Judy how nice that things worked out at the wedding.  Will be a good memory but at the same time bittersweet.  I’m very sorry.

    Lorita I stayed busy all day yesterday.  Do feel a little caught up, not completely lol. Ate a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, while walking around outside deciding what to do next.

    My trash man didn’t run yesterday due to holiday.  Do yours run on a holiday?  If not and you read this in time maybe you can get it out.  I’m fortunate in that can but mine out evening before.

    Glad you got those trees cut.  Trees can be very dangerous. Quite a few times here people have been killed by falling trees.  

    Would love to share some of my snow with the children who like to play with it.  Like Iris, I have seen enough.

    Time to clean house again.  Need to get rid of rest of my potting mix and then can clean up garage.  So looking forward to that.  Have all my bags filled.  Have a five gallon bucket and tote I could fill.  Will start with the bucket and go from there til I get rid of all of it.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Happy June!!   It's 61 degrees here this morning, cloudy and misty.  Wore a jacket out to check the girls - as far away as they could be - kept coming up two short, then saw a cow coming down from the barn.  When I came back by I checked and Billy the Bull was laying in the hallway at the front of the barn, chewing his cud so guess he just wasn't ready to get out in the weather.  We had 1.2" of rain and there's mud and water everywhere.  Had just begun to dry up enough so I didn't have to wear boots, not so now.

     Judith, I imagine the reason or part of it is to see if the bowel obstruction is resolving and also to see how food might move along.  She's not getting anything by mouth - getting her nutrition IV.  The nurse said she was having a hard time with the x-rays yesterday - I imagine from drinking the contrast material.

     People consider Memorial Day the unofficial start of the summer season so after a long, cold winter they're ready to get out and BBQ and all the other things.  It isn't a happy day if you stop and think about the reason for it - not the other things people usually do.

     President Biden and the First Lady will be in Tulsa later today for a few hours.  Our Chief of the Cherokees - Hoskins - is going to have a meeting with him.  His visit is part of the commemoration of the Race Riot, 100 years ago. 

     So, Barbara, it's an old wife's tale that water runs opposite south of the equator to what it does north. 

     I always thought the porches or verandas on three or four sides of the houses was to provide more access to the cooler air.  It looks like, from your picture, that it's closed in or at least that one is.  Are there trees around the houses?  I think everything about Australia is so interesting.  That's one place I've always wanted to visit along with New Zealand.  But, I can't imagine being on a plane that many hours and over water to boot.  Guess I'll just look at pictures and read what you and Sandra have to say about it.  I was watching one of the Zoo shows a day or so ago and one of the koalas had a joey in her pouch.  It didn't show it but I can just imagine how cute it must have been.  I think they look so cuddly but I understand they're not so much.

     Zetta, sorry about your chicken.  I don't think I've ever cooked any kind of meat in the slow cooker - Charles probably did.

     I'm very pleased with the results of the tree trimming.  I'm so happy with the tree that was growing next to the one they removed.  I had no idea it was so big because it's leaves and limbs were intertwined with the elm.  It's already spreading out.  When the sun comes out I'll take a picture and post it.  Beautiful maple tree so there's not that empty place where the tree came out.  The guys moved the big flower pot to the stump of the elm so the caladiums will get some sun there.  We'll see how they do.

     Happy your watermelon was good.  I'm going to make a point of getting one this summer.  When I was growing up daddy always planted watermelons and cantaloupes.  They'd cut one sometime mid afternoon and when I'd get home from school my afternoon snack was watermelon.  I only used salt on mine but mother would put pepper and salt on hers, same with cantaloupe.

     Judy, glad the wedding went well.  Sounds like Carrie was beautiful and enjoyed the festivities.  There will be many memories for everyone.  So nice that she was able to attend and enjoyed it.

    Iris, I've seen just about enough snow, too.  I love to see it fall but getting out in it and feeding is another story.  We don't have nearly as much snow now as we did when I was little.  Our bad thing is ice storms - awful to get thick ice on the trees and hear them breaking during the day and night - sounds like gunfire.  After those two weeks in this past February I think everyone in this area is tired of ice and snow.

     Sara - glad you've just about gotten everything caught up.  Wish I could say the same.  Guess I need to make a new to-do list.  Seems like one thing comes off and two go on.

     Have you ever tried Reese's peanut butter?  I didn't know they made one but the last couple of times I've ordered that kind and it's really good.  I really like chunky but have switched to creamy since the crunchy kind caused my first diverticulitis.  Ate too much of it.

