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Just need to talk to my friends (165)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions


    Iam hoping all of you had a good Saturday. It's been warm here today I wanted to sit in the sun today, but it was a bit too cold for that. I love sitting outside but only when its warm. 

    Lorita.    You make me smile each time you tell us something about Sally, she has to be the sweetest cow, I sure hope she always gets to stay with you. Thank You for the comment on my avatar I changed that a while back I am going to try to find one that Molly is looking a bit happier. She hates for me to take her picture, so she was trying to ignore me.  I bet you will be glad when everything is done so you can get things back to normal. It's too bad that Carols husband can't help her get around. Maybe it's just the bathroom use that he can't deal with. When your back hurts try using your heated throw, I use it on the back of my recliner, and I lean against it and because its big it covers my whole back, and I can wrap part of it around my shoulders. Iam leaning against it now not that me back hurts, but it just feels good. 

    Beth.  I also love grilled ham and cheese sandwiches I have them often along with soup for dinner. If I become a snowbird, I will not drive that far by myself. My daughter will fly to me, and we will make the drive together. Then the opposite when I come home. We will take our time and maybe only drive 6 hours a day. My biggest worry would be car problems. 

    Jo.   I hope the fire in Laguna Beach is out, you're having such heated weather it's not good for the fires. I also hope you're not close to it. Thank You for the telling us about avocados. I really like them, and it seems like mine are always not ripe enough to eat. I got a few the other day and left them just sitting on the counter and I was able to enjoy one today. 

    Iris.  It is nice that Seven is feeling better and that Callie is still living a good life for being 19. My daughter has one that is 17 and you would never know it the way she acts. I have a niece that lives in Portland, Or and I do worry about her, her apt is not in the best part of Portland, she was not too far from the rioting they had a few months ago. I do hope you get your sleeping on a better schedule, but at least you are sleeping. Years ago, I was working nights and sleeping days and that was no fun. I was on that schedule for 7 years. 

    Day.   Poor keys and the teeth cleaning. I know how it must have made you feel. I don't get Mollys teeth cleaned, and I know I should, but she chews on the things to keep her teeth clean, and the vet says she is doing a pretty good job but as she gets older the vet said it is something I might want to consider. I do have a dog toothbrush, but I never remember to use it on her. Now I am going to try to remember. 

    Ron.   It was nice your sister will be able to stay a few days longer so you will all be able to visit. How does Lou do with family there, does she enjoy the visits? 

    Molly and Sammy have been chasing a fly all over my house today. I usually get the spray out as soon as I see a fly, but they were really getting much needed exercise, so I just let it be. I am not sure where it's at now so I hope it's gone I will be going to bed soon, and I don 't want to have to get up tonight and go hunting for that fly. 

    Good night to all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    19F, -7C.  Chance of a bit of snow.

    Ron glad you got a bit of a break this week.

    I’m the opposite of you guys.  My heart rate is in the 50’s.

    Lorita I eat onions frequently.  Mine are usually cooked and have had no problems.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    25 degrees right now and high is suppose to be 45. Was in the 70s Friday!

    When I was in my 30s and smoked had problems with high heart rate, but since I've gotten older and dont smoke its normally in the 70s, that's the reason I was concerned on the two recent occasions when it got up in the 160s and then again two weeks later in the 140s at rest. Didnt get below 100 for several hours!

    Not only do we have company with family visiting but littlebit also has company with each of my siblings bringing their dogs. Lou got so excited when my brother and SIL got here, she said it felt like her Birthday with all the company. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Day - I hope Keys is feeling much better today.  Guess anesthesia bothers animals as well as people sometimes.  A couple of years ago Stormy's hair got matted and I couldn't get it out myself so took him to the vet for them to help.  They couldn't either and had to give him anesthesia to get it done.  Decided I'd never do that again.  Didn't seem to bother him but figured I could find another way.   Hope you get to watch the Super Bowl today.  I guess I'll watch since I've watched every one of them from the first but neither of the teams are my favorite.  But, probably will be for the Bengals since they beat the Chiefs.

     Zetta - Sally is a character.  She didn't come up bawling to let her through yesterday.  I had the gate closed and went out about 7 this morning to open it for them to feed.  About 7:30 the girls started going through, getting ready.  I never did see them feed but the girls are coming back through so guess they did.  I thought Mike would probably bring the t-posts and wire this morning for Mr. K to build the fence tomorrow.  He will sometime today.  Judith asked for a picture of Sally standing at the gate - I think I posted one on the last thread - remember taking it so think I probably did. 

     I think the picture of Molly is cute - turning her head just a bit so the camera wouldn't get her.  Cats and dogs are really different about picture taking.  We used to have a cat - Simone, a Siamese, who would actually pose for a picture.  She's get in a pretty pose and hold it until I took the picture.  Really miss her.  Last night Lilly and Sammy got so rambunctious I had to lock one of them in the utility room so I could sleep.  There's just something about those Savannah cats that's different - Max or Kitt don't act like that at all.

     Guess I'll join you all about the elevated heart rate.  I have times when my runs in the 90s and if it's ever in the 70s I think that's great - normally in the 80s and especially when I go to the doctor (I have white coat syndrome so everything elevated there).  Years ago my heart rate got up to somewhere in the 130s - felt like something was pecking on top of my head.  My doctor at that time ordered Librium to help me calm down - it was just anxiety from what I don't know but it worked.   Ron, I know you're stressed a lot of the time (all caregivers are at some point), maybe your doctor could prescribe some type of anti-anxiety medicine to help.  Do you remember if you were really stressed about something when your heart rate was so high?

     I think that's so sweet, Ron, that Lou was excited about all the company.  So nice that she can enjoy having people around. 

     Sara - it was cold here this morning, too.  Ice was on the water tanks and on Tom's water dish but the wind wasn't blowing so it was pleasant. Supposed to be cool today and in the 60s tomorrow.  My daffodils are about 6" high everywhere but so far no buds on them.  The winter jasmine bloomed this winter but when it was in full bloom we had a really cold spell so it set them back - then they tried again but guess they're finished for the year.  I do hope those Gerbera daisies come up this year.  Those are one of my favorite flowers.

     Jo- curling's going to be on again in a few minutes so guess I'll watch that. Hated that both the men and women lost yesterday so that probably takes them out of winning a medal. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Looks like it's going to be a pretty day.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Half an hour later -

     Just saw something that made me happy.  I went into the kitchen for some more hot water for my tea - Max was sitting in the window above the sink looking outside.  I looked and saw one of the little red squirrels playing in the big Elm tree.  I wondered where the other one was and then saw him running up and down the tree.  That was fun watching them play - then, lo and behold - there was a third one!  I know I watched all three of them chasing each other up and down and around the tree for a good ten minutes.  I'm infatuated with squirrels - we've never had them except occasionally we'd see one - now there's three of them!  Guess the news about that black walnut tree is getting around.  I see whole nuts and half shells all over the place - no nuts inside.  How they're able to crack those hard shells is beyond me - but, evidently they do.

