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Just need to talk to my friends (165)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

Happy Monday morning!

 When I was working I always dreaded Mondays.  The weekends went so fast - still don't like them because  it's trash day and I have to get it down to the road before 8 a.m.

 When I first went out this morning the girls heard me and came around - they knew it was feed day.  I took down the trash and came back through the feeding area and opened the gate for them to come through, then drove up to see who else was at the hay - four yearlings - everyone else looked okay.  That was about 7:30.  Happened to look out the window just before 8 and saw Toad's truck coming up the road with a bale of hay.  Then Mike came and picked up one - so they fed and set out three bales of hay in less than 20 minutes.  He told me they feed in at least a dozen pastures each day.  It looks like they have fun doing it even though it's work.   I remember years ago we stopped by the house of the guy who baled our hay to pay him and he and his wife were on separate tractors working in the hay - it looked like fun - driving the tractors around each other - still work though.

 Iris - I had sort of the same thing happen to me at the grocery store a couple of years ago.  I was getting some yogurt and this man came up and just stood there so I said a few words to him about the yogurt.  He didn't have a shopping cart - just standing there.  I went on getting what I needed - then went back over into that area thinking maybe I could help him - he was still standing there but I decided not too do any more.  I was afraid he might be hungry but who knows.

 Nothing going on here - one of the PU of the workmen is here waiting for the other and Stormy's upset so I'll stop and get on with what needs to be done. 

 Ron - where are you?   Hope everyone else is well this morning.  Thought it was time to begin a new installment of our thread - over 8,000 this time.




  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     I had a nice visit with my cousin's wife.  She's 90 and told me they had been married 71 years.  Imagine how she'll miss him.  They didn't have children either so she'll be living alone and is determined to be independent. She doesn't sound like 90 and has such a good outlook. She said he took the vaccine last March and hadn't been able to walk since then.  She cared for him for years by herself with the help of a friend off and on. She said she'd do it all again in a minute.  I feel the same way.   My BIL in Texas is 91 and his wife will be 90 in April.  All of us are way up there in age.  Where did all those years ago?

    Some of the workmen are here in the bedroom painting.  Daniel hasn't been feeling well this weekend so went to the doctor.  Was told it was the after effects of the virus so got a steroid shot.  He won't be here today.  He was assured it wasn't the virus, just after effects.  Still don't like the idea of him being here for a few days.  I may call him tonight and ask him not to come until he feels much better.  I always wear a mask when I'm around any of them but - you never know.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, isn't it grand to know you will soon have your bedroom back with new flooring and all and no snakes getting inside your room this summer.  Worth every penny to have it all set to rights; I am so happy for you. 

    Holy cow, (or something similar),  Mike and Toad feed cattle in a dozen pastures a day; with big hay bales, that has to be really a lot of hard work!  Whew!

    I understand what you mean about work and Friday nights as compared to Sunday . . . on Friday nights I was happy as a lark; come Sunday night thinking about returning to work the next morning, I was not exactly feeling joyful.  

    I don't know if many of you watched any of the Olympic skating last night.  It was amazing and really; so beautiful.  Some of them looked as though they were dancing in a dream on their skates.  One young woman, Kamila Valieva, just 15 years old, was like an elegant little feather in a soft breeze, if you have not seen it, here is the link of her championship skating which is a treat to watch:


    To imagine that they do all of that on the tiny narrow blades of their skates leaves me wondering how in the world they can.  I remember when Sonja Henie of Norway was the champion skater way back when; so simple in the skating at that time, comparatively speaking.  Nothing like today.  Things have changed so much since then that I wonder if anyone at that time even dreamed of the sophistication and technical capabilities today's skaters would be able to achieve.

    Sayra; you really have turned into a chef.  Seems you really enjoy cooking and most days fill your house with the aromas of your cooking, baking and stewing.  That is a talent.  Did you do much of that prior to retirement?   Seems it is truly a labor of love.

     I too have been concerned about Ron.  He did mention he had appointments at the VA and I think he may possibly have had some diagnostics to be done.   He is not usually gone this long.  He had written he had not been feeling good on several fronts and was also feeling quite down.  Of course doubly difficult with the resonsibilities with Lou.  So hope he is alright.  Perhaps he will drop by soon just to let us now how he is.  If you read this Ron, we miss you.

     Monday; last week seemed to have gone so fast.  May this be the start of a very good week for everyone,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Is is rare that a skater pulls off great difficulty with the ease of a ballet dancer. One needs to look at her hands and her extentions throughout the performance...breathtaking.

    Thin blades? Thinner than you think;

    The base of the figure-skate blade is slightly concave, or "hollow ground". The hollow, which runs the length of the blade, creates two edges, which come in contact with the ice.

    One skates  on the edges.

    Insurance man was here about the sailboat. He was ever so helpful but I think I am still stuck with getting rid of it. Perhaps it is St Louis bound this week. The cowboy will ferry it and pick up a little pin money from his uncle and will see the new horse.

    Spring is back!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     I've been watching Curling  this afternoon - another match to go at 7 - these two are semi-finals to determine who will go for gold.  It looks so easy but I can only imagine how hard it is - but, most of the players are young - that does make a difference.  Italy plays at 7 p.m. our time - Jo, that should be a good match.  I saw them play yesterday.

     It's been 12 days since Ron posted.  Jo, is there a way the Alz. Adm. can check on him?  I think they have done that before.

     I will be glad to be back in the bedroom but not holding my breath.  No way for snakes to get in now - for that I am thankful.  Funny - today Lilly was in the bathroom peeking underneath the dresser - looking for snakes?  Guess cats have memories like elephants.

     I watched some figure skating last night.  They make it look so easy.  Did you all see the pair who were skating and fell - when they were waiting for their scores you could tell he was really in pain.  Didn't hear anything about it today though.

     Judith - sail boat - new horse?  Didn't know you had a sailboat - where has it been?  So, your grandson is going to get a new horse to wrangle his cattle.  Does he have an acreage where he'll keep the cows when he gets them? How will he get the sailboat to St. Louis?

     Never have tried ice skating - used to roller skate (not very well).  When I was in school, every semester the school would take us somewhere, usually skating or to a movie.  I still remember how pretty the music was at the roller rink.  Charles said he used to go skating a lot and from what I hear fromhis  siblings was really good.

     Just came in from turning off the water to the tank in the garden.  I noticed a couple of empty hayrings - with three of the girls standing by them looking in.  They weren't there this morning - so guess Toad came sometime during the day and brought them.  The last ones I bought were heavy, heavy.  I had a really hard time getting them on their side to put in the hay and Mike was always talking about how heavy they were.  He had said if I bought more the plastic-like ones were much lighter.  When we fed, we never put them upright - we'd raise the bales of hay up high with the front end loader and drop them into the rings.  They can't do that with their trucks though.  The trucks he and Mike drive are diesel but they're very quiet - Chevy or GMCs.  Dodges and Fords are noisy so I  never know they're around unless I'm expecting them.  Someone could come up and haul everything off - guess  Stormy was asleep when he came today.

     Got my new mini-guardian today - but didn't know it until a while ago.  Delivered, outside my gate, by FedEx (not our regular driver) but someone in a small truck - at least that's who delivered the last one.  Had ordered starlight mints from Amazon and he put the box in the mailbox.  Good thing we have a big mailbox because it was full.