     Our trash runs on Monday, every Monday unless it happens to be Christmas or New Years.  It won't be so bad during the summer to take it down - another story in winter so I may start taking it down the night before this next winter.

     I'm so glad the tree work is done, too.  I really became worried about that big tree with the huge limbs over the house after I saw all the stories about trees being uprooted or broken and falling on houses.  It'll take a little while for them to recover and look really good again but it's better for them, too.  And, I'm so pleased with the new maple.  It's been there all the time but just couldn't see its shape and size.  I imagine it's almost ten years old.

     Went to bed last night and was going to watch some TV in the bedroom but went to sleep and woke up at 12:30, then couldn't go back to sleep for a couple of hours so I'm kind of tired this morning.  I think I will take a nap today.  Stormy and Sheena are scratching like crazy. They're blowing hair and that's part of it - I don't see any fleas and have only found a couple of ticks.  I've found many more on me than on them.  Both of them have bumps (can't remember what they're called) on their backs, kind of close to their tails that must itch.  I've cut a lot of hair off Stormy's back but he's still scratching.  I think I had to get them allergy shots last spring but maybe I can order some kind of pills that would help.  They're sleeping out on the porch right now.

     I'll stop and drink my hot tea.  Need to make a loaf of bread today.  Not much else on tap for the day (I hope).   Enjoy the first day of June (can't believe it's already here).

      Have you all seen the video of the woman pushing the bear off the brick wall to protect her dogs?  Somewhere in California I think.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Happy June!!   It's 61 degrees here this morning, cloudy and misty.  Wore a jacket out to check the girls - as far away as they could be - kept coming up two short, then saw a cow coming down from the barn.  When I came back by I checked and Billy the Bull was laying in the hallway at the front of the barn, chewing his cud so guess he just wasn't ready to get out in the weather.  We had 1.2" of rain and there's mud and water everywhere.  Had just begun to dry up enough so I didn't have to wear boots, not so now.

     Judith, I imagine the reason or part of it is to see if the bowel obstruction is resolving and also to see how food might move along.  She's not getting anything by mouth - getting her nutrition IV.  The nurse said she was having a hard time with the x-rays yesterday - I imagine from drinking the contrast material.

     People consider Memorial Day the unofficial start of the summer season so after a long, cold winter they're ready to get out and BBQ and all the other things.  It isn't a happy day if you stop and think about the reason for it - not the other things people usually do.

     President Biden and the First Lady will be in Tulsa later today for a few hours.  Our Chief of the Cherokees - Hoskins - is going to have a meeting with him.  His visit is part of the commemoration of the Race Riot, 100 years ago. 

     So, Barbara, it's an old wife's tale that water runs opposite south of the equator to what it does north. 

     I always thought the porches or verandas on three or four sides of the houses was to provide more access to the cooler air.  It looks like, from your picture, that it's closed in or at least that one is.  Are there trees around the houses?  I think everything about Australia is so interesting.  That's one place I've always wanted to visit along with New Zealand.  But, I can't imagine being on a plane that many hours and over water to boot.  Guess I'll just look at pictures and read what you and Sandra have to say about it.  I was watching one of the Zoo shows a day or so ago and one of the koalas had a joey in her pouch.  It didn't show it but I can just imagine how cute it must have been.  I think they look so cuddly but I understand they're not so much.

     Zetta, sorry about your chicken.  I don't think I've ever cooked any kind of meat in the slow cooker - Charles probably did.

     I'm very pleased with the results of the tree trimming.  I'm so happy with the tree that was growing next to the one they removed.  I had no idea it was so big because it's leaves and limbs were intertwined with the elm.  It's already spreading out.  When the sun comes out I'll take a picture and post it.  Beautiful maple tree so there's not that empty place where the tree came out.  The guys moved the big flower pot to the stump of the elm so the caladiums will get some sun there.  We'll see how they do.

     Happy your watermelon was good.  I'm going to make a point of getting one this summer.  When I was growing up daddy always planted watermelons and cantaloupes.  They'd cut one sometime mid afternoon and when I'd get home from school my afternoon snack was watermelon.  I only used salt on mine but mother would put pepper and salt on hers, same with cantaloupe.

     Judy, glad the wedding went well.  Sounds like Carrie was beautiful and enjoyed the festivities.  There will be many memories for everyone.  So nice that she was able to attend and enjoyed it.