     Just wanted to share that little bit of happiness.  Doesn't take much to make me smile.  Also reminds me of my friend Karen, friend of close to 60 years (same as Carol).  After she moved to KC they'd send me pictures of her sometimes and what she was watching out their patio doors - squirrels playing in their yard. 

  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita, I lurk your thread often but don’t comment much because I don’t have much to talk about.  Friday our temp here in central AR was 72, Saturday morning we had snow flurries, and it was 22 this morning.  We usually have buttercups up all over the place by mid Feb but there are none that I have seen this year. Strange.

    My most exciting time of day is when Bonnie gets up around 9am and the bed is not wet.  The depends held all the pee last night.

    I just felt that I should check in.  Hope y’all have a great day.

    PS. I think there is more good advice on this thread than the rest of the boards put together.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Hi extex, glad you visited the front porch this morning.  It's cool out there - 46 right now and the sun is shining but wind is cold.  Have you all had much snow this year - maybe when we had ours last week?  Wondered where you were - but I have seen a post now and then on other threads.  Glad things seem to be doing okay for you both.

     You know next to Oklahoma my favorite State is Arkansas.  The trees are beautiful - so much to see.  My grandfather on mother's side was born in Jasper and we used to have relatives in Clarksville and Russellville.  I remember Charles and I were in Arkansas and it was very early morning, just about dawn and we were driving on I-40 by those towers (can't think of what they're called).  There was steam coming out of them and it was really eerie  - so different.  One of my favorite places in Arkansas is Eureka Springs.  Have you ever been there when it was snowing - just a little bit? I can just imagine how beautiful it must be. We haven't because we usually went in the spring or fall when the leaves were so pretty.  In Eureka each street seems to have a different color of Maples - one would be yellow, one red, another orange - gorgeous, especially just after a light rain when the bark on the trees would be black or very dark brown.

     I hope Bonnie is getting along all right - you've been a caregiver for her for a quite a while now and I can just see your job in the mornings when the bed is dry.  Score one for that day!

     Come back again and visit - we just talk about everyday things.  I know people get tired of my cow, dog and cat stories - and now the squirrel stories.

    Zetta - I never did see them feed this morning but guess they did - girls are still hanging around out front and around the bunk feeders.  About Sally - looked out the window and there she was, as big as Ike, grazing in the west meadow close to the gate.  So, hurried and got my hat and coat on and closed the gate to the driveway and pushed her back through to the parking area, then closed that gate.  She's as smart as a whip - guess she was thirsty because she went straight to the not too tall mineral tub I keep under the hydrant. It was empty so I turned it on and she tried to drink - keeping her head out of the falling water.  I want to get all of the girls out of that NE pasture so Mr. K won't have trouble keeping the away from his fence-building tomorrow. 

     Watching women's curling - USA is ahead of Sweden 3-2.  Men play later this afternoon and then the Super Bowl.  TV day for sure. 

