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Just need to talk to my friends (165)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I just received a call and was approved by the VA for a medical alert.  I was told that I should receive it by next week.

    I'm afraid littlebit is getting near the end. He has been laying around all day, I take him out and he doesn't act like he knows where he is and pees while he's standing. He's almost 17 and has a lot of health issues and I hate to see the day come.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron.   I am so sorry for what you are going through with Littlebit. It is so hard when we lose a fur baby. My daughter just had one of her kitties pass away and it's been really hard on her, as it will be with both you and Lou. Your weather sounds like my weather it goes up and down we had 70 a few days ago and now we are expecting snow in a few days. It is nice that Lou likes her new caregiver. It is good that you're going to get a medical alert, I give up researching for a while I got so many offers it got really confusing. 

    Sara.  It was nice you got a visit from your nephew the smell of cookies must have been in the air. I wish I could bake but I am afraid if I do, I will have to eat it all by myself. My son really does not like sweets, and I do, and I have no control. 

    Day.   It is sure a strange thing about your finger, and we are all in suspense as to what it is. I wonder if it chipped a bone. If it was that it probably would have hurt pretty bad. 

    Sandy.  I was surprised when you were talking about swimming, I had forgotten how far away you were till Lorita, commented about you having summer right now. It's strange how things are divided. I was having a hard time keeping up with the Olympics because of the big-time change.  You sound so happy, and you can be sure there will be room on the front porch for both you and Bob. We have a lot of rocking chairs there. 

    Jo.   Sounds like you got a lot of rain and thunder I wish we got some, it seems like we should have. They have made it so hard for people to have earthquake ins. That is really bad for those that can't afford it. I am wondering about letting the unwanted calls go to v mail. If they go to v mail it makes the call look like it's been answered so the calls will continue. I wish there was a way to stop them I get about 5 a day on my cell phone.

    I have 2 bird feeders on my front porch and this morning there was a real mean bird he was chasing all the other birds away he would peck at them if they landed on the feeders. Right now, there are about 10 birds out there all eating away and getting along. They sure keep Sammy busy watching them. I have my front door with a screen on open right now it is sure nice to be able to let some fresh air in. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.  Please don't ever think your farm life boars us I enjoy hearing about all that goes on on the farm. Sounds like you have a lot of good stuff to take to the mission and you are right it is surprising how things get stacked up. I have no room in my kitchen cupboards for all my pots and pans I have some in my bedroom closet and I will probably never use them. But they are then just in case. 

    Its good you're getting the floor fixed it would have really been bad if you had fallen through. I am glad you got rid of that fridge/freezer. with water in the bottom of the freezer it sounds like it had been defrosting at times and if so the food in the freezer should also be thrown away. 

    Enjoy your 3 quiet days and as far a missing Gunsmoke you really did not miss much I am sure you have seen the ones you missed. I am watching it right now and I have seen them all. But I know what you mean about withdrawals. I have them at night if I can't watch Everyone Loves Raymond. It's like comfort food. 

    I know what you mean about dogs and cats being under foot. Molly has me figured out as long as I don't make any unusual turn, she's good and I find that Sammy is doing the same thing. But thanks for the reminder I really need to watch them. The problem I am having is I am tripping on my throw rugs, and I hate to have to pick them up, but looks like that will have to happen here pretty soon.

    You are a very busy lady and I love hearing about all your fur babies big and small. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     We have a new baby!! Well, I mean Mike has a new baby.  Wonder why they say "new" baby?   The girls are still here and in my head or heart they're still mine in a way and I will watch over them as well as I can.  So, hadn't counted them in quite a few days so this evening about 4:30 I decided I'd go out and count.  There was a show on I wanted to see "A Dog's Journey" (may have seen it) but it was on in ten minutes and I thought I'd be back.  Well, I got back in an hour and ten minutes but the show's on later tonight so I'll watch it.

       I drove around and around and counted and counted - hard to count them because some were grazing and some were around the hay rings.  Kept coming up one short so drove up to the MH to check there - didn't see anyone.  Mr. Mickey really kept an eye on me - they may not have been out around him in the Gator.  he didn't bother me just kept moving away.  Drove down behind the barn and there was a heifer with a new baby - really new but it was old enough to be up so maybe half an hour old.  Got back to the barn and opened gates and closed some and walked them up to the barn.  Those girls know where they're supposed to go when they have a new baby so no trouble and that sweet, little, black baby, boy, followed on wobbly legs.  I had a sack of feed in the PU so fed her and gave her hay and they're safe for the night.  So Mike has two new babies above what he bought - profits already.

     Jo - I can't believe there's such a thing as $100,000 deducible on insurance.  Those insurance companies really get to people, don't they.  I guess if you had a really expensive home it might be worth it where there are a lot of earthquakes - that's like having a huge deductible for tornadoes in Oklahoma (they don't).  You know Oklahoma has more eaerthquakes than California?  Hard to believe.

     Zetta - I don't have throwrugs but I do have two big dogbeds on the floor in the LR and I've almost tripped on them - have to be really careful. 

     Glad you enjoy reading about what's going on here with the cattle.  I guess it gets in your blood.  I know people who have had cattle and sold out and moved either to town or a smaller acreage and they all seem to miss it.  I know Darwin does, too, but he has other things to occupy his time.  Haven't heard from him in a while.  I do get in contact with Jack or he calls me every day.  I think it's good that he's looking forward to the calls and if I don't call, he does.  Just a few words and that's it - unless he wants to talk.

     Talked to Carol today.  She was worn out from her therapy yesterday and doing exercises today so I hadn't called.  She said it's been six weeks since her fall and today was the first time she and her husband had been by themselves.  One daughter is still staying with them at night but she had gone somewhere for a couple of hours and they were alone.  She's able to walk, with a walker, to the bathroom but someone walks behind her to be sure she doesn't fall.  Can't believe it's been six weeks - to her it seems longer.

     I got all of those things - legumes and pasta put away.  Had three packets of colostrum which I will keep just in case.  Thank goodness for LocknLock - most everything fit in them.  About the only thing I had to throw away was a sack of flour I'd had in the freezer - kind of hard - probably got damp.  Now - where to put the milk replacer. It's old enough it needs to be refrigerated - I'll figure out something.