     Jack called this afternoon wanting to discuss some legal issues about his home.  He's going to see an attorney tomorrow.  Gave him some suggestions - it's hard when you have decisions to make and no one to talk with about what you need to do. Hope I was of some help to him.  He actually told me I was the closest friend he has - and, he's said that before. Also, said he was feeling pretty good -too good to die.  He said "well, not really feeling good but no aches and pains unless I walk a lot".  So, his mood was better today.  I think it's helped him to have someone call to check on him - makes him feel not so alone.

     I made another peach cobbler today - those are soooo good with a little bit of milk or ice cream.  Also steamed broccoli and carrots and had some of them with the rest of the potatoes I cooked when I made potato soup.  Really good - should do that more often. 

     Doing a load of laundry so better stop and get it dried before curling comes on.  Hope all of you have a good evening and a restful night's sleep.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi again,

     Ron, Shirley just posted on 164 wondering how you are and to let us know. 

     So - I just called Daniel to see how he is.  He said he went to the doctor and he told him he has the aftermath of covid and that he's be all right.  He gave him a massive dose of steroids to dry up the nose drippiness.  Said he's just been sluggish the last few days.  So, I told him it would probably be better for them to not come back for a few days.  He said the boys would be doing the work and he'd be supervising - but, I told him I'd feel better - that I just can't afford to get sick. So, he agreed.  Hated to do that but I've tried to be so careful and to have someone around who may not be contagious - or could be contagious - is just not something I can do.  I just felt like I had to do that.  Even if he wasn't really near me, he'd be here and in the bedroom.  Just have to be as careful as I can be.  I've been sleeping in the LR for a few weeks anyway and can manage a few more days.

     Well, looks like Italy will be playing Norway for the Gold Medal.  Italy hasn't lost a match so far.  The man who is playing is 6'5" and the girl is only 22 but playing lights-out.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, yes I watched the ice dancing and the women's skating--they float like beautiful birds on ice!  So lovely!

    Lorita, my personal observation from over many years is that if a man asks a woman for help, it's a scam.  Most men do not like to ask women they don't know for anything.   If they do ask, it's because they want to play on our heartstrings and get us to fall for something, especially if the something is money.  If I think a man needed help, I would find another man to assess the situation and to help him.  Regular men don't loiter in public places or in places frequented mostly by women.  Especially watch out for men who loiter around children!

    I got bad news today from the vet.  My cat Seven, that had the enlarged nipple, has mammary adenocarcinoma.  The vet is waiting for additional report from the pathologist.  Chemotherapy could be offered, I have to consider this option.  I'm going to research about this.  She is in good spirits and is not in pain. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Iris, I'm so sorry to hear about Seven.  If he's not in pain now, it might be okay for a while.  Does the vet think he can surgically remove it?

    I had a cat named Peaches who developed CA deep down in his ear.  Mike was able to get most of it and Peaches did very well for quite sometime,but it did recur.  Vet said that was the hardest surgery they'd ever done but my cat enjoyed a longer life.

    I hope your vet can do something to help.  Are you considering chemo?

    I agree with you about men not wanting to ask for help without an ulterior motive.  Most won't even ask for directions.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    19F, -7C.  

    JoC I did cook quite a bit preretirement.  Not like now though because of less time.  Before on a day off would cook up food for a week. Now I make smaller amounts and more variety.

    Lorita Jack probably appreciates you calling more than you will ever know.  He knows someone cares and that means a lot.

    Discovered SoDelicious Ice Cream as you know.  It is nondairy and can get without soy.  Some made from cashew milk, some coconut milk.  See they have vanilla so going to try and get some this week.  Do like vanilla with different things.

    Have just a little bit of house cleaning left to do today.  Bills to pay lol.  Real estate taxes showed up.  Haven’t even looked at them yet.  Seems they are higher every year.

    Lorita, Daniel probably needs to rest.  More than likely he is no longer infectious.  Probably just the aftermath of the virus.  Understand how you feel about not wanting to get it.  

    Do you know which town Ron lives in?  You seem to remember those things.  I have a little trouble remembering that.  I know he is in Louisiana.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning to my front porch friends! I feel ashamed for not checking in and dont know if I should be sitting in my rocking chair with you are underneath the porch by myself in time out. 

    Everything went haywire a couple of weeks ago after my sister left.

    Lou showed the worse side of dementia I've ever seen.

    After over a month of my 2018 Camry being recalled after having it fir one day, I have them undo the deal and bought a 2021 Camry; more money but more reliable. 

    I ended up in ER with another spell with the tachycardia! Heart rate didn't go back down till late evening and was told that when the 14 day monitor is turned in (which was the next day), they should know more. Hopefully I will hear something this week.

    A UTI was found during my ER visit and am taking antibiotics now to clear it up.

    Two days after ER visit I started having a hard dry cough that wouldn't stop. Guess it was a COPD flair up but has left chest very sore.

    I'm gradually feeling better but still not there. What is the hardest part of all this was lack of compassion Lou has showed during all this. I know it's not her true self, but how I missed her just telling me how sorry she was that I'm feeling bad. My sister is coming back Wednesday for a few days and mr brother and sister in law Friday. Will be nice to have them around for a few days!

    I have to go in for agent orange disability review Friday. I knew it was coming but dont understand how they can say the disability should be reduced after treatment when your still taking harmone shots and three pills a day for urination. 

    March 31st Lou and I will be married 55 years. I'm going to talk to family while they are here about planning a trip to Dallas for a week. Hopefully we can go to several of the big malls and take her to a nice restaurant. We have a neice that owns a beauty shop so lou can go their for a makeover, we can buy her some new clothes and I can show her off to the world. Keep your fingers crossed this happens, it will be the first trip since dementia. 

    Once again I'm sorry about not posting and will try to do better.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Hello, so referring back to thread #164 and people who have very real-sounding stories and sometimes you don't know what's true and what isn't:

    Yesterday I was transferred a call from an agent who was sobbing.  She had a man on her back line that had told her he just married his girlfriend of 13 years the day before, she left to go to the store and was hit by a car and killed.  He told her the person he talked to before her (and the line "disconnected") told him she was going to help him out with points so he could stay another night at the hotel.  The agent was upset because she had just lost 2 people in the past few months and it of course brought up those feelings and while we weren't supposed to just "give" points to someone, she wanted a second opinion.

    Well guess what?  I recognized his name immediately (never a good thing).  He is what we call "hotel homeless" and travels between Las Vegas and some California cities doing this, begging money or claiming he bought points and the "system didn't put the points in his account" and on and on.  Plus a couple of hotels where he did not pay the full amount of the bill and left.  I took the call over.  He told me the same story, only this time he added that he had their 2 children with him and he didn't know what he was going to do.  Very convincing.

    I called the front desk.  I said "so tell me about XXX, what's his story?" and the front desk person said "oh yeah he's still staying with us"  I related the story we were being told and he said "They don't have their kids with them and both of them just walked in about 20 minutes ago and went up the elevator with a pizza."  Okey dokey.  I go back to the guest and asked him if he was at the hotel now, and he said no he was at the hospital because he had nowhere to go.  I said that was odd because the hotel staff said they saw you go up to your room with a lady very recently.  And suddenly, he hung up.

    There is a certain percentage of any population who will do or say anything to get what they want.  Sometimes you just have to go out on faith and try to help, knowing that it might be a ruse, but much of the time things don't add up if you talk to them for any length of time.  

    Anyway, nothing much happening here.  I'm getting into tea lately and I bought an electric kettle from Walmart that's coming today and I'm excited for that (LOL).  Currently I'm using hot water from my Keurig and I'm sure the temperature isn't hot enough for the teas I like.  I have one that is cinnamon and cardamom (herbal, no caffeine) and it's very yummy.  I can pick the temperature to heat the water to up to boiling and that is going to hopefully let me enjoy my green teas, which need a much lower temp to keep from being bitter.

