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Just need to talk to my friends (165)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, if you have exposure to someone who has the virus, you can test. Simply having contact with another person, there shouldn't be any need to test.  Especially if you are wearing a high quality mask.

    Our snow in the front yard (south) is almost gone. There is still quite a bit in the back. It's been in the 40s the past two days and will be today as well. For us, in February, it's not bad. Yesterday was sunny and there was very little wind and it seemed really nice. It will be cold: 4/24, on Saturday.

    Today is housecleaning day and tomorrow is grocery day. Will make grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, and maybe tater tot casserole for dinner.

    Hope everyone is well and will enjoy their day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Thanks, ladies, for all the information.  I feel better.  Also just had a visit with Mr. K.  I went to the mailbox and he was along the fence so stopped for a few minutes.

     He is a most interesting person - I've known him for about seven years but  never really talked to him too much until this time.   He told me when they were in Bolivia they were told they could have a negative test 72 hrs. before boarding a plane, however, when they got to the airport were told it was 24 hr.  They absolutely would not let them on the plane until they had another test which cost $500.  Can you believe that?  He also volunteered that he has now been vaccinated.  He had the virus two years ago (time goes fast).  So, guess everything's okay.  He's setting the braces today and will cut limbs.  His son usually comes with him but he's in Bible School today - he'll come next week.

     The girls heard his truck and tractor and were sure someone was going to feed them.  you'd think they were starving.  So, they're standing around in the lot and out front.  Really glad I had that gate closed.  He said he'll do that work today and either Monday or Wednesday will do the fence - after the concrete he used on the braces sets. 

     This is interesting, to me anyway, his brother who has cancer and was told by his doctor to go home and die, has been taking four drops of 35% peroxide in a cup of water four times a day for a little over a week and he has improved tremendously!  He sent Mr. K. the results of some blood work done yesterday and all his blood work is almost back to normal - had been very elevated and now almost normal. 

     Well, just thought I'd let you know what he said about being vaccinated and also the negative test.  Guess I'm okay.

     Jack just called to check in.  He always asks about the weather - guess he doesn't watch it as much as I do.  Patsy was always asking about the weather, too.

     Oh, wanted to ask  - I requested the four in-home tests and have only received two.  Is there some way to contact someone about the other two?  My e-mail said they would be delivered on the 5th and on the 8th but only two came on the 5th.  Maybe they were running low on them.

     Better stop and find something for breakfast - guess I'll call it brunch now.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita...I got those same confusing emails last week here in CA. There are 2 tests in each box so that accounts for them giving us 4 tests. I got 2 boxes. Additional boxes never came.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    I haven’t received any tests or heard anything.  Maybe this isn’t working so well, don’t know.  The mask distribution seems to be going good.

    Agree with Beth, no reason to get tested Lorita if he doesn’t have Covid.  He probably has great immunity for himself since he had it and then got vaccinated.  He can still get infected but he probably will only spread a small amount of virus for a very short time.  Studies are showing those with immunity don’t shed as much or near as long as those without immunity.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Thursday - this week has flown.   We sent for the testing kits the very day the site opened.  We have received nothing as yet.  

    The CDC stated that after having had COVID, immunity lasts for about 90 days.  In concert with this is the information coming out of Israel; they have done some very good followup studies and also find that immunity will last about 90 days. In this, when speaking of it, it is said this may be a bit variable for some who will remain immune for about 60 days.  So in my mind's eye, I see it as 60 - 90 days immunity based on the statements which are based on actual data.   Just how immune and less likely to shed virus after that does not really seem to be known with certainty; any statement would be a guess without data to support it.   Sure do thoroughly dislike this stuff and miss the openness that we enjoyed, "prior to."  But here we are.  Still sometimes seems like a bad science fiction movie, except we are the actors.  As said, we shall continue to mask and take precautions even after the masking, etc. is lifted.   Will do this for some months until we see where it is all going.  