     I was cold when I got back inside - only wore a fleece jacket and my cap - didn't think I'd be out there that long.  But, enjoyed being outside - always makes me feel better.  I had thought I'd need to get more liquid feed but checked and they have at least half a tank and still had some minerals so won't have to deal with that for a while.  I did enjoy it being quiet today and I know Stormy did - didn't hear him bark much except when I went out and didn't take him.  They heard coyotes sometimes during the night so there was barking then.  Watched more curling today - USA men didn't get a medal.  Watching figure skating now.

     Ron, glad you're going to get your alarm - do you know which kind it will be? It will make you feel more secure and safe.  I've gotten used to wearing mine all the time now  - but, didn't have it on last night when I fell. 

     Zetta - there's a phone you can get that has an alarm on it that signals when you press the button.  Have you seen that advertisement?  Maybe Jitterbug, not sure.

     It's amazing to me how those people can skate and make it look so easy and beautiful.  I know it takes hours and hours of practice.

     Enjoy the Olympics if you're watching them.  Rest well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    29F, -2C.  Very windy, very icy.  Temperature suppose to be in teens before noon.  A bit more snow today.  Will put my coils on my shoes if I walk on driveway, it is like a skating rink.

    Ron your cookies sound really good.  Very nice that you are getting a medical alert system.  Lou would not know what to do if you needed help.  Good for you and her.  Know it is sad to watch Little Bit.  I’m not the same type of animal person as some of you are but I still  don’t like to see anything suffer, and do miss them even if not as attached.

    Lorita I just put a plate of cookies and a pot of tea on the porch, enjoy.

    Order my N95s off of Amazon.  Have 3M Aura 9205, ordered off Amazon through the 3M shop.  Do not order through a third party on Amazon.  That is when you are more likely to get a fake.  Order directly from company or directly from Amazon.  They are sterile white lol. They are extremely comfortable to me.  Wish we would have had these at work.  Super easy to get good seal. Very nice nose bridge.  Personally would avoid KN95.  China made and if I remember right they aren’t regulated.  Understand they are the most likely to be fake.  The KF 94 from South Korea and N95 US are regulated is my understanding.  Will like sterile white for summer as black can be a bit hot in summer.  

    The cookies are frozen Zetta.  Freeze all my goodies and rotate eating them for variety.  

    Know you and Jack contacting each other every day is a source of comfort for him and maybe you too.  Thank you for being so kind to him.  We do need one another.

    Beth do you know about the website wordle unlimited?  Found it yesterday.  Play as many times as you want.

    Got a surprise yesterday.  My other nephew came and visited with me yesterday.  He didn’t ask for a roast beef sandwich but think he was happy to be offered one.  Also had an apple, chocolate chip cookie and pumpkin bar.  It doesn’t bother them at all that I choose to mask up.  It was a nice break to have them.  Hospitalizations and deaths are really dropping here.  Deaths are reported on Tuesday and Friday here.  Were very few Tuesday and none Friday.  Haven’t seen none in months.  Nice to have a bit of a break. Interesting to see what happens from here. Will continue to be cautious.  Hopefully at some point when we surge there will be enough immunity that hospitals will not be overwhelmed.  Then we will be endemic.  Hopefully eventually it will mainly surge say just in winter and we won’t have to worry about it all the time.  We will see.  Going to happen sooner some places than others.   

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Ron, I'm so sorry about Littlebit.  I know how hard it is to think you're going to lose a good friend.  Maybe he'll perk up.  I've been through that so many times and I don't wish it on anyone.  Please keep us updated.

     It's been a whirlwind of a morning so far.  Got up at 7 and dressed, then out to feed Tom - I've started calling him Tom-Tom.  He's always under the tractor in the carport waiting for his feed and water.  Saw the new mom and baby in the lot so went out and gave her some more hay.  Baby was laying down but got up and acted like he might want to nurse but she wouldn't stand still.  She's a heifer so not quite used to all of this yet.  Everyone else was out grazing, scattered everywhere. 

     Looked toward the county line and saw a truck coming from the west - it turned in and was Toad with the feed and a bale of hay.  Girls started coming down from everywhere but I know some didn't make it in time.  In just a minute here came another truck that stopped and picked up a bale of hay.  Toad feeds, then sets out a bale, Mike sets out a bale and goes for another while Toad goes on to the next place to feed.  They're a well-oiled machine.  Mike came through a different gate - Billy the Bull has learned that the back gate is open so he gets out every morning and they have to take time to get him back in.  Today he didn't get out and I saw him coming around the barn.  I told Mike he had a new baby and he might want to check to see if he had nursed.  He did and said he had nursed some on a back teat.  Then, off they went to the next place. /This is their hurry-hurry day when they have to feed and get him back to the clinic by 8 for appointments.  He did stop to tell me they'd figured out how to get the creepfeed truck in.  They'll cut the arch off the gate between the barn and house - it's still well secured to the lot fence so it'll be okay.  Easier than cutting three of them.

     Sara - most of the time I wear the surgical masks and I have some KN95s - like I said no idea where I got them.  I don't wear the KF94 ones unless I go into town.  The KN95 white ones are easy to breathe through.  If I wear a mask and sunglasses (fit-overs) the sunglasses steam up but don't with just my glasses.  I heard yesterday there's another sub-variant of the Omicron - more transmissible but I think they said if we're vaccinated we will probably be okay.  I think this will go on and on - variant after variant until finally it gets down to the point we can take a shot each year like we do for the flu to protect us. 

     I'm ready for those cookies and hot tea - I bet they're really good.  I was going to have a couple of pieces of home-made bread with peach preserves and peanut butter - but the bread was beginning to mold.  So, cut that off and broke it up and threw it out for the birds - didn't want to give them moldly bread.  So, settled for a couple of pumpkin-spice muffins and hot tea.  I'm making a fresh loaf of bread now.  I may try a loaf of brioche later.  Challah sounds pretty complicated with all the braiding.