    Iris, I've seen just about enough snow, too.  I love to see it fall but getting out in it and feeding is another story.  We don't have nearly as much snow now as we did when I was little.  Our bad thing is ice storms - awful to get thick ice on the trees and hear them breaking during the day and night - sounds like gunfire.  After those two weeks in this past February I think everyone in this area is tired of ice and snow.

     Sara - glad you've just about gotten everything caught up.  Wish I could say the same.  Guess I need to make a new to-do list.  Seems like one thing comes off and two go on.

     Have you ever tried Reese's peanut butter?  I didn't know they made one but the last couple of times I've ordered that kind and it's really good.  I really like chunky but have switched to creamy since the crunchy kind caused my first diverticulitis.  Ate too much of it.

     Our trash runs on Monday, every Monday unless it happens to be Christmas or New Years.  It won't be so bad during the summer to take it down - another story in winter so I may start taking it down the night before this next winter.

     I'm so glad the tree work is done, too.  I really became worried about that big tree with the huge limbs over the house after I saw all the stories about trees being uprooted or broken and falling on houses.  It'll take a little while for them to recover and look really good again but it's better for them, too.  And, I'm so pleased with the new maple.  It's been there all the time but just couldn't see its shape and size.  I imagine it's almost ten years old.

     Went to bed last night and was going to watch some TV in the bedroom but went to sleep and woke up at 12:30, then couldn't go back to sleep for a couple of hours so I'm kind of tired this morning.  I think I will take a nap today.  Stormy and Sheena are scratching like crazy. They're blowing hair and that's part of it - I don't see any fleas and have only found a couple of ticks.  I've found many more on me than on them.  Both of them have bumps (can't remember what they're called) on their backs, kind of close to their tails that must itch.  I've cut a lot of hair off Stormy's back but he's still scratching.  I think I had to get them allergy shots last spring but maybe I can order some kind of pills that would help.  They're sleeping out on the porch right now.

     I'll stop and drink my hot tea.  Need to make a loaf of bread today.  Not much else on tap for the day (I hope).   Enjoy the first day of June (can't believe it's already here).

      Have you all seen the video of the woman pushing the bear off the brick wall to protect her dogs?  Somewhere in California I think.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Yesterday was a busy day in the garden. I planted a tree ('October Glory' red maple), removed a diseased plant, removed a plant that was in a place where I want to plant something else, picked radishes, lettuce and spinach, planted 2 cayenne peppers and helped stake 2 trees. Today I am watering newer trees (from last fall) and moved a seedling tree (Paperbark Maple). I have an oak seedling and a white pine seedling to move too. They are tiny volunteer plants. 

    We are waiting to get into a website to make reservations for timed entry at Rocky Mountain National Park for July. Estes Park is our happy place! Going to go target practice later and then to granddaughter's softball game. I love summer! 

    Below is a photo of my yellow peony, 'Bartzella.' It's a stunner, and smells good too!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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     Paeonia tenuifolia     Paeonia 'Green Halo'...... Paeonia 'Krinkled White'
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, you did have a busy day but you got so much done. Bet that makes you feel good.  Isn't it fun to transplant those little trees and see them grow?  We lost a big maple in a wind storm years ago and I found one of it's little seedlings, planted it in a bucket so I could water it and take care of it until I could transplant it in the fall.  That was several years ago and now the tree is huge.  I have little maple seedlings all over the yard but that's the only one I ever planted.  The little tree that's taking the place of the elm we took out yesterday is a seedling from that tree, too.

     We have a big black walnut tree in the back yard and it has little seedlings that I've never done anything with.  It's old and doesn't have good walnuts so probably should plant one of them somewhere else.  No room in the yard so it would have to go out north of the house somewhere.  I don't like to have black walnuts where the cows could possibly pick up one of the walnuts.  Also have heard their leaves aren't good for cattle.

     I'm so sleepy - it's quiet except for the TV so I should take that nap.  Zetta, I'm watching an episode of Gunsmoke where the little guy turns into a were-elephant.  I really enjoyed watching Yellowstone again this weekend.  I had kind of forgotten the cliff hanger from last season - how awful.  Hate that Jamie turned against the family and the people who raised and cared for him.  In one of the episodes John Dutton was talking to his grandson (I thought that was so sweet) and he told him about a recurring nightmare he had - where he stopped to help someone and something happened to him.  So, guess what happened to him was the end of his nightmare.   I think Rip will drive by and fine him - don't know about the others but I'm sure they'll survive.  Did you all know the girl who plays the daughter is English, I think, and has a pretty heavy English accent - you'd never know it on the show though.

