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Just need to talk to my friends (165)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,762
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    Difinately regional like y'all.

    Love the remote story. It was some time before I realized that the remotes from cox were not interchangeable.

    I am now addicted to the curling. Such an easy sport to watch. Love the way they slide along the ice from one end to the other. We did some curling in high school but it was mainly to be around the boys...

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita and Marie.

     Thank You so much for telling me about using balm on my hands. I put some on both hands last night and put some gloves on and this morning and even now my hands feel so much better. The tip of one of my thumbs was the worse so I put some balm on it and cut off the thumb of a plastic glove and will ware that all day. Then repeat the same thing with the gloves tonight. I will probably do it often. does it make any difference on the kind of glove I ware? Or is the glove just to keep the balm off my bedding? 

    Sara.  I got a chuckle when you said I wonder of Bonnie and Sally are where there supposed to be this morning. 

    Lorita.   Poor Sally you have to feel sad for her I bet she spends a lot of today looking for her way out. Big Hug to (((Sally))) I am glad you like your new fence with the red post. Pretty soon your place will be all spruced up and you will be able to sit back and enjoy it. I know what you mean about all the TV controls. I had one that stopped working and all it was, was the battery and me not being up on all these devices I had to watch TV in the bedroom. My son who lives out back put new batteries in it and all's well. The TV in the bedroom has 2 controls one to turn it on and off and another one to change channels and the volume. 

    I bet Stormy and Sheena and the kitties will be so glad when things get back to normal. And all the PU and trailers stop coming and going. Did Todd get the cow out of the water? I think you are doing really good on letting Mike and Todd handle things I know it must be hard when you are used to doing it all. 

    Talk about people retiring. In the past 2 years I have had 3 different Doctors. Not retiring just moving to different states. I have a new one now and I really hope she stays. 

    I hope all's well for all of you. Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    A colder day here for us; it has gone down into the 60's; perhaps a bit of rain by tonight, or perhaps not according to the weather reporters on the TV news.   It does not "feel" or "sound" like rain is about to happen.  Usually the outside sounds are different with the cloud cover and there is a sort of "feeling," with approaching rain.  We do have a bit of wind which I understand is a higher wind in the north of the county.  Fire danger; so come on rain!

    There have been absolutely no bird sounds outside in the trees for quite some days.  Of course it is not yet spring, but usually one can hear some birds, but nothing.   Yesterday, there was a siren in the far distance.  All the dogs for blocks around began to all howl at the same time; as soon as the siren passed, the dogs all stopped howling all at the same time.  As I have written before, I call it, "The Siren Song."  It does not last, and it always makes me smile.

    Learned something new. Hydrangeas can be grown from a cutting taken from an established plant.  Never knew that.  Must be cut from a hardy stem, and best taken below some leaf buds and then off you go to get it rooted.  I really like Hydrangeas; my favorite is blue.  I would love to have a plant in the yard but would have to somehow find a place to make room for it.  I understand there are dwarf Hydrangeas; wonder how their blooms do.   Such a pretty plant when well cared for. 

    Gas prices are up again here; for just regular, it is now $4.77 a gallon in our area.  Our cars take supreme, so it will be near $5.00 a gallon.  Reports state that food prices are expected to take another uptick next week.   It is really concerning for those who are on very limited income.   Folks still have to drive to get to work and feed their families.  To make thngs worse, the Orange County bus line workers are on strike.  I know it is like a domino effect with one area of production affecting the other down the line, but it also feels a bit like there may be some opportunistic greed mixed in there with the pricing.    It is terrible for families who can ill afford such increases. 

    Zetta, some nurses put lotion or even vaseline on their hands and wear gloves to bed.   The gloves best used are the cotton type.  While it does protect the bedding, the purpose is to aid the absorption of the substance in to the skin and help it work better.  Woolen winter gloves will absorb the lotion and other stuff and do not do such a good job.  My hands are thrashed no matter what I do.  I am a handwasher and all the years in nursing plus the four kids and at home stuff to do; well, I will never get asked to put the hands into a lotion commercial except for an alarming, "before" picture.   Being an RN, even though retired, I keep my fingernails shorter.  When the big deal was for the fakes; acrylics, silks, and all the others that come and go - well; to point out how they contributed to infections, cultures were taken from under such nails from multiple nurses hands with such nails and it was really ugly.   In nursing school we were mandated to keep the nails short, no polish and definitely no nail extensions, and so forth.  It stuck with me.

    Lorita; I wonder what is going through Sally's head as she inspects areas she hopes will have an opening along the new handsome fence line.  My goodness; there goes the happy wanderer who now must become a home gal.  I too still find that cow picture funny and cute.  It is the flowers on the head, the facial expression and the green grass in the mouth.  I saw that picture along with the saying, and what immediately came to mind was:  "SALLY!"

    Sure hope that Toad was was able to rescue that cow from the pond.  What a worry.  So; the bedroom will soon be done and ready for you.  That must be a relief.  Good that Daniel is checking with the insurance company and hopefully getting the coverage where it needs to be for the next area to be fixed.   We have had one larger payout for a burst waterpipe upstairs while we were at work. We got home to water coming down through the ceiling and oh; what a disastrous mess.   The insurance paid after the deductible, but then our premium went up. We have learned that if something happens, and it is not too much over the deductible, to pay for it ourselves since claims often cause the premium to go higher.  It already did go way up this year without any claims from us; most homeowners insurance went up in California to help absorb costs from all the fires, etc.  DH did not want to carry the cost of earthquake insurance.  It has a deductible of $15,000.  I felt we should carry it - at our "mature" age, we can absorb a $15,000 loss more than we could absorb the entire cost of the house and having the rubble carted off if the house was an entire loss.  Our LOs in certain areas in Oregon must mandatorily carry volcano insurance.  When Mount St. Helens erupted back when, that caused that coverage to come about as mandatory due to the losses and costs.

    Ron; thank you for explaining potato gravy to me; that is the first time I have heard that and now I know.  I haven't made biscuits in a long time, but I do love a good hot homemade biscuit with a bit of butter and honey.  Oh my.  I used to make them quite a lot.

    As for differant sounding recipes, my grandmother used to make cookies from a recipe from the old country.  She would take a jar of honey, put it in a pot and warm it just until tiny bubbles began to form around the edges.  Then she would add flour and stir until it was about the consistency of warm play-dough.  (No water or any other liquid; no leavening.)   She would form the dough into cookies about four inches long, two and a half or so inches wide, and about 1/2 or 3/4 inch high.  Then she baked them till just slightly golden brown and cooled them on a rack.  They got HARD as rocks, and I do mean rocks.  But; one would put them in the microwave for a few seconds to warm, or in a warm oven to warm them which helped a little for flexibility; then one could gnaw them; not bite or chew; definitely gnaw  - not easy, but we loved them and the deep honey flavor.  Look out teeth!  Sometimes she would put skinless quartered almonds in them.  We all loved the honey cookies.

    Another thing she would make from the old country was orange and olive salad.  It consisted of well washed oranges; halved and sliced a bit thin, skin still on, and well drained black pitted olives and sliced celery . . . combine in a bowl, add oil and vinegar, a bit of salt and pepper and let marinate in the refrigerator half a day or so before serving.  It sounds weird as the dickens I know; but it really was good.