     Sorry I'm so loquacious this morning - really nothing much to say so I'll stop.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I watch several YT channels out of Arkansas.  Know at least one if not more mention going into Russellville.  Your chair is always empty and waiting on you extex.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sally; dear, sweet, saucy, ever busy Sally!   Got to love her character and personality.  She really is a character.   Lorita, perhaps she simply wanted to call out to you so she could have contact with you.  I get so many smiles when you tell us about her.  What an interesting girl she is; so hope she gets to stay on the ranch.  Can only wonder what she will think to do next as the spirit moves her. Today is the super- bowl; I am one of those folks who has absolutely no interest.  I know, sounds awful, but I never bother to watch the team sports.    Certainly is big business, that is for sure.  Including the over the top salary largesse paid to the players.  Today would be a good day for Disneyland, far less people and easier to get on rides. The stadium for the SuperBowl, the SoFi, seats 100,000 people.  The tickets in the ordinary seats are selling for $8,000 each.  The tickets for the WAY up high nose bleed seats are down a bit; they are now $3,000 each instead of where they were a week ago at $5,000 each.   Really?   Better capability for watching on a television set so one can actually see clearly and easily, but I guess the willingness to pay such a breathtaking amount is paying for the experience of, "having been there."  Not to mention the cost of parking and the cost of food which I understand is terribly high priced.    Wonder what the price is for the elite seats and boxes.   Ah well; to each his own and there are many big time fans.  The scammers have been going full steam selling fake SuperBowl seats for less; but the poor folks falling prey have lost their money and they cannot get into the stadium.  Only way to buy the valid tickets is through an agency licensed to sell them.   Think of the money made just on the seats alone! They will be passing out K95 masks at the SoFi stadium entrances; will be interesting to see how many will actually wear them.  I have only heard the mention of the SuperBowl being a COVID surge risk event twice on the news.  This is a problem nationwide, not just California; the many well attended SuperBowl parties at homes and public gathering places will be possible uh-oh territory everywhere according to the specialist speaking on the news.  As it is, think of the stadium and other party gatherings; most not masked; yelling, shouting, "stuff" going everywhere.  I so hope that they do not lower the mask mandate here for another couple of weeks until we know the outcome from all the game day stuff. We shall have to see.  Once that is over, we then have March with Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day boozing and gathering to get past.  If we could get two to three months with very little going on, we would make much more and much faster progress.   Here's hoping . . . In the cemetary in my hometown, both paternal and maternal sides of the family are buried going back a few generations.  Each family; paternal and maternal has their last name on a large upright tombstone such as, "Doe."  Then the small stones for each person buried there will say their name such as, "John Doe," or, "Jane Doe," with the birthdate and death date.   Every single person has their own stone that is flat and raised a few inches above the ground with their name and dates; parents, grandparents, grea-grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.; a lot of them.  EXCEPT:  My paternal grandmother.  For some reason all her stone says is, "Mother."  Do not know why that was done.  She was real, walked the earth, raised her children, etc.  Yet . . . no name.  That has bothered me no end for years. So . . .  a decision has been made.  I will not have her existing stone disturbed; but I am going to have another placed right above it - same color and stone type, etc., but it will have her name and dates on it.  "Mother" stone will still be there.  Yes; I know, she is long, long dead for decades, (she died the night before I was born and I was her first grandchild), and no one else will know this or even care, but I do.   Guess it is about respect. The cemetary is closed do to the huge amount of snowfall, but I spoke to the person that oversees the grounds and it is okay to do what I am planning.  I have to wait until May when the snow has melted sufficiently to have the plot measured and start to get things set into place. Had pork chops, scalloped potatoes and broccoli for dinner last night. Sure did taste good.  Have enough left over for another meal.  However, with all the talk about grilled cheese and ham sandwiches, I am suddenly developing a hankering for one.  Silly me; it doesn't take much.  I love my grilled sandwich with tomato soup.   Preferably Progresso Tomato Soup. Made to go together, I think. Ron, what is "potato gravy?"  I have not heard that before.  So much good food down South.   It was delightful to hear how happy Lou was with her company.  You have the nicest family.  Hey there, Ex-Tex; good to hear from you.  Glad you dropped in to say hello.  It is really strange how so many areas are having huge fluctuations in weather temperatures. We are going from this weeks low 90's down to the low 60's within two days time.    It is the hottest the weather ever has been for Super Bowl Sunday in all of Super Bowl history. Zetta; the avatar photo is a sweet one and looks so cozy.  I cannot imagine driving that distance with animals in the car.   It is one long and gosh-awful drive to Arizona.  It is my very least favorite drive of all . . . sand, sand, sand . . . desert, desert, desert . . . sand . . oh; guess I already said that. For hours and hours.  State rest stops far and few between and they are not walled off but open to the air at the top of the walls because of the heat.  No frequent stops with cafes, gas stations like it is between Oregon and California.  Best to have someone driving with you to keep from falling asleep and perhaps even a good book on tape to keep from being bored to bits. And . . . if one goes through California to Arizona and back again; watch the time of day.  Strangling traffic and jams taking forever when hitting California at busy drive times . . . But once there, hurray!   Really nice in Arizona in the winter.  Sometimes the Arizona rain can be unlike what we get. Really big time gully-washers; literally and abruptly.  Cars stop at the side of the road.  We experienced that once and it was dramatic to watch and then it passed.  They have cactus gardens to walk through in most cities, it is a different sort of thing and a lot of learning about said things.  No snow!!! I chuckled at Molly and Sammy chasing that fly.  It does not take much and off they go - Whoopee! Thank you for asking about the fires.  They are usually far north of us and sometimes south of us; always up in the hills where there is a lot of dried brush and spreads so fast.   We are nowhere near the fire areas thank goodness; we live on flat land surrounded by flat land, so there is no wild chaparell or other dried out brush all around as there is in the hills.   Thank you for your concern.  The Laguna Beach fire burned 145 acres but no houses; BUT, day before yesterday, in Whittier Hills to the south of us, someone purposely set a hillside on fire; it burned down two large houses and burned some of a third, it was put out very quickly and the arsonist was caught.  Azusa, up north in hilly area had a fire start this a.m., cause not known as yet; thankfully it was very quickly put out before it could do damage. Day; I am sorry about little Keys; it is awful when our precious dogs and cats fall ill; they cannot talk to tell us how they feel.   It is sad.  yet, there was Keys comforting you; that is love for sure and comes from the love and care and quality of life you have given Keys.  They ask for nothing; just to be loved and to let them adore us.  So sweet.  My heart rate is usually in the 60's, I can feel a difference if it goes "all the way up" into the 80's now and then.  Ron; they may want to go a step farther if there is additional heart rhythm disturbance.  Cardiology or even primary MD will usually order a 30 day monitor and/or a cardiac stress test.   The 30 day monitors are tiny and have no wires and no boxes.  My friend who experienced a problem issue is having a 30 day monitor placed.  They have to catch the problem issue when it happens as those pesky problems can sometimes be elusive. Sometimes it is nothing; other times something has to be done.  My brother had to have a pacemaker inserted a few years ago and he has been going full steam ahead with no problems since; he plays Pickle Ball five days a week.  Me?  I only just eat pickles.  Dairy Queen.  Yum.  I have not had a DQ ice cream cone in years and I do love them. Omigosh the calories, even in the small one.  No wonder they taste so good.   Used to see DQs everywhere, but there are none near where we live anymore.  Hope everyone has a really good day today; for the fans, do enjoy the game and some good naughty food.  My favorite is that seven layer dip and the crockpot bourbon sausages.  Gads; good thing I am married, I would be such a cheap date!   Just throw 'er a hotdog . . . . groan . . . . J.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Oh my….it’s almost Super Bowl time. We never paid any attention to football, DH never watched even before Alzheimer’s, and I could not say who’s playing. But, this morning it was raining and Sunday, so I thought it would be a good time for Costco.

    Well, there was no traffic (Sunday). But Costco was a total madhouse,worse than Christmas and Thanksgiving combined. Never never seen it like that. Even the workers were surprised. Apparently they always expect a crowd on Super Sunday (which never crossed my alleged mind) but this was extreme. The checkers are incredibly fast, though.

    I tried delivery a couple times after Christmas. But most of what I get there is frozen or cold, and my deliveriries were not. No other store delivery has had that problem. Costco is so good, it’s hard to think they have a bad practice here. Anything can happen once, but twice makes me nervous. I don’t do pick-up because the traffic to and fro is the problem.

    We have a lot of avocados down here. But California avocados are FAR superior, IMO. They are smaller, and knobbier, but their flavor is much better.

    The trucker blockades….I think Jo was right. There were some headlines just now, from reputable news (not just FB rumor) saying new documents and communications have been found that indicate big organization and big money behind it—it’s not just a “simple” grassroots protest. Why am I not surprised…but it is not getting much interest/coverage here.

    Lorita, I wish you could see all the squirrels we have around here! They are everywhere, every house has them in the yards. They are so fun to watch trying to get in bird feeders. They can get pretty tame really fast. My little poodle knows where all the bird feeders are, she goes there looking for squirrels to jump at. She’s too old now to catch them and they know it, but she loves to make them jump.

    The cat brought us some very young ones a while back, which was sad. But Friday he left a huge dead rat right on the steps just outside the door. Ugh ugh ugh. That cat (which actually belongs to neighbors) still spends his days with us while they work. He’s a trip, he’s more affectionate than the dog. He follows me everywhere like a dog.  He just loves attention. Feeding is the biggest problem (if I don’t trip over him), the dog loves cat food, which I think is bad for dogs. 

    I took DH to a geriatric psychiatrist last week and got an Rx for Seroquel. Now waiting on drugstore. The doc was really good, (I was worried how he’d handle it) he thinks it will help with DH delusions which are always bad and cause terrible rage outbursts. The doc figured DH out real fast, saw some much that PCPs don’t, it was encouraging to see a prof.,who understands instead of dismissing or shrugging off. I sure hope it helps.

    This got too long, sorry. Hope all the games, whichever you watch, go well for you all.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Dayn2nite2, has little Keys stopped vomiting?  I hope he's doing better.  Did the vet say anything about the mass on his side?  I saw an ad for something that looks like a chew toy with bristles that is supposed to clean their teeth.


  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Morning front porch friends! I woke up and decided to check in. Hope I don't stay up too long and then regret it tomorrow (today).