    Good grief; what a stunner.  That beautifully talented 15 year old ROC skater, Kamila Valieva has been held in question by the Olympic Committee decision makers as she has tested positive for the drug, trimetazidine.  It is a banned heart med.  It is prohibited for use by the World Anti-Doping Agency because it works to aid endurance and increased blood flow. She is only 15 years old; a child.  It would be highly unlikely that she looked for this heart drug herself or would even know the facts surrounding the drug.  Really an ugly situation.  The medal distribution has been held up until the situation is resolved one way or another.   This does not take away from her abilities nor the beauty of her performance which were awesomely phenomenal;  but no matter what action the committee decides to take, it casts a long shadow that could follow her into the future.  Her main coach and "handler," is known to have only very young skaters in her stable of skaters.   It appears once a skater has turned 17, she is pretty much through with them - so said the news report.   Gosh; remember when this all used to be about good clean sport? Have a fire out here in Laguna Beach hills with chaparral brush that is burning.  Fire fighters are out working hard as are water helicopers; 145 acres have burned thus far and it is 5% contained.  it is quite windy and VERY hot, so fire risk is high for those living up in the hills.  No houses have burned and no injuries; hope they can knock it down quickly.  I noticed on the news this morning that despite being luxury homes, they are very close to one another and many of them seemed to have a lot of brush close around their houses.  Wonder why the properties are not better cleared of such risks, considering.    We are to be at least 93 degrees perhaps plus today; will need the AC this afternoon. If we do not, the upstairs where the bedrooms are will be horrible to try and sleep in.  At that point, fans are not highly helpful.   Supposed to be the hottest day ever on record for the Super Bowl.   Can't imagine the players being in all that gear on the flat field holding the heat with the sun hammering down on them running up and down said field.  And then; as the new week begins, we are to fall into the low to mid 60's with possibility of some rain on Tuesday.   Strange. Really feeling anything but positive about the manipulation of monstrous length of the truck barricade of the huge semi trucks in Canada wanting to come to the U.S. and a planned bunch of U.S. semi trucks forming their own cavalcade to go to the Super Bowl area supposedly (news reports) to block roads and freeways and possibly even the Bowl to make their point about demanding NOT to be mandated to vaccinate.  I find myself wondering how professionally organized this may possibly be and just who may be pulling the strings if any.  Funding?  Silver crossing some palms way down the line?  Don't know;  that thought may be entirely wrong, but somehow it seems just, "too, too." Oh that Gal Sal.  She is an incorrigible four legged wanderer with an independent spirit bent on greener pastures and all she can find in them.   She likes the wide open spaces and her "gourmet" menu of other stuff to eat.   What in the world; so glad the fence will go up so that hopefully Sally will be able to stay.  Reading your Post, Lorita, I found myself shaking my head at her once again getting out and about; but then again on the other side of that, once again smile at the thought of her.  That's our Sally! As for avocados; the California season is from late April usually through August.   Having an avocado tree can be up in the air.  Some trees have marvelous avocados, others are awful.    Avocados do NOT ripen on the tree.  They ripen after being picked .  NOTE:  Never, ever, try to hasten ripening an avocado in an oven or in a microwave.  They will not taste good; it will be far less nicely textured; it won't have that creamy texture nor will it have that lovely avocado flavor.  I am going to put a link to the Pioneer Woman's info re avocados. Even though she says one can use the oven to hasten ripening, I would not do it.  One can put the avocado in a paper bag with an apple or banana and it will ripen in a couple of days. I usually just let mine sit in a bowl on the counter until it is ready.   When I buy them and I want one that is ripe, I hold the fruit in the palm of my hand and very gently press; if it is somewhat soft feeling and "gives just a smidge," that is a good sign.  If the avocado is really, really soft and kind of darkened, do not buy - it is over ripe and that is not good. Flavor and texture will be way off and you would probably have to throw it out. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/cooking-tips-tutorials/a36079339/how-to-ripen-avocado/ Iris, I am glad that your little Seven is getting better; that must be a worry.   I understand what you are saying about sailing on open ocean waters.  There are rowing groups near your area that get together but do not go out on the open sea.  In Long Beach, there are groups that row in Dragon Boats.  One of the groups is for women who are survivors of breast cancer.   They are a great group of women.  The receptionist in our dental office was one of the Dragon Boat rowers in the survivor group.  Here is a link to that particular group and a small video of them: http://lapinkdragons.org/ On that note, I shall exit stage left . . . that is because I have a lot "left" to do. J.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Update regarding the test kits.  We just received an email this afternoon from the Post Office informing us that we will receive our kits on February 14.  When the test kits were ordered, a confirmation was received along with a tracking number for delivery; so if yu got such a tracking number, you can check on your kit.  Anyone else get such an email?J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Where is the trouble/,blockade at the border east or west?