     Zetta - you must watch A Dog's Journey.  It's similar to A Dog's Purpose - a real tear-jerker, at least for me.  It's wonderful but sad in places and so happy in others.  I watched it last night - almost two hours long and cried several times.  Have your Kleenexes handy. I want to watch Racing with the Wind (think that's it).  Patsy has told me about it and says it's really good - another dog movie.

     There's tufts of white hair all over the floor - guess the GPs are going to have to have another allergy shot.  I told them someone's going to gave ti sweep this morning - guess who! and I need to do dishes - out of all silverware except a couple of big spoons. 

     It's a nice morning here - even went out a couple of times without a coat on - no wind and sunny.  Supposed to be a beautiful weekend and Monday - 73 - then the bottom falls out with winter weather and cold temps.  Daffodils are up everywhere with a few blooms and I'm seeing buds on the maple trees.  I'm ready for spring and it won't be too long.

     Sara - I think Jack does appreciate the call every day - I'm sure it makes him feel better that someone's checking on him - and he checked on me yesterday.  Helps me, too.

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  Iris, I haven't seen a post from you in a while - are you okay?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Back again - when I was emptying the refrigerator they took away, I found three cake mixees, unopened, with a best-by date almost two years ago (on one or two of them).  I googled that and it says they're good for at least two years after the best-by date but in one place I found you shouldn't store dry cake mixes in the refrigerator.  Now, I'm not sure I should use them. It did mention possible mold but would they mold if they were unopened? Think I'll call the company if there's a number on the box.  I wanted to make a pineapple upside cake with the pineapple cake mix. 

     Also read you can use AP flour instead of bread flour when you make bread but the texture will be slightly different.  I thought I had some bread flour and did use that making the bread this morning.  I just ordered two sacks of AP flour so if I can use it won't order bread flour. 

     What do you all think about the two above questions?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning!

    Lorita, congrats on the new baby! So glad Daniel and his sons are getting things fixed for you. What a relief that will be when it is all done. So glad no one fell through the floor! I hope insurance can help out a lot, but even if they don't, please get the items done that need done for safety and protection of the house. 

    Sara, I did not know about Wordle Unlimited. I do know about Wordle archive, which is all the old puzzles. Thanks for telling me about that! I do enjoy Wordle although at times it can be frustrating. Not ashamed to say there are days I have not been able to solve the puzzle. I'm glad your nephews were able to come over. The pandemic has been pretty isolating for some of us and it can get lonely. I am back to church now. Initially was gone for a year! Then back but to a church with less than 50 members instead of 300 or more. Then, when Omicron was spreading like wildfire, I was home again for a month. Back now, and hoping that numbers continue to go down and eventually will feel comfortable without a mask again. 

    Ron, I'm sorry about Little Bit. It's tough.

    Day, sounds like it is very much winter in your area. We have cold days interspersed with warmer days: 53 yesterday, to be 58 tomorrow, but just 20 today. Crazy!

    Marie, I know it is stressful caring for aging parents. Any way you can get them to move closer to you - perhaps to a continuing care community? 

    Jo, I was shocked at the $100K deductible for earthquake insurance! I was glad to hear you got a nice rain. I heard on the news that there are areas out west where the drought is the worst it's been in 1200 years. That is sad!

    Zetta, it won't be long before you go see your daughter again. Will your son care for your pets while you are gone, since you are flying to AZ? Will you continue to be a pet sitter at home in Oregon? 

    Have a good weekend!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I have never stored a cake mix in refrigerator.  Could see where that might cause them to get moisture which could lead to mold.

    Know they say you can use all purpose flour for bread but have never tried it so no experience with it.

    Sorry not much help.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    That's okay, Sara.  I know I ask a lot of questions but there's no one else to ask, so you are elected.   I had three of the cake mixes - can't find a best-by date on two of them but did note I received them in April 2020.  Tried to call Pillsbury and, of course, they're closed Saturdays.  I'm almost afraid to use them although they look nice and dry - no mold at all.  Seems I heard a long time ago that a man ate a cake made from an expired mix and died, I think.  But, may have been moldy.  I think unless they tell me they're okay, I will opt for safety.

     Beth, I like your new avatar, too.  Pretty butterfly.  Remind me that somewhere I have a picture of a Monarch butterfly on a white rose.  I didn't see but two or three of them this year.  I wonder if the spraying people are doing now and the wind turbins are causing their decline or if their migratory route has changed -hope it's the latter.

     I did see a lot of birds this week - swarms of them and noisy - glad of that. 

     Got the dishes done, bread baked and floor swept.  Watching two women bobsleds now - curling will be on soon.  Tomorrow I need to do all the laundry I can find because I have no idea how long this repair will take.  I wanted to change the bedlinens but there's still a little bit to be done on one wall in the BR - guess I will anyway.

     They did estimate $2400 for repair for the utility room but I have a $1,000 deductible.  Daniel called and talked with him and when he gets the floor torn up he's supposed to send them pictures so they can adjust the amount.  The adjustor called me yesterday and said he'd do all he could.  We'll see what he will do. 

     The baby - I'm going to call him Casper because he's so black -- is really sweet - not a really big calf.  I always worry about them until I see them nursing and jumping around but Mike said he had nursed one back teat so guess it's okay.  Mom and baby are laying down in the sun right now.  Wish I wasn't such a worry wart.

     Sara - I ordered bread flour just now along with some other things from WM.  You have to be quick to place the order after you select things or they'll go out of stock in no time flat.  Did get a text that some things were out of stock but checked and didn't see what they were talking about.  I order things and instead of getting everything in one or two days it sometimes takes four or five. 

     Called Jack and he's okay - not planning on going anywhere today. 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Beth, my daughter and son and I have been trying for over a year to get my mother to agree to moving to a continuing care community.  Biggest hurdle is that she and my dad had both always said want to stay at their home....been there over 60 years now.

    As my dad's dementia worsened, my mother agreed to start looking at places.  Just this month she did put down a deposit on a place with tentative move in for the end of March.  But it seems like every day she is questioning if that is the best to do.  Only thing which has been motivating her is my dad's condition and the fact that at some point he will need either Memory Care or 24/7 home care.

    She has interviewed several agencies about home care, and can't find one she likes for various reasons.