    Super Bowl Sunday?! That's right --well I missed it completely. I have been off the grid with cable for a while, mainly to stop spending money for things we didn't have time to even use. DH went through such a long period of rummaging and exit seeking and all...with me running around right behind him. Not a chance to sit and watch a show or movie together since I can't remember when. And having to avoid any shows that could trigger his active imagination and  hallucinations... I never really watched the Super Bowl (though I attended one, once. Don't even remember who won HA!). But I do miss watching the winter Olympics. Sad about the doping drama.

    Well, you all put me to shame: I do not even know what my regular heart rate is. Will need to keep my 2022 resolution to take care of me. So, I hope to have a caregiver time this month that I can do my own annual appointment. First time since diagnosis and then COVID struck. Time flies. 

    Day2nite2: Doggie teeth-cleaning: we always relied on MilkBone dog biscuits. Did not know that wasn't enough. But I also had a dog that chewed rocks sometimes, and her teeth were clean but it upset her tummy. Could not understand that. Reminds me of Lorita's metal-hose-chewer. Wonder what they are thinking? 

    JoC and Beth: Oh yes, I am a grilled cheese and tomato soup fan. That's the perfect sandwich to dunk in a nice bowl of tasty soup when it is cold outside. I haven't had that in a couple of years.

    Sayra: I thought about you today and the idea of cooking a bunch of food for next week. But we finished off some really good gumbo that Ron inspired me to cook a day or 2 ago. I have been fixing a salad a day for me and DH, to cut down on his weight gain and also because we love salads loaded with all kinds of fresh veggies and more. I buy the spring mix and spinach combo and then spruce it up with whatever we have: carrots, radishes, onion or scallions, peppers, raisins, chopped apples, tomatoes, boiled egg, peanuts or sunflower seeds, you name it. So good and good for you. Folks were talking about avocados -- if I have one, that goes in there too. I find I throw them out a lot due to not keeping long, so haven't bought one in a while.

    Ron: I have not yet tried your peanut butter cake but it is on my list. Maybe a cupcake or two instead of a whole cake. I am really trying not to overeat since we are homebound and not getting much exercise at all. This group of foodies is not helping in that regard with all the wonderful recipe and menu ideas! But good food and enjoying the simple fulfillment of cooking and caring for home, DH, and myself is special and I have not had the luxury of time to really focus on basic things like this, for years. So, I am trying to enjoy it. It is one way to pace myself on this journey and also count my blessings despite the challenges AD brings our way.

    RescueMom: glad you got some new solutions for your DH. I hope things settle down for a while. It can be so tough, and for us, Seroquel has been such a help.

    Zetta: Your snowbird plans sound great! Wonderful to think of the drive time with your daughter, too. Those will be some nice memories I'll bet.

    Lorita: I have come to see squirrels as the flying rats some people describe them as. Not something I want near, or in, my house. Have had more trouble with them getting into attics and gnawing wood plus creating grossness and trouble - so I don't think they are cute anymore. I can imagine they are fun to watch when they are just out in nature and gathering the walnuts.

    ExTex: welcome and congrats. Waking up dry in a dry bed is a win here, too!

    Iris: I hope you are doing something satisfying if you are also awake right now. I think I will stop and try to get back to sleep. DH has been sleeping through the night more, but is bound to get up in a few hours from now and I don't want to be exhausted and cranky, trying to keep up. If I can't doze off, I might check out the free Amazon prime video benefits I just learned about, and have been watching the Tiny House World episodes. Really interesting getaway

    Jfkoc: the sailboat stories made me think of sailing off into the sunset. Though I wouldn't know the first thing about how to start!

    I hope this week will be a good one for everyone. Stay warm (except out there with the fires!)

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    10F, -12C.  Had a skiff of snow yesterday.

    Butterfly wings that salad sounds good.  I’m not a fan of squirrels either once they come out of the woods and into my yard.  Is kind of fun watching them playin the woods.

    Got the tote bag completely cut out.  Don’t have the right colored thread though so will have to get that.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo., it's funny you asked about the potato gravy. My brother, sister and I were just talking about how dad use to make it. I'm lazy, yes a package of country gravy mix, cube me some potatoes and fry them,  mix it all together and pour it over biscuits.  Now dad use to fry his cubed potatoes and put them to the side  make a light brown roux, add his flour and milk, add the potatoes and pour over biscuits. 

    Sister leaving today, brother and sister in law tommorow and I have oncologist and primary care appointments Thursday. Guess it's time to get back to normal for awhile.


  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
    Eighth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day everyone.  Cold here this AM but sunny and bright.  It will heat up before long. 

    I woke up at 2:30 this morning and Bonnie was missing from bed.  Looked for her in all three bathrooms with no luck. Checked walk in closets and shower stalls, the usual hiding places, nothing. No lights were on other than night lights.  I finally saw that the door leading to the garage was unlocked and found her standing by the car cold and shaking.  She was about two feet from the door to get back into the house.  Either my alarm system failed or she remembered which buttons to punch to disarm it.  Just another day in the life of an alz caregiver,  Nobody would believe it unless you have lived it.

    Hope all have a great day!

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Keys is now back to normal, although I can still smell the anesthetic coming out of his skin.  

    We never got a break from calls yesterday, so the Super Bowl didn't have much effect on people planning their travel.  Lots of Hawaii, Mexico, Jamaica, and people planning to go to Japan this spring changing their trips to fall or later because the restrictions will probably not be lifted in time.

    Glad the Rams won, Matthew Stafford spent so many years here in Detroit with team owners (Ford family, yes the car) who could never build a decent team around him and first year out of Detroit he gets a Super Bowl ring.  Good for him.

    12 degrees, so won't be spending much time outside other than taking Keys out.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Cool and crisp here this morning with sun and wind.  When I looked out the kitchen window this morning I thought it was foggy so went out on the front porch and it was smoke!  Scared the heck out of me.  We have a volunteer fire dept. but they don't have a number (isn't that something) so called 911 - got an operator in Muskogee and told her what was going on - said she'd have it checked out.  That didn't help any, so called our nearest neighbor - no answer, then called the one a mile south.  He did answer.  He said he heard something on the weather about smoke in our area but he didn't hear all of it.  I turned on the weather and finally heard him say there had been controlled burns - and others - yesterday and somehow the layers of the atmosphere had trapped the smoke in this area close to the ground so was relieved.

     That and all the other things this morning had my pulse rate up to 100 - down some now.

     Thank you, Extex for the Valentine's wishes..  I bet you were scared as could be when you couldn't find Bonnie for a while last night.  Hope she's okay now.  You're so right - if you're not a caregiver you just don't understand - all of us have been or are so we're right there with you.

     Day, so glad little Keys is back to normal today.  That was scary for you, too - poor little guy.  Hate it when they don't feel good.  I treat ours like babies, including the girls, so I know what you mean.