    Then the other side of the family would make potato sausage from an "old country" recipe.   It was raw potatoes and meat with onion and some seasoning put through the hand turned meat grinder with a rough blade (not smashed contents, but just a tiny bit chunky), and put into sausage casings to be boiled.  I hated helping to make it and did not find it wonderful, lingonberries or no lingonberries.   My father loved it.  I still have a hand turned meat grinder; you know the type, heavy metal with several different blades and a handle that had to be inserted; screw it onto a counter top or table top and grind away; no electricity required, but better put a towel or bowl on the floor to absorb any dripping.

    Funny old time recipes.  I sure wish I had kept the ones for the bread and cardamom sweet rolls my mother used to make; the recipes got lost somewhere along the line.  She would make the cardamom rolls braided and round.  She also made wonderful saffron buns; another recipe that never made it to the rest of us.  Why none of us copied those recipes, I do not know.  Have seen some recipes by those names from the UP of Michigan, but they are just not the same.  

    Bet those raised on a ranch or farm have some really great down home recipes.  Women were far more at home way back then, lots more cooking from scratch and lots more baking.  Our house was never without cake or cookies as one never knew when a neighbor or friend would come to call; my mother would have been undone not to have something to serve when someone came to visit.  Very different times from today.

    I can hear the wind blowing down along the side of the house making its own sound as it comes around corners and down the wall between the houses.  Best check to make sure the windows are all closed so we do not get a lot of dust indoors.   Thinking of all of you and may all be well,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Jo, I wish I had recipes of things my grandma made.  She was such a good cook - but, there were no recipes - just a little of that and a pinch of this.  She baked a lot and when she made a cake - no recipe - she'd bake a spoonful or two of it in a piepan and from the way it turned out she'd know if she needed to add a little of something.  I loved to eat that bit of baked cake with the little bit of dough she'd leave in the mixing bowl for me. If we had just thought about writing things like that down when we were younger.    And, now that there's no one to ask about things, like how did my grandparents meet, etc. I wish I had asked those questions and written down the answers but, again, didn't.  I used to like to watch her cut up chickens - looked so easy.  You know I've never done that. She'd cut open the craw she called it (think it was the gizzard) and there would be gravel in it or maybe it was oyster shell, not sure.

     The wind had been awful here today - up to 40 mph and higher gusts.  Lots of fire in Oklahoma today - there's still some burning west of here - probably 40 miles west - still uncontrolled with four units working the fire now.  I hate fire season especially when I smell smoke when I go outside.  We're going to have wind and temps about 70 tomorrow, then storms, some severe late Wednesday night and Thursday, then much colder weather and possible snow.  Our weather has been so weird this year and seems to be getting worse all the time.

     Wish I knew if Toad got the cow out of the pond.  I'm sure he did or he'd still be there trying.  He said he thought he could pull her and get her feet under her and she'd get out.  I've wondered if they saw her when they were feeding - they feed here about 8 and after that there's one more pasture to feed.  He was here about 9 so  maybe he went back to check pastures again.  We had a cow die in the edge of the pond some years ago.  It was muddy and we couldn't get the PU close enough to pull her out so had to put two or three long chains together and a couple of tow ropes to do the job.  Had a calf stuck in the mud once - got him out and he survived.  Found another one that had died in the edge of the water and (sorry) fish or turtles had eaten part of his tongue.  Ranchers remember all of these things, lot of unpleasant memories - but, then there's a new baby and things are better - but the memories are still there.  Ranching isn't an easy job, physically or mentally.

     Went out and filled water tanks before dark - Sally was getting a drink of water so I talked to her a little while.  Toad said he had fixed a couple of places in the fence and so had Mike and she'd either get out there or move down a bit to get out.   She got a taste of green grass somewhere and she remembers that.  Now Billy is getting out of the feeding area while they set out bales of hay.  I hadn't noticed that until this morning but Mike says he does it every time.  Billy is still mine so he won't be leaving.  He said he'd start coming through a different gate to solve that problem.

     Watched men's and women's curling today and the women play at 7 so I'll watch that.  Need to watch as much of the Olympics as possible while it's on. 

     Zetta, just one application of Udder Balm does help so hope your hands are much better soon. 

    Daniel looked at the list of things needed to replace the floor and mentioned several things not even on the list.  He said he'd dealt with insurance adjusters a lot so maybe he can get those things approved.  He won't begin the work until that's decided.  I told him I thought I'd hold off on the cowshed door until I open the barn the last of next month or middle of April but I've changed my mind.  Might not be able to get it done then.  It's closed tightly now but they can build the door with something at the bottom to keep the dirt away so it won't rot and put it back on - six hinges this time, I think.

     Want to get Bryon and Shane to cut all the sprouts (Mulberry) in the yard and cut down some altheas and trim the others and crepe myrtles.  I googled it and best to trim those in late Winter or early Spring so it can wait a while.  I got a catalog or brochure from the Florida Boys about caladiums so probably need to think about ordering them before too long.  I think I get three or four dwart or short ones for the pots on the steps - the others get really big.  I think they have tall, medium and short.  I have three new Heavenly Bamboo plants that have come up under one of the big plants so want to transplant them on the north side of the house.  There's some new plants from the Manhattan and Golden Euronymous (can't spell that) so I'll have new shrubs without buying any more.

     I didn't close the gate to the NE pasture tonight so I bet Sally will be down checking the fence early in the morning.  Feel kind of sorry for her but she's safer.  I worried about her getting out into the road and being hit or being attached by something - there are panthers around and have been seen not too far away.

     I'll stop for now and watch some more curling.  Hope all of you are well today and have a good night's sleep.  Ron, I used to love to eat gravy on fried potatoes - haven't done that in years - also like to mix mayonnaise in my brown beans and loved mayonnaise sandwiches (three slices of bread).  Doesn't sound too good now though.



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
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    There is an interesting story about how Udder Balm became a hand moisturizer.  A dairy man would use it on the cows and his hands were always nice and soft, so when his wife had dish pan hands she decided she would try it.  Word got around and it became so popular that it was (still is) sold in drug stores.  Am sure you can also find it in a farm supply store.

    Zetta, to answer your question about gloves...the white cotton ones are a good choice for a number of reasons...no expensive which is important since you would probably not use for anything else, cotton is a breathable material, they have no fuzz or lint to speak of to get on your hands.  And as you say, it protects the bedding.

    Hydrangeas are an interesting plant.  While I am sure there are new and improved versions, in the beginning all were white.  In order to get either pink or blue, you had to augment the soil with either something acidic for blue ones, or  lime for pink ones.  It is the ph of the soil which determines the color.

    My 2 cents for the day.

    Hugs to all,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Jo.  Thanks for the info about the Vaseline and the cotton gloves. I have used Vaseline but never with the gloves. It makes sense why I would want to wear the gloves to bed. I not a person who wears the fake fingernails I think they are pretty, but I am kind of plain.  I have bird feeders on my front porch and the birds have sure been busy with them. I don't hear the chirping but it's too cold to go out and listen. 

    Lorita.  Yes, my hands are much better. I have pretty dry skin but for some reason my hands are really dry. I like the way they felt this morning after I took the gloves off. I am not real sure, but I think the gloves I found are cotton. I will reuse them tonight. I guess the balm will wash out of them. 