    We are doing the best we can to be supportive of whatever her decision is and help her get settled in but it is so frustrating to hear her complain about things which we know could be fixed.  We are in a holding pattern to see if she will really move or not.

    Thanks for your interest and concern,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Please throw everything out. It is not worth getting sick to save a couple of dollars.

    And please store your pasta and legumes in an airtigh container like a mason jar. I bet you have more of those than you can ever use. A crisper is to provide humidity to produce so better on a shelf. You can get some very inexpensive wire shelvving units on Amazon. Do take a look. You could get several for you new improved utility room.

    The bad news is that the PT really threw me under the bus for a good 8 days...not happy. I will find someone else!

    Day...thanks for keeping us updated...you know how we worry

    Great to hear from our bride downunder.

    Ron...sad...pets are so hard to loose.

    Snow friends...think daffodils soon

    Throw rugs...you trip, you fall, you break a hip, you go to the hospital, yo go to rehab, you go home for a minute then you die. Get rid of rugs and put your dogs beds in one place---out of the way.

    note; old beans are known not to cook up.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Our neighbors have 3 horses. Every so often they use a pickup truck and bring in a large round bale of hay. I am wondering how much those bales cost. When I was a kid and had horses, I'd buy the small rectangular bales - for - get this - $1.50 each! Lorita, how much do the big round bales cost?
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Update on littlebit.....I didn't think I would find him alive this morning,  but to my pleasant surprise he's better. Yesterday he couldn't even stand up and couldn't get him to eat or drink. Today, he's still moving slow, but is eating good and drinking water. He's almost blind and doesnt get around very well but hopefully the scare I had yesterday was short lived.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    At one med center I once worked at, a couple of times they had a lunchtime bbq or  country themed sort of lunch for staff who came and went all lunch period; they decorated the room "country style," using large bales of hay meant for sitting on for said staff (ouch) . . . . only thing was the poor housekeepers trying to get all the loosened hay out of the carpeting.    Well meant, but did not translate well.  No outdoor serving due to heat and insect issues I guess.  How they got all those bales into the med center I still wonder.

    Marie, I so hope all goes well with your mother giving approval for relocating.   This may be a great improvement for the parents once they adapt to the changes.  It isn't easy; but so often the folks who do this end up being happy they did it.

    Judith; what in the world?  They threw you under the bus?  Does that mean they certified you for only eight days with PT for such a condition?  Seems not nearly enough.  Wonder if that can be appealed, or perhaps the doctor can write a medical order for additional time documenting as to why your body will require more PT services.   I am sorry that has happened.  Didn't need one more aggravation.

    Oh Mrs. Z; hope you  do decide to pick up those throw rugs and get 'em out of the trip zone by getting them out of the house.  I can imagine they look very nice, but I don't suppose they would  look so good from being on the floor and the risk that presents.  I resent getting "mature," so much stuff that ain't what it used to be.   Your trip to Arizona must be coming up pretty soon.  Time seems to have flown.  Will you still be driving with your daughter, and will you be gone long or is this a short trip?  Will Molly and Sammy go with you?   You sure have got around a lot lately.  At least no ice/snow passes to drive across like last visit.  Hurray for that.  It will be a new adventure. 

    Lorita; Congratulations on the new calf; even if it belongs to Mike it still is part of you and your Guardian Angel oversight. Those animals are blessed to have you to look out for them.

    I am so sorry you tripped and fell but am really glad you were not injured.  MEDICAL ALERT (in caps) not on?   Please wear it each and every day.  This is what happened to our elderly friend who tripped and fell in her laundry room, was injured and could not get up; could not reach a phone or water or food nor a toilet; managed to slowly, over several days drag herself from one room to another.  She was finally found by accident by a door to door person who almost missed her but heard a feeble voice trying to call out.  She was badly dehydrated, in kidney failure and more; was in ICU for a few days then in the hospital for a couple of weeks and then had to go to Rehab and for the first time in her life needed daily help at home.  Doctor said she was found just in time, any longer and she would have died there alone on the floor.   Never was completely recovered to what she had been before the fall due to the days she lay on the floor . . . with you way out in the middle of nowhere, that alert call system could be a life saver.  I am sorry I am getting to be a headache; sometimes I do worry about you being all the way out there in the middle of nowhere and not having anyone with you.

    Glad Judith said something straight forward about all that food that is so old and dumping it.  Really; she is right, it is best to get rid of it, you do not have a "need" to keep it.  At the age of being really "mature," the body is much more sensitive to picking up food borne illnesses.   Sometimes food can be contaminated or have gone off, but we cannot see it and the old stuff even if safe has lost quality. The idea for storage Judith mentions are a good ones.  That old rice and ancient cake mixes, etc.; they weren't missed at all until you had to have the porch torn apart, so you could just toss them and pretend that they are still hidden away.  Far, far better safe than sorry.  Good idea to use all those many locking storage containers you have. 

    I had fixed my laundry room up very nicely.  There are cupboards above the washer and drier and I did a cute mini-print wallpaper.  Really nice and it gave me room to do so much. Well; one day I came home from work and OH NO!   DH had bought TWO; not one, but two huge wire restaurant racks - floor to ceiling shelves and had one put on each wall facing each other.  He also drilled into my wallpaper and hung our dust buster there.  I was shocked and beyond dismayed .  He has managed to fill both the shelving units since the get go and he keeps them that way; have to go through and dispose of older items from time to time.  What the heck was he thinking - we have a small but suitable pantry in the kitchen and have a large refrigerator/freezer in the house and a freezer in the garage and there is only the two of us.  Laundry room looks like aich, and is no longer easy to use.  Ah well; in the scope of the universe if that is the worst that happens . . .  anyway; one can get such shelving, but one really needs to keep checking and getting rid of old outdated stuff.  Fuss and bother.

    Sayra; our county had 3,800 new cases yesterday and 87 deaths.  So much for Governor's Endemic in our neck of the woods.  That is only one county.  There are three counties in California that are still mandating indoor and large crowd masking no matter the Governor's stance on stopping it and calling it "endemic."   Good idea about how to buy the masks. I do not buy anything if I can help it from vendors on Amazon. Definitely no meds, no body soaps, , no lotions, no cosmetics, shampoo, etc.  The counterfeits are so realistic including containers but can be risky in different ways. I prefer to do what you do but it isn't always easy.