    I went to sleep in my chair and woke up to a cow bawling.  Looked out and one was in the lot.  Guess who!  Went out thinking she might want water but she came over to meet me at the gate.  I think she called me thinking I might let her out.  I told her "no" so she went back to graze with the others.  Gotta love her!

    Heard a tractor a while ago not sure where.  Can't see way down behind the barn to see if it might be Mr. K.  If so, he's had a long day.  But, he's only 60 so has lots of energy.  Lately, everyone is lots younger than I.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    The tests...I did not order any. I figured if I needed to test I would go but one I guess. I operate on the basis that anyone I come in contact with might be a shedder. Anytime I might feel punny I assume it is Covid and take extra steps to isolate myself. You simply do not know when someone may be walking around with the virus. Additionally you must test at the correct time and even then the test are not so reliable.

    Here is an interesting article about how to use and how reliable they are;


    Regarding air transpertation into the USA. The CDC continues to require a negative test before boarding with in 24 bours. I know that was in place in December to travel both to and from Italy. Individual airlines can have additional requirements.

    Let's have a photo of Sally at  the gate.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, dragon boat racing sounds like it would have been more my speed when I was younger.  Thanks for the link.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    30F, -1C.

    Beth I use to eat so many grilled cheese sandwiches. Still eat them once in a great while.  To me they are a comfort food.

    Hope everyone has a nice day.

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Up early today, it's snowing.  I am taking Keys (dog) to get his teeth cleaned this morning.  I feel like when I take my LO to the doctor, I already have a list of items typed up for them to look at while he's under anesthesia.  He's currently mad because he didn't get a treat when he came in from going to the bathroom.  He has his back turned to me.

    That upsets me about the skater with the positive drug test.  This is not something a 15-year-old does without extreme pressure and possibly it was even given to her without her knowledge (probably) because as we know, the govt looks at their athletes as property of the govt and they can't even compete under their own flag because of prior doping.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, I think you ordered your tests before I did, at least a day or two.  I've still only gotten two and yes, Betty, I did get those e-mails and the routing number was the same on both of them.   I'm like Judith, if I feel I need to be tested and can get into town I'll probably do that.

     I have a question about frozen fruit - how long after the best-by or expiration date do you all think it's safe to eat?  I found a big bag, unopened, of frozen pineapple and most of a sack of frozen mango - I think the best by date on each of them was in 2020.  Google says it's still all right but may not have the same taste or texture.  I'm trying to get all the things out of the freezer compartment of that refrigerator that probably won't be coming back into the utility room.  I have two or three baggies full of bread crumbs - I hardly ever use bread crumbs but didn't want to waste the old bread so made crumbs.  Lots of frozen cauliflower and broccoli (this I've frozen myself).  It was air-sealed so that will still be good.  I have a whole crisper full of different kinds of beans and pasta.  I forget about them and get more so I know they're still good.

     This is one of those days when I'm glad I don't have to feed.  Back is hurting and I don't have much energy.  Did go out about 7:15 and opened the gate so the girls could get through to feed when they came and after they left and the girls came back through I drove down in the Gator and closed it and checked the mineral tubs.  Thought I'd have to get more today but there's still at least 25 lbs. in each of them (2) so don't have to do that. Drove up and saw all the girls around the hay. I didn't see Sally out anywhere so maybe she didn't get out this morning.  I thought I could see brush around my old tree and, sure enough, Mr. K. had cut limbs off trees in the fenceline and piled them around the tree.  I know he did it to keep the pasture as clear as possible and there's nothing left of the tree except one big limb and part of the trunk.  I told Mike what he was going to do and he said they'd burn them later.  I don't think I can stand to see that tree burned.  Bryon had taken some of the wood from it for his fireplace so maybe I'll call him and tell him to get the rest of it and maybe pull the limbs from around the tree.  I know this sounds silly but that tree is over 100 years old and is still hanging on - I've told Sarah that when that tree goes, so will I.

     Jo - saw a lot of good curling yesterday.  Saw the US men play twice - lost to Sweden and won from GB.  Also saw the US women play - can't remember if they won or not.  I'm trying to watch as much of the Olympics as I can because we only get to see them every two years.  I much prefer the winter Olympics to the summer.

     Carol called yesterday - she's planning on being home by Monday when the physical therapist comes again.  Her daughter's husband's daughter and kids are coming this weekend so she says she needs to be home, out of their way.  She's so tired of not being able to walk and is getting a bit discouraged, I think.  I tell her there's improvement each day and just to be patient.  I'd be the same way though.