    Iris, I'm so sorry about Seven.  My dog is going in to get a teeth cleaning Friday along with vaccinations and he has a mass on his side that I know they're going to give me bad news about so I'll be holding my breath).  He's 16 so I'm not going to be putting him through any intensive treatments or surgery because he's a very sensitive dog and I don't think he'd make it anyway.  As it is to have his teeth cleaned he has to have lots of IVs and medication to keep from being so ill afterward from the anesthesia and it takes him a while to recover now.  Sometimes all we can do is love them for the time they have remaining.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's been a busy one  - Jack called a couple of times, Daniel and Carol both called and Earl came by for a minute - he'll be back Thursday to finish his work.  Daniel has an appt. Thursday at 4 p.m. to have some kind of heart test done so we decided he wouldn't come back until Monday.  He's having some numbness in his arm and leg and has a bad back.  We talked about what needs to be done to the utility room so he'd know what to expect. 

     I just came in from moving the water tank - got really muddy around it so moved to a higher place, then had to find lumber to put under it to level it.  It was empty and while I was out there five or six of the girls came over to get a drink.  All of them came to the front of the house about 8 (that's the time they usually feed) and stood around and bawled and bawled.  Tried to explain to them it wasn't feed day - finally got the right idea. 

     Sara - I know jack appreciates the calls - always tells me that.  Glad I can be of some help to him.  He's going in this afternoon to see an attorney so hope that settles his mind a bit.  Carol tells me hardly anyone in town is wearing a mask - life is going on as usual over there.  Says the restaurants are full, etc.  That's all right - I'll continue as I'm doing as long as I feel it's necessary.  I doubt Daniel is infectious but I want to be sure as much as I can.

     Carol and her daughter are working hard on her rehab - lots of new exercises to do. She's now able to put a little bit of weight on the ankle she fractured - only as tolerated though.  She says it's hard to know how much weight but she's improving.  Her goal is to be able to get to the bathroom by herself and to get home. 

     While I was out there I bent over to pick up a board - had my guardian in my coat pocket and it went off.  I got the new one yesterday but haven't opened it yet - will this afternoon.

    Okay, Ron, you're back- that's what matters.  We were getting ready to send out a search party or to get Judith on the hunt for you.  She's really good at locating people and things.  Glad things are going all right but sorry Lou has been acting up.  Nice that it comes and goes.  Maybe when your relatives are here things will be better.  No need to sit under the porch - you're always welcome on top with all of us.  Sorry about the UTI but glad it was caught and you're on medication for it. 

     Day - seems like a lot of people are always trying to get something for nothing.  Nice that most people are not like that.  Your job sounds interesting and also stressful but bet you enjoy it.

     I have hot tea in the mornings and have for years.  Used to drink a lot of coffee but it started making my chest hurt so switched.  I've used an electric pot for years - in fact, I think I'm on my second - maybe third - one now.  I order them from Amazon.  I haven't had a tea kettle for years - this is much easier.  I need to try different teas.  I tried green tea but didn't get much flavor - had no idea it might have had something to do with the temperature of the water.  Good to know.  I mentioned I have English Breakfast and Red Zinger so should try them. 

     About time to go out and check the water tank.  They had water early this morning but they drink a lot.  I figured out about how much hay they eat during a two to three day time period - about 114 lb. but less for calves and more for calves.  I think I read they need a gallon of water per hundred weight per day.  That's lots of water when they weigh 1200-1500 lb. each.  Glad I can provide it and keep them away from the ponds. 

     Better stop for now and check the water.  I have a loaf of bread baking that should be finished about noon - wish you all were here on the porch with me - we could all have a slice of freshly baked bread with jelly or preserves on it while we watch the girls.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well; hello to our dear friend, Louisiana Ron!  Under the porch indeed - not our Ron; we would rather welcome you with a Front Porch hug even though you had us a bit worried.  We know there are times that we just do not feel like "talking" even if doing it on a computer and you have had a lot on your plate.  That being said, we are so glad to hear from you.  We nattering Front Porch women folk were getting concerned about you, kind of like a bunch of older sisters who are just not going to shut up - as you can see, we truly do care.  Thank you for checking in.   I am sorry for all the health issues that have been bothering and making things difficult for you.  So hope that all and sundry gets relief soon.  And Lou . . . oh my.  Do you think she has one of those UTIs going on again?  Good to hear that your dear sister and other relatives will soon be there to visit and give a helping hand.  You need to get a bit of respite, you really do. So wish you could just shut a door to a quiet room and gain some uninterrupted rest and a peacefully good nap. 

    Ron; as Lou's condition has continued to advance and require much more, it appears your own physical self has begun to have far more serious  health condition flares and exacerbations of problem issues.  Stress can be a very lethal agitator for health and your stress has been unrelenting.   It may be time to begin to think and discuss all of this with your sister to see where you are and if you are seeing things as clearly as they need to be seen. Your body has been trying to tell you something.

    The trip you would like to plan to Dallas sounds lovely.  Do you think that Lou would tolerate the changes and all the unfamiliar activity?  What I noticed kind Ron, is that everything you mention to be enjoyed in Dallas is lovingly all about Lou . . . every little bit; not even a little tiny bit for yourself.   I think much of your joy seems to be in pleasing your beloved Lou.  I so hope you will be able to be able to have all of that happen and that it turns out to be a wonderful experience.  No matter what, it is wonderful to think about.

     Judith:  Sailboat?  Insurance man?  You have to get rid of it?  St. Louis?  Horse?  'splain yourself Lucy . . .  you have a sailboat?  We know not of what you speak and we are feeling SO curious. 

    Sayra; you may not be an Olympic ice dance skater; but you do your own form of dance in the kitchen and I think you are in the gold medal category.   I used to love, love, love to cook; especially for the really big family gatherings and especially for the holidays.  Love recipes, but for various reasons no longer am involved in the kitchen and I do miss it.  I cannot remember, did you get yourself an InstaPot?  I do not see you as gadget driven, but those pots are really loved by some.

     My husband who loves gadgets had bought a large electric cheese grater specifically for parmesan, used it twice; bought a Cuisinart sandwich press/griddle, used twice; bought an InstaPot, used it twice; bought an air fryer and used it three times.  I am not interested in the gadgets and once he tried the stuff out he lost interest and is disappointed in the InstaPot.  I say nothing; keep my lips shut and peace reigns.  He is such a good man in so many ways and I remind myself, he does not gamble, he does not chase women, he is not a drinker, doesn't smoke, etc.  Love him to bits, but heavens; keep him away from the commercial ads. 

    Lorita, Jack sounds much more together than it seemed.  Good he is going to the attorney; sounds like he is taking care of business that needs doing.   He is blessed to have such a friend as you.

     Whoops . . . phone call, brother from Oregon.  See you all later,


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    So much has happened to everyone since I was last here…a huge thank you to Sayra for the info on the infrared heating pads. I’ve seen those a little, but never thought much about it. But I trust Sayra’s judgment and research, so I thought I’d try them. Looked on Amazon, now I need to do some research! There is tremendous price variation, I can see some bells and whistles (I don’t need a carry bag) and different sizes, but seems like more than that. But now that I know they’re legit, I’ll pursue that.

