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Just need to talk to my friends (165)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    43F, 6C.  Suppose to get up to 57 today.  Suppose to get more cloudy though and looks like it is going to be a wet week maybe.

    Butterfly hope you were able to get rescue inhaler.  It is often easier to stop asthma before it gets to really going.  As it seems you are aware it can be hard to reverse once it gets rolling.  Does he still do technique ok, such as breath hold?  If ever he can’t, you  can go to another method of giving drug and you probably know that already too since it sounds like you have been around the block with this a few times.  A very scary disease. Usually treatments work but once in a great while someone goes South quickly and just won’t respond quick enough.  Always breathed a sigh of relief when saw patient responding to meds.

    Ice did melt a lot yesterday and was able to get it pushed off of drive.  Can safely walk on it now.  LMG came and did mom’s yesterday.  That was nice of him.  His SIL died of Covid last week he told mom.  He got his Covid from a SIL several months ago.  I will say no more.

    Bay leaf is good in spaghetti sauce.  

    Lorita how you treat the animals does make them more gentle and you enjoy their company.  This guy works a regular job, has a wife and two children.  Then he has his ranch which was his grandpas.  His parents run a nut farm, forget which type of nut.  He has his grandpas old tractors and equipment which he still uses and is able to fix them and make his own equipment.  He is  hard worker and very gentle with his animals and you can tell he cares about them.  

    Marie I will start a few things around mid March.  Kind of depends which growing zone you are in.  I’m in Zone 5b.  Will have to see which seeds I need to start soon.  Some I won’t start til May.  Depends on how quick they grow and whether they prefer cool or hot.  Since growing all veggies in bags this year hope to direct sow more of them.  We’ll see, that is simpler.

    Butterfly can you tell me how to cook raw shrimp?  I like shrimp but have always used precooked. 

    Rescue glad your children are helping you.  Nice when you have someone to count on.

    Have a few pieces of Tupperware that I have picked up here and there.  

    Jean called yesterday and said I am out of quarantine you can come and see me.  All her family did fine.  So I hope to go see her this week.  Vaccinated will say no more.

    House cleaning day

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Judith ran across this.  Google drain sinus and clear stuffy nose in one move, Dr Mandela.  He says this can help with tinnitus and vertigo too.  Worth a try, it did open up my stuffy nose I must say, question is how long it works, we’ll see.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Sayra - [Yes & No]. Yes I got the rescue inhaler and also nebulizer refill. Haven't needed either in a long time and the refills had expired. I really hope we can get the VA health care finalized soon since they will pick up what hospice doesn't cover and the VA will deliver those meds so I can keep them on hand after this. Just in case. And no, DH is not taking any of this properly anymore. That's part of the problem. Sometimes he holds it in, but seems like he either doesn't understand what I'm saying, or just won't do it (could be both lol). He's starting to blow into the inhaler instead of inhaling it sometimes, even though the extender piece helps with the timing required to inhale it just right (which went out the window soon after diagnosis). And he's impatient with the nebulizer mask if he allows it at all. 

    You know, one has to finish the full breathing treatment and that is a challenge though the mask attachment works better than the handheld mouthpiece which he sometimes chews on, other times just won't keep it in his mouth, won't let me hold it for him, etc. Talk about something going up in smoke! I watch so much of the life saving mist just flowing out into the room while we negotiate trying to keep him alive. Sigh. It is super hard for PWDs and caregivers to manage asthma I have learned. Also, he can be barely breathing but will not stop exerting himself. He's restless regardless. So, when his asthma flares up I try to get right on top of it before it starts to be touch and go. We've almost lost him a few times. Scares me to death. But I got the meds, got enough in him to keep things in check, and that was the highlight of our Sunday which ended badly with a fall. I posted about the "shock" in CG forum.