     Had hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Went a bit heavy on the Louisiana hot sauce though.  I can't eat eggs without picante sauce or hot sauce on them.  The Tobasco sauce is too hot for me but love Louisiana hot sauce.  Ron, I bet you know what I mean. I've never made hashbrowns from scratch - is there a trick to it?  I imagine you have to maybe salt the grated potatoes a little bit and let them drain so there won't be so much moisture?

     Thinking about making some more pumpkin-spice muffins if my back stops hurting.  I think sleeping on the divan is finally getting to me or rather to my back.  May try sleeping in the recliner tonight.  I was laying on the divan watching TV last night - after I went to bed - and thought how funny it is how we move around to different chairs and places to lay in the LR - the two GPs, four cats and I.  We just move from one place to another- first in a chair, then the divan, then a dog bed, etc.  Reminds me of years ago when we went to the ER (spider bite, I think) and we had to wait a long time.  People moved from one chair to another - sort of like musical chairs - would be interesting to see a time-lapse of that.

     Haven't heard anything from Sarah since Monday - she had an appt. with her new PCP Tuesday morning and said she'd call me afterwards.  I have a feeling she didn't keep the appointment because this is usually how it goes when she doesn't - no call from her.  Judith knows what I mean.

     Guess I'll think everything's okay with my contact with Mr. K. since he and I were both vaccinated and he tested negative two days earlier and I was wearing a mask.  Wasn't it great when we didn't have to think about things like vaccinations, wearing  a mask and not being close to anyone (and we didn't know how nice it was).   Carol says her husband has no fear - goes anywhere he wants to, without a mask, and says hardly anyone is wearing them.  Life is going on as usual in their town.

     Last night on the weather, he mentioned western Okla. may have up to a foot of snow next week.  They're in severe drought and Mike says the wheat is dying from lack of moisture so I imagine they're hoping they will get the snow.  We need rain and it's forecast for midweek.

      Hope all of you are well this morning.  Ron, bet you're looking forward to your company this weekend and to that wonderful trip to Big D. 

    Day - hope everything goes well with Keys at the vets today.  Is your vet to the point where you can go in with him or do you stay outside and they come and get him.  That's how it was last time I went to the vets but I think people are going inside now.  I probably wouldn't.

     Beth and Sara - I love grilled cheese sandwiches.  I make them in the NuWave oven.  I use vegetable spray instead of butter and they brown beautifully.  I ate a lot of them when I was going to Business School.  They are a comfort food to me, too.

     I better stop now - I hit a key and it disappeared but found it.  Back later.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I could bring him in, masks required.  They said he wouldn’t be ready to be picked up until the end of the day, mostly because they want to make sure he isn’t vomiting from the anesthesia.  They should be doing his dental now so I’m expecting a call from the vet shortly.  She called once to let me know he had gotten his IV and the medication he’d get to keep him from getting so sick after.  He has cataracts in both eyes, one more than the other, his ears look good so his hearing loss I wrote them about is age related, so nothing new.  Just waiting to see if he needs any tooth extractions and how much that will be.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Always stressful when waiting for that call from the vet.  Hope all goes well and no extractions are needed let us know.

    I just took those cupcakes out of the oven and buttered one and waiting for it to cool a bit.  Wish I could give one to each of you.  Put mini chocolate chips in them.  I have a little container of lentils in the same kind of container as the chocolate chips so have to be careful which I use.  Got the right one this time.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    The vet just called, nothing but the dental cleaning needed, blood work looks good, and I can pick him up around 4 pm.  Thank goodness.  And now I can get his dog license since he's had the rabies shot.  He was awake when the vet was calling but they have to keep him longer because in the past he's had a really hard time with the anesthetic.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Lorita...please ask Carol if she has checked  into a knee roller.

    Day.... glad it all went well for Keys.

    Went to Vestibular Rehab Therapy evaluation. It totally wiped me out....yesterday and today. What did they do? Not much...lol.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    Been a busy few days.  Dad to ER...has hernia protruding, blood work shows secondary sepsis and pancreatitis.  They did nothing except protruding hernia back, and said that was not a perm. fix.  Because of his age (97) the doctor was less than concerned about treatments.  

    Got him to his PCP who was not happy with the care given at ER.  Put him on 10 days of antibotics for sepsis, a liquid/soft food diet and a liquid laxative.  Also referred to a gastro doc to assess what can or can't be done for the hernia issue and the pancreatitis.