     I have a loaf of bread in the bread maker that will come out in about an hour so guess I'll wait until it's baked before I lay down.  Don't like to leave it in the breadmaker after it's baking and cooling.  Still cloudy and cool - high today is supposed to be 66 - average normal temp is in the upper 80s for today.  The water in the pond looks like glass this morning.

     I need to call Sarah to see if she got any sleep last night.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy June 1st, I can't believe how time flys. I guess the older you get the faster it goes. 

    Beth,    Your flowers are beautiful. I wish I had a green thumb and patience like a lot of you do. I have some flower seeds I will put in my containers today as soon as the sun goes down. It is 95 outside right now and I am not a outdoor person especially when it is hot.

     Lorita,   Are you far from Tulsa? I was watching the news this morning and they were showing the President and the first Lady in Tulsa. I bet when he is in places there is a lot of security and and a lot of traffic.  

    I am glad you are not disappointed in the removal of your trees, especially the older ones. I bet your house smells so good with the bread baking. I would love to have fresh baked bread but I know for sure I would eat way more with butter then I should do.

    I am also watching Gunsmoke and the little guy turning into a elephant. It came on at my time being 12:00 noon. I think you are two hours ahead of me. What time were you watching it. We are probably seeing the same ones each day. I watch it on tvland.

    I filled my hummingbird feeder and have it on my front porch I really enjoy watching them come to feed. But if it draws bees and ants like it did last year I will move it out to a tree. I hope that don't happen because the trees are too far for me to see the birds. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Zetta I have cooked chicken in crockpot before but only for a few hours.  It has always been pieces and parts so not sure about a whole chicken.  Roast has a very different texture than chicken.  

    Left one of my hummingbird feeder out last night.  See it is still standing this morning.  We are to have rain for two or three days, after the sun shines again maybe I will try leaving the one out all night that I moved to the middle of the garden.  In previous locations every morning they had been torn down.  So been bringing them in at night. Never have had this problem before.  Little more cautious about one I moved to garden as don’t want anything gettin into my garden at night.  Do put a little fence around it at night.

    Glad your happy with the tree trimmers work Lorita.  It is. Discouraging when you put out a bit of money and feel you got a second rate job done.

    Beth you are stronger than me.  Never liked messing with trees and shrubs.  Trees are so messy too.  My driveway is covered in locust bloom and cotton.  Have to keep garage door down right now when out working to keep cotton out of my garage.  It is hard to sweep up because it’s light as a feather and flies all around.  Mom would like the Bartzella peony, she likes flowers that color of yellow.

    Lorita want to encourage you again today.  Would like for you to feel free to go to store and get your eggs and milk.  All of us will get past our fear of normal at different speeds.  Some on here are much less fearful of normal than I am, others are way more fearful.  I’m sort of in the middle it seems.   Bear with me one more time.

    Seeing quite a few different physicians working on the ground, in different areas, saying 99% of my hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. One recently said we have 150 covid patients at our hospital and not one had been vaccinated.  So we have to keep reminding ourselves the vaccines have been doing their job well.  They are also talking about how they’re  now mainly seeing admissions in the 40-50 year old age group, because us more mature people have a way higher vaccine rate.  One doctor said in the past I would have 60 admissions to icu, today I have 7 because of the lower age group being hospitalized now.

    Also more are coming out and saying this is probably not going to end up like the flu, will be more like the measles.  Those who are vaccinated will get to where they won’t think about it.  People still get measles who aren’t vaccinated and get exposed, but we don’t think about getting measles if we are protected. 

     Shane Crotty PhD virologist has been saying this for a long time.  Always felt like he knew what he was talking about.   He was doing the work, in his lab, he has been a virologist for awhile, he was studying blood samples from patients, he knew what he was talking about, wasn’t just talking to hear himself talk.  He didn’t just hang a shingle up when sars 2 came along lol, many did.  True virologist talk about this and has been frustrating to them as these fly by nighters who didn’t know what they were talking about spread false drama.  Glad I listened to him, he gave me hope and eased my mind.  He said months ago my research shows our T cells are going to take care of us and I believe it will be long term.  Looks like he was right.