    On a lighter note:

    Thanks for the bay leaf tip! Will make a mini-pot of spaghetti today. That's perfect since I only found one leaf lol. I prefer cooking raw shrimp because it is more flavorful. The advice is just to be sure to clean it (rinse well) and de-vein or remove the little poop track that runs up the back of uncleaned shrimp. It is easy to do by running a fork from the head to tail and removing the little vein. I used to have a special tool for that, looked like a curved knitting needle - plastic or rubber and worked perfectly. You can even leave the skins, or tails on for more flavor when cooking to make its own little stock and then remove before eating as is, or adding to a recipe.

    My favorite way to prepare shrimp is sautéing in a bit of butter and or olive oil and chopped garlic for just a few minutes each side, until the shrimp turns pink or opaque. Sprinkle a bit of salt to taste if your butter is unsalted. Don't overcook as it affects the texture. Then, you can add whatever seasoning you prefer: I change it up, sometimes going spicy if adding the shrimp to Gumbo, Grits, or using as is with your favorite red or white Pasta sauce of any kind, or adding lemon for a shrimp Scampi dish.

    Here is a 10 minute recipe for Shrimp Scampi that looks good if you all like garlic as much as I do. Sorry if the font is huge like it appears on my end. (Thanks for taking my mind off our troubles )


    Shrimp Scampi Ingredients

    • Shrimp – Make sure your shrimp is peeled and deveined.  It is a matter of preference whether you leave the tails on or remove them. We recommend raw shrimp, but if you use pre-cooked, be sure to only simmer long enough to heat through.
    Butter, Olive oilGarlicWineLemon juice, Fresh pepper and salt Optional: chopped parsley, red pepper flakes, Parmesan cheese
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     The wind is blowing 100 mph - well, not quite that but it is very strong and it's cloudy and warm - for now.  Weatherman is still saying this area of Oklahoma will get rain and heavy storms tonight, then colder and after that sleet and freezing rain -up to 1/2".  If that happens power lines will go down and trees will break.  Hate that.

     Judith - Daniel painted the bedroom and all the trim back to the original color - ice water and white and I'm sure he'll do the same for the utility room - it's some color of gray with white trim.  It's going to be so bad this week I really hate for them to tear it all up and then not get it fixed back for a week or more.  To fill water tanks I'd have to go out the front door and all the way around the house.  He's going to fix that one wall in the bedroom and I have a couple of things they didn't get moved back.  They took all the picture and things off the walls so I'll have to put them back up.  It's going to be interesting to see what's on that rack - I know we bought a couple of little propane bottles to use if power went out - to be used in some sort of little stove we had then.  That was years ago so I'm sure they're no good.  And, I think there's several cans of paint - some in each one.  That will probably go, too.  May be dried by now.

     All this talk of tupperwear - I don't have a single piece - might have years ago.  I use LocknLock for everything - it's airtight and watertight and now they're making pieces in glass with the airtight and watertight lids and it's not that expensive.  I have to really restrain myself when they sell it on QVC so I won't order more.  I use it every day - for everything.

     Butterfly - glad your husband is better or hope he is.  Probably a good idea you didn't go -  you'd have been worried the whole time you were gone.  Good that you both got some sleep.

     Rescue Mom - I still have the legumes to get rid of.  I'd already put the packages in LocknLock but I'll do it today. No use to keep beans I don't like.

     Ron - hope Little Bit is still better this morning.  We'll wait to hear.

     Judith - all newborn calves are sort of knock-kneed - those little legs have been folded up so long it takes a couple of days for them to straighten out.  Yesterday he was running, bucking and exploring everything in the lot.  This morning I bit the bullet and let them out and he was among all those big cows and bulls who came in to eat the hay that was left when I fed Missy.  He left the lot and was wandering around with mom close behind.  Toad fed this morning and I had to drive down after he left to make sure he was okay.  Guess he'd gotten tired because he was laying down with mom standing over him.  Mike called on his way back to the clinic and I told him I let him out - he laughed and again told me all of his cows have the babies out in the pastures. He knows I baby them.  He said he saw two new babies this morning.  He's dreading the awful weather that's coming, too.  If I know our girls, and I do, they'll head for the barn when it begins to do whatever it does - just hope Casper goes, too.