    I also have been watching the Olympics I have watched the curling but I don't understand what they are doling. I guess if I paid more attention to it I would, but I get bored and my mind wonders. But I do love the ice skaters and the snow sports. 

    Good Night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
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    Good morning

    39F, 4C.  Suppose to be in mid 50’s, very windy.  This should cause a lot of snow to melt.  Starting tonight suppose to get 1-2 inches of rain over next day.  This will be very good for our water tables but may cause some flooding.  There is still a good amount of snow on ground.

    Those family recipes were interesting.

    J is still doing ok.  She called and gave me a grocery list last evening.

    Made my pot roast in my Dutch oven.  It was really good.  Had tacos yesterday evening from some of the meat.  Followed Pioneer Woman’s recipe.

    Told you guys So Delicious cashew nut chocolate ice cream was very good.  Then I bought same brand , vanilla from coconut milk.  It was awful.  No vanilla to it, it was strong coconut.  Poor texture too.  Actually threw it out.  Bought Lactaid vanilla yesterday.  It is very good, had it with my peaches on top.  Should have tried it before.

    Someone gave me an amaryllis for my birthday.  I’m not always that great with indoor plants.  It has done well though and is getting ready to bloom.  Looks like it will be red.  Have to figure out what to do with it after done blooming.

    Like hydrangeas too. Don’t have a suitable place for them.  See a lot of pretty ones here.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Today's the hand surgeon day, so I'm up early to take me and my finger lump to be seen.  They have a surgical suite in the building so when it has to come out I won't have to deal with a big hospital and all that.  I'm dying to know what it is - I don't think it's a ganglion at all, from my vast internet research (LOL) I've decided it's either a lipoma or a giant cell tumor (with lipoma more likely because I've had lipomas in other places removed before).  So we'll see.  I'm sure it won't come out today, I think it's gotten too big for that.

    Keys finally stopped smelling like anesthetic yesterday and he's playing with his toys again.  I'm stopping to get dog toothpaste and a brush on the way home.  He hates it but he'll have to get used to it.  He doesn't mind the taste, it's the brushing he doesn't like.  

    Lorita, you'd be jealous of me - since I live across the river from Canada, I get CBC and often on weekends curling will be on all year long along with hockey.  I don't understand it either but I love to watch.

    Zetta, I also tend toward the dry skin and since the pandemic and being more conscious of handwashing, I've had to make sure the soap I use isn't overly drying and there have been times I've slathered Aquaphor on them with the cotton gloves.  Bag Balm is great too.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Another very windy day on tap but today it's mostly cloudy.  Severe weather predicted for tonight and in the morning and very cold weather for a day or so.  I'll be glad when Mother Nature gets her seasons straightened out - always hard when there's ups and downs in weather.

     Went out to feed Tom and Sally came up to the lot when I was getting water for him.  Talked to her a little bit - kind of feel sorry for her.  She was having such a good time.  Filled the water tank in the garden and saw little Evan. He is a cutie.  The guys just got  here to finish the bedroom, hopefully.  I've been living in just part of the house for several weeks.  Weather just said it's 29 in Dodge City, KS - Marshall Dillon will need to wear a jacket today.

     I think hydramgeas are beautiful, too.  I've tried them and they only last a year or so.  Carol still has the hydrangea plant she got when her dad passed away and that was way back in the late70s so guess some people can grow them and some can't.  The one I had was purple for the time it was here.  I saw this morning that I have one daffodil bloom and two buds that will bloom today - that's on one little clump of them out by the storage building.

     I just called our feed store to let them know why I haven't been in.  The owner was so nice this summer to deliver mineral tubs to me twice while the PU was in the shop.  I just wanted them to know why I hadn't been in.  Talked to one of the girls who works there and she said she had wondered where I was and that they worry about customers they get attached to when they don't come in.   We had bought feed there for many years.  Oh, by the way, they do have udder balm there for sale and a linament I use when I have aches and pains - made for cows and horses and I have used it on a cow's leg a couple of times.  Marie, that was an interesting story about udder balm and makes good sense.

     Sara - glad your snow is melting away and it's getting a bit warmer for you.  Did we miss your birthday somehow?  Happy Belated Birthday!   I love amaryllis but with the cats I can't seem to have any kind of houseplant or flowers.  Those two Savannah cats are into everything.  Keep your Amaryllis for next year - just in the pot and it'll live.

     Day, I'm so glad Keys is back to his normal self.  Poor little guy had a rough time of it.  I am jealous of you being able to watch curling.  Charles and I used to be able to watch it just after the first of the year and so enjoyed it.

     Very easy - the object is to get more of your stones hear the button (middle of the circles) than the opposition.  It's fun to try to figure out where to throw your stones to get the others out of the house (inside the circles) and keep yours in.  They say it's like a chess game on ice.  I never knew until this year that the sheet of ice is 150 feet long and the place you throw the stone from (hack) is about 126 feet away.  How they are able to get those stones through the guards without hitting them is beyond me.  Takes hours of practice.  They also say by the end of a tournament the players are physically and mentally exhausted.  Very interesting game and, like I've said, I think I would have liked to play it when I was much younger.

     Watching Gunsmoke, Zetta. I do get sort of tired of Festus and the way he talks and those noisy spurs drive me nuts.  I like the ones with only Chester much better.

     Glad your hands are feeling better.  Bet that would work on heels, too.  I wear two pairs of socks all winter and my heels get really dry.  I use an Emjoi when I think of it and that helps.

     Sara, your roast sounds good.  Sounds like Jean may be doing all right and it's so nice that you help her with groceries and whatever she needs.  Do you all have a Braum's store up there?  It's mostly a dairy story selling all kinds of dairy products and now they also sell some groceries.  The main company is here in Oklahoma so you may not have one there.  I love their Cappaccino Chocolate Chunk frozen yogurt.  The problem is the closest one is 25 miles north and 25 miles south of us.  Our vet wanted to open a store in our little town but didn't succeed.  He says Braum's is the only kind of milk he drinks. 

     Just told Daniel I decided to have them build a new cowshed door - may be pretty hard to get him back to do anything if I don't get it done now.   

     Enjoy your day.  I'll be back later.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Back from the doctor - and he was enthralled.  I was only supposed to see the nurse today but they took x-rays and next thing I know there's an ultrasound machine being rolled in and here he comes saying "tell me what happened here."  So I said a plate slipped out of my right hand, I caught it with my left and he asked if I had gotten a puncture at all.  I said no.  So he did the ultrasound and said definitively it's not a ganglion and it's not a lipoma.  He just kept saying "isn't that something"  LOL  He said likely it's a giant cell tumor or possibly an inclusion cyst, but a cyst would be more likely only if I had a break in the skin.  He'll send the mass to be looked at and we'll know for sure then.  

    So he said I could live with it (NO) or have it out and it's coming out March 22 in their surgical center.  I have to have anesthesia so my brother will be the driver and I've already taken that day and the next off.

    Lorita, definitely have Daniel work with the insurance on getting things approved - he knows just what info to give to get the most favorable outcome and you may as well get everything possible taken care of under insurance.  Tradespeople are so valuable now - if I were young I'd definitely learn a trade.  Being a female in a male-dominated field would bring a lot of issues, but the financial reward definitely outweighs the aggravation.