    Also more respect for Sayra’s cooking. I used to cook a lot, now I don’t have the same energy or inspiration since DH does not seem to know what he eats. At least he eats everything and can still feed himself. We go to a geriatric psych in a few days for his explosive anger, but I don’t feel real hopeful. The anger is “only” every few days, so unpredictable, he’s tried to be violent, but it never lasts more than 10 minutes or so. Still scary when it happens. 

    I’ve also been taking a caregiver class at our local AA. It’s really good, but a lot of it is things I learned from this forum over the last 2-3 years. Otherwise, I’ve also been dealing with taxes and —Ron!!—cars. I’d love to trade in our Camry, but shopping/finding a replacement is the trick, even with the crazy high prices there is a shortage down here.

    Judith’s sailboat, wow! Add me to the curious. We had sailboats, and DH raced other peoples sailboats around the Carrib. And coasts. We did some races at San Diego, which I think is near Jo (?). Beat Dennis Connor! I could crew, but I was kind of like a place kicker. I was very good at a couple things, and when/if they needed me, it was great.  But 90 percent of the time they did not need me and it was boring just being weight. You know the saying: the best days of a boat owners life are when you buy it, and when you sell it.

    Also been watching Olympics. I actually took ice skating lessons about 15 years ago, total fail! It looks so easy, and it was so hard for me. What  I would really love to do is ride one of those luges.

    Glad everyone seems to have survived the snow, and Lorita is on the downside of construction! I have been looking for a carpenter since October, found one, said he’d come by Christmas, showed up late last month and measured, said he’d be back “next week.” That was 3 weeks ago….nobody can find find repair/renovation builders, even friends who were in the business. They all doing new houses. News said we are the third-highest price growth for real estate in the nation. Big whoop, our taxes go up along with the “value.” And if you sell, you need a place at equally high cost.

    I need to go to Costco, but can’t bring myself to face the tourist crowds. Hospitalization for covid is way, way down here, for whatever that’s worth. I don’t much watch cases, just hospital occupancy.

    Ron good luck with your trip. My last trip with DH almost killed me, he was totally flummoxed by the changes…but I see some here that do well. Much of that was just me not being strong enough to cope with his (unexpected) worse condition in a “new” place, where we’d actually been several times but he did not remember.  Just knowing that could happen would have helped, but it simply did not occur to me, which was on me. Your attitude is good already.

    InstaPot, lol. I got one, a huge waste for me. That’s what keeps me from getting an air fryer and I am thisclose to trying it, except for that darn instapot. If Sayra has one, I know magic comes from it!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Rescue mom mine is a thermotex platinum.  Not recommending it, it is actually an experiment for me.  My 80 yo aunt did find it helpful with her back but it took a few weeks.  Now finding the time to sit with it will be next challenge.

    Yes at this stage hospitalizations and deaths probably the better clues.  

    Those ice skaters, everytime I see them doing their thing, I think their poor bodies.  I cannot even imagine.

    Sail boats are beautiful.  Love to watch them.

    Ron no need to go under the porch with your chair.  That would make us sad.  Just drop in when you feel like it.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'm feeling a lot better, in fact, thinking about making a big pot of gumbo or etouffee. Dont know if that bad cough I had was a COPD flair up or if I picked something up at my VA emergency room trip for the tachycardia. Still have a little nagging cough, but not bad like it was.

    Jo., you mentioned noticing everything I was planning for anniversary was for Lou and nothing for me. I wish you could have been here when I was telling her about my plans to have our niece give her a makeover, buy her some new clothes and take her to one of the nice restaurants in Dallas. The smile on her face and how she lit up; what man would want more than that!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    The sailboat. It was 1983 when Dick and I thought taking a family trip would be a good idea. It would be the first one since we were married. We decided to go to Tulum which was then pretty much undiscovered. Unfortunately a serious travel advisory  came out regarding Mexico so we scrambled for another destination and ended up going to sailing school in Florida. Dick loved it and wanted to continue sailing so we bought a Capri 25. 
    Unfortunately the only sailing around here was on a reservoir and all they did was race…3 times a week. Race we did. The racing part was fine…Dick always the “captain” was not. I told him nicely then not so nicely that I was not having a good time. I am not terribly competitive and his technique as a former Navy carrier strike pilot was not enjoyable. One day I quit…he wondered why…lol The boat was sold. Shortly thereafter he came home with a surprise for me. A Capri 14 which we could trailer 2 hours to his favorite state park. I truly do not remember if it ever was in the water.
    15+ years later it was still tucked away in the backyard.  For 3 year my son said he wanted it up in Missouri. The plan was to have it brought up to par and  for the cowboy to take it north. Now the trailer is fixed and it is in my driveway. I had it checked to see if it had been damaged by the terrible ice storm we had last year. The adjuster said it showed age but nothing else. He was very helpful and did some research only to find there was no longer anyone working on sailboats in the state that he could locate.
    Rescue mom. Dick won some races but not like your husband. Dick was more committed than talented. 
    The horse. Not mine. It is my daughter-in-laws. She had to put down her last horse about year ago. This one is anot young Tennessee Walker…a bay. 
    Bacon…just a little over $7 here.
    Shelves…none empty
    Masks…everyone is wearing them.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you Judith, what an amazing history.  So hope the sailboat does well on its journey.  Who knew Jfkoc had a sailboat!  Well now we know.  You have so many wonderful surprises; interesting woman for sure.

     Ron; I just knew you get such joy out of doing special things for Lou to surprise and delight her.  What a love story; you are a kind, caring man.

    As for being a woman followed by a male of the species.  I was finishing a class at night at the university.  Class got out at 10:00 pm.  One night after class, I walked to my car in a large parking lot, there were other students walking to theirs.  Suddenly, this guy I had never seen before appeared and started greeting me and trying to talk to me.  I did not respond and just kept walking and I did not see him again, until . . . .

    I drove home, and as I got out of my car in our driveway, a car stopped, the window rolled down and it was the guy from the college parking lot!  What??  He quickly right off the bat asked me to go out with him; I was stunned and a bit afraid.  I angrily told him to get the heck away and I was getting my husband.  He left.  BUT . . . . my police officer husband was on night duty and was not home.  I was really a bit nervous about this man knowing where I lived, but thankfully never saw him again.

    When shopping at a mall after it became dark, I never walked to my car alone.  I would see other people going out the same door and I walked as though I was part of them.  If there was no one, I would not have hesitated to call security to walk with me.  Finally stopped shopping after work when it was going to be dark.  NOTE:  An important thing I learned from law enforcement, was no matter the time of day, if I went to my car and there was a van with sliding doors parked next to the drivers side, do NOT get in the car on the drivers side; instead enter the car on the passenger side, immediately lock the doors and slide over to the driver's seat.  There have been cases where women getting into their cars on the driver's side suddenly found themselves being dragged into a van with sliding doors parked next to her car which enabled the criminal to quickly and easily grab the female.  

    Something not many know; when in college, I worked as a Store Detective at a large mall.  Most of my time was in the worst hit stores - J.C. Penny's and Broadway (which later became Macy's), but mainly Penny's.   Oh boy; talk about interesting.  The detectives watched their suspect from several departments away and carry a store bag filled with other bags so they look as though they are regular shoppers.  It is often fairly easy to spot those who are going to do a theft; there are "tells."  I got very good at it for someone only working part time and holidays.  The behaviors of people was astonishing.  Christmas was always busiest for shop lifters.   Sometimes a misguided male would see me walking about in the store for some time and would sidle up to me and try to strike up a conversation; some would begin to follow me and it had to be dealt with.  Ick.