    I understand that there is a delicate balance between what can be done for a dementia patient without impact, but don't want him in pain for his remaining days either.  Appointment is for next week so we will see what options exist, if any. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    So glad you had a good PCP onboard...please update us whenever you can.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    32F, 0C.  Maybe light snow.

    Judith hope vestibular rehab works out well for you.

    Maybe I can get my tote bag started today.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from the front porch. Hopefully everyone will have a good weekend!

    Have had a enjoyable week with my sister, I've even got back into cooking a little more. Had my potato gravy over biscuits with sausage and eggs and even cooked some baby Lima beans, pork chops, corn and green beans. Dont remember if I ever mentioned this but anytime I have beans or even peas; I brown the pork chops a little on each side, then let them cook along with the beans. They are so tender that a fork is all you need. 

    Received a letter from my PCP yesterday stating the results of my 14 day holter monitor showed no abnormal arrhythmia. That is good, but still doesnt explain the episodes I had with tachycardia. My heart rate is normally in the 70s and to have it go to 164 with dizziness and stay above 110 most of the day, is not normal. Guess I'll have a chance to find out more next Thursday with PCP visit. I also see my oncologist the same day. Yesterday was a visit with agent orange review, which took blood, urin and asked a lot of questions about prostate symptoms after radiation treatment.  I believe they are trying to drain all my blood; ER took a lot last week, gave again yesterday and PCP wants more next week.

    Brother and SIL will be here today and sister has decided to stay a few more days where we can all visit.

    Almost forgot.....Lorita you asked about the hashbrowns. I hardly ever fix them, I mainly cube my potatoes but I believe as long as you use a little flour on them alone with your salt and pepper that should take care of the moisture in the potatoes. 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Okay so that is going to be the last dental cleaning poor Keys gets because last night I spent cleaning up spit-ups and while he's better this morning, he is still whining.  No more.  And for some reason they shaved places on both of his legs - maybe there was a better vein in one?  Who knows.

    His license is ordered, he got the 3-year rabies.  And they sent home a dewormer in a syringe?  His fecal exam was fine.  I'm not giving him that, he doesn't have worms.  And even when he was feeling so bad last night I laid on the floor with him and he was trying to lick my face and take care of me.  Poor little thing.

    COVID has taken away the face-to-face vet appointment, which I really miss.  Now you have to drop the dog off and pick him up hours later (when I went to pick Keys up yesterday there was a little pup getting vaccines and his owner was having to leave him for a couple of hours for a 15-minute appointment).  Now you drop them off, they spend however long there and you know they're in cages and distressed.  I hate it.  All the vets are like this now, like an assembly line, or I'd find a better vet.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Day, I am glad Keys made it through his dental. It is very rough on some dogs, mine included. I have a miniature schnauzer and they are prone to plaque or calculus on their teeth. She is 9 years old and has had her teeth cleaned 2 or 3 times - I had a lab before who lived to be 8 and she never needed a cleaning. When Josey has had the anesthesia, she has come home and obviously not feeling well. I am trying to avoid her needing it done again, but it is kind of inevitable - but maybe I can lengthen the time between cleanings. I brush her teeth almost every day. I used to have a tooth scraper, kind of a dental tool like dentists use and would scrape the teeth. It worked but she didn't like having it done. I have since lost that tool, so just brush now. 

    Very cold here. We have had only two major snows this winter. The last one was weeks ago and there is still a little snow on the ground. Much has melted, though. As far as cold goes, December was unseasonably warm and January was very cold - below zero several times. 

    We are going to "Goldies" for ice cream today. I am going to have a "twister," which is like a DQ blizzard. They were advertising a red velvet twister. It has red velvet cake and cream cheese icing mixed in ice cream with hot fudge topping. Sounds good.

    Ron, good to hear from you. The fact that your heart monitor didn't show anything abnormal, is simply because you had no abnormal arrhythmias during the time you wore the monitor. In other words, they didn't monitor at a time where they could "catch" the problem. It does leave you to wonder. If it happens again, try to get to the ER when it is happening. I am glad you and your sister are having a good time. You sure are a good cook, Ron! I have a favor to ask: could you bring some potato gravy and pork chops to the front porch so we can all enjoy them? I'll bring lemonade and cupcakes. 

    Zetta, your plan to snowbird would appeal to me. However, the 18 hour drive, not so much. 