    The Earthquake Insurance is done through the state; they set the price and deductibles.  Really terrible and I wonder if they want people to drop the insurance as a big earthquake would be horrendously expensive and the insurance folks have mentioned running out of money to pay out.  Yet; when housing here is so beyond expensive and homeowners does not cover earthquakes, one is stuck.  Our house which we bought years ago for $35,000, is now; (really hard to believe), selling for one million.  Could not believe it and had to research and found out it is true.  It is not at all a mansion, just a middle class two story with four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living room, dining room, family room and a laundry room and small kitchen.  What the heck.  We never could have bought this house now.  This is why it is so hard for people to buy a first house today.  Geeze; a house is only an investment if you plan to move out and sell it keeping the proceeds. To re-buy a house out here would be detrimental at this point as ALL are so expensive it is foolish to even think of it.  Terrible situation.

    Ron; I am so sorry littlebit is not well, I know how much you and Lou have loved her; it is truly sad when our little ones are ill or leave us.  I am not good at that.  I even tried to give our son's Hamster CPR when he died - we had Herman for three years which is very long for a Hamster, and he was such a sweetie.  I so hope perhaps littlebit can improve and go on for awhile longer.  Hope your new medical alert gadget will work well, did you get one for around the neck or a wrist one?

    Best get going, it is 6:00 pm and time for dinner.  Something out of the freezer tonight, too late to start to cook and neither of us is very hungry.  Add a bit of veg, some fruit and done.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Well, the cake mixes are in the trash - decided you all are right.  I just wanted to taste that pineapple cake but I'll use a white cake mix and make the pineapple upside down cake.  I bought/ordered those cake mixes just after the pandemic began - guess I've been saving them for hard times.  About the beans - I don't care for black beans or white beans either so they can go.  I like butterbeans and pintos and they weren't in the refrigerator.  I did order some brown/pinto beans a few months ago and I think they were old - like you said, Judith, they don't cook up too well.  I don't think there's anything wrong with the rice - all of it is unopened.  I like rice but don't seem to cook it as much as I used to when Charles was here.  Thanks, you all, for the little push - much appreciated - I need someone to keep me on track.

     Marie - I can so relate to how your mother feels.  They've lived there 60 years and it's hard to even think about leaving.  My parents moved to this farm 86 years ago, six years before I was born and I've had an awfully hard time even leasing the land.  Change is hard for any of us especially as we get older.  We just want thing so stay as they are - and they don't.  Hopefully, your mother will work through this and realize the move is for the best.  You're a good daughter to try to help her decide and also to let her make the final decision.  It's hard.

     Ron, I'm so glad Little Bit is better today.  They're just like people - we, and they, have days when we don't feel good.  I know how you feel though - when one my cats, GPs or cattle seem to be feeling bad it bothers me.  Max has trouble keeping his food down sometimes and it worries me.  I think it was okay tonight though.  He may be eating too fast.  I hope Little Bit is still doing well tomorrow.  It's so hard to even think about losing a fur baby you've had a long time - or a short time.  I still remember each of the ones we've lost.

     Judith, love you - you're short and to the point - the dog beds will go back to the bedroom when we can.  They're thick around the edges and that's what is kind of hard to get over when you're half asleep.  What you wrote is so true.  Carol had her fall over six weeks ago and is still struggling with PT and wearing her boot.  She won't be able to get rid of that until at least mid March.  She called this afternoon and was elated that she was able to go to her kitchen for the first time in over six weeks.  She said she had no idea how Bill had messed it up but she and her daughter got it straightened up.

     Beth, those rectangular bales now cost $7. around here.  I buy about 60 each year from our neighbor and he delivers them for that price.  As for the big bales I imagine they're around $50-$60 each.  It costs $25 to bale each one.  Several years ago we sold our excess hay thinking we'd have plenty when we baled.  But, we had a drought and it didn't make as good as we had hoped.  We finally were able to find some bales of hay in Guymon (Okla.Panhandle). We bought a semi-load at $70 a bale.  The ones we have now weigh about 1800 lbs. and right now they're feeling three every other day and probably will through the end of March.  Charles and I fed until mid April. 

     Jo, not really sure what Judith meant but I thought it was that they really did her in physically.  Maybe she'll tell us for sure.

     I had already gone to bed (on divan) the night I tripped over the cat.  They tell you not to sleep with the alert on so I had taken it off and for some reason wanted to go to the kitchen (probably for a snake or bottle of water).  I'm wearing it all the time - kind of getting used to it.  The mini guardian is smaller and lighter in weight than the one I've had for so long.  Should be getting the replacement Monday.  As far as I know this one is working all right now.

     Bet that was a disappointment about your utility/laundry room but your husband was trying to help.  I have a pretty big storage rack.  I have no idea what's stored on it - kind of back in the corner of what we did use as a closet at one end of the utility room.  I could probably use another one - there's one in the MH but no way would I be able to get it out of there and down here.

     I'm going to attach a couple of pictures of Casper.  He is such a cutie - Zetta, this evening when I was out trying to get his picture I thought of you.  He kept walking toward me and I thought about how you always says you'd like to hug them.  I kept backing up and didn't take time to hug him but if he's still in the mood and not afraid of me in the morning I'll hug him for you.  I love little calves - for the first day or so they'll let you pet them and not be afraid.  Hard to imagine something that little can grow into a big cow - just a very miniature version of mom.  This is her first baby so she's still learning.  He's so little he can walk underneath her.  Still want to see him latch on.

     Just watched the women's gold medal match in curling. Great Britain won for the women and Sweden for the men.  Both were good matches.  Don't know what I'll watch now that curling is over.  Did watch some bobsledding today - scary stuff.

     Hope you enjoy the pictures of Casper (named after his great-grandfather) and his mom. Jo, I'm having a sort of tough time realizing I don't have to take care of them completely - just been doing it so long (at least 35 years).  But as long as they and I am here I'll continue to watch over them as much as I can.  Mike said this morning to watch them today and let them out this evening.  I can't do that - they'll stay up until Monday morning at least.  Have to see him nurse.  Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    16F, -9C.  My driveway melted a little yesterday but still quite icy.  Suppose to be sunny and 42 today.  Will be nice if it melts off.