    My brother called this morning and we spent a good amount of time talking about when we were kids and laughing. We also talked about our heritage and how he traced our families back through generations; fascinating.  He then got onto the weather and he said where he lives in Bend, Oregon, it was nice and warm during the day; they hit about 60.  He then asked if we were in the high 60's.  Had to tell him we are hitting 90 degrees tomorrow.  That is not a good thing.  It has been the strangest weather.  February is usually a wet and cold month but it looks like that is not to be this year.  That means the earlier snow and rain will not be as big a positive for our water needs.  It appears this may be a very nasty hot summer.  Had our heating and AC systems worked on today . . . they were checked, cleaned, etc.  Our annual automatic tuneup.  Our AC does a great job but we have had it for a long time; it is a little concerning.  Guess I should not put that out there in the universe to be heard by little AC imps.

    Day before yesterday, we had a power outage. Thankfully it only lasted about half an hour; do not know why.  Our electrical is under ground, so nothing hit our cables.  Glad it did it when it was still light outside.  Have some lanterns but would rather not. We are not so far removed from the caves if all the national power grids were knocked out; perish the thought.  Will have to buy some paperback books to put back for a "just in case" outage; my e-reader would run out of power in a lengthy outage and I would be lost.  Got to have books. 

    DIL and son's 16 year old Yorkie has developed kidney failure and needs a lot of care and help.  DIL is a Vet Tech, so she can monitor and care. She feels the little one is not ready to be put down; it is still somewhat active and eats and the medication is helping. Their next dog, an abused rescue dog is about 17 years old has had cancer and has seizures now; she also cannot hear as well and her vision has dimmed.  Yet; she is still active and loves her people and does not seem to be in distress and she eats.   It is sad realizing what is happening.  The other two rescues are doing well.   One is also an elder found under a moving truck; the last one was taken by C-section when the mother dog died; that rescue was the only one to survive from the litter and DIL was the one who fed it around the clock and nurtured her to growth.   Son and DIL are unable to have children, so these little ones are like their children. 

    It's only 7:00 pm here and I am yawning as though it is late night.   If I go to bed too early, I wake up too early.  Sometimes I fall asleep working on my laptop or some other thing; wake up after an hour or so which makes it hard to get to sleep for the night as my body is fooled into thinking it has already slept and now needs to be up.  Used to be okay, but now that I am more "mature," it is not alright.  Makes me feel foggy.  So; shall have to go and get myself more awake for a couple of hours or so.

    Nightie night, see you again soon,


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    My kettle came.  The box was perfect.  I opened it and there it was, a kettle made of stainless steel…that looks like someone punched it.  Ugh, back it will go to Walmart.  Already ordered another (in-store selection is skimpy at Walmart and Target).
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    40F, 4C.  It warmed up over night.  May still be chilly as I can hear the wind blowing.

    Day thanks for the reminder that things are not always as they seem.  What brand is your cinnamon and cardamom tea?  Know the kettle arriving like that was disappointing.

    Lorita Covid is leaving people with lung, heart, renal and diabetic issues some times. 

    Rescue mom may you get a pleasant surprise and find help from your geriatric psych visit.

    What interesting lives we live or have lived here.  So many different things we have done.

    CPA called yesterday and so I will go pay them today.   Then hope to go to fabric store.  Want to get some flannel to make new rice bags.  My old ones are done for.  Hope to find material for a tote bag too.  If able am going to go get some apples at orchard also.  Mom asked me to get her some when I went next.  She liked the ones I had when she was here.  She told me to get her a peck.  We are not going there again.  Told her I’m just getting you a small bag like I get.  She was agreeable.  They can store them much better than we can.

    Hope everyone has a nice day

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I'm currently getting tea from the Republic of Tea, I buy the cardamom/cinnamon as loose leaf but they sell small tins with circular teabags too.  It's the only one I've ordered over and over.  They're also sold at Whole Foods and some other retail outlets.  I also like their green ginger peach and online at least you can buy small tins to try out so you're not stuck with tea you really don't care for.

    Kettle goes back tomorrow and I already have another coming today through Shipt.  The shopper is shopping for it now, in fact.  

    It's gem day on QVC and the prices are making me want to pass out.  They had a necklace with pendant (Ethiopian opal) for $1800+.  Yikes.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning front porch friends. Suppose to be a nice 70 degrees today and I'm looking forward to the day. My sister came yesterday instead of today and was planning on leaving friday until she heard our brother and SIL were coming. 

    Lou had a good primary care follow up last week. I was told her heart and lungs were good and that I needed to keep doing whatever I'm doing. Also, received notice yesterday that all of her lab was good.

    Was talking to my sister about my plans for the 55th wedding anniversary and she loved the idea. She will come down and ride over to Texas with us. Our oldest son lives in Dallas and besides our brother, all his children are in the area. Hopefully our youngest son could make the trip. I'm taking everything day by day and will make sure everyone knows if it gets to hard for Lou I'll pull out and bring her home. I've heard all the stories about taking your LO out of their environment, but I want know how Lou will react till I try it.

    Everyone stay safe!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Rescue Mom, it seems finding someone to repair or construct is super hard.  Everyone's saying that. I had to wait a long time for  Daniel.  I had one who was going to do the work and even though he'd said he would be here the next week - that was the last time I was able to get in touch with him.  Mike knows him and says he's super busy all the time.  So, if you can get one you'll be lucky.

     Ron, your trip to Dallas sounds great.  I've only been once and what struck me about the town was that it was dirty - maybe we went the wrong time of year but papers were blowing around the streets - wasn't used to that.  Mother had a cousin living there at that time who had a motel so we were able to stay there free of charge and if I remember correctly he also gave us tickets to Six Flags.  That's as far south as I've ever been - always wanted to go to New Orleans but never made it.  I think what you said about pulling out of the trip if Lou was getting too upset is a good idea.  Fifty-five years - nice long time to be with the one you love.

     It's a beautiful morning here - going to be in the 60s, very little wind and loads of sunshine.  Just moved some hoses around to water the girls.  Toad came this morning and fed and set out a bale of hay in one of their hayrings. 

     I just had the nicest business visit with Mr. K.  I called him this morning to see when he might be able to do the fencing - so he came over to see what he will need.  It's going to be most costly than the last time.  He said a roll of barbed wire now costs $100 - up from $65.  A roll is a quarter mile.  So, the fence will have five wires - $500 for wire alone.  Metal t-posts up from $2.69 each to $5.00.  There are some good t-posts in the old fence that he can reuse.  He'll be back tomorrow to set the two braces and cut limbs in the fencerow so he won't have to move out into the pasture too much. 

     He is the most interesting man.  He just got back from Bolivia - has an ill brother there who has cancer.  He's using a new treatment and just in the ten days he was there with him has started gaining weight (had lost a pound a day for over two weeks).  He's putting four drops of hydrogen peroxide in a cup of water and drinking that every day.  I think the percentage was in the 20s.  Not sure.

     He is one of 17 children - all living.  They live all the way from several in Canada to Belize and Bolivia.  He has the most beautiful accent - sounds to me like it's Swedish or Norwegian.  He was born in Belize.  Wouldn't that be something to be one of 17 kids!  Darwin's wife is one of 15 but only three or four are living. 

     Never been sailing, Judith - I'm afraid of water and can't swim.  Did go across a part of Lake Eufaula in a motor boat with Charles many years ago.  Hated it.  When we got to shore and started to leave the motor died with us about 50 ft. from shore.  Luckily someone pulled us back in.  We got rid of the boat.