    I don't know when trade school or vocational school became such a second-class thing to do after high school.  My father worked in construction, so did all my uncles, and it's a good living.  It's definitely physical work (like farming) but my father was never out of work and even ended up becoming a general contractor with his own company, as did most of my uncles.  Now everyone wants their kids to go to college.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, are you familiar with the blue whale of Catoosa? I saw it mentioned on a commercial last evening. 

    45 degrees this morning with north wind coming and lower temperatures. No precipitation for here, but SE Iowa may get rain/freezing rain/snow. 

    It was in the 50s yesterday and we grilled which was nice. 

    Have a good day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Day, did the doctor know or say what caused this?  I assume it's on the right hand - don't remember.  It must have been the impact of the plate - freaky thing to happen.  Does it hurt and is it getting bigger?   Glad you found out what it might be and are scheduled to have it removed.

     You know I don't think everyone is cut out to go to college.  Much faster to go to a Vo-Tech school and learn a good trade.  There's a really good one about 25 miles from us and kids from high school can go there part of the week.  Even have a bus that picks them up and takes them.  Same thing, it seems, as a business college.  I wouldn't even have gone to that except our school didn't offer shorthand.  I had thought I wanted to be a teacher, even pre-enrolled in college but decided I'd go civil service iinstead.  I wouldn't have made a good teacher anyway.

     Odd thing happened this morning.  I've had a bottle of Loratadine sitting on the table beside my chair and I took one a few days ago.  This morning I decided I'd take one - opened the bottle and it had rice in it!  What is going on?  Could not figure out why the rice was in the bottle and not the tablets.  I finally figured out that a couple of weeks ago I emptied a bottle, put in some rice and gave it to the cats to play with - rice would make a noise when they swatted the bottle around.  My goodness, thought I was going nuts.  Reminds me that years ago Charles had an aunt over in Arkansas.  She was elderly and we'd go visit from time to time.  She lived on the second floor of an apartment building and there was a window that opened onto the deck or whatever it was.  She was absolutely convinced that every night someone would come through that window and take one of her glasses or cups and go back through the window.  Said this happened every night.  Charles put new locks on her door and on the window but I'm sure she still continued to think that.  As I get older I can kind of see how a person would think odd things.  If you can't find something, the first thing that can come into your mind is that someone came in and took it.  Another one of those things that can happen to us as we get older.

     Beth, I think we've been by the blue whale but didn't stop.  I don't know how it came to be there but I heard a while back that there were going to renovate it.  Don't often get up around Catoosa - kind of a suburb of Tulsa, anyway NE of there. 

     It is so windy but near 70.  Weatherman just said it's in the 40s in the Panhandle.  Beth, sounds like the snow is going to be between Oklahoma and Iowa - mostly in Kansas.  Earlier I heard they may get up to 1-2 ft.  We're only supposed to have rain and I really hope we do get some.  It's been a pretty dry winter and we've had more rain in a little strip that goes through our area than most of the State.

     I'm trying to get things moved out of the freezer compartment so the refrigerator will be ready to go when they're ready.  I found a container of sliced apples that I froze and I have a couple of piecrusts I've had for some time so may think about making an apple pie.  Bought some apples the last time I was in town so will add some of them - or I may not - maybe just a small apple crisp.   The cold front is NW of here sort of stalled out, the weatherman said.  Forty-five mph gusts.  I hate it when the wind blows.

     Guys are working on the bedroom, had to paint some more quarter rounds and let them dry before putting them down so furniture probably won't be put back in today.  He has a big closed-in trailor he used to bring his big saws so he said he could take things out of the utility room and put them in the trailor so they could go ahead and work even if the weather wasn't good next week.   I won't have the freezer or refrigerator brought back in - just washer and dryer and the other things.  He thinks he may not have to take out the water tank.Also going to build a new door for the north end of the cowshed - this time maybe out of sheet iron instead of wood so it will be lighter and won't rot.  Seems like this just goes on and on but things are getting done that needed to be done.

     Carol just called.  I was sort of worried about her - didn't hear from her yesterday.  She's improving daily - she can now walk, with her walker, from the den to the bathroom - 20 some steps.  One daughter is still staying with them at night. Therapist was there Monday with more new exercises and will be back Friday.  She's still impatient.

     The news just said there's a ban on importing avocados from Mexico.  The last ones I bought were over $2.00 each which I thought was really high - usually just over a dollar or less.  The reason for the ban is that a food inspector in Mexico was threatened with harm.  Guess I won't be eating avocados for a while.  It said they could go up in price to $5 or $6 each.  Jo, enjoy those avocados when they get ripe.  Maybe we can have some on the front porch when they ripen.

     Better stop and find something for lunch.  Zetta, I finished that potato soup yesterday so I'm going to have to think of something different - pasta?

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning.

    Marie.   Thanks for the info about the cotton gloves. I will get me some because I will use the balm often on my hands, I really like the way they feel. That was a good story, and it makes a lot of good sense why the farmer's wife wanted to use the balm. 

    Day.  I am glad you had a good visit with the hand surgeon and yes, I would have also wanted it removed. You will be in our thoughts on March 22 nd. I am going to get a toothbrush for Molly. I don't think she will like it but it's worth a try. Also thank you for the info on the hand cream you use. I have tried many, but nothing has helped as much as the balm has. 

    Lorita.  I know what you mean about cats and indoor house plants. Sammy has destroyed just one of my plants I also have 3 Christmas cactus, he for some reason has no interest in those. Last week I got some starter kits for small plants. I must have not been thinking about Sammy when I got them. Looks like I will use the start kits outside unless I start them in a closet or on top of the fridge. Thanks for the info on the curling I looked it up on the internet as well I think I understand it now. Can they push the opponent's thing out of the way? I think I read that they can't, and that seems hard to get around one. 

    I keep watching the Gunsmoke's, I know they are all reruns, but it seems like they would not continue showing the same ones each week. I am getting ready to watch one right now. At my house they are one from 12 noon till 4pm. I really don't stay glued to them because I already know what's going to happen. I like Festus he still makes me laugh. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Zetta, for sure they can move or remove stones of the opponent to be able to get their stones closer to the button.  They have to decide what they're going to throw plus try to think about what the opponent will throw next and then what they'll do after that.  It's really a mind game plus the physical part of it.  I have no idea how they can get that rock to go where they want it to, even with the sweepers.

     I love Christmas cactus.  Used to have a couple but no more.  One of the doctors at the VA had a Christmas cactus that was 100 years old and huge - can you imagine?

     The guys have left for the day but Daniel said they'd be back tomorrow and probably move the freezer and refrigerator out.  So, guess I'll need to get everything out of the refrigerator - no idea where I can put the pasta and legumes - both crispers are full of them.  I need to use that before I get more but - out of sight - out of mind.

     Watching QVC - Denim & Co. now - curling in about half an hour. 

     I keep getting phone calls from numbers I don't recognize so I'm not answering any of them - area codes not near here at all.  Just had one and didn't answer -  now I hear the landline ringing. 

    Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.    I don't even turn my cell on during the day I check it often to see what call I may have missed. My daughter set my phone so that any unidentified calls I get go right to v mail. I get a lot of unidentified calls each day and some are even my area code, and some are cities close to me, who knows how they get our numbers. I figure if it is someone, I want to talk to they will leave me a message and I will call them back. Your good not answering some calls. Enjoy your day. Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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    Well, Zetta, not answering at least one of those calls I got didn't work out.  Just a very short time after the last one I got another one - this time I recognized the call was from our County Seat so answered it.  It was the 911 dispatcher.  They had gotten a call from Medical Guardian that  my device had gone off and that it was moving - like I was driving.  I assured them I was all right and explained why I hadn't answered the call from MG.  Also asked them please to not send anyone.

     Called Medical Guardian to tell them what happened.  They think it might have something to do with the towers or even the wind so they reset it. I tried it and it worked so who knows what happened.   So, from now on I will answer any call from AC 801.

     I did make that apple crisp - a little 6x6 glass LocknLock dish - looks good.  Will try some later with ice cream or whipped cream.

     I emptied the freezer section of the refrigerator and the refrigerator part - all that's left is the door in both places and the crispers. I'm wondering if maybe I should keep it - but I found some ice frozen in the bottom of the freezer section so something happened there. It's been about two years since it froze up and got water everywhere.  Both refrigerators are at least 20 years old.  Guess I could get a new one for the kitchen and put that one in the utility room.  What do you all think?  I don't want to ruin a new floor with water from it.  Need to think what to do with the milk replacer I have in the refrigerator.  Hate to get rid of it - might be needed - but needs to be refrigerated to keep.  Too many things to think about.

     Just filled the water tank but need to go out and put the PU farther into the carport since it's supposed to rain in the morning.  They're thinking now the bad weather will be south of us with snow north.

     I'm tired - haven't sat still for more than ten minutes at a time.May need to disconnect the water hoses, too.  Gosh, just turned the women's curling back on.  When I left it for the news they were four points behind - just now tied it up. Men play at 7 our time.  If the men win, they'll go on to the playoffs,  if not, it's over for them.

     I hope all of you have had a quieter day than I.  Talked with Carol - she's improving and will have PT again tomorrow.  Her kids are keeping them well supplied with food and she said she and Bill had actually been by themselves for two hourso today.

     Sleep well if I don't get back.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    54F, 12C. Windy, raining, changing to snow and sleet.

    Like your new avatar Beth.

    Lorita I usually do not answer unknown numbers.  Now and then I have to as may be expecting call from repairman etc. They don’t always use same number I called them at.  When I answer if not who I’m waiting for just immediately hang up.  Do not listen to what they have to say.

    Bought some maraschino cherries a few months ago.  Going to try and make cookies with them today.  Hope to share with my nephew.  

    Take care everyone

  • Sandymac
    Sandymac Member Posts: 15
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hello to all my old friends,   I was sitting here on my!! Front porch and decided to catch up with some old friends' doings……..gosh it’s so  good to hear from you all.  Lorita. You are very brave and so sensible, I haven’t been able to read all the threads of course, but seems like you have sold, still live in your house and have your beautiful girls around you….best of both worlds, without the work?  Jo…our lovely mother superior…still looking after everyone…..Ron, Sayra, Zetta and all.   Good to hear all of your doings, recipes, museums again, SNOW,   Thank goodness there’s none of that here!   

    I don’t know when I last checked in, but things have been pretty good here.  We were in lock down for quite a while (the Sydney area that is) and then when it opened up we went for a quick trip away in our caravan.   Back home we had doctors appointments …. Seems I have a problem with my back and MAY have to have surgery some time because of arthritis in the spine.      Anyway. Have just had a few more days away in the sun, more swimming more suntan, back home for more doc appointments,  away again next week for more of the same , back for another appointment, then away again for a few more days then back, then off for two weeks on a houseboat cruise on the Murray River with two other couples.  Life's good!   We have a motor home on hold in New Zealand since last year….booked and paid for!!!….hopefully we can get to use it this year.

    And when you are on your front porch if there is an empty seat, please keep it for me….

    Sandy (and add one for my Bob, who makes me so happy)

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Sandy, we have a magical front porch, the porch is never to small and always has a rocking chair available when new and old friends drop by. Glad all is going well for you and Bob!

    Company has all left and enjoyed them while they were here. Lou was enjoying the company also, the only time their were problems they were resolved fairly easily. Our Shih Tzu littlebit seemed ok with his dog cousins and all three were pretty good about going outside to do their business. 

    I have two appointments today, one with oncologist and then primary care. Will have to get lab drawn again, had it last week on my agent orange review and also two weeks ago on my ER visit. Hope I still have blood left after today!

    Suppose to have storms today but it looks like the worse of it will be east of us and i should be on my way to the VA before its heavy here.

    Take care everyone, 


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, the surgeon said definitely it's the impact that triggered something, but he has no clue as to what exactly it is until he sees it (and of course the pathology).  I am certain nothing from the plate is inside there - it was intact.  It really is interesting...yesterday someone was yelling at me on the phone and I was listening but looking at my finger and thinking "I wonder what's in there?"  LOL

    It's 38 degrees and raining, so a nice change.  Last night it was 52.  I'm watching QVC and it's a garden show so I'll keep it on.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Joy, Joy, Joy!  Sandymac!!!!!!!  Happy Dance, Happy Dance!   It is SO good to see you dear Sandy; I was thinking of you just two days ago wondering how you were.  Well . . . wonder no more!   You funny, wonderful, energetic, go-get-em gal; you are the happy wanderer and life is wonderful.  Just reading about your jaunts has me grinning from ear to ear. That is our Sandy!  I am so glad your Bob is making you happy. That is happiness well earned and I am willing to be that you are filling his life with much joy too; you two newlyweds. 

     Sandy; there are always rocking chairs available on the front porch; we have reserved one for you and one for Mr. Bob too; that is, if you are not out there climbing any more monstrously huge way high bridges!   Blessings wished for the both of you and when you have a spare second or two, please do drop by old friend, it is always a delight.

      Just after I posted looks like no rain on my prior Post, half an hour later the thunder began booming and we had about 45 minutes of good rain coming down and then it moved away from us.

    Also, in my last Post, I mentioned the deductible for our earthquake insurance was $15,000; oh my stars and garters . . . . got our new policy bill . . . . state of California has UPPED the deductible on Earthquake insurance (which is separate from Homeowners Insurance) . . . it is now over $100,000.   No lady like language comes to mind.  They will not be paying out for moderate damage, that is for sure. 

    Lorita, since you asked; please do not try to save that old appliance that has leaked.  Dear heart; you are only one person living in that house.  Having one refrigerator that is not a high risk and if you have the need, one freezer should do it just fine.  If you want two refrigerators if the one is not large enough, then yes; moving the kitchen frig into the porch and getting a new one for the kitchen is absolutely the best way to go.  You are paying a lot of money to have that broken floor and underneath repaired and replaced in that space due to water damage making the floor weak;  If you keep the problematic appliance that has had water leakage, you will not only have to replace it later on when it leaks again, BUT you will also have to pay again for more floor repairs.  I vote for junking it.  Moving the good one to the porch and buying a new one that does not leak that is much more energy efficient would be safest; at age 80, that will last you the rest of your days without causing you any big problems.  Just my 2 cents worth - (with inflation that is not worth much and actually on the negative side of the ledger.)