    So little info on how those of us that got J&J are doing.  Everything is about Pfizer and Moderna.  Find this a little frustrating.  Hope it will change eventually as it was about two months behind in being approved.  But, don’t see anything proclaiming that only J&J recipients are the 1% of vaccinated people being hospitalized so that might be a good indicator lol for those of us who got J&J, as I’m pretty sure the media would jump all over that.  Did see that in the case of the NY baseball players, it did it’s job, so that does encourage me. Only one out of the eight had symptoms and they were mild and he recovered quickly is my understanding. 

    So guess what I’m saying is at some point we need to accept the freedom that the vaccine has blessed us with and those who choose to not take it are on their own now.  With time some of them will receive some natural immunity.  So with the passing of more time will become more and more like measles.

    Still wear my mask when near people who I don’t know if they have been vaccinated or not.  It is my security blanket for now.  But eventually in a month or two hope to wean myself off of it lol if the facts keep holding up as I believe they will.  Hope to hug people soon.  I have missed that.  Do still plan on wearing it in public during the flu season.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's overcast here, winds are calm and it's really humid.  I put my light-weight coat on when I went out to feed Tom and Jerry and then drove out to see the girls.  Saw everyone the first time around.  They were scattered out in three pastures.  Also had to go out and turn off the barn light I'd left on yesterday so gave Susie some more hay.  The weatherman says we may have some heavy storms later today so guess I won't let Susie and Sammy out.  He's running around exploring this morning.  He so wants to come over so I can pet him but nature's telling him to be careful.  He'll come within a couple of feet of my outstretched hand but just can't make himself touch it. 

     Stormy and Sheena are scratching to beat the band.  I don't see fleas so it's not that - must be allergies and/or those places on them.  Last year Sheena had a big hot spot and they were scratching so the vet came out and gave them allergy and antibiotic shots.  Maybe I can get him to do that again (last year it was in July).  I do have some spray so I'll try that first.

     I checked the creepfeeder while I was out - they'll need feed in a couple of days.  I know the roads are terrible and I can't go when there's a chance of rain so we'll see what happens in a day or so.  The roads are really washed away in places and there's little rivulets across them so makes it hard to drive.  When I was working and drove on the country roads so much I always worried about meeting a car.  The roads aren't that wide and you can easily get into a ditch.  But, people who live in the country are very good - when they see a car coming we always look for a wide place to pull over to let the other car pass - a driveway or gate, just anything to give more room.

     Sara - I'm not so worried about being around people but I will wear my mask.  I was around all those boys and men the other day and none of them were wearing masks.  I think masks will be a part of life from now on just like it is in some other countries.  And, like I've mentioned before - you don't have to worry about putting on make-up.  I did that every day for so long it's a relief not to do it now.  Not sure whether a person can call and order feed and not have to go inside - hope so because it's always crowded inside.

     I slept through the night so feel better rested today.  I talked with Sarah last evening.  She doesn't have the report on the x-rays yet but does say the pain meds are helping some, at least for a while, after she takes it - they give it through the IV tube.  She's taking Tramadol and Morphine, also gets Ativan and a medicine Charles took for years to help her sleep.  No idea what else.  She said Dr. Cole will be back tomorrow so maybe she'll learn more then.  She says the pain medicine helps, but then she has to get up to go to the bathroom (with help on a bedside commode) and that reactivates the pain.  She does sound better. 

     Sara - sounds like you're still researching to see how the vaccine is working for people.   I don't hear much about the J&J vaccine either.  Either I'm not watching the right place or they're not talking too much about it now.  I did hear that 50% of older people are fully vaccinated - I think that's for the US and not just our State.

     Hard to believe it's already June.  Just think how fast this last year and a half has gone.  It does go faster when you get older.

     Zetta - I think that Gunsmoke episode was on, maybe at 11.  I get it on TVLand and also on Inspiration channel.  I saw the first episode of Gunsmoke last night.  John Wayne introduced the show and James Arness.  He was the one who talked Arness into taking the part and I know he was very happy he did.  Have you noticed how much faster he walked when he was younger - guess that's true of all of us though.  Also how much flirtier Miss Kitty was with him when the show first began?

     Big day for Tulsa yesterday.  You're right - bet the traffic was bad.  We're about an hour or so from Tulsa.  I like the town but wouldn't want to live there.  It's a pretty city - lots of trees, parks and flowers.