     Can't remember what else I wanted to comment on - been dealing with paying bills this morning.  Oh, Sally's out again!  Toad fed and a while later looked out and she was in the meadow.  I'll be glad to get the fence fixed so she can't get out and won't have to leave here.

     Charged my mini-guardian overnight - it says three hours but I left it in the cradle so have to get that set up.  It says to wear it on the outside of your clothing.  I've been tucking it down in my shirt. 

     Haven't talked with Jack today so should stop and check on him.  He was really hyped up after his visit with the attorney yesterday.  I think he just needed someone to talk with about he had gotten done.  Daughter was not happy with his decision but, as he said, he has to look out for Jack.  He always seems better after he's been out and talking with people.

     Water tank wasn't full - just about 6" in it so guess the girls were drinking it as fast as it was going in.

     Jo - sounds like you had a few scares while you were working at that job.  Really not too safe to be out and about, alone. 

     Day - sorry about your electric kettle.  I get boxes sometimes that are almost opened and many times have had chips or crackers completely crushed and out of the pkg. 

     Alarm is going off again so I'll stop for now and go check the water.  Enjoy the day.Did hear the southern part of California is going to be in almost a heat wave - up in the 90s while Dead Horse, Alaska is minus 51.  What's going on with Mother Nature?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I am hoping your all having a good day. 

    Ron.   It was so nice hearing from you, and I love the idea you have for Lou, you are a very caring husband. And you know her better than anyone so I am sure you will know if it's time to draw back. You sister sounds like a very nice person and it was so sweet when you said Lous smile brightens your day. I really hope she enjoys it all while it is happening. 

    Iris.  How is Seven, doing? It is so hard when one of our fur babies get sick. I was also watching the ice skaters the other night when you said you were watching them, they are so pretty. My daughter used to ice skate years ago. When you mentioned an escalator the other day it brought back memories of us as kids going up and down them and always getting into trouble for playing on them. I have not seen one of those in probably 20 years. I don't live in or even close to a town that has one that I am aware of. 

    Sara.  It was good you did not lose any electricity during the storm. I am thankful that you survived your mothers stay, you are a daughter she can be proud of. You are sure a busy person. 

    Lorita.  I bet your looking forward to sleeping in your room and on your bed. And not having to worry about the snakes. I loved the pictures of the cows they all look so sweet. Are they getting used to the new feeding times and the new way they are fed.? It sounds like Jack really appreciates when he gets to talk to people, it sure would be nice if he would allow someone to help him around the house. He is lucky to have you as a friend I worry about his dog being caged as much as she is. Years ago, my mom had a dog that slept in a cage and during the day the cage door was left open. But every time the dog was napping, she would go in her cage, my mom moved the cage from the bedroom to the front room every day, so the dog was always around her.   

    Jo.   Years ago, I was also taking night classes at a community college but as soon as the class was over, we all walked out to the parking lot that we all parked in and made sure we all got safely in our cars. I don't shop at night it's hard for me to see with the oncoming car lights. When I park in a lot during the day, I always do my best to have my car door facing toward the store, so the driver's side is in plain view. Your brother is so right the weather in Bend Or has been warmer than usual. I am not complaining because I don't like the snow. I live 25 miles from Bend, so I am in the area that gets the snow and we have not had much. I do get into Bend about once a week. 

    I have been enjoying the Olympics. My daughter started ice skating at age 13. We were in an ice-skating rink and a class was just ending so I started talking to the coach and we decided to enroll my daughter in the class. My daughters coach turned out to being a partner on the ice with her brother and they skated in the Olympics many times and had a lot of medals. Her name is Cynthia Kauffman and her brother is Ronald Kauffman. I think they skated in the late 60s My daughter was good Cindy took her to competition in Eugene Oregon Seattle Washington and Portland Oregon. I would have loved for my daughter to have continued her skating but when she got married the skating stopped.  At times she says she misses it. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We hit 90 degrees outside today.  We kept the house shut up, keeping the shutters closed; happily it was only 71 degrees inside.   Tomorrow, we should hit 93 . . . but next Tuesday, projected to be only 67 degrees.  Strange, weird weather patterns.  So hope we get our usual February rain in March; sure do need it.

    Oh my; the fuss and carrying on about masking.   So many really mega huge numbers gathering for the Super Bowl at the stadium and at parties; there may well possibly be a new outbreak problem one to two weeks later - if the decision to do away with indoor masks was to be done, I wonder why they did not wait until a week or so after the Super Bowl.

    Out here, for LA County, the Director of Public Health said masks are to continue until April due to the fact that if one looks at the number of hospitalized and deaths as well as transmission, we are not yet out of the woods and still too high; in fact higher numbers than we were at with the last surge.  She is taking a dreadful amount of nasty criticism from so many including some in City and County government, etc.; but I feel she is doing the right thing.   We are slowly moving in a positive direction; just need to hang on a bit longer. 

    The governor just signed a bill that gives two weeks paid leave for anyone who is proven positive with COVID and is ill or who has an ill family member (proven by testing) that needs care, but only for those businesses with 26 or more employees.  Those who work at a place with less than 26 full time employees will still be on their own, many going to work sick because they cannot afford to miss their paycheck.  No easy answers in all of this.

    Here is some good information regarding issues post COVID, even for light cases that did not need hospitalization.   It is rather stunning:


    We will continue to mask and will be even more cautious for a couple of weeks following Sunday's Super Bowl.  DH has diabetes, and we are both "mature," and he has eye surgery pending in a few weeks.

    Zetta, seems that you may possibly not have any big bad storms the rest of winter; hope that is so for you.  How is your daughter doing with settling in her new home?  I'll bet she is enjoying the Arizona weather.  I will never forget being in Arizona in deep summer when the temp hit 120 degrees . . . it was beyond the word, "hot."  I am not good at "hot"any longer.  It was interesting to see the parking lots at grocery stores filled with cars at 11:00 at night; people shopping while it was cooler - only 106 degrees.   Lots of snowbirds there in the winter.  People adapt and do well.

     Rescue, I can understand not wanting to venture out to  CostCo; we continued to "shop" there thoughout the pandemic, but do it online with free delivery.  One shops online for the items wanted, pay for it by credit card, and if you spend at least $35, it will be delivered to your home free of charge.   We have been doing that right along and it has worked well.   In fact, at this time and for some time, we also do grocery pickup.  Once again, order online, pay with card, set a time and date we want to do pickup . . . drive to special parking area, (easy), call a number with cell; out they come with the order and pop it in the trunk - no contact and no charge.  It is deeply appreciated; I am grateful for such a wonderful service.

    Ron; gumbo and etoufee, I have never had either but they look SO good in the pictures I've seen. There is a large grocery store from a chain near where our granddaughter lives on the bayou, the store does a free newsletter booklet from time to time and oh my; it is filled with all sorts of Louisiana recipes; found all of them online.   It sounds wonderful; some of it uses seasonings I have never heard of and not sold where we are.  Bon chance and good cookin, Ron.

    Ah yes; watching sailboats.  Me too.  We drive to the ocean which is only about 20 minutes away max; we drive right to the sand and watch the water and often the beautiful  sailboats that are out and gliding across the water - sometimes we can see all the way to Catalina.  Favorite of mine is watching wind surfers early in the morning; they sure do fly.  Love the sea; it smells so good and the sound is soothing.  Sea gulls playing and soaring on the air currents above the water - peaceful.  The sea can change color from blue to grey to silver; always something different.