     Took down the trash - has to be there before 8.  When I got home I opened the gate to the NE pasture - Mike said they would feed this morning.  Then saw Sally out in the meadow a little while later.  Got in the PU and honked and she came up with me.  The girls were all gathered around the feeders and I kept telling them that they'd be here any minute to feed.  Mike showed up and fed and left the t-posts and wire - then came back later with the clips.  Shortly after Mr. K came and I drove down to talk to him after he'd called to ask if I wanted the cedar trees taken out.  He told me about Sally being out again so she came up pretty close - acted like she was scared to death.  The girls aren't too well socialized.  If someone they don't know is around it scares them - even if I wear a different hat, they act scared.  So, she came up. 

     Carol called to talk a bit before her PT this morning.  So got to sit down and rest a bit.

     Then, Mr. K was having trouble getting the cows out of the way so I drove out in front with the PU and honked and they came through.  Then went back down to talk with him.  Decided I'd let him take out all the cedars except one.  There's several down the driveway and they're big and sometimes fall on the fence.  It will look strange for a while but it's for the better.  Did ask him to move the limbs around my old tree and I saw his son doing that.

     So, it's been a busy morning - I know I've left something out - Toad did come back and sat out a bale of hay.  They'll feed again tomorrow.

     Watching the Olympics - Bobsled and just finished watching ski jumping.  I don't know how those people have the nerve to do that.

     Stormy is upset - he sees Mr. K's truck in the driveway and thinks someone's coming.  Daniel hasn't shown up yet - probably won't come today and that's fine with me.

     Didn't watch the Super Bowl but did catch the kick-off.  I've seen every one of them since the Super Bowl began.  Had to ask Carol who won.    I'm about curled out for a day or so but really enjoyed watching. 

     I'm concerned for Sarah.  She called last night (hadn't heard from her in almost a week) and sounded awful.  She's still sick, upchucking and having to stay in the bathroom a lot of the time.  She's alone and said she couldn't get to the kitchen to get her insulin.  Did talk with her this morning - same thing except she did get her medicine.  I told her to use her WC or walker but said she can't get to them.  Evidently they're in the LR - why she  didn't get one of them when she made it to the kitchen I don't know.  She needs help and I don't really know who to call.  Don't want to get APS involved if it can be helped - maybe DHS social worker who might check on her?  I told her to call EMSA and tell them she can't get up (she was on floor and couldn't get up - legs are weak from the CP) and to take her to the hospital.  Did call and leave T a message that he better get home and check on her.  Drives me nuts!

     I hope everyone else's morning has gone better.  I knew it was going to be hectic but not like this.  I think something's in the attic.  Lots of noise last night - thought it was the cats but saw them sitting still, listening.  Maybe those cute squirrels have gotten in somehow.  I checked all around the house and the eaves are covered completely - and the crawl spaces are closed so I don't know.  When Daniel comes I'll see if the thinnest boy can get up there and check.  Seems like there's always something.  Would love to have a few days when nothing was going on. Does that ever happen?  I know it doesn't with caregivers - guess I'm still a caregiver of all these kids.

     Probably better go and check the water tanks. Checked earlier and they had water but they drink a lot.  I'll be back later - if I survive.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Cool and crisp here this morning with sun and wind.  When I looked out the kitchen window this morning I thought it was foggy so went out on the front porch and it was smoke!  Scared the heck out of me.  We have a volunteer fire dept. but they don't have a number (isn't that something) so called 911 - got an operator in Muskogee and told her what was going on - said she'd have it checked out.  That didn't help any, so called our nearest neighbor - no answer, then called the one a mile south.  He did answer.  He said he heard something on the weather about smoke in our area but he didn't hear all of it.  I turned on the weather and finally heard him say there had been controlled burns - and others - yesterday and somehow the layers of the atmosphere had trapped the smoke in this area close to the ground so was relieved.

     That and all the other things this morning had my pulse rate up to 100 - down some now.

     Thank you, Extex for the Valentine's wishes..  I bet you were scared as could be when you couldn't find Bonnie for a while last night.  Hope she's okay now.  You're so right - if you're not a caregiver you just don't understand - all of us have been or are so we're right there with you.

     Day, so glad little Keys is back to normal today.  That was scary for you, too - poor little guy.  Hate it when they don't feel good.  I treat ours like babies, including the girls, so I know what you mean.

     Took down the trash - has to be there before 8.  When I got home I opened the gate to the NE pasture - Mike said they would feed this morning.  Then saw Sally out in the meadow a little while later.  Got in the PU and honked and she came up with me.  The girls were all gathered around the feeders and I kept telling them that they'd be here any minute to feed.  Mike showed up and fed and left the t-posts and wire - then came back later with the clips.  Shortly after Mr. K came and I drove down to talk to him after he'd called to ask if I wanted the cedar trees taken out.  He told me about Sally being out again so she came up pretty close - acted like she was scared to death  of him - and took off toward the house.    The girls aren't too well socialized.  If someone they don't know is around it scares them - even if I wear a different hat, they act scared.  So, she's in town and maybe this will be the last time she gets out with the new six-wire fence. 

     Carol called to talk a bit before her PT this morning.  So got to sit down and rest a bit.

     Then, Mr. K was having trouble getting the cows out of the way so I drove out in front with the PU and honked and they came through.  Then went back down to talk with him.  Decided I'd let him take out all the cedars except one.  There's several down the driveway and they're big and sometimes fall on the fence.  It will look strange for a while but it's for the better.  Did ask him to move the limbs around my old tree and I saw his son doing that.

     So, it's been a busy morning - I know I've left something out - Toad did come back and sat out a bale of hay.  They'll feed again tomorrow. They got off schedule yesterday while he was gone for a day or two.

     Watching the Olympics - Bobsled and just finished watching ski jumping.  I don't know how those people have the nerve to do that.

     Stormy is upset - he sees Mr. K's truck in the driveway and thinks someone's coming.  Daniel hasn't shown up yet - probably won't come today and that's fine with me.

     Didn't watch the Super Bowl but did catch the kick-off.  I've seen every one of them since the Super Bowl began.  Had to ask Carol who won.    I'm about curled out for a day or so but really enjoyed watching. 

     I'm concerned for Sarah.  She called last night (hadn't heard from her in almost a week) and sounded awful.  She's still sick, upchucking and having to stay in the bathroom a lot of the time.  She's alone and said she couldn't get to the kitchen to get her insulin.  Did talk with her this morning - same thing except she did get her medicine.  I told her to use her WC or walker but said she can't get to them.  Evidently they're in the LR - why she  didn't get one of them when she made it to the kitchen I don't know.  She needs help and I don't really know who to call.  Don't want to get APS involved if it can be helped - maybe DHS social worker who might check on her?  I told her to call EMSA and tell them she can't get up (she was on floor and couldn't get up - legs are weak from the CP) and to take her to the hospital.  Did call and leave T a message that he better get home and check on her.  Drives me nuts!