     The governor has decided to treat the COVID virus as an "endemic" and not a "pandemic."  He feels we need to get past reaction and "learn to live with it."  Would have been best had he waited a bit, as is Los Angeles County considering the SuperBowl dynamics, but there we are anyway.  Anyone vaccinated will not have to wear masks inside any more except for another while in LA County. Problem is; far too many have fake vaccination cards or lie about it.  We shall continue to mask in and out for the time being. 

    Day; that bump on your finger, that is a curious thing for sure.  Does it cause any discomfort?  You use your hands a lot at work.   Sometimes after being on the computer for so long, my two small fingers hurt like the dickens and sometimes that will happen to the palm of my left hand, so wonder if it bothers you after having been on the computer all day long at work.

    Beth, your Post about the blue whale of Catoosa made me go and look it up.  I wasn't sure even where Catoosa was.  Oklahoma.   So; turns out it is a "whale" made by a man for his wife for their 34th wedding anniversary.  He built it in a pond.  Wonder why he thought a blue whale would be just the ticket . . . hope she appreciated it.

    Those annoying marketing calls are so . . . annoying.  I can see the number on the screen on  the phone.   I never, ever answer.  If it is a valid caller, they leave a message; if I hear it is a valid call then I pick up.  If one answers those stinker calls, it actually causes an increase in getting them.  We do report those numbers to the phone company and to NoMoRoBo and that helps keep the number of calls down; but the savvy jerks that own those companies simply expand their repertoire and out go more calls. Government has insituted big penalties for those callers now, but no one seems to be monitoring and quickly collecting said fines.

      The oddest thing just happened.   I was typing away and suddenly I was knocked off this Thread and was somehow placed on Thread 133.  I thought I would have lost this Post, but when I went out of 133, I could get this screen and Post back again. Gremlins.

     Guess I'd best get going before this does get knocked off again.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Jo C. wrote:

    Day; that bump on your finger, that is a curious thing for sure.  Does it cause any discomfort?  You use your hands a lot at work.   Sometimes after being on the computer for so long, my two small fingers hurt like the dickens and sometimes that will happen to the palm of my left hand, so wonder if it bothers you after having been on the computer all day long at work.

    It doesn't hurt when I'm typing, but because it's protruding in the area between my index and thumb, when I grab something and there's any pressure on it at all it hurts.  The surgeon said it's sitting right on top of the nerve in my finger.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Just returned from Dr. visit. Consult was put in for a stress test, consult put in for life alert and since I had no symptoms with the uti they wanted a urine culture. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Sara, I bet those cookies will be good with the cherries, and pretty, too.  Are you going to cut them up or put half of one on top of each cookie.

     I haven't been answering the phone when it's numbers I don't know either. Figure if someone has business or wants to get in touch, they'll leave a message, however, guess I will be answering them for a while at least.  Long story so I'm going to try to summarize it - late yesterday I was sitting in my chair watching curling - what else?  My phone rang and it was AC 801 - don't know anyone there so didn't answer it.  About five minutes  later another call - this time I recognized the prefix from a town closeoby so answered.  It was the 911 dispatcher from our County Seat.  She said they'd had a call from Medical Guardian that I needed help so she called to see if I was okay.  Thank goodness, she called before she sent all those vehicles they send.    I called MG and told them what happened - they didn't know why so had me reset it and said it'd be okay.

     So, watched TV, went to bed and to sleep and had another call about MN.  It was Medical Guardian wanting to know if I was okay.  The darn thing had gone off again and it was in the charger.  Neither time did it make a sound - just sent a message that a fall had been detected.  Called MG this morning - they didn't know what was going on or why so will send me a new one that they will check out thoroughly before sending.  This will be the 4th one in a month.  I did let them know I was very dissatisfied with what was happening and would change if this didn't work.  So, that's why I'll answer any phone call I get and hang up if need be.

     Sandra  - so very good to see a post from you and to know all is well with you and Bob - enjoying your marriage and having fun travelling. Life is good!   I think I made the right decision, especially when the weather's cold.  I look back in my journal from last February when we had the two weeks of terribly cold, snowy weather and I'm sure it was the right thing.  The girls are still here and I'm watching after them as I always have, filling water tanks and talking with them.  I leased the ranch to the same man who bought them so that's why they're still here.  They come every other day and feed them and give them hay.  The only thing the girls have had to adjust to is being fed in the early morning instead of late afternoon but they're getting the hang of it now.  Some days I wonder and other days I'm sure - like today when it's so dratted cold.

     Like Ron said, there's always room on our front porch so feel free to come and bring Mr. Bob with you - you're both most welcome.  I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're in the dead of summer and we're in cold winter, however, we've really had a good winter - only cold for a few days at a time and snow one time.  There is a lot of snow up in Kansas and some along the State line but just cold, north wind here.

     Ron, glad you made your appointments and that things seemed okay.  Does the VA furnish life alert devices now?  If they do I think that's great.  Hope you get yours soon.  Nice that both you and Lou enjoyed your company and Little Bit got along with the cousins.  Always makes it easier.

     Our weatherman just said tonight will be a two-dog night!  Thought that was funny. Three Dog Night used to be one of my favorite groups.

     Day, what a weird thing to happen - glad it doesn't bother you too much.  Reminds me of something that happened to one of my fingers a few years ago.  I had a feed bucket that I used to carry feed to calves I had up and it had a rope handle.  I held it the same way, every day for a long time and my right forefinger started bothering me, just in one place and it looked red.  Finally went to the doctor and he couldn't figure out what it was either.  Then I realized it was little bits of that rope that had worked into my finger from carrying it so much.  Weird things do happen.  I started carrying it with my left hand.  I'm glad it doesn't hurt but I know it bothers you anyway.

     Jo, I agree with what you said - anyone can say they've been vaccinated and I bet it happens a lot so they won't have to wear a mask (what in the world is it with people who don't want to wear a mask)  I don't mind at all - means no makeup for me, at least. 

     Thanks for the vote - I did just what you suggested.  Today, after Daniel and the guys finished in the bedroom (except for a little work on one wall) they took the freezer and refrigerator away.  I took everything out of the refrigerator and got the necessary frozen things in the freezer compartment in the kitchen refrigerator.  I put things that really didn't need to be refrigerated in one of those insulated tote bags - will have to find a place for them later.  Don't know what I'll do with the rest of the milk replacer - it might be needed next month along with the packets of colostrum.  I found packages and packages of rice - you'd think that's what I live on.  Had no idea I had so much.  I better start eating it.  I like sticky rice for breakfast so that's one way to use it - and rice pudding, love that. 

     The refrigerator still worked and froze well so I told Daniel if he had a place in his garage it would work there.  I'm not sure if I'll get another one or not - we'll see.  They  had quite a hard time getting that freezer out - it was a tall upright.  Had to take off the handle and the thing on the storm door that makes it close.  Now get this - one of the appliances fell through the floor - better it than I or one of them.  He said it was a place about 1-2 ft. across (he covered it with plywood).  You would not believe how awful the floor was under those things.  I couldn't move them so there it was.  Glad those things are gone but it's a mess out there.

     They will be back Monday to take up the floor and take pictures to send to the insurance adjustor.  Daniel called him today and told him what for so maybe that will help.  He requested pictures so he could help some more. Daniel told him an elderly lady like me should not be expected to crawl under the house to find out what was going on.  You know, I hate to be called elderly - although I am - kind of hurts my feelings but--- when I'm talking to someone on the phone about something they didn't do I don't hesitate to tell them I'm 80, or almost.  I don't feel like I'm almost 80 mentally so maybe that's why I feel that way.  This evening when I was filling water tanks I felt 80 for sure.