    Jo, you asked about the test kits. I applied the first day you could and just got them this week. A day or two before I got them I received an email telling me they would be coming on (date). Anyone gotten the free N95s? I haven't and don't plan to. I have N95s and KF94s here already.

    Hubby got his 4th shot last week. If you are immunocompromised, and it has been (4 or 5 months?) since shot #3, you can get another. With the immune compromised they are saying shots 1-2-3 are part of the original series and #4 is the booster; reason being, immune compromised folks don't have as good a response in developing antibodies so 1-2-3 are full dose (Moderna) and #4 is their booster - 1/2 dose. 

    Lorita, glad you are getting the fence work and house work completed. 

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     It's cold - 29 right now at 10:30 - in the high teens this morning.  Been filling a water tank - girls are all laying down in the sun - wish I was. 

     Judith, are you having trouble with dizziness again?  I remember you were going to some kind of class a while back to improve your balance - what happened with that?  Hope this works for you.  Feeling dizzy is awful.  Years ago when I was still working I woke up and was so dizzy I thought I had to hold onto the bed to keep from falling off - maybe that was vertigo - never really understood the difference - and I remember walking down the halls at work sort of holding on or being close to the wall because I was so dizzy.  Hate that.

     I will ask Carol about the knee roller when I talk to her again.  She was going to her home about 3 p.m. yesterday.  One daughter was going to spend the night in case she needed to go to the bathroom.  No idea why  her husband can't deal with that but seems he can't. Thought this was funny - I asked Carol what they were going to do about food and she said he'd go out and pick up something when they got hungry.  She fries bacon for him every morning and one of her daughters fried up a lot of it for him to have until Carol was able to get up and around.  Just not used to a man not being able to cook since Charles was a good cook.  I'm going to tell her how I cooked bacon - on a rack placed over a cookie sheet and baked in the oven.  Easiest way with no curling and you can do so much at one time.

    Marie, glad you got your dad to his PCP for better treatment and hope he feels better soon  You'd have thought the ER would have given better trrestment.  I imagine they're overloaded but still..  Let us know.

    Ron, glad you've had a good visit with your sister and that you're back to cooking again.  I think you enjoy that so it's good for you.  Tell me again about potato gravy?  Have you ever had/made chocolate gravy?  I haven't made it in a long time but when I was growing up we'd have it for breakfast with biscuits sometimes in the morning and sometimes at night.   My parents made it with water instead of milk so it was thinner than with milk.  I've only seen one restaurant with it on the menu - a truck stop in our little town.

    Maybe the episode you had with your high pulse rate was just a freaky one-time thing.  If it didn't happen again in 14 days, maybe it's okay.  But, I agree, if it does happen again try to get to the ER or your doctor.

    Thanks for the advice about the hashbrowns - I'll try that.  The last time I got potatoes - usually get 10 =. they were huge. Usually you have some little ones with a few bigger ones but all of these were great big - never happened before.  I love potatoes cooked anyway - should  make some potato salad but no onions so I'll wait.   Wonder if it's safe to eat onions again?

    Day - glad Keys is home but so sorry he had all that trouble.  Sweet little guy trying to comfort you because he knew you were stressed.  They can truly sense these things.  I've never had any of our dog's teeth cleaned.  I don't like it  so I'm sure they don't either.  I've seen these things advertised on TV that the dog chews on and their teeth go down in little holes and, supposedly, that cleans their teeth.  About brushing their teeth - I can just see me brushing those huge teeth the Pyrenees have and I'm sure they wouldn't like it.  They do let me look at them though.  I don't like for my pets to have anesthesia either.

    Wish you were close so you could go to my vet.  He's so good with animals.  He's always busy, busy but when you're in the exam room with your fur baby you never feel like he's rushing.  I think we've used four different vets and all of them were wonderful.  He has people coming to his clinic from way down in southern Okla. and even from Arkansas.

    Hope Keys is better today.  Let us know.    Stormy and Sheena are playing here in the LR so maybe should let them outside.  I just fed them and they're feeling frisky.  They slept inside last night and we all slept in until almost 7:30 - unheard of.

    Beth, we don't have a Dairy Queen but the things they have at Sonic is about the same I imagine as the blizzard.  Crushed Oreos in ice cream with whipped cream on top - so very good.  They used to have something at Sonic that was ice cream mixed with something that was orange.  They were so good.  Charles and I stopped at a Sonic on our way home from  Tulsa once and got a couple of those but were in a hurry to get home so I sat mine on the PU dash and hit a bump and it went all over the dash of the PU.  The ice cream melted but the orange stuff didn't.  Such a mess to clean up - haven't had one since.  I figured if the orange stuff didn't melt like the ice cream, probably wouldn't be good to be in my stomach. 