     I like this tree service - no idea how we connected with them the first time.  One of the guys said this was the third time they'd been here.  One time they came to work on the big maple and a couple of other trees in the yard and another time we had a terrible wind storm that damaged so many trees on the farm and they came and took care of them.  They're good and fast and leave things in good shape when they leave.  I love the looks of the maple.  I had no idea it was that big.  I know the elm and it looked like there were lots of leaves so many of them were the maples.   When the sun comes out I'll get a good picture of it so you all can see how big it really is.  The only thing and this couldn't be helped because of the rain - where they had to back into the yard to get the bucket over the house the tire imprints are about 2" deep.  That will eventually go away so no problem with that.  Glad they could reach the limbs on the south side with the pole saw and didn't have to drive around there.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Supposed to be in the 80s next week so guess we better enjoy the cooler weather while it's here.

     Sara, glad your hummingbird feeder was okay.  Still wondering what was getting into them earlier.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Glad you got a good nights rest.  

    We are having slow gentle rain.  Giving it for all day.  Fairly warm though.  So I ran a lot of errands this morning.  Took several bags to goodwills for my sisters and  paid my car insurance.  Had paid my car insurance online last couple of times.  Nice to go back there and see familiar faces.

    Went and saw Jean yesterday.  She mentioned how much she likes popcorn.  She was talking about not being real happy with the food.  She never mentions fruit and she always had me to get her fruit.  Asked her do you ever get fresh fruit?  She said once in awhile they give us a banana.  So knew my sister was going today, so made her some popcorn and got her some fresh fruit.  She will be surprised when she gets it today.

    Ron bought a watermelon today.  It’s juicy and sweet, would like just a little more intense watermelon flavor.  But way better than anything I bought last year.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, you are so sweet  to think of sending popcorn and fruit to Jean.  You're such a good friend to her.    I bet she'll be surprised and so pleased to get both things. 

     Glad you're getting some rain today - so, no watering for a few days.  Good to get errands run.  I don't pay anything online but have most of my bills on auto pay except credit card and trash.  Don't know why I've never gotten the trash bill on but I only pay it every three months so that's probably why. I should be getting the semi-annual bill for car and PU insurance.  Just got the farm insurance paid in May.

     I've been copying down all the phone numbers on my cellphone.  I have to change phones by the end of this month and I don't want to lose the numbers.  The girl I talked to at Consumer Cellular said she thinks they can be transferred to the SIM card but I don't think she was very sure.  We'll try but if it doesn't work I'll still have the numbers.  I'd be lost without them.  Guess I'll lose the pictures I have on the phone  - a few are of pets we once had and some of the GPs when they were a bit younger.  I also have a few of Charles' and my parents' headstones.  I haven't been able to take pictures with the phone for quite a long time - but, I can send and receive pictures, sounds kind of odd to me. Maybe I can send them to the new phone - just a thought.

     I had thought I'd work on taxes this afternoon and I still may.  Guess there's no big hurry since he's already filed for an extension.  Girls have gone into the barn - I closed the gate to the west paddock so Susie and Sammy wouldn't get out when FedEx comes.  Rose Bud saw me outside and came to the fence - wanting some feed - so fed her.  I have most of a sack in the back of the car but some of it's molded so I'm trying to be careful to not give her or Susie any bad feed. 

    Glad your watermelon was good - seems early to me for watermelons but guess they're imported.  I like to buy the ones from the farmers who raised them because I know they were picked when they were ripe so they'll be sweeter.  What was the key things Ron said to look for in a good melon?

     Sara - do you think the texture of the bread we make changes with the amount of humidity we have?  This last loaf has a coarser texture than previous ones.  Makes really good toast and it's fine but was just wondering what you think.

     It's kind of sunny so I'm going to take a picture of the tree and the purple clematis.  Maybe I can get a good one of Susie and Sammy so you all can see how he's growing.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,       Its 95 at my house today. I mowed a little it got too hot so I came inside I am so thankful my son lives with me he took over the job. I don't mind mowing it is good exercise but I don 't like doing it in the heat. 

     Sara,   The chicken I slow cooked was just 2 big breast its was probably was way to long to cook it. I have done whole chickens in the slow cooker and they always turn out well. I don't have a problem with my hummingbird feeders getting knocked over mine hang from the porch awning the problem I have is the bees and the ants. 

    Sara,     That is very sweet of you to take fresh fruit and pop corn to Jean. You are a very caring person and she needs someone to care. 

     Lorita,    I would love to see the first episode of gunsmoke. I don't get the inspirational channel I think that is where you are seeing the older gunsmokes. The ones I see on tvland are not the black & white ones and they don 't have Chester in them. I am watching it now and the one that just started is titled Kimbro. I might look on Netflix and see if I can find the older gunsmokes. 