     I hope everyone else's morning has gone better.  I knew it was going to be hectic but not like this.  I think something's in the attic.  Lots of noise last night - thought it was the cats but saw them sitting still, listening.  Maybe those cute squirrels have gotten in somehow.  I checked all around the house and the eaves are covered completely - and the crawl spaces are closed so I don't know.  When Daniel comes I'll see if the thinnest boy can get up there and check.  Seems like there's always something.  Would love to have a few days when nothing was going on. Does that ever happen?  I know it doesn't with caregivers - guess I'm still a caregiver of all these kids.

     Probably better go and check the water tanks. Checked earlier and they had water but they drink a lot.  I'll be back later - if I survive.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    So sorry - I wanted to add something and the message space came up without me clicking on "edit".  I was afraid to delete thinking something might go wrong.  Just skip over the first one.  I remember when I was first getting used to my tablet, 8 or 9 years ago, I wrote a post and got it posted 20+ times - at least I'm improving a little bit.  Again, sorry.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Oh, Jo, that is so funny!!!  Can't you just see Sally with the flowers on her pretty head.

    I think this morning was Sally's last foray into the meadow.  Drove down and they'll finish the six wire fence today. Posts are in and wire is up. All that's left is putting on the clips to hold the wire tightly to the posts.  

    Sally will be puzzled in the morning when she tries to get out.  Kind of sad, isn't it.  But, this way she'll get to stay here and be safe.

    Turns out it's about 3/8ths of a mile to the mailbox plus about 200 yds. at least. Always thought it was a quarter mile.

    Thank you for posting that picture of Sweet Sally for us.  Think I'll watch to see what she does in the morning - will let you all know what she does.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Strange weather, yesterday the high was 75 today we got some snow and now it is raining. I also check my heart rate and it is 72   I don't check it often I am sure it goes up if I am upset about something but during that time, I don't think about my heart rate. I do know it goes up when Iam at the doctors and dentist.

    Lorita.   I bet Sally is going to miss being able to come visit you as often as she does, and you're going to miss her. I am glad you found out where the smoke was coming from that would be a scare. We have a lot of controlled burns in our area, but it is always on the news a few days before the burn and signs along the road. Iam curious as to what is making the noise in your attic. I bet your cats are curious also. My Sammy it's so cute when he hears things, he will stretch his neck as far as he can to see where its coming from. He seems to be afraid of a lot of things. it's been a long time since I have had a kitten, so I guess as he gets older things won't scare him as much. 

    Ron.   I bet you enjoyed Littlebit having some play time with the other dogs. and it is so sweet that Lou enjoyed the company, would be nice if they could come more often. Maybe just have a birthday party for Lou a few times a year. 

    Extex.  I am sorry how scared you must have been when you could not find Bonnie, so many things will go through your head while you are looking for her. I am glad she did not discover how to get out of the garage. I know how thankful and happy you must be when the Depends work through the night. I remember that feeling. 

    Jo.   That card with Sally and the hat was so cute and I bet that is what she looks like. I also am not interested in the Super Bowl, but I did want to watch the 1/2 show and I was not too impressed with that.  You are a very thoughtful Granddaughter to want to put a headstone on your grandmother's grave. It is sad that no one else gave it any thought. You being her first grandchild is very special. I know the drive to Arizona will be a long drive. My daughter will fly here and make the drive with me I think I want to go through Los Vegas that way I won't have to deal with the LA traffic. I enjoy traveling in the car, we will make many stops and probably only drive 6-hour days. Molly loves riding in the car I don't think Sammy will so we will stop often. 

    I think I saw a coyote in my front yard. I know they are in this area. The other day I saw a big dog it was brown, and it was sniffing around my front yard. Molly was inside barking at it I opened the door, and it ran into the woods. I looked at a video and it looked just like what I saw. I am really careful not to let Molly out unless I am with her. My son got me an air horn so the next time I see one in my yard I will blow the horn. 

    What is a good thing to put on your hands? My hands get so dry my fingertips split and hurt. I have tried lotions and I don't seem to find the right kind. 

    Time to go I got a chicken in the oven backing and the timer just went off. Yum!

    Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    For your hands try Udder Balm...can usually find in drug store, also get a cheap pair of white cotton gloves.

    Before you go to bed, but the balm on your hands and then put on the gloves.  By morning when you wash it off, you should notice that your hands have been nicely moisturized.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Zetta, udder balm is really good.  I've used it before. I know I have some but don't know where it is.  Not the intended use for it but that's okay.

     Well, we have a pretty six-barbed wire fence with pretty red posts.  And, the fenceline is fairly clear.  Mr. K did leave three cedars and almost all of the Bradford pear trees.  I told him I like to have some green in the winter time so guess that's why he left three.  They had a tractor and even leveled off some of the fenceline.  But, there's really one huge pile of limbs to burn later on - guess Mike will wit until they dry some and the grass is green and there were three or four smaller piles farther down bur they may have combined all of them.  He did move the limbs, or his son did, from around my old Hackberry tree - glad of that.  Just couldn't stand to see it burn.

     Zetta, I'll still have contact with Sally - hopefully, she won't be out when I do. When I fill the water tank in the garden there's always a couple of them clos to it that touch my hand with their noses when I put my fingers through the wire.  Yesterday I got up close and personal with both Billy the Bull and Mickey.  Billy was close to the water tank and he touched my hand - Mickey was drinking - I just talked to him - too soon for contact.

     Mr. K and his son are really fast, good workers.  They finished that fence in about seven hours - including cutting and piling trees and leveling ground.  I drove down to see how they put the t-posts in - they use the bucket on the front end loader - much easier and faster than using a post-driver.  Takes me 20 times hitting the post to get it in the ground.

     Zetta - I'm going to try the electric throw on my back - bet it does make it feel good.  Should do it now because it's hurting.

     Judith - I mentioned the knee roller to Carol.  She asked me tell you she appreciates you thinking of it - she could have used it a couple of weeks ago but now they want weight bearing as much as tolerated.  She seems much happier and more like her old self since she's been home - sleeping much better but she's impatient to get up walking. We really don't appreciate things like being able to walk until we can't.

     I didn't mention to you all that I broached the subject to Jack of the possibility of giving up Zelda.  I told him since she was always in the back room she probably wasn't much company but he said I'd be surprised.  He says he watches her all the time she'd outside and she does stay out as long as she wants to.  I just can't convince him to let her out of that cage.  I told him she might mess the house up a little bit but she'd get over doing that. He said she couldn't mess it up more than it is - but, as Patsy said, he's a bit stubborn and set in his ways.    Both of them have told me they should never have gotten her. Patsy told me he used to train dogs and always walked them two or three times a day.  He broke his hip the day after they got Zelda so he wasn't and hasn't been able to do that with her.  So, she just didn't have a good start. 