    Beth was not aware of wordle archive.  Don’t always get the word either, but don’t do too bad.

    Made spaghetti yesterday, think it will be tacos today.

    Casper is a cutie.  Watch YT channel Farmer Tyler Ranch out of California.  His cattle are calving right now.  He is like Mike,  leaves moms to take care of calves.  

    Take care everyone

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    I saw Sara was up posting so I decided to chime in, too. Have been speed-reading mostly here  lately since DH is keeping me busy right now. He was super antsy and rummaging the last few days, and pretty testy today when I tried to get him to stop. We both got irritated which is a no, no for me, I know— since I’m the one who is supposed to know better! But now his asthma is flaring up and I feel so sorry for him. Will try to do better today. I just called hospice to see if they could help with a rescue inhaler since his maintenance med is clearly not enough right now. But hospice admitted him for AD, not asthma, so they don’t cover anything unrelated to his dementia.

    On call nurse said I could give him morphine & lorazepam from the comfort kit for now (!?) I don’t think I should try that. So...Guess I will just hold his hand & listen to him wheeze til the local pharmacy opens in 4 hours, and then risk leaving him here sleeping while I run to their drive through. It will only take 15 mins but I don’t leave this wandering spirit like that anymore. Rock & a hard place- I will have to, just this once. Will let you all know how it goes.

    Casper is adorable! Makes me want to move to live the farm life but I’d be lost running cattle I’m afraid. Keep sharing your stories though Lorita. They are so very interesting and you are a wonderful storyteller.

    Jo- how cam your deductible jump that much?!! $100k!!! Yikes!!!

    Day, I have a bump on my little finger and now realize it was broken - long story. Trying to keep DH from raiding the fridge, pouring glass #9 of juice one day last year & got my finger in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Sandy, congrats on starting an exciting life with your new hubby. Keep enjoying all the trips and each other.

    Wishing you peace, Ron, as you care for you and Lou and your beloved pet. We are learning the VA healthcare system, through lots of calls and Video visits. Trying to get the support & care my DH is entitled to, and needs

    Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday. Stay warm! 

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, we all love to hear about the goings on at the farm!  Congrats on the new baby!

    Ron, I'm so sorry.  I know.  Keys is 16 now and any time he seems lethargic I worry.  I'm so glad littlebit is better.  My dog before Keys (named Kramer because the hair on top of his head looked just like Kramer on Seinfeld).

    I've been watching HBO's "Hard Knocks In-Season:  Indianapolis Colts" and much of it is focused on how the team dealt with COVID throughout the season.  I don't even follow football very closely but I'm enjoying this series so I'll probably go back and watch prior seasons.  

    I'll be working later today so I hope everyone has a good day.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, thanks for the info about the hay. I was curious.

    Day, you mentioned the HBO series on the Colts. I have been watching "Our Time" on ESPN+. There is a new episode every Thursday - will be a total of 12 episodes. (I don't know if they had prior seasons.) This one follows Baylor basketball, men's and women's. It's really good. It humanizes the players and coaches. Shows them doing things other than basketball. Also gives insight into the practices, the coaching live in games, etc. 

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Glad you all enjoyed the pictures of little Casper.  His great grandpa - Casper - and his grandpa - Jasper - both weighed over a ton so he'll be a big guy - kind of hard to imagine, isn't it?  And - I saw him nursing this morning!!  When I went out he and mom were in the east side of the lot and he was latched on.  I went out mainly because I kept hearing a little calf bawling and there were several of them gathered together down by the pond.  Was worried that a little one had gotten in and couldn't get out - but, heard it again and it wasn't that problem.  Penny, Evan's mom is in estrus  and there were six or eight boys following her around and Evan couldn't get his breakfast.  Can't let that happen, can I?  So, they came up closer to the lot and I opened the gate a little bit and kept calling Penny and she came through - not alone though, one good-sized bull (think it was Little Bit) got through.  But, I got Penny into the lot and got the bull out.  By that time Evan was drifting back toward the barn so managed to get him in with mom and the other pair and he latched on.  Gave both of the moms some hay, fed Tom-Tom and I'm back inside now talking to my friends and having a mug of hot tea.

     Sara - you have a very varied diet. I tend to stick to the same things most of the time.  I do plan on having linguini alfredo soon - found some linguini and have a jar of alfredo sauce - love that.  I'm thinking about some French toast this morning made from the bread I made yesterday - but, that's for a little bit later.  Hope the ice melts off your driveway today - really dangerous so wear your spikes if you go out. 

     It's windy here this morning and the wind will increase throughout the day.  To be warm today and tomorrow, then cold the rest of the week.  The weather people still aren't sure if we'll get rain or winter weather in our area - hope it's rain only.  They have a European model computer and a US model and they're not agreeing on what will be where.

     Sara, I doubt many people "baby" their moms and new babies like I do.  The cows have the calves out in the pastures and they stay there.  But, I don't see the problem with doing it the way I do - it gentles the cows and calves and they're easier to handle.  Ours have always been gentle around Charles and I but skittish around strangers.  I think it gives the babies a good start and a safe place to lay and gain strength.  If they're out in the pastures the moms put them down somewhere, sometimes for hours at a time while they graze.  They stay fairly close but it worries me.  Last night or very early this morning I heard wolves and coyotes pretty close.  Stormy and Sheena were out and barked and barked but like Mike said - they know the GPs can't get out of the yard so they come closer.  This is silly - but as I was laying there listening to one of them in particular that kept yelling, I thought of the pioneers in their cabins with Indians around yelling. Just think how scary that was for them.  Dumb, I know.  Guess I've watched too many westerns in my long life.  The pioneers were very brave people - just think of packing everything you own in a covered wagon and going out west to what you didn't know.    Years ago a friend and I would have lunch on a bench outside of the hospital and you could see for miles and miles - way down south where we do have some mountains.  I always imagined how it must have been for them trying to get over the mountains without roads and not knowing what was ahead.  Sorry, what got me on that subject I don't know.