     Glad your finger doesn't hurt when you type, Day, and Jo, odd that the palm of your hand bothers you when you type.  I've typed for umpteen years - since I was 17 - so much typing and now fingers have arthritis and are knotty.  I have one finger, ring finger on left hand, that is fixed - won't bend but "it" types letters I don't want to type so when you all see letters where they should nof  be, it's that finger's fault.  My hands don't hurt - had a good friend who had really bad arthritis in her hands and she told me her fingers hurt when the arthritis was starting but after it was in her hands the pain quit - and I agree - same thing happened with me.

     Stormy and the rest of us will have three days without anyone being here and I'm going to enjoy it.  He has been so upset for seems like a month.  Right now he's relaxed and asleep on the divan.  He and Sheena went out with me and just came in.  When I went out to turn off the water Mickey was getting a drink of water from the tank.  I talked to him and he just turned around and walked off - but, he's getting used to drinking from the water tank instead of the pond.  He's really pretty - fat with a heavy coat that's curly.  All the girls have heavy coats this year and according to the weather forecast I just saw that heavy coat will come in handy next week - supposed to be really cold after 70+ temp on Tuesday.  I have some daffodils blooming so they'll be happy the next three or four days because it's going to be warm.

     Sorry I've written so much - just had a lot to say that probably isn't of much interest to anyone but me.  Hope you all have a good night.  I've watched two or three curling matches today - haven't watched one episode of Gunsmoke, Zetta, so I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

     See you all tomorrow.  Sandra, I'm so happy for you and Bob.  Life is good.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,074
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions


    You under estimate yourself...I think I speak for all on the front porch...we love to hear about your life on the ranch and admire all you are able to do and get done.  

    Spent the day getting dad to his gastro dr. appointment.  Went better than I expected.  Of course at his age they want to avoid surgery unless an emergency.  Trying a mix of Miralax and Gas-X at higher levels than normal to help get the bowel emptied so it no longer feels the need to escape its proper placement.  Have a follow-up in 2 weeks to see how things are going.  He is also to finish his antibiotic for the sepsis.  Both folks liked the doc and his assistant.  I was able to get them aside and explain that directions need to be written out and specific so that my mother knows what to do.  My granddaughter who is a CNA goes there twice a week and she will write out the instructions and tape to the cabinet door so there is no confusion about how much to give on any certain day.

    Feeling a bit better about dad now, but it can change on a dime.  Will continue to pray for best outcome.

    It is 1 1/2 hrs. drive from their house to mine.  Tonight I was within 5 miles of home and ran into a traffic snarl that went on for miles and miles.  It was a parking lot on the interstate.  I have never seen so many semi's in one place.  Fortunately everyone kept their cool and was nice to those needing to merge.  The last 5 minutes of my trip took almost 50 minutes!

    Time to get a hot drink and chill...lol.

    Hugs to all and have a good night's sleep.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita, I really enjoy reading your Posts and they are interesting, so do not stop being you just as you are.  We love you just the way you are as the song lyrics say, and we mean it.

    Omigosh, I am so glad it was not you that went through the floor.  What a stunner that must have been for the workers.  What a job to get the appliance out of there.  You are getting that under the house structure and floor done just in the nick of time.  You will love the new floor and repairs on the enclosed porch/laundry room and will have a lot of new space.  Later you will know if you need to order another refrigerator or not.  As for all the old stuff found in the back of the freezer; no one says you have to keep it all.  Some of the really old stuff may no longer be of good quality and you can dump it in good conscience if you wish to.   We who are more "mature," are used to being frugal; that is the way it was throughout our lives, we did not live in disposable generations as todays seems to be. 

     Sure hope the new Medical Guardian will work perfectly and not give you any problems.  I too will answer an unidentified call if I am expecting a serious call from an unknown number; all else gets screened.  Even my cell phone is getting robo calls, but not nearly as much as the other house phones. 

    Day; that growth on your finger really is an enigma.  I am glad it is not causing you a lot of ongoing pain.  The things that can happen to our bodies . . .

     Ron; glad to hear you are going to get a medical alert device; that is certainly a big positive.  Also good to hear that a culture is being taken and that you will also have a stress test.  If they do not find something, it would be good to ask about a 30 day heart monitor that does not have any leads or box.  Got to catch that little blip that causes the problems.  It is great that the visit went so well, as said before; you have a very nice family.

    "Kitties," it is good to hear that you have things going a bit better for your father, it has been difficult with matters as complex as they are.  You  are such a blessing to your folks in your caring and advocacy for them.

    Maraschino cherries in cookies; m-m-m, that sounds really good - I can almost smell them.  My aunt used to make a buttery sort of cookie with diced maraschino cherries inside, then rolled in sugared crushed cornflakes and baked with 1/2 a cherry on top.  They were good.  You'll have to let us know how they turn out, Sayra.

    Gosh; Sandymac still a newlywed.  Was the wedding about nine months ago?  May, was it?  It was lovely and Sandy looked so good in the pictures.  Time moves fast.  Sure hope Mrs. Ron's back will be okay and perhaps even avoid surgery.

     Lorita; your place will feel wonderful when that porch/laundry room and your bedroom is all done and the outside rock is finished.  Isn't it great getting that taken care of despite all the work getting it there?  I always hate the process but love the finish.  As for the furniture needing cleaning.  Spot cleaning for spots is one thing, but if it is dog use that has caused the sofa to be not as clean and even have a bit of doggie smell; the best thing is to have professional cleaning done with steam. But it is winter and that is best done in warmer weather and I know you do not want to let workers in the house or at least as little as possible and I certainly understand that.  There are also those really nice sofa and other furniture covers that are quilted and made for that purpose when one has dogs that get on the furniture.  They cover nicely and most cover the backs and sometimes even arms as well as the seat cushions and  they can be taken off to be washed.  There are those that are guaranteed not to slip.

    Just realized that our CO2 detectors are over ten years old; they are due for replacement. Got one on each floor and in each main area on each floor.  Did not have to put one in each bedroom as there is a short hallway linking the bedrooms and we have one in the middle of the hall that screams blue murder (when tested) and it certainly would wake us up if it goes off at night.  I think that we need a second one added to the family room as it is large and the laundry room is right off that space through a door. The laundry room connects to the garage through a second door.

    Quarter to nine, looks like it is time to get going, sweet dreams everyone and a good tomorrow to come.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,675
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    21F, -6C.  Got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday.  See there is a light covering of snow this morning.

    Nice to hear from you Sandy.  You are a very energetic lady.

    Ron sounds like you will need to rest up today.  

    Glad you are getting rid of those old appliances Lorita that have the potential to leak on your new floors.

    Day know you will be glad to get that finger taken care if.  Has to be aggravation.

    The cookies are good Zetta.  I cut them in half, drained and dried them well, then stirred them into the dough.  My nephew was over in my end of town grocery shopping and so he came by and got some of them.  He stayed about a hour.  That was a nice little break.  I wore my N95 so I could be comfortable and we had a nice visit.