    Lorita,  If I remember right Ron was saying when your picking out water melons look for one that has a uniform shape and if it has a yellow or light brown bottom that means it ripened on the vine. I am also in the process of getting a new cell phone I am hoping I don't lose picts and numbers. My phone is about 8 years old and the last time I got a phone I lost a lot of pictures. They were able to transfer some over but not all of them. I guess I should do what you are doing and write the numbers down. My daughter is coming down soon so she can help me find a phone for old people. 

    Well friends its time for me to go I got a pizza coming out of the oven. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Judith, those three peonies are stunning! 'Krinkled White' reminds me of my 'Star Power.' I just ordered a new peony to plant this fall. It's called 'White Cap.' I am beginning to run out of room in the garden; when I have a new plant I want, I have to consider carefully where I'll put it! lol

    Went swimming at a friend's today. Beautiful day for it and it was a lot of fun.

    Hope all are doing well and enjoy your evening.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Hump Day,

    It's 106* here in Vegas!!!! Thank goodness my uncle's a/c works. I pre-made a roasted chicken, shrimp with pasta salad, white rice, flavored noodles, roasted and frozen veggies so no cooking for 4 to 5 days for me...yea!!!!

    Tonight we're having a cheese, fruit platter with cold cooked shrimp and a salad for dinner. Simple.

    Congrats on the wedding Sandy. Beautiful pictures, thank your u for sharing with us.

    Still. Taking things one day at a time here.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    try to sync your phone with your pad or computer.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Beth, do your peonies have a fragrance?   I couldn't detect a fragrance from the ones we've had but Charles could.  He said it was a sweet smell, I think.    I think peonies are beautiful but only one of mine got to bloom this year - Susie trampled the other bud.  I planted a red one a few years ago and I don't believe it even came up.  Wish I had a place where I could have a few of them.  Yours are beyond beautiful.

     Zetta - check Consumer Cellular for your new phone.  I'm at the age I don't want to have to learn how to use an Iphone or anything that's difficult.  My phone is at least eight years old and doing just fine except it won't take pictures.  I have to replace it because it's a 3G and I guess they're discontinuing them so I have to get a 4G.  My phone bill is about $23. a month and that's for unlimited minutes and texts.  It's a little, red, flip phone.  Fits in my pocket or purse without a problem. I think I paid $50 for it and the new replacement will be free.  All I care to do is be able to make a call, receive calls, store numbers, take pictures and receive or send texts. I do use the alarm every day.  I don't have any trouble with reception or it dropping calls.  I know there will be a bit of learning on the new one but I can handle a little bit, just not a lot. I'm only down to the letter "L" in copying down numbers - maybe I can finish tomorrow.  It's a slow-go.  I think the girl I talked with at CC said I could get a Micro SD card to save the pictures.  I checked either WM or Amazon and they have so  many different kinds and I don't know which to order.

     Thanks for the information about the watermelons.  I'll wait until July or August to get one from a farmer.  I haven't gotten one in a couple of years but the last two times I bought one half of it ruined.  This time I'll cut it up and put it in the refrigerator (I still call it ice box) in a container so maybe I'll see it and won't forget about it.

     I watch Gunsmoke on TVLand and Insp. channel.  I prefer the ones with Chester.  I think Festus carries his type of talk too far.  I saw Lorne Green on an episode of Gunsmoke today.  I think I've watched westerns most of the day - Gunsmoke and Cheyenne.  Question:  Have you ever seen Matt kiss Kitty?  I don't think I have. 

     They've had some really heavy rains way north of here - none here.  In fact the sun came out late this afternoon. 

     Having some trouble with my knees wanting to give-way today.  Not all the time, just occasionally when it's least expected.  Maybe should wear the knee sleeves again for a while.

     I took a couple of pictures of Sammy so I'll post both of them.  One is Sammy with an attitude. He had just gotten up from a nap with mom and was ready to catch up with her.  The other one is him laying in front of the yucca that's just beginning to bloom and the prickly pears. You can't see any of the pretty, yellow blooms on the prickly pears - guess they're on the other side of the patch.  Notice the little, yellow buttercups in front of him.  Years ago I took a picture of DJ (a steer we had for many years) laying in a patch of pretty blue flowers so this reminded me of him.  Another picture is of  the clematis that's in full bloom on a back fence - the one with orange Tropicana roses blooming but you can't see them.  Last one is of the tree that was left when the elm left. It's leaves have sort of a bluish tinge - our Southern Magnolia is to the left of it.  Hope you enjoy them. 