     Ron - hope Little Bit is still better this morning.  I know how you worry about him.  I think I remember you said he was in his late teens.  Barclee was close to 20 when I lost him a couple of months ago.  Still miss him laying in the chair beside me.  I think about getting another little dog but I don't think at my age it would be fair to him but I do miss a little dog.  Looks like you all may get some rain later this week.  Is it dry there?

     Butterfly, we'll be waiting to see if your trip to the pharmacy turns out all right.  So hope your husband stays asleep while you're gone.  I know it's scary to have to leave him but he needs the medicine.  When I was caregiving I left Charles sleeping early, early in the morning and hurried into town two different times for something we had to have.  I was never gone more than an hour and he was asleep when I got home both times.  But, the second time I started to think about what would happen if something happened to the PU while I was gone or just anything to delay me and he woke up and I was gone.  I never did that again.  But, you'll only be gone about 15 minutes so I'm sure it will be okay. 

     You know Scarlet (my niece who I lost a couple of years ago) once told me I should write stories like Little House on the Prairie.  Boy, that would be the day, wouldn't it?  You know my friend, Carol, who I talk about, has a granddaughter who writes books.  She's on her 65th or 66th.  They sell them on Kindle - she goes by the name Blythe I've never read any of them but it looks like they're mostly mysteries.  I can't think of the last name right now but I'll look it up and post it in case you all wanted to read one.  She has done very well - from the proceeds has even bought a house.  Can you imagine?  Well, there is our friend, Barbara, who is an author.  I really enjoyed reading her book and look forward to more.

     Zetta - when I went out to the lot I petted Casper for you and told him that was for you.  He is so sweet - black as tar - most of them are brown and turn black later.  I also had a good look at Evan when I got him in to his mother- he is beautiful or handsome I should say since he's a boy.  Can't believe he's over six weeks old. 

     Day, that was cute - naming your little dog Kramer because of Kramer's hair.  I did that with a couple of bulls Mike brought over two or three years ago.  One of them had hair that stuck straight up - so, I called him Buckwheat and called the other one Spanky.  They came for two years and I bet sort of got used to their names.  I talk to the girls when I'm around them so they get used to their names just like people do.

     Guess I'd better stop.  So glad you all thought little Casper was cute and sweet and I'm so glad I saw him nursing.  Mom was standing very still for this to happen - her life has changed completely from being a heifer to being a new mom.  I'll keep them up today and let them out - or open the lot gates - before Mike and Toad get here tomorrow.  If he doesn't drop by today, he'll never know.  They do plan to cut the overhead pipe from the gate between the house and barn so the creepfeed truck can get through - maybe not today though.

     See you all later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Fettuccini alfredo - almost the same thing.  Seems like I have trouble thinking of the right word sometimes.  Sort of worries me.  But, Carol says she has the same problem - guess it's because we're "mature".

     I let Penny and Evan out of the lot.  They were ready but one little bull was standing guard so guess he called the others.   Couldn't let Mike catch her up in the lot when the object is to have more calves.  The pairs were in separate parts of the lot so guess - I'll call her Missy - and Casper are happier now.

     Didn't have that French toast - opted for half a crumb cake - maybe later today - or in the morning.

     Butterfly - hope you're back home from the pharmacy and everything went well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Under the bus? I did mean physically...both vision and balance are off...ugh!

    Short and direct? How easy it is to give advice to someone else? Lorita, be prepared to get a new frig...a storage rack in the back of a closet with who knows what on it? Have Daniel unbury it and throw it away then treat yourself to one or two new wire shelving units. You deserve a nice fresh utitlty room. You might also ask Daniel to slap a coat of new paint on the walls.

    Jo...wish Dick could have done what your husband did. Story...one time he told a mechanic (?) that a screw or somehing equally simple was loose in the cockpit. The mechanic told him that it could be fixed using a dime. Dick's reply? "I don't fix them...I fly them". They both laughed.

    Yea littlebit!

    Day...how is you hand feeling?

    Regarding 1099s. I am now fully aware of what they are and glad that they only apply after $600 is reached. Keeping track is one reason I will be using Quickbooks!

    Fabulous weather today. Sorry snowfolks.

    NOTE TO SELF; transfer stuff in origional containers to Tupperware (all black lids...great looking and grateful not buting them at today's prices....lol) 

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    jfkoc - I wish I had my Tupperware from days gone by. So many mismatched lids and containers have been tossed out or given away through the years. After holidays, especially Thanksgiving dinners the younger folks and bachelors were infamous for taking extras home and we were always happy to do that. Never got my containers back though Now, I buy Rubbermaid every so often and don't expect to keep it.

    Lorita, I am glad you took everyone's advice and threw out all the extra stash. You are not wasteful at all I can tell, and it isn't worth it to get a stomach bug after all your carefulness with covid. And, well, I was too chicken to leave the house with DH sleeping after all. Decided if he was able to doze off, we'd be OK until morning. I've been listening to his breathing for 20 years now and know the signs of "maintaining", and "red-alert". We got some good sleep for several hours with him sitting upright, and some Vick's salve. Plus I did give the Lorazepam to help calm any anxiety since he's taken that before and we know he can tolerate it. Woke up after 10a still holding hands, and he was breathing easier but still some wheezing. I got his breakfast ready, and he must have realized I moved because he was up soon after. I will post in the forum about the rest of the adventure, I'm thinking the headline might be "shock of my life" --- but I did get the meds, and he is on the mend !

    Sara and everyone, I just found a single bay leaf in the cabinet thinking I was throwing out an empty spice bottle. What would you cook with it? Have you all ever seen the chef's show where they get a mystery basket and have to compete for the best meal using those ingredients? I'm a good cook but not trained at all, and I've never heard of some of the things they have to work with. Would likely be a comedy hour if I were on that show! I've used bay leaves in beans and roasts is all, I think. We only have beans in the house right now-we don't each much red meat anymore so I don't buy it. I like almost everything, but could live off seafood, veggies and fruit honestly. 

    OK, I feel like sleeping in took half the day away (it did), but we were up half the night so it's for the best. Need to get some stuff done though. May not be a lot, but some laundry or baking cupcakes, or something to make tomorrow's to-do list shorter. And something for fun after the anxiety DH's asthma flare-up causes me. I am on the lookout for Beth and Sara and others to give us our garden-prep cues! Looking forward to growing some flowers and veggies this year.