    Iris hope you are doing ok

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Weather always changing in north Louisiana! High of 72 yesterday and right now its 32. I took littlebit outside yesterday evening when the cold front was coming in and that wind almost took my breath away. Its supposed to be windy again today.

    Marichino cherries; reminds me of the holiday cookies I make every year with the red and green cherries, dates, pecans and brown sugar. Delicious!

    Yesterday was the earliest I asked Lou's new sitter to come over because of early VA appointments. Everything was ok but not like I would have liked it to be. Lou was still in her gown because she didnt want to get dressed, taking her medicine didnt go well (which is not unusual), but she did take it and she didnt eat much of her breakfast. I guess she's just use to me getting her ready in the mornings, but dressed or not, they get along well. 

    Jo, the 14 day monitor I wore was the kind without wires and the last day I wore it was the day I had to go visit ER with tachycardia. The monitor didn't pick up any abnormalities even though lowest pulse rate in ER was 115.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita/Jo - it really is interesting the things that happen to us.  When he was showing me where to schedule my surgery, the doctor said "I'm dying to see what's in there!" and I laughed because I am too.  "The Mystery of the Finger Lump" - like a Nancy Drew mystery.  Oh well, I loved Nancy Drew when I was a kid.  And it really is SO much better when they are interested in what's going on.  I wish I could film it and put it on YouTube because it would make a ton of money, but I'll be asleep and I'd prefer anyone in the operating room to pay attention to my finger and not whether they're getting good video.

    Lorita - please don't get your feelings hurt when Daniel said "elderly."  He's using the word more for emphasis (that the insurance company is being difficult toward a vulnerable person) and not really using the word derogatory.  We are all aging every day and I've been getting AARP mail since I turned 50!

    Iris, Keys is all better.  No more anesthetic smell, he is being sassy just like always and playing with his toys.  Since it was so warm yesterday, his next door friend the cat came to the window to watch him - has done this since she was a kitten.  She lives with a big dog so I think this little one is a curiosity for her and anytime he comes outside she will jump on the window ledge and watch him.  I wish I wasn't so allergic to cats (the last time I touched one and accidentally touched my eye without washing my hand first I had to go to the ER, all the tissue around my eye was so swollen my eyeball was sticking out and I couldn't close my eye) because I would love to have a cat.  I have to just look at them and not pet them.

    10 degrees and maybe 3-4 inches of new snow on the ground.  What a change from 2 days ago.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,315
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     Goodness, it took a long time to be able to post - don't know if it's my computer or what.Beautiful morning, low 20s but it's sunny and there's no wind!

     You all are the sweetest people imaginable.  My life is just like everyone else's around here so it's not exciting - except for things Sally does.  Sandy tells me she doesn't have anything to write about but she's moved to a new home and a new State and I'm still here where I've been for almost 80 years.

     I am glad to be rid of the old freezer and refrigerator - it's a big room 10.6 x 16 so there's plenty of room for whatever I decide to put in there.  I wasn't in there when the freezer fell through - glad of that.  It was funny - Earl (nickname Bubba) told the guy who was helping him that he couldn't walk on the spongy floor so he'd have to get the freezer out by himself.  Earl is about 6'6" and weights over 300 lbs. so probably good he didn't walk on the floor.  Not sure I'll even clean up the floor underneath where the appliances were - they'll just tear it up anyway.  I do need to do a load of laundry this weekend because the washer will be out of commission for a while.  Think I'll change the bedlinens and wash the ones on the bed - I'm sure there's all kinds of dust and dirt in them. 

     Girls are out front - started bawling about 7:30 so went out and told them this isn't feed day and they've been quiet since then.  I need to count them today - haven't done that in a while.  There was a fairly thin sheet of ice on one water tank - the girls had broken the other so didn't have to do that.

     Had an odd night.  I went to bed watching curling and fell asleep - woke up about 1 and the men's bronze medal curling event was coming on so wanted to watch that - but, fell asleep.  I see it's going to be on this morning so I'll watch.  I did hear the USA men lost.  We actually didn't get up until 7:30 (put a mark on the wall, as Charles would say).

     Jo - I keep covers on the chair and divan in the LR - the one that needs to be cleaned is a chaise lounge in the bedroom.  It doesn't smell, at least to me, but with Stormy sleeping on it and it being there who knows how long, it needs to be cleaned.  Didn't realize it was so dirty.  I've seen those covers on QVC but don't think they'd work on the lounge or the divan in the LR which has back and bottom cushions. 

     Sara - are some of those cookies going to be on the porch later today?   They sound delicious - bet they'd be good with a cup of hot tea or coffee.  Last night after I filled the water tanks and was cold thought I'd like to have a cup of hot chocolate.  Found some in the pantry and it was really good. 

     I think almost everything I found in the refrigerator crisper drawers will be okay - mostly legumes and pasta.  I think I might make some lentil soup tomorrow.  The pantry is stuffed full - really need to get rid of things I don't use anymore - like a juicer (think we used it once or twice), cappuccino machine (haven't had coffee in years) and who knows what else is tucked into the corners out of sight.  After all this reconstruction is done I need to put everything in the back of the PU I want to get rid of and take it to the mission or that other place in town.  how in the world do we accumulate so much stuff?

     It is a relief that no one will be here for three days.  Even though I don't have much contact with them - they're around and it aggravates Stormy.  No way to tell how long it's going to take to get the floor in that room done. Daniel said he'd make a list of what he needed and get it to the insurance guy for a decision but meanwhile he can get to work on it.    It really doesn't hurt my feeling to be called elderly - it's just that I don't feel like I am - most days.  Guess I'm not growing old gracefully.

     Zetta- be very, very careful when you're walking and Molly and Sammy are around.  My Sammy has the habit of running in front of me and laying down on the floor all stretched out.  I've stepped on him before but he still does it.  Last evening I went into the kitchen and he was running in front of me and laid down and I tripped over him and fell.  I wasn't hurt but it jarred me and I don't feel much soreness today - sort of fell on my right side - elbow and knees mostly.  It scared him to death and I didn't see anything of him until this morning.  So - be very carful.  By the way I didn't have on the medical guardian.

     Time to find something for breakfast - I always have this thought of making hotcakes and I will sometime but not much room in the freezer for them now. 

     Ron, I've had about three stress tests and I hate them with a purple passion but guess they serve a purpose.  Hope you can get your life alert soon.

     Sara - nice that you had a visit with your nephew - bet he enjoyed those cookies, too.  How do you tell if your KN95s are the real ones or a knockoff?  I have some of them but don't remember where or when I got them but I wore one yesterday when I was around the guys.

     Marie, how relieved you must be that your dad's doctor's appointment went well and they liked the new doctor.  Hope the new treatment helps him.   I've never been in a really big traffic jam - just the cars leaving work at the VA and one time in OKC on I-40.  Of course I got into the wrong lane (something was stalled in front of me) but a nice man let me merge back into his lane.  I would go stark-raving mad if I had to travel in heavy traffic every day.  I get kind of aggravated if I meet two cars on the dirt roads when I go to town (doesn't happen often so that's good) and there's not much traffic on the highway into town.  I think of those 33+ years I drove to work - didn't seem to bother me much but I was in several different carpools so that helped.

     I'm hungry so will stop for now and have that second half of crumb cake and some hot tea.  Some day  I'm going ot make some cinnamon rolls - ya think?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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