    I'm watching Planet Earth:Blue Planet - again.  It was so interesting - they were in a submersible and down hundreds of feet.  It was completely dark except for the lights on it and there were such weird looking fish, many of them completely clear - could see everything inside and most of them blind or having huge eyes.  Clear is not the word I'm looking for but you get the idea - you could see through them. 

    I saw something on TV that might help explain why older people "Mature" as Jo says, has trouble remembering.  Over all these decades we've accumulated so much information that's stored in our brain that it's hard to get through all of that to get to what we're looking for.   Maybe that's my trouble - too much "stuff" up there cluttering up my brain.

    Been out three or four times to turn off the water to the tank but it's running so slowly - finally got to the top.  Stormy loves to chew on those metal hoses so when he does it makes the water go so much slower.  To me it looks like chewing on metal would hurt his teeth - I've also found cans he's chewed on.

    I've written too much so I'll stop and finish my used-to-be hot tea.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Jo, I watched three curling matches yesterday and went to sleep before rhe fourth one was on last night at 12:30.  It's so much fun to try to figure out what they're going to throw.  They say the granite for those stones is only found in one place - on an island off  Scotland?or Ireland?, not sure.

    Back later.  Enjoy your Saturday.  Zetta, hope things are all right in Oregon this morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks, Beth, I'll be so glad when all of this is done and I won't have to have people around during the day.  The fencing will be finished Monday - if he comes that day and probably will.  Hopefully, the bedroom will be finished by Tuesday. Then we'll have to wait until Daniel figures what else has to be done above what the insurance adjusted thought so that might take a while.  Anyway, we're supposed to have rain late Tuesday and Wednesday.

     Carol says her kids and grandkids (lots of them) have told her that no one is wearing a mask in Muskogee. Her daughter and SIL went out to dinner Thursday night to a new restaurant and she said the tables were close together and it was so crowded and not one mask in sight.  It's just like it's back to normal for that town, at least.  Even the people in Church have quit wearing them.  But, I will continue to wear mine.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Just thought of that word - "transparent".  If I can't think of a word and then stop trying, it usually comes to me.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Beth/Lorita, the first time I had a episode with tachycardia my pulse rate was 164 resting and stayed over 100 till late evening. I had another episode on a Monday with 146 pulse rate and was still wearing the monitor. I did go to ER second time and 115 was as low as it got. Blood work was ok and all they found was the uti. I mailed the monitor next day and made sure I mentioned the ER visit.

    Speaking of DQ, I remember growing up my mother worked for DQ for awhile. They made the ice cream sandwiches and broken cookies were thrown in a box. She brought the box home and when she wasn't looking my sister and I made yourself sick eating to many. 

    Sister and I about to make a big pot of vegetable beef soup. No Lorita I've never had chocolate gravy. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    I watched men's curling for 2 1/2hr but went to sleep in the last end.  Does anyone know who won,- USA or Sweden?
  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments
    Unfortunately, Sweden won.  The US is 2 - 2 in round robin play but still have a chance to make the medal round.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Thanks so much.  After I posted that I thought they might have been playing Norway.  Anyway, they played a good match.  USA women are playing now and the men may play again later.  I need a nap!  Thanks again.
  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Keys seems to be feeling a tiny bit better - he ate a little bit and will now take a small treat when he comes back inside.  

    Tachycardia - I live in that mode but I've had every test I can possibly have and there is nothing structurally or mechanically wrong with my heart.  My "resting" pulse is 100-110 and when exercising I will be in the 150-170 range.  When I'm sleeping I get down to 90.  If I get a nasty person on the phone it'll be around 120 (my Apple watch gives these details on the face).  I don't have atrial fibrillation and I've had all sorts of imaging, the conclusion is it's just the way I am.  Do I think my heart will last as long as the average person's whose heart rate is normal?  Nope.  But I also don't think about it ever - it is what it is. 

    I will say that my kettle has improved the taste of my tea immensely.  I have a green tea that I didn't care for using water from the Keurig that I just love using the lowest setting on the kettle.  So that's a win.

    Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday and I'll be working.  There will probably be a few times where the phones will be dead, usually at the beginning and during halftime.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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