    Have a wonderful day and week ahead everyone.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Wow first time I’ve been able,to get on in a while, now I forgot what I wanted to say . One  no longer applies, for Lorita to dump the old food. If you get sick, you’re down for days, that’s definitely not worth a $2 cake mix risk. Glad your construction is ending, and congrats on new baby!

    Judith, didn’t you say your DH flew for Air America? He sounds like he could be so much fun. (Sailing…  I’m not that competitive, as you said. A lot of sailboat owners here were ex-military, they were competitive! I had zero desire to captain.  I liked our local club races best b/c they tossed out most rules—very technical in big races—it was often anything goes. And our cruising boats were waayyy more comfortable than the racing boats DH campaigned.

    I met some former AA pilots/crew in Miami and Nicaragua. Their stories were amazing, they were all strong, hard-charging, outgoing men, and they loved what they did—which was extra-dangerous because it was sort of low-profile and isolated terrain…. Pilots really are a special breed.

    Just to jump around, we went last week to a small, outdoor show of a lady playing harp guitar. I’ve seen them but didn’t know anything at all about them. (If curious, Google for a photo. They are very unusual). She talked about the instrument, and that music is ethereal.  I usually fall asleep with that music! DH at least tolerated it, and was appropriate until he got tired about 40 minutes in (long for him, but it is very quiet music). So we left. The next day he did not remember anything. (Sigh)

    Kids coming over to work on house. Everyone take care.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Dick was an Air America pilot. They were extraordinary. I have been to several reunions...wish I could remember who I met. I do email with one one Dick's buddies. They flew out of Laos for years.

    My Tupperware doesn't leave thee house...I too have red lided Rubermaid for that or reused deli containers.

    Love Casper...a little knock-kneed???

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Huh, now I get right on.. But: some may be interested in a big story in todays New York Times Sunday magazine, surely online by now, about traveling nurses. They are in high demand, and a big change in health care delivery. Our GS works as a traveling nurse, ICU. 

    He more than doubled his pay, gets housing stipend, plus bonus pay to go to midsize Midwestern cities where it is hard to fill jobs. For a 3-month contract, his 4th or 5th stint. He is making so. Much. Money! He’s almost paid off all loans and got down payment-plus on a house here in S.mFL, if he decides to put down roots here. He likes the water, other things less so. 

    Anyway, I do not understand the economics of traveling nurses from a hospital standpoint. There is huge demand for travelers. His “home base hospital” has lost so many nurses to traveling jobs, they have to bring in more traveling nurses to fill the vacancies.

    I can’t wrap my head around that. Why not pay your own staff better and not have to be training newcomers all the time? But  there are smart people here, and I sure don’t know diddly about hiring hospital staff.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    My grandaughter is studying to be a NP. She is working part time and the hourly wage is unbelieveable.
  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    A friend told me their LO was earning $20,000 a month as a traveling nurse during the worst of Omicron. A month!. And that most of her colleagues quit the hospital they were working for, to sign up with the same agency.

    I don't know if the hospitals' overhead and other financials make it hard to compete with that kind of salary for nurses. But when a private company hires only nurses to be wherever they are needed in a pandemic, for whomever can pay their agency's fee...I guess they get whatever they ask for. And risking their lives plus everything else we know they are dealing with in such an important job anyway. Being homebound on hospice, I can tell you what a blessing it is to have access to traveling nurses who do house calls. And I don't blame them for taking the big money while it is offered. My guess is the demand will change eventually and nurses will once again be overworked and underpaid.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Traveling nurses have been around for a very long time; for years.  Hospitals often cannot find enough RNs in their community, not even the in-house registry in large med centers can find enough.  Years ago, the hospital industry was actively recruiting RNs in from Ireland, the Phillipines and other countries; even advertising for them. Just not enough RNs in this country.   The Travelers have been around long, long before the pandemic.  Yes; they earn a lot of money, they also do not get insurance or other benefits nor do they have a good stable home life what with moving here there and everywhere, but those who do it are often happy doing so.

    Hospitals far prefer not to have Travelers due to costs.  It is not about paying their RNs more; it is simply not having sufficient numbers and need to staff asap as in yesterday.

    Ron; so glad Littlebit is on the mend.  That is awesome and I sure can imagine the relief you feel. 

    Lorita; I saw something today and thought of you because I know you love Panettone.  I got my Vermont Country Catalog yesterday.  As I perused the contents I saw all the foods they carry for sale amongst everything else.  There was a delicious looking Panettone, so I took a look.   It is made by a 300 year old bakery in Italy and they take three days to proof the dough. It is described as being fluffy and flavorful AND filled with custard cream and puffy raisins.  Sure did sound good until I looked at the price:  $46.95.   Eeek.

    Tupperware has always been very "proud" of their product because their pricing shows it.  No reason to buy Tupperware any more as it was before one could find good similar products; lots of other really good quality products now that are very good looking and priced much lower.  Remember the "old days" of Tupperware parties?  DHs family seemed to have them left and right.  They also had copperware parties, and costume jewelry parties, and more.   House full of women having fun for an evening getting together and lured into buying by the end of the evening.  Back in the day those were.   I was never a fan.  

    Caspar is a cute little guy, but when looking at his hooves and legs it seems he will grow fast and be a very big boy.   They seem to grow overnight.

    As for that $100,000 deductible for Earthquake Insurance set by the state; they know in a big one they will be paying to the moon and back.  They are careful to say they could run out of money; but a risk not to have it . . . if the house is totaled and the insurance is solvent, it would be something that someone like us would need as we are "mature" and no longer working/earning and have time to restart from ground zero so to speak.  Our Homeowners has a far, far significantly lower deductible.   We have had a few incidents not over the deductible and we pay for it ourselves so as not to have premiums raised. 

    Going to have stuffed baked potates for dinner tonight as we did not have them as planned earlier in the week.  Closing ceremony for the Olympics tonight. Did you see the full skate of Nathan Chen in last night's Gala Performances where they could do what they wanted?  If you did not, find it on Google and watch; it was amazing.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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