     Stormy has been upset today.  Mr. K parked his truck quite a ways down the driveway but Stormy could still see it and kept thinking someone was coming.  He'd go to the window and bark and bark.  He's quiet now and asleep on the divan with two of the cats.  Sheena's in her bed asleep and Kitt is beside me in the chair asleep.  Don't know where that other cat is - probably in the bathroom by the stove. It has been the most beautiful day - in the 70s.  Like all of you our weather is really weird - gets more weird each year.  Wednesday night and Thursday rain is expected with heavy snow just north of us and very cold.  We may even get some snow.  Then it warms up over the weekend and very cold again next week.  A year ago today the wind chill was way below zero and temp just above zero.  I read my journal and I was running water and cutting ice and figuring out to feed the girls.

     Sara, I was thinking about Jean today.  Didn't you say she might go home?  Did she or was I dreaming that?    I bet you have your gardening all planned out and are anxious to get it started - won't be long, at least down here - probably later up north.

     Carol told me something funny a few days ago.  She said it was hard to believe that she was actually buying dirt (she grew up and lived in the country until she was close to 20) so she said her daddy would think she was nuts buying dirt.  But, you know we've bought potting soil (I mix it with dirt from the barn).  It's harder to find dirt in the country than you might think - there's always, hopefully - if you're lucky - grass growing on top.  Sometimes a gopher or something pushes up dirt and it's easy to get and good to use.  I'd done that lots of times.   Oh, one of my daffodils is just beginning to bloom - and will be in bloom tomorrow- and I saw a lot of buds on a Maple tree today - won't be long.

     Watching curling again - really good, USA is ahead.  Also watched some of the ice dancing earlier this evening.  Amazing how they can skate on that ice and make it look so easy.

     I'm beginning to rattle so I'll stop for tonight. Guess I'm going to have to fight with Stormy for the divan tonight.

     Sleep tight.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Marie & Lorita,

    Thanks for the information about Udder Balm, I do have some I think it was something Dan must have used for something. I am glad I did not throw it away. I will see if I have some gloves and I will put it on tonight before I go to bed. 

    Thanks A Bunch, Hugs to you both, Good Night Zetta

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    When I saw that picture of the cow, I began to laugh; all I could think of was Sally and how she would go through fences and gates as often as she could.   She will now have to find something else to keep her busy.  If you find her hiding pliers and bolt cutters, look out for that new fence leading to the pasture! Warm today; mid 80's, but 60 tomorrow.  The weather just cannot make up its mind; it is expected that we will have a very hot summer; I am not looking forward to that.  Haven't put in bedding plants this winter, will wait and see what is what.   If we are on severe water restrictions, it will not do to plant and then have everything die.  We shall see.  All the trees, shrubs and other greenery are doing well. Got a beautiful Valentine's Day e-card from my brother today; how sweet of him.   He is two years younger than I am.  I typed him through his college on a standard typewriter- I was to deliver a baby any day and he had me typing his papers.  No computer to do that on; had to be typed perfectly.  Finished his final written paper less than one day before having to go to the hospital for said baby.  We laugh about me almost being in the labor room with the typewriter on my big stomach getting it all done.  We do have a lot of laughs talking about when we were kids and the things we did from toddler days on up.  Good to laugh. Zetta; it will be a good drive having your daughter with you.   If you do get a bit bored, if you do not want to buy any, the library will have books on disc to listen to while driving.   We have done that going up I-5 on that never ending straight, straight, straight, nothing to look at for hours on end stretch going on up to Oregon. Look out for those coyotes; they are nasty pieces of work and SO hungry.  We must look out for dogs, cats and small children even where we are.  The coyotes come up and down the concrete river beds and are losing their fear of humans, so in some areas they prowl the residential streets and they can jump over a six foot high block wall with ease to get to their prey in a back yard. Holy bejeebers; that situation in Canada with the huge caravans of semi trucks as well as smaller trucks blocking the border to the U.S., and cities, bridges, etc.  What a debacle.  I am going to include a link to those who may be interested.  The Prime Minister of Canada has announced a menu of planned severe penalties if they do not desist; the truckers say they will continue.   I will include a link; there it was as mentioned above, it is a well orchestrated action and a huge chunk of financing is coming from the United States.   All of this against mandatory vaccinations.  Here is a link if interested: https://www.yahoo.com/news/key-us-canada-bridge-reopens-053432111.html Masking and vaccinations still hot button issues for so many out here.  Hard to fathom, but it is what it is. Gosh Ex-Tex, what a heart racer to find your wife missing.  Talk about scary; so glad you found her safe.   It is always something no matter how careful we are.   Hope that does not repeat itself.  Glad Mr. K got the fence done so quickly; one less thing to worry about, Lorita.   You sure have had a lot going on lately; it is always wonderful when there are good and knowledgable workers.  We had the nicest fellow for doing the more difficult repairs, re-do's, etc.   Had him rebuild our living room and bedroom fireplaces; he did such a good job, he also did a lot of other work as we updated our house. But drats, he has completely retired.  We recently had a job needing doing that was beyond DHs skill set, so we shall have to find someone else and that is not easy.  Always so grateful for a good plumber, electrician, and contractors that do so much hands-on.   Our car service guy retired and sold his business; our plumber is retired; the electrician moved out of area, and our contractor fix-it guy as said is retired.  AND our dear doctor retired early, and our dear dentist is semi-retired and about to go out altogether.  What the dickens!  Beginning to think it is somehow our fault. All over the news today; no masking at the SuperBowl.  K95 masks placed on each seat but they were not used.  News also showing multiple bars packed to the walls standing room only with jammed in against one another people, no masks.  Bad behavior after the game.  Some revelers broke into some shops and stole goods; some got on and into a Metro City Bus and set off fireworks inside of it, spray painted the outside and jumped on the roof; fireworks and bottle rockets set off in the middle of crowd gatherings; some climbed atop light posts that extend out over the street; the police had their hands full and had to declare an, "unlawful assembly."  Deeply disappointing. No baking going on at our house.  Chicken for dinner tonight and planning on stuffed baked potatoes tomorrow night.  Have been craving blueberries; will have to see if CostCo has a good supply.  They are the most cost effective for a much larger amount than the local grocery stores.  I so remember going out to the woods to pick blueberries when I was a child and the wild ones tasted so good.  It is almost 8:00 pm,  I think I shall go and watch the recording of the latest episode of the Masterpiece Theater, "All Creatures Great and Small," or else, "Billions."  One so comforting the other so much skullduggery afoot.  Have a good night and a good day to come tomorrow, J.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    10F, -12C,

    That potato gravy sounds good Ron.

    Hope Bonnie and Sally are both where they are suppose to be this morning.