    Jo - the bull in my avatar is Jasper - he's Casper's grandfather and Casper, Sr. was his father.  So Casper is the great grandfather of most of our calves and Jasper is the grandfather. Look at his mother's legs and feet and he'll be much bigger. He's so cute - he can walk underneath her very easily. 

     Zetta, last evening when I was out with Missy and Casper I'd pet him and tell him that was from Zetta.  You would want to hug him for sure.

     Jo - that Panettone sounds delicious.  The one I got this year has candied fruit in it.  It smells so good when you open it - a lemony or citrus smell.  We've gotten those for Christmas for years and I was determined to find the recipe.  Did find it in a cookbook at a thrift store in Tulsa.  Never have made it though.

     They didn't set out hay today - will do that Wednesday but while we were talking I did tell him I didn't see hay in but one hayring so he said he'd get by today and check it out.  May also buy the tractor and farm equipment.  If he doesn't want to buy the tractor, Daniel does.  I see no use in keeping them since I won't be using them anymore.  Kind of hate to sell the tractor because Charles loved it so much but I have to put that out of my mind.

     I had never heard of travelling nurses until Carol told me that a friend of her daughter's was the head of the travelling nurses for the US.  She used to be over all the nurses at one of the hospitals in town but quit to become this.  She said if nurses are needed she gets the call and finds ones to send.  I think all of this is correct - I'll ask her to be sure.  Can't believe they make that much but they deserve it - really no stable home and having to work long hours with this disease.  Nothing but respect for all hospital personnel.

     Sara - you're right - the more you're out among your cattle and talk to then the gentler they become.  Several times when I've gone out to fill the water tank in the garden Billy the Bull has been wanting a drink and I talk to him.  I like to feel comfortable and safe when I'm out with them and I do.  It's funny that Mickey just watches me - doesn't make a move toward me.  I always talk to him and I don't think he's used to that but he'll get there.

     Guess it's getting close to time to start a new part of our thread - will do that later today or tomorrow.  Time to get some more hot tea.  The Olympics is/are over so what to watch now - back to westerns, I guess.  I didn't watch the closing ceremony but I did watch the guy who won the gold medal in figure skating's performance.  All of them were wonderful.  Just think of the hours and hours of practice that takes.

     Back later.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Thank you Butterfly.  Think I can do it.  Was always afraid of undercooking them and getting sick.  Scampi is a favorite of mine.  Like lobster and Alaskan King Crab too.  

    The nebulizer, bet I put that thing back on some people’s faces every 30 seconds lol.  This is not ideal but sometimes I had to resort to no mask and holding mist close to nose and mouth. Definitely not ideal but better than nothing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Isn't this a great thread - filled with people from all walk of life!!  Just sayin'.  We have nurses, respiratory therapists, a doctor and all kinds of people who can answer any questions we might have. Great group of people  Thank you all for being here - I'm past my caregiving days for Charles but still have all kinds of questions about everything. 

     Well, you know me - I couldn't stand to not see how little Casper fared during feeding time.  So, drove out while a water tank was filling and checked the hay.  Since it's going to be so bad tomorrow he might want to set out another bale.  Decided I'd count girls as I drove down - came up with the right number!!!   Litite Casper and Missy were together a little distance from the others, but not far.  Sally was in the lot - wanting me to let her through.

     It is so windy but still warm.  Didn't wear my sunglasses because thought it was cloudy but the sun came out while I was outside.  If I don't wear sunglasses the bright light really bothers my eyes so things aren't very bright for a while after I come in.  I know it's the cataracts but I'm going to put that off as long as possible.  My ophthalmologist, whom I really liked and did cataract extractions for almost everyone in this part of the state, retired so haven't' found a new one yet.  I'm going to an optometrist who will refer me to an ophthalmologist who comes from Tulsa to work at Triad.  Hate it when my doctors retire.

     Just talked with Sarah.  She sounds pretty good this morning.  Todd's coughing and sneezing to beat the band.  Told her to tell him to get some allergy pills - Claritin or something similar.

     Thinking of making another peach cobbler or chocolate cake.  Got to remember to get rid of those old beans, too.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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