    I do well on a larger boat, but am prone to motion sickness.  We sailed to Canada from Seattle on a ship and I did terrifically well; stood a lot of the time at the bow and watched the water furl around the boat with the wind blowing my hair this way and that and tasting the salt of the sea.    Came back on a flat bottom smaller boat and I turned pea green sick and was so yuck and hung on for dear life the whole way back.  Not a positive.  Had a couple of rides in my BIL's racing boat back in the day and did not enjoy it at all; just a lot of helatious noise and a lot of rough, rough, slapping banging riding.  Never again.  He never did race it and sold it before long.

    The Store Detective thing I did came about because I initially majored in Criminal Justice; love the law, it is fascinatingly interesting.  I can get lost in a law library but could not afford to go to law school.   One of my classmates was a supervising officer on LAPD and in charge of hiring the Store Detectives for the stores I mentioned.  I had good grades and did well in class and they needed a female in the store in that job, so he offered it to me.  I could work it part time around school and home and it helped pay for my school fees.  I lack about two classes for the degree in Criminal Justice, but being married and having children, it became evident it was not conducive for me to pursue that field even though it was interesting. 

    At that point, I switched majors and began working towards the RN Program which was a looooong haul with many prerequisites.  I love people, so it was a good fit.   I had the four children and they need to be cared for and needed their Mom.  We managed; I just did not sleep much during those years.  Literally.  It was important to get myself situated.  If anything ever happened to my husband, heaven forbid, with that degree and profession, I would be able to support my children; that was a driver for me.  

    I think of all of us, Lorita has had a deeply meaningful, well-fit, peaceful life.  That ranch is truly home and is also her history from generations back; the love she has for the land and the animals is wonderful and it is the best fit, ever.  It is like a hand in a glove; I am sure heaven smiles.  Love listening to Lorita's Posts; getting to love her animals too, especially Billy the Bull and that dear, dear, wandering gal, Sally.  Makes me grin about Miss Sally as I write this.   She is special.  She is also a high maintenance gal; the cost of a new fence!  Dear, dear Sally, she is not going to be happy with the fence.  She will have to find another way to occupy herself. 

    Gosh; I do go on.  Am a very fast typist, sorry.   Going to get myself a bit busy.  Tomorrow I have to get some bedding not being used; blankets and mattress pads and need to put them in plastic zippered bags up in the closet for later use.  

     Stay well, and give Sally my regards,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I love your postings they are so much fun to read they are very caring. I also fall in love with Lorita's cows when she is telling us about them. I wished I live close to her so I could come hug them all.  I also get motion sickness, one time we went out on a whale watching boat, I was hanging over the side of the boat before we even got out far enough to see them. 

    My daughter is all settled in her new home in Arizona, and we have been talking about me becoming a snowbird. I will spend winters in Arizona and summers in Oregon. Only problem is I will want to drive so I can take Molly and Sammy with me. Other problem is it is an 18 drive. 

    Good night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Zetta, I don't think I've commented on your new avatar - it is such a cute picture of Molly and Sammy.  An 18 hr. drive by yourself?  The longest drive I've ever been on was 15 hours from here to Albuquerque and I wasn't doing much of the driving.  We were wiped out when we got there - had to lay down and take a nap.  Glad your daughter is settled in.  I loved part of Arizona - northern Arizona, that is.  I really liked the town of Flagstaff.  I remember we had one of the very best breakfasts we ever had at a little restaurant there.  We rented a travel trailor and pulled it with our Buick.  Left it in Flagstaff and drove up to the Grand Canyon - really something to see.  We drove all that way and got within half a mile of home and the car stopped - completely.  One of us walked on home and got the PU and got us home.  That could have happened anywhere - in the Painted Desert or Petrified Forest - scares me to think of that - but we loved the trip.  We stopped on the way to the Grand Canyon and got out in the snow and picked up pine cones.  They were small and we put them in the back window of the car.  Next day, they had opened and were huge.  I still have some of them.  I love pine cones - even made a wreath out of them once.

     Jo - this evening I was prepared to give Miss Sally more than your regards.  She got out this morning right after they were fed.  She was in the big meadow but went on into the west one and was over the fence from all the others.  So, late - almost 6 p.m. I drove out to get her back.  She was out of sight of the gate she needed to go through -there's a pond with a lot of trees around it so she doesn't know where the gate is - or she pretends not to know. Her calf was over the fence and she needed to get to her so she could feed her.  Had to get out of the Gator and get the sorting stick after her but once she started going in the right direction she knew where she was and was on trouble. When we went through the gate she started bawling for her baby and I saw her running toward her mom - latched on and had supper.   I have the gate closed to the NE pasture until Friday morning so she won't get out tomorrow.

     Mr. K is coming in the morning to set braces and cut limbs off trees along where the fence is and the new one will be.  He'll build the fence early next week.  This morning  he came to look at what needed to be done so we drove down the road and back in his PU - talking most of the time.  I didn't really think anything about it until tonight.  But, I think everything's okay.  He had the virus about a year ago - remember he built fence for me sometime during the summer and we drove over in the Gator. Should have done that today.  I checked Mr. Google and it said anyone entering the US by plane has to have a negative covid test at least one day before departure and entry into the US.  So, I hope everything's okay.  I do these things, not thinking, then worry about them.  Sara - what do you think?  Sara's our go-to person for information about the virus.

     Jo - I did have a wonderful childhood - couldn't have been better.  My sister was ten years older than I and when we moved to McAlester she never came back with us after that year.  She got married at 15 so it was like I was an only child from five years on.  All of my friends (all but one country kids) were of the same economic status - farms, a dairy and just living in the country.  I lived at home except for a couple of months here and there (twice) when my niece and I lived in town - I was in my 20s.  So, I lived at home until I got married - almost 29.  We only lived in a duplex from April until Sept. and then moved back to the farm and lived in an 8x30 travel trailer until we bought the MH - 14x70.  Our living room was much bigger than the whole travel trailor - but, housework was a breeze and everything had to be in it's place.  I do love this farm and house and hope I never have to leave. 

     I have a day, now and then, when I wonder if I did the right thing in selling the girls - but as long as they're here I can still be with them and make sure they're okay I feel okay about it.   Then, there are days when I'm so grateful I did sell them - lifting that feed is not an easy thing to do when you don't feel up to par.  One year ago today, our horrific two weeks of below freezing weather began. It was 66 today and 22 that day, one year ago.  I read my journal sometimes and realize how stressful those two weeks were.  It completely drained poor Darwin.  Of course he had many more cattle and had to cut ice on ponds for them - I just had to cut ice in two water tanks - which was more than enough for me.

     Our WM has the pickup service (of course no delivery out this far) but I've never used it.  I can order almost everything I need and I feel pretty safe going into our little store for a few minutes if I need vegetables or dairy products.

     Judith mentioned everyone was wearing masks in OKC - Carol says her husband tells her hardly anyone is wearing them in Muskogee.  I saw on the needs tonight that several States are dropping the masking requirements.  I agree that it's too soon - why not wait a few more weeks and be safer.  I don't see the problem in wearing a mask at all.  I wear mine when I'm around anyone, even outside and in the PU today with Mr. K.  No one has ever commented about it and it wouldn't matter if they did.

     There's an advertisement on TV that shows all these avocado halves that they make into guacamole - so, I'm hungry for an avocado now.  I think I have part of one in the refrigerator.  Last time I bought them they were $2.29 each.  We used to get great big bright green ones but I haven't seen those in years.  Jo, when do they get ripe in California?  I think I could live if I had an avocado tree, a mango tree and a banana tree.  Of course, I'd need crackers, too - I love crackers and so do Stormy and Sheena. We've eaten cheez-its today and graham crackers and yogurt for supper - so, they had to have graham crackers, too.