    Don’t think Jean will ever be able to leave the NH.  Speaking of her though, she was put in quarantine yesterday.  Since she has been in there her S & DILs come and carry on life there, holiday meals,  birthday meals etc.   Well late last week they had some kind of Valentine doings. Think it was Sunday her son called and told her that him and his wife tested positive for Covid. So now she is in quarantine for at least 5 days.  They are all fully vaccinated and doing ok so far.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Well, this morning started off with a bang, too.  I opened the gate to the feeding area (NE pasture) and decided I'd watch to see what Sally did.  I drove down a little way and she went directly to the place she'd been getting through.  Wasn't long before Mike and Toad came to feed.  While they were setting out bales of hay two or three calves and Billy the Bull got out in the driveway.  He got the calves back in and Billy came into the parking area so he called to see if I'd let him through later.  He said when they came to feed Sally was down at the road checking the fence all along to see if she could get through.  So far she hasn't.  Poor girl, has to stay in the pasture with the others.  Almost all of them were out grazing this morning but when I went out on the porch (didn't say anything) here they came.  I think they have one watch-cow and when she sees me here they come.

     Daniel called while I was out to say they were on their way to finish the bedroom today.  Earl's working on finishing the rockwork on the front porch and I think Daniel's in the bedroom.  It will be so nice to get back in the bedroom - I have clothes I've brought in to wear piled on the chair in the bathroom - it'll take a while to get things back in order.  I'm going to have to find some kind of good fabric cleaner for the lounge.  Had no idea it was so dirty - that's one of Stormy's favorite places to sleep.  Any idea on a good cleaner?

     Stormy's upset again today with everyone being here.  First the two feed trucks, then Daniel's bright yellow PU with a big trailer and another PU.  Then, I heard something else outside and it was Toad back with his truck.  I went out to see what was wrong and he had come after the Gator to pull a cow out of a pond in one of their pastures.  Asked him if he needed help from one of the guys but he said he thought he could do it.  He's come back so hope he got her out all right.   See - that's just one of the reasons I keep water in the tanks for the girls.

     Everyone has commented on how good the fence looks - guess that's a country thing and also people who run cattle.  There's a huge pile of tree limbs and cedar limbs that will have to be burned later.  We're under a fire warning today - the south wind is howling.  I don't like for the wind to blow this hard - up to 40 mph they said.  Yesterday was a perfect day to build fences - too windy today.

     So, today is not a day to relax much.  Also having trouble with the remote control for the TV.  It's only changing channels off and on.  It did early, then quit so I changed batteries and watched 2 hr. of QVC  - Denim & Co. and tried it again and it worked.  Just now I tried again and it's not working so I'll have to call Directv.  Probably need new ones.

     I've tried the phone number for our volunteer fire dept. and it's not a working number now.  I called the convenience store and she said now we call 911 which is in a town 30 miles away and they'll dispatch someone.  Really stupid thing - we used to be able to call our dept. and they could send someone right out.  Hope it's not needed.

     Kind of feel sorry for Sally - everyone seems to know she's been getting out but like you said, Jo, she'll have to find something else to do.  At least she'll get to stay here with the rest of her family.

     Ordered a pair of linen-rayon pants, stone color, to wear with a couple of striped linen-rayon tops.  They'll look somewhat wrinkled but that's okay.  Reminds me that years ago Charles and I were on the way to town and I was wearing a crinkled material pantsuit.  When we were almost to town he said "honey, that pantsuit is kind of wrinkled, isn't it?"  Had to laugh at that.  He said it very cautiously but just had to tell me it was wrinkled.  We laughed about that many times.    I like to wear long gauze pants in the summertime- they're so comfortable and cool.  This morning I put on jeans and a sweatshirt - without thermals - but decided I needed the thermal pants.  You get used to wearing those and it's really cool and airy when you aren't wearing thiem.

     Wisk I knew if Toad got that cow out of the pond all right.  I remember seeing Darwin and his son getting a cow out of an icy pond a few years ago.  Ponds are dangerous for cattle and people.  Remember I was stuck in the pond once and a good friend also got stuck in his pond the same summer.  Luckily we had someone to pull us out.  I know I went in to save a calf and I think Jessie Ray did, too.  Never a dull moment.

     Jo - I have a list of people who do certain things - plumber, electrician, etc.  My ophthalmologist retired a couple of years ago and I'm worried that my PCP may do so.  The husband (who worked on our tractor0 of his receptionist told me once that our doctor would never retire - hope he's right.  He's the only doctor in town.  It's hard when you have to find someone new to help you.

     Better stop and take care of this remote control problem.  Curling's on later today so want to watch that.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Zetta, about the coyote - the ones around here are a tannish-gray, about 30-40 lbs. the size of a medium-sized dog.  I see and hear them all day - sometimes really close to the yard.  Our GPs bark at them but they don't pay much attention.  Mike says it's because they know the GPs can't get out of the yard. A few years ago a hunter's dogs ran a coyote to ground on the other side of our pond.  I went over to stop them and by that time the hunter was there.  Had to run him and his dogs off the place.  While I was telling him to leave the coyote got up and ran away.  He was okay.   How do you all pronounce coyote - ky-o-te or ky-oat?  We pronounce the latter way - not like Peter Coyote. 

     Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    (you know how I love to look things up...lol)

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I do know, Judith.  But, the American English pronunciation has the "E" on the end - not pronounced like that around here - and even on Yellowstone, I noticed the man who drives the Indian Chief? around pronounced it like we do.  Maybe it's country thing.

     Well, Daniel's guys just left - they got the bedroom painted (the half without the bed) and will let it dry overnight, come back tomorrow and put on the trim and put things back in place.  He looked at the utility room 10x16, then looked at what the insurance guy sent. Several things not noted on that report that will have to be done so he'll get that together and talk with them.  Still have to cut the door off a bit that goes into the bathroom.  So, hopefully, it will be quiet here this afternoon (Stormy and I need a break).

     So, figured out what was wrong with the remote.  We have two TVs of the same brand so the remotes are alike.  I had both of them in the LR - and, this morning I found another one under the back cushion of the divan.  So, part of the time I was using the right one with a tab on it saying Living Room and part of the time the one without a tab on it - even put new batteries in it.  So, my friends, you may call me stupid!  The right one is working just fine now.  

     Sarah called last night about 10:30.  They have a built in thing with drawers in it in the hallway by the bathroom. She keeps her meds in the bottom one. Last night she opened it and there was something in it - thought it was a kitten (they just inherited two) - but,, it turned around and looked at her - and it was a opossum!!  She screamed and called Todd (glad he was there).  He found three more - evidently the flooring under that dresser-type thing had rotted out so he had to cut boards and close it up.  She was scared beyond belief, she said.  So, opossums and snakes in houses.  Lorita told me she found a snake in the doorway to her bedroom in that house years ago.   Moral of the story:  be careful when you open drawers.  I found one in a drawer in the MH years ago, too.

     Time for curling so I'll stop and enjoy that for a couple of hours. 

     Wonder what Sally's doing.  Jo, again, that was the cutest picture, lipstick and all.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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