     I think I'll hit the hay before too long.  Kind of tired today and I haven't done too much of anything.  Maybe that's why I'm tired.  I did walk quite a bit and through mud at the barn a couple of times.

     Oh, forgot.  I wanted to ask you all about buying vegetables that you don't peel such as celery, broccoli and cauliflower.  Do you think that's safe?

     Hope you all have a good night's sleep.

      Addendum:  Nicole, I saw where it was very hot out there today.  Way too early for that.  Your supper sounds delicious.  We used to have platters like that for supper - easy and so good.  Good you won't have to cook for a while.  I do that, too.  Try to stay cool.

     Judith, I have no idea how to do that and I doubt my phone would do it, if I knew.  Thanks anyway.  I have a lot of the same pictures so it won't hurt too  much to lose them.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Sammy and the clematis  are both beautiful.  My sister said as soon as she saw the popcorn, Sayra made me that.

    Have to pay my trash bill every three months too by check.  They are a small mom and pop operation,  Have been with them for years and have been very happy with them.

    I have a flip phone too.  My pictures and phone numbers have always transferred, but I am with Verizon and have no idea if that makes a difference.  Wrote down all the numbers in my phone because realized if lost my phone I would be sunk.

    There are no watermelon farmers in my state.  I’m at the mercy of imports from other states or countries.  Who knows maybe I will get lucky and have a nice melon that I will pick when it truly is ripe.  We shall see.   Most of the things Ron mentioned I already did.  But did not know about them being even shaped so did look for that too this time.

    Have read several places that humidity can cause you to need more or less water and that might possibly cause a little different texture.  I am not sure.  Lorita this whole time have washed my veggies as I normally do.  This is not something I worry about.  There have been no outbreaks of covid from eating food that I am aware of.  Always try and wash them well as we know there are other illnesses that can happen if food not washed up properly.

    Zetta we are headed back in to the 90 zone too I see.  That just makes me wilt lol.  My poor plants this huge variation in temperature is hard on them.  Hopefully they will overcome.

    Nicole that shrimp and pasta salad sounds good.  If you don’t mind sharing can you kind of tell me what you put in it?  Would be refreshing on a hot summer day I think.

    Rained all day yesterday but got less than .5 in.  Everything so wet though.  Giving the same for today.  Will go get mine and mom’s groceries today if nothing happens.  

    Hope everyone has some peace today 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, isn't Sammy cute as a bug's ear?  This morning when I went out he saw me and ran toward me but stopped a little short.  I think he had lost track of his mother but they're back together now.  She had gone into the paddock to eat leaves.  Someone north of here must have been feeding cattle or something because there was really a lot of bawling.  May have been moving them to another pasture.  It's so foggy you can't see anything.  It lifted momentarily but is back in place now.  I had planned to let Sammy and Susie out this morning and may still yet.  I like for the other cows to be close by when I let them out so they can get acquainted with the new baby.

     Guess I'll go in and get feed tomorrow and probably stop at the grocery store.  The creepfeeder only had a small amount in it yesterday. 

     So nice that you did that for Jean.  Just think how she has enjoyed the popcorn and fruit.  Gave her something different to eat and enjoy.  I remember when Patsy was in the rehab hospital she asked if I could bring her some brown beans and cornbread.  I did and she said she really enjoyed having something different to eat.  I couldn't visit her when she was in the NH so it had been almost a year since I had seen her when she passed away.  I think it's just anything to break what is usually happening in the NH.

     I really love steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots with a little bit of ranch dressing dip.  I have some packages of the California mix frozen but just haven't used it.  Guess I've been saving it for a rainy day. Even had some that I had frozen but haven't eaten.

     Judith, I looked at those peonies you mentioned in your post.  They're beautiful - so very many different colors.  Makes me want a lot of them.

     Sara, you're probably right about the amount of water.  The bread had a little coarser crumb but still really good.  Probably should make some more muffins today -  had the last of those a couple of days ago.

     Glad you got some rain - and more today will be good for your plants.  It's supposed to be in the 70s here today and up into the 80s the next few days which is normal for us this time of year.  Looks like the heat where Nicole and Zetta live is really high, even up into Montana. 

     Both Oklahoma softball teams play today in the tournament so I'll probably watch some of the games.  We played softball when I was in school but not the fast pitch kind.  Those girls really throw hard and they can run!  I remember when I could run like that - sadly, no more.

     Enjoy the day.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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