    I've watched both men's and women's curling today - USA played ROC both times and won!  I'm really enjoying the Olympics.  I don't see how those young people do all those things.  Guess the main key is youth.

     Zetta, the girls are getting more used to the new feeding time, however, there's usually one or two that don't get around there soon enough so doubt if they get much feed.  I think when it's feeding day I'll go out and call them so they'll all be ready to be fed.  Yesterday morning (not feeding day) they all came out front and were bawling - this morning all but a couple were out there.  When I went out to open the gate this morning Mickey was standing in front of the house.  He watched me all the way to and from the gate - I didn't look at him or say anything until I got back inside the parking area.  I doubt he'd bother me but I'm careful.  My sister always cautioned me about being really careful around bulls.

     I will be glad to get back into the bedroom - but, I think after they finish it I'll still wait a couple of days and spray it really well.  One of them is coming tomorrow to finish what he was doing and Daniel and the rest will be here Monday.  Seems like it's taking an awfully long time to get these things done but grateful I finally found someone to do the work and they're all nice, friendly people.

     I'd better stop for now - written way too much.  Jo, when I worked I typed 120 words a minute so your theory about writing long posts works for me, too.  I always enjoy reading your posts and everyone elses.  Something I always look forward to.  Ron - so glad Lou's PCP appointment went well and everything was well with her. 

     See you all in the morning. Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, my cat Seven seems to be doing well.  I don't think I mentioned my cat Callie, age 19 years (92 in human years).  She went blind a couple of months ago and the vet thinks it could be from glaucoma with bilateral retinal detachments.  There is no treatment.  All of this group of cats have been very healthy for years, now I have two unwell cats. 

    There is a Single Sailors group here.  I was tempted but I never joined because I am not a strong swimmer, and I know sailboats capsize often; I couldn't risk my falling into the sea.  My sailing has been transformed into cruising on cruiseships--that's more my speed.

    I shopped at a local large supermarket around 6 pm, just beginning to get dark.  When I came out with a full grocery cart, the parking lot was mostly empty;  I don't like being out after dark alone--no more for me!

    I have a young cousin outside of Portland, I suppose she likes it, she's been there a few years. 

    In October I bought a heavy fleece shirt to wear during the winter and forgot about it until today.  Of course it was 90 degrees today.  Well, I'll have to put it away until next winter.

    I haven't slept well for the past two months.  I am awake all night and sleep all day.  I am working hard to revert myself to a normal sleep schedule.  Last night I slept four hours, but I stayed awake all day.  I have my fingers crossed for continued sleep success.

    I'm watching the men skate now--they are so elegant!  Nathan Chen just won Olympic Gold!  He's the BEST!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    35F, 2C.  Suppose to be cloudy and small chance of snow.  Windy.  Can’t complain we have had several very sunny days.

    Ran around yesterday with my KF94.  Went and did all the things I talked about yesterday.  Was able to find material for a tote.  Today is grocery day.

    Mask mandates don’t really matter here.  People are going to do what they want to do.  Im becoming ok with that.  N95’s are readily available now. Will give the anti everything people less drama to carry on. If you choose to wear one you are protected from others and you will not spread to anyone.  IMHO them talking that pandemic is over is highly questionable.   So I will do what i think is right and if six months go by and cases continue to fall, no new surges, then I will start considering about leaving my mask off in certain situations.  If that happens I will be very pleased. If it don’t happen I will not be shocked and will have minimal exposure.  I am starting to do about anything I want to do except eat out as I can’t leave my mask on to do that.  Will do that when case numbers per 100,000 are much lower than they are now. This isn’t going away because somebody wants it to.  It will never go away probably but hopefully will lessen with time and immunity.  Enough people have chosen the slower more painful route to immunity so that may be a few years longer possibly.  Time will tell.

    It all depends on Mr K behaviors Lorita.  If he goes around people without a good mask on then he is at risk of being infected, he may or may not be.  You are fully vaxxed.  If you wore one of your good masks around him, or were only outside with him and kept your distance risk very minimal I’d think.  If you do get infected from him your chance for hospitalization is fairly low but you may be sick a few days to a couple of weeks.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's chilly and partly cloudy but weatherman says it will clear out and be warm later this morning.  Sun is just now coming up.

     Sara, glad you got to be out and around and get your things done yesterday - sounds like it was a nice day.

     Mr. K had covid early last year - before he built a new fence for us.  He hasn't been vaccinated as far as I know.  He went to Bolivia to be with his brother who has cancer and was there about 10 or 11 days - returned home Monday.

    I wore my mask yesterday - a surgical mask that I usually wear around here. Seems like I had a total lapse of being very careful.   For some reason instead of going to look at the work to be done in the Gator we opted to go in his pickup.  He was unmasked.  We drove down and back to the road looking at the fence - his window was down part of the time. Had no contact with him and he wasn't coughing or sneezing and seemed perfectly fine.  I imagine we were in the PU 10-15 min.

     I read on google that before boarding a plane coming to the USA a person has to have a negative test 1-3 days prior to the trip or a certification that they've had and recovered from the virus.  So, I'm sure he did that.  Also read that you need to wait 5-7 days before being tested after a possible exposure. 

     I'm going to be worried (should be in caps) for the next 14 days.  It says if you are going to get the virus you should develop symptoms within five days.  Feel like holding my breath until that time. 

     I don't know why in the world we didn't go in the Gator which would have been fine.  Last year, shortly after he had the virus, we did go in the Gator and were outside and everything was okay. 

     One of my cousins and his wife had the virus and the doctor gave them some kind of pills to take, four a day, for five days.  They had no symptoms.

     You all will have to bear with me for the next few days.  I'll call today and see when they do testing and get one done as soon as they think I should.  Last time I was tested I waited five days so that would be Tuesday - not sure which days they test.  I do have two of the in-home tests but not sure if they're too accurate.  For some odd reason I only received two - had two e-mails, one saying they would be delivered on the 5th - the two were - and another that said they would be delivered on the 8th.  Guess I need to go to the mailbox to see if the other two were.

     I remember a while back when Jo had her haircut, outside, masked but the beautician's mask was below her nose.  We got through that so we'll get through this.  Wouldn't it be nice if this virus had never reared it's ugly head?  

     Back later.  Need to go feed Tom and check the water tanks.  Girls are getting up and around.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    32 degrees here - let me put on my bathing suit!

    My Shipt membership comes in handy, as in the case of the kettle, which was brought from Target.  I just got the membership in December and it was a promotional rate of $49 for the first year, then will go to $99 but honestly I was paying $7.95 per delivery from my local Meijer grocery store and with Shipt I can get delivery from there, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, an Asian grocery store and Petco for free all year and the shoppers are wonderful.  I do it more for my convenience than to keep from going in the store but the communication while they're shopping is excellent, especially these days when there are so many products that are out of stock - they've always given me great substitutions and I will gladly pay the full price to use them next year.  Saves me a lot of time.

    Work has been very busy - the people who have not been traveling are emerging and planning their trips to the Caribbean and Europe.  Asia is still off the table - nobody allowed in without a 14-day quarantine pretty much.  When those restrictions stop, there will be a flood of people booking their travel to and from.  Of course, there are those who never stopped traveling outside the US and those people are broadening their horizons as restrictions are being relaxed.

    Lorita, that is correct about travel outside the US, before being allowed back into the United States they must have a negative COVID.  

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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